Proper nutrition for weight loss for women over 30 years old at home

With the onset of 30 years, girls begin to look with envy at those who are only over 20 years old. Of course, because their figures look perfect, even if they wear tight jeans or a short skirt. Don't be discouraged at 30 years old, the girl is still young, and a few extra pounds shouldn't spoil her mood. At 30, a girl blossoms and can reveal a different side of herself.

At the age of 30, the girl has already established herself as a professional, she has a job, perhaps even a family and children. In addition to all this splendor, you should definitely get a beautiful figure and enjoy life. Moreover, a good figure is not only about appearance, but also about excellent health. Of course, to get the desired result, you should pay attention to yourself and your figure, but the result is worth it.

Doctors say that until the age of 30, the body does not need additional measures to lose weight. However, after 30 years, it is necessary to make a lot of effort in order to maintain beauty and health. So, after 30 years, a person begins to get better, and the process cannot be reversed? Or something can be fixed.

Why do girls start getting fat?

In fact, there are several reasons to gain weight after 30 years. Firstly, a woman’s hormonal levels begin to change, which naturally affects her appearance. In this way, the body prepares for the transition to a more mature return. The second reason is a slowdown in metabolism. This happens due to changes in hormonal levels. The third reason is the fact that after turning 30, muscle mass disappears faster. If at 20 years old you could play sports irregularly, and still get results. At the age of 30, several missed classes can lead to extra pounds.

Correlation between age and height and weight. Norm

There are approximate weight standards for women according to age and height. They are approximate, but clearly demonstrate possible deviations.

Proper nutrition for weight loss at home. Menu for every day, products. Principles of diet after 30, 40, 50 years
Weight standards by age and height for women, according to accepted medical standards.

If your indicators are far from normal, you should think about getting rid of extra pounds and getting your body in order.

What can interfere with losing weight?

The period between 30 and 40 years is quite interesting in terms of changes in a woman’s appearance and behavior. At this age, a girl must do everything, namely, look after the children, go to work, take care of her husband. There is always not enough time and you have to sacrifice something. Most often, girls choose rest and sleep as a victim. The price to pay for such a lifestyle is extra pounds.

The fact is that girls begin to eat irregularly, have quick, tasty snacks, and of course, night snacks. Sleep disturbance leads to a decrease in the hormone melatonin, which is so necessary for metabolism. This increases the production of the stress hormone, which causes the body to store fat. Over time, reserves begin to grow, and the girl seriously gains weight.

How to lose weight if you have no willpower and constantly want to eat

And one more thing that spoils everything: a constant feeling of hunger. What is hunger? This is a signal to the brain that blood sugar levels have dropped and it’s time to eat. The interesting thing here is that in addition to real hunger, there is also psychological hunger. And that's the real problem.


Remember the candy on the table. Do you think you'll end up eating it because you're really hungry, or because you just want candy? I think it's the second option.

How to start losing weight correctly after 30 years

With the development of the food industry, the human brain has generally lost the ability to think critically about food. He knows for sure that the candy contains a lot of sugar and it will quickly increase blood sugar and the brain will enjoy it.

Yes exactly. We get pleasure from food comparable to a drug. Having received a “dose”, serotonin, the hormone of happiness, enters the brain. And that’s what the brain needs, not this damn candy. And the more sugar there is in a product, the more pleasure the brain will receive.

The next time you decide that you are hungry and want to eat a pie, bun or cake, then ask yourself if you want to eat boiled rice, for example (insert a dish here that you don’t really like). If you don't want rice, then excuse me, it's not real hunger.

A little about muscles and fats

The problem is that after thirty years, physical activity noticeably decreases. Realizing that the problem of excess weight has appeared, a person wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Most often these are categorical methods, a sharp reduction in diet and active physical activity. Unfortunately, such methods lead to deterioration of health. If you are 20-25 years old, such a situation does not seriously harm your health. Unfortunately, at the age of 30, a girl will receive additional stress, which leads to excess weight.

If you do not change your lifestyle, that is, the physical component, you need to slightly adjust the nutritional component. After 30 years, you should reduce your daily calorie intake by 100 calories annually. Metabolism will be maintained at the same level. A great way to maintain your figure. At the same time, you can eat your favorite food, but the main thing is to maintain daily caloric intake. Constantly counting calories gets boring, and many girls refuse this method. If a person is willing to pay attention to counting calories every day, then this method will really help. To make your life easier, you should download a special application that will take into account every piece.

Of course, you want to have an elastic body and beautiful skin, which is why the body should be kept in good shape. Thanks to this, wrinkles will be less visible, which means you will be able to look younger.

After 30 years, the body reacts painfully to nicotine, so you should work on your bad habits. The love for sweets has a particularly negative effect on the figure. If at 20 years old excess calories are quickly burned, then at an older age you should not hope for this.

Young mothers also have a negative habit of finishing their children's meals. Thus, the baby has finished breakfast, lunch and bitten off ice cream. All this is about 500 additional calories, which will definitely be deposited on the hips.


When performing sports exercises, the metabolism accelerates, the need for nutrient consumption increases.

Protein is an important highly nutritious material for the human body. For a person who is not involved in sports, the daily protein intake is less than 2 g per 1 kg of weight. For an athletic person, the daily protein requirement rises to 2.5 g per 1 kg of weight.

Meat, fish, legumes, cheeses and eggs are rich in proteins. Half of the protein consumed comes from meat products. The second half consists of plant products and dairy products.

Why should you definitely refuse?

In order to reach their goal as quickly as possible, 30-year-old girls are trying to lose weight using a low-calorie diet. So, calories are cut to a minimum level, a person receives energy only to breathe and walk. Naturally, such a system will help you quickly get rid of excess, but in this case health is more important.

Such food systems are literally devoid of rational grain. The volume of muscle mass decreases sharply, which is especially dangerous after the age of 30. Nutrition should be moderate for the process of burning fat tissue to occur. It is important to maintain muscle mass.

The second mistake is diets that literally deplete the body. Constant training and protein nutrition can easily return sagging muscles, instead of the expected result. To obtain energy, the body begins to burn muscle tissue, while fat tissue remains unharmed.

The easiest way to improve your appearance is plastic surgery. Women quite often turn to such methods. Banal liposuction will really help you get rid of extra pounds. It is important to remember that such surgical interventions are performed under anesthesia, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart. Liposuction is not a panacea; after surgery, there is a long recovery period. In this case, liposuction involves a subsequent diet and it will be necessary to wear a corset. Otherwise, the body will very quickly return fat deposits in an attempt to restore balance.

Dinner Recipes

Cucumber smoothie is a healthy and low-calorie dish that saturates the body with vitamins, helps cleanse the intestines, and reduces weight.


  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • spinach;
  • celery – 50 g;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Peel the cucumber and place in a blender.
  2. Add spinach, celery, bell pepper and beat to combine.
  3. Add cottage cheese to the vegetable mixture and beat for 2-3 minutes.

The right approach to the situation

In order to preserve beauty and youth, it is important to determine for yourself the principles that must be followed under any circumstances. At any age, a woman wants to stay slim. A clear sequence of actions, proper nutrition and reasonable training will do the trick. Another important aspect is motivation. This is something different for each person. For example, if a woman’s husband wants to leave her, adjusting her appearance can be an excellent plan for revenge. However, it is best to find another source of motivation. Psychologists recommend focusing on yourself. Some people need a psychologist to start the process of losing weight, and already on a subconscious level the person is losing weight.

The correct diet is one that reduces calories by increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits. When choosing a diet, you should compare it with your schedule and preferences. If someone who is losing weight feels comfortable, they will be able to stick to a specific diet for as long as possible.

If the chosen nutrition system constantly leads to breakdowns, you should think about it and change your weight loss priorities. It can’t be done without the help of a doctor. It is worth remembering that it is no longer 20 years and the first thing you should think about is health. A good nutritionist will conduct a series of studies, identify weaknesses and diseases, and only in this case will he be able to choose a harmless nutritional system.

In the case where the nutrition system involves refusing to eat, these options should be immediately discarded. Nutrition after 30 years should be systematic and low-calorie. But fasting, even if it is periodic, can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It is recommended to have 5-6 meals a day, with two meals being light. The menu includes a lot of vegetables and fruits, lean fish and meat, and don’t forget about dairy products.

Drinking regime

Drinking routine is the accepted regimen for drinking fluids. Norms for fluid intake are established in relation to the type of human activity and his age. Both a lack of water and its excess are harmful to the body. Indiscriminate intake of water negatively affects the process of food processing, the functioning of the heart, and kidneys.

The human body consists of 70% water, so it is important to accurately organize your fluid intake regimen. The greater a person’s body weight, the greater the rate of water consumption. With a calm lifestyle, a person weighing 50-60 kg should drink up to 2 liters of water per day, 70-80 kg - 2.5 liters, 90-100 kg - 3 liters. With significant physical activity and hot weather, the water norm for people 50-70 kg is 3 liters, 80-100 kg - 4 liters.

It is good to drink water 20 minutes before. before eating. Drinking water is prohibited during meals. Drinking water after meals is allowed after complete breakdown of food: from 30 minutes. up to 6 o'clock

Diet, menu for women for a week for weight loss, when doing fitness

In the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink 200 ml with the juice of a lemon slice. For breakfast, herbal or regular tea is suitable, volume: 0.5 l. Before meals, drink 200-400 ml of water. Stop taking fluids 2 hours before bedtime. The water must be boiled.

If you follow the correct fluid intake regimen, you need to pay attention to drinking tea (black, green, herbal). Freshly brewed weak tea will benefit the body. Fruit and vegetable juices are also important, but the juices should not be freshly squeezed: freshly squeezed juice has a negative effect on the pancreas. The norm for drinking juice is 1.5 liters.

Sport as a way to achieve results

From all of the above, we can conclude that sport is important in the life of a 30-year-old woman. After all, the body needs to be kept in good shape and receive emotional relief. It is in this matter that sport helps. Regular exercise will help you get a toned body not only at 30, but even at 40.

In this regard, scientists have conducted several studies, during which it was found that women who regularly exercise have more muscle mass. To really get results, you should train according to plan. That is, it is important to alternate between calm and intense training. With regular exercise, a girl will soon be able to get an ideal figure, even to the envy of young girls.

Diet menu for 7 days for women over 40 years old

Nutrition table for women over 40 years old:

Proper nutrition for weight loss at home. Menu for every day, products. Principles of diet after 30, 40, 50 years

Day of the weekBreakfastSnackDinnerSnackDinner
1Rice porridge,
tomato salad.
dried apricots.
Vegetable soup,
baked fish,


Boiled breast with cheese.
2Cottage cheese with herbs and basil,
Green borscht,
boiled liver,


A glass of fermented baked milk.Baked cod with vegetable salad.
3Barley porridge,
Cherry jelly.Beetroot,
brown rice pilaf,


Apricot juice.Seafood salad.
4Zucchini pancakes,
tea with milk.
2 pearsRassolnik with kidneys,
cabbage cutlets.
Carrot juice,
Sugar-free cottage cheese casserole.
5Macaroni and cheese,
Pea soup,
chicken cutlets,

Bell pepper.

A glass of kefirCottage cheese casserole with vermicelli,
tea with lemon.
6Fruit pilaf,
toast with cheese.
a handful of nuts.
with liver


A glass of milk,
Omelette with herbs,
7Oatmeal with cottage cheese.Crackers,
tea with milk.
Mashed potatoes,
boiled fish,


Tomato juice, bread.Vegetable puree,
green tea.

Proper nutrition after 30 years

The optimal solution would be to choose proper nutrition, which takes into account the characteristics of age. At 30 years old, the diet should be balanced and nutritious. In order for nutrition to truly become correct, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Balance of BJU. It is important that the girl adheres to the proportion 30/30/40. Protein is needed to maintain muscle mass during physical activity. The need for fat also increases, since it is necessary for normal hormone production. Some girls specifically resort to reducing fat in their diet, however, this is an extremely undesirable measure.
  • Eliminate processed foods from your diet. The diet should contain protein and complex carbohydrates, and this should be 80%. It is important to eat enough vegetables and fruits every day.
  • As a woman ages, chronic diseases may begin to manifest. Sweets, fried foods, and spicy foods are excluded from the diet.
  • Water. Another important point. You should monitor your water regime. It may even be worth downloading a special application.

Weekly menu for women over 50 years old

Day of the weekBreakfastSnackDinnerSnackDinner
With cheese,

radish salad.

green tea.
fish cutlets,


BananaCottage cheese casserole,
2Fruit pilaf.Toast with cheese,
coffee with milk.
Stewed vegetables with beef,
AppleOatmeal with cherries,
3Buckwheat porridge,
Bell pepper,

feta cheese.

green tea.
Mashed potatoes,
boiled liver,


PearsVegetable cutlets,
4Millet porridge,
boiled egg.
Mushroom soup,
chicken fillet,

green salad.

Fruit saladBaked fish,
herbal tea.
5Oatmeal with banana.Toast,
Green borscht,
baked fish,

cabbage salad.

Tea with dried fruitsOmelet with tomatoes and cheese,
mint tea.
6Barley porridge,
beet caviar.
chicken cutlets,

sea ​​kale.

MilkBean casserole,
green tea.
7Zucchini pancakes,
Soup with meatballs,
vegetable caviar.
YogurtCottage cheese,

Products containing calcium

After 30 years, a girl may experience the first signs of osteochondrosis, for the prevention of which it is necessary to consume dairy products. However, it is not enough to eat foods rich in calcium; it is necessary for the element to be absorbed. To ensure calcium is well absorbed, you should avoid alcohol and coffee.

Omega-3 perfectly saves you from stressful situations. At least once a week you should have a meal enriched with this element. For example, it could be fatty fish, which can simply be baked in the oven.

Balanced diet

Any adequate diet should have the following basis:

  • whole grain products: cereals, baked goods, pasta;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • good fats (lots of vegetable fats, omega-3 and omega-6, few animal fats);
  • quality protein (eggs, low-fat dairy products, lean meats).

This small list hides a huge number of products. By combining them correctly, you can prepare almost any dish. Such nutrition provides a lot of energy (long-lasting carbohydrates from whole grains), building material for all cells (a full set of amino acids from protein products), stimulates the gastrointestinal tract (fiber from vegetables, fruits, cereals), and provides the body with all vitamins and minerals.

Tips to help you eat right

To really plan your diet correctly and take into account all the nuances, you should consider:

  • You should think carefully about your schedule. The purpose of this schedule is to take into account all the nuances and think over the number of meals.
  • Maintain water balance
  • Don't eat too many sweets
  • Fresh fruits are an integral part of the diet; they can replace unhealthy and fatty foods
  • Vegetables are an essential element of the diet. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the stomach.
  • Food should be chewed well. In this case, everything eaten will be well absorbed.
  • Proper breakfast. It is important to start things off with healthy foods, such as oatmeal.

Well, at the age of 30 it is absolutely not necessary to mock your nervous system and health in order to lose weight. It is enough to recognize the problem and understand that it really exists. In this case, the person will get motivation and start losing weight. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and then everything will work out.

[Total: Average: /5]


Carbohydrates are very important for a person whose activities are associated with physical activity: they are the most important suppliers of energy. For a sports person, the daily intake is 600-700 g.

Diet, menu for women for a week for weight loss, when doing fitness

Of the total amount of carbohydrates consumed, 1/3 comes from sweet dessert products (sweets, chocolate, fruits, fruit jams and preserves). The remaining 2/3 comes from foods containing starch (bread, legumes, pasta, potatoes).

Types of food containing more than 60% carbohydrates:

  • honey, sugar, caramel;
  • marshmallows, marmalade, jam;
  • chocolate, halva, dried fruits;
  • pasta, pearl barley and oatmeal.

Proper snacks

A weekly weight loss diet for women includes the right snacks that contribute to a slim figure. A snack is taking a small amount of healthy food to satisfy a slight feeling of hunger.

Main snacks - 2nd breakfast, afternoon snack, 2nd dinner. For snacks, low-fat animal products rich in protein, fruits with honey, dark chocolate, and low-fat dairy products are suitable.

The set of products for the 2nd breakfast depends on the abundance and completeness of the products eaten at the 1st breakfast. If the first breakfast was hearty, an apple, orange, or dried fruit are suitable for a snack. Drinking a cup of coffee (tea) for the first breakfast will allow you to snack on a dish of cottage cheese, boiled eggs, or porridge.

Between lunch and dinner there is another snack - an afternoon snack. The time for afternoon tea comes at the end of the working day. An afternoon snack will help you avoid overeating at dinner. Fermented milk products are ideal for an afternoon snack.

Diet, menu for women for a week for weight loss, when doing fitness

The second dinner involves taking kefir 4 hours before bedtime.

With proper quick snacks, fast food is prohibited. Suitable foods are enriched with complex carbohydrates: grain bread, dried fruits, nuts, a grain bread sandwich with lean meat, light yogurt.

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