We speed up metabolism with proven methods from the Herbal company

The Herbalife Thermocomplit food supplement is the latest development in the world of medicines aimed at weight loss. But in order for the patient to lose weight with its help, he will have to reconsider and change his lifestyle and diet. It is difficult for the body to get used to such changes. As a result, energy may be lost and metabolic problems may begin. All this can lead to a nervous breakdown, anxiety and other unpleasant consequences. Naturally, few people can withstand such a rhythm. Therefore, most people who lose weight are forced to return to their previous lifestyle.

This remedy is designed to help a person cope with changes in the body. The drug will restore proper metabolism and give the body the necessary energy. This article discusses in detail the properties, side effects, contraindications and how to drink Herbalife Thermocomplit correctly.

Properties of the main ingredients:

Green tea

- recognized as the first of the 10 most useful products that promote longevity. Its ability to strengthen the immune system and nervous system and fight excess weight has been scientifically proven. Green tea helps eliminate radioactive substances, which is indispensable for modern people surrounded by radiation from electrical appliances. This tea is a rich source of quercetin, a flavonol that has decongestant, antispasmodic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Cocoa extract

rich in active ingredients such as caffeine, theobromine, magnesium. This is a powerful natural energy drink that increases performance, vitality, and helps restore the body after exercise.

Yerba mate

contains resins, essential oils, vitamins B, A, C, E, riboflavin, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium. A plant with so many important nutrients is rare in nature. Yerba Mate helps reduce appetite, provides the body with energy, and normalizes digestion. This plant also contains polyphenols that help fat metabolism.

Alfalfa extract

- a rich source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and beta-carotene. Has tonic properties.

Fennel seeds

- were used by the ancient Greeks for weight loss, as they help improve digestion.

Adults: 1-2 tablets 2 times a day with meals, morning and afternoon. Do not use at night.

1 tablet contains:

Green tea extract (150 mg), cocoa extract (75 mg), yerba mate (75 mg), caffeine (72.7 mg), cinnamon bark (50 mg), celery seed (25 mg), parsley leaf (25 mg) ), alfalfa leaves (20 mg), fennel seeds (20 mg), licorice root (10 mg), ascorbic acid (25 mg).


90 tablets. Shelf life 2 years

dietary supplement

. Not a medicine

Herbalife, Ltd. is an international company that sells a variety of products for a balanced diet, weight loss and figure correction. Founded in the USA by Mark Hughes in 1980. This brand has repeatedly become the center of many scandals, and its weight loss products have repeatedly been subjected to the harshest criticism from all sides.

Despite this, Herbalife programs remain in demand to this day, and along with negative reviews on the Internet, there are many successful examples of people becoming slim and beautiful by taking medications from this company.

Weight Loss Basics

For some, Herbalife is a failed network marketing experience; for others - an ordinary American company that produces weight loss products; for others - the opportunity to achieve weight loss with the help of delicious cocktails, bars, and dietary supplements. As the manufacturers themselves state, this is a nutrition system aimed at losing weight with minimal losses to health. But how true is this statement? Is there any real benefit from these programs that are so beautifully written?

The Herbalife nutrition program is a complete replacement of breakfast and lunch with protein-mineral complexes with added proteins. The result is stable weight loss, and in addition:

  • increased performance;
  • reduction of fatigue;
  • strengthening sleep;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • improvement of the condition of skin, nails, hair;
  • reduction in volumes.

Ideally, every person losing weight who decides to use Herbalife is assigned a personal consultant. It is he who, after an interview (or examination), selects one of the weight loss programs for his ward, taking into account his individual characteristics. Here, a lot depends on the qualifications of the consultant, who should have (again, only ideally) medical education and practice in this field.

What's the harm?

Before consuming Herbalife products, be sure to fully evaluate all the harm that they can have on your body. Because they were subjected to numerous laboratory tests, the scientists who took part in them warn about the following changes that may happen to you during this type of weight loss:

  • destructive processes of the liver (stated by hepatologists in Israel and Switzerland) - therefore, this system is strictly contraindicated for hepatitis;
  • rapid heartbeat, psycho-emotional instability, sleep disturbances, up to the development of heart attacks and strokes - and all this, thanks to a large amount of caffeine;
  • addiction, which causes not only a decrease in the effectiveness of the entire system, but often a complete cessation of weight loss.

To avoid such health problems, it is necessary to use these drugs rationally, adhere to the basic rules of losing weight and not exceed the recommended dosages.


You should not even try to lose weight with Herbalife if you have the following contraindications:

  • hepatitis and other liver pathologies;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the products;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • nervous disorders;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • frequent migraines;
  • stress;
  • stomach ulcer.

If you are not sure that you can lose weight on Herbalife, it is better to consult a nutritionist and your doctor.

The specialists of this company warn all those who are losing weight that their programs contain unshakable rules necessary for quick and guaranteed weight loss when consuming their products. And if you don’t follow them, you may not get results, even if you don’t miss a single dose of cocktails and dietary supplements. So it’s better to familiarize yourself with them in advance and determine for yourself whether you can adhere to them or not.

  1. Reduce your daily calorie intake by at least 30%.
  2. Calculate daily water consumption using the formula: 40 ml per 1 kg of weight. Drink this amount daily throughout the weight loss course.
  3. Provide the body with sufficient quantities of minerals and vitamins. All products (not just Herbalife) that make up the diet of someone losing weight should be as healthy as possible.
  4. You can't lose weight on just one drug. All Herbalife products are included in a single complex, complementing and enhancing each other’s effects.
  5. Additional physical exercises are required to correct your figure.

Herbalife is often criticized for its set of rules. If you adhere to them and do not consume products of this brand, you will still lose weight through exercise, proper drinking regimen and a healthy diet. So recommendations from the manufacturer are a cunning marketing ploy.

What you need to know if you are losing weight

Any person with the word “fat” has unpleasant and even disgusting associations. But fat must be present in the body of any person. Fats provide energy, after which the body can function normally. People who are losing weight need to consume about 30 grams of fat per day. A person who is not overweight should give the body about 70 g of fat every day. However, the problem is that it is impossible to control the use of this substance. This substance is hidden in many products. And you can find out about its presence only after the appearance of fat folds and an increase in total body weight.

However, not all fats are healthy. There are so-called trans fats obtained artificially. They are found in popular food products - margarine, mayonnaise, confectionery and so on.

“Thermocomplit Herbalife” will help solve the problem for those people who cannot limit themselves to food. This usually manifests itself in poor nutrition. This may be a one-time meal, or it may be a lack of measure when eating food.


What Herbalife can be praised for is its very well-developed, consistent weight loss system. It includes several programs, each of which is recommended for a certain stage.


This is the program with which you should start getting acquainted with Herbalife. The products included in it nourish the body with the maximum amount of nutrients and provide long-term saturation. Weight loss occurs by reducing portions. This is the start for further, more intensive weight loss.

Its components (review, below):

  • Formula 1 - 3 pcs.;
  • Formula 2 - 1 pc.;
  • Formula 3 - 2 pcs.

The total cost of the basic Herbalife weight loss program is about $124.

You can achieve a weight loss of 5 kg in a month.


The program involves active cleansing of the body and digestive system, restoration of water and fat balances, and acceleration of metabolism.

The following are added to the products from the basic program:

  • Cellular activator;
  • Cleansing program;
  • Cell-u-loss;
  • Activated fiber.

The total cost of Herbalife's advanced weight loss program is about $182.

They promise results of minus 10 kg per month.


The program assumes that the newly acquired correct eating habits have already been consolidated, and the weight has reached the desired level. The goal is to get an ideal result by breaking down fat cells.

Includes the following drugs:

  • Formula 1 - 3 pcs.;
  • Formula 2 - 1 pc.;
  • Formula 3 - 3 pcs.;
  • Thermo Complete;
  • Cellular activator;
  • Thermojetics;
  • Cell-u-loss;
  • Cleansing program;
  • NRG tablets;
  • Activated fiber.

The total cost of the Herbalife enhanced weight loss program is about $251.

The course is still a month away.


A program to consolidate the results obtained. One of the cocktails is gradually removed from the diet. You will need the following products:

  • Formula 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • Formula 2 - 1 pc.;
  • Formula 3 - 3 pcs.;
  • Cellular activator;
  • NRG tablets.

The total cost of the stabilizing weight loss program from Herbalife is about $108.

It turns out that all Herbalife programs need to be completed in 4 months. And here a surprise awaits you again. Manufacturers warn you that, most likely, as soon as you stop consuming their products, the lost pounds will return.

To avoid this, you need to continue to monitor the daily caloric content of food eaten, the volume of portions and exercise. The question arises: how then does their unique system differ from all other diets, which have exactly the same disadvantage - weight gain?

When not to take the drug

There are a number of diseases and conditions of the body in which it is prohibited to take Herbalife Thermocomplit:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • violation of amino acid metabolism;
  • strong excitability of the nervous system;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • disruptions in contractions of the heart muscle (arrhythmia);
  • atherosclerosis (deposition of fats and cholesterol in the form of plaque);
  • allergy to the components included in this product.
  • Before taking Herbalife Thermocomplit, it is recommended to consult your doctor for any previously undiagnosed diseases.

    Product overview

    A brief overview of the main weight loss products from Herbalife will allow you to imagine what exactly you will be consuming in food over the next 4 months, how to drink tablets and cocktails, prepare them, what ingredients they consist of.

    Here you will find information on how to take all these bars, shakes, teas and dietary supplements, as well as detailed composition of the products.

    It is worth noting one advantage of Herbalife: all of their products are made not just from natural, but from environmentally friendly raw materials, without the use of GMOs. Numerous quality certificates confirm this.

    Formula 1

    Formula 1 is nothing more than a huge number of ingredients in the composition is amazing:

    • bromelain, dimethionine;
    • vitamins A, D, C, E;
    • gaur gum, copper gluconate;
    • crushed cellulose;
    • calcium caseinate;
    • carogenate, lecithin;
    • dandelion root;
    • corn bran;
    • oat fiber;
    • magnesium oxide, zinc oxide;
    • calcium orthophosphate;
    • calcium pantothenate;
    • papaya, parsley;
    • food colorings;
    • soy protein;
    • thiamine mononitrate;
    • fructose, ferrous furmarate;
    • potassium chloride.

    Protein shake for weight loss Formula 1 is the basis of any Herbalife program. Can be used for both weight loss and weight gain. Used in sports to build muscle relief. Complements the vegetarian diet. Allowed as a protein product during fasting. One serving contains 50% of the daily amount of vitamins.

    There are different flavors: chocolate, wild berry, vanilla, cappuccino, cream, chocolate chip cookies, strawberry, passion fruit, pina colada, French vanilla, melon.

    Sold in 550 g plastic jars. Approximate price: $34. Take instead of breakfast and lunch. The calorie content of 1 serving of a cocktail prepared with water is 92 kcal, with 1% milk - 217 kcal.

    Recipe: mix 2 tbsp in a blender (shaker). spoons of protein powder and a glass of milk or water.

    Formula 2

    Multivitamin complex, which includes:

    • 12 vitamins;
    • minerals: copper, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, chromium, selenium;
    • herbs: hawthorn, garlic, echinacea, ginger, alzina, gotu kola, black sesame seeds and mung beans, black walnut, Couch Grass.

    Available in tablets - 90 pieces in one plastic jar. Price: $27. Take 1 capsule three times daily with meals. Solves the problem of unbalanced nutrition, which is often the cause of excess weight. In addition to losing weight, it strengthens the immune system due to herbal extracts.

    Formula 3

    This is the protein mixture:

    • anti-caking (silicon dioxide);
    • vanilla filler;
    • fats;
    • soy protein isolate and concentrate;
    • carbohydrates.

    Available in powder form, packaged in 240 g plastic jars. Price: $29. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. spoon during breakfast and dinner. Satisfies the daily need for essential amino acids, which accelerate protein synthesis. The product can be added to any dish as it is tasteless and odorless.

    Cellular activator

    • vitamins B1, B2, B6;
    • cordyceps;
    • lactoferin;
    • minerals: zinc, copper, manganese;
    • chlorella powder;
    • rhodiola;
    • citric acid salts;
    • cayenne pepper extract;
    • Apple acid.

    There are 120 capsules in a jar. Price: $28. Take one three times a day with meals.

    Cellular activator from Herbalife is a dietary supplement that reduces appetite and regulates the speed of metabolic processes.

    Aloe concentrate

    This is a liquid that contains:

    • ascorbic acid;
    • water;
    • glucose;
    • aloe vera concentrate;
    • lemon flavor;
    • potassium sorbitol;
    • alfalfa;
    • chamomile.

    Sold in 475 ml containers - this is enough for about 30 servings. Price: $31. Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and restores intestinal absorption functions.

    Recipe: 2-3 caps of concentrate are diluted in a glass of water.


    To satisfy hunger in between main meals, Herbalife offers special bars that contain protein.

    Since it works primarily to build muscle mass, this product is recommended for those who are actively involved in sports. The daily dosage is no more than two per day. Price: $19 for 14 pieces.

    Thermo Complete

    This is a herbal tea from Herbalife, which contains a large number of plant extracts:

    • aurantum, quercetin;
    • cocoa, green tea;
    • calcium carbonate;
    • magnolia bark, coleus;
    • marshmallow root, licorice root;
    • cinnamon, caffeine;
    • damiana leaves, alfalfa;
    • parsley;
    • orange fruit;
    • celery seeds;
    • tyrosine, phenylalanine;
    • herbe mate;
    • black pepper.

    1 tablet is diluted in a glass of water. You can drink tea for breakfast and lunch. Its tasks are to increase performance, activate metabolism, and accelerate the breakdown of fat cells. Price: $40.

    Thermojetics drink

    Invigorating low-calorie fitness tonic from Herbalife contains:

    • mallow;
    • cardamom;
    • lemon zest.

    A 100 g jar is enough for 50 servings. Price: $46. Speeds up metabolism.

    Recipe: Dissolve 10 g in a glass of cold water. Drink no more than 1.5 liters per day.

    Thermojetics tablets


    • titanium dioxide;
    • calcium carbonate;
    • silicon dioxide;
    • sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
    • chromium polynicotinate;
    • riboflavin;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • stearic acid;
    • cellulose;
    • shellac.

    Packaging: 60 tablets in 1 jar. Price: $21. Maintains blood glucose levels. Daily norm – 2 pcs. (for breakfast and dinner).


    Tablets from Herbalife, the composition of which is developed according to a unique formula. It reads:

    • hydrangea;
    • corn pestles;
    • lecithin;
    • herbal collection Buchu;
    • Uva Ursi;
    • juniper berries;
    • Jagropyron Repens.

    This drug restores water balance, eliminates excess fluid, eliminates loose cellulite, and cleanses of waste and toxins. Take 1 piece three times a day. while eating. Price: $11.


    Tablets with the following composition:

    • hydrogenated vegetable oil;
    • silicon;
    • guarana seeds;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • stearic acid;
    • calcium sulfate;
    • shellac.

    Take 2-4 tablets per day (the exact dosage should be determined by the consultant). Gives vigor and increases performance. Price: $18.

    Activated fiber

    Another pill from Herbalife. Compound:

    • sodium choleate;

    Activates body cleansing, intestinal activity, prolongs satiety, helps control the amount of food eaten. Packaging: 90 pcs. in the bank. Price: $14. Drink 1-3 tablets daily with plenty of water.

    Cleansing program

    Herbal tablets contain:

    • aloe vera;
    • amino acids;
    • bromelain;
    • valerian;
    • lactobacilli;
    • sea ​​buckthorn;
    • dandelion;
    • vegetable fiber;
    • plant enzymes;
    • chamomile;
    • flavonoids;
    • fructooligosaccharides.

    Packaging: 1 jar contains 42 pcs. Price: $12. Take one for breakfast and dinner. Drink plenty of water. Improves intestinal microflora.

    Products containing trans fats:

    • Margarine;
    • Soft oils, mixtures of butter and vegetable oils;
    • Mayonnaise;
    • Fried foods from the fast food industry are the largest source of trans fats;
    • Confectionery products for the manufacture of which cooking oil was used;
    • Chips, popcorn, etc.;
    • Frozen semi-finished products;
    • Fried food.

    Trans fats are hidden on food labels under the names “hydrogenated fats” and “partially hydrogenated fats.”


    • If you consume the “wrong” fats, it will take a year to remove the accumulated “bad” fat from your body.
    • Excess fat is stored in fat cells, which grow in size until the fat is used as fuel.
    • The energy value of fat is approximately 9 kcal per gram (for proteins and carbohydrates it is 4 kcal per gram). Due to the high caloric content and energy intensity, the rate of fat consumption for an adult should not exceed 80-100 g/day.

    Sources: Martinchik A. N., Maev I. V., Yanushevich O. O. General nutrition. – M.: 2005.


    At Herbalife you will certainly be pleased with cocktails that take minimal time to prepare. They are rich in nutrients and have excellent taste. There are several recipes for preparing such drinks to diversify your weight loss menu.

    • Pineapple cocktail

    Mix in a blender a glass of 1.5% milk, 30 g of chocolate Formula 1, 100 g of canned pineapple, a pinch of ground.

    • Coconut

    Cocktail ingredients: a glass of 2.5% baked milk, 15 grams of coconut flakes, 30 grams of Extra oat flakes, 30 grams of chocolate Formula 1.

    • Strawberry

    Blend 100 grams of strawberries and raspberries, 30 grams of strawberry Formula 1, 4 peppermint leaves in a blender.

    Preparations from the Herbalife company are on everyone's lips. On the one hand, they have passed all kinds of tests and certifications to confirm quality and safety. On the other hand, scandals about the possible consequences that losing weight with the help of these products can have are still fresh in our memory.

    So the decision about whether to purchase them or not, use them, or find something more reliable is a purely individual one. You can consult about this only with specialists - doctors and nutritionists. But among them there is also no clear opinion about the effectiveness and integrity of the Herbalife brand.

    • Controlling the fat burning process
      Aurantium extract accelerates metabolism and fat burning, and coleus root extract provides energy for the breakdown of fat cells
    • Appetite Control
      Herbe Mate Leaf Extract provides natural hunger control, amino acids work on the central nervous system to create a feeling of fullness, and Damiana Leaf Extract affects the speed at which food moves through the digestive tract, helping you feel fuller faster and longer.
    • Energy control
      Cocoa extract and green tea provide a natural energy effect, and catechins accelerate fat burning
    Questions and answers

    How should I take this product?

    It is recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals in the morning and mid-day.

    Does Thermo Complete contain ephedra or ephedrine?

    No. These ingredients are not included in Thermo Complete.

    Will Thermo Complete be included in Thermojetics weight correction programs?

    Thermo Complete will be included in all weight correction programs that currently include Green and Beige Thermojetics tablets.

    Does Thermo Complete replace any product already on the market?

    Thermo Complete is a completely new generation in the range of nutritional supplements for weight loss. The herbal ingredients in this formula work synergistically to achieve maximum results.

    What is the maximum number of tablets I can take at one time and how many tablets can I take daily? Total Control must be taken in accordance with the recommended dosages indicated on the label. The daily recommended amount is 1-2 tablets twice a day.

    What ingredients are included in this formula?

    This unique formula contains the following active ingredients: green tea extract, natural caffeine, cocoa extract, herbe mate leaf extract, damiana leaf extract, quercetin, calcium carbonate, dl-phenylalanine, tyrosine, aurantium extract, bitter orange fruit extract, coleus root extract, celery seeds, hawthorn fruits, parsley herb, marshmallow root, magnolia bark, dill seeds, astragalus root, licorice root, Brazilian sumo, cinnamon extract, alfalfa herb, black pepper extract.

    What special ingredients differentiate this product from Green, Beige and Yellow Thermojetics tablets?

    We've combined familiar herbs (green tea, herbe mate and aurantium) with hot new ingredients (damiana, cocoa, dl-phenylalanine, quercetin, tyrosine and coleus) to enhance weight loss and energy production. This revolutionary product is distinguished from others by its composition of super-ingredients. It also contains some of the herbs found in Green, Beige and Yellow Thermodgetix tablets, new herbs that have a fluid mobilizing effect in the body, as well as dl-phenylalanine and aurantium extract, which effectively control appetite and are involved in thermogenesis (fat burning).

    Does this product contain caffeine and how much?

    Yes, Thermo Complete contains caffeine - about 84 mg per tablet, which is equivalent to one cup of coffee or black tea.

    Are there any special contraindications listed on the label for this product?

    The label indicates a special contraindication for pregnant and lactating women. Thermo Complete is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. The second contraindication is for those suffering from phenylketonuria. DL-phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. People with inborn errors of metabolic activity and those suffering from phenylketonuria are unable to properly metabolize this amino acid and should avoid consuming foods and supplements containing phenylalanine.

    Can Thermo Complit be used together with Thermojetics protein products?

    Yes, sure. Thermo Complete can be used as part of Thermodjetics protein weight control programs.

    Can I take this product with Thermojetics Herbal Concentrate?

    Yes you can. However, people with caffeine sensitivity should remember that both of these products contain caffeine. One serving of Thermodjetix drink contains approximately the same amount of caffeine as one Thermo Complete tablet.

    Product certificates

    Herbalife ThermoComplete is a universal biological supplement with which you can easily adjust and control your weight!

    Whether you like it or not, any diet is directly related to changing your diet. And if you decide, then be prepared to change your taste habits and preferences. You must change your diet and get used to it. This is a priori! If you don’t learn, get ready to face the lost kilograms with weight gain.

    Pharmacological action

    • Not indicated. See instructions

    Best before date

    24 months

    Vitamins with similar effects

    • Immun44 syrup (Syrup)
    • IMMUNOSTART Life formula (Lozenges)
    • Yogi Ginseng Vitality (Herbal tea)
    • Yogi-T Womens Moon Cycle (Herbal tea)
    • Yoshi Multivit Drink-jelly (vitamin complex) (Liquid for oral administration)
    • Narosan Orange (Oral liquid)
    • Marine calcium for children with vitamins (Oral tablets)
    • Marine calcium for children with manganese (Oral tablets)

    The description of the Thermo Complete vitamin is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

    Are you interested in Vitamin Thermo Complete? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need a doctor's examination? Or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor - the Euro lab is always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, advise you, provide the necessary assistance and make a diagnosis. You can also call a doctor at home . Euro lab clinic is open for you around the clock.

    Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

    If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosages and contraindications, notes about the prescription of the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

    Description of pharmacological action

    Green tea has a tonic effect and is a rich source of quercetin.

    Quercetin helps the body fight free radicals and supports metabolism.

    Yerba mate helps improve metabolism and contains polyphenols that help fat metabolism.

    Alfalfa extract is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and beta-carotene. Has tonic properties.

    Fennel seeds have been used by the ancient Greeks for weight loss as they help improve digestion.

    Cocoa extract – thanks to the presence of theobromine and caffeine, it helps to quickly restore the body’s strength even during activities that require a lot of stress.

    Advantages of the drug

    The drug has a number of advantages that distinguish it from similar products:

    • helps to lose weight in the shortest possible time;
    • helps maintain metabolism;
    • reduces the intensity and rate of formation of excess weight (fat);
    • raises the overall tone of the body;
    • controls energy level;
    • effectively burns unnecessary calories.
    • The drug controls a very important human sense – appetite. In addition, the substances included in its composition help keep a person’s hunger under control. In addition, there is an effect on the central nervous system. The drug makes it possible to feel full for a long period of time. It allows the body to properly use its own fat reserves. Thanks to its action, metabolism is also accelerated.

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