Blood type diet - basic rules, menu and reviews

There are many ways to lose weight and get into the desired shape. There are also quite a lot of varied diets and each is unique in its own way - here are protein diets for those who want to gain weight, and low-carb diets for those who want to get rid of acne, as well as the well-known cabbage diet - and the simplest, but extremely effective egg diet. But the problem is that not all diets are ideal for everyone. In this article we will tell you what the blood type diet is, what foods you can and what you cannot eat.

  • Reviews about the blood type diet
    • Natalya, 35 years old
    • Margarita, 27 years old
    • Zhanna, 42 years old

    Blood Type Diet: Prince of Nutrition

    Our body is unique. Each person has their own characteristics that should be taken into account when deciding to go on a diet. Why are some methods ineffective for you, but helped someone else achieve a chic figure? It's all about genetics, personal predispositions, lifestyle and blood type. Yes, yes, you can choose a diet based on your blood type, and achieve better results than on the most restrictive diets.

    This method has been very popular for more than 15 years, ever since the American doctor James D'Adamo explained all the details in his book. The essence of this diet is that each person, in the course of evolution, acquired his own predispositions in food. For example, the first blood group is meat eaters, since this was the first thing that people decided to eat. The second blood group learned what plant foods are. They started using it a little later.

    The third is dairy products, which entered the human diet even later than all of the above. The fourth is everything taken together. About the latter we can say that it appeared relatively recently and therefore has not been fully studied. Author James D'Adamo argues that nutritional problems arise precisely because a person does not eat the foods to which he is predisposed.

    For example, a person who has blood type O should eat more meat, and eat other foods in minimal quantities. If he eats a lot of plant or dairy foods, he will not receive meat products in the quantity he needs. It is this nutrition according to its “natural habits” that is considered correct, according to the doctor. But what are the rules? How true is this diet and how does it work? Let's talk about this below.

    Example of a weekly menu: video recipes

    Weekly menu consisting of products for blood group 4.

    1 day:

    1. Breakfast: warm water with lemon, 200 ml grapefruit juice, 2 slices of rye bread.
    2. Lunch: lamb with potatoes, chamomile tea.
    3. Afternoon snack: yogurt with muesli.
    4. Dinner: fried rabbit, potatoes, red wine (200 ml - optional).

    Day 2:

    1. Breakfast: warm water with lemon, 200 ml grapefruit juice, soy croissant with jam.
    2. Lunch: rice porridge with fruit.
    3. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad, coffee.
    4. Dinner: fruit salad with walnuts, green tea.

    Day 3:

    1. Breakfast: two handfuls of oatmeal with fresh or dried fruit (optional with a small amount of milk), fruit tea.
    2. Lunch: pasta with salmon and vegetables.
    3. Afternoon snack: fermented milk drink.
    4. Dinner: vegetable salad with Balkan cheese, whole grain bread.

    Day 4:

    1. Breakfast: whole grain croissant, tofu, radishes.
    2. Lunch: rabbit with potatoes, chamomile tea.
    3. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad, coffee.
    4. Dinner: Scrambled eggs, spelled bread, salad (leaf or vegetable).

    Day 5:

    1. Breakfast: 2 handfuls of oatmeal with fruit, herbal or fruit tea.
    2. Lunch: rice with fruit.
    3. Afternoon snack: yogurt with muesli.
    4. Dinner: turkey, vegetable salad.

    Day 6:

    1. Breakfast: warm water with lemon, 200 ml grapefruit juice, soy croissant with jam.
    2. Lunch: baked salmon, mashed potatoes, carrot salad.
    3. Afternoon snack: yogurt with fruit.
    4. Dinner: fried rabbit, potatoes, red wine (200 ml - optional).

    Day 7:

    1. Breakfast: warm water with lemon, fruit juice, 2 slices of rye bread.
    2. Lunch: turkey, potatoes, chamomile tea.
    3. Afternoon snack: apple.
    4. Dinner: vegetable salad with Balkan cheese, whole grain bread.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Any “restrictive” diet has its pros and cons. For example, the disadvantages include the fact that the limitations of this method of losing weight are very obvious, and that not everyone will be able to eat a varied diet, and this will lead them to breakdowns. It is also extremely illogical to judge by the composition of blood, because despite the fact that it is divided into only four groups, each person’s blood is completely different.

    As mentioned above, all people are individual. Indeed, there are those who find it unpleasant to eat meat and feel uncomfortable eating it on a daily basis. Some people don't like most plant foods, while others hate dairy products, and there's nothing crazy about that. As for the pros, this diet can really help someone lose weight.

    We recommend reading: 6 petals diet: sample menu for every day, recipes

    Perhaps it was high time for you to give up some meat products, but you just couldn’t decide, because it’s a protein and cannot be excluded. But the fact is that any product can be replaced with another and thus get all the necessary vitamins through other products that are closer to you.

    Rules of the food concept of P. D'Adamo, food table

    As mentioned, group 4 is a combination of groups 2 and 3. Therefore, recommended and prohibited products are based on recommendations specifically for them. Of course, there are exceptions.

    ProductsSuitablekcal/100 gNot suitableNeutralkcal/100 g
    MeatLamb, rabbit, turkey100Red meat, chickenPheasant, liver90
    SeafoodTuna, cod, salmon100-160Anchovies, lobsterCarp, catfish, herring90-150
    Dairy products, eggsCottage cheese, kefir, mozzarella, ricotta80-120Blue cheeses, parmesanWhey, cheddar, eidam, soy milk and cheese100-160
    FatsOlive oil, peanuts810SeedsRapeseed, linseed oil, pistachios, almonds600-800
    LegumesBlue and red beans, green lentils35-40Black beansGreen beans, red lentils35-40
    CerealsRice, oatmeal, flour, basmati50-90BuckwheatCouscous, wholemeal flour, white flour50-100
    Vegetables, mushroomsCabbage, beets, celery, potatoes20-70Black olives, green peppers, cornCarrots, kohlrabi, horseradish, Chinese cabbage20-25
    FruitsCherry, kiwi, fig, pineapple30-50Banana, coconut, pomegranateApples, apricots, watermelon20-50
    SpicesCurry, miso5White and cayenne peppers, chiliBasil, rosemary, bay leaf5

    Drinking regime

    It is recommended to start the day with warm water and lemon juice. Carrot and grapefruit juice are suitable during the day. Green tea and herbal teas are suitable. Coffee is also not prohibited. Lemonades, orange juice, and black tea should be avoided.

    Reviews about the blood type diet

    We conducted a survey among girls and women who have already tried this diet. They will share their stories with you and help you understand whether this diet is right for you or not.

    Natalya, 35 years old

    I’ll briefly tell you how my attempts to lose weight led me to health problems. I heard about this diet and decided to try it. Since I have blood type O, I couldn’t eat practically anything. Dairy products, oatmeal, bread and everything that was an integral part of my diet were excluded. I decided it was worth a try. I made a menu of foods that I could eat, ate them day after day and, honestly, I have never felt such an aversion to food.

    We recommend reading: Basic principles of proper nutrition for weight loss and a sample menu

    Apparently, the essence of the diet is that you don’t want to eat these foods (and they are the same every day). In a month I lost 4 kilograms, but not because the diet was so good, but because I really didn’t eat and was starving.

    My entire menu was disgusting to me! Therefore, I made the choice not to eat at all rather than eat something I didn’t like. Bottom line: by eating right, giving up sugar and drinking plenty of water, I lost 11 kilograms in almost 9 months. I think everyone can do this. But the blood type diet is clearly not the best thing that has happened to me in my life.

    Margarita, 27 years old

    I didn’t have a good relationship with the blood type diet. She is the most difficult thing in my life, to be honest. Since I have a 2+ group, my diet consisted of almost the same products as vegetarians. Meat is not allowed, only soy. The entire menu consisted of vegetables, fruits, soybeans, legumes and grains. I couldn't have any of the foods that I really love. This became a real test.

    A week later, I was already on edge because of hunger, I noticed how my nails began to break and how much my hair was falling out (and this was only a week). I was able to live for a month on this diet. From 77 kilograms I lost weight to 73, but I think that it is impossible to sit on such a diet all my life (at least for me). It was a real challenge. Yes, there was a result, but I did not feel comfortable eating foods that were supposedly allowed to me.

    Bottom line: Eat what you like, in moderation, and get your vitamins just by eating right.

    Zhanna, 42 years old

    I liked this diet! For 7 years now, my diet has been completely built on the foods that I can eat according to this diet system. I needed to lose weight, and I bought a book by doctor D’Adamo, who, in fact, became the first to discover this diet and describe it in his book. Allowed, neutral and prohibited products were listed there. Some I ate regularly, some I ate occasionally, and others I excluded from my diet completely.

    I have blood type 2, which means my menu is semi-vegetarian. And I was pleasantly surprised to learn this, because I don’t like meat at all and love what was on the list of allowed products. As you can see, I have lost weight, and for 7 years now we have been living in perfect harmony with this diet.

    The number of diets and different ways of eating is very large. Absolutely every girl and woman will be able to find the option that suits her best and will not harm the body. One of these options is eating according to your own blood type. This theory is very interesting, although not accepted by everyone.


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    In people with blood group 3, the body absorbs almost all types of food well. Despite this, it is important to eat healthy and avoid eating unhealthy foods.

    This will not only help you lose weight quickly, but also make you feel energetic and healthy. For those who prefer fatty foods, it is advisable to have fasting days every 2 weeks.

    Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

    The essence

    The fourth blood group is the rarest and youngest of all existing ones, it is found in only 8% of the population.

    But even for such a small number of people, nutritionists have developed a special nutritional system that improves metabolism, digestion and overall health.

    Those with a positive blood group are characterized by problems with the immune system. Such people are more susceptible than others to infectious, heart and cancer diseases, poisoning and gastritis. They also often suffer from anemia. Such people are often emotional, sociable and sensitive.

    In connection with these features, the diet for 4 positive blood group is aimed at strengthening the immune system, accelerating metabolism, preventing diabetes, improving the functioning of internal organs and normalizing blood clotting. Among other goals is getting rid of excess weight, although rapid weight loss should not be expected.

    What products are prohibited?

    • chicken, veal, beef, pork, duck, goose, venison, buffalo, partridge, quail, heart;
    • halibut, eel, beluga, flounder, striped and rockfish, haddock, anchovies, oysters, frogs, crayfish, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, octopus;
    • whole milk, butter, cheeses - blue, brie, American, parmesan;
    • oils – sunflower, sesame, corn, cottonseed;
    • hazelnuts, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds;
    • corn and products made from it, buckwheat;
    • black and fava beans, lima beans, vegetable and radiant beans, chickpeas;
    • radish, avocado, yellow pepper, artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, hot red capsicum and ground pepper;
    • oranges, persimmons, mangoes, coconut, pomegranates, guava, rhubarb;
    • barley malt, food gelatin, corn starch, ketchup, vinegar;
    • anise, allspice, capers, cayenne pepper, ground white and black;
    • drinks: black tea, alcoholic drinks, orange juice;
    • decoctions and infusions of hops, shepherd's purse, fenugreek, coltsfoot, linden, corn silk, aloe, gentian, senna, mullein, meadow clover.
    ( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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