Which fruits to choose
Rules of use
Avoiding fruits due to their high sugar content? So you deprive yourself not only of gastronomic pleasure and psychological relaxation, but also of a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and beneficial nutrients. It has been proven that some fruits are indispensable in the diet of athletes; they support anabolism, improve well-being and psycho-emotional mood, and also maintain excellent health under conditions of intense physical activity.
Eating behavior after training sessions
Any type of physical activity is perceived by the body as stress. After all, in just one hour-long workout, an athlete who is seriously involved in sports spends about 400 kcal. Therefore, after such an event, the body experiences a shortage of energy resources. The fact is that in the first hours after intense exercise, the body actively breaks down fat. Considering this factor, experts do not recommend eating within two hours.
Some athletes believe that eating a small apple after working out in the gym is acceptable. We will try to answer how justified such a relaxation in diet is.
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Apples and sports
After doing a home workout to lose weight or maintain general physical fitness, or working out hard in the gym, almost anyone will feel hungry. During sports, calories are lost and a lot of energy is consumed. However, you can’t overeat on unhealthy and filling foods, otherwise you can harm your well-being, and all the results obtained from the workout will simply evaporate.
What can you snack on after exercise to replenish your energy? First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, as well as dairy/fermented milk products. However, even in this option, you need to choose wisely. Only those food options that contain a lot of water, with a minimum amount of calories, are suitable. In this context, apples are an excellent option.
Apples themselves are a very healthy fruit. They saturate the body with iron and some essential vitamins, really provide energy, and improve digestion. One apple after training cannot negatively affect body size, since it contains about 50 calories and contains a lot of water. Apples will not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, despite the fact that they contain a lot of fructose. Saturation will occur gradually. At the same time, apples perfectly quench both thirst and hunger.
There are two important things to remember before eating apples after a sports workout:
- It is necessary to give preference only to green fruits; You can eat 2-3 of these apples at a time; It is also permissible to eat yellow apples, but not more than one small fruit; but you should abstain from red varieties of apples;
- You can eat an apple after sports only in the first half of the day; this fruit is perfect for a short snack; But it’s still not worth eating apples at night, even if you’re training hard.
How do experts feel about an apple diet after a workout?
It should be noted right away that the attitude of nutritionists towards apples, like other fruits, is ambiguous.
Although all the gifts from gardens are very useful for the body, since they are the most valuable products in terms of vitamins and other useful elements. But at the same time, apples contain a lot of fructose (up to 60%), and this component belongs to carbohydrate compounds. These substances are easily transformed into glycogen or fat, the accumulation of which is undesirable for an athlete. Especially those people who train for the sake of body correction, that is, with the goal of losing weight, need to pay attention to this point. It is known that the daily requirement of the body, or more precisely the liver, for glycogen is only about 150 grams. It follows that the daily dose of fruit should not be significant. If we are talking about apples, then it is enough to include one yellow or 2 green fruits in the daily menu. This light fruit snack is best taken by an athlete in the first part of the day. But under no circumstances should you eat apples before bed after an evening workout. This limitation is due to the fact that in the passive state of the body, carbon is broken down more actively, and this is accompanied by the release of energy. An unclaimed energy resource will necessarily be converted into fat.
From the above, we can conclude that it is possible to eat an apple after physical activity, and sometimes even necessary. It all depends on the specific situation and the purpose of sports activities. For example, an athlete seeking to quickly gain muscle mass is allowed to make such a deviation in a strict dietary schedule. If your workouts are based on weight loss, then it is better to give up the apple snack.
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Apple diet
The most popular fasting diet at all times was the apple diet. This is understandable: apples grow almost throughout the entire territory of our country, they are accessible, tasty and easily digestible. There are various apple diets: complex, consisting of two products and one (mono-diet). The latter type of diet is quickly gaining popularity. Mono-diets represent a relief for the body, since for 1-3 days you eat only one product and nothing else. A mono-diet can be followed quite often, because it brings many benefits: it cleanses the body, improves metabolism, expels excess fluid, and helps to lose 1-2 kg.
It is better to follow the apple diet when new apples appear, that is, in summer and autumn. Apples contain a lot of iron, pectin, folic acid, vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, E, K, P, so your body will receive a lot of nutrients. Apple seeds contain iodine. Apples remove toxic substances, cholesterol, and heavy metals. Apples have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, anti-sclerotic, astringent, laxative, and diuretic properties.
Nutritional value of apples
Apples have many useful qualities that will provide effective assistance to the athlete’s body after intense exercise. The fruits have the following beneficial properties:
- They normalize digestive processes due to their high content of plant fiber.
- They stabilize hemoglobin levels, because one of the main components of the fetus is iron.
- They help actively burn fat because they saturate the blood with oxygen.
- They have pronounced antioxidant properties, which manifests themselves in cleansing the body of waste and toxins.
- The tannins present in apples perform a preventive mission, preventing the development of urolithiasis.
- Organic acids inhibit the process of putrefaction in the intestines.
- Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a natural immunomodulator that maintains the normal condition and function of blood vessels.
- Pectin neutralizes and removes heavy metal salts.
This entire list of beneficial effects can be provided by one small apple. The energy value of 100 grams of product is approximately 46 kcal. Therefore, one fruit will be enough to satisfy the feeling of hunger and give the body a boost of energy.
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TOP 10 fruits for athletes
The top ten healthiest fruits for athletes include the following:
- Grape
. The high glycemic index of grapes ensures rapid replenishment of expended energy. The high content of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A and C, has a positive effect on the general condition of the body after intense training.
It is grape juice that is recommended to dilute creatine - a highly effective sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass.
- Apple
. The high iron content makes this fruit indispensable for athletes. Fiber helps normalize intestinal function, and vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant. - Cherry
. Helps in the fight against inflammatory processes, which are common among athletes who prefer high-intensity training. 50-100 grams of cherries added to a protein shake will help replenish expended energy and quickly recover after exhausting sports activities. - Pomegranate
. This exotic fruit is rich in antioxidants that accelerate cellular regeneration. Among other things, pomegranate has a positive effect on male potency and replenishes vitamin C and iron deficiency. - Grapefruit
. This bitter-tasting citrus is a real storehouse of vitamins. It helps restore the digestion process and speeds up metabolism. Due to its high vitamin C content, grapefruit can strengthen the immune system and help fight inflammation. - Orange
. Just like grapefruit, orange is considered one of the leaders in vitamin C content. One orange after training and you are guaranteed an excellent metabolism.
How to eat apples after a workout
It is recommended to have a light snack in the first 20 minutes after class. During this period, the anabolic window remains open in the body, that is, all components that enter it will be directed towards the recovery process.
The optimal apple varieties for an athlete's diet are Simirenko and Granny Smith. They have a lot of iron and a minimum of sugar. Therefore, these apple varieties will not affect weight gain in any way if the training process is aimed at losing weight. Red fruits cannot boast of such qualities; in addition, they can cause allergies.
Is it possible to eat fruit at night?
Despite the fact that the relatively low calorie content of fruits makes it possible to eat them almost at any time and in unlimited quantities, it is still better not to eat them before bed. There are a number of objective reasons for this:
- High sugar (fructose) content . If after or before training an apple or banana will help restore expended energy, then before bed these fruits will negatively affect blood sugar levels.
- High acidity . Firstly, it negatively affects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Secondly, high acidity invariably leads to increased production of gastric juice, which, as is known, provokes an attack of increased appetite, and this can result in completely unnecessary overeating at night.
If you prefer to study late in the evening, then after eating a couple of fruits, it is better to delay going to bed for 1.5-2 hours.
What can you replace an apple with?
If your sports activities do not allow you to relax your diet and eat even a small apple, you can find an alternative option.
Drinking after workouts is very beneficial. Moreover, there is no need to limit the amount of liquid provided that the drink does not contain sugar. The following drinks are suitable for restoring water balance:
- green tea;
- cocoa;
- fruit juice;
- purified plain water.
Such inclusion in the athlete’s menu will help to quickly recover. There is another option - low-fat kefir. The optimal dose of fermented milk drink is 2 glasses.
To summarize, it is safe to say that apples are very beneficial for actively training athletes. If they are wisely introduced into the diet, they will help replenish the lack of fluid and necessary energy.
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The benefits of apples for athletes
Apples are affordable fruits that are indispensable in the diet of active people. Today we will tell you what benefits apples can bring to an athlete.
The health benefits of apples have long been beyond doubt. Everyone is familiar with their taste from early childhood. In addition to their taste properties, apples also have unique healing properties. The British say: “By eating 1 apple a day, you save on the doctor,” and the Russians say: “An apple for dinner, and you don’t need a doctor.”
Apples in bodybuilding
Before training, it is useful to drink a whey shake and eat some “slow” carbohydrates. They will become a reliable source of energy throughout the entire training hour. If carbohydrates are “fast”, they will provoke the release of the hormone insulin, which is the first enemy of fat burning. This means that you are unlikely to “burn” even a gram of fat during a workout. It turns out that choosing a source of carbohydrates must be approached very responsibly. What to choose? Apple! It has a low glycemic index because its carbohydrates are fructose. This type of monosaccharide can only be absorbed by liver cells (and sperm!). The liver will do the work of converting fructose into glucose. However, this process is long and multi-stage, and therefore there is no need to be afraid of a sharp jump in blood sugar.
A team from Washington State University found that eating one apple a day, specifically the Granny Smith variety, may protect against the development of obesity.