Interval running for weight loss: training program

Running just for the sake of running is not always relevant. Beginners set themselves the goal of quickly achieving significant results, professionals want to reduce training time while maintaining a high intensity of training. In both cases, interval running is what you need to lose weight.

  • What is interval running and what is it for?
  • Who is suitable for interval running, what are the contraindications?
  • The effectiveness of walking and interval running for losing weight and burning fat
  • What is the best way to run to lose weight more effectively? Speed, time and distance
  • Pace and load distribution during a fat burning workout
  • Optimal training frequency
  • Proper nutrition
  • Interval running programs
  • For beginners
  • Table: training program for beginners
  • Video: interval running for beginners
  • For experienced
  • Table: training program for experienced athletes
  • Recommendations for performing interval running
  • Video: interval running as a way to get fit

What is interval running and what is it for?

Cardio training is the easiest and fastest way to slimness and health. Running is accessible to everyone without exception due to the fact that it does not require a gym or special equipment.

The only disadvantage of leisurely jogging is the relatively small load and, accordingly, not such a large energy expenditure per unit of time. This is perfect for beginners, but advanced runners need something more effective. For example, interval running.

Cardio training is the most effective way to increase endurance and normalize weight.

Interval running is a type of physical activity that involves alternating loads of different intensity. In fact, it is alternating between brisk walking or jogging at low speeds and running as fast as possible, when the athlete is moving to the limit of his capabilities.

There are four main types of interval running:

  • repeated running: used to cover long distances, involves alternating running at any pace with rest periods during which the human body is fully restored;
  • interval sprint: running at an accelerated pace at the limit of your capabilities is replaced by a light jog, the cycle is repeated several times;
  • tempo running is intended for short distances and consists of increasing the pace: each subsequent section must be overcome faster than the previous one;
  • Fartlek, which is intended for amateurs and does not imply any system or training program: a person can run at any pace and speed up or rest at will.

Periodic accelerations, which can be made more frequent and intense as you progress in exercise, allow you to:

  • remove the boredom of daily activities, load your head with useful and creative thoughts, replacing with them unnecessary and tedious “mental chewing gum”, shift the focus of attention from daily problems to training techniques;
  • increase calorie consumption for those trying to lose weight;
  • increase the intensity of training for those who are interested in increasing endurance and physical strength;
  • reduce the time for cardio training for those who want to include additional types of activity in their sports activities without losing efficiency;
  • prepare for competitions of any level from sprint to marathon;
  • This type of workout can help get rid of cellulite and significantly improve your complexion.

All these problems can be solved by replacing regular jogging with interval running. The only difficulty here is to overcome yourself, since a constant increase in the intensity of exercise will cause noticeable discomfort. You will have to overcome internal resistance every time you need to add speed or increase the distance of fast running, but the results are worth it.

Interval Cardio

HIIT is a workout that alternates between high-intensity intervals (80-95% of your maximum heart rate) and lower-intensity periods (40-60%).

You can read more about heart rate during exercise here.

Unlike monotonous cardio, where a person works at the same heart rate for 30-60 minutes, interval cardio is built on a different principle.

These workouts are attractive because they last relatively short time. And this is not their only advantage.

Who is suitable for interval running, what are the contraindications?

Interval running is suitable for people with sufficient physical fitness. The criteria here are quite clear: in an hour you need to run 9–10 km. This is a relatively slow running speed, but many beginners need to train regularly for 6-9 months to achieve these results.

It is important to adhere to the above fitness criterion in order to maintain health and well-being, as well as in order not to lose motivation to play sports. Excessive loads are harmful to the body because:

  • disrupt the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • lead to loss of strength and decreased mood, as they require a long recovery period;
  • can cause pain in the legs as a result of the formation of microfractures in the bones;
  • damage unprepared joints and ligaments.

If your endurance still leaves much to be desired, it is advisable to focus on correct running technique, choosing the right sports shoes and routes with suitable track surfaces.

More space, more oxygen, more freedom.

There are quite a few contraindications for training under stress. This is due to the high intensity of training, which can lead to aggravation of existing problems and the emergence of new ones. The cardiovascular system, spine and joints of the lower extremities are primarily at risk.

In particular, interval running is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of significant excess weight (only 7 kg above normal is enough to overload the back and knees);
  • a number of diseases of the heart and blood vessels (mitral valve prolapse, functioning oval window, rhythm and conduction disturbances, tendency to thrombosis and thromboembolism, etc.);
  • problems with the spine (disc herniation, curvature of the spine, consequences of injuries, osteochondrosis, etc.);
  • diseases of the joints and ligaments (arthritis and arthrosis, sprains, tears and ruptures of ligaments, flat feet);
  • muscle damage;
  • recovery period after serious illnesses, operations and injuries.

When planning your workouts, it is important to remember that you are alone, and if you don’t take care of yourself, no one will. If in doubt, it is better to undergo an examination and seek advice from a sports doctor.

The benefits of interval cardio

By training in the style of interval training, you get a lot of positive effects:

  1. The percentage of subcutaneous fat decreases with minimal muscle loss
  2. Increases endurance and muscle mass
  3. Insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism increases (the body uses carbohydrates more efficiently as a source of energy, without sending them to fat depots)
  4. Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  5. Cholesterol levels are normalized (indicators of “good” cholesterol levels)

The effectiveness of walking and interval running for losing weight and burning fat

When and how do we lose weight? The best results come from workouts during which fat reserves are used to ensure the body's energy expenditure. Interval running is great for fat burning.

As is known, the first to be consumed is glycogen stored in the liver and skeletal muscles. These reserves are enough for an hour of jogging at a comfortable speed and even more. How many of us are able to spend more than an hour a day running? Hardly.

In order to quickly use up glycogen and start using fat reserves, you need to significantly increase the intensity of your workout or significantly increase its duration.

During acceleration, when a person runs at the limit of his capabilities, energy consumption increases significantly. During periods of quiet running or fast walking, the metabolic rate remains high for a long time.

A large load on the muscles leads to their fatigue, which requires the body to spend more energy on recovery. Thus, by increasing the intensity of training, we increase energy expenditure both during the session and for several hours after its completion.

What is the best way to run to lose weight more effectively? Speed, time and distance

Depending on where you choose to train, you can use different benchmarks to determine the intensity of your workout. It could be:

  • distance, if you run around the stadium and know at least approximately the length of one circle;
  • time if you do not have clear guidelines for estimating distance.

In this article we will provide training programs for both of these situations, so that you do not have to change anything in your usual exercise routine, except, perhaps, the intensity of your running.

For experienced athletes, the fartlek training system may be suitable, when the length of periods of acceleration and deceleration is determined by sensations in the body. We will also provide the main guidelines for sensations in the analysis of training programs.

The only one worth competing with is yourself.

Cardio training to burn fat and improve health

Cardio training is a type of aerobic training where, in addition to the body muscles, the cardiovascular system is involved. As a result of a certain load, glucose is oxidized with oxygen to produce energy, which ensures muscle motor activity. Cardio training is actually training your heart.

On topic: What to do after running

Fat burning occurs as a side effect of it. This type of fitness is one of the most effective in the fight against excess body weight. To achieve results, you need to practice from 20 minutes to two hours.

Many people who want to lose weight work out hard, but their weight stagnates. This happens because they do not fully understand how to properly organize their training and how to distribute the load.

The lower limit is determined by the formula:

(220 beats/min – age – pulse at rest) ×0.6+ pulse at rest.

For maximum efficiency, you should not fall below this limit.

To calculate the upper limit, another formula is used:

(220 beats/min – age – pulse at rest) ×0.8+ pulse at rest.

There is no need to rise above this limit either. It is necessary to measure your pulse before, during and after exercise. When practicing independently at home, you can experimentally choose the best option. Strict heart rate control is the key to proper and safe training.

There is a simpler formula:

For women: heart rate (max)=220-age

For men: heart rate (max)= 214-age

To maintain an optimal heart rate, intense tension is necessary, when the whole body works at 100%, alternated with short periods of rest so that the heart rate returns to normal.

What are the benefits of cardio?

  • Increasing the body's endurance.
  • Weight loss.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Increasing resistance to diseases and strengthening immunity.

They will benefit everyone who wants to lose weight and improve their health.

Female representatives use this type of fitness to create a beautiful figure. Men involved in strength sports use cardio during preparation for competitions.

They help novice athletes better prepare for more serious loads.

How is the program selected?

The number of classes is from three to five times a week. For beginners, it is enough to exercise 3 times a week for 25 minutes, gradually increasing the duration and frequency.

The interval between training should be no more than two days. The intensity must be increased, as endurance increases and the body begins to get used to the load.

It is necessary to change types of training, alternate different exercises in order to achieve the desired result.


In the gym, an experienced instructor will select an individual program for a specific person. Exercising on your own without a complete understanding of the essence of cardio exercises can harm your health.

The program includes various exercises on an exercise bike, running, walking, active games, and jumping.

If you don’t have time for full-fledged gym exercises, you can train between tasks, for example, regularly walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride a bicycle to work or run errands.

But this applies to exercise to strengthen the cardiovascular system and health in general. If the goal is weight loss, then only full exercise will help achieve it.

How to get in shape by working out at home?

By performing special exercises, you can get rid of excess fat deposits on all parts of the body, including the stomach, thighs, back and arms, even at home.

  • The simplest of them is jumping rope. You need to jump at a fast pace for 1 minute, then walk slowly for 1 minute. And so - 20 minutes.
  • Run with high hip raises - 10 minutes, rest for 2 minutes and run again.
  • Run up the stairs for 10 minutes, then slowly go down and repeat again.

Treadmill cardio includes walking and running. It is better to start with walking, since if you are not used to it, you can damage your knee or ankle joints. Low-intensity cardio exercises are most suitable for this. The program consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing the body for the load (3-5 minutes) - walking at a speed of 3 km/h to accelerate the heart rate to the required level (calculate using the formula given above).
  2. Basic training (20-40 minutes) – walking at a speed of 4-7 km/hour. If the pulse has reached the maximum permissible maximum (see formula above), the speed must be reduced. Then increase again.
  3. Cool down (5 minutes) – gradually reduce walking speed until it stops completely.

You can walk for about three months, then, when a stronger load is required, you can switch to running. Among other things, the treadmill is very good for burning leg fat.

Monotonous exercises may not be interesting. Interval cardio, which is more pleasant to do while listening to your favorite music, can diversify your routine and increase your performance. It differs in that the change of activities occurs without rest.

You can try the following option, where each exercise is performed for 2 minutes:

  1. Jump rope at a fast speed, taking turns on each leg.
  2. Quick jumps with both legs left and right.
  3. Jump back and forth, pushing either with your left or right foot - 12 times.
  4. Jumping rope again.
  5. Lunges forward, changing legs in a jump.
  6. Jumping with legs spread to a distance of shoulder width, arms also spread. Return to the starting position by jumping - 20 times.
  7. Jumping rope. You can notice the first results after 3 weeks if you exercise regularly 3 times a week. More often, it’s not worth it, as this will only weaken the body.

Do you always need to run and jump during cardio training?

Sometimes it is impossible to exercise at home by running and jumping, as this disturbs the neighbors below. In this case, there are options without running and without jumping. They are also suitable for beginners, those who have recently suffered an injury, have various medical conditions or for the elderly.


Interval cardio is the best solution for those who decide to lose extra pounds, strengthen muscles, improve athletic performance, strengthen their health, and at the same time not lose muscle mass.

This type of aerobic training differs from classical training in the presence of alternating load or tempo modes, and has significant advantages over it :

  • Interval training speeds up your metabolism faster.
  • With such training, we quickly get rid of fat deposits while maintaining muscle mass. Bodybuilders do this type of cardio exercise.
  • Significantly increases endurance and speed. This type of training improves athletic performance in marathon runners and sprinters.

For a long time, it was believed that interval cardio had no place in fitness. Since in an hour of classical cardio training, an athlete burns significantly more calories than during a short (20-30 min) interval training.

It was mistakenly believed that the more calories a person burned, the more fat they would lose. But, as you know, muscles take energy not from fat, but from glycogen, a carbohydrate conserved in muscles. But those who switched to interval training after regular training began to notice greater fat burning and weight loss.

The benefits of interval cardio training

Research in favor of interval cardio training was conducted by the University of Laval (Quebec, Canada).

The results showed that those doing classical aerobics burned more calories, but those doing interval cardio lost more fat.

Studies like these have been conducted in the US and Australia, all of which have shown the benefits of interval training.

1. The fact is that during the day after interval exercise, the body spends more calories on recovery. And the greater the intensity, the more energy is required for recovery.

2. Fat oxidation by muscles increases up to 30% after just 2 weeks.

3. The action of enzymes that help fat deposits is blocked.

This type of aerobics is the only right solution for those involved in fitness and bodybuilding. Interval cardio, unlike classical cardio, does not destroy, but even slightly builds up muscles. This can be seen by comparing the physiques of sprinters and marathon runners.

This type of training is a big load on the muscles, joints, as well as the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, before doing interval aerobics, you should consult your doctor.

On the subject: Running speed of the average person

Pace and load distribution during a fat burning workout

The basic principle of the interval running program is to gradually increase the intensity (the length of the running sections to the maximum possible) towards the middle of the session, and then the same gradual decrease. At the first stage, you can limit yourself to alternating periods of acceleration and deceleration, depending on how much strength you have. But then it is better to start observing the above “pyramid principle”.

If you focus on distance, then the pyramid principle assumes the following distribution of load during training:

  • warm-up, acceleration 1 lap;
  • calm running 1 lap, acceleration 1 lap;
  • calm running 2 laps, acceleration 1 lap;
  • calm running 1 lap, acceleration 2 laps;
  • calm running 2 laps, acceleration 2 laps;
  • calm running 2 laps, acceleration 1 lap;
  • a calm run, smoothly turning into a cool-down.

Owners of GPS navigators and heart rate monitors with the option to determine the distance traveled can recalculate laps into meters and kilometers, given that the standard length of a school stadium is from 250 to 400 meters.

If you focus on time, you can break down your workout by minute:

  • warm-up 5–7 minutes, acceleration 1 minute;
  • measured run 1 minute, acceleration 1 minute;
  • calm run 2 minutes, acceleration 1 minute;
  • calm run 1 minute, acceleration 2 minutes;
  • calm run for 2 minutes, acceleration for 2 minutes, etc.

We finish the workout with a cool down.

We have described the general principle of training. The number of laps or minutes of acceleration can be increased to 3 or 4. In this case, it is important to follow the general principle of distributing the load during the lesson, without limiting its intensity.

Contraindications to classes

Running is a serious load, primarily on the joints. If there is a history of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, or the person’s weight is too heavy, exercise on a treadmill may be prohibited. It is advisable to consult a doctor, or start exercising with walking - first at a slow pace and no more than 15 minutes, then increase both the training time and the speed.

Contraindications are:

  • heart failure;
  • persistent hypertension, high risk of developing a hypertensive crisis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • benign tumors of internal organs;
  • arrhythmias.

Doctors say that proper running, following the recommendations, will be useful for every person. And in the fight against excess weight, such activities are the leader in the ranking of weight loss methods.

We recommend reading about Nordic walking for weight loss. You will learn about the benefits of Finnish walking, choosing poles, correct technique, and effectiveness in losing weight. And here is more information about exercises with a barbell for weight loss.

Running on a treadmill is a great option for losing weight. Regular exercise not only helps you lose weight, but also improves your overall health. But experts warn: once you start classes, you shouldn’t stop them.

Proper nutrition

Those who are interested in losing weight and gaining muscle definition are also advised to reconsider their diet. If you previously sharply limited your diet, then the body can switch to strict conservation of energy reserves, preserving fat deposits at any cost. The result of this may be a long plateau in weight loss despite diet and physical activity. It's very demotivating.

A small calorie deficit and a significant increase in protein content can help you avoid a plateau. The optimal amount of protein is determined by a person’s weight: per 1 kg of body weight, 1.8-2 g of protein per day is needed.

It can be difficult to determine the optimal calorie content only using average tables from manuals. If you have reached a long plateau with the lowest possible caloric intake, do not rush to cut your daily diet again. It is possible that further fat burning will become possible with increased caloric intake.

It’s easy to check: you increase your calorie intake by 200 calories per day and observe your weight dynamics over the course of a week. If there are no results, then increase the calorie content by another 200 calories. Over the next seven days, the weight should move off the ground.

If the caloric content of the diet is 1200 kcal or less, then you may not see any dynamics in response to an increase in the intensity of exercise. The body has nothing to build muscle tissue from and replenish energy losses. It is in a state of austerity, so there is no time for relief and reduction in volumes.

Also, remember that the same amount of muscle and fat weighs differently: muscle is heavier. Therefore, if you accompany your weight loss with training, when the volume decreases, the number on the scale may remain the same or even increase slightly. Don't worry, fat is burned, this is absolutely normal.

Main types of interval training

Interval training can be different and take place in both cardio and strength formats, using equipment.

Main types of training:

  1. Working out on cardio equipment

Everything is simple here - sit on, for example, an exercise bike and pedal for 30 seconds at maximum intensity, followed by 1 minute of lower intensity.

The intervals may be different, but the essence does not change.

  1. Using bodyweight exercises

Jumping rope, burpees, jumping jacks, push-ups and other explosive, intense exercises.

Rest can be running in place at an average pace, or walking.

  1. Using weight-bearing exercises

You should carefully prepare for this type of interval training: assemble a barbell or dumbbells and do a special warm-up.

Here, pumped up muscles will be a bonus to burning a large number of calories.

Interval running programs

Depending on the athlete's starting level, you can choose a suitable training program, and then change it as your endurance increases.

For beginners

We recommend that beginners focus not so much on speed, but on the parameters of the cardiovascular system and sensations in the body. This will allow you to distribute the load optimally instead of giving 100% in the first minutes of training.

A heart rate monitor can provide invaluable assistance in gradually increasing the load. For those who have not yet acquired this useful gadget, you can focus on your own sensations: for example, the ability to talk while running.

Table: training program for beginners

Warm-up800 meters (2 laps around the stadium) or 10 minutesWe switch to a fast step or measured jogging, shake our hands, perform high-amplitude movements with them, warming up the joints and muscles. You can perform several simple exercises such as leg swings and bending.
acceleration200 meters or 1 minuteHeart rate should not exceed 150 beats per minute. At the beginning of the acceleration, you can easily count out loud or sing a song; at the end of the segment, you may not have enough breath to talk, and shortness of breath appears.
rest400 meters or 3 minutesHeart rate should not be below 100 beats per minute. During the jogging or brisk walking phase, you can talk freely.
acceleration200 meters or 1 minute
rest400 meters or 3 minutes
acceleration400 meters or 2 minutesAt this stage, it is important to calculate your strength so as not to get tired and slow down prematurely.
rest400 meters or 3 minutesNo matter how hard it gets, don't stop. If you can't run, take a step. An abrupt stop is harmful to the heart and blood vessels.
acceleration200 meters or 1 minute
rest400 meters or 3 minutes
acceleration200 meters or 1 minute
rest400 meters or 3 minutes
hitch800 meters or 10 minutesSlow running or walking with a heart rate of 100–110 beats per minute.

It is not at all necessary to do interval running training for the same duration as a regular run. If you usually spend 60 minutes on a workout, then 30-40 minutes will be enough for interval running. The distance will also be shorter in the initial stages. This is fine.

Video: interval running for beginners

If you can’t immediately withstand the increased load, you can act gently and gradually, training according to one of the schemes proposed below:

  • fast walking - calm running - acceleration in cycles of 150–200 meters;
  • jogging - running at an average pace - acceleration in cycles of 150-200 meters.

One or more of these cycles can be inserted into your daily runs, gradually increasing the number of “inserts”.

For experienced

We recommend starting your training with a total route length of 6 km, of which 3 km will need to be covered at an accelerated pace. Having a heart rate monitor will be a significant plus.

Table: training program for experienced athletes

warm-up1 km or 10 minutesMeasured running at a heart rate of 100–110 beats per minute. There are several exercises you can do to warm up and prepare for the stress on your large joints and muscles.
acceleration400 meters or 2 minutesHeart rate up to 160 beats/min. Speed ​​10–12 km/h or 1 km in at least 5 minutes 30 seconds.
rest400 meters or 3 minutesHeart rate should not drop below 110 beats/min. Running speed of at least 9 km per hour or 1 km in 7 minutes.
acceleration600 meters or 3 minutesWe calculate our strength in order to go through the entire segment without slowing down.
rest400 meters or 3 minutes
acceleration800 meters or 4 minutesThe most difficult stage of training. We calculate the forces.
rest400 meters or 3 minutesYou can switch to brisk walking if you don’t have the strength to run. We will not stop under any circumstances.
acceleration600 meters or 3 minutes
rest400 meters or 3 minutes
acceleration400 meters or 2 minutes
rest400 meters or 3 minutes
hitch1 km or 10 minutes

The total duration of the workout is no more than 60 minutes. If after training you still have the strength and desire to do more, it is better to increase the intensity next time, but not increase the duration of the session.

Useful video

Watch this video about exercises on a treadmill:

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Recommendations for performing interval running

There are a number of prerequisites that are necessary in order to get the expected effect and maintain health:

  • correct selection of sports shoes: running sneakers or off-road sneakers designed for moving over rough terrain;
  • choosing the optimal place for training: ideally outdoors, but it can also be a treadmill in the gym or at home;
  • compliance with the location and characteristics of the training: running along uneven paths in a park or in the forest is much harder than running on a treadmill;
  • diet: eat one and a half hours before training and two hours after its completion;
  • adequate sleep: training at the expense of a full night's sleep is stress for the body, which can do more harm than good.

Video: interval running as a way to get fit

Interval running burns fat well, so it is ideal for those who want to get in shape.

Also, do not forget about the right attitude. There is no need to run around focusing on how hard the workout is. Can't change your attitude towards what is happening? Reduce the load to a comfortable level, dilute the run with exercises or overcoming simple obstacles, take a friend for a run. In general, try new things and observe how you feel.

If you're looking for an affordable and effective way to get sculpted, lose weight, or increase endurance, try adding interval running to your training schedule. Regular exercise with the right intensity level will certainly give results.

How long will it take to get the first results?

In one workout lasting 30 minutes, 650 Kcal are burned, but only if the lesson was carried out correctly. But you don’t need to expect quick weight loss results - everything is strictly individual. Some people regain their ideal shape after just a month of regular training, while others will need 3 to 6 months to achieve their goal. It is important not to quit classes after some failures, because in this case the already lost weight will quickly return, and even “with supplements.”

If it is not possible to exercise on a treadmill every day, then you need to do this at least 4 times a week and preferably at the same time. In parallel with running, weight loss will be facilitated by a diet - simple restrictions on the amount of food eaten and on sweets, fats and baked goods will speed up the process of returning to a slim figure by half.

After normalizing your weight, you should not stop running! Firstly, you still need to maintain your figure and acquired weight. Secondly, sport is about stabilizing blood pressure, hardening, normalizing sleep, getting rid of stress, depression and preventing vascular diseases.

Monthly training program

Running in the evening for weight loss - how to do it right

Monthly training program

Each lesson should begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. The warm-up includes running exercises, jumping rope or jogging for 5-10 minutes. Also, before starting the next work, you need to perform 3-4 accelerations over a distance of 100 meters to fully prepare the cardiovascular system for the load.

Week 1:

  • first lesson - 100 m sprint alternated with fast walking of 200 m (5 cycles), at the end of 1 km jogging;
  • second session - 100 m of acceleration alternates with 200 m jogging (6 cycles), at the end of 1.5 km of jogging;
  • third lesson - 100 m sprint alternated with 200 m jogging (7 cycles), at the end of 2 km of slow running.

Week 2:

  • first lesson - acceleration of 150 m alternates with fast walking of 300 m (5 cycles), at the end of 1 km of jogging;
  • second lesson - acceleration of 150 m alternates with jogging of 300 m (6 cycles), at the end of 1.5 km of jogging;
  • third lesson - acceleration of 150 m alternates with jogging of 300 (7 cycles), at the end of 2 km of jogging.

Week 3:

  • first lesson - the fastest possible run of 200 m alternates with fast walking of 400 m (5 cycles), at the end of 1 km of slow jogging;
  • second lesson - a fast run of 200 m alternates with a fast walk of 400 m (6 cycles), at the end of a 1.5 km slow jog;
  • third lesson - a fast run of 200 m alternates with a fast walk of 400 m (7 cycles), at the end of a 2 km slow jog.

Week 4:

  • first lesson - 100 m sprint alternating with 200 m jogging (7 cycles), at the end 2 km of slow running;
  • second lesson - acceleration of 150 m alternates with jogging of 300 (7 cycles), at the end of 2 km of jogging;
  • third lesson - a fast run of 200 m alternates with a fast walk of 400 m (7 cycles), at the end of a 2 km slow jog.

You need to monitor your condition throughout the week to avoid feeling overly tired.

Interval running for weight loss: table

Interval trainingCross 30 minutesInterval trainingCross 30 minutesInterval trainingWarm-up and gymnasticsDay off

Interval running allows you not only to lose weight, but also to maintain excellent physical shape. The correct choice of intensity will allow you to get great pleasure from the activity.

Duration of training

How much time should you devote to interval running to lose weight? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since the level of stress depends on the degree of obesity and your own desires. In addition, when drawing up a training program, you should take into account your own physical capabilities. Don't push yourself too hard, as this will do more harm than good.

As soon as you start exercising, you will immediately make sure that your strength is enough for a maximum of 20-30 seconds of intense sprinting. The main thing is not to strive to demonstrate high performance from the first days, but to gradually raise the bar. A little later in this article, a detailed plan will be presented, designed for people with different levels of training. You can strictly adhere to it or make certain changes by adapting the running program to suit you.

How to run properly using technique

Interval running technique

Running program for weight loss

There are rules that must be followed to achieve the desired result. There are five principles here:

  • intensity - should be at the level of 70-100%;
  • duration - about 30 minutes, but it all depends on the level of preparation and intensity of the training;
  • intensity of the recovery period - usually brisk walking or jogging is used;
  • the duration of the recovery period depends on the power level and the size of the previous interval, that is, the body must recover and be ready for the next race;
  • number of segments - a large number of running segments allows you to complete a sufficient amount of work and burn extra calories.

If you consider these five components, you can build a good workout.

Important! At the limit of its capabilities, the body can work for a limited amount of time, so in no case should the recovery period between sprint intervals be removed from the program. However, if a person’s initial goal is to improve their endurance, then they can simply reduce the rest time.

The lesson itself can be structured according to the following principles:

  • by time;
  • by distance.

The first is the most optimal and convenient way. You just need to set the required number of segments and allocate the amount of time for each of them. Accordingly, during the training you will need a stopwatch. Example training session:

  • a minute of fast running;
  • 2 minutes of jogging;
  • 2 minutes of fast running;
  • 3 minutes jogging;
  • 3 minutes of running with acceleration;
  • 3 minutes recovery;
  • 2 minutes acceleration;
  • minute of recovery;
  • minute of acceleration;
  • minute of recovery.

The second scheme is suitable for people who run in stadiums with a marked track. Eg:

  • 400 m acceleration;
  • 400 m recovery;
  • 800 m acceleration;
  • 400 m recovery;
  • 800 m sprint;
  • 800 m jogging;
  • 1000 m acceleration;
  • 800 m recovery.

Note! During training, it is very important to monitor your heart rate. The maximum value can be calculated using a special formula. A man needs to subtract his age from 220. A woman needs to replace the number 220 with 226.

How much and when to study

How much and when should you do interval running?

Beginning runners should start with low-intensity training. At first, two races per week will be enough, and the sprint segments should be shorter than the rest intervals.

Already experienced athletes can exercise 3 times a week. However, it is also worth considering other training sessions. For example, working out in the gym.

You can exercise both in the morning and in the evening. However, you should not run immediately after waking up, since the body is just waking up at this time. The best option is to train 1.5-2 hours after a light breakfast.


The place has been chosen, the sneakers have been purchased, you are ready to actively lose weight. It's time to start an interval running program. A time table helps you visualize the process:

  1. 800 m or 10 minutes we calmly run and accelerate the blood in the muscles;
  1. you need to run one minute or 200 meters, as if to get your favorite cookie before closing the store (very quickly);
  1. 400 meters or three minutes we restore our breathing and continue running at a moderate pace.
  1. within a minute we rush like a jaguar;
  1. We repeat the sequence of actions up to several times (depending on how you feel and your strength).

Remember: be sure to warm up after finishing any exercise. This allows you to improve the elasticity of tissues, stretch your muscles well to avoid hellish morning torment.

Program for Beginners

Taking into account all the above rules for conducting interval training, you can create a training program for the week. An example of such a plan for beginners is presented in the table.

Days1st interval (speed, time in minutes)2nd interval (speed, time in minutes)3rd interval (speed, time in minutes)4th interval (speed, time in minutes)5th interval (speed, time in minutes)6th interval (speed, time in minutes)7th interval (speed, time in minutes)Total workout duration (minutes)
Monday (1 week)6 km/h, 39 km/h, 16 km/h, 39 km/h, 16 km/h, 39 km/h, 1 minute6 km/h, 3 minutes15
Monday (week 2)7 km/h, 512 km/h, 27 km/h, 512 km/h, 27 km/h, 519
Monday (week 3)7–9 km/h, 512–15 km/h, 27–9 km/h, 512–15 km/h, 27–9 km/h, 519
Thursday (week 3)9 km/h, 315 km/h, 19 km/h, 315 km/h, 19 km/h, 315 km/h, 19 km/h, 315
Monday (week 4)9 km/h, 515 km/h, 29 km/h, 515 km/h, 29 km/h, 519
Thursday (week 4)9 km/h, 515–17 km/h, 29 km/h, 515–17 km/h, 29 km/h, 515–17 km/h, 221

The presented program is designed for a month. You can't do interval training every day. Therefore, classes should be held 1-2 times a week.

You can run in the morning, afternoon or evening. Morning workouts are more effective for weight loss, since the body's glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves are empty after sleep. Therefore, the energy for jogging will immediately come from the fat layer.

Who shouldn't run intervals?

There are some diagnoses that make it impossible to run so fast. But the main lighthouse in the running sea will be your inner feelings:

  1. If your joints hurt while running, and when you accelerate they hurt even more, you will have to give up sprinting until the causes are eliminated.
  2. If the heart does not beat monotonously, intermittently, sometimes there are short- or long-term disruptions in the rhythm - for now you can only run at a slow jog.
  3. If you have problems with the respiratory system, you may experience constant shortness of breath. Unfortunately, in such cases, only brisk walking for short distances is often acceptable, so experiment with walking instead of running. Why not?
  4. After abdominal surgery, you should not run at all until a scar is formed (prevention of hernias and suture dehiscence).
  5. If blood starts flowing from your nose during intense exercise, you may have high blood pressure. In this case, sprinting may harm you, even if you are otherwise feeling well.

Some of the problems listed above can be solved, while others cannot. For example, if you have flat feet, it is painful to run without special insoles. If you don’t buy them, you won’t be able to run even on a treadmill. The issue can be resolved by purchasing the right orthopedic insoles.

High blood pressure is treated with medication, and the postoperative period is not lifelong - everything will recover over time. Heart problems require constant monitoring by a cardiologist. He will suggest you undergo bicycle ergometry, which will show your tolerance to stress and the possibility of cardiac failure.

And people who are obese should not run at this pace. First you need to lose weight to the optimal level, then practice interval running to lose weight. And it’s best to start on a treadmill, gradually accustoming your body to running.

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