Features and rules for following the orange diet, menu for weight loss

The fat-burning abilities of citrus fruits have been talked about for quite some time. The orange diet is a delicious way to lose extra pounds. This fruit contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that are good for health. Citrus fruits are one of the most popular fruits recommended for weight loss. Only apples can compare with them in popularity. Reviews about the orange diet are mostly positive. However, there are also contraindications, so it is advisable to first consult a specialist.

Nutrition principle


So, from now on, your diet should change dramatically. The main rule of the diet is to eat an orange three times a day. The number of foods allowed may vary depending on the diet. If you choose a three-day regimen, then be prepared to completely give up other foods. For liquids, you can drink orange juice, green tea, still water or coffee. Forget about the existence of sugar and salt. If the diet involves meat, then it needs to be boiled or steamed.

Don't bother yourself with physical activity. It is not included in the diet regimen, and you will not have as much strength. As a result, you can lose 10 kg in a week at home or 5 kg in three days if you endure all the difficulties and hardships.

The essence of the diet

The orange diet is a mono-diet and mainly consists of oranges. The main nutrition menu is built on the fruit-carbohydrate principle.

Orange is a storehouse of vitamins and antioxidants. Its composition is rich in vitamins C, B, A, as well as microelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc).

Vitamin C binds to complex carbohydrates and animal protein. Fat mass is converted into energy and removes excess fluid from cells.

Ascorbic acid eliminates free radicals and is a prophylactic agent that prevents the development of cancer cells. It has the ability to restore damaged cells and adjust the smooth functioning of the digestive system. Participates in metabolic processes and removes toxic compounds and waste from the body.

Under the influence of acids, the walls of blood vessels become stronger and more elastic. The presence of folic acid in the structure of the fetus is valuable for the skin and people who need to adjust blood pressure.

Main types

orange and egg

One of the simplest regimes is a three-day diet. This method of combating excess weight is based on the American carbohydrate-free system. All you need is an orange and eggs. Your menu for 3 days looks like this:

  • Breakfast. I woke up and ate the main product along with two boiled eggs. If desired, I made myself green tea without sugar.
  • Dinner. If you are very hungry, then take one and a half pieces of fruit and two eggs. For a change, make orange juice.
  • Your dinner will be no different from other meals.

If you are very hungry, you can eat citrus slices little by little. You should definitely drink a lot of water, even when you don’t really want to. Can you drink orange juice while on a diet? You can, as long as it doesn't give you heartburn. The whole fruit will be healthier for you.

Diet food for 7 days looks much simpler due to the “abundance” of other products. Here you can already afford chicken, bread crumbs, fresh vegetables, cottage cheese, fish or beef. What will your daily diet look like for a week:

  • A harsh morning includes one boiled egg, a large orange and a cup of tea.
  • For lunch you can make yourself a cabbage salad, boil a chicken breast or steam fish. Don't forget about the main product.
  • For dinner you can eat vegetable salads, fruits with cottage cheese.

If you are diabetic, have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, then forget about this method. It can cause great harm to your body.

Harm and contraindications

The list of beneficial properties of oranges is impressive, but do not rush to switch to a citrus diet, since it has many contraindications. It is prohibited for gastritis, ulcers and high acidity. If your blood sugar level is high, it is also wise to avoid it. People prone to allergies should eat citrus fruits with caution, and it is better to choose a different menu altogether, since they are considered the strongest allergens. Pregnant women and women during breastfeeding should also not overuse tropical fruits.

Long-term diet


There is another European way for you to “beat” those extra pounds by eating oranges. Unlike the three-day regime, you will have to eat the fruit for almost one month. The 4-week method has the great advantage of low cost. You won't need to buy other products except the main fruit, water and eggs.

In the first week, you should eat about 5 oranges every two hours throughout the day. You wash it all down with two liters of still water. You make up for protein deficiency with two testicles. If you survive to the second week, then supplement your diet with various cereals without salt and oil. At the third stage, you again remove the cereals and replace them with fruits and vegetables, and reduce your water consumption to 1 liter. You can also add celery to your diet if desired.

Make yourself a cocktail

To diversify your regimen, you can make yourself some fresh orange juice drinks. They contain a large number of useful microelements, almost the entire spectrum of vitamins. So grab your blender, let's make a smoothie. For cooking, you can use all the vegetables and fruits that you find at home. Apple-orange juice can be diluted with banana slices. Lemon juice is also suitable for the drink. The recipe is simple: throw all the ingredients into a blender and grind until smooth. A little ice will make smoothies taste better.

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With kefir

orange kefir

In 5 days you can achieve great results if you follow all the conditions. Your meals should be divided into 5 meals throughout the day. You wash down one orange with a glass of kefir. Before lunch or dinner, you can pour yourself a little “white” to quench your appetite. Your last meal should occur two hours before bedtime. The kefir-orange diet is considered an English method of combating excess weight. You'll definitely lose a couple of kilos. How long?

Do doctors like oranges?

What do orange diet supporters say? The orange diet for weight loss is vitamins, fat burning, fighting cellulite, removing toxins, low in calories and a bright taste that improves mood.

doctors and orange

How do doctors respond to this? That everything is good in moderation. And the measure is one fruit a day, no more. Provided you eat right. Then there will be benefits from oranges.

What happens if you make citrus fruits your main food:

  • Firstly, it collapses the digestive system - too much acid.
  • Secondly, too much sugar causes a surge in insulin, which means your appetite increases. Hence the constant feeling of hunger, irritability and aggressiveness.
  • Thirdly, monotonous food. A lack of proteins and fats leads not just to a change in metabolism, but to its breakdown. Metabolism slows down, the functioning of all organs and systems, and hormonal balance are disrupted. Hence hypovitaminosis, weakness, decreased performance and mental activity, constantly bad mood, hair falling out, decaying teeth and bones, a “deflated” figure with flabby muscles and wrinkled skin.
  • Fourthly, citrus fruits are very allergenic foods. If you rely on them so much, there is a high risk that you will become allergic for life.


Monotonous, strict mono-diets play a cruel joke not only on health, but also on slimness. Even if you start to lose weight at first, then in any case your metabolism will slow down, and everything that you lost will come back in increased volume.

Imaginary utility

oranges in a basket

Indeed, orange is one of the low-calorie foods (only 43 per 100 g). The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the fruit is negligible. Citrus contains a huge amount of vitamin C. The rest of the microelements are in the air. It turns out that during a diet you are completely deprived of animal fats, proteins, proteins, amino acids, which are so necessary for normal performance. Even an egg yolk contains more nutrients than an orange.

What does this affect? Your body stops receiving more than half of the calories it needs. Three oranges (about 222 kcal) + two hard-boiled eggs (100 kcal) = 322! This is less than the established medical daily intake for basal metabolism. A hunger strike slows down the metabolic process; under the influence of such stress, the body begins to accumulate reserves of nutrients. As a result, in a couple of days you will completely compensate for the lost weight.


Being excellent antidepressants, oranges are perfect for your daily diet.

And adding here the fat-burning effect of the juice of this fruit, it becomes an ideal component for the diet.

Undoubtedly, this nutritional method has many advantages, which make it so popular among those who want to lose excess weight.

Among the main advantages:

  • potassium and sodium present in the fetus maintain body tone and normalize blood flow;
  • folic acid has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair;
  • freshly squeezed orange juice with the presence of pulp helps to significantly reduce the secretion of bile;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP, as well as microelements necessary for the body, which include sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and calcium, purify the blood, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots and other diseases associated with the circulatory system;
  • The diet is perfect for hypertensive patients, people with high cholesterol levels, as well as patients genetically predisposed to these diseases.

A couple of examples

two oranges

How did it happen that a week-long diet did not produce any results? You should stop believing the positive reviews and results of famous people. A striking example of ineffective, but high-quality advertising is the Montignac system. The French nutritionist proposed a regime that was quite popular at that time, which is now assessed as “poor nutrition.” The method achieved popularity due to successful marketing advertising, although it only brought harm to people.

The Atkins no-carb regime is also a good example for you of how not to torture yourself. The main principle is the total removal of any carbohydrates from the diet. All other products can be consumed in any quantity. As a result, all the salt is removed and uric acid is formed. You only get a temporary effect, disappointment and the same weight.

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