Prunes dried apricots figs honey senna reviews for constipation

Constipation is a big problem at any age. The intestines begin to work slowly, which causes pain to develop and a feeling of pressure in the abdomen. As a result, there are difficulties during emptying.

There are many medications to treat constipation, including activated charcoal, which helps remove waste and toxins.

These may be medications for one-time or ongoing use. Folk remedies also help, among which decoctions and various mixtures containing prunes are very effective.

Prunes are dried plums. It contains mild laxatives and fiber. Due to this composition, dried fruit is often used in household use as a remedy for constipation.

When should you use a laxative?

Laxatives should be taken if the intestines have not been emptied for more than 48 hours

If your body, as they say, works like a clock, then you will go to the toilet at approximately the same time. If something goes wrong, the act of defecation will shift slightly in time or after bowel movement you will not feel that the intestines are completely empty.

True, all this does not necessarily indicate that a person has developed constipation. The body will react in the same way to other problems with the digestive system. If a person constantly feels the urge to go to the toilet throughout the day, but is unable to perform a bowel movement, this indicates that he is constipated and he urgently needs to take laxatives.

But before you take action, think about whether you have the opportunity to be at home for the next 2-4 hours. After all, as soon as a laxative gets into your body, it will begin to irritate the intestinal walls and soften the stool, and all this can lead to diarrhea and excessive formation of gases. In view of all this, it will be better if you take laxatives 4-5 hours before bedtime.

What are the benefits of dried apricots?

Dried apricots are dried apricots without pits. The secret of the benefits of dried apricot for the body lies in its vitamin and mineral composition.

dried apricots

100g of this dried fruit contains:

  • vitamin A - 65% of the daily value
  • beta-carotene - 70%
  • vitamin E – 37%
  • vitamin PP – 20%
  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 - from 7% to 11%
  • vitamins B4, B9, H, K, C - from 2 to 5%
  • chrome - 118%
  • silicon - 87%
  • potassium - 69%
  • copper - 34%
  • magnesium - 26%
  • phosphorus, iron, molybdenum - 18%
  • calcium -16%
  • manganese -12%
  • iodine, selenium, zinc, fluorine, sodium - up to 4%

Due to its composition, this product has a healing effect on the body:

  • cleanses of toxins
  • improves vision
  • improves the cardiovascular system
  • supports immunity
  • regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

How to make a laxative from kefir and mineral water: recipe

Laxative made from kefir and mineral water

Not many people know that mineral water and kefir, when mixed, form a substance whose properties are similar to a laxative. In fact, both water and kefir, even on their own, are capable of normalizing the functioning of the digestive system and thereby establishing the correct and, most importantly, timely process of defecation.

True, you must remember that only high-quality products have positive properties. In view of this, to prepare a laxative, it is best to take sulfate water and kefir with bifidobacteria. By mixing them together, you will get a product that will simultaneously dilute stool and enhance intestinal motility.

To prepare this home remedy you will need 150 ml of kefir and 150 ml of mineral water. They will need to be mixed, slightly warmed and drunk at one time. If constipation is already chronic, then you can take such a laxative for 7 to 10 days in a row.

How to eat prunes for laxative effect?

To solve problems with bowel movements, the fruit is consumed both separately and in combination with other products that are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins and help cleanse the intestines.

The easiest way to eat prunes is in the morning on an empty stomach. In this case, you need to drink a lot of clean water to enhance the laxative effect of the product. Before eating, dried fruits should be thoroughly rinsed under the tap. If there is a bone, it must be removed.

To begin with, it is recommended to eat no more than 3 pieces. If there is no result, you can use up to 10 pieces at a time, provided there are no allergic reactions.

It is important to be able to choose the right product. A good black plum with a visible shine. It feels elastic to the touch and does not leave marks on your fingers.

There are 2 types of dried plums sold in the markets - smoked and dried. Here you need to choose according to your taste preferences. But it is believed that dried milk is more suitable for the treatment and prevention of constipation.

Reference! Dried fruit in its pure form takes a long time to digest, so don’t expect an immediate laxative effect. But there is no need to abuse it, so as not to provoke diarrhea.

How to make a laxative drink from soda: recipe

Laxative drink made from soda

Initially, I would like to clarify that, although soda is a fairly effective laxative, it is not suitable for all people. This is due to the fact that soda stimulates the passage of feces by severely irritating the intestinal walls. Therefore, if a person has an inflammatory process in this organ, then it is likely that it will worsen.

You also need to remember that you can’t take soda very often. If you do this regularly, you will upset the acid balance of the stomach and, as a result, provoke the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as heartburn.

Laxative for constipation from dried fruits and senna: recipe

Laxative for constipation made from dried fruits and senna

Most often, constipation is just a consequence of improper functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, if a person only dilutes stool and irritates the intestinal walls, he will not achieve a positive result.

If you want to get rid of the problem once and for all, then use a mixture of senna and dried fruits. Senna will make stool more liquid, and dried fruits will fill the intestines with healthy fiber, which will absorb all the toxins that have accumulated in it. This will help the body cleanse itself of harmful substances and, as a result, begin to work correctly.


  • To start, take 50 g of prunes and raisins.
  • Pour boiling water over them, and then dry them slightly and turn them into a paste-like mass.
  • In a separate bowl, prepare a decoction of senna leaves.
  • To do this, pour 100 ml of boiling water into 1 tsp of dry raw materials
  • When the decoction is ready, mix it with dried fruit puree
  • Use the resulting mixture in one go.

Prunes with kefir - how to prepare and take a laxative?

Kefir is a fermented milk product with a high protein content that is well absorbed by the body. It is able to restore the intestinal microflora, so its use is indicated for those prone to constipation.

Kefir can be drunk separately, but for greater effectiveness, dried fruits and other components are added.

Here's a proven recipe:

  • rinse the dried plums with running water, remove the seeds;
  • mash a few pieces with a fork and pour a glass of kefir with 1-2% fat content;
  • after 2 hours the mixture is ready for use;
  • Should be taken before meals or at night.

You can use a blender for preparation, then the drink will be more delicate. Dried apricots are suitable instead of prunes. The recipe will be the same.

Attention! Kefir is contraindicated for lactose intolerance. The product is not recommended for people suffering from heartburn, as well as patients with gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Laxative saline: recipe

Laxative saline

Saline laxatives, like soda, can only be used occasionally. It also has a pronounced irritating effect, which, in the presence of an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, can further aggravate it. Saline solution has a slightly different effect on constipation.

Once in the intestines, it begins to very intensively attract water that is in the body, and this leads to the fact that the feces increase and begin to put pressure on the walls of the rectum. This increases blood flow and, as a result, intestinal motility increases and the urge to go to the toilet appears.

Recommendations for preparing a laxative:

  • So, take sea or Carls salt and put it in a glass container
  • To prepare the product you will need 1 tbsp salt
  • Pour 800 ml of boiling water over it and stir thoroughly
  • Wait until the liquid has cooled to 40 degrees and you can take it
  • You should drink the product in small portions throughout the day.

Beneficial properties of prunes - how does it affect the intestines?

Dried plum is a source of vitamins, macro- and microelements, polysaccharides and bioflavonoids. It contains a lot of vitamin C and folic acid, as well as B vitamins, which are necessary for proper intestinal function.

What are the benefits of prunes:

  • eliminates the feeling of heaviness after eating;
  • relieves belching and heartburn;
  • prevents stagnation of feces, softens it;
  • restores microflora;
  • has antispasmodic and mild analgesic effects.

As a result, due to fiber and pectins, stool increases in size, and the smooth muscles of the intestine begin to contract, its tone increases. The process of defecation occurs.

There is one secret. For dried fruit to have the desired effect, it is important to drink plenty of liquid. Give preference to clean water without gases at room temperature.

It is important! During research at ETH Zurich, it was discovered that prunes contain acrylamide.

This toxic compound damages brain cells and causes breast and bladder cancer. But it should be noted that the substance is released when any product is heated at temperatures above 100 degrees.

Prune laxative: recipe

Prune laxative

A little higher, we already mentioned that prunes are a fairly effective remedy for constipation. Moreover, it not only helps to liquefy stool, but also removes from the body all toxins that accumulate in large quantities on the intestinal walls during prolonged constipation.

If constipation is not a regular occurrence for you, then you can not even cook anything, but simply eat 3-5 pieces of prunes and drink them with plenty of water . If you already have chronic constipation, then you will have to prepare a concentrated decoction.


  • Rinse 20 prunes and put them in a thermos
  • Pour boiling water over everything, wrap it in an additional towel, and leave to steep for 1 hour.
  • It is necessary to wrap it so that the dried fruit in the thermos remains hot for as long as possible.
  • After this time, without straining, you can drink a laxative
  • Use it in 3 doses in 1 day
  • Taking the decoction can be alternated with eating steamed prunes

Healing properties for the intestines and body

Senna, as a medicinal plant, has been studied by Chinese doctors for a very long time. It is used to optimize the functioning of the digestive tract and improve appetite. When consumed in large quantities, the herb can serve as an excellent remedy for constipation by gently relaxing the intestinal walls.

Thanks to its unique composition, senna has a complex therapeutic effect on the human body. The active substances of the plant are anthraglycosides, which, if they enter the intestines under the influence of digestive enzymes, are broken down into aglucones and sugar. It is they who have an irritating effect on the receptors located in the intestinal walls, and thereby enhance its peristalsis.

  1. The presence of phytosterols in senna ensures that a person lowers blood cholesterol to a normal level.
  2. In turn, flavonoids normalize blood pressure, balance heart rate, and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Zinc has a beneficial effect on the skin, bones, liver function, and helps the body absorb vitamins.
  4. Barium promotes complete relaxation of the heart muscle.
  5. Magnesium ensures metabolism, normal cell division and protein synthesis.
  6. Copper activates the conversion of iron into hemoglobin, helps the functioning of the immune system and the development of body tissues.
  7. Selenium, together with iodine, ensures normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

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Powerful, fast-acting homemade laxative: recipe

A powerful, fast-acting homemade laxative

As you probably already understood, if you wish, you can prepare a laxative with your own hands, which in its properties will be no worse than the pharmaceutical one. Now we will introduce you to a recipe for a laxative that acts on the body like a real broom.

Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it quickly improves intestinal function and dilutes stool. All this contributes to the fact that within 3 hours after consumption the process of emptying the rectum begins.


  • Take 200 g each of beets, pumpkin and celery
  • Rinse all vegetables, chop them and put them in a juicer
  • Squeeze the juice out of them, warm it slightly
  • Add 1 tbsp of vegetable oil to it and drink in one go

Easy, mild homemade laxative: recipe

An easy, mild homemade laxative

In the case of chronic constipation, it is best to use mild laxatives, which have a less aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Yes, you will have to take them for a longer period to get the desired result.

But in the end, you will not only get rid of constipation, but you will most likely eliminate the problem that caused it. As a rule, in this case, medications are taken that help gradually restore normal bowel function.

The easiest way to get rid of a delicate problem is to regularly consume bran. They will need to be mixed with natural honey and consumed up to 3 times a day. If a person regularly takes this remedy for 10 days, then after this time the problems with going to the toilet will disappear without any additional effort.

How to take dried apricots for constipation?

Dried apricots are a fragrant, tasty and beautiful delicacy. You can eat it in its pure form, without processing. Before eating, dried fruits should be thoroughly washed by first soaking them in warm water for a few minutes. If you are tired of eating it in this form and want some variety, you can use dried apricots to prepare dishes that are good for digestion:

Compote and decoction

Unfortunately, the miraculous capabilities of dried apricot compote to relieve constipation are greatly exaggerated on the Internet. Yes, this compote is undoubtedly healthy; some of the microelements and vitamins are transferred into it from the fruit when cooked. But it contains practically no dietary fiber and does not help get rid of stool retention.

The same can be said about the benefits of dried apricot decoction (when dried apricots are poured with boiling water and left overnight). This decoction will help with constipation only if you eat steamed dried fruits along with it.

Recipe for constipation - prunes, dried apricots, senna

For this recipe you will need senna, dried apricots (or raisins) and prunes. You need to take 100g of dried fruits and 50g of dried herbs. Grind everything in a blender or meat grinder, transfer to a jar and store in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon at night. The product is very effective, but it must be used with caution. Senna is a stimulant laxative; it contains quite harmless compounds - anthraglycosides.

It is important to understand that:

  • The constant use of stimulants negatively affects the intestinal contractility, i.e. when you cancel them, you may find that the intestines refuse to perform their functions on their own
  • abuse of laxatives with anthraglycosides causes dehydration
  • Continuous use of senna for four or more months leads to changes in the large intestine - the intestinal mucosa is damaged and brown pigment accumulates (pseudomelanosis develops).

Contraindications to the use of this recipe:

  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • children's age up to 12 years
  • kidney disease
  • acute diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, ulcers, etc.)

But the following recipe can be used without restrictions - it will bring nothing but benefits:

Prunes, dried apricots and honey for constipation

Grind prunes and dried apricots in equal proportions in a blender or meat grinder, add honey to taste. If desired, you can sprinkle chopped walnuts into the mixture.

You can modify the recipe - roll this mass into balls and roll in coconut flakes. The resulting candies are an excellent substitute for chocolate. You can store this delicacy in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

Mixture of dried apricots prunes honey

Dried apricots with kefir

Another option for preparing dried apricots for constipation is a cocktail with kefir. Pour kefir into a blender bowl and add dried apricots. You can supplement the recipe with raisins and walnuts. Beat in a blender. The result is a healthy and tasty dessert that can easily replace dinner.

What homemade laxative can children take?

Laxative home remedy for children

Since the children's body is more susceptible to all kinds of medications, in this case you can solve the problem with the help of ordinary vegetables. If you wish, you can simply introduce them into your child’s diet and thereby encourage bowel movements to occur every 24 hours.

Carrots, beets, zucchini and all types of cabbage have laxative properties. These vegetables can simply be steamed or boiled and given to the child 1-2 times a day. If the baby cannot empty his bowels for more than 48 hours, more drastic measures must be taken.


  • Take carrots and beets in equal proportions and squeeze the juice out of them.
  • Add 1 tsp honey and 1 tbsp vegetable oil to 100 g of juice
  • Mix everything thoroughly and you can give it to your baby.
  • A single dose of a laxative should not exceed 40 ml
  • Should be used with caution to treat children prone to allergies.

Which laxative home remedy can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Home remedy for pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the case of pregnant and lactating women, the choice of laxatives must be approached very carefully. In this case, it is best to give preference to substances that, if released into breast milk and amniotic fluid, will not harm the baby.

That is why it is best for such representatives of the fair sex to give preference to light but effective means. For example, they can try drinking freshly squeezed potato juice every morning.

True, in order for it not to harm the child, it will need to be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. You will need to drink this simple remedy 3 times a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.

Also, if desired, representatives of the fair sex can prepare a stronger laxative:

  • Take 1 tbsp nettle and 1 tsp each cumin and fennel
  • Pour 300 ml of boiling water over it all and let it brew for about 30 minutes.
  • Strain the finished product and divide into 3 parts.
  • Consume preheated before breakfast, lunch and dinner

Dried apricots during pregnancy

It's no secret that problems with stool during pregnancy are a common problem. It is related to:

  • hormonal changes
  • decreased activity
  • compression of organs by the growing uterus
  • taking certain mineral complexes
  • restriction of fluid during edema
  • emotional stress

Dried apricots in a bag

The benefits of dried apricots for a woman’s body during pregnancy are due, firstly, to its rich content of vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary during this period. Especially if pregnancy occurs in the winter-spring months and the choice of vitamin products is small.

Secondly, during pregnancy, dried apricots will help to gently get rid of stool retention without the use of medications, which is especially pleasant.

Follow the norm! Do not consume more than 10-15 pieces per day and drink enough fluids if you choose this product.

What laxative can be used for weight loss?

Laxative for weight loss

Initially, I would like to warn you that you definitely cannot lose weight with laxatives. If you don’t establish proper nutrition and simply irritate your intestines, you will only harm yourself.

Of course, you will run to the toilet very often, but believe me, this will not bring you much benefit. All you achieve by such actions is dehydrating the body and depriving it of all the nutrients it needs. When losing weight, you can take a laxative only at the initial stage to completely cleanse the intestines.

Use the following tool for this:

  • Measure out 2 tbsp nettles and birch buds
  • Also take 1 tsp each of fennel and dill
  • Pour 500 ml of boiling water over all this and place in a steam bath
  • Keep everything on the fire for 20 minutes with the lid closed.
  • Once the time is up, turn off the heat and let the laxative cool to room temperature
  • Strain it and pour it into a glass container
  • The resulting product should be drunk throughout the day in 4 doses.

Brew prunes with dates for constipation

Dates are able to replenish the body's daily need for potassium, and are also effective for constipation. Dried date palm fruits along with prunes are unlikely to help with a long-term problem.

But they can be used in complex treatment, as well as for prevention.

There is one decoction recipe that will help get rid of constipation:

  • take 150 g of dates and prunes, add a liter of clean water;
  • put on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes;
  • cool at room temperature;
  • Take the resulting decoction in the morning before meals, 1 tablespoon;
  • Keep refrigerated.

Judging by the reviews, the decoction will not work the first time. Therefore, to quickly solve the problem, it is better to choose a medicine or an enema, and a remedy made from dates and prunes will improve the functioning of the intestines and help avoid stool retention in the future.

What can I do to make the laxative work faster?

Taking a laxative should be alternated with drinking clean water without gas.

Most people are quite prejudiced against homemade laxatives. They consider them useless because in some cases they simply do not have the desired effect.

In fact, their properties are practically no different from pharmaceutical drugs. If a person adheres to certain rules, then they will be able to solve the problem very quickly.


  • Drink the products 2-3 times a day
  • Prepare enough laxative so that you can consume it in one day.
  • Consume it half an hour before meals and be sure to be warm.
  • During the treatment period, drink a little more pure water than usual.
  • Train yourself to do some easy gymnastics or just move a lot throughout the day.
  • Eliminate fatty, spicy and fried foods, as well as all processed foods from your diet.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of senna leaves is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • for acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with irritable bowel syndrome;
  • during lactation, as the plant can cause stool upset in the infant;
  • with ulcerative lesions of the intestines.

Senna is not recommended for use during pregnancy, as this medicinal plant stimulates the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can lead to premature birth.

Side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • spasms;
  • flatulence.

Alexandria leaf is not used for longer than 4-5 days due to possible intestinal habituation. It is better to alternate laxatives.

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