Honey stevia for weight loss - how to take and reviews

Throughout history, humanity has struggled with hunger. Great progress has been made in resolving this issue; most countries are not threatened by it. But food abundance caused another misfortune - rapid weight gain by the population. It turned out that excess weight poses no less a danger to health than malnutrition. Obese people are susceptible to many ailments associated with metabolic disorders; for them, the risk of heart pathologies increases significantly. Such a dangerous disease as diabetes has become widespread, almost commonplace. The problem of normalizing body weight is very acute; in its solution, a large role is given to sweeteners, since sugars are the main “culprits” for the formation of excess weight. Today, a number of synthetic and natural sugar substitutes are offered for use. Due to its unique qualities, stevia occupies a special place among them. The qualities and capabilities of this plant in the fight against excess weight will be discussed in this article.

What is stevia?

Stevia is a small South American herb with leaves that contain unusual compounds called steviosides, which mimic the sweetness of sugar without any negative effects on your health ( see How to Beat Food Addiction).

In fact, raw stevia is about 40 times sweeter than regular sugar, while a good concentrated extract like this one, which I use almost every day, is about 200 times sweeter.

As a sugar substitute, stevia's benefits include the fact that it contains no calories, does not raise blood sugar levels, does not promote the development of yeast infections in the digestive tract like sugar, and may even help protect teeth from tooth decay.

Ahead, just why stevia is so good for you, easy tips for using it in your food and drinks, and the best tasting stevia extract I've found.

The role of sweeteners in diet

A complete rejection of traditional sugar and products containing it in large quantities is an obvious, justified decision when losing weight. But compliance with the requirements of most diets requires a certain volitional effort, since it involves giving up the usual taste sensations, in particular, sweets. People like sweets, but not everyone is ready to make such “sacrifices.” Natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners either contain minimal amounts of sugar or are completely free of them. At the same time, they are able to compensate for the need for sweets. For those who are on a diet, maintaining the “taste atmosphere” helps to cope with the task. Among the drugs designed to replace sugar for weight loss, the herb stevia occupies a special place. Reviews from those losing weight indicate that with the help of this plant you can completely eliminate regular sugar from your diet.

Did you know that...?

Unlike artificial sweeteners, stevia does not contain carcinogens. This conclusion was made on the basis of laboratory studies conducted under the auspices of the World Health Organization.

How to use stevia

The most obvious and immediate use of stevia is to replace sugar in hot drinks such as coffee or tea.

Good stevia is heat stable up to 392 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius), and one drop is usually sufficient. Those who like their sweetness can try two or even three drops, but you don't need more than that.

Cold drinks ( see Weight Loss Drinks) can also be sweetened with stevia. This simple soda replacement method uses a drop of extract for sweetness without the calories. I also use this when making healthy juices and smoothies. Here's how.

Many people load their smoothies ( see Kiwi Smoothies) or fresh juices with too much high-sugar fruit for them to taste good. Although these are natural sugars, too much sugar is still too much sugar and it compromises the health benefits of these recipes.

Instead, make the healthiest juice or smoothie you can, like this skin-perfecting juice ( see Skin Healing) or this one full of nutritious veggies and greens, and just add a drop or two of stevia to the mix for instant sweetness without the dip blood sugar levels.

A couple drops of stevia mixed into a healthy homemade granola recipe eliminates the need for sugar or honey. It can also be used in most forms of baking and other recipes that call for extra sweetness.

I'd be interested in reading in the comments any other good ways you've found to cook with stevia and use it as a sugar substitute.

Related links

  1. What is stevia honey? (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4% D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8F).
  2. Where to buy stevia. (https://market.yandex.ru/search?clid=545&cvredirect=0&lr=213&text=%D0%B3%D0%B4%D0%B5%20%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BF%D0% B8%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%8E%20%D0%B2%20%D0%BC%D0% BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B5&deliveryincluded=0&onstock=1).
  3. Stevia, benefits and limitations in use. (https://healthrocks.org/zdorove-tela/pravilnoe-pitanie/steviya-vred-i-polza.html).

Permission and prohibition of use

Permission and prohibition of use

According to WHO, stevia is useful for patients suffering from hypertension and constantly elevated blood pressure, from instability of metabolic processes, and for patients with type 2 diabetes. The plant is recommended for people who are overweight and want to get rid of it.

Experts point out that excessive consumption of sweet leaves is fraught with negative results. The human body instantly reacts to a sweet taste, regardless of the number of calories present in the substance, by releasing insulin into the bloodstream.

The result of excessive use of sweeteners will be a decrease in the sensitivity of transmembrane receptors activated by insulin. Deviation will provoke constant demands for sweets from the body, which will lead to an invariable failure of the diet.

Based on the available data, doctors recommend not to exceed the permitted dosages of sweeteners and be sure to take breaks from their use.

The many positive qualities of the plant are overshadowed by contraindications for its use. Stevia for weight loss is not used for the following conditions:

  • In case of spontaneous allergic reactions to the constituent components;
  • In case of severe allergies to the aster family - to medicinal dandelion, chamomile, sunflower, chrysanthemum;
  • The substance is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and natural breastfeeding.

Particular caution is necessary when consuming stevia preparations for people who simultaneously use multivitamin complexes, including a large amount of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits in their diet. Exceeding the content of vitamin and mineral elements can provoke hypervitaminosis.

If, when using stevia for weight loss, patients experience obsessive itching, irritation, rashes and desquamation on the dermis, or a sharp deterioration in health, then they should stop taking it and consult a local physician. These symptomatic manifestations indicate that the dosage of beneficial components has been exceeded.

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Elena, nutrition specialist

Stevia is an excellent herb for weight loss, with a pleasant taste and minimal side effects. Its regular use leads to weight loss and improvement of the whole body.

Irina, therapist

Women who want to lose weight with honey stevia should understand that it can only be taken if there are no contraindications or health problems. Yes, it gives a reliable effect that can be achieved with regular exercise.

Vika, 29 years old, housewife

I drank stevia for 3 months, completely giving up granulated sugar and sweets. During this time, I lost 6 kg, and noticed how my digestion normalized and fat deposits disappeared.

Christina, 36 years old, psychologist

Since I work with people, looking good is important to me. But after giving birth, I gained 15 extra pounds, which I couldn’t lose quickly. After completing lactation, on the advice of the doctor, I began to drink honey stevia. I lost 8 kg in 4 months and am happy with the results.

The herb stevia for weight loss is an effective remedy that improves all body systems and has a positive effect on weight loss processes. But before using it, consultation with a doctor is required! I wish you a slim body and a great mood!

Harm from sweet leaves: are there any disadvantages?

Scientists have repeatedly conducted experiments, the results of which cast doubt in those who believed in the safety of stevia. In 1985-87 Experiments were conducted that proved that salmonella strains mutate under the influence of this sweetener. However, experts spoke about a proven effect on only 1 strain. In addition, a statement was later made about a violation of the methodology during the study. And this is a serious reason not to trust the results obtained.

In 1999, M. Melis decided to test honey grass. An infusion prepared from its extract was administered to mice. They were also given dry leaves, the weight of which could be compared with the body weight of the four-legged participants in the experiment. The dose of stevioside was colossal. It is not surprising that with such an excess of the norm, the scientist’s tailed wards began to have problems - the activity of sex hormones decreased.

Research like this shouldn't inspire fear. They are further evidence that scientists trying to portray honey grass in an unfavorable light are exaggerating the story. The conditions in which the experiments were carried out are far from real, so you should not unconditionally trust opponents of this product. This natural sweetener is excreted from the body in its intact form and there is no point in fearing the consequences of its use.

So, the harm of the sweetener we are considering is something that still needs to be proven, but the benefits do not require confirmation. If we return to the topic of the benefits of such a replacement, we can find many advantages of using stevioside:

  • no genotoxicity;
  • carcinogenicity has not been confirmed;
  • a positive effect was noted in the treatment of hypertension;
  • Significant improvements in the well-being of patients with type II diabetes mellitus were revealed.

Moreover, it is a 100% natural product. The difference will be visible within a few weeks after adding tablets or powder to food and drinks - you will no longer want to dissolve sugar in tea or coffee and add it to baked goods. Try it and see for yourself.

Admission rules

Admission rules

Clinical trials have proven that taking 0.5 grams of stevia per kilogram of human body weight is safe for the body. When consuming a tablet extract, a dosage of 8 milligrams per kilogram is allowed.

The beneficial plant can be added to hot and cold drinks; the substance does not lose its qualities at high temperatures and does not change the physical characteristics of drinks and food. Stevia adds flavor when added to soft drinks, coffee and tea. It is allowed to introduce plant materials into desserts and salads.

To avoid off-flavors when making confectionery, muffins, desserts and jams, it is recommended to use extract tablets. A unit of substance in tablets is equivalent to a small spoon of sugar, 5 drops of liquid extract - 2 teaspoons.

Preparing tea - pour two large spoons of dry leaves into a glass of fresh boiling water and leave for half an hour. You are allowed to consume up to three cups of the prepared drink per day.

The best effect is achieved when taking tea half an hour before meals.

Sweet syrup - one liter of water is brought to a boil, 100 grams of stevia are added to it. The mixture is boiled over low heat for one hour, filtered and poured into a container convenient for storage.

The leaves remaining from the decoction are re-filled with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for 60 minutes. The resulting substance is filtered and added to the first portion. The finished syrup is used as a sugar substitute for coffee, tea, soft drinks, and as a base for confectionery and baked goods.

Low-calorie mayonnaise - 150 ml of soy milk, a tablespoon of onion powder, a quarter of a small spoon of stevia, the juice of a medium lemon and a minimum amount of table salt, stir in a blender until smooth. 350 ml of one of the vegetable oils is added to the finished substance. Products are stored in a refrigerator.

Pharmacy elixir - the finished product includes extract of White Sea algae, pineapple and stevia. To reduce body weight, it is recommended to consume five drops per glass of liquid, up to four times a day. The elixir helps reduce cravings for sweets, accelerates metabolic processes in the body, burns fat, and reduces appetite. It does not contain ethyl alcohol.

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To enhance the weight loss effect when using stevia, it is advisable to follow these tips:

  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • If possible, play sports, move more, take evening walks in the fresh air.
  • Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Don't overeat at night.
  • Eliminate harmful foods from your diet, do not drink carbonated drinks and alcohol.
  • Be less nervous and learn to enjoy life.


It is prohibited to take stevia herb in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • combined intake with dairy products, as this leads to diarrhea;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • age up to 12 years - for stevioside tablets;
  • mental disorders;
  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus - consultation with a doctor is required;
  • hypotension, since taking drinks and products with stevia reduces blood pressure.

In rare cases, an overdose may cause nausea and vomiting. If after taking stevia you feel worse, then you should stop using it and pay attention to other herbs for weight loss, for example, senna, hellebore, mistletoe, wintergreen or bardakosh.

Exercising helps you lose weight


stevia benefits

Stevia meets all the requirements for sugar substitutes, having its own unique properties. These include:

Taste qualities are fully consistent with those of cane and beet sugar. Fresh and dried plant materials have a licorice-like, bitter taste. Liquid and dry extracts of the plant do not have this quality.

No dependence on temperature – when heated to any level, the beneficial qualities of stevia do not disappear. This nuance allows you to use the plant when preparing any types of dishes, including baking.

The special effect of steviosides is that substances have a spectrum of action that differs from sugar. The elements do not provoke an increase in glucose levels in the bloodstream, and constant use of stevia allows you to reduce these levels.

A high content of healthy ingredients - a significant amount of vitamin and mineral microelements, including iron. The latter promotes the production of hemoglobin. Experts warn that the dry and liquid extracts do not contain the necessary elements; this manufacturing option only imparts a sweetish taste. Fresh and dried plant materials include the entire set of the above constituent substances.

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The contained amino acids and antioxidants accelerate metabolic processes in the body, bind excess cholesterol and remove it, preventing it from accumulating.

The plant can be grown at home - both in a private house and in an ordinary apartment. Proper care, compliance with the requirements for collection and storage, will allow you to obtain pure, natural and healthy raw materials that can easily replace sugar.

Use in cooking

Stevia has similar uses to sugar. It is used in the preparation of confectionery, sugar, sauces, and creams.

The grass can withstand high temperatures without losing its beneficial properties. The sweet taste is more pronounced in cold water than in hot water. Therefore, the plant is popular in the preparation of cocktails, cold drinks, and jellies.

The herb goes well with many fruits: mangoes, oranges, papaya, pineapple, apples, bananas and so on. A vegetable sweetener is added when preparing liqueurs. It does not lose properties when dried or frozen.


Stevia for weight loss

Stevia leaves have a rich composition:

  • Natural glycosides - stevioside - a natural substance that is 300 times sweeter than regular sugar (sucrose). Used as a sweetener.
  • Vitamins: A, E, K, group B, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, quercetin.
  • Minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, iron, sodium, selenium.
  • Essential oils: camphor, limonene.
  • Amino acids, saponins, flavonoids.
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