Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home

Hello boys and girls! I just want to ask - is it difficult to start doing these exercises right tomorrow morning to get rid of the stomach and sides? Do you know how to do exercises to lose weight in the abdomen and sides to remove fat?

Elena Alexandrova, who demonstrates the exercises, seriously promises that this complex is enough to completely get rid of the belly in a month. You will need 10 minutes for all exercises at a good pace. This time is enough, you will even sweat. But if you are used to training regularly in the morning, then this, of course, will not be enough.

For fast weight loss

Exercises for weight loss at home are performed in the morning, before breakfast.

To lose weight on your sides:

  1. While kneeling, bend in different directions. Arms extended above head.
  2. While standing, make circular movements with your body. Hands on the back of the head.
  3. Upper body rotation. The lower one should remain as motionless as possible. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there is a deflection in the waist.
  4. In a standing position, do a stretch - bend in one direction and the other to the limit, holding your hands on the back of your head. You need to stay for 30 seconds.
  5. Running in place with knees raised – 1-2 minutes.

To pump up the leg muscles:

Swing your legs to the side and to the side. You need to do the exercise slowly, tensing your muscles. Do 10-20 swings for each leg. Knee rotation. Each way 10 times

It is important to hold the kneecaps with your hands and take the correct position - chest forward and back straight, knees should be bent. Shallow squats. Repeat – 20 times.

For hands:

  1. Shoulder rotation. The back needs to be straightened, the arms are pressed to the body and the shoulders are rotated in a circular motion in each direction 10 times.
  2. Elbow rotation. Your arms need to be straightened, elbows bent and fingers folded into a fist. The forearms are rotated in 5 circles in different directions.
  3. "Castle" behind. One hand needs to be thrown behind your back from above, the other from below. Fingers clasp behind back. You need to stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.
  4. The arms are straightened and spread to the sides. Rotation is carried out along the axis 20-30 times.

Movements to restore flexibility of the body:

  1. Rotate your body in a circle. Initially, you need to straighten up, put your hands on your sides and start the exercise. You should stretch your back. Perform 15–20 repetitions.
  2. The body is tilted forward and backward 15 times. When bending forward, you should try to reach the floor with your hands.
  3. The body is tilted forward at a right angle, arms are spread to the sides. You need to imitate the movements of a helicopter, turning your body to the right and left.

To quickly achieve results, more difficult exercises are added to the complex:

  • push-ups from the floor 15 – 20 times;
  • lifts and twists to the right and left;
  • press;
  • swinging your legs using gymnastics bands;
  • jumping rope 15-20 minutes;
  • squats and lunges with dumbbells.

If you need to lose weight before an important event, it is recommended to perform 5-8 exercises from the list every day, devoting at least 20 minutes to exercise. Efficiency is achieved by increasing the number of repetitions. On the first day, a minimum number of repetitions is used, but each time they increase by 4-10 approaches

It is important to monitor your well-being


The plank is another abdominal exercise. But instead of dynamic exercises, these are static holds that require more patience and endurance.

Planck exercise

By strengthening your core and working your upper and lower body, you'll build muscle and burn fat faster. It is important to perform the plank correctly to get the most out of your exercise.

Nutrition and mobility in the fight for a graceful waist

It will be possible to remove unaesthetic folds from the sides and abdomen with the help of gymnastics only if the fat layer is not formed again due to excess nutrition and a sluggish lifestyle and is intensively consumed to provide energy for active movements.

To do this you need:

  • Reduce the calorie content of the diet so that every day its energy value is less than the body’s own costs. As a result, the body receives the most direct and intelligible signal - it is no longer possible to accumulate fat, the time has come to expend the energy stored in it.
  • Eat five to six moderate portions of food daily and drink from one and a half to two liters of high-quality clean water. This type of nutrition, on the one hand, eliminates the feeling of hunger even with low-calorie food, and on the other hand, it speeds up metabolism and, accordingly, fat utilization.
  • Change your static lifestyle to regular training loads that involve not only problem areas, but also all muscle groups. At the same time, to replenish energy costs, fat cells will be broken down, and a new slender body, freed from the fat layer, will be formed harmoniously.

To quickly achieve the desired results, home workouts should be done three times a week. The optimal time for them is from eleven in the morning to two in the afternoon or in the evening, from six to eight. In any case, you should start exercising no earlier than two hours after eating and no less than two hours before bedtime.


Pilates is one of the trendy exercises that you should definitely try. It promotes core strength and stability through muscle strength, endurance and flexibility.

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Publication from Valeria Belyavskaya (@blvsk.v) March 24, 2021 at 8:04 PDT

Pilates is not an aerobic exercise, so it is only part of a training regimen, as it may not be as effective on its own. Pilates kickstarts your metabolism.

Warm up before training at home

Before you begin intense muscle activity, you need to stretch and warm up your muscles. Such preparation will protect against injuries and sprains due to unusual or sudden efforts. It will be enough to complete five to seven exercises from this list:

  • Circular movements 10-20 times in both directions in the shoulder joints. In this case, the arms remain freely lowered, and the feet are positioned shoulder-width apart.
  • Straightening the chest, bringing the shoulder and pectoral muscles to readiness. Hands with palms facing each other, straightened in front of the chest, with an inhalation, spread, bringing the shoulder blades together. As you exhale, return to the starting position. This sequence of movements is performed 10-20 times.
  • For the muscles of the back and spinal column. With your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent, rest your outstretched arms on your hips, bend your knees slightly, and straighten your back. This is the inhalation position. As you exhale, round your back, pulling in your stomach and lowering your chin to your chest. Repeated 10-20 times.
  • Ensuring mobility in the hip joints. The legs are firmly placed shoulder-width apart, the left hand rests on a chair or against the wall, and the right hand is placed on the lower back. Move the right leg, bent at the knee, to the side and, completing the circular swing, return to the starting position. Repeat with your left foot supporting your right hand. Perform 10 to 20 times in each direction.
  • Torso rotations that involve the spine and core muscles, including the oblique muscles. The legs are spread wider than the shoulders, the arms are bent at the elbows and folded in front of you. Rotations of the body in both directions are repeated 15 to 20 times.
  • Squats with calf raises prepare the muscles and joints of the legs. In this case, your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your arms should be extended straight forward. As you inhale, squat down with your body tilted forward and your arms moving back. As you exhale, straighten your knees, rise on your toes and raise your arms up. The set of movements is repeated 15 to 20 times.
  • Additionally, the leg muscles are activated by 10-20 transfers of body weight from one leg to the other. To do this, placing your feet wider than your shoulders, bend your right leg, transferring the weight of the body onto it. In this case, the hands rest on the right thigh. Then follows a similar transition to the left side. In order to comprehensively prepare the musculoskeletal system, such rolls are performed by bending at the waist and touching the floor with your hand - the right one when leaning on the left leg and the left one - when shifting the body weight to the right.

Exercises for the waist and sides at home

The most effective home exercises that do not require additional equipment or equipment:

  • Exercise "Mill". With your feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward (torso parallel to the floor). Raise your right outstretched arm up, and lower your left, also outstretched, down. Rotate the torso with a fixed spread position of straight arms so that the lower hand reaches towards the toe of the opposite leg. Perform the exercise with gradual acceleration.
  • The twist is straight. Lying on the floor, on your back, bend your knees at a right angle. In this case, the hands are behind the head, the elbows are apart. Raise your upper back, lifting it off the floor, then return to the starting position.
  • Reverse twist. Lie on the floor, place your arms straight at the sides of your body. Bend your knees and bring your legs to a position where your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Tightening your abs, pull your knees to your chest, completely lifting your pelvis from the horizontal support.
  • "Bike". Lying down, pressing your lower back to the floor and holding your hands behind your head, bend your knees at an angle of 45 degrees. Reach your left elbow towards your right knee, straightening your left leg. Then pull your right elbow towards your left knee, while straightening your right leg. You can start with 10-12 repetitions.
  • Straight plank. Essentially, this is a position of support with outstretched arms. In this case, the hands are placed exactly under the shoulder joints, the back is straightened, and straight legs rest on the toes. This bar should be held from one minute (beginners) to 3 minutes (with sufficient physical preparation).
  • Side plank. Lying on your left side, rest your left hand on the floor so that your hand is directly under the shoulder joint. Straighten your torso, lifting it above the floor and maintaining support on the sides of your feet. Hold this position for at least 15 seconds.

After a month of regular exercise, a habit of exercise usually develops and the first results become visible. Then the load becomes insufficient and, in order to move further, more complex and loaded movements will be needed, for example, a straight plank with alternating leg raises, bending over with dumbbells, complex crunches, and an elbow plank.


Exercise Scissors

The exercise engages the lower abs, the transverse muscle, and helps create beautiful posture and impressive abs. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Start breathing slowly, deeply.
  3. Inhale, tighten your abdominal muscles, and lift your straight legs to 90 degrees.
  4. Start in a scissoring motion by crossing your lower limbs from side to side.
  5. Perform about 20 movements with each leg, return to the starting position.
  6. Do 3-4 passes.

Working out at home

It is best to start training, as mentioned above, with morning “stretches” in bed, which turns into a light warm-up. This way you can prepare your body for more serious stress.

Video: morning exercises in bed

After this, you can begin to take more active actions.

In fact, your morning exercises can look like anything, absolutely any activity will bring results. For example, for starters it could be like this:

  1. Body tilts forward, right, left, back - 10 repetitions.
  2. Squats - 10 times, three sets, rest between sets for 30 seconds.
  3. Plank – start with 10 seconds. Gradually increase the duration. Believe me, you yourself will enjoy setting a new record every day, surpassing yourself.
  4. Lunges with squats (weight is transferred to the supporting leg) - 10 times for each leg, 2 sets, rest between sets for 30 seconds.

In total, these exercises will take no more than ten minutes. In addition, it is not at all necessary to do them in the morning. Squats and lunges, like bending, can be repeated periodically throughout the day. Believe me, it will benefit your buttocks.

If you want to target a specific area, you can focus on exercises that target specific muscle groups.

Abdominal exercises

As you might guess, abdominal exercises consist of abdominal exercises. To lose weight in the abdominal area, it is best to perform the following exercises.


Starting position: lying on your back, knees bent. Clasp your hands behind your head, spread your elbows. As you exhale, lift your upper body to your knees, and as you inhale, lower it. Only the shoulder blades can be lifted off the floor. Do not put pressure on the back of your head and neck with your hands!

Leg raise

Starting position - lying on your back, lower back tightly pressed, arms along the body. The legs are raised up at right angles to the body. Smoothly lower your legs down, freeze for a few seconds without your heels touching the floor, and return to the starting position. Make sure your lower back is pressed against the floor at all times.


The plank exercise needs no introduction. You can do it leaning on straight arms or elbows, as you prefer. Try to hold out in it for as long as possible; to do this, take a stopwatch and note the time. Try to increase the time you perform the exercise every day, at least by a few seconds. Make sure that your lumbar region is flat, your legs are straight, and your entire body forms a straight line. Tighten your abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles.

Side and reverse planks are also great for your abs.

Video: abdominal exercises

Exercises for legs, buttocks and thighs

Exercises for the hips, buttocks and legs are very diverse. The main thing is that most of them can be performed at home, because they do not require special equipment. The main thing is to monitor the correct technique, especially when doing squats.

Squats are basic exercises, which means that in the process of performing them, several muscle groups and joints are involved in the work. The back should be arched, the heels should not be lifted off the floor. The knees should not go beyond the line of the foot, “fall” inward, or “walk.” The gaze is directed upward, the pelvis is laid back.

Video: a set of exercises for the buttocks, thighs and legs

Exercises for arms, chest and back

Push-ups help strengthen your arms and chest, develop strength and endurance. A wide range of variations helps to work out different muscle groups. Plus, just like the plank, push-ups help build a strong muscular frame for your entire body.

The advantage of push-ups also lies in the fact that there are a huge number of options for simplifying and complicating a seemingly ordinary exercise. If you can't do the classic version, you can start with push-ups from a table, sofa, or knees.

Classic push-ups involve lying on your hands and feet, with your hands positioned slightly wider than your shoulders. If you want to put more stress on your triceps, bring your arms together a little narrower; if you want to focus on your chest muscles, you should spread your arms wider.

Of course, hand exercises are not limited to push-ups. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, to fully train your arms, you do not need to have special equipment at home.

Straight Leg Raise

Straight Leg Raise

This abdominal workout helps strengthen your abdominal muscles and increase endurance. Exercises are effective in preventing the development of intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis. Doctors often recommend performing it after abdominal surgery. Gymnastics for the abdomen in the form of straight leg raises can be performed during morning exercises.

  1. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides.
  2. Keep your legs together and tighten your lower abdominal muscles.
  3. Begin to lift your lower limbs until they are perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Fix in this position, lower your legs back.
  5. Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

To simplify the exercise, the heels can be returned to a horizontal surface. At this time, the abdominal muscles will rest. To complicate the workout, do not lower your feet to the floor, leave 1-2 cm to it. This will allow you to keep your premm muscles in tension all the time.

To make abdominal exercise even more intense, lift your legs with weights. The exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but a special weight is attached to each leg. If you don't have one, you can hold the dumbbell with your feet. Its weight is selected individually.

Video: exercises for losing belly fat

What is the best exercise to remove belly fat? It’s impossible to single out just one thing.

It is important to change your habits and get used to regular exercise in order to remove your belly fat and make your body sculpted and slim. The basic exercises are described above, but that’s not all.

The following are effective abdominal exercises in video lessons that are recommended for everyone who wants to lose weight.

What exercises remove belly fat?

Exercise for weight loss.

Following a diet and eating the right foods will undoubtedly help you lose weight and improve your body health. But no diet alone will make your body fit, sexy, flexible and resilient. To achieve the desired shape, a beautiful abs and a wasp waist, you need to devote time to physical activity. An integral part of physical exercise is effective exercise for losing weight in the abdomen and sides at home.

If you can't pay enough attention to training during the day, or going to the gym, for some reason, find time for daily exercise, and you will definitely fall in love with sports. Daily morning exercises for weight loss are useful not only for getting rid of extra pounds and fat, but also for your body and well-being in general. By doing quick exercises every morning, without excuses, you train your willpower, your body becomes flexible, such physical activity invigorates and energizes you for the whole day, and a good mood and well-being comes naturally!

What exercises should you do to get rid of your stomach and sides?

The best exercises to help you lose weight in the abdomen and sides are:

  • Cardio training . They help burn fat throughout the body, including the belly. These include running, cycling, jumping, burpees, climbing on an elevated surface, walking on a stepper and orbitrack.
  • Strength basic training . During their execution, most of the muscles of the body work, including the core muscles, which allows you to build the correct proportions and visually narrow your waist. In addition, they are very energy-intensive and trigger the fat burning process. These are all varieties of squats, lunges, and deadlifts.
  • Breathing exercises - trigger fat burning by saturating tissues with oxygen and static loads on muscles, help tighten the stomach: vacuum, twisting with a special breathing technique. They are especially suitable for women who have given birth with diastasis.
  • Local for strengthening all abdominal muscles: all crunches, leg raises, planks, static loads.

Exercise for a slim body

You need to start your morning with exercise, doing it immediately after waking up. A set of exercises will tone the body. It is better to start physical activity for the abdomen and sides with a short warm-up

  1. Jumping in place for 1 minute.
  2. Raise your legs in front of you from a standing position to the maximum possible height - 20 times.
  3. Rotate with outstretched arms forward and backward - 10 times in each direction.
  4. Rotate the pelvis in a circle left and right for 20 circles.
  5. Bend your body in a circle – 10 times in total.

Morning fat burning exercises

To speed up the burning of fat on the stomach and sides, you need to regularly perform a set of exercises:

  1. Stand up straight, put one leg forward, and squat. Return to the starting position. Repeat the lunge on the other leg. Do 20 repetitions of the exercise.
  2. Running in place with high knees. Press your bent arms to your sides, turn your palms down. Try to reach your hands with your feet. Work for 1 minute at a moderate pace.
  3. To have a thin waist and eliminate sides, you need to exercise regularly: sit with your buttocks on your heels, keep your feet together and slowly lie on your back and press your lower back to the floor. Place your hands on the back of your head and slowly lift your body with your abdominal muscles. Do 10 repetitions.
  4. Lie face up with knees bent and place your upper limbs along your body. Raise your shoulders a short distance from the surface, reach your right hand towards your ankle, straighten up, but do not lie down. Repeat on the other side. You can perform 20 stretches without changing legs, take a rest, and proceed to the other side. Performing the exercise will help reduce the size of your waist and lower abdomen.
  5. Take a horizontal position. Lift your feet off the floor and start doing scissors with your feet. Work at a slow pace until you feel a burning sensation on your sides. The minimum number of repetitions is 10-15.

Stretching before exercise to lose belly fat:

  1. Stand straight, place your lower limbs at shoulder level. Bend forward and down, reach for your right ankle with your hands, trying to bring your face as close to your knee as possible. Hold for 10 seconds. Move to the center between your legs, hold, to the other ankle.
  2. The starting position is the same. Lean to the right, reaching your opposite arm overhead. Hold the position for 10 seconds, switch sides.

Morning exercises at home help to lose weight in the abdomen, sides, and improve health. After a few weeks, simple daily exercise will give you an elegant waist without fat deposits.

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Interesting complexes

Trainers have come up with many sets of exercises for every taste. You need to start with the simplest ones and then move on to more complex ones. This way the body will gradually get used to the stress.

Five Minute Workout

This is an exercise for the laziest people who have to force themselves to wake up and get up early. Therefore, it is recommended to start getting used to exercises that only take a few minutes. At the same time, for a five-minute charge you do not need to use any weights. Approximate complex:

  • Be sure to include neck warm-up exercises.
  • Stretch your arms at the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Repeat 3-5 times in each direction.
  • Make circular rotations with your pelvis several times.
  • Perform body tilts to the right and left up to 5 times.
  • Include squats in your workout.

All exercises are performed 3-5 times without a break. Although the training is very quick and simple, it still has an effect. The body gets used to physical activity early, and a daily need for exercise develops.

Morning Exercises For Weight Loss. Cheerful morning!

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Morning fitness

Having mastered simple exercises, you can move on to a more complex program. For weight loss, morning fitness is one of the best complexes that perfectly helps you get rid of extra pounds. Example workout:

  • To begin, you should walk quickly in place for about a minute, with your knees raised high.
  • Then work your arms by spreading them to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. You can use light dumbbells.
  • Try doing push-ups on the floor or sofa. If the exercise is difficult, then you can do push-ups not on straight legs, but from your knees or from the wall.
  • For the legs and buttocks, perform squats 15 times and lunges forward 10 times on each leg. It's good to add a glute bridge.
  • To strengthen the abs, it is recommended to do crunches 15-20 times, and leg raises from a lying position 20 times. It is advisable to complete the workout with a plank.

It is important to consider that when performing a workout, a person should not experience strong tension. And the pulse does not have to exceed the maximum norm

As you master the program, it is better to gradually increase the number of repetitions in each exercise.

Dance gymnastics

After mastering a quick workout, you can try dance gymnastics. It is notable for the fact that it is performed only to rhythmic music. An approximate complex based on belly dancing:

  • To strengthen the abs, it is necessary to pull in the stomach by tensing the muscles and hold it in this position for several seconds. The exercise is performed for 3 minutes.
  • To train your shoulders, bend your right leg slightly and move your pelvis to the left. Tilt your left shoulder back. Repeat exactly the same for the right shoulder.
  • The hips alternately rise up. After warming up the muscles, you need to rotate your hips in the shape of an infinity sign. Repeat 8 times.
  • Neck training is a little different from the classic version. The head does not tilt to the sides, but seems to move forward. In this case, the shoulders should remain motionless.
  • To strengthen your legs, it is recommended to cross your legs straight and take steps to the side. Hands should be behind your head. The exercise is repeated 15 times for each leg.

Dance gymnastics not only promotes weight loss, but also improves coordination in space and develops flexibility. And it’s better to study with special video lessons.

Morning exercise for 10 minutes! Fitness at home

Watch this video on YouTube


Good news for those who don't like sweating in the gym, swimming is a great workout that combines cardio and strength training into one low-impact exercise.

Water adds an element of resistance, forcing a person to use more muscles to move efficiently and use oxygen wisely.


Need more motivation to go to the pool? Simply being in water of about 25 degrees for exercise helps burn even more calories than on land because the human body's natural temperature is 36.6 degrees.

It fights to stay warm in the water, burning calories and fat. A person also uses his legs, arms and body to stay afloat. Swimming is a great full-body exercise to build muscle and build endurance.

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