What do fat deposits on different parts of the body mean?

It is enough for a good doctor to look carefully at the patient in order to understand, based on certain signs, what the person is sick with. For example, by the way fat is deposited on the body

“Not everyone perceives their extra pounds as a problem, but this is for the time being until a roast rooster pecks in a sensitive place,” explains Elena Tikhomirova, a therapist, nutritionist, and member of the National Association of Dietetics and Nutritionists.

Let's go through the favorite places of fat on our body.

Waist and sides

Fat folds on the sides indicate that the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted, and fat is “deposited” in these places by thyroid hormones. People with no waist need to take their health seriously, in particular, take care of their heart.

It has been proven that people with a high percentage of fat around the waist are more likely to suffer from strokes, unlike those who have a normal waist volume.

Where does this injustice come from?

Be that as it may, everyone gets fatter in different ways. There are several theories regarding the reasons for this fat distribution, other than lifestyle.

Possible options:

  1. Production of hormones. Some female representatives may have increased production of male hormones from birth, or acquired during life. And no, this is not due to the fact that the girl works and swears like a shoemaker, or behaves “unladylike”, as you might think. Perhaps this is due to hormonal imbalance, type of diet, method of training. Increased production of male hormones, despite the normal or slightly reduced value of female hormones, forms a male-type figure: broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis. Accordingly, weight gain is carried out according to the same type. Excess weight is deposited in the upper torso, not on the butt. And a belly may appear too.

  2. Receptors in cells. Alpha-2 and beta-1 receptors play an important role in the accumulation of fat in certain places. Through them, hormones send impulses to fat cells to burn extra pounds or vice versa. For example, growth hormone, somatotropin, enhances the elimination of fat reserves through alpha-2 receptors, and the anabolic hormone, insulin, which is responsible for the breakdown of glucose, prefers to store fat through beta-1. As a result, the activity of the receptors will be different. Girls have increased activity of alpha-2 receptors in the buttocks. And in men they are more active in the abdominal cavity. This is associated with different fat distribution.
  3. Genetic factor. Body type is formed in the womb, based on the DNA received from both parents.

Apart from these factors, nutrition is equally important. Because regular, uncontrolled eating of fatty foods leads to the formation of fatty folds on the abdomen in all people, regardless of gender and age.


During stress and depression, fat deposits appear primarily on the abdomen. Cortisol is a planned stress hormone that is always produced in the body in certain situations, for example, during the transition from sleep to wakefulness. When depression or failure occurs, a lot of cortisol is produced, this means something unplanned and dangerous, the body turns on “survival” mode and begins to actively store fat.

For men, excess cortisol is fraught with a large belly. This indicates that the person has been experiencing stress for a long time.

Causes of belly fat in women

This article will discuss 7 reasons for the appearance and deposition of abdominal fat in women, provide tips and ways to get rid of fat folds, and also discuss the principles of how to lose weight in the abdominal area.

There are many people who would like to reduce their belly fat or get rid of belly fat. Sometimes it is not practical to treat the symptoms because the problem may be much deeper. In general, a small percentage of body fat is even beneficial for the body.

The norm of adipose tissue on the human body is from 15 to 20 percent. The normal waist circumference is considered to be up to 94 cm for men and 89 cm for women.

In a non-obese person, the thickness of the fat layer is distributed evenly throughout the body. Excessive fat on the belly is more harmful than on any other part of your body, as it can lead to various diseases.

A voluminous belly can appear due to problems with the heart and other organs.

Due to problems with digesting food and irregular bowel movements. Waste accumulates in a person and the body, in defense, accumulates fat.

The main 7 reasons for the appearance of belly fat in women

1. Frequent stress, lack of sleep, anxiety.

2. Hormonal imbalance, including impaired leptin production.

3. Eating large, high-calorie meals.

4. Sedentary lifestyle.

5. Irregular and unhealthy diet.

6. Drinking beer and other high-calorie and unhealthy foods.

7. Genetic predisposition.

Many people believe that fat deposits in the abdominal area are not aesthetically pleasing, but few people know that it is also dangerous :

1.Increasing the chance of getting type 2 diabetes.

2.The likelihood of heart and vascular diseases increases.

3.Risk of visceral fat. This is the most dangerous type of fat layer, as it appears on the internal organs of a person, and often leads to the appearance of various dangerous diseases:

  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Problems with the breathing apparatus may occur.

Women may experience irregular menstruation and an increased risk of uterine and breast cancer. Modern methods of treating breast cancer .

If you have a fairly large accumulation of fat in the abdominal area and you notice health problems, you should consult a doctor.

Factors that lead to the formation of belly fat

1. A lifestyle with a lack of physical activity. The sofa is the enemy of a person who wants to lose weight.

2. Stress, which can arise not only from nervous work or family problems, but also from simply scrolling through the news feed.

3. Eating fatty and high carbohydrate foods.

The most harmful are trans fats, fast carbohydrates, and unsaturated fats.

4. Overeating and long breaks between meals.

Eating large amounts of food at a time leads to stretching of the stomach, and long breaks force the body to accumulate resources for future use.

5. Slagging of the body due to the consumption of heavy and unnatural food.

Excess volume in the waist can be removed at home if you take an integrated approach to solving the problem. By following only one point to get your stomach in order, you are unlikely to achieve your goal. Take your time and don't worry if the fat doesn't come off after the first two weeks of taking action.

Basic principles on how to lose weight and get rid of belly fat

I. The first thing to do is to identify the causes of fat deposits and, if it is associated with diseases, consult a doctor and treat them.

Causes of belly fat in women

II. Increase metabolism in the body by normalizing nutrition and exercising.

III. Promote the production of fat-burning hormones and prevent the formation of hormones that interfere with it.

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle

Try to move as much as possible. This could be regular walks, housework, Nordic walking (the most effective and safest type of physical activity). It is worth noting that if you start doing aerobics, it is better to do it periodically (several times a day) in compliance with a special diet.

Change your diet

There should be at least four meals a day. It is better to eat complex carbohydrates and fiber in the morning, and in the evening eat a little more protein. You need to eat evenly throughout the day so that the body does not accumulate fat deposits.

Consume more water and fiber

Fiber and water are needed to cleanse the body of toxins and sludge. The rate of water consumption per day is approximately 1.5-2.5 liters. You should not drink 15 minutes before meals and 1.5 hours after, for better digestion of food. Fiber is also needed to help you feel full longer.

Follow the diet

Find out how many calories you need for normal life and activity and do not exceed this limit while losing weight.

Regularly record your progress

How to force the body to produce fat-burning hormones

The most important thing in working with hormones is to control the production of insulin, which leads to fat accumulation and prevents fat-burning hormones from working properly. It is produced when we consume carbohydrates, especially fast ones.

It is advisable not to eat at least 2 hours before bedtime, so that insulin during sleep does not interfere with fat-burning hormones. From 12 to 2 am, the body produces the maximum amount of fat-burning growth hormone.

How to force the body to produce fat-burning hormones

If you don't want to eat when you wake up, don't eat. Long walks on an incline, cycling, or strenuous physical exercise in which you experience stress are good for producing fat-burning hormones.

Fat is also burned by dousing with cold water or a dry sauna. A positive attitude and lack of overwork will help maintain the correct balance of hormones in the body.

A good way to get rid of belly fat is through abdominal exercises.

Foods to help get rid of belly fat

Dairy products - when consumed, but not milk, the body produces the hormone calcitriol, which burns fat.

Ginger - improves digestion.

Cabbage - cleansing of toxins.

Cucumbers - reduce fluid levels in tissues.

Cinnamon - lowers blood sugar.

Grapefruit - reduces insulin.

Green tea - speeds up metabolism and gets rid of internal fat.

Raspberry - breaks down fats.

Mustard - stimulates the stomach.

Almonds do not leave behind any extra burden.

Apples are a delicious, low-calorie fruit that contains fiber and other health benefits.

Papaya - if eaten before meals, it will help break down fats obtained with food.

Oatmeal is great for breakfast.

This section discusses the main 7 reasons for the appearance of belly fat in women, and also presents effective recommendations and methods that will help get rid of irritating folds in the waist area.

Face and neck

Have you met women with powerful breasts, necks, and full upper arms? And the legs are slender and the wrists are thin. These are not features of the figure. This is Cushing's syndrome, when too much of the hormone cortisol is produced in the adrenal cortex.

The disease is called hypercortisolism. It occurs much more often in women than in men.

Fat accumulates mainly in the face area - the so-called “moon face”, on the neck and in the upper half of the torso and abdomen. On the neck there is a characteristic fatty “buffalo hump”

Step-by-step instructions on how to burn belly fat in women

How to get rid of subcutaneous belly fat

Many people are interested in what fat-burning exercises there are for girls and how to get rid of belly fat quickly and forever. To do this, use the following types of exercises:

  • cardio;
  • core strengthening;
  • cardio;
  • strengthening the core.

The break between individual exercises can be from 15 to 30 seconds. You need to do four circles in total. Exercises to reduce belly fat for women are performed on the upper abs in the gym. You can exercise not only in the gym, but also at home.

How to remove belly fat: exercises for women (each performed 20-25 times):

  • quick knee lift;
  • squat jumps;
  • running on hands;
  • skater;
  • lifting the upper chest with raised legs;
  • elbow bar. Minute;
  • bicycle while lifting the upper chest;
  • swimmer lying on his stomach;
  • side plank on bent arm;

    Side plank on bent arm

  • turn while sitting on the floor;
  • turns using a plank;
  • spread your arms in a half-squat;
  • burpees;
  • skier.
  • the legs are spread in the plank;
  • scissors;
  • spider;
  • lying on the floor, raise your legs up;
  • superman;
  • with your feet in the plank touch your shoulder;
  • lying on your back, touch your ankles;
  • in a side plank twist.

By doing such exercises at least every other day, you can trigger a fat burner in the body.

Folds on the back

Excessive indulgence in salty, smoked and spicy foods can lead to unsightly folds on the back. Such food can cause hidden swelling, which gradually changes the deeper layers of the skin. This is a good time to think about hypothyroidism. Obesity with hypothyroidism (myxedema) is associated with a decrease in basal metabolism.

Excess body weight is caused not only by obesity, but also by “mucous edema” of tissues, creating the impression of obesity

What about abdominal obesity?

There is no need to look for differences between visceral and abdominal fat - they are essentially the same thing. A person with abdominal obesity usually has a beer belly. Fat accumulates not only under the skin, but also around the abdominal organs. In addition, it enters the blood in the form of cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins. This causes problems of the cardiovascular system and obesity of internal organs. Because of this, non-alcoholic fatty disease develops in the liver and pancreas, atherosclerosis affects the blood vessels, and the heart is at risk of a heart attack.

A protruding belly and a large waist are two signs of abdominal obesity. But it happens that excess visceral fat is found in thin people. Hidden abdominal obesity can occur in a person with a normal body mass index.

Dr. Vyalov: Banal fat in the liver can lead to cirrhosis. Fatty liver is one of the most common pathologies in our country. According to statistics, fatty liver disease (NAFLD) occurs in as many as 37% of the population.

Knees and calves

Fat in these places is formed from excessive consumption of salty foods. As a result, excess fluid begins to accumulate in the body in the calves and knees.

In Russia, as throughout the world, obesity is reaching pandemic proportions—more than half of citizens over 30 years of age are overweight, and 26% are obese. Often this is a vicious circle for a person: becoming overweight, he acquires diseases, begins to move little, changes the rhythm and mode of life, as a result, this leads to even greater problems.

Earlier, “Tuapse News” wrote about the discovery of American scientists that fat affects the functioning of the liver and other organs, changing their genetics, sending its “messenger” molecules to these organs. This is confirmed by the research of our scientists. Vladimir Gorbachev, in his book devoted to heart problems, devoted an entire chapter to obesity. The author emphasizes that fat is a metabolically active tissue that is controlled by the neuroendocrine system. To maintain constant body weight, adipose tissue and the hypothalamus (which is located in the brain) exchange complex hormonal signals that control appetite, food absorption, energy expenditure, and body weight. We need it, but in moderation.

Visceral fat – what is it?

Visceral fat is white fat that envelops vital internal organs (liver, pancreas, intestines, etc.). A small amount of visceral fat - no more than 15% - should always be present in the human body. It protects organs from injury and mechanical damage, and also serves as a backup source of energy. But if there is more visceral fat in the body, health problems begin.

It has been found that 84% of people with abdominal obesity are metabolically unhealthy. Fat cells do more than just store energy. They also produce hormones and inflammatory substances:

  • interleukins (IL-6 and IL-1?);
  • plasminogen activation inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1);
  • tumor necrosis factor (TNF-?).

Elevated levels of these markers are associated with a high risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even some types of cancer.

How do you know if your liver can't handle it? To find out whether your liver can cope with the daily load of food, drinks and medications or not, you need to take one test.

Fat deposits on the back and thighs

If the fat on the thighs looks more or less familiar, then the fat pads on the back look ugly. It is very difficult for women with such an “addition” on their back to choose clothes; for example, they cannot wear a tight dress or beautiful lace lingerie.

Fat deposits on the hips and back indicate that their owner is very fond of flour products and sweets containing large amounts of carbohydrates. As a result, a large amount of insulin begins to be produced in the blood. In order to get rid of fat in these places, you just need to give up fast carbohydrates; for example, it is advisable to replace a loaf with grain bread, and sweets with honey and fruit.

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