How to cope with dieting gluttons for those who find it difficult to limit themselves in nutrition

How to get out of a glutton?

This happens after quickly losing a large number of kilograms or after strict diets that you have followed for a long time. The body, exhausted by weight loss stress, falls into a non-stop state and begins to frantically catch up on what it has lost. Going on a diet again seems like a feat, but when you try to force yourself, a breakdown immediately follows. This article on our women's website in Belarus about fitness and weight loss is devoted to an explanation of how to get out of a glutton, what practical actions to take.

First of all, you need to realize that you are not alone. Many girls - most of those who watch their figure - have experienced such a period. You can handle it! But the usual methods will no longer help; we need to “persuad” the body differently.

How to get out of a glutton - rule number 1: let yourself go free.

Most likely, you are now in a tense psychological state in which, on the one hand, you think that you need to lose weight and hate yourself for the breakdown, on the other, you cannot stop. And for such a stop it is very stop losing weight. As long as you beat yourself up, there will be no point; you will continue to run in the same vicious circle. You need to let yourself go, relieve tension. Imagine that you are not losing weight, but improving your body, and that you have a huge amount of time ahead. Relax, during attacks of bad thoughts about your figure and self-hatred, start breathing slowly to relaxing music: inhale through your nose, inflate your stomach, exhale through your mouth in a thin stream, tighten your stomach and try to blow out all the air - and inhale slowly again...

Find yourself an exciting activity that requires a lot of effort and attention from you, learn something new. For example, if you wanted to learn English, now is the time to do it. This method is called switching, you cannot brush it off, you must definitely apply it.

How to get out of a glutton - rule number 2: say “no” to strict diets, fasting or excessive restrictions.

What your body fears most is a repeat of the period in which it lacked nutrients. This time was perceived by the body as very difficult and stressful, and your subconscious also did not like it. This is where repeated breakdowns occur. If you want to lose weight further, you need to definitely ban any harsh methods. You definitely shouldn’t eat less than 1200 calories a day or 1500 when doing fitness (the minimum amount!).

How to get out of a glutton - rule No. 3: choose the easiest and most comfortable way to lose weight.

The body really doesn’t like that you don’t love it and don’t take care of it. In order for weight loss to begin again, you need to show your body that you care and choose the most gentle options. The diet is definitely not suitable here, with the exception of the Diet for transition to proper nutrition or the Mediterranean. You can try weight loss systems or methods (for example, “Minus 60”), in which there is no strictly scheduled menu and you are allowed to eat your favorite foods. You can also study the rules of separate and proper nutrition and gradually learn to apply them (for example, the rule is to eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime, eat meat with vegetables, do not combine melon and milk with other foods, eat more often, etc.).

How to get out of a glutton - rule No. 4: introduce dietary changes very slowly.

Everything new becomes a habit only after 21 days of use. If you introduce several rules at once, the body will get confused and perceive it as new stress. Remember: we let ourselves go and don’t lose weight, but get healthier, and we have a lot of time for all this. Therefore, we do everything calmly, slowly and smoothly.

For example, today you decide to eat fermented milk products every day because they burn fat well. Next, the body needs time to determine which foods you like, when you most want to eat them so that it is not only healthy, but also pleasant, how many times a day you can eat them, buy them or make them yourself, how cook, what level of fat to choose... It would seem that everything is simple, but in reality everything requires attention and time. As soon as you feel that you have already stopped thinking about this issue, and everything is resolved as if by itself, as usual, then you can move on to implementing the next rule.

How to get out of a glutton - rule No. 5: get out of what you have locked yourself into (four walls, lovesickness, problems with parents or friends).

Gluttony can arise as a result of unresolved problems in life. Out of habit, you eat melancholy. Until you take at least some steps to overcome, everything will go on as before: you will eat, and the bundle of sorrows will begin to accumulate. Try not to reflect, but to take specific actions. For example, break off a relationship with a friend who “eats” your nerves, leave your parents, go to a club to find new love, sign up for regular courses so you can leave the house.

How to deal with gluttony?

get out of the jam
Winter holidays are the hardest period for the body. We eat a lot, sometimes drink and cannot always control ourselves. Even with proper nutrition all year long, when there is no flour or fatty foods in the diet, we give ourselves some relief on the eve of the holidays. However, such indulgences have a negative impact on our figure, general condition and peace of mind. But how to get out of the glutton and return to your usual shape?

Psychological preparation

Pulling yourself together after a break is always more difficult than just starting.
It seems to you that you can always stop and stop eating junk food or reduce the size of your portions. But that's not true. The longer the pause lasts. The more difficult it is to return back to the “true path”. Prepare yourself mentally for what comes next Monday. On Tuesday or next Wednesday you will begin to give up sweets, flour and fast food. You need to choose the exact date and time, and not put it off until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or the beginning of next week.

Realize that every product comes with consequences. They can be both negative and positive. It's clear that an extra piece of chocolate won't kill you, but is it worth it? Ask yourself whether it would be right to eat a second bun or grab some fries now. Most likely, you will come to the decision not to eat junk food, making a choice in favor of a healthy dish.

Eat mindfully

How often do you eat for company or because you're bored? I often noticed a desire to chew something while watching an interesting film or program. At the same time, I am not hungry and do not need food to maintain the functioning of the body. I'm just bored. Or in a cafe, when they bring you an overly large portion, do you finish it all, even if you don’t feel like it anymore? These are the first signs of gluttony.

Read: Dried fruits - a panacea or an enemy for losing weight?

Dealing with it is quite simple in words, but in reality it is not always easy. Understand that we do not live for food and it should be consumed only when necessary (when you feel hungry), and not as an element of entertainment. When you are really hungry, you feel it, but most of the food (about 60%) is absorbed during the period of satiety. Even if these are harmless nuts or dried fruits (not so harmless, but less harmful than sweets). By consuming them in the absence of hunger, you are only loading your stomach with unnecessary work.

Ask yourself, do you want to eat because you are hungry or do you just have nothing to do? If option two suits you better, then put this food aside for later. It's also worth doing. When you feel full while eating, simply put, put the dish aside if you are no longer hungry. No one will take away your food; your body does not need to store fat in case of a hunger strike. If you understand this thing, it will be easier for your mind to refuse a second helping or an unnecessary dessert.


The food itself is also important, as it helps you get out of gluttony.
Don’t suddenly stop eating sweets or fatty foods if it’s hard for you to part with them. Reduce the amount of food you consume, for example, instead of three sweets, eat two, then one, then replace it with sweet dried fruits, nuts, and bread. Don’t start a hunger strike, of course, fasting days won’t hurt, but you shouldn’t exhaust your body with a long-term lack of food. He will only begin to frantically accumulate fat, consuming more than necessary when you start eating again. The best solution would be to replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones in stages.

First, change your breakfast, prefer fruits instead of sweet dishes, and include nutritious cereals in your diet. Then change lunch and dinner, give preference to lean meat and fish.

Physical exercise

Often, gluttony is accompanied by weight gain and after correcting the diet, the question arises of getting rid of extra pounds.
First, choose a physical activity that you enjoy. This could be gym classes, running, cycling, badminton, swimming, fitness, yoga or just walking. It's better to do what you like for an hour a day than to force yourself to do exercises you hate once a week. Frequency is important in training - do not start the process even after losing weight. The body needs uniform loads; if you stop exercising, the risk of gaining unnecessary pounds again increases.

As a result

And in conclusion, I just want to share my experience. I always go on a break during the New Year holidays - I eat unhealthy Olivier. I drink unhealthy soda and am even tempted by my mother’s homemade cake. I start to get out of the binge on the fifth day of January so that I have time to get myself in order by the working week. First of all, I end up with Olivier and sweets, followed by fried cutlets, salads with mayonnaise, baked meat with fat and other delights from the New Year's table. But you can actively lean on side dishes; they are always present on the New Year's table and are usually not particularly high in calories. And from them it’s easy to switch to more healthy foods.

I also work out at home, sometimes they play aerobics cassettes. Sometimes I involve a friend in the process.

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How to get back in shape after the New Year’s binge: 2 “don’ts” and 10 “musts”

The stocks of cakes, Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat in the refrigerators have dried up, and a period of food “sobering up” has arrived. “Well, the feast ended / Oksana stood on the scales / and with them fell / to the neighbor on the floor below,” this ingenious “pie” accurately reflects the essence of the problem. Something needs to be done - urgently, but without extremes, so that it doesn’t get worse.

The Observer spoke with nutritionist and wellness nutritionist Tatyana Primak about how to get rid of the New Year's gluttony.

Further from the first person.

The good news: after the holidays and constant feasts, your weight has increased, but this does not mean that you have gained fat so quickly. In the body, in addition to excess calories from food and alcohol, there is now stagnation of water, that is, edema. So gradually some of the excess weight will go away by itself, but for this to happen faster, you should adhere to certain rules, which I will list below.

Tatiana Primak

To further reassure you, let me remind you that you are not alone right now. Most people, even those who watch their figure, go through periods of overeating. This can be dealt with quite well.

What not to do:

1. Fasting days on kefir, apples or buckwheat are not an option. Most people perceive such days as punishment, retribution for New Year's gluttony. Unloading is good for those who constantly eat healthy and only allowed themselves a little change during the holidays. If before the holidays you were already jumping from diet to diet, unloading will lead to a breakdown.

Your body's greatest fear is a repeat of the period when it did not receive the right amount of nutrients. This time was perceived by the body and subconscious as stress. This is where constant breakdowns occur. If you want to continue losing weight, forget about strict limits and restrictions.

2. Fasting is a whole science. You need to understand how to enter and exit it correctly, most importantly, how to fast correctly. Fasting can slow down your basal metabolism and have other unexpected consequences. Therefore, fasting on water alone is not an option either!

What to do:

1. Let's start with the water regime. Water is the simplest and most universal detox remedy. You should drink it at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of your ideal weight. Distribute the total amount of water throughout the day so that you drink less in the evening. Drink in fractions, half a glass or a glass, and not in liters.

2. If you are familiar with proper nutrition, then after the holiday overeating, simply go back to your previous regimen: eating 4-5 times a day, in small portions (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner).

3. Naturally, you need to forget about salads with mayonnaise, pastries, sweets and carbonated drinks. We give preference to light, simple dishes (if it’s a salad, then vegetables and herbs seasoned with unrefined oil; if it’s meat or fish, then baked, boiled or stewed without unnecessary ingredients or sauces).

4. For a while, focus on protein foods (medium-fat and low-fat fish and meat, seafood, cottage cheese, eggs), as well as fiber (vegetables).

Give preference to complex carbohydrates (porridge, durum wheat pasta).

5. Give up alcohol until you get your diet in order. For some this is quite a problem, but try anyway.

6. Stop biting yourself. Most people are stressed and guilt-ridden after a holiday overeating. Of course, you have gained weight, this is evidenced by both the reflection in the mirror and the clothes that have become tight. But it’s better to forget the word “weight loss.” Imagine that you are not “losing weight”, but healing your body, and you have plenty of time.

7. If you feel panic approaching again, just breathe deeply. Deep breathing helps you calm down!

8. Find something fun to do. This will distract you from constant thoughts about food.

9.Choose the most comfortable way for you (mentally and physically) to lose weight, in which you will not be hungry and angry. The body doesn't like being left uncared for. Avoid rigid boundaries. Introduce dietary changes slowly and not all at once - otherwise the body will perceive it as stress.

Everything new becomes a habit after 21 days of use. If you introduce everything at once, the body will perceive everything as another stress. For example, today you decide to eat fermented milk products every day. Gradually determine which products you like, how many times a day you want dairy, is it better to buy ready-made products or make them yourself... As soon as you feel that you have stopped thinking about these questions and everything is resolved by itself, then you can move on to following the next rule .

10. Don't forget about physical activity. To gradually lose weight, you don't have to go to the gym. It is enough to walk at least 10 thousand steps a day or do light cardio at home.

Bonus: intensive detox

If you previously adhered to proper nutrition, and during the holidays you simply allowed yourself a little extra, a quick detox option is suitable for you.

First day: 500 g of chicken and 500 vegetables. The meat can be marinated in seasonings, preferably without salt, and baked or steamed.

Vegetables can be eaten raw, stewed without oil, or steamed. Eliminate beets, potatoes and corn.

Second day: 500 UAH of buckwheat/oatmeal porridge (weight indicated in finished form) without salt and oil. It is better to steam buckwheat rather than boil it. You can improve the taste by adding spices.

Third day: 1.5 kg of fruit (except bananas, grapes and pears). It is advisable to take no more than two types of fruit.

Fourth day: 1.5 kg of vegetables (except beets, potatoes and corn). Vegetables can be eaten raw (salads), boiled, stewed or steamed. Again, a minimum of salt and spices to taste.

This cleansing will help remove toxins and excess water. You will get used to any nutrition system faster after detox. Well, you are guaranteed to lose 3-5 kg ​​during cleansing, and this is already a good motivational foundation for achieving your goal.

Exit from the festive feast. Stop the gluttony wisely

Hello dear! Today I want to give you tips on stopping the holiday feast ! So that I have you fully armed, as always, and competently return to the regime

“Zzhor” is overcome not only by beginners, but also by people, but also by people with successful, rich experience in proper nutrition and training.

Therefore, first of all, you must understand that you are not alone!

Festive abundance is one of the main conditions for any holiday, especially in our country. And the culinary talents of our beloved mothers and grandmothers create conditions for overeating: everything is so tasty that it is impossible to refuse even a piece. And this continues not just for one day, but for several weeks.

For most of those who watch their figure, a period of stress has come. The mood is disgusting, dissatisfaction with oneself, guilt, powerlessness, apathy... Everyone who has ever tried to fight excess weight is familiar with the situation. And for those who are always in excellent shape, this situation is also close, believe me)))

How to end holiday overeating and stop food gluttony?

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