Purple tea Chang Shu: negative reviews from doctors

In the age of information technology, there are so many scams on the Internet . Many people try to buy for “three kopecks” and sell for “three rubles.” Today this behavior is called a market economy, but there are things that stand out even from this beautiful and deceitful definition. Chang Shu blue tea is considered a panacea for many ills, including obesity. It is sold for a fabulous price, which can reach 2000 rubles per bag . But it’s difficult to call this drink miraculous. Let's figure out what the buyer's money scam is this time.

What do manufacturers write on the packaging?

When advertising tea, the emphasis is placed on the areola of growth and the exotic nature of the butterfly pea (clitoris triad). It turned out that the plant has been grown by Tibetan monks in the mountains for 6,000 years and the petals are collected by hand. The harsh climate and oxygen deficiency forced the flower to adapt to difficult conditions, which had a positive effect on the chemical composition.

However, besides Tibet, it grows in all regions of Southeast Asia. Tourists in Thailand are offered it at every turn as a cooling drink with ice. When lemon is added, the drink turns purple. If a plant has the ability to burn fat and speed up metabolic processes, why focus on dubious facts? Probably to increase sales and increase cost.

Another point of view

Some people who are losing weight claim that they have used the tea and experienced negative effects. The drink greatly provokes thirst and dries out the body from the inside. Because of this, a person constantly drinks liquid, disturbing the water balance. Excess water accumulates, causing bloating and swelling. At the same time, colic and pain in the peritoneum appear.

It was noticed that some consumers, after using the “miracle” product, gained a lot of weight instead of losing weight. Since the tea is completely tasteless and cloying, it is impossible to drink it without adding sugar. A sweet product, after penetration into the body, provokes weight gain.

The disadvantages of tea also include its high cost. Only a trial course of the drink costs almost 2,000 rubles, followed by an initial course of 3,980 rubles, and then a full course - almost 5,000. At the same time, you have to pay for delivery. Only if you purchase the full course it is free.

Health effect

Negative reviews from experts about Chang Shu tea are not aimed at the properties of the plant, but at an unsubstantiated statement about the breakdown of fat cells.

Benefits of tea:

  • removes liquid;
  • cleanses the body;
  • partially solves digestive problems;
  • has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves the condition of the skin and smoothes out facial wrinkles;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • increases visual acuity;
  • relaxes the nervous system.

The result provides a unique composition of the clitoris triad with an antioxidant complex. The invaluable benefits of natural components are undeniable, but as doctors assure, they are present in all herbs only in different volumes. Flavonoids have:

  • detoxifying;
  • bactericidal;
  • immunomodulatory properties;
  • have a cardioprotective effect.

However, there is no need to be critical of the product. When consumed correctly, the drink benefits the body.

Chang Shu purple tea for weight loss - composition and price, instructions for use and contraindications

Herbal drinks are very beneficial for the body and have a huge number of positive properties. Among them is Tibetan tea Chang Shu. Judging by the reviews, this drink is a source of beauty, youth and health, which, among other things, helps you lose weight. Read what effects it has, how it is brewed and consumed.

Properties of Chang Shu purple tea

The healing drink is prepared from a high-mountain plant that grows in Nepal and Tibet. Flowers for tea leaves are collected twice a year by hand, but the leaves are not used.

The color of the drink is purple, with a slight tint of blue. It’s difficult to even list all the good properties of Chang Shu tea, their list is so large. There are no negative reviews from doctors regarding it.

Benefits of drinking purple tea:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • affects the condition of the skin, makes it elastic, tones;
  • Chang Shu calms and relaxes;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out and has a rejuvenating effect;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Purple tea is good for hair, it strengthens it and prevents the appearance of gray hair;
  • strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic;
  • improves vision;
  • strengthens nails;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart;
  • reduces the risk of gynecological problems;
  • has a fat-burning effect, accelerates metabolism;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • has a positive effect on the reproductive system;
  • for the prevention of stroke, heart attack.

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Most women take purple tea to lose weight while enjoying other beneficial effects.

It contains components that promote the proper absorption of substances entering the body from food. The best results can be achieved by balancing your diet and exercising.

The components of the drink remove excess fluid and make the skin elastic, so that after the extra pounds are gone, it will not sag.

The Tibetan drink contains a huge number of biologically active substances and amino acids. Chang Shu purple tea contains:

  1. Bioflavonoid. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes cholesterol accumulation.
  2. Dopamine. A component that helps brain cells transmit signals. Improves mood, strengthens memory. Promotes faster saturation.
  3. Vitamins. Strengthen the immune system.
  4. Synephrine. Burns fat, both internal and subcutaneous.
  5. Catechins. Antioxidants that promote weight loss. They have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Break down fat deposits.
  6. Chromium compounds. Suppress appetite, strengthen muscles and nervous system. Helps in the fight against depression.
  7. Methylxanthine. Has a fat burning effect.
  8. Thiamine. An amino acid that opens up the body's reserves. Indispensable for people experiencing stress. Tones.
  9. Luteins. Good for vision.
  10. Tannins. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, preventing gastritis and ulcers.
  11. Caffeine. Tones the body, makes it more resilient, burns fat.

The drink must be made in portions. It is recommended to brew Chang Shu tea according to the following instructions:

  1. Place 4-7 flowers of the plant in a cup.
  2. Pour in 200-250 ml of hot water. It is strictly forbidden to use boiling water; it will kill the beneficial properties.
  3. Infuse purple tea for 10 minutes. It will take on a blue tint.
  4. Chang Shu is very fragrant. You can add honey and lemon to purple tea.
  5. The entire cup should be taken at one time.

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How to drink purple tea for weight loss

The drink must be taken in courses. Chang Shu slimming tea should be drunk three cups per day in the first week. This is followed by a seven-day break, then use resumes.

Anchan medicinal blue tea for weight loss is not recommended to be taken for more than three months. Do not make the drink too strong, follow the dosage. In addition, you should not combine it with other weight loss teas.

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The cumulative effect can negatively affect health.

Contraindications for Chang Shu purple tea

There are no products that are equally suitable for all people. Contraindications for Chang Shu tea:

  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • childhood;
  • lactation;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure).

Chang Shu purple tea price

The healing product can be ordered online or purchased at a regular pharmacy. There are packages of different sizes on sale.

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Based on weight, the price of purple tea ranges from 650-1200 rubles per package. Be careful when choosing a supplier.

Unscrupulous sellers may take money from you for a counterfeit product, the use of which not only will not benefit the body, but can also be dangerous.

Source: https://sovets.net/10130-purpurnyiy-chay-chang-shu.html

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in 2 weeks with tea?

The manufacturer claims that when taking Chang Shu, weight loss occurs naturally. If the plant has a laxative effect, this is natural, but losing 700 g per day without correcting your diet and habits is impossible. During this time, water will leave the tissues, the volume of the “rollers” on the sides and back will decrease, but the fatty tissue will remain in place. After you stop taking it, everything will come back again. If you drink only tea, sudden weight loss may result in liver failure.

The claim that methylxanthate (an organic compound from the flowers) burns fat is not justified. In reviews, experts unanimously claim that the alkaloid has only an antispasmodic effect:

  • relieves swelling of the bronchi;
  • improves renal blood circulation;
  • removes water from the body and reduces blood pressure.

It has nothing to do with the breakdown of fat. Dopamine, acting as a neurotransmitter, does stimulate the burning of calories, but since it is present only in the root, it does not enter the bloodstream. The petals contain synephrine and caffeine, which have a weak effect on adipocytes.

Medication contraindications

Before you start drinking tea, you should conduct a small analysis of your body.

Medication contraindications

Make sure there are no restrictions. A small category of people includes allergy sufferers who may have negative reactions to certain components of the product.

In addition, the following symptomatic diseases are a warning for use:

  • hypotension;
  • ferrum deficiency;
  • anorexia; severe heart disease;
  • hemophilia and bleeding disorders.

The drink should only be consumed by lactating and pregnant women after consultation. A negative effect is observed when combining tea with drugs that reduce hematopoiesis.

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Reviews: what experts say


I bought 3 packs of tea. I drink according to the instructions - a cup after meals 3 times. Tell me why there is no result?

Irina Alekseevna, general practitioner

The tea has not undergone clinical trials, so you should not get carried away with it. An excess of vitamins is fraught with no less serious consequences than their deficiency. Herbal tea made from moth peas cannot be considered a panacea for fat. The result will appear only with an integrated approach.

Maria Valentinovna, endocrinologist

When people with diabetes come to me, I first suggest normalizing their weight. In addition to physical activity, I recommend drinking herbal infusions with a laxative effect to cleanse the body. In my opinion, you shouldn’t drink more than a cup of tea a day. It can harm women's health.

Nazar Vladimirovich, nutritionist

I have not yet formed a clear opinion about the drink, since there is not enough information. However, promises of rapid weight loss are clearly exaggerated. I can only judge it by the chemical composition of butterfly peas. Indeed, the plant can benefit the body and protect against cancer. The fact that it contains synephrine does not mean anything, especially since it cannot be combined with caffeine for intensive weight loss. But components in tiny doses can be ignored. I adhere to the point of view that the drink can serve as an auxiliary in a complex system.

Violetta Alexandrovna, nutritionist

I can’t yet make a “diagnosis” for tea. It's difficult to talk about a little-studied product. No studies were conducted in Russia, and a quality certificate could not be found. The results are impressive, but it seems to me that this is a marketing ploy.

Having studied the composition, I admit that flowers can activate metabolism, but I don’t believe in doing anything and losing weight. I am a doctor and know well how systems and organs function. Even if you follow a diet, you need to exercise to tighten your skin. If someone thinks that he needs to drink a drink, please, but without fanaticism. Advice from an expert - give up high-calorie foods, drink clean water, walk 4 km at a brisk pace.

After reading the competent opinion of experts, everyone has the right to decide whether they need to buy purple tea. The main thing is not to place your hopes on him and make efforts to lose weight yourself.

Read the weight loss story...

Purple tea for weight loss

How many weight loss drugs have already been produced, but still something new is constantly appearing on the pharmaceutical market. Today I will talk about my acquaintance with Changu Shu Purple Tea, as experts say, “a new word in weight loss.”

You can buy this miracle drink on the official website. I did just that and I can be proud that I did not suffer at the hands of scammers.

But so as not to be impolite, I’ll introduce myself. I'm Irina and I'm 32 years old and I'm overweight. I have never been thin, but I have always managed to maintain a stable weight. This was the case until I was 25. But after the birth of my first child, I gained a lot of weight; I managed to lose only 9 kg out of the 17 I had gained.

Result: 8 kg that remained with me. Then I got used to my new weight, and life returned to normal. But almost 2 years ago I became pregnant for the second time. During pregnancy, I gained a lot of excess weight. When I went to give birth, my weight exceeded 120 kg.

It was a disaster, I decided that after the maternity hospital I would immediately go to the gym. As soon as I could exercise after giving birth, I was already in the gym, and in 9 months I lost about 40 kg on my own. But then the number on the scale stopped moving, and mine was stuck at 86.

And then I began to think about what to do next.

It was during this period that I often heard about a new weight loss product, Chang Shu Purple Tea. I admit, I am a skeptic and do not believe in miracles. I just know that you need to work hard to achieve something. That's why I didn't immediately pay attention to Chang Shu.

Everything changed when I saw a classmate who had noticeably transformed. When asked how she managed to lose weight, she replied that she drinks purple tea to lose weight. In response, I smiled sweetly, but she advised me to look at the official website where the drug is sold, look at the reviews of doctors and those people who have already tried the tea.

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Opinions of experts and ordinary people

Naturally, I went on the Internet to find reviews about Chang Shu purple tea, because if it is really as good as it is praised, then I will definitely need to buy it.

I was skeptical, so I subconsciously looked for negative reviews. First of all, I went to women's forums. There should have been real reviews of purple tea.

I started looking, and to my surprise, I found virtually no complaints about the weight loss product. Here is one such review:

After such a review, a voice immediately began to ring in my head: “We swam, we know!” I’ve also tried a lot of drugs in my life, I lost a lot of weight on them, only then all the lost kilograms came back and brought a couple more with them. I didn’t rely on this review and started looking for an expert’s opinion, and this is what I found:

Of course, I was a little reassured that nutritionists know about this remedy, but I wouldn’t want to purchase the drug and then drink something unknown. Instead of tea, some kind of chemistry could come. I began to further collect all the information about purple tea.

What the official website told me

So, the official website presenting this product is very bright and colorful. It turns out that Chang Shu is a mountain plant that grows only in Tibet and Nepal at an altitude of 3 to 5 thousand meters above sea level (you have to climb high behind it and collect it). The main task of this tea is to burn excess weight, but this is far from the only quality. It has a number of other useful actions:

  • protects nails and hair from environmental influences, improves their condition;
  • improves skin condition, slows down its aging;
  • prevents the formation of wrinkles and reduces their number;
  • restores the action of the enzyme responsible for hair color (prevents the appearance of gray hair);
  • acts as a sedative in stressful situations;
  • improves vision.

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Wow, even if half of what is written on the site is true, then this miracle drink is cool! In general, I was already seriously interested in this product. The manufacturer drew the attention of site visitors to the fact that tea is rich in various useful components:

  • bioflavonoid - strengthens blood vessels, helps protect them from cholesterol;
  • vitamins - increase the body’s resistance to various types of infections, strengthens the immune system;
  • catechins - cleanse blood vessels of plaque and cholesterol, balance blood sugar, fight fat deposits;
  • methylxanthine - helps the body “correctly” burn fat;
  • tannins - have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • theanine - tones the body, has a mild, sedative effect.

An important point, in my opinion, is that the product is certified and has passed sanitary and epidemic control.

Unfortunately, the official website does not say anything about contraindications and side effects. So I decided to look further.

Who should not drink Chang Shu purple tea?

I started looking on various resources for information about contraindications to the use of Chang Shu tea, like any drug, it has its drawbacks, this is all I found:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to drink tea for pregnant women, nursing women, and children under 16 years of age.
  2. It is not recommended to drink tea for those who are driving a car. Thanks to the strong sedative composition, the driver's attention and vigilance on the road is reduced.
  3. While using purple tea, you cannot treat with aspirin and other drugs with a similar effect, since Chang-Shu thins the blood.
  4. People prone to various types of allergies are advised to drink tea with extreme caution.

Well, what can I say, I don’t drive a car, I can replace aspirin with another medicine if something happens, I don’t have allergies, and the first point is no longer about me. After thinking and weighing everything, I decided to order Chinese purple Chang Shu.

How to make an order

Before placing an order on the official website, I decided to go to the city’s pharmacies and look for this product there. But, unfortunately, I didn’t find anything. Then I went to the tea stores, and there wasn’t anything similar there, except that there was hibiscus on the shelves.

Having given up trying to find Chang Shu tea in the windows of city stores, I visited the website where I was able to buy a course - 3 packs. Be careful, because scammers are taking advantage of the growing popularity of this miracle drink and can use various tricks to sell you a fake.

I filled out the application form on the website. I left my contact number. A guy with a very pleasant voice called me back, we discussed the details of the order, he said that you can pay for the parcel upon receipt. Great, I ordered and waited!

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How to drink purple tea correctly

Honestly, I was very worried that the parcel would take a long time to arrive, but in vain, after 4 days I had everything and I opened the package with such zeal that I did not expect, because at first I was not very inclined to this type of weight loss.

I want to share with you instructions for using the drink

First of all, remember that you cannot brew tea with boiling water, only hot water at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. This is done in order to preserve the beneficial substances of the tea.

You only need to brew 4-5 flowers. By the way, it is completely unclear why tea is called purple, because it is really blue. Very beautiful and rich blue color. But if you add lemon to it to taste, then it takes on a purple hue. You can also add honey to your tea, but I’m used to drinking tea and coffee without sugar, so I didn’t spoil the taste with honey.

Separately about the taste: there is no characteristic tea taste

I drank Chang Shu 3 times a day for 3 months and felt great, it is not recommended to drink very strong tea, there should be moderation in everything. Be extremely careful if you have low blood pressure, tea will lower it even more.

My results

I’ll say right away that I combined diet, physical activity and Chang Shu purple tea. It seems to me that thanks to all these activities I was able to lose 18 kg in 3 months. I gave up sweet, smoked, flour and fatty foods.

I weigh myself constantly now, keeping an eye on the number on the scale. The kilograms don’t come back and that’s the most important thing. Another plus: I no longer want to eat buns, cakes and the like.

However, I acutely feel the shortage of vegetables and fruits, so I try to make up for what the body was deprived of.

This is how I live now, without extra pounds and in a good mood. I periodically drink a course of Chang Shu tea for preventive purposes.

Source: https://otzyvov.net/otzyv-tovary/purpurnyj-chaj-dlya-poxudeniya.html

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