More fitness or more yoga? What kind of fitness yoga is this and why is it so popular?

Hello, dear readers. In this article we talk about the enormous benefits that yoga can bring to a woman, creating harmony of her soul and body, strengthening the tone of all muscles, developing joints, healing internal organs, filling the body with energy, helping to cure many diseases.

Ancient yoga is unique, but also universally accessible. Thousand-year-old yoga techniques are still relevant today; they have many directions (Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Taoist yoga, etc.).

Anyone can do yoga. Yoga is especially useful for women. A feature of the exercises is static nature. Yoga has a gentle effect on health, promoting excellent physical fitness and a calm psychological state. The benefits of yoga for women are priceless. Reviews from those who practice yoga, as well as reviews from yoga therapists, say how necessary these techniques are for health.

Why yoga is good for the fair sex

The list of beneficial effects of exercises (asanas) on the female body is very long. The huge advantages of yoga are that it is suitable not only for young women, but also for older women, not only for slim people, but also for overweight ones. Yes, and you can start doing it both in youth and in old age. What does yoga give to the female body?

  • Regular exercise improves physical fitness, figure, and helps get rid of excess weight.
  • Exercise is the prevention of a variety of diseases.
  • Muscles, bones, organs receive better nutrition. Flexibility develops. Aging is largely associated with loss of flexibility of muscles, ligaments, and joints. Indian yogis say that a person is young as long as his spine is flexible.
  • In fact, a massage of the internal organs is performed, which provides excellent digestion and normal functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • The benefit for the body is that asanas have an excellent effect on the hormonal sphere. For example, the menstrual cycle of yoga practitioners does not have any disruptions.
  • Special exercises will strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which is very important for proper fixation of the internal organs of the small pelvis, and as a result, the genitals become healthier.
  • A separate yoga complex is provided for pregnant women (as well as for those who have recently given birth).
  • The emotional state of women engaged in yoga practices becomes balanced and stress-resistant.
  • The skin is rejuvenated, dark circles under the eyes disappear.
  • The energy level increases (the woman begins to feel very good), the body’s protective qualities improve, as does the metabolism.
  • Yoga prolongs youth by saying “no” to early aging. When performing asanas, we breathe differently, our lungs expand much more than usual, gas exchange increases, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves, blood flow increases, and pressure returns to normal.

To the question whether yoga is useful, you can answer absolutely affirmatively: yes. And practicing asanas after forty years, when the body begins to slowly age, becomes a unique opportunity to slow down this process. All you need is a special mat, knowledge of how to dress for classes, and what time of day to study. As a result, your life will gradually and smoothly change in all its aspects thanks to asanas.

Yoga for women - what is it?

Ideally, yoga is a complex discipline addressed to the very essence of a person, including deep philosophy, restructuring of consciousness, various techniques of meditation and relaxation, proper breathing, and specially combined static and dynamic physical activity, involving deep layers of muscles and preventing formation of clamps. The goal of yoga is to learn to manage yourself, including control your body. And here there is no fundamental division into “male” and “female” exercises. But at the same time, there is an understanding that the female body, like female energy in general, needs a special approach, as well as additional attention during certain periods . And by women's yoga we usually mean appropriate sets of exercises and the organization of classes in target groups.

What are the benefits of yoga asanas for illnesses?

Yoga for women not only heals the body as a whole, but also “works” perfectly with a huge range of diseases:

1. In case of diseases of organs located in the peritoneum, many asanas compress the abdominal cavity, blood flow in the organs increases, metabolic processes and oxygen saturation are activated.

2. In the chest, when performing exercises, blood flows more actively into the vessels.

3. For problems with the endocrine glands, asanas with bending, bending, and twisting have a very good effect on the glands.

4. The respiratory system, heart, blood vessels rejuvenate and begin to work much better.

5. Yoga has a wonderful effect on a woman’s spine, joints, and ligaments.

6. Asanas help bring blood sugar back to normal.

7. Regular exercise will protect you from stress and depression: your psyche will be perfectly harmonized.

What benefits can yoga classes bring to women?

This does not happen immediately, but with regular exercise and correctly selected loads, the internal currents of the body are harmonized, muscles and ligaments are strengthened, and the mobility of joints and the spine increases. As a result:

  • Correct posture appears, metabolism is normalized and excess body weight disappears, a tightening effect is manifested;
  • Muscle elasticity increases;
  • The immune system is strengthened, resistance to a number of diseases increases: colds, arthritis, headaches, lung diseases, and so on;
  • The skin tone increases, it becomes more toned and elastic, the formation of wrinkles and swelling is prevented;
  • Vessels are strengthened and blood pressure is normalized, blood viscosity is reduced; the risk of strokes is reduced;
  • The hormonal system is normalized, which helps, among other things, get rid of unhealthy appetite;
  • Stress levels are reduced, depression is relieved, and sleep improves.

All this undoubtedly affects women's health and beauty, and a noticeable rejuvenating effect is observed . In addition, specialized sets of exercises are useful, for example, those that improve blood circulation in the pelvis, or dynamic complexes for weight loss. Yoga for pregnant women includes poses and breathing techniques that provide relief to women during labor and childbirth.

Are there any contraindications to yoga practices?

The first point at the beginning of yoga practices should be a visit to the doctor if you have very serious illnesses. Otherwise, you can cause yourself great harm. There are the following contraindications for yoga:

  • Previous brain surgeries.
  • Serious spinal injury.
  • Severe damage to the heart and nervous system.
  • Brain pathologies: brain and spinal.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Serious mental disorders.

Simple rules for yoga

The rules to follow when practicing yoga are simple:

  • Yoga for women is good in a group. It disciplines.
  • But you can do it yourself. To find out where to start at home, use the book that the famous yogi Gita Iyengar wrote for women. An equally excellent source for learning how to perform the exercises correctly is the book by Gita Iyengar’s father, Sri B.K.S. Iyengar, the most amazing yogi of our time. Videos in which Iyengar shows yoga asanas will also help you a lot.
  • You can start with two or three classes a week.
  • You should practice no earlier than three hours after eating.
  • There is no need to exercise before bed (3-4 hours before bedtime is possible).
  • During menstruation, excessive activity is not recommended; it is better to practice asanas that are performed standing or lying down, and exercises in which the legs are raised up should be excluded (they will interfere with the timely removal of discharge). You also need to limit twists, bends and asanas in which the abs are strained.
  • Nutrition should be rational.
  • Women are always worried about what to do. The most ideal clothes will be those that breathe and do not interfere with movement.

How is fitness yoga different from classical yoga and fitness?

One of the goals of fitness yoga is to introduce people to the popular practice without distorting its essence or contradicting the basic principles. This is a young branch of Raja Yoga. It is perfect for those who cannot withstand the high pace of aerobics, but also do not have the flexibility to perform fancy asanas .

Fitness yoga class

Fitness yoga includes the advantages of two techniques and eliminates their disadvantages. To do gymnastics regularly, you do not need to pay attention to meditative practices every day. Developing a connection with the Divine principle does not attract everyone, therefore in fitness yoga more attention is paid to relaxation rather than communication with the Paramatma residing in the heart - the oversoul.

In gyms, groups are formed according to fitness level, and beginners are given simple exercises. A lot of time is devoted to mastering proper breathing, which activates metabolism, increases blood flow, and prepares joints and muscles for work. As a result, a person strengthens not only physically, but also spiritually - he learns to distance himself from problems and moves on to conscious movement.

Most fans of fitness yoga do not make titanic efforts to move to higher-level groups, and practice only for health improvement. Many exercises are similar to those that doctors recommend performing for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic regions. The main emphasis is on staticity, and there are no large strength loads, as in the gym. Each problem area is treated separately, but this does not require additional equipment. Even an unprepared person can cope with the initial program.

Which yoga routine is ideal for beginners?

Yoga is considered a completely safe activity. But when performing asanas, you need to take care of the spine, muscles, joints, and ligaments. It is not recommended to force the development of difficult exercises to avoid sprains. The first exercises will be beneficial even if you do not perform them perfectly at first. When performing the pose, it is important to feel the stretching of the muscles and the work of the joints, but everything is done very smoothly. It is advisable to stay in the asana for 10-15 seconds. The lesson lasts 15-20 minutes at first. Simple practices will prepare the body for further advancement.

The initial yoga complex includes the following exercises:

Tree pose. Standing straight, you extend your arms as high as possible and move them back a little, which helps open your chest. The bent leg needs to be raised and the foot placed on the thigh (alternately one, then the other). This pose greatly strengthens the spine.

Child's pose. Lower your buttocks onto your heels, your body onto your thighs, and lean forward, pressing your stomach to your thighs. The asana relaxes the spinal muscles very well.

Downward facing dog pose. When bending over, you need to place your palms on the floor near your feet, step back, lifting your pelvis up. Here you need to pay attention to the even distribution of weight between the palms and feet. The head drops down under the elbows. The exercise makes the leg muscles strong and relieves tension in the shoulder girdle and back.

Bent pose. You raise your arms up, bend down, exhaling, and try to reach your hands to the floor with your legs straight. The asana develops flexibility of the legs, stretches the back, and is a massage for the internal organs.

Bow pose. You need to lie on your stomach, grab your ankles, inhaling, lift your upper and lower torso. The exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Camel pose. You kneel down, the distance between your knees is approximately equal to the width of your pelvis. Next, exhaling, press into your lower back (with your palms or fists) and bend back. This exercise will greatly strengthen your back.

Chair pose. You stand with the distance between your feet approximately equal to shoulder width. Then you stretch your arms up, slowly bend your knees, as if you decided to sit down. The arms and torso form one line. The asana actively affects the spine and legs.

Triangle pose. The distance between the legs is about a meter or a little more. One leg should be pointed outward, the other inward. The arms are spread, the torso is lowered towards the leg that looks outward. You need to reach and touch your foot with one hand, stretching the other up. Then the asana is performed again in the opposite direction. The spine is perfectly stretched, the muscles of the back and legs are strengthened.

Snake pose. You need to lie on your stomach, arms bent (palms in line with your shoulders). As you inhale, the arms slowly straighten, the upper part of the body lifts off the floor (the lower part of the abdomen remains on the floor). The asana strengthens the spine.

Plow pose. You lie on your back, arms along your body, lift your legs up (not bent), smoothly lower them back so as to touch the floor. The asana is very good for strengthening the spine.

Candle pose (refers to the main, “royal” yoga poses; in our country it is also called “birch tree”). You need to raise your legs up, then raise your pelvic part of the body. The palms support the body and are located close to the shoulder blades. The pose has a great effect on the spine, shoulders, and internal organs.

Dead pose. You lie on your back, relaxed arms extended freely along your body, eyes closed. You need to completely relax, staying in the asana for 2-5 minutes. This pose usually ends any yoga practice.

In order for yoga to be exclusively beneficial for the youth and beauty of women, the loads must be rational. But regular practice teaches you to hear the body. Yoga can be called a specific way of life that helps to find perfection of body and spirit.

If you decide to move forward...

You have mastered the initial set of yoga exercises by regularly practicing yoga, and have decided to move forward. Gita Iyengar’s book “Yoga - a pearl for women” will help you a lot with this. And this pearl does not lose its unique beneficial qualities for women after 40 years, and after 50, and for 60 years old.

The father of the Gita, the great Iyengar, created the yoga system. Throughout her life, Gita passes on her father’s knowledge to women.

The book tells why a woman needs yoga, what impact the yoga system has on the entire female body. The asanas, their healing effects, and execution techniques are described in detail. There are sections dedicated to women's problems - menopause, pregnancy, childbirth, women's ailments.

What exercises are suitable for women after 55 years of age?

If you are no longer young, but want your body not to age, and harmony to be present in your soul, you will really need exercises for women after 55 years. The main goal is good health, muscle tone, spine flexibility, joint mobility, and not the ability to “get tied in a knot.”

A yoga complex for women over 55 can include almost all asanas for beginners.

If you have mastered the initial complex and want to move forward, it is better to do this with an instructor. It is important to remember that it is better not to master, for example, a headstand on your own, in which it is easy to injure your neck. The plow pose must be treated with caution, as well as the candle pose; these exercises pose a risk of injury to the elderly spine and muscles: the body weight can “fall” on the neck. You also need to carefully listen to the body in those poses where the load is on the knee joints (for example, in the camel pose).

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