Do I need casein at night? How to take protein? Can I take protein? Protein for weight gain. Casein for weight loss


Sergey Sidoruk 03/31/2019 no comments


The sports nutrition market is filled with a variety of drugs that are designed to increase the effect of training. Among them there are vitamin complexes, and special substances that help to recover faster, and protein shakes. Protein supplements to food allow you to quickly gain muscle mass and make your muscles sculpted. The most common supplements are those based on whole milk, but those based on casein are no less effective. Where this food supplement is contained and what its effectiveness is - we will consider further.

What is casein?


The name casein comes from the Latin word caseus, which translates as “cheese.” And this is not without reason, it is thanks to this substance that cheese is made from milk. In fact, it is a complex protein that has a slow absorption rate, and is also very rich in calcium salts, for which athletes especially love it.

Casein helps you gain muscle mass quickly

Types of casein

What is casein and why do exercisers need it?

It is customary to divide casein protein into the following types:

  • Casein hydrolysate. It is formed during the process of hydrolysis, during which amino acid bonds are destroyed and the rate of protein absorption increases.
  • Micellar casein. This is a product obtained through ultra- or microfiltration of milk, in which it is separated from whey, lactose and liquid. The natural structure of the protein is preserved. This form is absorbed better than caseinate, but longer – up to ten hours. The product does not dissolve well in liquid, cocktails with it turn out thick and have a porridge-like consistency.
  • Caseinate. It is a mixture of protein with calcium, potassium and sodium salts. This mixture contains at least 90% protein. The product dissolves easily in liquid, which is why it is often used for industrial cocktails.

There is also rennet casein, which is produced by enzymatic rennet coagulation. An important feature of it is its high degree of digestibility and high protein content - up to 90%.

Many people are interested in the question of how casein differs from protein. It is worth noting that this is not an entirely correct formulation, since casein is a type of protein. Rather, it is about the difference between casein and whey protein. The main difference is in the rate of protein absorption. Casein takes a long time to digest, and research has shown that a high concentration of amino acids remains in the blood of subjects for another five hours.

It is impossible to say for sure which casein or whey protein is better. Both of these supplements are very important, but the difference is in their effect. Whey protein helps increase lean muscle mass gain , but has no effect on muscle maintenance. Casein reduces muscle breakdown , but has little effect on their growth. Athletes often combine both of these supplements.

How does casein protein work?

The essence of the action of casein protein is that when it gets into the stomach, it begins to stick together into lumps, which take longer to digest and, accordingly, take longer to absorb. Despite the fact that this seems like a strong disadvantage, it is these properties that attract many athletes. The fact is that due to long digestion, a long-term feeling of satiety occurs; in a sense, this process helps to lose weight.

If you use casein exclusively for gaining weight, then you should eat strictly by the hour, and the last intake of this supplement should be taken before bed.

How to drink casein for weight gain

In fact, drinking casein protein for gaining muscle mass is less preferable than fast whey protein. It will not be able to provide rapid amino concentration in the muscles in the right quantities when needed and suppresses appetite, thereby disrupting a high-calorie diet. But even with this program, one of the main, primary tasks is to preserve tissues and fibers from the negative effects of cortisol and the catabolic reaction.

If we talk about the best time to take casein , it is during the period of night rest, and it is also very convenient at a time when it is not possible for a long time to eat normally and satisfy the protein needs of the body.

During the day or half an hour before bedtime, when gaining weight, you need to drink 30-45 grams of casein.

Types of Casein Proteins

There are two types of proteins on the market that are used in sports nutrition:

  1. Micellar casein. This type of nutritional supplement is obtained by filtering milk. It is considered the most useful, as it is not subjected to serious processing. The only downside is that mostly pasteurized milk is used, which has a very low content of nutrients.
  2. Calcium/sodium caseinate. Here, to obtain casein protein, treatment with special acids is used. This significantly reduces the cost of the process, but the quality of the additive will be lower than that of micellar casein.

Micellar casein is considered the most beneficial

Who needs protein?

Knowing what casein is and where it is found, you can easily understand what food it enters our body with. A natural question arises: why do you need to buy additional dry protein if it is found in natural products? Who needs casein and in what quantities?

The popularity of casein began with the fashion for a pumped up body and muscles, and it, in turn, leaked out from “big-time” technologies.

It is here that they have long mastered the process of changing muscle mass for a certain result in a short time and using a special sports menu containing protein. So, so that fashion does not become a counterbalance to health, it is useful to know who and in what volume can include casein protein in their diet?

List of foods high in casein

In a situation where you don’t want to take nutritional supplements, it’s worth figuring out how else you can get casein. Which products contain:

  1. Milk of animal origin. There is an equal amount of it in cow's milk, goat's milk, or mare's milk - only the additional beneficial substances differ.
  2. Cheeses. Here the amount of the substance we are interested in is two times lower, but still quite high. About 0.26% per hundred grams.
  3. Cottage cheese. Yes, you can find casein in cottage cheese, although there is even less of it than in cheese.
  4. Sour cream and fermented milk drinks. Casein-containing products include kefir, different variations of tan and ayran, and yogurt.
  5. Other drinks and food. This includes various puff pastries with cottage cheese, whey-type cocktails, natural milkshakes and even sausages. The content of the substance we are interested in is less than 0.1 percent per hundred grams.

Foods High in Casein

Features of casein use

Knowing what casein is and what it is needed for, you can achieve better results in sports. However, it is also important to understand how to use it correctly. Casein is taken in the form of a cocktail, for the preparation of which the required amount of powder is dissolved in a glass of milk . To improve the taste, you can add a spoon of cocoa, a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla. It is better to mix using a shaker. Dosages will be determined by the purposes for which the proteins are taken:

  • For weight gain – 40 grams of casein at night.
  • When drying - at night and between main meals, 15-20 grams with water or milk, up to four times a day.
  • If you have to skip a meal , the dose of protein should be 35-40 grams.
  • To enhance anabolism after exercise, you can combine casein with whey protein in a 1:2 ratio.

What is casein and why do exercisers need it?

These figures are approximate - the exact dosage is determined individually, taking into account the athlete’s body weight and the amount of protein supplied with food.

You can consume casein in its pure form. But often, for better results, it is recommended to combine it with other products that are absorbed faster, for example, whey protein. With this combination, the products mutually enhance each other’s benefits, and the disadvantage of casein in the form of a low anabolic effect is eliminated. A similar result can be achieved by combining casein protein with the BCAA protein complex or leucine.

How to take it correctly?

Like any other dietary supplement, casein protein has its own rules of administration that will help you achieve the best results and avoid possible health problems.

General admission rules

The powder is mixed with water, juice or milk. If desired, you can add fruit or another sweetener to the cocktail, if we are not talking about losing weight. It is better not to consume more than forty grams at a time, as you may experience minor digestive problems.

For weight loss

The most important thing to remember is that if your goal is to lose weight, then it is better to give up calcium or sodium caseinate right away. The purification from impurities there is not so thorough, which means this protein may contain milk sugars.

Take casein protein in the evening or before bed

Casein protein should be taken in the evening or before bed. This is due to the fact that it protects muscles from destruction and also maintains the necessary level of amino acids. In addition, the supplement gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time. But, naturally, it will show its effect only in combination with proper nutrition and training.

For weight gain

The method of application is not much different from that used for weight loss, but taking into account some nuances:

  • For the best effect, it is worth combining it with other proteins. This will improve their absorption;
  • It doesn’t make much sense to drink the supplement immediately after training, since according to recent studies, in the first hours after exercise, carbohydrates, rather than proteins, are actively used to replenish energy levels.

Scope of application of casein

But the whole point is that it is the slow process of digestion of casein that is considered its main advantage compared to other proteins. No, no one cancels the need to take “fast” proteins, in particular whey, especially before and after training. At the same time, there are conditions in which “slow” casein protein is ideal. First of all, we are talking about taking casein at night . It's no secret that muscles grow during rest, mainly during night sleep. But it is at night that a person stops supplying his body with nutrients for a long time.

Even if you eat a serving of eggs or chicken breast at night, this food will be processed within 3-5 hours. Next, the catabolic mechanism will gradually turn on, when, with the active participation of the hormone cortisol, not only synthesis, but even the breakdown of muscle tissue begins! And this is where a protein would come in handy, one that could slowly but uninterruptedly enter the bloodstream, supply the muscles with building material and suppress the production of cortisol by the adrenal glands. From all of the above, we see that micellar casein is perfect for this purpose!

Also, casein protein can and should be consumed when during the day, for some reason, you leave your body for a long time without protein and energy supplements. For example, during forced fasting during the “drying” period or before long, many-hour sports activities. In these cases, you will provide the body with a constant source of protein, which will not interfere with the effective loss of excess fat tissue, but will protect the muscles from destruction. By the way, casein, among other things, perfectly dulls the feeling of hunger.

Many inexperienced athletes will ask: if casein protein is found in such large quantities in cottage cheese and cheese, then why buy expensive nutritional supplements with the same casein? Isn’t it easier and cheaper to eat a pack of cottage cheese every night? Let’s answer: no, it’s not easier and not cheaper. As for the price, it’s also not cheaper, do the math yourself.

In addition, the effect of taking casein and cottage cheese will be different, especially if you know how to correctly use the “slow properties” of casein. For example, here’s a review after several months of training with this protein:

“For me, casein protein is the most effective. How was it before? To get in shape, you have to work beyond yourself: press, sweat, endure pain and hardship. And now I drank it at night, woke up a hero in the morning -).

I won’t say that it is worse or better than others, but it has an effect. In terms of my equipment, I’m just a wimp, but in 2 months I’ve already gained about 6 kg. And now I continue in the same spirit. So I approve!

The only negative is the high price. But sports nutrition doesn’t cost a penny.”

Askar, Review source:

How to choose the right sports nutrition with casein?

It was previously mentioned that a low-quality product can be harmful to health, so you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to choose a good sports nutrition.

Poor quality product can be harmful to health

There are only three tips:

  1. All three variations of casein protein have a recognizable cheesy taste or taste when mixed with liquid.
  2. It is worth taking protein from a reputable manufacturer. The price may be steep, but the quality will be guaranteed. Again, a well-known manufacturer will not risk its reputation by selecting cheap and/or harmful substitute ingredients.
  3. If you have decided to take a supplement from a little-known manufacturer, then you should definitely find information about research on the quality and effectiveness of the product.

Rating of the best caseins

Here is a list of the best casein powders for 2021:

  • MusclePharm Combat 100% Casein (RUR 3,200);
  • Universal Nutrition Casein Pro (RUR 2,600);
  • Muscletech NitroTech Casein Gold (RUR 2,200);
  • Scitec Nutrition 100% Casein Complex (RUR 1,700);
  • VPlab Platinum Casein (RUR 2,100);
  • Ultimate Nutrition Prostar Casein (RUR 3,400);
  • Steel Power Long Casein (RUR 1,800);
  • Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein (RUR 2,700);
  • SAN 100% Casein Fusion (RUR 3,800);
  • Dymatize Nutrition Elite (2300).

The cost of supplements may vary depending on the volume of the package. We recommend purchasing sports nutrition only from trusted stores.


The benefits of casein were proven in a study in which participants took slow protein and then took a blood test within a few hours. The results showed that the supplement supplied the body with protein for a long time. But the described experiment has a number of disadvantages:

  • within 10 hours before consuming casein, study participants did not eat other foods;
  • for 7 hours after using slow protein they did not eat food;
  • the combined use of the substance and other products in the diet has not been studied.

Thus, the experiment did not show the real rate of absorption of the protein supplement. There has been no laboratory testing of the benefits of slow protein when consumed at night. Given the properties of the protein supplement, under standard conditions its benefit is significantly reduced.

Taking casein at night

The use of casein before bed is argued by the need to maintain muscles during breakdown. But this statement is based on a popular myth about the breakdown of muscle fibers at night. In fact, the only factor influencing muscle breakdown is training. The rest of the time, recovery occurs.

Some manufacturers act more cunningly, assuring that it is precisely for muscle recovery after training at night that slow protein is needed. However, this statement is also a lie. During sleep, the body uses stored energy in the body and fat deposits to repair muscle tissue.

Based on the listed features, there is no need to consume casein at night, which makes it useless.

Casein and allergies

Allergy to casein - what is it, a fiction or a common phenomenon? In fact, neither one nor the other. There are not many cases of casein intolerance, but they do occur from time to time.

And in recent years, doctors have noted a tendency towards an increase in allergic reactions in general not only to casein, but also to.

Don’t rush to shout: “Aha! I knew it!” Don't forget that allergies can be caused by anything: even water or sunlight.

If you buy ready-made dry casein, do not forget that allergic reactions can be caused by additional components - sweeteners or flavoring additives, flavors, dyes, etc.

Tip: When consuming casein, it is important for allergy sufferers to monitor their condition in the same way as you do with all other food or personal care products.

The presence of an allergy to casein can be suspected by the following symptoms:

  1. Skin rash
  2. Swelling of the mucous membranes
  3. Labored breathing

In addition, children experience behavioral changes: moodiness, constant crying, poor weight gain, and slow development.

Fortunately, you can eliminate these symptoms and even cure a casein allergy with the help of. In particular, all casein-containing products should be avoided.

Athletes love casein

Casein – what is it and what is it eaten with?

Casein is the name given to the protein that underlies cow's milk (up to 90% protein) and is used to make cottage cheese and cottage cheese. Regular protein, in turn, contains only 5% milk protein.

Casein in milk is formed during coagulation under the action of special enzymes; it is a chain of polypeptides that is rich in phosphates that bind calcium. This product is natural and natural, it is obtained by ultrafiltration without using chemicals.

The casein obtained in this way includes a large amount of milk peptides, which support the body's immune function and increase the growth of muscle tissue.

When casein enters the human gastric tract, it glues its contents together and makes it much more difficult to break down food. Casein and gluten were most often used to make the basis for technical adhesives, as well as many building materials.

Then, over time, it began to be used as a food additive and added to food products to extend their shelf life. It is also actively added to many cosmetics.

Medicine has found use of casein for the manufacture of various ointments and medical glue for surgical interventions.

Micellar casein is ideal for athletes engaged in prolonged physical activity. With its help you can achieve the desired dietary balance, but it is more expensive in terms of financial costs.

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