Effective diet according to blood type: what can and cannot be eaten by people with 2 positive?

Almost a third of the globe is carriers of the second positive group. The following traits can be distinguished in the character of these people: sociability, organization and constancy. Digestion and immunity directly depend on the composition of the blood. Therefore, many are interested in, for example, the 2nd positive blood group diet.

Features of group 2

People included in this category are characterized by organization, sociability, and constancy. They adapt well to changes and a new type of nutrition. They are called "farmers" because this group arose during the period when people mastered agriculture. The diet for blood group 2 should take into account the characteristics of the body of its representatives:

  • low immunity;
  • high excitability of the nervous system;
  • gastrointestinal sensitivity to food;
  • high risk of allergies;
  • tendency to stress;
  • predisposition to oncology, diabetes, liver pathologies.

“Farmers” need to especially carefully monitor their diet, do not forget about physical activity, and try to choose the most healthy natural products. Their digestion is very different from that of “predators”. What some people convert into energy, others quickly turn into fat. The diet for blood group 2 is positive - your diet if you have this group and do not have serious health problems or chronic gastrointestinal pathologies.

The body of “farmers” quickly gets used to the diet. Within a week, digestion will improve and immunity will increase. However, the low acidity of gastric juice does not allow food to be broken down quickly, so it should be light.

The method of losing weight, taking into account the characteristics of the blood, was developed by the American naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo. He conducted examinations that show that this method allows you to lose weight faster and more effectively.


A healthy, nutritious diet should be accompanied by an appropriate lifestyle, which includes regular exercise and an optimistic attitude.

Here are some tips to feel better every day:

  • eat more often, but less, to get the maximum benefit from nutrients and not retain toxins;
  • wear clothes only made from natural fabrics so that your body can breathe;
  • in between meals, drink herbal infusions that are so beneficial to your genotype;
  • Make it a habit to devote at least 15 minutes a day to light physical exercise.

You should always share your experience with like-minded people. Share your opinion in the comments, find out the experiences of other people.

Diet for blood group 2 positive: nutritional rules

Nutrition is based on several principles. Even in the absence of a strict diet, it is advisable to adhere to these recommendations. They will help keep your body in good shape and improve your health.

It is important to remember the following rules:

  1. Reduce the amount of meat in your diet or completely abandon it. The “farmer’s” body has a very difficult time handling meat products. They can be replaced with fish or mushrooms.
  2. Dairy products must be replaced with fermented milk or soy products. Milk, especially fresh milk, is also poorly digestible.
  3. It is advisable to reduce flour and sweets to a minimum. White flour will lead to the deposition of fatty tissue.
  4. It is necessary to monitor the caloric content of food. To lose weight, it is permissible to consume no more than 2200 kcal per day.
  5. There is no need to burden your sensitive digestive system with spicy, fatty and fried foods.
  6. Meals should be fractional. You need to eat in small portions, up to 5 times a day.
  7. As a snack, you can take not sweets and cookies, but natural seeds, nuts, and dried fruits.

A weight loss diet for blood type 2 positive for women should contain a minimum of carbohydrates and more fiber. Essentially, this is a vegetarian type, so meat dishes can be excluded. Meat will disrupt metabolism and contribute to excess weight gain.

General Information and Research

It’s worth clarifying right away that many scientists are skeptical about this topic. They say that blood type has nothing to do with nutrition, but depends only on a specific set of proteins and carbohydrates that make up the membranes of red blood cells.

Existing scientific research cannot yet confirm the effectiveness of this D'Adamo nutrition system.

In one large study , 1,455 adults ate according to the recommendations for blood type 1, and it actually had a positive effect on their health. But this effect was observed in people with all blood types, not just the first.

The improvement in health was likely due to the fact that the participants simply began to eat healthier foods than before. After all, regardless of blood type, the D'Adamo method emphasizes natural and healthy foods, as opposed to the so-called “Western diet” consisting of refined sugar, fast food and trans fats.

Another large-scale review study from 2013 also did not confirm the effectiveness of this nutrition system.

But there are scientists, and even documented studies, that confirm that the diet should still be adjusted depending on the blood type. Although the reliability of these studies raises questions.

However, one of these studies was conducted by Peter D'Adamo (and the basis for his research was laid by his father, James D'Adamo). According to his theory, blood type affects how the body and all its cells interact with lecithins - one of the most important elements of every person's metabolism.

And based on his research, Peter even published a book back in 1997 (but an updated edition is published almost every year). Moreover, Dr. D'Adamo opened a clinic where he treats diseases of the digestive system, including helping patients select the optimal diet based on their blood type.

And although the World Health Organization (WHO) does not recognize the reliability of the stated theories, no one has yet been able to refute them either .

According to research by Peter D'Adamo, the Rh factor in no way affects the optimal diet. Accordingly, this factor can be ignored when preparing a diet.

At the same time, Peter compiled a list of “universal” rules that everyone should adhere to, regardless of their blood type:

  1. There are sea fish . It is also a source of essential amino acids, and is also easily absorbed by the body (even easier than chicken breast, which contains practically no fat).
  2. Avoid dairy products . Peter argues that domesticated animals and artificial food for them completely eliminate the benefits of such products. That is, dairy products are still useful, but only if they are obtained from wild animals, which is practically impossible in modern realities.
  3. If possible, minimize the consumption of cereals and products derived from them. This includes bread, oatmeal, and flour in any form (flour). Firstly, such products provoke a sharp increase in the level of carbohydrates in the blood, and secondly, they contain gluten - all this comprehensively disrupts the functioning of the digestive system.
  4. Avoid black tea and coffee in favor of green tea , since it contains virtually no caffeine, but the concentration of antioxidants is almost the same.

But you should still consult with a qualified nutritionist before following such rules.

Diet for blood group 2: acceptable foods

Products can be divided into useful, neutral and harmful. Healthy ones saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, but you shouldn’t overuse them either.

The table of foods for the blood group 2 positive diet for women and men allows the consumption of the following foods:

  • lean fish (salmon, mackerel, trout);
  • natural oils: sunflower, olive, linseed;
  • fresh red berries;
  • Rye bread;
  • nuts in small quantities;
  • fresh and stewed vegetables: onions, carrots, cucumbers, spinach;
  • fruits (apples, citrus fruits, pineapples);
  • cereals, porridge;
  • soybeans

It is advisable to completely replace meat with fish. It is recommended to drink clean water (1.5–2 liters per day), green tea, and natural juices. Sometimes it is allowed to drink a glass of red wine. Infusions of rose hips, chamomile and other herbs will be useful in the absence of allergies. Whenever possible, you should eat fresh, natural, high-quality products.

Effective diet according to blood type: what can and cannot be eaten by people with 2 positive?

Fried foods are harmful to the digestive system and do not retain the beneficial properties of foods. It is healthier to eat steamed, stewed or boiled food. It is recommended to eat vegetables fresh and make salads with butter.

Menu for the week

For the second negative group, the menu for the week is presented as follows:

  • First day: breakfast: soy-based cottage cheese, a handful of prunes and green tea;
  • snack (the same every day): any fruit from the list of allowed ones;
  • lunch: pumpkin soup and grilled fish;
  • afternoon snack (the same for the whole week): a handful of nuts or dried fruits and green tea;
  • dinner: carrot salad with seaweed, seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil; a portion of buckwheat porridge and a glass of kefir.
  • Second day:
      breakfast: buckwheat porridge, Korean carrots, herbal tea;
  • lunch: boiled beans, steamed chicken breast, pineapple slice;
  • dinner: fruit salad (pineapple, pear, grapes).
  • The third day:
      breakfast: freshly squeezed carrot juice, green tea with buckwheat bread, several dates;
  • lunch: vegetable stew with boiled rice;
  • dinner: grilled fish, salad with carrots and celery, a glass of kefir.
  • Fourth day:
      breakfast: buckwheat porridge, salad with carrots and celery, cherry juice;
  • lunch: boiled fish with rice side dish, carrot juice;
  • dinner: cottage cheese with one of the allowed fruits, herbal tea.
  • Fifth day:
      breakfast: salad with seaweed and carrots, a bunch of grapes, green tea;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, grilled fish, grapefruit juice;
  • dinner: cottage cheese with prunes, herbal tea.
  • Sixth day:
      breakfast: buckwheat toast, a handful of dates, coffee;
  • lunch: boiled chicken breast with rice side dish, carrot salad;
  • dinner: bunch of grapes, persimmon, herbal tea.
  • Seventh day:
      breakfast: rye bread, apple and carrot juice;
  • lunch: stewed vegetables with steamed fish, persimmon;
  • dinner: steamed fish, red wine.
  • Important information: What blood type cannot have an abortion and is it possible to terminate the first pregnancy with a negative Rh factor?

    Young people preparing food

    Such a diet for blood group 2 will allow you to lose several kilograms in a week. The principle of separate nutrition is based on the compatibility of products. The advantages of nutrition for blood group 2 are that all ingredients are affordable and compatible with each other.

    What is recommended to avoid?

    Some foods are not only not healthy, but can also be harmful. It is advisable to avoid highly salted and smoked foods, large amounts of seasonings and sauces. Salt retains water and leads to the formation of edema. Diet for weight loss with blood group 2 should exclude the following foods:

    • fat meat;
    • sausage, frankfurters;
    • canned food;
    • marinades;
    • salted and smoked fish;
    • caviar;
    • milk, cream, cheese, other dairy products;
    • spicy food;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • baking and baked goods;
    • potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables that cause increased gas formation;
    • sunflower seeds and pistachios;
    • butter;
    • sour berries and fruits;
    • strong black tea;
    • bananas.

    It is advisable to cook porridge with half-and-half low-fat milk. Instead of dairy products, it is recommended to eat fermented milk, without additives or flavors. The amount of salt and sugar must be reduced.

    Great care should be taken when consuming wheat. It can lead to various health problems. Eating chicken eggs is also not recommended. It is acceptable to eat 1-2 soft-boiled eggs per week. You will have to give up scrambled eggs, especially with sausage.


    Human blood types were formed during evolution. Each of them was formed under the influence of a certain way of life, region of residence and life activity. It is no secret that each of the groups has its own individual characteristics, in particular, metabolic rate. Based on this, nutritionists have developed an optimal nutrition formula for each group:

    • Group 0, or first . The so-called “hunters”, whose main diet ingredient is protein: meat, eggs, fish and dairy products.
    • Group A, or second . “Farmers”, that is, lovers of plant foods: cereals, fruits and vegetables.
    • Group B, also known as the third . “Nomads” - food can be dairy, vegetable and meat.
    • Group AB, that is, the fourth . A mysterious category for which moderate nutrition with any natural food would be optimal.

    Diet for blood group 2 positive: table of foods with neutral influence

    There is a list of foods that do not bring much benefit, but if you want to eat them in small quantities, they will not cause harm.

    DairyKefir, cottage cheese, processed cheese
    Meat and fishTurkey, chicken, river fish
    NutsWalnuts, almonds, hazelnuts
    CerealsYachka, pearl barley, oatmeal
    FruitsGrapes, watermelon, pear, peach, persimmon, pomegranate

    You can drink weak coffee, mint tea, or a decoction of raspberry leaves.

    Effective diet according to blood type: what can and cannot be eaten by people with 2 positive?

    How to consolidate the results?

    For the blood type diet to please you with results, it must become your lifestyle. This is not a radical solution, that is, it will not eliminate 10 kg in the shortest possible time. But, with long-term adherence, a logical combination of products and the absence of overeating, success is guaranteed. A good result is weight loss: 0.5-1 kg per week.

    People subordinated to the principle of nutrition by P. D'Adamo have different attitudes towards the prescribed menu. But at least everyone can try. Resist the temptation to look at the antigens. According to blood image evaluation, neither the doctor nor other specialists will detect intolerance to food differentiation.

    Diet for blood type 2 positive: food table for men

    Nutrition for men should also contain more protein and fiber, less carbohydrates and fats. To normalize the functioning of internal organs and maintain a normal weight, you must constantly eat right and monitor physical activity.

    A table for a blood group 2 positive diet may look like this:

    Olive oilSunflower oilCoconut oil
    Buckwheat, rice, oatmealPearl barley and corn gritsPasta, baked goods, cream cakes
    Vegetables (carrots, spinach, lettuce, onions)Green peas, cucumbers, zucchiniPotatoes, tomatoes, paprika, cauliflower
    Berries and fruits (red currants, lingonberries, strawberries, blueberries)Raspberries, pomegranate, pear, applesOranges, bananas, tangerines
    Pumpkin seeds, peanutsSunflower seeds, almondsPistachios

    It is advisable to completely eliminate prohibited foods or reduce their consumption to a minimum. It is recommended to consume healthy food fresh or prepared through gentle heat treatment. Do not drink food with food, as the liquid will further dilute the gastric juice.

    It can be more difficult for men to switch to a vegetarian diet, so you can eat a small amount of dietary meat (turkey, chicken). At first you will feel hungry, lack of salty foods and fast food, but good health will not take long to arrive. It is also not recommended to abuse alcohol, as ethyl alcohol has a negative effect on digestion. It is especially harmful to eat alcoholic drinks with fatty foods.

    Physical exercise

    Of course, losing weight and improving your health through diet is not enough. Sports training will help you achieve excellent results and develop endurance and resilience in your body.

    For carriers of positive blood group 2, the following options are suitable:

    • yoga;
    • aerobic exercise at a certain speed;
    • tai ji;
    • stretch marks;
    • swimming.

    These exercises will not only help tighten the body, but also improve breathing and blood circulation, normalize lymph flow and create firmer and more elastic muscles.

    Work hard on your body: motivate yourself, and the instructions will prolong your youth and beauty, helping you achieve new goals and successes.

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