How a child can lose excess weight - diet for children 12 years old: menu and nutritional principles

Helping a teenager lose weight is a challenge that parents should also address. There is always a solution, which is actually very simple if you follow some rules. Therefore, do not rush to say goodbye to the dream of a slim body.

Every girl dreams of a slim figure. Every boy wants to be in great physical shape. Very often, in adolescence, the body is far from ideal, and, looking at beautiful photos on social networks, teenage girls and boys withdraw into themselves and begin to eat away at their problems.

Don't go on diets

The first thing you need to immediately cut off is all kinds of diets that the Internet is replete with. If some Masha lost weight in a short time after sitting on water alone, don’t believe it.

  • Such nutrition will only harm the body, because it will not receive the vitamins necessary at this age for the growth and development of the body.
  • Such diets have only a temporary effect, and as soon as you return to your normal routine, the kilograms will return, and you may also gain weight.
  • It is hunger strikes that lead to breakdowns; as a rule, they maintain this regime for 3 to 7 days, and then completely empty the refrigerator shelves, repenting the next day.

So, without dieting, a teenager can and even needs to lose weight.

What a teenage diet should look like

If you follow the principles of proper nutrition for just one month, your weekly loss will be about two kilograms. A 14 year old's diet should look something like this:

  • For breakfast, be sure to eat 250 grams of porridge and drink tea with honey.
  • During lunch, it is good to eat a handful of walnuts, almonds or peanuts with a mug of low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch consists of the obligatory 200 grams of soup, for example, you can cook borscht or a not too rich soup with mushrooms in beef broth. The second dish should contain proteins. For example, a 150-gram portion of mushrooms with boiled rice and 100 grams of finely chopped fresh vegetables. Instead of tea, you can offer your child fresh fruit compote.
  • For an afternoon snack, feed the boy any fruit, except bananas that are too high in calories; for example, a couple of apples, a large grapefruit or an orange satisfies hunger well.
  • Dinner should also contain protein, so you need to prepare a 200-gram portion of fish or meat. As a side dish, 150 grams of vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil is suitable.

If a child has developed the habit of eating all meals only with bread, you can offer him dried slices or crispy bread from the store.

READ How to lose weight quickly for a 13 year old boy

The right approach

Ideally, a specialist will help a teenager lose weight correctly. He will prescribe a diet suitable for the body. After all, during adolescence, the body is rebuilt, which is why many girls and boys gain weight. And if you notice that your body has slightly increased in volume, in the region of 2 to 5 kg, then this is quite normal. It must be taken into account that during this period girls can grow up sharply, outstripping the boys in the class. When a girl turns 12 years old, her physique begins to change, and the child’s figure is transformed.

Support is important during this period. A mother can help a teenage girl lose weight. She will not only support, but also help create a menu. Dad can help a teenage boy lose weight. It is the parents who should pay attention to what the child eats and what lifestyle he leads. A sister (brother) or girlfriend (friend) may also be a good option for an assistant. You can introduce proper nutrition together, share emotions and results, providing that same support. And playing sports together is twice as fun!

Features of the diet for girls

From childhood, girls strive to have an ideal figure, the parameters of which are imposed by modern society, especially the modeling business. For this reason, many of them independently limit themselves in food, without taking into account objective indicators of their own weight and depriving the growing body of what it needs.

But a diet for a girl who really suffers from excess weight should be completely balanced in terms of nutrients and all useful elements.

Moreover, it is necessary to reduce the caloric content of the diet solely on the basis of anthropometric studies, since a child or teenager’s dissatisfaction with his figure may be completely unfounded.

Metabolic processes in children and adolescents proceed faster than in adults. Therefore, over a certain period of time, it is much easier for a girl to lose weight than for a woman. The main thing is to have the desire and support of your parents.

First of all, you need to determine whether there is really a need to use a diet or whether you can get by with optimizing your lifestyle, including diet, diet composition and physical activity. To do this, you need to correctly assess the level of physical development and establish the correct body mass index.

The most accurate data can be obtained from special centile tables based on the age and anthropometric parameters of the child - height, weight, volume of the head and chest.

All pediatricians use such tables, so before using the diet, the girl needs to visit a doctor to find out the real presence of excess weight or to make sure that it is absent.

For a general idea of ​​your daughter’s physical condition, you can independently calculate the weight-height index (Rohrer index) by dividing body weight in kilograms by height in meters raised to the third power. For example, if a child is 1.42 m tall and weighs 45 kg, then 45/1.423 = 15.7.

The resulting value is interpreted as follows:

  1. less than 10.7 – insufficient physical development;
  2. 10.7 – 13.7 – normal;
  3. more than 13.7 – high.

In the example given, the child is slightly overweight. However, it should be borne in mind that these calculations do not include many individual characteristics of a child or adolescent body, and therefore allow only a very superficial assessment of physical development.

Attention! When determining the need for a diet for a girl, you cannot use the concept of body mass index, which is widely used in “adult” dietetics. This indicator is absolutely inapplicable for children and adolescents, since it gives a distorted result.

In any case, the girl’s diet must be agreed upon with a specialist. The only thing you can do on your own is to adjust your daughter’s routine and diet so that it allows her to lose weight without dieting.


Proper nutrition

Is it possible for a teenager to lose 10 kg, and is it safe? To understand, let's start discussing the most important thing - nutrition. There is nothing complicated here; you don’t need to look for some exotic products that grow only on African plantations. We prohibit teenagers 12 years and older from all the junk food that they love so much.

We exclude:

  • Fast food. If your child is a fan of high-calorie food from McDonald's, then he should say “Goodbye” to such establishments, or say goodbye not only to his figure, but also to his health.
  • Cakes, pastries, various pastries, sweets, chocolate. These foods must be consumed in limited quantities, as they are high in calories and are detrimental to your figure. Willpower and some psychological techniques will help you get rid of cravings for sweets.
  • Soda. It's no secret that Coca-Cola doesn't have any health benefits. It will negatively affect the skin, teeth and the body as a whole.
  • Sausage, sausages. These foods are high in salt, which retains fluid in the body, and fat, which settles on the sides.

Eat right as a family, so you will not only help your child, but also improve your health. A teenager can easily lose weight at home. We exclude harmful foods and lose weight without exhausting diets.

Healthy diet

We include in the menu:

  • A large number of vegetables and fruits.
  • Food that is steamed or oven-cooked.
  • Sweets can be replaced with fruits or dried fruits. If you feel a strong craving for sweets, you can eat a couple of dates, they are very sweet. Sugar can be replaced with honey or the honey herb stevia (this is a natural sweetener).

For beginners, you can calculate the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Their ratio should be 1:1:4. For people who are overweight, there should be less carbohydrate-containing foods in the diet. But it is worth noting that slow carbohydrates necessary for daily consumption will be useful. Namely, they contain:

  • in legumes and grain crops (beans, lentils, beans, peas);
  • cereals and porridges;
  • fruits (apples, pears).

You can count calories, this will help beginners navigate among foods and their calorie content.

You should try to eat about 5-6 times a day. Portions should not be huge; there is no need to accustom the body to overeating. Otherwise, you can forget about making your teenager lose weight faster. Learn to listen to your body, it will tell you when you are full.

A little life hack: to trick your brain, put food on small plates, so it will seem like you ate more.

A special place is occupied by food at school. Usually this is the time for second breakfast and should not be neglected. If the school offers a good menu, then you can buy food there. Or give up canteen food and start carrying your own breakfasts.


No matter how trivial it may sound, drinking 1.5-2 liters of water a day will be useful. With enough water:

  • the skin will improve;
  • metabolism will speed up.

It will also be useful to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning before breakfast, which will help the body wake up.

With the right daily routine, it helps you lose weight in a short time. For 10 kg. Of course, you won’t lose weight in a week, but by 10 kg. in a month - quite possible.

Sample menu

At first glance, it may seem that preparing such a menu would be difficult. But that's not true. We offer an example of such nutrition:

BreakfastOatmeal, buckwheat porridge; cottage cheese dishes (you can add raisins and other dried fruits); egg dishes - omelet, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs.
Second breakfast (taken during school hours)Fruits (apple, banana, kiwi, orange, etc.), yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. You can prepare a salad from the listed products. Be sure to put a bottle of water in your bag.
DinnerAny side dish (rice, buckwheat) with meat (for example, chicken fillet) or fish. Don't forget that food should be steamed or oven-baked; you can also boil it.
Afternoon snackFruits (apple, banana, kiwi, orange, etc.), yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese.
DinnerSide dish with fish, meat and vegetables. But dinner doesn't have to be heavy.
Snack before bedIf you feel hungry 2 hours before bedtime, you can drink low-fat kefir or yogurt.

Here's how to lose weight without dieting! Just stick to proper nutrition and you can lose 5 kg. during the week.

Basic principles of a proper diet for a teenager

It is known that for harmonious and proper development, children must receive proteins, vitamins, microelements and other useful substances.

If your child is overweight, it is necessary to rebuild his usual diet to include balanced and healthy foods. A balanced diet is the best diet for children 12 years old.

From the child’s daily diet you will have to exclude rich pastries and bread products made from premium flour, chips, ketchup, nuts, mayonnaise, various semi-finished products, as well as all confectionery products.

If your teenager loves sausage, replace it with baked beef or chicken. On a diet for children 12 years old, the main focus should be on foods rich in protein. Meat dishes, dairy products and legumes are perfect for this.

Low-fat fish and seafood will be beneficial. They contain many microelements and vitamins that improve the well-being and condition of hair and skin. Low-fat cottage cheese and cheese will enrich the child’s body with calcium, and oatmeal and buckwheat porridge will play the role of natural antioxidants.

They will painlessly cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet for 12 years old, as they are harmful to the child’s body.

Junk food contributes to the accumulation of toxins and fat deposits, and also slows down metabolic processes in the child’s body. It is advisable that the teenager leave a quarter of the portion during meals. On a diet for 12 years old, special attention should be paid to breakfast.

A balanced and nutritious diet activates metabolism. The ideal option is grains, nuts and cereals.

A hearty breakfast will satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, and the child will be able to do without harmful snacks between meals. On a diet for 12 years, a teenager should drink at least seven glasses of clean water daily.


Losing weight at different ages

Let's look at how to lose weight correctly for teenagers of different age groups.

Teenager girl 12-13 years old

At this age, the support of parents is especially important, and their special attention to the problem of how you can lose weight quickly right at home. When a teenager is 13 years old, it is important to carefully choose a diet, because at this age girls are still children. This process may be psychologically difficult for them, so you can contact a specialist. Here are some tips that can help you lose weight the right way:

  • Try to get your child used to physical activity. To make it easier for him, you can start studying with him at home, so he will gradually get involved. Try not to impose, but to show interest in charging. Show how interesting and fun it is.
  • Leisure. In winter, go to the skating rink or ski. In summer, choose a bike and swim more.
  • Find a sport that your child enjoys. For example, a boy can be sent to football or karate, a girl to swimming or dancing.
  • Watch your diet. Make a schedule according to which your child will eat, this will help him become more disciplined, and also save him from unnecessary overeating and snacking.

Teenager girl 14-15 years old

When a girl is 14 years old, she can already evaluate her reflection in the mirror and compare herself with other girls. It is also important for a 15-year-old teenager not to get carried away with diets, so parents should monitor how the child eats, because many girls begin to practice hunger strikes.

  • Explain to the girl that it is possible to lose weight quickly at home; for this, the teenager needs to properly prepare a diet that consists of healthy carbohydrates and vitamins. This diet will help a teenager lose weight quickly.
  • There is no need to set high goals, for example, to lose 15 kg. per month. When the result is not achieved, the girl will be very upset, and the desire to lose weight will disappear. In addition, losing a large number of kilograms quickly is very harmful to the body.
  • Also start playing sports, exercise will help you lose weight in your legs and face. This will boost the teenage girl's self-esteem and she will start to love herself.

Prohibited foods in a teenager's diet

To prevent your doctor from making a disappointing diagnosis, exclude foods that are not only unhealthy, but also help you gain weight very quickly:

  • First of all, these are cheeseburgers, hamburgers, French fries and other similar delicacies from fast food restaurants, beloved by all children and teenagers. Not only are all these dishes very high in calories, they also contribute to the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body, which reduces the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Chips. This is the second most “dangerous” specimen among products. Very tasty and light, they quickly satisfy hunger, but they are also quickly addictive and contribute to a favorable gain of kilograms, due to their high calorie content.
  • Butter buns, in addition to a couple of pleasant tasty minutes, will also add weight. This does not mean that you should not eat bread at all, but it is better to limit the amount of baked goods, and lightly dry the bread or eat it as toast.
  • Sweet. How can you refuse sweets if they are so delicious?! It is very difficult for a teenager to overcome his desires for food, so no one calls for not eating sweets at all. A daily portion within reasonable limits will not affect your weight, especially if you move a lot.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks - it’s clear that teenagers love to indulge in such drinks, but you should try to reduce their quantity and accustom your child to regular water or freshly squeezed juices.
  • Juices from boxes - these also need to be looked at carefully, as many of them contain a large amount of sugar. Therefore, carefully choose juices that contain it in small quantities, or better yet, without it at all.



You don’t have to torture yourself with daily workouts, but you don’t need to sit at the computer all day.

  • Start accustoming yourself to exercise 15-20 minutes a day.
  • In good weather, do not refuse to walk, walking is a good exercise, just like walking up the stairs, refuse the elevator.
  • In the warm season, cycling for weight loss is your best pastime. This is not only useful, but also pleasant, and you can call your friends and go on a trip around the city.
  • Dancing is a great alternative, just turn on your favorite music and rock out in your home.
  • Cleaning the house is not the most boring task, because while you are washing the floors, you will do several dozen bends.

These tips are suitable for younger girls, teenagers 12-13 years old.

Parents can also enroll their child in the sports section:

  • volleyball;
  • tennis;
  • dancing;
  • football;
  • swimming.

Such sports sections are also suitable for a 14-year-old boy. Classes will be useful for development in general, and will also help you lose weight.


At the age of 15-16, the girl has already formed a figure and problem areas with excess weight are noticeable. For example, with a pear-shaped figure, these are the hips. If you want to achieve faster results, then you need to combine proper nutrition with exercise. The lower zone is one of the most problematic, but a teenager can lose weight in the thighs and butt even in a week. We offer exercises that are easy to perform and very effective; they will help you lose weight in the shortest possible time.

  • Jumping rope for weight loss. This item is known to all girls, which can be used to lose weight. When jumping, try to land on your foot, then all the work will be transferred to your calves, and as a result, you can effectively lose weight in your legs.
  • Swing your legs. You need to do this exercise 50-100 times on each leg. By doing it every day, you will acquire beautiful leg contours. Swings can also be performed while lying on your back.
  • Run in place with your knees raised. Keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, push off with the toe of your foot, bending it at the knee joint, lift it to the belt line. This is how you can lose weight in your thighs in a week. This exercise will help you lose weight in your knees.
  • Squats. Keeping your back straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, holding your arms in front of you.
  • Lunges. Alternately lunge forward with your legs, bending your knees to a right angle.
  • Tilts. Will help strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles.

You need to practice constantly, then you will see the result. Simple exercises will help a girl lose weight in a week without dieting.

Video exercises for teenagers

Losing weight in the face

What to do if a young girl or guy wants to quickly lose weight in the face?

  • Charging for the face. Pronounce all the vowel sounds, extending them into different keys.
  • Faces. Stick out your tongue and try to reach your chin and nose.
  • Turns. Turn your head to the side and touch your chin to your shoulder and stop in this position.
  • Massage. A special massage will help you lose weight in your face and make its oval clearly defined.

Don’t forget about the most primitive physical exercises

Simple walking is also a good way to burn fat. The average “passerby” burns up to 6 calories per minute of walking. Now imagine what you can achieve by spending at least an hour a day walking!

Take advantage of every opportunity you have to get active: use the stairs instead of the elevator, speed up your walk, and don't take buses for just two stops. Walking is the simplest, and very effective way to lose weight: do not neglect the opportunity to lose a couple of extra pounds.

Rule #6: Walk as much as possible!

Three main rules

No laziness

It often happens that you are too lazy to start something new. Losing weight requires effort and putting energy into your efforts, and there is no room for laziness. Stop putting things off until Monday, start them on Sunday.

Healthy sleep

You need healthy sleep of at least 8 hours, this is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. Stop spending too much time on social networks and being a lethargic lemon in the morning. It would seem such simple advice, but how can it help a teenager lose weight! Having a good night's sleep, you will feel energetic all day, which will have a positive effect on your appearance.


Many people need motivation, that same kick that will force them to act. Decide for what purpose you are losing weight. Fight your complexes, if you want a beautiful figure, strive for it. For example, it’s summer outside, and all the girls are wearing open dresses. And you can push away from this thought and start taking action in order to lose weight by summer.

So, it is possible to lose weight in a week, but subject to the rules of nutrition and exercise. At this age, teenagers have a well-developed metabolism, which will allow them to achieve quick results.

But most importantly, do not forget that it is not a person’s figure that makes a person, but his mind, education, and actions. And it’s worth losing extra pounds, if only because it will be beneficial to the body and health. Each person's physique is different, but that same wide bone actually exists. Therefore, you shouldn’t strive for excessive thinness just because you don’t look like those around you.

At first it will be difficult, but gradually the body gets used to it and such a “diet”, or rather proper nutrition, becomes a way of life. Don't be upset if you don't succeed on the first try, start with small steps. This is how willpower is developed. By teaching teenagers to eat properly, parents help them acquire good health, which directly depends on what a person eats, as well as a beautiful figure.

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