17 most satisfying foods or how to forget about hunger

It’s possible to stop feeling hungry and lose weight! The main thing is to choose the right products and stick to a balanced menu. In fact, nourishing foods are not fantastic or exotic; they are found in every home.

One of the common misconceptions of those losing weight is to think that the more nutritious a product is, the more calorie it contains. This perception leads to erroneous tactics. Namely, to dosing the diet according to the feeling of hunger. After all, according to these ideas, low-satisfying food is, by definition, low-calorie, which means it helps you lose weight. Agree, most people think and act this way. They build their diet by trying to feel hungry all the time.

hearty foods

Foods that satisfy hunger


Nuts are an excellent source of protein, healthy fats and fiber.

All three components of nuts will help you feel full between meals and give you energy throughout the day.

If nuts are not your favorite product, but you understand that they should be present in your diet, then add them a little to a salad, cream of soup or smoothie bowl (smoothie in a bowl). You will hardly feel them in these dishes and will be charged with energy for the whole day.

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This is useful to know:

The best nuts are walnuts, pistachios, pecans, macadamia nuts and almonds. 100 grams of any of the proposed nuts can replace you with a full breakfast or lunch.

Interesting Facts:

  • Walnuts

    contain vitamin E, which protects the body from heart attacks. It contains omega-3 and it is this acid that improves brain function.

  • Pistachios

    rich in important substances like lutein and zeaxanthin, which help maintain vision.

  • IN pecan

    Magnesium is present. It helps lower blood pressure. Of course, the nut is not able to cure hypertension, but it can at least smooth out its manifestations.

  • Macadamia nuts

    contain phosphorus, which strengthens bones.

  • Almond

    contains vitamin E, which some call the “beauty vitamin,” as this nut protects tissue from aging, moisturizes the skin when applied as an oil, and prevents premature graying of hair. It is also rich in vitamin B6, which helps promote hair growth.


Just like apples, citrus fruits contain a lot of pectin, which can slow digestion and increase satiety. They are filled with more than 87% water and are able to fill you with fewer calories.

Eating grapefruit is often associated with weight loss. Research shows a significant reduction in waist circumference in subjects who consumed half a grapefruit with meals three times a day for six weeks. When combined with calorie restriction, consuming grapefruit juice before meals resulted in a 7.1% weight loss.

grapefruit, benefits of grapefruit, antioxidants, limonoids, vitamin C

Grapefruit contains only 41 kilocalories and has a low glycemic index. Researchers have confirmed that grapefruit juice may help prevent weight gain by lowering insulin levels. Photo: liz west/flickr/CC BY 2.0

Foods that reduce hunger


Beans are high in fiber, which plays an important role in slowing down the release of sugar into the blood. Sugar levels remain stable, so hunger does not occur soon.

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Beans can be added:

in soup, casseroles or other dishes, season salads with them.

You will be surprised, but desserts are even made from this product. From beans you can make: candies, ice cream, brownies, rolls, biscuits.

If you don't believe that beans can be used to make a sweet dish, then watch this video.

This is useful to know:

If you are on a diet or trying to watch your weight, then beans are a food that will help you. After all, they supply the body with proteins, but without the accompanying fat, which can be found even in lean meat.


According to the American College of Nutrition, oatmeal cooked with water or skim milk fills our stomachs twice as much as dry cereal. And this despite the fact that the main ingredient in them is the same.

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Boiled potatoes

Due to their higher carbohydrate content, many people avoid potatoes in an attempt to lose weight, but this is not true. After all, potatoes are loaded with vitamins, fiber and other important nutrients.

Potatoes also contain resistant starch. It acts as soluble fiber to help you feel full.

Boiled potatoes take first place in the satiety index. Potato chips have a satiety index that is three times lower and are not considered a weight loss product.

Suppressing the feeling of hunger

Brown rice

This may come as another surprise to you, but brown rice is similar to oats and keeps you full.

Whole grains contain not only fiber, but also essential vitamins and minerals.

Brown rice is a great side dish that can be eaten with almost any meal. If you suffer from celiac disease, brown rice can be a staple in your diet as it is gluten-free.

This is useful to know:

If you don’t have much time in the morning, but you can’t skip breakfast, then use this recipe. Place brown rice, avocado and scrambled eggs in a bowl and cook. You will get a delicious dish that will give you strength for the whole day.


One of the main statements of people who lose weight is: “If you want to eat, drink,” which is, of course, a myth. A certain feeling of satiety comes, but it is much weaker than from food. This happens because swallowing does not require energy, and the brain does not perceive the drink as a meal.


This is useful to know:

If we move away from the topic of water, then not only it, but also some kind of cocktail is considered a drink. We all know that some cocktails can have more calories than a hearty lunch or dinner. Sometimes we treat ourselves to a high-calorie drink, but we realize that it will not bring us a feeling of fullness.

And sometimes it happens that the signals of thirst and hunger are mixed in our brain. You may feel like you're hungry when in fact you're just dehydrated and want to drink rather than eat.


Quinoa is a pseudograin that is similar in many ways to buckwheat.

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It's fiber-rich, gluten-free, and filling. This porridge is very similar in its characteristics to millet and buckwheat, but there are still differences. It is much better absorbed compared to other cereals. This porridge is also wonderful because it contains much more fiber than millet or buckwheat, and it also contains vegetable proteins and complex carbohydrates.

This is useful to know:

The amino acid compositions of quinoa proteins and milk proteins are similar, so the composition of these products is almost indistinguishable.

We've always been told to eat fish because it's rich in phosphorus, but quinoa's phosphorus count is higher than that of some fish. Now you can replace the fish with quinoa.



Another member of the legume family, lentils are a very filling product. According to a study from the University of Toronto, its satiety exceeds even that of chickpeas, not to mention other legumes. A lentil dish is much richer than pasta with sauce. Lentils are a rich source of plant protein, fiber, potassium, iron, vitamin B, magnesium and calcium.

How else to get rid of hunger


It has always been believed that ginger is good for health, as it

  • helps get rid of nausea
  • reduces muscle pain and blood sugar levels
  • inflammatory processes in our body are suspended

You might be surprised, but a recent study came to another interesting conclusion: “Ginger reduces hunger.”

This showed that consuming 2g of ginger powder diluted in hot water during breakfast reduced participants' post-meal hunger.

Ginger is often used to make tea, which affects the cardiovascular system and digestion. This drink cleanses the liver, stimulates brain activity and can increase potency. Tea is indispensable for weight loss.

It is better to avoid ginger tea for those who have an exacerbation of ulcers or severe inflammatory skin diseases.

Cottage cheese

Even if you eat non-fat cottage cheese, it will be well absorbed and also satiating. Another bonus is the fact that you will not gain weight from this product.

Cottage cheese contains:

  • squirrels
  • vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B12
  • fats
  • useful microelements such as potassium, sodium, magnesium

Cottage cheese is a dietary product, as its calorie content is 169 calories per 100 grams.

There are a lot of ways to prepare this product, but you don’t have to cook it, but eat it in its “raw” form.


Oranges are the leaders among all fruits and citrus fruits.

They are rich in fiber and it is fiber that gives a feeling of fullness that does not disappear soon.


This product will not harm your figure, since 100 grams contains only 43 calories, and is also good for health. The vitamin C it contains increases resistance to cancer cells and also helps maintain skin elasticity.

14. Dark chocolate

If you have a sweet tooth and are on a diet, then this is the perfect product for you. After all, it’s hard to live without desserts, and a few squares of dark chocolate can save you. There is no need to worry about weight, as it has few calories.

The ingredients that make up dark chocolate tend to slow down digestion. For this reason, you are less likely to crave food.

Pistachios, roasted and unsalted


A study of two groups of people participating in the same weight loss program found that pistachios were a healthier snack option. The only difference between the two groups was that one group snacked on pistachios, the other on unsweetened German pretzels. Participants in the first group showed a lower body mass index.

Foods that dull the feeling of hunger

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt differs from regular yogurt in that during the preparation process this product is filtered through a cloth or paper filter.

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Scientists believe that consuming dairy proteins fills us up and maintains blood sugar levels, meaning you will feel full for some time after you eat a product that contains these proteins.

Because Greek yogurt contains more protein than regular yogurt, it will be more filling.

A pleasant surprise is the fact that this is a low-calorie product, since 100 grams of this yogurt contains 66 calories, so it can be consumed when losing weight. Greek yogurt also has a positive effect on the nervous system, that is, it helps cope with depression.


Fish is considered one of the most satisfying dishes among protein-rich foods.


Fish has many beneficial properties.

It not only gives us energy for the whole day, but also improves vision. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have the ability to have a positive effect on your vision. These fatty acids reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

This product is rich in vitamin D. Thanks to this component, you will sleep soundly and not wake up in the middle of the night.

This is useful to know:

It is better to add fish to your diet if you are concerned about your health. Many people do not like fish, but despite this, it should be consumed at least in small quantities.



Tofu is considered exclusively a food for vegans and strict vegetarians. For people who do not limit their diet, it seems that there is simply no need to eat this strange product. However, the advice of nutritionists says that it is worth trying, simply because tofu is able to saturate the body better than, say, chicken. A study in the journal Appetite found that a tofu-based lunch kept a group of participants from feeling hungry for several hours longer than those who ate a chicken lunch. In addition, tofu, like many other soy products, helps normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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Preference: seasonal

We still won’t stop buying vegetables and fruits. Of course, it's winter now, so fresh food is quite expensive. Nevertheless, you can choose something useful and cheap. For example, oranges. With them you can spend 40-45 rubles, tangerines, however, are already running out and becoming more expensive, but pears are still quite affordable, about 50 rubles. Don't forget about domestic apples. If we talk about vegetables, we will give preference to white cabbage, carrots and beets. You can also add celery root, a little pumpkin and fresh salads from the greenhouses closest to the city. In general, we choose those products that were not brought to us for a long time, but were grown and preserved in Russia or brought from our south.


Vegetables are low in calories but high in volume. They contain all kinds of beneficial nutrients and plant compounds that make them an important part of a healthy diet. In addition, vegetables contain a lot of fiber and water, which help fill your stomach.

Salads can satisfy your hunger, especially before meals. Subjects who ate a salad at the beginning of their meals consumed 7–12% fewer calories during the meal.

Hearty food in a hurry. Quick fried pasta

Hearty food in a hurry. Quick fried pasta


  • any pasta – 150 – 200 g;
  • water – 350 – 400 ml;
  • salt – 3 pinches;
  • high-quality vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • fresh herbs - ½ bunch.


  1. Warm up the cauldron well. Only after this pour vegetable oil into it.
  2. Add dry pasta to hot fat. Spirals are perfect for this dish.
  3. Fry the pasta on medium heat until lightly browned. It is important not to overheat the product, otherwise the finished dish will develop bitterness. 4 – 6 minutes with frequent stirring is enough.
  4. When the pasta becomes golden brown and has absorbed approximately half of the fat from the frying pan, you can fill it with the amount of water specified in the recipe. Be sure to use boiling water!
  5. As soon as the water in the frying pan boils, reduce the heat on the stove to minimum and cover the container with a lid.
  6. “Cook” the pasta in these conditions for 10 – 12 minutes.
  7. During the specified period, the water should be completely absorbed into the spirals.
  8. If this does not happen, you can drain the pasta in a colander and then return it to the pan.
  9. Chop fresh herbs and add them to the finished dish.

Serve the pasta hot in portions. They can become both a hearty side dish and a main (very budget-friendly!) dish. It is delicious to fry such pasta immediately with ham, sausage, sausages or boiled meat.

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