How to run 3 or 5 km quickly: tactics and training

Running 3 km: standards for men and women

Currently, a distance of 2 miles or 3 km is used in the physical training of men. At the age of 16 - 25 years, a physically developed man runs this segment, even if poorly trained, in 13 minutes.

Standards for 3 km among men and women

Rank, rankMenWomen
1 adult category9,009,0310,4010,43
2nd adult category9,409,4311,3011,33
3 adult category10,2010,2312,3012,33
1 youth category11,0011,0313,3013,33
2nd youth category12,0012,0314,3014,33
3rd youth category13,2013,2316,0016,03

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Men's and women's 3 km running record

In an open stadium setting, the men's world record is held by Kenyan Daniel Komen. On September 1, 1996, in Italy (Rieti), he covered this distance in 7 minutes. 20 sec. The indoor world record among men was also set by Daniel Komen. On February 6, 1998 in Budapest he reached the finish line in 7 minutes. 24 sec.

The women's outdoor world record belongs to China's Wang Junxia. Her result, dated September 13, 1993 in Beijing, is 8 minutes. 06 sec. The indoor record belongs to Genzebe Dibaba. He completed the distance in 8 minutes 16 seconds in 2014 in Stockholm.

How to run 3 km in 12 minutes - the standard for a GTO specialist

  1. Get rid of excess weight;
  2. Strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  3. Breathe correctly.

It's hard to disagree at all. It's really the basics, but it doesn't have all the depth. Most likely, everything was written not by a practicing runner, but by a copywriter with no running experience, but with good knowledge of SEO, because all articles are in the TOP distribution of search engines.

An excellent result is considered to be the ability to fulfill the GTO standard, that is, to run 3 km in 12 minutes. However, I would like to immediately clarify that only trained athletes who regularly run and without bad habits can achieve such a result.

Before you start running, get rid of excess weight. People usually think that running itself will burn off extra pounds, and this is true, but excess weight will create enormous stress on the joints and cardiovascular system, which will lead to irreparable harm to health. Therefore, getting rid of excess weight before running is a vital necessity.

All the stories about how to burn extra pounds while running are silent on one important detail - the heroes of such stories initially weigh less than 80-90 kg. Meanwhile, heavy weight kills a runner's knees. So you will have to get rid of extra pounds. Just not by running, but by using a carefully thought-out diet and walking.

Without a strong heart there can be no talk of endurance. And without developed endurance there is no point in talking about running. Strengthen your heart by doing a lot of cardio. They will help you understand how best to use your energy and learn how to run 3 km in the allotted time.

For this purpose, a lot of cardio equipment has been invented: an exercise bike, a rowing machine, an elliptical trainer. If you don’t want to visit gyms, then all these exercise machines can be replaced with analogues: an exercise bike with cycling, a rowing machine with boating or kayaking, and an ellipse with skiing.

The cardiovascular system is perfectly strengthened by long sessions of swimming in a pool, river or any other body of water, intense walking and regular jogging. Try to lead as active a lifestyle as possible. Try to replace commuting by public transport with walking or cycling. Use the steps often and don't miss any opportunity to walk.

Breathe correctly

The key to running effectively is proper breathing. The ability to breathe correctly will help you run the required distance with less energy. In the case of novice runners, the skill of proper breathing will help to generally run the intended distance.

Accompany every second step with a breath, the next two steps with a breath. We warn you right away that it will be very difficult for beginners initially. But don’t give up, the body will quickly adapt to this breathing rhythm and then everything will happen automatically, so after some time you will no longer pay attention to it.

If your arsenal of bad habits includes smoking, it is strongly recommended to get rid of it. Everyone has long been aware of the dangers of smoking, and once again there is little point in describing its obvious negative impact. Just quit smoking. Smoking and running are incompatible.

How to increase your running speed by 3 km

Running over a distance of 3 km or more is essentially a test to determine general (aerobic) endurance. Therefore, training necessarily consists of 2 stages:

  • “basic”, where general endurance is increased;
  • special preparatory, where the tasks of special preparation for competitions are solved.

Functional (“basic”) training is carried out by performing long, even runs of 3 or more km at a speed of 4.5-6.0 minutes per 1 km. To increase overall endurance and speed, interval running of 100 and 400 m is used.

And on the basis of general endurance they develop special endurance. Those. first increase the total volume of work, and then gradually reduce it against the backdrop of increasing intensity of work.

To develop endurance, you need to use any opportunity: cardio training, for example, on an exercise bike, walking and cycling, swimming, are suitable. Forget about transport, elevator. Be active, walk more.

Fast downhill movement develops endurance well . You can alternate between level movement (40 minutes) and uphill walking (20 minutes).

Special training is full of tempo and interval work. It is impossible to force volumes to increase the intensity of work; gradualism is needed. Even if the load seems light.

It is physically impossible to run the entire distance at one speed. At first the speed is higher than average. Therefore, it is important to have a certain “speed reserve”.

When running, you need to run relaxed . The body is slightly tilted forward, the gaze is straight. The correct movements of the arms are forward at a right angle to the chin, but not in front of the chest, then back.

Foot placement:

  1. Heel to toe – most often used by beginners. If used incorrectly, it leads to injury.
  2. From toe to heel - more for experienced athletes. The method is optimal and gives the highest efficiency. It requires developed, strong calves.

Breathing should be carried out not only from the chest, but also from the stomach. The following steps are important: inhale - the chest expands, you need to focus on the stomach, trying to let its muscles help receive more oxygen. The abs are tense when running, but this may not happen right away. It's easy to learn after a couple of practices.

Another rule is 2 steps per inhalation and exhalation.

When running, practice breathing through your mouth and nose at the same time to get more oxygen and prevent your muscles from getting tired quickly. Using the “inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth” method is not justified, since the body’s oxygen needs in this case are not met.

Important! Before starting, it is recommended to take 3-5 sharp breaths in and out to improve hyperventilation and increase your heart rate.

A little personal history

One day I was preparing for a running competition at a stadium in the city where I live. A magnificent place on the Black Sea coast. And I was lucky enough to run with someone who changed the way I thought about breathing while running. I often try to look closely at people who are stronger and faster than me. Monitor their technique, breathing and exercises. And he told a simple philosophy of breathing. You need to breathe evenly and not as often as I did. At the same time, deeply smell the sea, listen to the wind, listen to the cries of seagulls and try to relax. Something like meditation, only in motion.

Of course, I tried to breathe like this and did not immediately understand all the subtleties. Practicing all the time, it dawned on me! You need to breathe deeply and in such a way, as if after a nervous situation or conversation you are trying to calm down, inhaling deeply and exhaling smoothly. Breaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand! This way I manage to lower my heart rate (pulse).

Training programs

Preparation for the 3 km run:

  1. Find a place to train. This could be a secluded park where you won't attract attention when running. Some people prefer comfortable stadiums for running, where everything is level and marked. It's a matter of taste.
  2. Good workout. This is the key to proper, even breathing and the prevention of injury. Lasts at least 5 minutes, light jogging, race walking and stretching exercises.
  3. Run a 3-kilometer distance within the first 2 weeks. Try to run as long as you can, you can switch to a fast pace when tired, but you can’t stop. In such cases, a stadium is better for running. For example, you can run one lap and walk the next at a brisk pace. This is how different types of activities alternate until the 3 km mark is reached. Repeat workouts 3-4 times a week. With 2 days of rest for muscle recovery.
  4. Increase your running time and decrease your walking time. If you ran for 1 minute and then walked for 1 minute, next time run for 70 seconds and walk for 1 minute. By the end of the second week, you need to run 75% of the distance.
  5. By the end of 3 weeks, run the entire 3 km distance. This can be developed and improved. Gradually you will develop your pace, when your breathing and heart work harmoniously.

For beginners

If a beginner runner thinks that he can cover 3 km in 12-13 minutes, then it is better for him to follow a training program for running 1500 m or 5000 meters. But star programs will not work; they are always individual.

If a runner is a beginner, he should definitely monitor his heart rate . This is the only objective indicator of the body's functioning. An excessive pulse wears out the heart.

The general principle of training is alternating load and recovery. Start jogging with a minimum of 15-20 minutes at a time and gradually increase the time. If it’s hard, in some places you can and should take a step. Over time, it will become easier and soon you will be able to run for 40-60 minutes in one breath.


For those who are experienced and know their running pace: at 30 - 50 m, give a good start, that is, a little faster than the pace at which you want to run the entire distance. Then you will feel your legs well and move away from other participants in the race to take a comfortable path and not run in the crowd. After a sharp start, slow down slightly for 100 - 200 meters , and then go to your running pace for the remaining 3 km.
Also, 400 m before the finish you need to speed up, and 100-200 m to push yourself to the maximum.


Program 3 km in 11 minutes

The final program will help you learn to run 3 km in 11 minutes. Pay special attention to post-workout recovery: do not increase the load too actively, but perform all planned exercises as efficiently as possible.

The program uses a unique burpee exercise that helps burn fat and develop endurance. The technique for performing it involves taking a sitting position with your palms on the ground in front of you. After this, you need to jump out so much that the body is in a position similar to push-ups. Then push up from the floor and immediately assume the squat position as before. Next, jump up and reach your hands towards the sky.

  • day one: 5 km speed run (after completing the distance, do 50 burpees without rest);
  • second: running 1 km for a while (3 repetitions, between which we do 40 squats);
  • third: 400-meter run, followed by 10 burpees (8 laps that need to be run at speed);
  • fourth: 500-meter speed run (6 repetitions with a break in the form of a quick step for 40 seconds);
  • fifth: running a kilometer in the shortest possible time (3 repetitions in total).

Now you know exactly how to learn to run 3 km in 2 weeks, a month or more. It all depends on what standard you want to meet, as well as on the quality and regularity of your training.

Strategy and tactics for the 3 km distance

The strategy and tactics for running 3 km are as follows:

  1. The first kilometer is free running. It’s easy to run at first, you still have a lot of strength. But you shouldn’t make a start-jerk. The first km time is 4-5 minutes.
  2. The second kilometer is to slow down a little, but don’t relax too much. You still have the last km ahead. Time – 5.1.
  3. The third kilometer is to pick up the pace and feel sorry for yourself less. There is no need to stop running at the end, in the last 200 m you need to gain back 20 seconds on yourself. Time is 4.5 minutes.

Important! The basic principle is the uniform distribution of forces and their consumption in both parts of the run.

What we have

Age at the time of writing this article is 32 years old, weight 73 kg with a height of 172 cm. I regularly engage in strength sports and 3 years ago I could barely run 3 km in 16 minutes. In the previous year, the total running volume was more than 500 km. If you are a runner, you understand that this is not much, but for the average person, it is more than enough. I am describing all this so that it is clear at what level I started training and what kind of life I lead.

I described earlier how I started and what I did to improve my results in the 3 km run. But during the practice I changed my opinion a little on several issues and most likely I will change my opinion more than once when I receive more information and practice. Still, I recommend reading this article so that you understand the dynamics of both thinking and development.

A set of stretching exercises

It helps make the muscles and ligaments of the legs, hips and buttocks more elastic. Do it after every workout. “Fix all positions for 30-40 seconds,” comments Ksenia Sharifulina.

Stand straight (can be against a wall or any other support), feet hip-width apart. Bend your right leg and pull your heel towards your buttock, holding it in this position with your right hand. If necessary, hold onto the support with your left hand. Pull your knee down, point your pelvic bones forward. Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds, feeling the stretching of the muscles, and repeat the same on the other side.

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Bend your right knee and place your right shin on your left thigh. Bend your left knee slightly, lean your body forward and reach your hands towards the floor. Feel the stretch in the back of your right thigh. Hold the position for 30-40 seconds and repeat the same in the other direction.

Running 3 km in 11 minutes program

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Step your right foot forward, pull the toe of your foot towards you and rest on your heel. Lean your body forward, rest your hands on your hips. Lock in this position for 30-40 seconds, then repeat the same in the other direction.

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Step your right foot forward and lower into a lunge, placing your hands on the floor on either side of your right foot. Leaning on your right foot, palms and toe of your left foot, lightly “spring” your body and pelvis up and down. Do this for 30-40 seconds, then repeat the same on the other side.

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Bend your right knee and pull your right thigh toward your stomach, clasping your shin with both hands. Watch for a feeling of stretch in your right thigh and buttock. Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds, then repeat the same in the other direction.

All of them strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and thighs, which improves endurance and develops explosive muscle power (which ultimately affects speed). Do them 1-2 times a week. “The optimal training regimen: 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions of the exercise in each,” says Ksenia Sharifulina.

To perform the complex you will need a step platform or a low bench.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and push your pelvis back, lowering into a squat. Then smoothly return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the exercise in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions each.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with your left foot and place your hands behind your head. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a squat. Work the muscles of your legs, buttocks, abs and back. Then smoothly return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the required number of them in each direction.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a squat, placing your palms together in front of your chest. Push your feet off the floor and jump up sharply. Land and lower yourself back into a squat. This will amount to one repetition. Complete the required number of them.

Calf raises

Remove the step platform from the support posts (“legs”) and place it on the floor. Stand on it with your toes (heels do not touch the platform and floor). From this position, smoothly rise onto your toes and lower back down. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the exercise in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions each.

Stand with your back to the wall, pressing your lower back and shoulder blades against it. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a squat. Work your abdominal muscles, buttocks and thighs. Hold this position for 30-40 seconds, then rest for a minute and repeat again.

Running 3 km in 11 minutes program

Take note of these exercises and coaching tips if you want to prepare for a 3K race. We wrote more about preparing for any running competition here.

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