Calorie content of Smoothie. Chemical composition and nutritional value.
Properties of fruit smoothie Nutritional value and composition | Vitamins | Minerals How much does it cost
legume products
Hearty bean diet: easy and effective weight loss
Many nutritionists advise losing weight on a bean diet. Legume products are rich in vegetable fats, minerals and
Frequent meals by the glass. very effective, who's with me?
What is the essence of the diet? In fact, there is nothing complicated or incomprehensible in this diet,
Comparative analysis of which is healthier: buckwheat, lentils or oatmeal
Which porridge is more effective in helping you lose weight – oatmeal or buckwheat?
5686 Recently, porridge diets have become increasingly popular among those losing weight. How
Does kefir help with weight loss, rules of the kefir diet and delicious dietary recipes
Nutritionists recommend using kefir for weight loss as an independent drink. Sometimes he comes in
How to know when it's time to take a break from training
How to know when it's time to take a break from training
How to find out whether muscles have recovered after training or not In order to get a good result
What changes occur in the body during fasting?
What happens during fasting? Our gastrointestinal tract is designed in such a way that it works in two modes -
Vegetable soup
Recipes for delicious soups for the “5 table” diet
Is vegetable soup considered dietary? Low-calorie vegetable soup is included in many diets
Reviews of those losing weight about the drug "Siofor 850"
The drug Siofor is often used for weight loss. One of the main properties of these tablets is to reduce
Chicory drink in a cup
Health benefits and harms of chicory: how much per day and how to use
Our country learned about chicory as a food product not so long ago -
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