How to remove fat from the stomach and sides at home. Correct exercises to quickly lose belly fat, video

  • 9723
  • 09-10-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
  • 1

Today the topical question is how to lose weight and look like the picture. Many people gain weight as they age, some are born with a plump physique, but men most often have a beer belly. In any of these cases, there is a way out, the main thing is not to make losing weight a huge, overwhelming problem.

How to remove belly and sides

As a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, sedentary activity, poor nutrition, and sludge in the body, the overall metabolism is disrupted and sebum is deposited in certain places, which are generally considered problem areas. The belly can appear as a result of stretching of the abdominal muscles, intestinal dysfunction, excessive increase in the accumulation of adipose tissue, in the case of the formation of fats that envelop the internal organs behind the layer of abdominal muscles. Weakening of the abdominal muscles can occur as a result of pregnancy, when a woman’s skin and muscles stretch disproportionately over a long period of time and, of course, quickly returning to their previous shape and removing the belly after childbirth is not easy.

Remove belly fat

There are certain systems of video lessons that help restore forms. As a result of previous surgical interventions, especially during abdominal operations, when the muscle and fatty tissue of the abdomen is cut, the muscles weaken and it is difficult for them to hold the abdominal wall. That is why, to maintain tone and facilitate muscle function after surgery, it is strongly recommended to wear a bandage. The appearance of subcutaneous fat can be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, overeating, especially in the evening, consumption of high-calorie foods, as well as as a result of a malfunction of the endocrine system. The same factors can also cause the accumulation of fatty tissue in internal organs, which happens in severe cases of obesity. Disruption of intestinal motility, bloating, can affect waist size.

How to fight belly fat?

Belly fat is deposited:

  • when gaining excess weight;
  • after the age of twenty-five: when muscle mass decreases and subcutaneous fat content increases, especially in the abdominal area;
  • in women: after pregnancy and menopause;
  • as a result of disorders of the thyroid gland.

As belly fat increases, the risks of developing hypertension, diabetes, stroke and heart attack increase, and it is also unsightly. Even a small layer of fat in the abdominal area is quite difficult to remove. But nothing is impossible in the world. The person is required to:

  • self-discipline and endurance;
  • include foods containing fiber and proper slow carbohydrates in your diet;
  • give up foods that contain “empty” calories;
  • regularly perform massages that enhance lipolysis, as well as physical exercises for the abdominal muscles and building up the muscle corset in the abdominal area;
  • eliminate lack of sleep and learn to relax without eating stress with harmful goodies;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases and after 45 years of age, a set of physical exercises and a dietary program must be agreed with a doctor.

Additional actions

Many people set the goal of removing their stomach and sides; video lessons promoting such rapid changes in figure are presented in a large selection on the Internet. But to understand how possible it is to lose belly fat in a week, the video will not be enough. We'll have to start from the root of the problem. To begin with, it is worth reconsidering the rhythm of life. To prevent the body from accumulating excess fat in the waist, you need to follow a food intake regimen. Do not overeat in the evening, try to eat smaller meals and consume less high-calorie foods. Lead an active lifestyle. If your job does not allow you to move enough, a video lesson with the necessary series of exercises will help you remove belly fat. General cleansing of the body, cleansing of toxins, normalization of the intestinal tract is one of the stages in the system of eliminating extra centimeters from the waist. Cleansing the intestines of toxins can be done by means of an enema, as well as with the help of various dietary supplements. There are also more complex methods of cleansing the intestines.

How to remove belly fat at home with exercise?

Physical exercise will help you remove excess fat from your hips and waist if you do it systematically, combining it with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. General rules to follow during exercise include:

  1. Any set of exercises should begin with a warm-up, for example, jumping rope, spinning a hula hoop, or working out on an exercise bike for at least 5 minutes.
  2. To remove fat from the thighs and abdomen, all exercises should be performed one at a time without stopping. A rest of 30 seconds is allowed between repetitions. The number of repetitions ranges from 15 to 20 in 3 sets.
  3. Warm-up should complete the entire set of exercises.
  4. Regularity is the key to success. Choose 3 days a week when you can study for 30 minutes.

Exercises for women to burn subcutaneous fat

To remove fat from the sides and waist, you need to pump up your abs, so we offer women a whole complex for the upper, side and lower abs.

  • Upper press: a) lying on your back, hands behind your head, perform crunches, for which we raise the upper part of the body, and the legs remain down on the floor; b) the starting position is the same, but the legs are slightly raised and bent at the knees. Raising the upper part of the body, we perform twisting without lowering the legs.
  • Lateral press: a) place your feet shoulder-width apart, bending your knees, and clasp your hands behind your head. We bend the body in different directions; b) lying on your back, feet on the floor and knees bent. Raise the heel of the left foot and rest it on the right knee, the right hand behind the head, the left hand on the floor. Task: stretch the elbow of your right hand as far as possible to your left knee, then switch arms and legs.
  • Lower press: a) stand straight, place your feet hip-width apart, and bend your legs slightly. You need to pull your left knee as close to your waist as possible, then your right; b) Stand straight, hands on your belt, stomach pulled in. We shift the weight to the left leg, stretch the right leg to the side and vice versa.

Check out other ways to remove your belly and sides.

To the lower abdomen

There are many effective exercises for the lower abdomen. We offer several more effective ones:

  1. Vertical scissors. Lying on the floor, hands under the buttocks, lower back pressed to the floor. Both legs are raised at an angle of 90 degrees. Slowly lower your left leg down, then return it back. The right leg is motionless. Switch legs and do 20 repetitions.
  2. Fold. Sitting on the floor, legs straight, hands resting on the floor from behind. Twist sharply, bringing both knees to your chest, and your body should move towards your legs. Return to the starting position, but leave your legs hanging. Do 20 repetitions.
  3. Climbers. Lying down, like a push-up: feet on toes, arms straight, palms shoulder-width apart. Lift your right leg off the floor, bend it at the knee and then sharply pull it towards your chest, slowly returning it back. Switch legs and do 20 repetitions.

Find out more ways to remove your belly and sides at home.

Video training for abs and sides

If you urgently need to remove belly fat, then advice on proper training and a balanced diet from a professional fitness trainer will help you with this. How to quickly remove subcutaneous fat deposits using an effective weight loss program, watch the video:

A set of exercises for men

Men also need to remove excess belly fat, so experts have developed a weight loss program. To quickly achieve positive results, you need to devote at least 20 minutes to these exercises daily.

  • Lie on your back, knees bent, hands behind your head. The elbows are spread in different directions and fixed in this position throughout the entire exercise. You should raise and lower your torso, and make sure that your heels do not leave the floor. For reliability, secure them under the radiator or bed. Start with the minimum, each time increasing the number of lifts so that you can eventually do 50 reps.
  • The position of the torso, arms and legs is the same, but while lifting, pull your elbows towards the opposite knee, twisting.
  • The position is the same, legs are straight raised and located 35 cm from the floor. Hold this position as long as you can, and then relax. Do 20 reps. Over time, dumbbells should be tied to the bottom of your legs for weighting.

Video about how to remove belly fat after childbirth

If the volume of the abdomen has been increased solely due to bloating and slagging of the intestines, then after the cleansing procedure the result will not be long in coming and the waist size will decrease significantly. In the longer term, metabolism in the body's cells will improve, which will help burn excess fat. A good remedy in combination with cleansing would be a drainage massage of the abdomen; it will improve peristalsis and have a significant effect on subcutaneous fats. Of course, problem areas cannot be eliminated without active sports training. You won’t be able to tone your muscles just from diets and enemas. To competently influence the right places, comprehensive aerobic training designed for all muscle groups, or a clearly drawn up strength training plan, are suitable.

Workouts in the gym should be done with the help of an instructor who will correctly distribute the load and direct efforts precisely to those areas that need correction. If you don’t have the opportunity to visit sports clubs, a video workout compiled by professionals will tell you how to properly remove your belly. This is a very convenient method of training, but it still has its drawbacks; sometimes women are too lazy to exercise at home.

Diet, physical activity and belly fat

Remove high-fat foods, confectionery and flour products, pickles and smoked foods from your diet. The table should include vegetables rich in fiber, sprouted grains, fruits (especially citrus fruits, which speed up metabolism), fish, lean meat, eggs, lean cheese, cottage cheese, and unsweetened fermented milk products. Avoid sugary sodas that provide empty calories. Drink mineral water, rosehip, green and herbal teas.

If you want to have a toned stomach, then commit to eating right and doing daily exercise throughout your life. By losing weight only through diet, you can get saggy and sagging skin in areas of intense fat accumulation, especially in the abdominal area. Regular sports activities will help tighten and tone the abdominal muscles and build a muscle corset, in particular: swimming, running, cycling, race walking, gymnastic exercises for the press, squats, exercises with an inflatable ball, strength training, water aerobics, yoga, hula hoop spinning.

Stretched abdominal muscles and skin can occur after pregnancy, especially if a woman has gained too much weight during pregnancy. After the birth of the baby, fat in the abdominal area begins to be deposited especially intensively. If your figure has not recovered six weeks after giving birth, you must:

  • adjust the diet;
  • daily (several times a day after feeding) perform a set of breathing exercises designed to restore abdominal muscle tone;
  • choose physical exercises for yourself that you will do after you finish breastfeeding.

How to lose belly fat in a week

The gym is sometimes a clear motivation for training, and there are factors for this: money spent on a subscription, being surrounded by actively training people, and perhaps even a nice coach. And yet, how to remove belly fat? The exercises in the video lessons are designed to target specific abdominal muscle groups. If you regularly perform a set of exercises, the result will not be long in coming.

How to properly remove belly fat

Exercise "vacuum" to reduce belly fat

Almost all abdominal exercises are aimed at strengthening the rectus abdominis muscle. It is interesting that the degree of abdominal convexity is much more affected by the condition of the transverse muscle, for training which there is only one exercise - “vacuum”:

  1. Take the starting position, calm your breathing.
  2. Exhale all the air completely, draw in your stomach as much as possible, as if trying to press its front wall to the spine, the direction of movement is under the ribs.
  3. Stay in this position for as long as possible, but not to such an extent that you then convulsively swallow air.
  4. Calmly relax your stomach and inhale.

To quickly reduce your belly and maintain the achieved result, you must perform this exercise daily at least 40 times - 10 repetitions in four positions:

  • lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor:

  • standing on your feet;
  • standing on your hands and knees;
  • sitting on your heels.

It is best to do the “vacuum” in the morning on an empty stomach, but after drinking 1-2 glasses of water. A beneficial side effect is the activation of intestinal motility and the general awakening of the digestive system.

You can clearly see how this exercise is done in different stances in the video:

Eliminating fat at home

The most effective way to remove fat is to cleanse the intestines. So we need to go back to enemas, although they are known for frequent constipation after using them, so they are not suitable for healthy people without bowel problems. You should know that up to twenty kilograms of weight can be lost by using enemas. The main thing to remember is that before using the enema, the diet should be lean.

Colon cleansing with an enema takes place according to two schemes:

  1. According to N. Semyonova, enemas should be done twice a day for two weeks - before breakfast and after dinner.
  2. According to E. Shchadilov, only eleven enemas need to be done. The interval between the first and second enemas should be five days, between the second and third - four, and so on until enemas are given every day.
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