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Many people are interested in the price of Fitomucil for weight loss, since the drug is really effective, useful and gives quick results. Compared to other drugs with similar effects, Fitomucil is characterized by an increased cost, on average it ranges from 1000 rubles. The cost may vary depending on the location of the pharmacy. To find a more affordable option for yourself, it is worth considering analogs of the drug that will have exactly the same effect.

Instructions for use

It is imperative to follow the instructions when using the dietary supplement, otherwise you will not be able to achieve good results. The manufacturer stipulates how to take Fitomucil and gives special instructions to increase the effectiveness of its product.


The instructions for “Slim Smart”, “Norm” and “Holestenorm” indicate the need to use two packets of powder per day: one is taken half an hour before breakfast, the second – some time after dinner. The powder should be diluted in a glass of water or any non-alcoholic drink - juice, yogurt, kefir. After drinking, be sure to drink it with clean, still water.

Important! In order to avoid the development of negative symptoms, it is better to start taking Fitomucil with 1 sachet per day. If you feel well after 5 days, the dosage can be increased in accordance with the recommendations of the instructions.

If necessary, the daily dose of the dietary supplement can be increased, but taking more than 4 packets per day is prohibited in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

  • The optimal duration of a cleansing course with the dietary supplement “Norm” is 2-4 weeks. This period is quite enough to normalize stool and rid the body of everything harmful.
  • The recommended course of weight loss using the Slim Smart drug lasts about 3 weeks, but the manufacturer does not exclude the possibility of taking the powder throughout the entire weight loss program.
  • The dietary supplement “Holestenorm” must be taken in courses of 2-3 months. Repeat no more than three times a year.

After achieving the desired result, these dietary supplements can be used as a supporting agent. Dose – 1 sachet once a day.

special instructions

  1. To increase the effectiveness of Fitomucil dietary supplements in matters of weight loss and normalization of intestinal function, it is recommended to consume at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. The instructions for Slim Smart also indicate that replacing breakfast or dinner with the drug helps increase efficiency.
  2. During the period of taking each drug, it is advisable to adhere to a special diet, limiting sweet fruits, nuts and seeds, and animal fats. It is recommended to exclude baked goods and white sugar, fast food and semi-finished products, dairy products with a high fat content and smoked foods. In general, those losing weight should adhere to a standard lipid-lowering diet with a caloric intake of 1200 to 1500 kcal, especially if their choice fell on Slim Smart.
  3. If, while taking the Fitomucil dietary supplement, you are consuming any vitamin complexes, medications or dietary supplements, the interval between doses should be at least 1 hour.

Contraindications and side effects

For all drugs in the line, the manufacturer establishes the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the composition of dietary supplements is natural, use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible, but first it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Side effects, according to the company’s specialists, are unlikely when using Fitomucil. Doctors tend to consider the development of the following symptoms quite possible:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reaction.

The risk of developing these symptoms increases if the products are used incorrectly and the prescribed dosage is exceeded.

Important! Doctors remind that any laxative drug, even free from senna, can cause internal discomfort, accompanied by increased sweating and tremors of the limbs, as well as disrupt the water-salt balance in the body.

Storage conditions

It is advisable to store products for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and losing weight at a temperature not exceeding 24 degrees in their original packaging. Contact of drugs with sunlight and high humidity should be avoided. After the expiration date, reception is not possible.

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How to take Fitomucil for weight loss

If phytomucil is purchased in sachets, then take one sachet once before eating. It must be washed down with a glass of water. As a result, approximately 300 g of a mucous solution of the drug is formed in the stomach. If phytomucil is in a large vessel (jar), then 2 teaspoons are enough to take, which are taken in a similar way. Instead of drinking water, you can dilute phytomucil in the indicated amount and drink the resulting solution. The drug should be taken before meals. After consuming this solution, a person will eat a significantly smaller portion of food, since his body is already partially saturated with it. As a result, the intestines are cleansed, which leads to weight loss. It should be noted that the result obtained in this way lasts for a long time.


Phytomucil consists of two important components: domestic plum pulp and Psyllium plantain seeds. These are active and natural components that do not cause anything dangerous to the functioning of the body. Phytomucil does not have any flavoring additives, dyes or sugars, so it is easily accepted by the body and contributes to its optimal functioning.

A huge advantage of Fitomucil is that it does not contain senna, which is why the process of cleansing the body is not endowed with side laxative effects. This advantage plays a big role for those people who are forced to take the drug for a long time, more than the prescribed month.


The bioadditive Phytomucil from PharmaMed has no structural analogues with 100% similarity. Only alternative options can be found on the pharmaceutical market. Budget-friendly ones are single-component ones: senna leaves, buckthorn syrup, steelhead tincture. All of them have a laxative effect, which means they remove toxins from the body in a short time and help you lose several kilograms.

A more expensive alternative is pharmaceutical fiber products that are intended for cleansing and are often used for weight loss. The most famous product of the group is “Siberian fiber”, the use of which allows you to reduce appetite and eliminate excess weight without much difficulty. It is also possible to use capsules with pineapple and green coffee extract, the drug “Garcinia Forte”.

If you want to quickly cleanse your body of harmful substances, you can purchase one of the following products:

  1. "Normolax".
  2. "Lizalak."
  3. "Bionorm".
  4. "Dinolak".
  5. "Triphala".
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