Author: Timko Ilya - the ruler of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >> Rod. 1984
Questions discussed in the material: What are the reasons for the appearance of a distended abdomen after losing weight? Is it possible to remove
Since childhood, we hear how important it is to eat first things first. Cabbage soup, borscht, solyanka for many
Salmon is a predatory fish of the Salmon family, with dense scales of a silvery color. During the spawning period
The desire to get a sculpted abdominal area or just a flat stomach is the most common motivation for
Almost any diet involves regular consumption of large amounts of clean, still water. But it still exists
Water with honey has long been used for a wide variety of medicinal and rejuvenating purposes. And what
Cottage cheese is used not only to make desserts, but also to create delicious low-calorie snacks.
Many have heard about the unique effect of therapeutic fasting on our body. Correct conduct of a short hunger strike
The benefits and harms of green tea with milk If you want to lose weight with this drink, then