What muscles work on an exercise bike in women?

Exercise bike and buttocks: is it possible to pump up your buttocks by pedaling?

Many people who are thinking about buying an exercise bike are concerned about how exercise on an exercise bike will affect their figure.
It is quite obvious that an exercise bike helps you lose weight, as it intensively burns calories.

However, how does it specifically affect the muscles of the buttocks?

The answer to this question is both simple and complex.

Firstly, the gluteal muscles are indeed one of the muscles that the exercise bike develops.

However, its effect can be very different - depending on the intensity of the workout, its duration, heart rate, and other features of your fitness classes .

The fact is that different workouts can lead to different consequences. Muscles can change in different ways under the influence of physical activity.

That is, this problem has two sides, roughly speaking, two news for those who want to train:

The good news: the result of the exercises (both in relation to the shape, volume of the buttocks, and in relation to other parts of the body) depends mainly on you, and not on the simulator.

The bad news: to get exactly the results you want, you need to know how to train.

To cope with this bad news, we recommend checking out the articles in the training section.

Here are just a couple of examples of the possible effects of training on the gluteal muscles:

  • exercises with a heavy load, powerful resistance of the pedals - contribute precisely to pumping and increasing volume (although quite long and hard training is needed to achieve the effect).
  • if you set a small load and train long enough, the muscles will become more elastic and elastic, but the main effect will be in burning fat.
  • if you set the average load and average (for you personally!) training time, then the weight loss effect will be weakened, and the effect of “increasing the elasticity of the butt” will be increased.

Let us also add that the best effect on the gluteal muscles is not a traditional exercise bike (vertical) but a horizontal one - that is, one on which exercises are performed in a “reclining” position. In particular, it could be a mini exercise bike.


How not to pump up your calves on an exercise bike

This kind of fear most often arises among the fair sex, because you want to have thin, curvy legs and a toned butt, and not huge calves and thighs. In general, it is quite difficult to overdo it in this case; you need to work out long and hard so that the muscles in this area greatly increase in volume.

You can prevent such metamorphoses in appearance in advance if you approach the training itself correctly. To do this, just use the golden rule of drying: minimal load with high repetition frequency.

The load is easily adjusted using the built-in on-board computer. It is selected in relation to the physical fitness that the athlete has. It is for this reason that it is necessary to select the load mode “by trial and error”. It is important that the pedals turn easily and do not require special effort on the part of the athlete. It is in this case that pumping the calves will not work.

Fitness Place is a territory of healthy lifestyle culture with a wide range of sports equipment. Our exercise bikes are high-quality and reliable equipment that will contribute to the effective modeling of the female figure. And our professional team will select a simulator that will take into account all the wishes of the buyer with the required level of load and functional equipment.

Let's find out together - is it possible to pump up your butt on an exercise bike and how to do it?

The gluteal muscles are the largest in the human body. They not only provide stable and clear leg movements, support the body in an even position, but also create an attractive and harmonious figure.

For the most part, women begin training for the sake of beautiful buttocks; men somehow never stopped striving for the beauty of this part of the body, and simple squats and lunges in the gym are enough to properly pump up the buttocks. However, in this material we will not divide the topic of pumping up the butt significantly along gender lines.

We will try to provide universal techniques and consider general options for pumping up the buttocks using an exercise bike.

What muscles work on this machine?

The exercise bike uses your lower body and lower core. In particular, the main load is distributed over the ribs and buttocks.

The gluteal muscles are not a single layer.
In fact, there are three separate muscles, which seem to be layered on top of each other and separated by fascia .
Moreover, if you apply a load, then almost every muscle works and develops, only the deep muscles are more involved in the work when holding the body in a static position. When the leg on the simulator performs a pushing movement , the gluteal muscles are actively involved in the work. In some ways, this movement is similar to a one-leg squat. Accordingly, when pedaling, you perform something like repeated squats on one leg.

Thus, if you set a high load, you will get intense pumping of the buttocks. A sitting position allows you to focus on individual muscles, but much depends on the type of exercise bike. In order to maintain stable pedaling at high speeds and high loads, use magnetic or electromagnetic options, as they have a more stable flywheel and always maintain a smooth ride.

On the subject: How to cross your legs correctly for yoga Although, on the other hand, there is also a type of mechanical exercise equipment called block exercise machines, which simulate riding a real bicycle with high accuracy. They allow you to easily increase the load and also have a stable flywheel.

If we are talking about this, then we should also mention simple mechanical belt trainers, which have the simplest design. Of course, with maximum speed and maximum load, you may experience slight inconvenience with pedaling, but you should not use these inconveniences to avoid training.

If you can only buy a belt version, for example, a mini exercise bike with a belt, use this option.

With proper and regular training, you can get an excellent “appetizing” butt with this device. As they say, whoever wants a beautiful butt uses the available opportunities, and whoever wants to be a freebie is looking for excuses.

More details about which muscles are used on an exercise bike can be found at the link.

Exercise bike training program for weight loss

Many men believe that cycling is only for women and that it cannot help men's problems. But fortunately they are wrong. After all, the best way to get rid of a beer belly is by doing this set of exercises. For men as for women, cycling is equally beneficial.

Men's and women's legs pump up and lose weight during exercise. The training regimen for the stronger sex is no different from that for women. But the time can be increased, which will have a better effect on the body’s endurance.

What is better for losing weight, an exercise bike or a stepper?

When choosing between a bicycle and a stepper, you need to understand why you are buying this exercise machine. If it’s for pumping up muscles, then, of course, a stepper is better, but if it’s for losing weight, then the first option is more suitable. Because cycling, like running, is a cardio exercise, and cardio exercises help you lose weight more than strength training.

By the way, you can run not only on a treadmill, but also on an orbit track. The Orbitrack is an elliptical trainer that includes elements of a treadmill and a stepper, but its advantage is that it does not put stress on the legs and can be used by absolutely everyone. Ellipticals are very effective, they use all the muscles of the body. If we talk about cardio training, then we can also talk about shaping; it includes absolutely harmless exercises that are taken from yoga, as well as fitness, and combined.

How to choose an exercise bike for weight loss at home?

A specialist can choose the right simulator. For practicing, it is better to take a magnetic one. You can also buy a recumbent bike if you have spinal diseases or venous dilatation. It is horizontal because you can practice lying down on it. Don't forget about materials. Preferably it should be steel. Then it will serve you much longer than iron.

Home exercise bikes for weight loss

Practicing at home is more convenient than you think. Firstly, this can be done at any time of the day, at any time of the year, and in any weather. You can also watch a movie, read a book, choose a dress that you will wear when you lose weight. It is only important to follow the safety rules, do not forget to warm up before classes and start pedaling on an empty stomach. During training, drink water and eat only after 2 hours have passed since training. Use these simple rules and your figure will take on beautiful shape.

Exercising on an exercise bike to lose belly fat is a type of cardio exercise that is aimed at reducing body fat and allows you to outline the relief of your abs. Many people prefer to exercise at home, but do not know which exercise machine is best for the job. The most popular piece of equipment is the exercise bike. It helps to achieve weight loss and targets the problem area - the stomach.

Can't go for a morning jog or ride a bike around the park? Get your own gym. An exercise bike is suitable for everyone. You can use it while watching your favorite movie or while chatting with your family.

Benefits of riding a home bike:

  • Weight loss effect. If you ride at moderate intensity, you can lose 500 kcal in an hour of exercise, which is comparable to ¼ of a person’s daily diet.
  • Formation of a toned body. In the process of working with the pedals, your buttocks are tightened, cellulite disappears from your thighs, your legs become strong and strong, you can lose your belly on an exercise bike. Cardio exercise effectively burns fat in this area and helps pump up the abs.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system. While losing weight on a home exercise bike, the heart is stimulated and blood vessels are toned. Regular exercise stabilizes blood pressure and prevents the development of hypertension.
  • Minimal risk of injury.
  • Suitable for people who are contraindicated for cardio exercises in the form of jumping and running, which place a strong load on the musculoskeletal system and joints.

Beginning athletes often claim that it is impossible to remove the belly and tighten the body using this method. What is the reason for unsuccessful training?

  1. The lesson program is incorrectly selected, the load is distributed incorrectly.
  2. Nutrition rules are not followed. The number of calories consumed exceeds the expenditure.
  3. Exercises are performed for a short period of time, the body does not have time to turn on the process of burning fat.
  4. Apart from cycling, no other tasks are performed, including strength ones.

Are there any contraindications for classes? Doctors say that while riding, ankles, knees and joints experience minimal pressure. Exercises on an exercise bike can also be performed by older people to lose belly fat.

The strict ban applies to patients with oncology, diabetes and severe forms of cardiovascular diseases.

Do your buttocks sway when pedaling?

You need to differentiate between cardio and strength training, but you also need to understand the capabilities of the exercise bike, particularly high-impact work.

The general rule generally looks like this:

  • many repetitions (twists) at a fast pace with low load – burning subcutaneous fat, working on relief and elasticity;
  • few repetitions at a high load at an accessible pace - building up the muscles of the butt, increasing volume and texture.

In addition, it should be noted that horizontal options are particularly relevant, as they allow for a special accentuated load on the buttocks.

On such a machine you sit with your back and upper body supported, and the movements of your legs are comparable in some ways to pushing forward (there are, for example, machines where you push a platform with your feet while lying down) and such a load is even preferable in some aspects.

In addition, on such simulators you can adjust the distance to the pedals and thanks to this, pump up your buttocks in a more varied way. To be able to change functions, you must know how to use this simulator.

If you want to pump your butt while pedaling, it's helpful to understand a few facts:

  1. it is not possible to significantly increase the “fifth point” - in order to obtain hypertrophied volume, you need heavy strength exercises and you need to start the process of tearing muscle fibers and further regeneration, such a mechanism is used in bodybuilding;
  2. It is quite possible to make beautiful, elastic and harmonious buttocks - training on an exercise bike gives harmonious development to your legs, your butt can pump up a little, take on a more attractive shape, and feel firmer.

Now let's move directly to practical advice.

Attention! In order for your muscles to grow and become defined, you will need protein foods. After training, eat low-fat protein foods, such as chicken breasts or cottage cheese. Without the right amount of protein, muscles will be depleted, so eat a fairly filling diet.

How to exercise to enlarge your butt - 5 rules

The choice of a training program for tightening your buttocks and thighs depends on your level of training. One way or another, you will need to gradually increase the load and slightly vary the training program so that the muscles do not “get used to” and receive new stress, which stimulates development. The training is essentially identical for both horizontal and vertical varieties; it also does not matter which type you choose, magnetic or mechanical.

Here are some useful tips that will come in handy:

  1. be sure to include intervals with high loads in interval training - the essence of pumping the buttocks is to work during the training process in small intervals (for example, a minute 3-4 times per workout) intervals with the maximum (or currently available to you) load that is on simulator;
  2. duration of the workout - it should not be high, 20 minutes is enough if you actively work with maximum loads, for example, a minute at maximum, a couple of minutes at light load, then a gradual increase and again a minute at maximum; read the material about how much time you need to study;
  3. “finish off” your buttocks after training - even if you are completely tired and want to head towards the couch, do 1-2 sets of sumo squats or similar exercises for the buttocks, such a small detail will significantly increase your progress and provide additional stress for your butt to grow and beautiful;
  4. focus on the “fifth point” - when you exercise, try to feel your buttocks, feel how the muscles tense and work, thanks to this you can better understand how exactly you need to pedal in order to make your buttocks work;
  5. optimal body position - keep your body straight, do not create additional support (for example, on your arms), work only with your legs, adjust your body position to make the movements more technical and effective; Don't forget the importance of a comfortable fit.

On the subject: What is the buttock squeezing exercise for?

Attention! If you do not want to pump up your legs, or even want to reduce your thighs, and only train your buttocks, do short workouts and exercise until you feel significant pain in your hips. After this, stop training, then your thighs will not be pumped up, and your buttocks will stand out more.

Other proven exercises for the “fifth point”

And, of course, we must not forget that there are many other movements that have shown high efficiency:

  1. “Bicycle” and “Scissors” are considered especially effective for the butt muscles;
  2. “Stepping onto the platform” is required to be included in your complex;
  3. You can build up your muscles with static exercises, for example, the “Chair” exercise;
  4. “Walking on the buttocks” not only burns cellulite, but also has many beneficial properties for the pelvic area;
  5. Well, of course, you can’t do without Hyperextension.

We hope these tips will help you achieve your goal and you will be able to achieve beautiful and attractive gluteal muscles.


Is it possible to pump up your butt while riding a bike?

Before answering this question, let’s try to figure out which muscles work and how intensely cyclists work. Let us immediately note that some muscle groups are involved in pedaling and therefore bear the main load. Others are involved in maintaining balance, maintaining a certain body position, and are also used mainly when turning or moving over rough terrain. The latter include the muscles of the arms, back and abs.

But we are more interested in those muscles that experience significant loads, which means they can increase (pump up) due to cycling. You only have to look at any professional cyclist to notice their thoroughly toned legs. Indeed, when riding a bicycle, the main work is performed by the leg muscles: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, sartorius, and gastrocnemius.

But now we are most interested in whether it is possible to pump up the buttocks while riding a bicycle. Of course, the buttocks bear a significant load, but during normal driving this load is static. But there is a way out. As soon as a cyclist begins to ride over rough terrain and, in order to maintain balance, moves into a standing position - rising above the saddle - the gluteal muscles immediately begin to experience serious dynamic load.

Technique for exercising on an exercise bike

The main requirement for the position of the back is that it must be straight.

The load on the back muscle group when working on a machine is not as great as when riding a bicycle.

A bent back does not harm the cyclist's spine, because... his muscles work intensely. Sitting on the machine should be natural, like sitting on a chair. The shoulders are slightly lowered, the muscles are relaxed.

The arm muscles are not tense either. The gaze is directed forward. It is important to adjust the height of the saddle and handlebars to avoid unnecessary muscle tension. When pedaling, your knees should not rise higher than the steering wheel. Feet are parallel to the floor.

If you decide to make an exercise bike your main tool for losing weight or maintaining physical fitness, then it is advisable for you to know how to properly exercise on an exercise bike in order to avoid injuries and make the workout enjoyable and effectively useful.

Is it even beneficial to exercise on an exercise bike?

Training on an exercise bike is a type of aerobic exercise that improves the cardiovascular system, burns fat and increases the overall endurance of the body.

Having understood how to properly exercise on an exercise bike, you can safely purchase this unit and strive for a beautiful, pumped-up figure and maintain your health at a high level every day, without wasting time and money on going to the gym.

So how should you exercise on an exercise bike?

At home or in the gym, in any case, you should follow certain rules when using an exercise bike.

  1. First, pay attention to your clothes. As with any physical activity, clothing should be comfortable, breathable and not tight. Any tracksuit and sneakers or sneakers will do.
  2. Secondly, when sitting on an exercise bike, pay attention to your posture. Unlike a regular bicycle, the back muscles are weakly pumped on an exercise bike; it is important to keep your back straight to strengthen your back muscles and improve your posture.
  3. Thirdly, before training on an exercise bike, you need to do a little stretching for your legs to avoid injury.

So, how exactly should you exercise on an exercise bike? As easy as pie! Once you get on the exercise bike, you should choose a program that suits your individual abilities and starting level of fitness. For most types of exercise bikes, program No. 1 is intended for weak physical fitness, program No. 2 for a satisfactory level of physical fitness, program No. 3 for athletes, etc.

How long should you exercise on an exercise bike?

It all depends on the goal you are pursuing. If you are looking for the answer to the question “how to lose weight by exercising on an exercise bike?”, then the training time should not be less than 40 minutes.

How long should you exercise on a machine to simply maintain good physical condition, but not pump up your leg muscles? To do this, you just need to exercise for 20 minutes, without switching to a heavier load on your legs, that is, without changing the program.

And some more useful tips

In conclusion, we need to supplement the answer to the question “how to properly exercise on an exercise bike?” important note. It is, of course, quite possible to build up leg muscles and lose weight by training on an exercise bike, but we should not forget the general rules for all physical exercises:

And one last thing. In order not to harm the body and turn training into an enjoyable activity, you should consider the following recommendations:

  1. To do this, you just need not eat heavily before training, so that the body does not waste energy on digestion when it is needed to burn excess fat.
  2. You should not stop training abruptly, so as not to put extra strain on your heart. Gradually reduce speed and pedal until breathing and pulse are restored.
  3. And one more thing - turn on your favorite music and enjoy working on your beauty!

Such sports equipment as an exercise bike have been used for several decades. Even in Soviet times, he was a frequent visitor to gyms and ordinary apartments. But there is still debate about whether it is really effective in the fight against extra pounds.

It is quite obvious that by providing aerobic cardio exercise, exercise on an exercise bike allows you to strengthen certain muscle groups, in particular: calves, thighs, abs and obliques. But not everyone can use it to defeat the so-called “orange peel” and lose extra pounds. So can this miracle device help overweight people?

How to pump up your butt on a bicycle

It turns out that the more tortuous the trajectory of movement, the more sharp descents followed by steep climbs along the way, the longer the route, the greater the chance of pumping up your buttocks on a bicycle. It can be considered an ideal option and great luck if there is an equipped cross-country track within your reach - racing a bicycle over rough terrain. But if such an opportunity is not available, it doesn’t matter either: if you wish, you can always choose a suitable training ground. The main thing is not to get carried away too much, remember your main goal, safety precautions and not go to extremes like extreme north shore, sprint-dh or bmx-super-cross.

The load on the muscles is largely determined by the speed of movement and the terrain on which the training takes place. Bicycle position also matters: when you lean on the saddle, the front of the thigh is pumped, when pedaling while standing, the back of the thigh and gluteal muscles are pumped. Cardio loads, which are also significant, should also be taken into account. To create the right training regimen, the participation of a professional trainer is useful. The training schedule, as well as an individual plan for increasing loads, should be drawn up taking into account the general state of health and age standards.

On the subject: Exercises for weak leg muscles

Exercise bike training for weight loss: system

Many people go to the gym in search of motivation. After all, when they look at us, we begin to try harder to show that we can do a lot. But if you leave this whole convention aside, you can understand that by working out at home you can lose weight quickly and effectively.

Interval training is perfect because it burns calories as quickly as possible. The essence of such training is to change speed. For better results, change the load. The recommended interval for exercise is five minutes.

Interval training example:

  • 1 min. — minimum speed;
  • 5 minutes. - average speed;
  • 30 sec. — maximum speed.

You can do this for 30-60 minutes. It all depends on how you feel.

The training schedule for weight loss is 2-3 workouts per week. It is important to remember your studies and do them on time and systematically.

Cycling is a cardio workout that helps your body burn maximum fat. Also, such training is very beneficial for health. So when you lose weight, don't forget to cycle to prolong your youth.

Exercise bike exercises for belly fat loss

Cycling exercises give maximum load to the legs, but at the same time the stomach loses weight no less. Just add to your normal riding routine by twisting your torso towards your opposite leg and your waist will look great. Do this for 30 minutes. three times a week, and the result will not be long in coming.

One of the most problematic areas of the female body is the hips. It is very difficult to lose weight in this part of the body. You need good endurance. There is a workout program for losing weight on your thighs. To engage the muscles, rise from the saddle and exercise on bent legs for 30 minutes. Difficult, but effective.

Is it possible to pump up your butt on an exercise bike?

When exercising on an exercise bike, in contrast to sitting on a bicycle, the athlete has a straight back, due to which the gluteal muscles are actively involved. When the foot pushes the pedal of the machine, the gluteal muscles work in the same way as during a one-leg squat, or more precisely, during hip extension. Rotating the pedals is similar to alternating squats with one or the other leg.

If the exercise bike is set to a high load, the gluteal muscles are intensively pumped, especially the large (musculus gluteus maximus) and middle (musculus gluteus medius). The gluteus minimus muscle (musculus gluteus minimus) is also pumped when the hip is extended on the supporting leg, but the intensity of the load on it is lower than on the gluteus medius muscle.

Closing the question of whether it is possible to pump up the buttocks on an exercise bike, let’s make one more emphasis:

  • a small load at a significant speed and duration of training leads to a decrease in the layer of subcutaneous fat, improves the relief and increases the elasticity of the buttocks;
  • high load at a moderate pace that is comfortable for you with a short duration of the “set” - a fragment of the workout - leads to an increase in muscle mass of the most involved muscle groups.

Is it possible to pump up your legs by pedaling?

If the ultimate goal of training is enlarged muscles and toned legs, like professional bodybuilders, then pedaling cannot achieve such a result. This requires strength exercises with dumbbells and protein nutrition. It is in this mode that the muscles hypertrophy and increase in volume.

If the goal is to tone your muscles, remove excess fat and cellulite, then a bicycle or exercise bike is the exercise machine of choice.

For classes you need:

  • create a set of exercises, choosing the ones you need on your own or with a trainer;
  • maintain regular training;
  • focus on exercises that will work problem muscles;
  • accurately dose physical activity, monitoring your pulse and breathing rate during exercise.

Following simple rules will give a guaranteed result from your workouts in the form of toned legs without flabby muscles and cellulite.

Plus, exercising on an exercise bike is good for your heart. These are cardio workouts that increase the endurance of the heart muscle. Exercise improves blood supply to the myocardium and its contractility.

How to sit on an exercise bike correctly to pump up your buttocks

Let's go from the opposite - an incorrect position on an exercise bike is unacceptable due to two points:

  • decreased efficiency - by taking the wrong posture and leaning incorrectly, you can reduce the load on the muscle groups being trained; and then you will simply waste your training time without achieving the expected effect;
  • the possibility of harm - if the exercise bike is incorrectly adjusted or incorrectly seated, there is a risk of injury or overloading of joints, squeezing blood vessels; in this case, the result may not appear immediately, but this makes it no less unpleasant.

Therefore, when starting training, it makes sense to know how the simulator should be adjusted in accordance with your anthropometric parameters and the specific tasks that you set for yourself. In this matter, it is best to consult with a professional trainer; fortunately, there are a great many women’s sports clubs in Moscow.

It should immediately be noted that the gluteal muscles are loaded more effectively on a horizontal exercise bike. This is due to the fact that when you press the pedal and straighten your leg, the thigh is almost on the same axis with the spine. At this moment, the gluteal muscle is stretched and tense. Therefore, it is easier to pump up your butt on a horizontal exercise bike than on a vertical one or, even more so, than on a spin bike.

The peculiarity of the horizontal simulator is a comfortable fit, reminiscent of the body position when riding a pedal boat-catamaran. While sitting in a horizontal simulator chair, you should not rest your hands excessively on the lower handles (which are near the seat). Make sure your back is not slouched and is completely relaxed.

When using a vertical simulator, the spine should be slightly tilted forward, try to keep the body in one position. Half-bent arms lie freely on the handles, not tense. The knees are directed forward (do not protrude to the sides), the feet are parallel to the floor level. When training on any exercise bike, when the foot is at the furthest point from the seat, the leg must be fully straightened. However, on vertical trainers, to effectively pump up the gluteal muscles, you will need to work while standing and make significant efforts.

How to pump up your buttocks on an exercise bike

The most effective way to increase glute size on a stationary bike is to include high-impact periods in your workout. At first, this could be 3-4 periods of 1-1.5 minutes per twenty-minute workout. At the end of the main part of the workout, despite fatigue, do 2-3 sets of air squats, sumo squats or dumbbell squats. This addition at the final stage of training will significantly improve your results.

During exercise, try to focus on exactly those muscles that you want to increase, try to feel the tension in them, feeling the contraction and relaxation of each bundle of fibers, strive to increase mass consciously. The regularity of the training itself is of great importance, as well as adherence to the general daily regimen, a healthy lifestyle, the absence of bad habits and, of course, faith in success.


Workout program for losing belly fat

Regardless of your level of physical fitness, the main thing in any training is regularity. We recommend that beginners exercise 2 times a week on an exercise bike, and advanced exercisers 3-4 times a week. As you get used to it, increase the time, starting from 10-15 minutes.

You can exercise on a simulator at home or in the gym. It is most effective to combine such exercises with strength exercises to work the entire body, including the abdomen.

Sometimes, to maintain a slim belly and create relief, it is enough to get rid of the fat layer.

Training program on an exercise bike for the waist and sides:

  1. Warm up for 5-10 minutes (walking, slow movements on an exercise bike or measured jogging are suitable).
  2. Move on the machine at the fastest pace for 2 minutes.
  3. Exercise at a slow pace for 5 minutes.
  4. Start speeding up. Don't stop for 2 minutes.
  5. Finish the set with movements at a slow tempo.
  6. Perform strength exercises on the following muscle groups:
  • hips and buttocks (lunges, squats, pelvic lift);
  • belly (straight, oblique crunches on a Roman chair or at home on a mat);
  • arms (putting dumbbells behind the head, reverse push-ups from the bench).
  1. Rest 5 minutes.
  2. Ride the exercise bike at a slow pace for as long as you can.
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