Varieties and nuances of performing deadlifts, replacement options

Dead lift with a barbell on straight legs is a variation of the classic deadlift. This type of athletic movement has gained wide popularity among girls due to the shift of the main load from the front of the thigh to the gluteal muscle.

Unlike the original exercise, the deadlift places fewer demands on the athlete's level of physical fitness, stretching and joint flexibility. Thanks to this feature, Dead lift can be performed both in the gym and at home.

Features of deadlift

Deadlifts with a barbell for girls are no different from similar sports movements for men. In both cases, identical muscle groups are involved, and the technique of performing the exercise does not change at all.

However, the deadlift has a number of significant differences in relation to other types of barbell deadlifts:

  • When performing a deadlift, the muscles of the upper and lower parts of the body are evenly involved in the work. Lowering the sports equipment to knee level occurs due to flexion at the hip joint. In this case, the pelvis moves slightly relative to its original position. The second phase of the movement (the barbell touches the floor surface) occurs due to bending of the legs at the knee joint. In this case, the pelvis evenly lowers down and moves back. By combining these two movements, the load on the hamstring muscles is reduced. Performing deadlifts eliminates the second phase of the movement.
  • Dead lift is performed with a narrow position of the hands on the sports equipment. The wide placement of the hands on the barbell when performing the classic deadlift is due to a decrease in the trajectory of movement, and therefore a large working weight. Girls do not need to use heavy weights to train their buttocks. It is much more important to create conditions for maximum stretching of the target muscles. As in the classic competitive movement, the grip can be either direct (the hands are facing the practitioner) or combined (direct and reverse). In the second case, hands should be alternated.

Deadlift with a barbell for girls, dumbbells, elastic band. Technique of execution on straight, bent legs

  • Due to the peculiarities of the execution technique and the absence of the need to use large workloads, straight-legged deadlifts can be performed with various types of equipment: barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells and elastic bands.

Option 3. Romanian deadlift on one leg in Smith

A more sustainable option, but less effective for the target muscles, is to perform single-leg deadlifts on a Smith machine. The technique remains the same, the main thing is to choose the correct starting position. Come closer to the bar located at the level of the pelvis, grab it with a medium grip and remove it from the loops. Do not stand too far from the bar, otherwise you will shift your center of gravity and the weight of the bar will pull your body forward. Therefore, find a support point, and when lowering the bar, the pelvis should freely move back, shifting the body weight to the heel.

What kind of girls is it suitable for?

Even a beginner can master the technique of performing it. However, you should include stiff-legged deadlifts in your training split no earlier than 2-3 months after the start of training. Such restrictions are associated with the need to comply with security measures.

Girls and men who have recently started sports activities do not have the necessary elasticity of muscles and ligaments, which is necessary to perform deadlifts.

Also, during the movement, a large load falls on the stabilizer muscles. In particular, the long extensors of the back are involved in the work. For many people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, these muscles become weak. To strengthen them and give them tone, at least 2 months of regular training are required.

Women over 45-50 years old should also give up straight-legged deadlifts. This is due to age-related changes in the human body. Heavy barbell training should be replaced with exercises performed using machines. An alternative to deadlifts is hyperextension torso extensions.

How to do the crane exercise: advanced version

Remember that in this position, the Romanian deadlift on 1 leg is a difficult and traumatic exercise, so the crane exercise is only for experienced men and women!

  1. First, you need to place the sports equipment on a small elevation, for example, a singing platform. After this, lift one leg and slowly lean forward towards the hip joint. At this moment, the working leg should straighten and as a result form a straight line with the body.
  2. A secret and very effective exercise for the buttocks: one-leg Romanian deadlift

  3. Once in this position, bend the knee joint of the supporting leg and take the implements in your hands. Straighten your body by tightening the muscles of your buttocks. To make it easier to maintain balance, your hips should move back. After this, you need to return the dumbbells to the elevated position. Between repetitions, the apparatus must lie completely on the platform. Professionals can do this exercise without a step platform or bench. But in this case, the exercise becomes more difficult.

For the exercise to be as effective as possible, the working leg and body must move synchronously . Your movements should resemble the work of a well crane.

For beginners, this movement can be quite difficult and traumatic, so you shouldn’t do it!

Is it possible to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time?

Benefits of Strength Exercise

Deadlifts with a barbell for girls have a number of advantages over aerobic training or training on simulators. Strength exercises with a barbell promote rapid fat burning. The straight-legged deadlift from a standing position engages a large number of muscle fibers.

The muscles of the female body are forced to generate significant force. This helps burn a lot of energy and, as a result, leads to rapid weight loss. In this case, excess weight reduction is carried out by increasing the tone of target muscle groups, and not by reducing the volume of fluid in the body.

Deadlift with a barbell for girls, dumbbells, elastic band. Technique of execution on straight, bent legs

The benefits of deadlifts and other free weight exercises come from more than just an increase in the amount of energy burned during the workout.

Strength exercises speed up your metabolism. Girls working out in the gym speed up their metabolism. This means that weight loss processes occur during periods of rest and during work. Performing deadlifts helps reduce waist size.

Weight training in girls does not lead to an increase in muscle volume. Due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body, strength training only helps to give the gluteal and leg muscles natural shapes and the skin elasticity.

Exercises with additional weight strengthen joints, ligaments and bones. Heavy exercise increases the body's calcium intake. Which also has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and teeth. When performing deadlifts on straight legs, the knee joints are strengthened. During the exercise, they are filled with a special liquid and are lubricated.


Exercises with free weights are contraindicated if the girl exercising has the following characteristics:

Injuries to the knees and hip jointWhen performing deadlifts with a barbell, these joints bear the main load. The heaviness of the weight of the sports equipment and the large amplitude of movement create conditions for increased injury risk in these joints. Therefore, even if there is slight damage, it is recommended to abandon this exercise.
PhlebeurysmWhen performing deadlifts on straight legs, the bed hugs the working muscles. As a result, blood pressure increases, and with it the load on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, if you have varicose veins, you should give up deadlifts.
Spinal injuriesThis athletic movement should not be performed if the spine is damaged. Depending on the severity of the injury, axial or bending loads on the back may be contraindicated for a girl or woman. Before starting exercise in the gym, you should consult your doctor.
RachiocampsisIf you have kyphosis or scoliosis, it is recommended to avoid heavy back exercises with barbells and dumbbells.
Individual contraindicationsGirls and women suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus and other diseases that limit physical activity should not perform dead exercises.

Option 2. Romanian single leg deadlift with dumbbells

This option is performed according to the same scheme, only dumbbells are used as equipment. They can be held in a pronated position of the shoulder joints, that is, similar to a barbell technique - with the backs of the hands facing outward. You can also hold dumbbells with a parallel grip, it all depends on the morphological characteristics of the body.

You can also perform the exercise with one dumbbell, holding it in the hand opposite your supporting leg. Also change to the other side. The weight should not be too heavy, otherwise the balance will deteriorate and the dumbbell will be pulled to the side. Also, instead of dumbbells, the equipment can be weights.

Muscles involved

The deadlift with a barbell for girls is a basic multifaceted exercise. During its implementation, a large number of small and large muscle groups are involved. The core muscles take an active part in the movement process.

The abdominal press and oblique muscles of the abdomen perform a stabilizing function, supporting the body in a level position. The biceps experience a stretching force when holding a barbell with straight arms. The deltas and forearms are included in the work.

The adductor muscles of the inner thigh are also intensively involved. The trapezius muscles experience static loads, allowing you to maintain correct posture in everyday life. The entire postural chain of the girl’s back body is trained.

However, the main load is distributed between the 3 largest muscle groups:

  • Back extensors. These are paired muscles located along the spine in the lower back. They are responsible for maintaining the anatomically correct shape of the lumbar spine. When performing deadlifts on straight legs, these muscles have the heaviest load among all the muscle fibers of the upper body of the exercising girl.
  • Gluteal muscles. The gluteus maximus muscle is the main target group for girls performing straight-legged deadlifts. Pulling the pelvis back, during the negative phase of the movement, promotes maximum stretching of this muscle. And the simultaneous use of additional weights contributes to its deep development. When lifting a sports equipment from the bottom point to the starting position, a peak contraction of the buttocks occurs. A similar effect cannot be achieved by any other athletic movement.

Deadlift with a barbell for girls, dumbbells, elastic band. Technique of execution on straight, bent legs

  • Biceps femoris . This is the biceps muscle, which is responsible for bending the leg and bringing the heel towards the buttocks. Developed hamstrings form a clear boundary between the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the legs.

Barbell technique


Grasp the bar, located on the racks at the level of the pelvis, evenly with a medium grip and remove it from the racks, hold it with straight arms.


Shift your body weight to your right foot, keeping your knees slightly bent.


Lift your left foot off the floor and move your heel back slightly without touching the floor.


Squeeze your shoulder blades together to stabilize your thoracic region and tighten your abdominal muscles, keeping your lower back in a natural arch.


As you inhale, slowly lean your body forward, lowering the bar along your hips in a vertical line. The knee of the supporting leg bends slightly and allows you to move the pelvis back a little, transferring the body weight to the heel. Lower the bar just below the knee, selecting an individual range of motion depending on the elasticity of your own muscles.


When bending, the free leg, bent at the knee, is pulled back along the line of the spine. It is important that when bending forward, the pelvis is so stable that the ilia are constantly in the same plane, that is, the pelvis and torso do not roll over to one side or the other.


As you exhale, tensing your gluteal muscles and all stabilizers, rise up a little faster, also keeping the bar closer to your leg. While straightening your torso completely, keep your free leg suspended.


Thus, perform the required number of times on one leg and immediately change to the other side, performing the same number of repetitions.

Sports equipment and deadlift devices for girls

Deadlifts can be performed by girls not only with a barbell.

The exercise has several basic variations:

  • Deadlift using a barbell. Any equipment is suitable for implementation. However, preference should be given to sports equipment with variable weights. Progression of the load when performing deadlifts on straight legs is an integral part of obtaining results.
  • Dumbbell rows. When performing deadlifts with dumbbells, the load shifts closer to the center of gravity of the girl doing the exercise. Maintaining balance in this case becomes easier. At the same time, when performing deadlifts on straight legs, the load on the lumbar spine is reduced. Therefore, this type of exercise is preferable for beginners. Dead lift on straight legs with dumbbells has one significant drawback - high costs when exercising at home. To ensure the proper level of load progression, you need to have a wide range of dumbbells or spend a lot of time adding additional weights to the bars of sports equipment (about 2.5 times more than adding weights to a barbell).
  • Deadlift with kettlebell. The most inconvenient, but possible way to perform the exercise. Due to the shape of the sports equipment, performing straight-legged deadlifts with a kettlebell or kettlebells is awkward. The spherical shape forces you to move the equipment far forward, unnecessarily straining your hands. The kettlebell touches your hips and knees, which can cause discomfort. In addition, when performing deadlifts with this equipment, the girl practicing is forced to place her hands on the handle of the weight close to each other. At the same time, the shoulders move forward and round slightly. In this case, it becomes more difficult to bring the shoulder blades together and strain the muscles of the upper back. This affects the safety of the exercise.

Lightweight technology

You need to understand that the Romanian single-leg deadlift is an already complicated version of the classic Romanian double-leg deadlift. The trick is that you not only need to straighten your leg, but also maintain your balance. This forces many stabilizer muscles to work. The exercise works well on the buttock of the working leg.

In this variation of the exercise, one leg will be working, and the other will be resting at this time. Some authors recommend lifting your resting leg up, but even with minimal weight it is difficult to maintain balance with this approach. Therefore, a better and safer option would be to take one leg back and place it on your toes to stabilize your balance.

A secret and very effective exercise for the buttocks: one-leg Romanian deadlift

  1. You need to raise your knee as high as possible so that the target muscle group can feel the load. At the same time, the leg that stands on the floor tenses , as well as the abdominal muscles, which act as a stabilizer ( Analysis of the most effective abdominal exercises ).
  2. The body slowly bends forward at the hips and the non-working leg is moved back . While in this position, the supporting leg stands on the toe and is sure to bend slightly at the knee joint. After this, you can take the dumbbells/barbell from the platform.
  3. A secret and very effective exercise for the buttocks: one-leg Romanian deadlift

  4. The body is straightened and lowered by contracting the gluteal muscles . The hips are pulled back to maintain balance and the dumbbells are placed in the starting position. It is important to make sure that the dumbbells or barbell rest completely on it between repetitions.

Full and partial amplitude. Work within the amplitude. Pumping

Choice of weight

Selection of weights when performing at the rate of 12-15 repetitions in one approach. In this case, only the last 3-4 repetitions should be performed with significant muscle tension, and the first 10-12 repetitions serve as a deep and intense warm-up. They prepare the girl's muscles for really hard work.

The weight can be selected in the following way:

  • You need to warm up without weights. To do this, it is enough to perform a set of simple joint gymnastics exercises.
  • Warm up with an empty barbell or light dumbbells. It is necessary to perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Warm up until light sweat appears.

Deadlift with a barbell for girls, dumbbells, elastic band. Technique of execution on straight, bent legs

  • Next you should add 2.5 kg to the bar. Perform 6-8 repetitions with this weight. If the exercise is easy to perform and you do not feel tired from repetitions, then you should add another 2.5 kg. In this case, the rest period between attempts should not be less than 90 seconds, but not exceed 3 minutes.
  • It is worth performing the specified sequence of actions until 7-8 repetitions begin to be given with noticeable difficulty. The weight installed on the barbell is the working weight for the girl.

Weight lifting when working with dumbbells is carried out in a similar way. The process takes from 5 to 15 minutes. Therefore, the results obtained should be recorded in a training journal. Increasing the weight is carried out if the last repetitions in each approach are easy.


Before starting your workout, you need to warm up. Classical exercises and joint gymnastics are the best choice for girls training with weights. Rotational movements of the head and swings of the arms at the shoulder and elbow joints should be performed smoothly.

Jerks are not allowed. Tilts of the body forward, backward and to the sides must be performed with a shortened amplitude. The main purpose of warming up is to warm up the body and speed up blood flow. It is also necessary to perform 5-10 deep squats.

Deadlifts with a barbell for girls should be performed strictly after hyperextension of the body.

High-quality training of the back extensors and gluteal muscles will reduce the risk of injury. Before starting your workout, you should perform several warm-up sets with an empty barbell or light dumbbells. This is necessary so that the nervous system of the girl practicing adapts to the hard work ahead.

Gluteal muscles and “single exercises”

The impact of “one-legged” exercises on the musculoskeletal system determines their place in the training program. Standing on one leg creates an additional torque that brings the hip of the supporting leg, the pelvis, and with it the entire upper body. The unsupported leg acts in this case as a burden, which leads to an increase in the force that needs to be produced by the hip abductor muscles. Hip abduction is carried out by the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, respectively, these muscles receive an additional stimulus for development.

Technique for performing deadlifts at home

The technique of performing deadlifts on straight legs or legs bent at an angle of 160-170 degrees does not have any significant differences.

Deadlift with a barbell for girls, dumbbells, elastic band. Technique of execution on straight, bent legs

Stage nameDescription
Initial positionThe stage includes lifting the barbell and taking the starting position. The loaded bar can be removed either from the floor or from the racks. In the first case, you need to approach the bar in such a way that the bar of the sports equipment is next to the shin, but does not touch it. Then you should lean towards the barbell and grab it with a shoulder-width grip. In this case, the back should be straight and the shoulder blades should be brought together. The type of grip doesn't matter. Next, the rod is undermined and returned to a vertical position. When removing equipment from racks, it is removed in a similar way.
Negative phase of movementThe rod is lowered smoothly. It is necessary to monitor the position of your feet. They must be parallel to each other. It is important to maintain a natural curve in the lower back. The shoulder blades should be retracted. Lowering is accomplished by moving the pelvis back. In this case, the knees only move slightly back. They are not allowed to move forward. In this case, the girl will not perform a deadlift, but a classic deadlift. The load from the gluteal muscles will shift to the quadriceps of the thigh.
Positive phase of movementWhen the bar reaches knee level or slightly below, you should stop moving down and begin lifting the sports equipment to its original position. In this case, you need to monitor the position of your back. The movement should be carried out by contracting the gluteal muscles and hamstrings.

On straight legs

Deadlifts on straight legs are performed in accordance with the described technique. However, when performing this type of movement, the amplitude of movement should be shortened. Also, this type of exercise emphasizes the load on the hamstrings.

On bent legs

Performed in strict accordance with the technique described above.

Deadlift with a barbell for girls, dumbbells, elastic band. Technique of execution on straight, bent legs

When performing deadlifts with dumbbells on bent legs, it is allowed to change the trajectory of the sports equipment to the sides. In this case, the dumbbells practically touch the hips, the load on the lower back is reduced, and the amplitude of movement increases.

On one leg

To perform this version of the exercise, use a bench or fitness platform. The girl places her supporting leg under the center of gravity, and takes the other leg back and places it on the support. Traction is carried out similarly to the recommendation described above.

Alternative variations of the Romanian deadlift

In situations where an athlete or coach wants to replace the Romanian deadlift with something due to lower back or spinal pain, fatigue or a desire to diversify the training program, the following exercises can be used: Good morning. This is a good alternative exercise to enhance the development of the lower back and glutes while limiting the stress on the hamstrings, which are less involved. Most often performed with a barbell or expander.

Reverse hyperextensions are a very good exercise for working the buttocks and muscles that straighten the spine (its lower part), without loading the back of the thigh. The fact is that the movement occurs in the hip joint, and not in the knee or ankle. You can do it with weights, on a reverse hyperextension machine, or simply with your own body weight.

Glute ham raises are used to work the hamstrings in isolation with minimal stress on the spine. Suitable for people who want to protect their back due to injuries or too intense stress. Mostly performed with your own weight or a small weight pressed to the chest. Done with a lot of repetitions.

Scandinavian hamstring curls. Very similar to the previous exercise. The same muscles are loaded. Performed with the help of a partner, and, as a rule, done only with your own weight.

Possible mistakes

When performing deadlifts with a barbell or dumbbells, girls make the following mistakes:

  • Rounding of the lumbar spine. Violation of the technique of performing the exercise is associated with incorrect selection of weights and can lead to serious injury.
  • Bend your knees . This error occurs more often than others. The straight-legged barbell row turns into a classic deadlift. In this case, the gluteal muscle does not work properly and the girl does not get the desired effect from the training.
  • Body tilts. Deadlifts are performed as forward bends with a barbell. During the movement, there is no backward abduction of the pelvis, and the sports equipment is located far from the hip. In this case, the load on the back increases.

Romanian deadlift with kettlebells

Kettlebells are an excellent piece of equipment for home workouts, various fitness rooms and sports centers. Used to increase strength and train movements.

Unlike the Romanian barbell deadlift, using a kettlebell (or dumbbells) helps eliminate asymmetrical (one-sided) muscle development and better strengthen your back, since each side can be worked independently of each other. More often used as an auxiliary exercise for training programs for gaining muscle mass.

When do the results of training appear?

Girls will feel the effect of performing deadlifts with a barbell or dumbbells the next day after training. The muscles in the back of your thighs will ache. It will become difficult to bend your leg at the knee. To avoid such consequences, you should introduce barbell rows into the training process gradually. The visual effect of the exercises will be visible 2-3 months after the start of the exercise.

Deadlift with a barbell for girls, dumbbells, elastic band. Technique of execution on straight, bent legs
Deadlifts with a barbell for girls are an accessible and effective exercise.

Deadlifts with a barbell or dumbbells are a powerful tool in building a beautiful figure and giving the gluteal muscles a rounded shape. Also, the exercise will help girls get rid of excess weight and speed up their metabolism. Which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

In Smith

If you are a beginner (up to 1 year of experience) and have poorly developed , back and leg muscles , but want to feel your hamstrings as much as possible, then the Smith machine (and a small elevation) will be the best option for you.

The guide supports have a given trajectory of movement and the imbalance of the body will be minimal. You can start with light weights and without a “boosting” platform. As your muscle growth and technical skills increase, increase the weight of the structure in the power frame and use the platform.

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