Training legs and buttocks at home - 3 basic exercises for women

Our buttocks are represented by three muscles.
They cover the insertions of the posterior flexor and hip adductor tendons. Exercises for the buttocks and legs are as popular for girls as biceps and chest workouts for guys. Basically, it is best to use dumbbells, a barbell and, sometimes, some machines in order to train the spectacular relief of the hips and at the same time stimulate the growth of the gluteal muscles. The main nuance: the weight on the equipment must be selected in such a way as to perform 3-4 sets of 6-12 repetitions until complete fatigue.

And now nuance number 2: constantly increasing the weights with which you train immediately affects the growth of the gluteal, calf muscles and thighs.

Exercises for girls

Romanian cravings.
Exercise to train the back of the body. The biggest advantage is that it allows you to train the muscles of the hips, back and gluteal region without loading the knee joints. Compared to a regular deadlift, the movement is driven by the hips rather than bending the knees. Simply focus your attention on contracting your glutes at the top of the movement. Do not round your back during the exercise. Grasp the barbell with one palm facing forward and the other facing back. The grip should be slightly wider than shoulder width. The feet are 7-10 cm apart. The knees are slightly bent. Keep your glutes tight as you lower the bar until you feel a slight stretch in your gluteal region and hamstrings. Then, tensing your muscles, lift it up again.

Lunges are steps with squats. The gluteal muscles are well worked out, because each leg is tensed in turn. In this case, the hips should bend quite deeply.

Hold a heavy dumbbell to your chest with your hands. Step forward and bend your hip and knee to 90° (squat). Stand up and do the same with the other leg. We perform the exercise alternating the right and left sides.

Bend forward. It must be performed only by contracting the gluteal muscles. Keep your back straight. Place the barbell at the base of your neck (across your back). Feet shoulder width apart. The weight of the bar is 10-15 kg. The exercise begins with sticking your buttocks back while bending your torso forward. Raise your head to hold the barbell. Returning to the starting position is also accomplished by contracting the buttocks. Gradually increase the weight of the projectile.

Squats. The problem is that many people either avoid them altogether or do them with the wrong technique. Complaints of knee and lower back pain are often used as an excuse not to squat. But to achieve results there is no need to work with huge weights. After all, there are many effective options for squats:

  • goblet (goblet);
  • sumo;
  • Bulgarian;
  • frontal;
  • squats on one leg.

Different variations target different muscle groups.

the girl's hips are cup-shaped

Cup (goblet) exercises work the hamstrings, as well as the quadriceps and glutes.

for a girl's hips - squatsOn one leg - good for the gluteal and quadriceps muscles.

girl - sumoSumo (kettlebell squats) really help shape a sexy butt.

It is necessary to add different types of squats to your workouts to work the buttocks.
Added bonus: Your thighs and calves will look amazing and your abs will become firmer.
Do 6 - 8 repetitions when using heavy weights. For light and medium weights – up to 15 repetitions. For girls, it is recommended to train with a large number of repetitions per approach (12-15) so that the relief of the hips and gluteal region is formed.

Lying pelvic lift (gluteal bridge). This is a specialized exercise for girls for ideal firm buttocks. Some perform up to 500 repetitions per day. It sounds crazy, but it really works effectively. Move your feet as close to your body as possible and with a sharp movement lift your pelvis up. After every 100 reps, place a plate or bar on your thighs and perform 1 more set. When you're done, do another 50 reps with your bodyweight. During the training process, when you become stronger, you can move on to performing a bridge on each leg alternately.

According to most, this exercise is one of the best for hip development, and besides, the results appear almost instantly. On the first day of classes!

Leg press. Another effective exercise. You can lift really heavy weights. Often used as a replacement for squats, but can be used as an addition to other exercises. One secret: if you want to specifically work your buttocks, raise your feet high on the platform and keep them together.

Swing your legs back (kickbacks). Another great exercise for training the buttocks for girls. Recruits more muscle fibers from the gluteus maximus and minimus muscles than any other exercise. It is performed both with your own weight and in a special simulator. Both options are effective. It is good to combine with swings to the side (in the picture). It is recommended to perform at the end of a workout to maximally deplete and stimulate the muscles.


After a good warm-up of the muscles, the main set of exercises for losing weight in the legs begins. It consists of several circles, each of which specifically loads different groups of leg muscles. By the end of the session, you will feel a burning sensation and heaviness in your lower extremities. This is the main indicator of quality training.

Once again about doing a workout for the legs and buttocks:

  • The main workout consists of 7 rounds.
  • Each round includes 2 exercises.
  • Exercises are performed according to the scheme 45 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest.
  • Exercises in a round are repeated in two circles.
  • The round lasts 4 minutes.
  • After each round, 1 minute rest.

The description indicates the number of repetitions, but we recommend practicing on a timer. Firstly, you will not be distracted by the count and will be completely focused on the dynamic workout. Secondly, you will not be able to give yourself permission to rest longer between exercises.


1. Squat with leg swing to the side

Why: This is an excellent functional exercise for losing weight in the legs, which develops the strength of the lower extremities, tones the muscles, and burns subcutaneous fat. The exercise is especially useful for working the buttocks, as well as the outer and inner thighs.

How to do it: Take a shoulder-width stance and bring your arms in front of you. Perform a squat, then stand up and move your leg to the side, trying to feel the lateral thigh muscle. Perform at an average pace, without rushing. Avoid slouching your back, maintaining an even posture at all times. When squatting, do not lift your heels off the floor to properly distribute the load. In the first circle, the exercise is performed on the right leg, in the second circle on the left.

How to make it easier: Don't lift your leg too high to the side. Instead of a full squat, you can do a half squat.

How much to do: 20 reps on one side in the first round, 20 reps on the other side in the second round.

2. Jumping with crossed legs

Why: This is a high-intensity leg weight loss exercise that quickly raises your heart rate and actively promotes the burning of excess fat. Also, while crossing your legs, the inner thigh is worked out perfectly.

How to do it: As you jump, spread your arms and legs out to the sides, assuming a star pose. The next jump returns you to the starting phase. But the main task at this stage is to cross your arms and legs. The right leg is positioned in front, the right hand is positioned on top. After crossing, perform the jump again, spreading your lower and upper limbs to the sides. Perform the entire 45 seconds of the exercise on the right side, in the second round the exercise is performed on the other side.

How to make it easier: Place your hands on your waist. Instead of crossing, you can perform regular jumps with legs spread.

How much to do: 50 reps on one side in the first round, 50 reps on the other side in the second round.

Repeat the round twice, then rest for 1 minute and move on to the second round. We do not sit down or lie down during rest, we walk in place.


3. Lunge from side to cross

Why: Another weight loss exercise for the legs, developing the overall endurance of the body, as well as leg strength. Perfectly works the buttocks, back, outer and inner thighs. In addition, the deep abdominal muscles are involved in the work, since the exercise requires maintaining balance.

How to do it: Take a shoulder-width stance and cross-lunge back with your right leg. The back is not slouched, the shoulders are straightened, the arms are brought together in front of you. The knee of the right leg barely touches the floor, the left leg stands confidently on the entire foot. As you stand up, swing your right leg out to the side to simultaneously do a side lunge. After it, take her into a curtsy again, repeating the starting phase of the exercise. The pace of execution is average, do not rush (especially when performing a backward cross lunge). In the second round, perform the exercise on the other leg.

How to make it easier: When changing lunges, place your right foot next to your left foot (in a regular stance) so it will be easier for you to maintain balance.

How much to do: 15 reps on one side in the first round, 15 reps on the other side in the second round.

4. Sumo with two jumps and raises

Why: This is a multifunctional leg slimming exercise that simultaneously develops thigh strength and also stimulates fat burning. During sumo squats, the buttocks and hamstrings are intensively worked, and jumping helps burn fat deposits on the legs.

How to do it: Jump twice, then spread your legs wider than shoulder-width apart to perform a sumo squat. At the lower amplitude, the bend angle of the lower leg and thigh is 90 degrees. You can hold for a second to better load your muscles. When doing a squat, keep your arms folded in front of you, do not arch your back, and maintain an even posture. Returning to the starting phase, perform two jumps again and squat again.

How to make it easier: Place your hands together near your chest, do not drop into a deep squat.

How much to do: 20 repetitions.

Repeat the round twice, then rest for 1 minute and move on to the third round. We do not sit down or lie down during rest, we walk in place.


5. Leg abduction in a half squat

Why: This exercise for losing weight in the legs constantly keeps the muscles of the thighs and buttocks in a tense state. Movements to the sides actively load the lateral muscles of the thighs, due to which the legs acquire a beautiful and attractive shape. An amazing exercise for athletes of all levels due to its low risk of injury.

How to do it: Get into a half-squat position as if you are about to run. Bend your lower back, straighten your shoulders and look clearly in front of you. The torso must be fixed in the accepted position. Now alternately move your lower limbs to the side, placing them back. Each lateral position is fixed with a short pause. The arms bent at the elbow are straightened, moving synchronously with the legs.

How to make it easier: Raise your pelvis higher off the floor, remaining in a shallow half-squat.

How many to perform: 20 repetitions on each leg (40 total).

6. Skier

Why: Thanks to high-intensity jumping, you can get rid of excess fat not only in your legs, but throughout your entire body. The sports element is good for working out the relief of the legs. Also, when performing arm swings, the front side of the shoulders is additionally loaded. Due to the low risk of injury, the exercise is optimal for all levels of training.

How to do it: Start jumping by alternately moving your right/left leg forward and back. Also alternately raise and lower your arms. This exercise for losing weight on legs is called a skier for a reason. To make it easier to master the technique, imagine as if you were skiing. Start slowly to get a good feel for the tension in your legs.

How to simplify: Don't wave your arms, put them on your belt. You can also avoid placing your feet far apart: the smaller the distance between your feet, the easier it is to perform the exercise.

How many to perform: 25 repetitions on each leg (50 total).

Repeat the round twice, then rest for 1 minute and move on to the fourth round, which takes place entirely on the floor and will help you catch your breath a little.


7. Tiptoe bridge

Why: This exercise actively works the back of the thigh, gives roundness to the buttocks, and also loads the abdominal muscles. Due to the continuous position of the bridge, the buttocks do not stop working for a second. These isolated exercises on the mat will allow you to get some rest while still working hard on the target muscles.

How to do it: Lie down on a gymnastic mat and bend your knees, focusing on your feet. Stretch your arms along your body, lift your pelvis off the floor without changing the position of your upper and lower limbs. Hold at the peak point - this is the starting position. Now begin to rise up onto your toes and lower your heels back to the floor. In this case, the pelvis is raised high, the buttocks do not relax and are in constant tension. Do not lift the back of your head from the mat, direct your gaze to the ceiling so as not to injure your neck.

How to simplify: Do not rise high on your toes, keep a comfortable amplitude. You can also periodically lower your buttocks to the floor to relieve muscle tension.

How much to do: 25 repetitions.

8. Pulse leg stretch

Why: Exercise for losing weight in your legs helps not only to pump up the lateral muscles of the thighs and get rid of riding breeches, but also to work out the inner surface of the legs. Additionally, the oblique muscles of the press and lower abdomen are involved in the work.

How to do it: Take a lying position and lift your legs up so that the angle between them and your torso becomes straight. Now spread your lower limbs to the sides until you feel a stretch. In the peak phase, perform a pulsation counting “1-2-3”, then return to the starting position. At the same time, the body does not sway, relying on the arms extended along the body. Avoid pain when stretching your legs, as this can lead to injury.

How to simplify: Spread your legs without pulsation, reduce the amplitude of the “straddle.”

How much to do: 20 repetitions.

Repeat the round twice, then rest for 1 minute and move on to the fifth round. During rest, it is better to stand up and walk in place to prepare for further intense exercise.


9. Squat + Back Lunge

Why: Basic exercise to develop leg strength and shape formation. With a squat/lunge combination, you literally make your legs burn while feeling maximum tension in your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. One of the most effective ways to develop a beautiful shape of the lower extremities.

How to do it: Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat to a right angle in the bend of the knee joint, then stand up and immediately lunge back. Returning to the starting phase, perform a squat again, stand up and again move your leg back for a reverse lunge. Throughout the exercise, maintain an even posture, do not hunch and look ahead. Place your hands near your chest. In the second round, perform the exercise on the other leg.

How to make it easier: Take a normal step back without dropping into a lunge. You can also periodically straighten up completely from the squat to relieve tension in the muscles.

How much to do: 15 reps on one side in the first round, 15 reps on the other side in the second round.

10. Skater

Why: This leg slimming exercise promotes fat burning in the buttocks and abdomen. It is a popular training element among people practicing fitness. Thanks to moderately high intensity, you tone the cardiovascular system and develop overall endurance of the body.

How to do it: Take a wide step to the side while reaching your toes with your opposite hand. Try not to rotate your body, relying solely on your footwork. In the lower amplitude, the free leg is brought behind the working leg. Afterwards, take a step in the opposite direction, loading the lower limbs alternately. Imagine yourself running on ice skates to better understand the technique.

How to make it easier: Don't lean towards the floor, just jump from side to side, body straight, gaze directed forward.

How much to do: 20 reps on each side (40 total).

Repeat the round twice, then rest for 1 minute and move on to the sixth round. We do not sit down or lie down during rest, we walk in place.


11. Sumo squat + calf raise

Why: This simple leg weight loss exercise perfectly works the gluteal muscle group, giving it a rounded, aesthetic shape. Sumo squats also develop overall leg strength, making them beautiful and toned. Calf raises are performed to develop the calf muscles. By actively moving your arms, you engage more muscles and enhance fat burning.

How to do it: Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and perform a sumo squat, reaching your hands to the floor. When standing up, stretch your arms up while standing on your toes. Keep your back straight, avoiding slouching and bending in the lower back. Do not lean your body forward to avoid unnecessary stress on your knee joints. Direct your gaze straight ahead. Perform the exercise at an average pace.

How to make it easier: Don't rise up on your toes, do a regular sumo squat.

How much to do: 20 repetitions.

12. Lunge with floor touch + leg swing

Why: This exercise, on the one hand, is aimed at burning fat, and on the other, working on the relief of the legs and buttocks. Moreover, during its execution, not only all the muscles of the lower body work, but also the abdominal muscles, so you will touch all problem areas. Due to the high intensity, lunges + swings perfectly burn subcutaneous fat, helping to lose excess weight.

How to do it: Take a shoulder-width stance, then move your leg back, doing a reverse lunge. At the same time, touch the floor with your hand. When standing up, make an intense forward swing of your leg (kick). After this, perform a reverse lunge again with your hand touching the floor. Maintain the natural curve of your back and lower back and look ahead. This is a rather complex exercise for losing weight in the legs, which requires strict adherence to technique.

How to make it easier: When lifting your legs from a lunge, pull your knee toward your chest instead of swinging your leg. You can also reduce the depth of the lunge and bend towards the floor.

How much to do: 20 reps on one side in the first round, 20 reps on the other side in the second round.

Repeat the round twice, then rest for 1 minute and move on to the last round. We do not sit down or lie down during rest, we walk in place.


13. Plyometric squats with pulse

Why: Plyometric squats allow you to work out the high-quality relief of the leg muscles, as well as increase their endurance. This is an effective method for giving a high-quality and beautiful shape, since pulsation promotes active muscle work without relieving tension. By jumping, you will further raise your heart rate and enhance fat burning.

How to do it: This leg weight loss exercise is similar to classic squats. The difference is that in the lower phase you need to pulsate for “1-2-3”, then get up, place your feet narrower than your shoulders and squat again with pulsation for 3 counts. The legs are brought together and spread with a short jump. Hands folded in front of you, back straight, gaze always directed ahead.

How to make it easier: Periodically straighten up from a squat to relieve tension in your leg muscles. You can move your legs to change the type of squat without jumping.

How much to do: 10 repetitions.

14. Running with high knees

Why: One of the best cardio exercises and, at the same time, a high-quality intensive exercise for losing weight in the legs and abdominal area. Develops overall endurance of the body and promotes active burning of subcutaneous fat. Thanks to the high rise of the knees, you will perfectly work the front of the thighs and lower abdomen. This is a good way to finish off your leg weight loss workout.

How to do it: Imagine that you are planning to run in place. Start moving your bent arms along your body, while simultaneously raising your knees in turn. The thigh rises to parallel with the floor, the core is tense. The exercise is similar to classic jogging in place, but due to the high rise of the knees, it is more difficult and requires additional calorie expenditure.

How to simplify: Do not raise your knees high, reduce the speed of execution.

How many to perform: 25 repetitions on each leg (50 total).

Repeat the round for 2 rounds. After finishing your workout, walk in place for 1 minute to regain your breathing before stretching.

Brazilian butt and leg workout for girls

It is best to train your thighs, calves and buttocks on the same day, once a week. However, calf raises and glute bridges can, and are even desirable, be performed more often: 2 or 3 days a week. So, let's move on to the training:

The program is quite hard! Well, who promised that it would be easy?

  • Barbell squats (3 x 15-20 reps)
  • Leg press (3 x 15 reps with wide stance)
  • Leg press (3 x 15 reps with narrow feet, high feet on platform)
  • Glute bridge with hip plate (3-4 x 12 reps)
  • Back swings (3 x 35)
  • Swing to the side (3 x 35)
  • Seated leg extension in a machine (3 x 10-15)
  • Leg bending while sitting in a machine (3 x 10-15)
  • Calf raises (weighted on back) (3 x 8-12 reps with heavy weight or 3 x 40 reps with bodyweight).

Rest between exercises for 60 seconds.
Sometimes, to strengthen (once you have mastered the correct technique) it is advisable to use the Romanian deadlift (3 x 8-12 reps). Good luck!


1. We offer you a 5-day set of exercises for advanced practitioners:

  • Mon: Workout for legs and buttocks – presented below
  • VT: Upper Body Workout
  • CP: Intense cardio workout
  • CT: Low impact floor workout for problem areas
  • PT: Full body interval training

These 5-day workouts are suitable for those who want to burn fat, improve body tone and get rid of problem areas.

2. For a variety of activities, check out other programs on our website:

  • 5-day easy workout routine for women
  • Strength training complex with dumbbells for men
  • A set of workouts without equipment for women for 3 days
  • A set of workouts without equipment for men for 3 days

3. We recommend training 5 days a week, leaving 2 days for rest. You can make the days off not Saturday and Sunday, but floating days: for example, Thursday and Sunday. Also on Saturday you can additionally perform a relaxing complex of stretching or relaxation. Check out our selections:

  • 30 Minute Full Body Stretch
  • Back relaxation workout
  • Yoga for Beginners
  • Leg stretching exercises
  • Exercises for back flexibility

4. Leg workout structure suggested below:

  • The training begins with a warm-up warm-up for 5-7 minutes.
  • The main part consists of 7 rounds of exercises.
  • Each round includes two intense exercises.
  • Exercises are performed according to the scheme 45 seconds work / 15 seconds rest.
  • Exercises in a round are repeated in two circles.
  • Accordingly, each round lasts 4 minutes (2 exercises are repeated twice).
  • After each round, rest 1 minute.
  • The fourth round takes place on the mat, during which you will be able to rest a little.
  • “One-sided” exercises are performed in the first circle on the right side, in the second circle on the left (or vice versa).
  • At the end, you will have a stretch on the floor for 5-7 minutes.

5. The total duration of the workout for losing weight on legs is ~45 minutes, including warm-up and stretching. You can always increase or decrease the duration of the session by changing the number of laps or time for each exercise.

6. The training is designed for an advanced level and is aimed at losing weight in the legs, toning the buttocks, getting rid of fat deposits in the riding breeches and inner thighs, tightening the front and back of the thigh. The program combines functional strength exercises for muscle definition and intense jumping exercises for burning fat - this is the ideal combination for the formation of slender legs and toned buttocks.

7. This program can be performed for a time or number of repetitions of your choice. We recommend training on time, since the program is intense, and you can easily lose count (but warm-up, on the contrary, is more convenient to do on a count, without a timer). However, the number of repetitions is also indicated below in the description of each exercise. If you perform counting exercises without a timer, the program time may differ from the stated one.

8. To perform using a timer, we recommend downloading a mobile phone application (for example, Tabata Timer) or viewing our selection of mobile applications with timers. Another option is to include a ready-made video with a timer on YouTube.

9. For training, you will need a mat and some free space in the room. No additional equipment is needed.

10. This workout for losing weight in your legs and toning your buttocks is quite intense. At first, it may be difficult for you to endure it from beginning to end. How can you simplify this workout for the hips and buttocks:

  • Perform a lighter version of the exercises (indicated in the description).
  • Reduce the speed of exercise.
  • Change the execution time to: 40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest.
  • Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
  • Between the fourth and fifth rounds, take an additional rest of 5 minutes, during which you need to walk in place at a calm pace (do not sit down or lie down).

11. If you want to complicate this workout to lose weight in your legs and tone your buttocks (for example, after time has passed, your body has adapted to the load), then you can:

  • Increase the speed of exercises.
  • Reduce rest between rounds to 15-30 seconds.
  • Change the exercise time to: 50 seconds work / 10 seconds rest.
  • Use dumbbells.

12. This workout is not suitable for beginners in fitness, people with problems with leg joints, or people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Timer 45 seconds work / 15 seconds rest:

The most effective basic loads for training the gluteal muscles and lower limbs

Among the most effective basic loads for transforming the lower body are both static exercises and work with weights and in a simulator, for example, a crossover.

If you want to pump up your buttocks, you should first of all pay attention to:

Squats Starting position (IP): place your feet apart from each other at a distance slightly greater than shoulder width; straighten the spine; Place a barbell with a working weight on your shoulders, holding it with your hands. As you exhale, bend your legs at the knee joints and squat down at least until a right angle is formed in them. In this case, it is important to ensure that the knees are approximately above the feet, and do not go forward. After holding in this position for 2-3 seconds, slowly return to the IP, while inhaling air.
Lunges with dumbbells IP: stand up straight; feet stand next to each other; straighten your shoulders; Take dumbbells of working weight in your hands and lower them along your body. As you exhale, take a step forward and squat down, bending both knees. While in this position, it is necessary to evenly distribute the body weight between the legs, avoiding shifting the center of gravity to the back leg. Without pausing, return to the IP. Repeat similar actions, putting the other leg forward.
Swing your legs while on all fours IP: get on all fours; knees slightly apart from each other; back straight; the head and body form one straight line; the gaze is directed downwards. As you exhale, raise your head and at the same time move one leg back. Bend the limb at the knee, thus forming a right angle. Keep your leg in a static position for the maximum amount of time, and then slowly lower it into the IP. Swing with the other leg.

What do you need to know before you start training?

In order for classes to bring maximum effect, you must follow some rules. It is imperative to ensure that there are no contraindications by consulting your doctor. Contraindications include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • acute viral or infectious diseases;
  • any surgical intervention;
  • cancer in the past;
  • heart diseases;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • phlebeurysm.

Before the exercises, you should warm up thoroughly, running in place for at least a few minutes, turning your head, elbows, shoulders, knees, body, swinging your arms, and jumping. Such movements will warm up the muscles and prepare them for stress, and also reduce the risk of injury.

Important! After training, it is necessary to stretch those muscle groups that were worked on. Stretching will improve blood circulation, which will reduce muscle pain later.

You can also advise setting aside a certain time for home workouts and sticking to this schedule. There is no need to exercise in home clothes; it is better to change into sportswear and take a cool shower after exercise.

Losing weight in legs

Losing weight in legs

Remember: it is impossible to lose weight somewhere in one place. Local fat burning is a myth. If the body uses fat reserves, then it spends them the way it is convenient for it, and not the way you want. Problem areas become problematic because fat accumulates easily in them, but is consumed slowly. Therefore, do not look for magical exercises for legs and buttocks, expecting that you will lose weight only in these areas. But keep in mind that due to physical activity on the muscles in the trained area, blood circulation is activated and all processes, including fat burning, are accelerated.

Lesson program for three days

Any sports activity should begin with a warm-up. This is a general rule for any workout. Running and simple exercises are suitable as a warm-up phase. At the end of the warm-up, you can spend a few minutes stretching.


  • Squats – 12;
  • Plie with weight – 12;
  • Ab crunches – maximum;
  • Weighted lunges – 10 each;
  • Bridge for the buttocks – 12.


  • Romanian deadlift – 12;
  • Pull-ups or overhead block – maximum or 12;
  • Lower block sitting with a narrow grip – 12;
  • Lying dumbbell flyes – 12;
  • Dumbbell rows to the belt – 12;
  • Incline dumbbell press – 12.


  • Hyperextension – 15;
  • Pushing your legs back on a machine or block – 10 each;
  • Lifting the legs from resting on the elbows – maximum;
  • Split squat with weights – 10 each;
  • Leg bending in the simulator – 12;
  • Arnold press – 12.

You can also perform exercises for your legs and buttocks with an elastic band. After training, a 20-30 minute jog is recommended to improve weight loss results.

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