How can you whiten your teeth at home without harm?

Prevention of darkening of tooth enamel

Teeth whitening is a great option for individuals who have unwanted plaque on their teeth. But to prevent tooth enamel from darkening, follow these recommendations:

  • Reduce the amount of coffee you consume (maximum 2 cups per day);
  • Avoid using medications that contain tetracyclines;
  • Get rid of bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes);
  • Brushing your teeth should be done 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed (at least 3 minutes);
  • Choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste. The brush should be of medium hardness, and the hygiene product should be suitable for the parameters of the water (the amount of fluoride in it and other substances);
  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water during the day;
  • To remove daily plaque from tooth enamel, eat vegetables and fruits.

To maintain the natural whiteness of your teeth, reduce your consumption of foods containing food dyes. Try to clean your tooth enamel with sea salt 1-2 times a month. These simple tips will help you achieve a white, radiant smile.

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Why does enamel lose color over time?

Physiological characteristics and daily diet influence this process. Over time, the enamel becomes thinner and begins to be exposed to external influences.

Constant consumption of coloring foods and drinks results in the formation of plaque on the teeth . As a result of excessive consumption of coffee and tea, the smile becomes faded. Bad habits such as smoking also leave their mark.

Teeth care in the form of a whitening paste does not bring the desired results. Therefore, over time, each of us thinks about an effective method of whitening.

Professional products

The advantage of finished products is that their range is extensive and can satisfy the needs of any consumer. There are special compositions for sensitive teeth, for additional strengthening of enamel, etc. They act slowly, the whitening course should last several days (up to two weeks). During this time, you need to repeat the procedure daily. The result lasts for several months, up to a year.

The active ingredient is usually hydrogen peroxide or urea. The first option acts quickly, lightening the enamel by several tones. There is one downside: hydrogen peroxide is an aggressive substance that can harm teeth. Urea, registered as a food additive, is safer, but acts more slowly.

Professional products include:

  • Gel - forms a chemically active film on the surface of the enamel, which is easy to wash off with water after the procedure. Apply with a brush or together with a mouthguard (protective device for teeth).
  • Strip - applied to the teeth, left for half an hour (some varieties are a little less). The whitening gel on the strip is present in small quantities, so the process is more gentle. The effect lasts about a year.
  • A pencil is essentially the same gel, but in a portable package. A whitening pencil is easier to use, although its principle of action is the same.
  • Special paste - it is used for surface cleaning of enamel. Whitening occurs due to the presence of abrasive substances in the paste.
  • Rinse aid - used as an auxiliary substance to maintain the effect after the procedure.

The safest professional product is paste. It does not change the natural color of teeth, but simply removes plaque from cigarettes and food dyes. It is not recommended to use a special variety for more than a month - in this case, the top layer of enamel may be damaged.

We also recommend paying attention to the “White Light” teeth whitening system - one of the most effective means today. The effect is achieved after 5 days

When whitening teeth with professional means, it is important to be patient and strictly follow the included instructions - this is the only way to lighten the enamel without harm. Increasing the dosage will not speed up teeth whitening, but it is quite possible to damage teeth


Since during home procedures there is an impact on tooth enamel, it is not recommended to get carried away with these methods in the following cases:

  • For high tooth sensitivity . Because exposure to them leads to painful sensations.
  • If a person has fillings or crowns installed on his front teeth . In this case, bleaching occurs heterogeneously. As a result, artificial materials remain several shades darker.
  • If the enamel has a gray tint . Such spots appear as a result of taking antibiotics in childhood, for example, tetracyclines.

We have prepared for you a “Before and After” photo with the results of correcting your bite with braces.

In this article you will find out the prices for veneers for front teeth.

Here: - you can read about the rules for choosing an electric toothbrush.

You can do a test before the home procedure. To do this, take a sheet of white paper, apply it to your smile and go to the mirror. If a yellow tint is present, then home methods will lead to a positive result.

The predominance of gray tone indicates more serious problems. Home whitening rarely helps in this case.

How to whiten teeth with vegetables and fruits

You can improve the appearance of your teeth with the help of some fruits and vegetables. The most common of them in this area are:

  1. Strawberry. In order for this aromatic berry to benefit you, you need to mash it with a fork, apply it to the brush and thoroughly clean each tooth. After this, rinse your mouth with water and treat the enamel again, but with a paste, to remove glucose and acid, which are contained in large quantities in strawberries, from the surface, otherwise these components will harm you. It is advisable to repeat the procedure twice a month.
  2. Lemon. To effectively remove yellow plaque from your teeth, you can use lemon zest. Buy this type of citrus in the store and cut off the skin. Then carefully wipe the surface of the enamel with the white side of the peel. Do this every day until you are completely satisfied with the result. By the way, the fruit juice itself can also participate in the cleaning process. Place a few drops of it in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth in the morning or evening, as convenient for you. Lemon, as you know, contains a lot of organic acids, pectin and vitamin C, and so they react with plaque, completely eliminate it and create some kind of temporary barrier to the resumption of bacterial aggression.
  3. Eggplant. If you are not a fan of dental enamel whitening, then you can use the eggplant method at home. You will need the ash from this vegetable, which will serve as a kind of paste for cleaning the yellow coating. To prepare, you need to wash the eggplants (1 kg) and cut them into thin slices, then add water and leave for three days. Try to replace old water with new water every day, and after the allotted time has passed, it is recommended to salt the cut and soaked vegetables by soaking them in salt water for 10 days. When you drain the brine, rinse the eggplants thoroughly with clean running water, then squeeze them out and string them on a thread to dry. Having received the necessary material for the future paste, you will need to set it on fire and collect the remaining ash. It is advisable to store the powder in a dry place, using it as directed in the morning and evening before the main cleaning process. The lightening course is individual for everyone.
  4. Banana peel. Peel a ripe banana, tear off a small piece and carefully rub the yellowed areas of the enamel with the white side for about three minutes. After the procedure, you must rinse your mouth with warm water. The frequency of this method is 2 times a week.
  5. Orange peel and bay leaf. Take an orange peel and rub the light side all over your teeth for about 2 minutes. The acid contained in this citrus will destroy the accumulated bacteria on the surface of the enamel, which causes plaque and stone. To consolidate the effect and remove stains from the enamel, you will need to use bay leaf powder. Apply it to your teeth, leave it on for 5 minutes, and then rinse your mouth with warm water.

Teeth whitening at home

Activated carbon

From the outside it may seem strange that a black product can have a whitening effect.

Attention! The principle of operation of coal is the cleaning property of potassium hydroxide. This substance, having a crystalline structure, qualitatively polishes and brightens tooth enamel. Moreover, such qualities are inherent not only in pharmaceutical preparations, but also in any natural coal obtained in a variety of ways.

But, of course, the most convenient way is to purchase activated carbon at a pharmacy, especially since its price is affordable for every wallet. To get the whitening effect of this drug, you can use the following recipes:

  1. The activated carbon tablet needs to be crushed into powder and a little warm water added to it. You will get a black pasty mixture that needs to be applied to the brush and brush your teeth in the usual way. After using charcoal, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth and rinse your toothbrush. Then, if necessary, you can use toothpaste.
  2. For ease of use, you can sprinkle charcoal powder on your regular toothpaste and brush your teeth with a brush. The combination of paste and activated carbon will help achieve ideal teeth cleanliness.
  3. You can also add lemon juice to the charcoal powder. This provides an enhanced effect. The resulting consistency should be convenient for application to the teeth and for cleaning, for which you can use a toothbrush. This method must be used very carefully, listening to your own feelings, so as not to cause damage to tooth enamel.

Activated carbon whitening
Activated carbon is an excellent aid in teeth whitening. This method is safe because As a result of its use, there is no risk of damage to the gums and oral mucosa.

Activated carbon for whitening purposes can be used 1-2 times a week. Side effects occur infrequently, but due to the presence of an abrasive effect, caution is still worth exercising. In general, this product has a positive effect on teeth, providing an additional antibacterial effect. This prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, and, therefore, helps to improve the health of the oral cavity.

Local compositions for pigment spots

If you, going to whiten age spots, do not eliminate the causes that cause them, then cosmetic procedures will not have much effect. What is recommended to do:

  • Clean up the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Avoid products that cause stains.
  • Add vitamins.
  • Limit exposure to sunlight.
  • Cleanse the skin with steam baths.

It is important to choose the right time for face whitening at home. Procedures in the fall, with less sun activity, give the best effect

The process consists of several stages:

  1. Chemical peeling. Renews the top layer of skin. Make a paste of one part borax, five parts water. Apply to skin until dry, then rinse. Perform 5 procedures, one per week.
  2. Brightening face masks. The composition includes citrus and rosemary oils, hydrogen peroxide, clay. They use natural products: lemon, parsley, cucumber.

To ensure success, daily care is important. Use homemade whitening lotions, parsley and cucumber toners. Wipe your face with ice cubes made from decoctions of parsley and rice. All these remedies will help you lighten freckles and get rid of pigmentation on your own. You can put your face in order, make your skin light, fresh and well-groomed.

  • Remedy for age spots on the face - the most effective creams, ointments, masks and serums
  • How to prepare a face mask at home - step-by-step recipes for anti-aging, moisturizing and nourishing
  • Mask with turmeric - medicinal properties and recipes for preparing it at home with honey or sour cream


It is advisable to apply lightening masks once every 3 days for 15 minutes. Whitening facial skin with hydrogen peroxide is the most effective way. To four tablespoons of cottage cheese add 6 drops of the composition, an yolk, a teaspoon of honey. Another recipe: mix 1 part baking soda with two parts hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to do a test to rule out burns. Use hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of no more than 3%. Rinse off the mask and moisturize your skin.


Works at any age!

Such masks are used exclusively on pigmented areas of the skin due to the presence of aggressive bleaches and peelings in them.

  1. Dilute colorless henna powder with tincture of boric acid (3%) to the consistency of sour cream. Apply strictly to every freckle. Do not use on sensitive skin.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil with essential oil of camphor tree. Add 3 drops of essential oil to 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil. The product is applied to problem areas of cleansed skin using an ear stick.
  3. Glycerin, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice. All components are taken in equal proportions.
  4. Onion juice and white 9% vinegar (1:1). Apply the product to each freckle.
  5. Dilute mustard powder with boiled water. The number of procedures is no more than 10, since mustard is quite an aggressive agent.

Lemon is a well-known fruit from the citrus family. As a food product, it is actively used in cooking, but the fruit also has significant benefits for cosmetology. This is primarily due to its composition. The main role in facial whitening is played by:

  • Lemon acid.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Niacin.

Lemon also contains other components that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Fruit pulp contains:

  • Essential oil.
  • Phytoncides.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Glycosides.
  • Vitamins (carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, tocopherol).
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese).

Carbohydrates, fiber, small amounts of proteins and fats, and water are also present in lemon. The characteristic taste and yellow color are mainly due to organic acids and vitamins.

Recipes and Methods

Activated carbon


Teeth whitening at home

A universal method that quickly allows you to whiten your teeth by one or two shades in just one evening at home.


Safety. This is a neutral bleach, its action is aimed at “peeling” the enamel and dissolving the dense yellow coating on the surface. Charcoal is tasteless and does not irritate the gums. The bleaching method is abrasive (that is, grinding).


Short-term effect, scratches.

Mode of application

It is necessary to crush one or two tablets of activated carbon into powder and mix them with water or toothpaste (powder). The mixture should be a homogeneous black paste. It is best to apply with your fingers or a very soft toothbrush. Next, simply clean the surface of plaque in a circular motion for up to five minutes. Rinse your mouth with water.

Baking soda


This is a deeper and more aggressive method; you can improve the color by 2 tones at home yourself.


Deep cleaning can be done once a week. This is an abrasive method; soda polishes the surface of the teeth, thoroughly removing dirt, stones and plaque.


Scratches the surface, irritates the gums, has an unpleasant taste.

Mode of application

Mix toothpaste with half a teaspoon of baking soda and simply brush gently.


Make a soda concentrate by diluting it with water to form a paste. Apply with your fingers and massage gently for three minutes, do not use a brush.

Hydrogen peroxide


Teeth whitening at home

A powerful tool for quickly whitening at home.


Recognized by dentists, destroys pigmentation on the surface and inside, ease of use. The effect of hydrogen peroxide is on a chemical level. It penetrates the structure of the dental tissue and releases oxygen, which is how whitening occurs. Contained in professional products.


Gradual whitening effect, unpleasant taste. The teeth will begin to lighten gradually; 2 shades of lightening will appear only after 1-2 days.

Mode of application

Make a 1.5% solution (dilute with water) and rinse your mouth once a week, or apply directly to your teeth with a cotton swab, then rinse your mouth with water. The course consists of four doses, after which there is a break for two months.


Make a paste by mixing 3% hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and scrub with your fingers. This method can only be done in rare cases, because baking soda will scratch the surface.

Essential oils


Teeth whitening at home

This method allows you to whiten your teeth and heal your gums at home, using it every day.


Safety, usefulness. Oils do not harm either enamel or gums; on the contrary, they promote their renewal.


Slow development.

Mode of application

Choose essential oil of tea tree, lemon or grapefruit, add three drops of any of them to a glass of water and rinse your mouth just before bed.

Berries and fruits


Teeth whitening at home

Whitening can be done using berries and fruits at home. The priority is strawberries, orange and lemon zest.


Pleasant taste sensations.


Severe damage to the enamel, aching pain.

Mode of application

The most gentle strawberries, just take a couple of berries, prepare a puree and apply to your teeth for 3-5 minutes. The zest is a more powerful remedy; just rub it on the surface and rinse your mouth after 5 minutes.


Mix orange zest and crushed bay leaf, brush your teeth with the mixture, very carefully, without a brush.

Professional products


Teeth whitening at home

However, with prior consultation with a dentist, you can purchase professional medical whitening products on your own.


  • Pastas.
  • Gels.
  • Stripes.
  • Sets (gel + mouth guard, removable orthodontic appliance).
  • Pencils.
  • Rinse aids.


Lasting effect for a long period. Usually the doctor prescribes a course of the drug, after which you can gradually lighten the enamel by 1-5 tones. Some products offer gradual lightening and up to 8 tones.


All drugs are expensive. Cheapness in medicine is a sign of danger to health, so buy only proven products with the recommendation of a doctor.

Mode of application

It depends only on the type of product and is described in detail in the instructions.

Method two: Pharmacy products

If whitening pastes do not work, and traditional whitening seems ineffective or takes too long, try special home whitening products offered in pharmacies.

Science and medicine have jointly developed innovative drugs that can quickly lighten teeth a couple of shades.

The most popular pharmacy products for teeth whitening:

  1. Pencil
  2. Whitening strips
  3. Mouth guards with gel
  • Whitening Pencil

    This drug is a pencil with a felt tip. The pencil is filled with a bleaching agent based on hydrogen peroxide or titanium dioxide. There may also be other active substances.

    The advantages of the pencil are ease of use, safety, quick results, pleasant taste, convenient shape.

    You can always carry a whitening pencil with you in your purse and use it after a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. After all, the product whitens teeth in 15 minutes!

    In addition to whitening, many pencils protect teeth from caries, freshen breath and taste very good.

    You can buy different brands of pencil at the pharmacy. The average price is about 7 dollars.

  • Whitening strips

    Another innovative invention, the manufacturers of which promise quick and lasting results, and most importantly - safe.

    The product consists of thin strips, the surface of which is coated with a medical whitening gel based on hydrogen peroxide. They are very easy to use.

    It is enough to cover both rows of teeth with strips, leave them for a while, then remove them and enjoy a snow-white smile.

    You can purchase such miraculous strips in pharmacies and branded stores. The average cost is about $30 per package, good for 14 days.

  • Trays with whitening gel

    This product is created specifically for home teeth whitening.

    The mouth guard is a thermoform blank that you need to fill with whitening gel yourself and put on both jaws.

    Whitening gel is made based on hydrogen peroxide. Depending on its concentration, the mouthguard should be worn from half an hour to an hour or overnight.

    The higher the concentration of peroxide, the faster the result is achieved - snow-white teeth. Accordingly, the less often you need to use this product.

    For example, a mouth guard with gel containing 7.8% hydrogen peroxide (carbamide) should be worn for no more than half an hour. After this time, the tray is removed and the teeth are cleaned with whitening paste. After the procedure, you need to refrain from eating for a couple of hours.

    You can buy mouth guards with gel in pharmacies and branded stores. The average cost of a set is about $8.

Expert advice:

  • Tip 1. To avoid harm to your teeth, consult your dentist before purchasing a whitening product. Despite the fact that any of the described remedies is on the market, you need to be very careful and not neglect the doctor’s advice.
  • Tip 2. Use the product strictly according to the instructions and do not exceed the specified time and frequency of use. This is fraught with a negative effect on the enamel and can destroy it. And enamel, as you know, cannot be restored.
  • Tip 3. To ensure a high-quality procedure, have your teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist. After removing stones and plaque, the whitening procedure will make your teeth truly snow-white.
  • Tip 4. Before whitening at home, be sure to brush your teeth with whitening paste and dental floss. Rinse your mouth well.
  • Tip 5: Always maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth 2 times a day, and after meals, rinse your mouth or chew dental chewing gum (orbit, dirol). This will help maintain dental health and prevent the formation of tartar, caries and plaque.
  • Tip 6. Change your toothbrush every three months. The brush is suitable for high-quality and safe cleaning of teeth for three months. After this period, bacteria begin to actively accumulate on the brush, and its bristles, as a rule, wear out.
  • Tip 7. If there is a tendency to frequent stomatitis, it is necessary to periodically carry out courses of rinsing with doom bark, sage or sea salt. This will help strengthen teeth, increase local immunity and prevent stomatitis. It is enough to arrange a week of rinsing every month. And if you let the problem take its course, then in addition to unpleasant and painful sensations, bad breath, tartar and yellow plaque will quickly form on the teeth.

How many shades can you whiten your teeth by?

Modern products promise maximum whitening of 4 tones, usually 2 or 3, but everything is individual. You should not immediately purchase products with high concentrations of peroxide. You also need to remember that with frequent exposure to enamel, it becomes thinner and destroyed, and over time it begins to turn yellow even faster

Smokers, coffee and strong tea lovers should especially pay attention to this. Dentists recommend taking breaks between courses for at least 6 months.

Important! White enamel is rare in nature. The natural color of teeth is slightly beige, sometimes even yellowish

There is no need to try to change it by all available means, nothing will work.

Whitening strips: what effect to expect?

Teeth whitening strips with bleach applied to them are sold in pharmacies. They need to be glued to your teeth twice throughout the day. Duration - from five to twenty minutes. Strips are popular because anyone can follow the instructions. Plus - a delicate effect on the enamel.

You can choose one of the types to use:

  1. classical;
  2. intensive;
  3. for sensitive enamel.

Be sure to follow the step-by-step instructions to avoid causing itching, inflammation or pain in the mouth. The expected result will be in about fifteen days, and the procedure itself will have to be carried out regularly for at least a month.


By performing the suggested procedures daily, you will be able to keep your teeth whiter for a longer time.

  1. Drink plenty of clean water throughout the day - this will keep the enamel moisturized and help remove plaque from its surface.
  2. After eating, try to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with plain water or a special mouthwash.
  3. Brush your teeth correctly. Use a paste that has mild polishing properties.
  4. Reduce the amount of strong tea or coffee you consume, as well as foods that stain your teeth (mulberries, blueberries, etc.).
  5. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits - they will protect your teeth from the formation of plaque and the accumulation of bacteria. Include apples, carrots, and cucumbers in your nutritious diet. Their use will prevent yellowing of teeth.
  6. Try not to drink too cold or hot drinks, as well as sweet soda.

Products to help you achieve a snow-white smile

Experts recommend consuming foods that strengthen teeth and effectively cleanse them of plaque and food debris. These include:

  • Carrot . The advantage of its use is the absence of acids in the vegetable and its fibrous structure. It not only helps remove plaque, but also protects the enamel from its formation.
  • Chocolate . Those with a sweet tooth can now enjoy dark chocolate without worrying about their teeth. It turns out that theobromine, which is part of the treat, helps maintain a radiant smile.
  • Dairy . They not only save teeth from decay, but also remove food debris that gets stuck in hard-to-reach places after eating. It has long been known that cheddar cheese has an excellent whitening function.

Folk remedies for teeth whitening

Many people prefer to use folk remedies for teeth whitening. The advantages of this choice are:

  • accessibility, no need to buy expensive drugs, many recipes use ingredients that are in every kitchen;
  • natural, there are no fragrances or preservatives in home remedies;
  • ease of use.

Hydrogen peroxide

Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide should be done with great care. This product is certainly effective, but it is also quite aggressive, so it can negatively affect the condition of the enamel.

The easiest way to use peroxide is to prepare a solution. You need to mix 3% peroxide with an equal amount of water and rinse the growth thoroughly. Then rinse your mouth with water. After the procedure, you should not eat or drink for half an hour.

An even more effective remedy is prepared using soda. Mix these two components and use the resulting “paste” to brush your teeth as usual.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is a safe and quite effective remedy. To prepare the cleaning composition, you need to take 2-3 tablets and grind them very thoroughly to form a powder.

Then add a little water to the resulting powder to form a thick paste. The prepared mass is placed on a brush and the teeth are cleaned. Then leave the composition on the teeth for 2 minutes. After this, you can rinse your mouth.

Baking soda

Whitening with soda is very popular. You can use baking soda like tooth powder, that is, dip a brush soaked in water into it. But a more pleasant procedure would be brushing your teeth with strawberries and soda.

To do this, you need to puree 2-3 berries and mix this puree with soda. Use the prepared mixture to brush your teeth. After brushing, it is recommended to additionally brush your teeth using a toothpaste containing fluoride.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic; it destroys bacteria and fungi. This product is very easy to use. Add 1 drop of oil to the paste (one serving) and stir. Brush your teeth with this mixture as usual.


You can whiten your teeth with salt. Ideally, you should use the finest sea salt, but you can also use regular table salt. If there is a large amount of plaque, you need to act like this:

  • apply the paste to a soft brush as usual;
  • then fine salt is thickly sprinkled onto the paste;
  • Use the resulting mixture to brush your teeth.

If your teeth are hypersensitive, you should not brush them with salt. You can prepare a solution by stirring a spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water and use the solution for rinsing.


Teeth whitening is easy and simple with tooth powder. Recommended:

  • use only a soft toothbrush, since the powder itself already has a mechanical effect, so using a hard brush will be unnecessary;
  • It is recommended to use the powder for 10-12 days. If you use it constantly, the enamel may become thinner;
  • After completing the course, you should purchase a paste with a mineral complex to quickly restore the enamel.

The cleaning itself proceeds as usual. The brush is moistened with water, then dipped into the powder and brushed the teeth. During the cleaning process, you need to periodically add powder.

Lemon acid

An effective bleaching agent is citric acid. However, this product is very aggressive, it destroys the enamel

Therefore, it must be used very carefully. Acid treatments should be performed no more than once a week.

For bleaching, you need to prepare a solution from a teaspoon with 0.5 cups of water. Brush your teeth with a brush, rinsing it often in the prepared solution.

Coconut oil

This product, obtained from an exotic nut, has a very wide range of uses as a medicinal and cosmetic product.

Attention! Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which has a disinfectant effect, breaks down plaque and freshens breath. The effectiveness of this product is comparable to chlorhexidine, which is included in commercial mouth rinses.

The advantage of coconut oil is that it is natural and safe for the surface of teeth. In its pure form, it can be used for whitening procedures 2-3 times a week without fear for the health of the enamel. To lighten teeth, oil is used in the following ways:

  1. Rinsing. To do this, hold a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth until it warms and turns into a liquid state. Then rinse your teeth thoroughly with it for 10-15 minutes. Coconut oil itself is safe to swallow, but during the rinsing process it absorbs all the bacteria from the mouth, so after completing the procedure, it must be spat out.
  2. Another option is to apply coconut oil to a gauze pad or soft cloth and rub the surface of the teeth thoroughly.
  3. Coconut oil can also be used in combination with baking soda. In this case, a mixture of mushy consistency is prepared, which is used to clean the teeth using a brush, gauze swab or fingers.

Whitening with coconut oil
Coconut oil is a natural plant product that is produced without the use of additives and has a number of beneficial properties. When whitening your teeth, just mix a little coconut oil with baking soda and brush them with this mixture.

Important rules that will help whiten teeth at home without harming the enamel

First of all, I want to draw your attention to important rules. Compliance with them will protect you from common mistakes and make the procedure itself effective and high-quality

Here's what you need to know and remember to safely whiten your teeth at home.

Rule No. 1 - remember, there are no perfectly white teeth, their natural color is more likely to be white with a slight yellowish tint. And the so-called Hollywood snow-white smile is high-quality prostheses, and nothing more. Therefore, striving for perfect whiteness means ruining the health of your teeth.

Rule No. 2 - without harming the health of the oral cavity and tooth enamel, the incisors can be lightened by no more than 2-3 tones. And only in cases where the dark plaque lies on the surface of the tooth, and not in the thickness of the crown. Most often, such a coating is obtained from frequent consumption of tea, coffee, chocolate, dark types of beer and lemonade, and an unpleasant yellow coating comes from smoking.

Rule No. 3 - there are direct contraindications when it is absolutely forbidden to do whitening in any way, these include:

  • Increased sensitivity of teeth to cold and hot
  • Fragility of tooth enamel
  • The presence of a large number of fillings
  • Tendency to bleeding gums
  • Various diseases of the oral cavity (periodontitis, candidiasis, caries, any wounds and pustules)
  • A condition when the color of the plaque is quite dark, and the plaque itself is ingrained into the teeth
  • During an outbreak of sore throat, flu or acute respiratory infections.

In order to find out whether it is possible for you and right now to whiten your teeth on your own, take a strip of ordinary white paper and apply it to the front of the crowns for a couple of seconds. Then look at what color is imprinted on it, if it is yellowish, then everything is fine, you can carry out the bleaching procedure, if it is gray or brown, in no case should it be done. Next, slowly run the tip of your tongue along the back surface of your teeth to evaluate their smoothness. If you feel perfect glide, you can whiten, if you feel roughness, then it is better to consult a dentist. Most likely, tartar is stuck on your incisors, and you won’t be able to deal with it without the help of special tools.

And I would like to draw your attention separately to the inadmissibility of carrying out the procedure in question in children. The question of whitening a child’s teeth, whether at home or in a salon, should not arise.

Otherwise, parents will create a big headache for themselves and ruin their child’s dental health. I think that none of us needs such happiness. In childhood, to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of teeth and oral cavity, only three things are enough:

  1. A good toothbrush
  2. Soft dental floss
  3. And the habit of brushing your teeth 2 times a day

Teach your child to this, and he will not have problems with the whiteness and health of his mouth. I have everything with the rules, so let’s move on to the means and methods of home whitening.

How to whiten teeth with apple cider vinegar

You feel embarrassed about your yellowed teeth when smiling and interacting with people, then it’s time to solve this problem with apple cider vinegar at home. It can restore your darkened enamel to its natural shine and snow-white attractiveness if used correctly. Before the procedure itself, you will need to dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 10 (1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 10 tbsp water), and then add one teaspoon of salt. Mix the resulting solution thoroughly and after directly cleaning the enamel with the paste, you should rinse your mouth for 1 - 2 minutes with this miraculous remedy, and then with regular warm water. This should be done no more than once a week, but for one month, so that the result becomes obvious to you. Or dilute 0.5 tsp in a glass of water. the same vinegar and rinse your mouth for several minutes before each morning cleaning. And so on until the solution is completely gone. By the way, you can store it in the refrigerator without any problems so that you can use it for daily use. And don’t worry that frequent use may harm you in any way, apple cider vinegar contains many beneficial substances that are natural bleaches in nature. In addition, if you give your preference to just such a folk remedy, you will be able to promptly destroy pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity that lead to the development of caries.

Along with the huge advantages, there are also disadvantages. This lightening technique is harmful and dangerous, according to dentists, because the acid in vinegar, with frequent use, will begin to thin and corrode the enamel, which will subsequently lead to increased sensitivity and tooth loss. Therefore, before taking any risks, trust your doctor.

Teeth whitening at home

Banana peel

This method is not known to many, but it has been experimentally proven to be effective. After peeling a banana, you can not only eat it, but also use the peel to whiten your teeth at home. The fact is that it contains certain substances that help maintain dental health. In addition, the use of banana peel is completely harmless and has no restrictions on the number of procedures. You should cut a small piece from a banana skin and rub the inside of the tooth enamel for 2-3 minutes. After this, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water.

Teeth whitening with banana peel
Banana peel is a storehouse of minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, which are very beneficial for teeth and act as a brightener on tooth enamel.

Teeth whitening methods in dentistry

Modern methods of teeth whitening in dentistry allow you to get very good results. When choosing a cleaning method, the extent of the problem is taken into account. The easiest way is to remove yellow plaque, but there are also methods that allow you to whiten the deeper tooth tissues.

Teeth whitening at home

Dentists typically use hardware methods:

Air-Flow. Using this hardware technique, you can easily remove yellow plaque and lighten your teeth by 1-3 shades. This is a common hygienic procedure for removing plaque and should be done 1-2 times a year. The essence of the procedure is that the master directs a device to the teeth, which delivers a thin stream of water under high pressure. Soda is added to the supplied water, which acts as an abrasive. This cleaning allows you to remove any remaining plaque from the enamel that cannot be removed with a regular toothbrush. The procedure is completely safe, it does not damage the enamel and does not cause any particular discomfort to the patient.

Ultrasound cleaning. The method is used to remove plaque and tartar. Ultrasonic hygienic cleaning must be carried out at least twice a year.

Chemical bleaching. To perform the procedure, drugs of different compositions are used, but the technique is identical. First, the doctor removes the plaque using the methods described above. A whitening solution that includes hydrogen peroxide is then applied to the teeth. Then the whitening paste is removed, and a mineralizing composition is applied to the teeth. After the procedure, the teeth are lightened by 5-7 tones. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, teeth may become too sensitive and react to hot, cold and spicy foods.

Photobleaching. This technology allows you to whiten teeth by 8-10 tones. The method is safer, since the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the composition is much lower. When using photobleaching, after applying the composition, the teeth are exposed to a special lamp. The procedure is no different from discomfort. After treatment is completed, a calcium solution is applied to the teeth to strengthen the enamel.

Laser is the most effective, but also the most expensive whitening. The laser beam does not have a negative effect on the enamel. Moreover, the enamel is strengthened by 40%

White pencil - white teeth!

Pencils with an enamel whitening effect are similar to a tube of lipstick or a ballpoint pen. Since they were first used by women, the pencils were shaped like a bottle of mascara or a tube of lipstick.

When they gained popularity among men, the developers offered an option in the form of a fountain pen. This bleach is always convenient to keep on hand.

The pencil consists of hydrogen peroxide (5–10%) or carbamide peroxide. The action is gentle if the peroxide concentration is low. Pay attention to the composition, because if the amount of this substance is greater, the teeth will whiten better and faster, but the enamel will certainly suffer.

You can use the pencil 2-3 times a day. Available at any time of the day, the location (home, work) does not matter.

What is the best way to whiten teeth at home? Let's sum it up

Home remedies for lightening the shade of enamel are good because they are widely available. Their price is no more than several tens of rubles and most of the ingredients are always in the refrigerator or first aid kit. To decide what the best at-home whitening method is, you need to decide what criteria it must meet. Let us highlight the following important points:

  • effectiveness of the product;
  • safety for enamel;
  • ease of use.

If you review each of the described recipes according to these criteria, you can choose the best one.

Those ingredients that are effective are those that contain potent components. These are lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, coconut oil and vinegar. They have an active whitening effect, which is visible immediately after the procedure. But most of them still have a negative effect on the enamel.

If we consider safe methods for dental and oral health, we will include ingredients that can be safely used every day. These include banana or orange peel, turmeric, aloe vera, basil leaves and solids. Both coconut oil and activated carbon are considered relatively safe, although they are not recommended to be used every day.

But in terms of ease of use and accessibility, all products are equally good. But the easiest ones will be those that are enough to be taken for rinsing or added to toothpaste during daily brushing. These include aloe vera, coconut oil, lemon juice, tea tree oil, activated charcoal, banana peel, vinegar, baking soda, plain salt, and solid foods.

Having reviewed all the methods, coconut milk stands out in a special way. It is safe for the oral cavity, it is easy to use and the whitening effect is quite noticeable, especially if you use it on a regular basis. Although all other options also have a right to exist. Which one is best suited to your needs - try to try each of them.

Products that promote whitening

Solid products help effectively remove plaque from the surface of teeth. Such products primarily include carrots, apples, pears and other plant products that have a dense, crunchy consistency. Including such vegetables and fruits in your daily diet is an effective prevention of tartar formation. If you eat solid foods after every meal, you can avoid the appearance of plaque and, therefore, make your teeth lighter.

Using any method of home teeth whitening involves studying the instructions included with the product and strictly following its instructions. Abuse of such drugs can cause partial or complete destruction of the enamel and the development of dental diseases in the future. To prevent negative consequences, a preliminary visit to the dentist is recommended.

Tea tree oil extract

Tea tree oil has long established itself as an assistant in solving many cosmetic problems. The product is used to treat skin, hair, nails, and is also used to lighten tooth enamel. There are several recipes that include this component, but they all have restrictions on use - no more than 2 times a week:

  1. Mouthwash. Five drops of tea tree oil are added to half a glass of warm water. You should rinse your teeth with this solution after each brushing. If you treat your teeth with the composition before using a toothbrush, the plaque will be removed much easier.
  2. The oil can be applied to a toothbrush in its pure form and additionally treated the surface of the teeth after hygiene procedures. After this, you must rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water, and also rinse your toothbrush to remove any remaining product.
  3. A similar method is to apply tea tree oil to a cotton pad. Each tooth is thoroughly wiped with such a swab, which may cause a feeling of slight numbness. To rinse your mouth after the procedure, a weak solution of vinegar or lemon juice is suitable, which can enhance the effect obtained.

Tea tree oil extract
Tea tree oil extract allows you to gently and delicately remove plaque, which is the main cause of yellow teeth.

In addition to cleansing and whitening properties, tea tree oil has a calming effect, and also strengthens gums, relieves inflammation, disinfecting and disinfecting the oral cavity. The only negative effects that can be noted are a passing feeling of slight numbness and a specific smell that not everyone likes.

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