How to get rid of stretch marks at home - 10 best ways

What are stretch marks

Stretch marks (stretch marks) are noticeable stripes-scars of white or pink color on a person’s skin. Shape, size, length, degree of roughness may vary. Stretch marks form in the surface layer of the skin when it is stretched too much. Most often this happens after childbirth or a sudden change in weight. As a result of stretching, the dermis ruptures, which reduces pressure and collagen production. Therefore, when the skin begins to recover, small scars remain under the top layer.

Even thin girls get stretch marks.

At the first stage, the stretch marks are red-pink. At this time they are treatable. You cannot completely get rid of the defect, but you can make it invisible. At the second stage, the scars acquire a silver or white tint.

Most often, scars appear on the abdomen, thighs and chest.

Stretch marks will not go away on their own. It takes effort to reduce them. Unfortunately, dermatologists say that it is impossible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. A set of skin care measures will make it more elastic and healthy, but not a single product can guarantee the prevention of stretch marks.


Not all types of fight against striae may be suitable for you. For example, you should not use massage if you have the following problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • rosacea

It is forbidden to use iodine if:

  • you are pregnant and want to get rid of stretch marks on your stomach;
  • you are allergic to the product;
  • your skin is very sensitive.

Reasons for appearance

Damage to collagen and elastin fibers that causes stretch marks most often occurs during:

  • pregnancy;
  • radical weight change;
  • puberty.

The formation of stretch marks is not a mechanical process. It is also associated with hormonal changes. The appearance of stretch marks is associated with an increase in the level of glucocorticoid hormones produced by the adrenal glands. These substances affect the condition of collagen fibers.

The likelihood of developing stretch marks is determined by genetics. If your parents had stretch marks, chances are you will get them too, especially if you lose weight too quickly, gain muscle mass, or use steroids.

Stretch marks do not pose a health hazard and are purely a cosmetic defect.

Although it is impossible to get rid of stretch marks or prevent their appearance with a 100% guarantee, proper nutrition, exercise and cosmetic procedures will help reduce the likelihood and make stretch marks invisible


Just like getting rid of stretch marks, preventing their appearance requires an integrated approach. It is important to understand that a balanced diet, rich in vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body, plays a huge role. It is worth removing sweets and starchy foods from the menu, which have an adverse effect on the condition of the skin.

Greens, vegetables and fruits, beef, fish should become regular elements of the diet - they accelerate protein synthesis. Foods containing vitamin E, such as nuts, vegetable oil, tomatoes, will help skin cells regenerate and form elastic tissue. Don't forget to drink regularly to maintain natural hydration.

Prevention of stretch marks

You can add vitamin and mineral complexes for skin, hair and nails to your diet.

Regular physical activity has a good effect on skin condition. This can be home workouts, weight training exercises in the gym under the supervision of a trainer, or swimming in the pool. Try to use all muscle groups; functional training improves blood circulation.

In fact, all the home care methods described in the article are also suitable for preventing stretch marks: moisturizing the skin with creams, massage, scrubbing, wraps, contrast showers. All this improves the overall condition of the skin, increasing its resistance to stretch marks.

If you wish, you can contact cosmetologists and do, for example, biorevitalization or mesotherapy. That is, introduce hyaluronic acid under the dermis, which actively moisturizes cells and improves skin elasticity.

Only regular body care will provide you with smooth and beautiful skin.


The appearance of the skin depends on the nutrients that come from food. A lack of vitamins and minerals leads to numerous aesthetic defects, including stretch marks. To get rid of this problem, you need to balance your diet and ensure that your diet includes the necessary substances.

Vitamin A

This vitamin has a great influence on the condition of the skin. It helps restore damage and makes the epidermis more elastic. Stimulates skin cell regeneration and collagen creation. This increases elasticity and reduces the risk of stretch marks. The vitamin is found in large quantities in liver, carrots, broccoli, lettuce, and wild garlic.

Vitamin C

Essential for collagen synthesis and plays an important role in the formation of scar tissue. It enters the body along with rose hips, strawberries, black currants, sea buckthorn, oranges, and lemons.

Vitamin E

Important for metabolism. Affects tissue healing. Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant, preventing aging. The nutrient is found in large quantities in nuts, dried apricots, prunes, flaxseed and corn oil.


Zinc has an important property for fighting stretch marks: it produces collagen. A sufficient amount of collagen is an important condition for effective treatment of stretch marks. You can get the required amount of zinc with special additives, gelatin, lean meat, chocolate, and liver.

Physical exercise

A properly selected set of exercises will help increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the problem area and improve its condition. As a result, the skin tightens and stretch marks become less noticeable.

Effective exercises can be performed at home.

  • Twisting. Performed from a supine position. Legs are bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor. Place your hands behind your head, raise your shoulders and try to rise to your knees as high as possible, tensing your abdominal muscles. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions. Exercise will help reduce stretch marks on your stomach.
  • T-push-ups. Get into a plank position: lying on your stomach, lean on your palms and rise up. Lift one hand off the floor, rotate your body and raise your arm up. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other hand. Perform 2 sets of 15 movements. The exercise makes stretch marks on the chest less noticeable.
  • Leg raises will reduce stretch marks on your hips and buttocks. You can perform the exercise in several ways: sitting on a chair, lying on your back or stomach. Raise your legs as high as possible, tensing the muscles of your thighs and buttocks. Repeat 10-15 times for 3 sets.
  • Exercises on a special disk - a fitball - will help make stretch marks on the side of your legs less noticeable. Rest your right side on the fitball, knee on the mat. Straighten your leg and make a movement in a circle of small diameter. Repeat 10 times and change legs.

How to remove stretch marks on chest

In teenage girls, stretch marks can be localized in the chest area.

As soon as puberty passes and the body is finally formed, the question of how to remove stretch marks on the chest will disappear by itself.

Hormonal changes that occur during key moments in a woman’s life, such as pregnancy and the subsequent lactation period, often lead to dehydration and loss of skin firmness and elasticity. During breastfeeding, stretch marks most often appear on the lower part of the breast or under the breasts.

Cosmetic procedures

Scrubs, creams, rubs and ointments, rich in regenerating components, promote collagen production and significantly reduce stretch marks. Many of them can be done at home.

85% of women develop stretch marks during the third trimester of pregnancy.

A scrub based on coffee beans will reduce the visibility of stretch marks. You will need oil (olive or any other), half a cup of ground coffee beans and brown sugar. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl until smooth. You should get a thick mass that can be easily rubbed into problem areas. Apply it with massage movements for 10 minutes and then rinse immediately with warm water. Repeat 3 times a week. The result will become noticeable after 5 procedures.

A scrub with glycerin will have a quick effect. To produce it, you need to mix half a teaspoon of salt with 1 teaspoon of honey and glycerin. Rub the mixture into the area of ​​stretch marks for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This scrub is gentle and can be used twice a day.

Retin-A significantly reduces stretch marks. Retinoic ointment is sold in pharmacies, and the active substance itself is found in many cosmetics.

Homemade recipes for stretch marks

Store shelves are filled with a variety of “magic” creams that promise to hide all the stretch marks on your body. However, only a few know that home-made products from natural products are no worse, and sometimes even better, than store-bought analogues.

Simple homemade recipes to help you get rid of stretch marks

Scrub for stretch marks at home

Scrubs are rightfully considered the most effective means against stretch marks. Not only do they make scars less noticeable, but they also leave your skin feeling softer and smoother overall by sloughing off dead cells. Check out several recipes for such compositions that you can easily prepare at home.

"Secret from Hollywood"

To prepare the Hollywood Secret Scrub you will need the following ingredients:

  • Johnson's baby butter (add until the mixture becomes soft and thick enough);
  • crushed coffee beans (half a cup);
  • sea ​​salt (half a cup).

Mode of application:

  1. Mix all ingredients until a thick mass is obtained.
  2. Rub the mixture into problem areas for ten minutes.
  3. Rinse off the scrub.

Johnson's baby oil effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, and does not contain any hazardous ingredients.


To prepare the “Model” scrub, you need to mix the following components:

  • crushed coffee beans (glass);
  • olive oil (three tablespoons).

Mode of application:

  1. Rub the mixture into the desired areas for five minutes.
  2. Wrap in a towel and leave for half an hour.
  3. Rinse off the composition.

Coffee beans not only remove toxins, but also tighten the skin

"Stretch Mark Fighter"

To prepare the Stretch Mark Fighter scrub, you will need to mix the following ingredients:

  • sea ​​salt (half a teaspoon);
  • honey (one teaspoon);
  • glycerin (one teaspoon).

Mode of application:

  1. Rub in for five minutes.
  2. Rinse off with warm water.

Honey has a tonic effect, nourishes the skin, gives it firmness and elasticity.


To prepare the “Simple” scrub, you need to mix the following components:

  • sugar (one glass);
  • salt (one glass);
  • vegetable oil (half a cup).

Mode of application:

  1. Massage the mixture into problem areas of the skin.
  2. Rinse with water.

It is recommended to repeat this procedure several times a week.

Using a sugar body scrub, you can cleanse and rejuvenate your skin and get rid of troubles such as stretch marks and cellulite.

Peels: how chemical wraps can help at home

Although peelings cannot remove stretch marks, they can make them less noticeable and smooth the skin. This remedy is suitable if the stretch marks are not too deep.

With badyaga

Badyaga is used with hydrogen peroxide (there are no exact proportions, mix until the consistency becomes similar to sour cream). Apply the composition to problem areas every day. After just a few procedures you will notice the effect.

Using a badyagi is the fastest and most economical way to combat hated stretch marks.

With lemon

To prepare and use the lemon mixture, follow these steps:

  1. Mix lemon juice with clean water in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the product to problem areas for fifteen minutes.
  3. Rinse off the mixture and then moisturize your skin.

This procedure must be repeated every other day.

The acidity of lemon juice lightens stretch marks scars

With almonds

The components for preparing the almond peeling composition are as follows:

  • oatmeal (2 tbsp.);
  • aloe juice (1 tbsp.);
  • almonds (2 tbsp);
  • almond oil (1 tbsp).

Cooking method:

  1. Grind almonds and oatmeal to a powder.
  2. Add almond oil and aloe juice.
  3. Mix the composition thoroughly.

Use this peeling composition once a week for one to two months.

Almond oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin

With soda

To prepare and use the soda composition, follow these steps:

  1. Mix baking soda and salt in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the product to pre-steamed skin.

Repeat the procedure once a week until you get the desired result.

Baking soda whitens the skin and cleanses it of dead cells

Creams and oils

Creams and oils made from natural ingredients soften and moisturize the skin, making it smoother. Scars become less noticeable when used.

To prepare and use aloe oil you need:

  1. Mix half a glass of aloe juice and olive oil.
  2. If desired, add a couple drops of vitamin E or vitamin A.
  3. Apply twice a day until the result becomes visible.

Aloe juice softens dead skin cells and promotes their removal, stimulating the regeneration of new cells

To prepare and use avocado cream, follow these steps:

  1. Grind the avocado pulp to a paste.
  2. Mix it with two tablespoons of cosmetic clay and the same amount of oatmeal.
  3. Apply the composition for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

You can use this cream every day.

Avocado pulp gives the skin beauty, freshness and youth

To prepare and use dandelion cream you need:

  1. Grind two tablespoons of dandelion leaves and aloe leaves to a paste, mix.
  2. Add two tablespoons of olive oil and mix with oatmeal until smooth.
  3. Apply to stretch marks and rinse after 15 minutes.

Repeat this procedure every two to three days.

Homemade dandelion-based cream restores normal skin texture, smoothes stretch marks and makes them less noticeable

Video: preparing a composition for stretch marks with aloe

How to remove stretch marks on the body at home using masks

Masks against stretch marks are not as popular as creams and scrubs, but they are no less effective in combating this problem.

To prepare and use the clay composition, use the following recipe:

  1. Mix fresh liquid honey with blue clay powder in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the mixture to the skin, secure with a bandage and leave overnight.

Repeat this procedure every few days until you get results.

Blue clay is often used to combat stretch marks and cellulite, as it improves skin elasticity and smoothes it out.

To prepare and use a mumiyo mask, follow these steps:

  1. Mix one gram of mumiyo with a tablespoon of boiled water and three tablespoons of baby cream.
  2. Apply the composition to problem areas without rinsing.

You can repeat the procedure once a week for several months.

Shilajit reduces the size of existing stretch marks and reduces the intensity of their color

Iodine for stretch marks: reviews and application

To use iodine against stretch marks, you simply need to apply a 5% solution of the product to the skin up to four times a day for three days. In this case, a superficial burn occurs, the skin becomes rough and then dies. In place of the scars, a clean and smooth epidermis remains.

Be prepared for your skin to sting. This is a natural reaction to the use of iodine.

Iodine is one of the most effective means for combating stretch marks

After the first layer comes off, do not re-lubricate the area under any circumstances, as this may cause damage to the skin. If you do overdo it, wash the treated area with warm water and baby soap and apply a burn remedy. Recovery will take several days.

There is also blue iodine, which is considered more gentle.

The method of its preparation and use is as follows:

  1. In 50 ml of warm water, add one teaspoon of starch and sugar, a few crystals of citric acid.
  2. Boil 120–140 ml of water, stir in the already made composition.
  3. Add 1 tsp to the cooled mixture. 5% iodine, stir.
  4. Use the product in the same way as regular iodine.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar to Resolve the Problem

Stretch marks can be made less noticeable with apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar helps make scars on the skin less noticeable and has an overall positive effect on the skin. It contains many useful components: vitamins A, B, C, E, acids, trace elements and enzymes.

There are several recommendations for choosing such a tool:

  • buy 5% vinegar, it is best for rubbing into the skin;
  • purchase only 100% natural products;
  • do not spare money, as cheap vinegar will not have any effect;
  • choose a product with a cloudy rather than crystal clear consistency.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix apple cider vinegar with clean water in equal proportions.
  2. Before the procedure, take a shower and rub the desired areas with a washcloth.
  3. Distribute vinegar over problem areas and leave for half an hour.
  4. Rinse and apply moisturizer to skin.

Repeat the procedure at least twice a week.

Using aspirin to get rid of stretch marks

Aspirin has an excellent exfoliating effect. In addition, scars from stretch marks become less noticeable after using it.

Method of use of the drug:

  1. Soak three aspirin tablets in 30 ml of warm water and leave for a while.
  2. When they become soft, grind them into a paste.
  3. Before the procedure, thoroughly wash the area with stretch marks, then apply the aspirin mixture in a circular motion.
  4. Leave the product on for 10 minutes, then rinse off.

Perform this procedure twice a week.

Aspirin is a good exfoliant

Salon treatments

Stretch marks can only be completely removed through surgery. Other procedures will only disguise the scar or make it less noticeable. However, if you go to specialized clinics in the first time after the formation of stretch marks, you can make the scar almost invisible.

Salon procedures with special devices are most effective for stretch marks.

Microdermabrasion (or microresurfacing) is used to remove new stretch marks. The procedure uses aluminum oxide to remove several thin layers of skin. As a result, local blood circulation increases. The procedure is painful, but effective. To achieve the effect, you need to visit the clinic approximately 10 times.

After laser resurfacing, the skin will look fresh and healthy. You need to prepare for the procedure by choosing suitable creams to soften problem areas. Skin sensitivity will remain for three months, so you should avoid strong exposure and tanning.

Acid peeling exfoliates the top layer of the dermis, which is then replaced with a new one. Collagen production is activated. Acid is painful, so peeling is often done under anesthesia. Most often, the course consists of 10 procedures.

Mesotherapy helps get rid of stretch marks. In its process, drugs are injected under the skin to increase elasticity. For a noticeable effect, about 10 injections are required once a week. The result lasts for 3-4 months.

Useful video

Watch the video about how abdominoplasty is performed:

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Additional procedures

As a complement to the main methods of treating stretch marks on the body, you can resort to traditional methods. They will improve the condition of the skin, reduce the risk of stretch marks and make them less noticeable.

If you resort to complex treatment, stretch marks will become almost invisible.

Egg whites are very useful for skin rejuvenation. Separate 2 whites from the yolk and beat them. Clean the stretch marks with water and apply a thick layer of whites on them. Wait for the mixture to dry completely. Gradually a feeling of tightness will arise. Then rinse with warm water. Repeat every day for 2 weeks.

Aloe juice has healing properties and, among other things, can cure stretch marks. To make a natural lotion, cut a plant leaf in half and squeeze the juice onto problem areas. After a couple of hours, the skin can be cleansed with warm water or the juice can be left to soak in.

Clinical methods

If you decide to get rid of stretch marks on your stomach, chest or other part of the body when they have already healed and acquired a light shade, folk solutions are unlikely to help. This means that medical involvement cannot be avoided. However, do not think that for the sake of a beautiful body you will inevitably have to go under the surgeon’s knife. More gentle options are no less effective in removing scars.

Removal by peeling

Peeling refers to a cosmetic technique that involves removing the top dead layer of skin through mechanical or chemical action. It significantly softens the skin, provides access to its deeper layers, and also activates the basal layer, which is responsible for the smoothness and healthy appearance of the skin.

  • Chemical peeling is used for medium or deep effects on the skin. During its implementation, alpha and beta hydroxy acids, lactic and salicylic, trichloroacetic and phenolic, as well as other acids are used, so consultation with a doctor before the session is required.
  • Diamond microdermabrasion (mechanical grinding) allows not only to quickly remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis, but also to even out the relief of scar formations. It is carried out using a special device whose nozzles are coated with diamond coating. Among the advantages of this method are hypoallergenicity, low trauma, and an almost complete absence of painful sensations.

If you use any of these methods in a timely manner, your skin will be transformed beyond recognition, and the scars will either become completely invisible or disappear completely. However, if for some reason they do not inspire confidence in you, there are other methods that can eliminate stretch marks forever.

Laser removal

Today, more and more people are turning to laser removal of stretch marks on the body. And it is not surprising, because the methods attributed to it are practically painless, do not require special training, do not impose any restrictions on lifestyle between sessions, and, most importantly, demonstrate visible results after just one course.

  • Laser resurfacing (also known as laser peeling) is a layer-by-layer removal of striae cells with micron precision. Thanks to it, the surface of the skin becomes smoother, and the problem area begins to be supplied with collagen. As a result, after just a few sessions, the differences between the treated area and the rest are practically reduced to nothing.
  • Fractional thermolysis is used to treat particularly delicate areas of the skin. Here the laser beam is divided into many (from 200 to 1 thousand) microbeams that selectively pierce the problem area, forming a kind of “grid” of small dots. The skin around them, which remains intact, begins to produce elastin and collagen much faster.
  • Laser nanoperforation is a gentle procedure that affects different layers of the epidermis without causing harm to them. However, due to foreign interference, the processes of skin cell restoration and renewal are activated, which ultimately leads to the disappearance of the stripes.
  • Non-injection mesotherapy is no less effective than other methods. A mixture of active substances is applied to the skin, and a professional device acts on it with magnetic waves. The increased permeability of the skin allows the drug to easily penetrate to a depth of 2 mm and act on damaged areas.

Although these methods show excellent results, do not forget that they are not available to everyone. And the point here is not only the price, which significantly impacts the family budget. A number of restrictions and contraindications for use are imposed, such as: pregnancy and lactation, acute cancer, viral infections, etc.

Injection removal

Since the molecules of most drugs are too large to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, they must be administered by injection. This technique today is considered one of the most popular, proven and effective. However, it should be performed exclusively in the salon, because... home treatment in 8 out of 10 cases causes unpleasant consequences.

  • Mesotherapy is a technique that involves introducing a meso-cocktail under the skin, the ingredients of which are selected individually. If the damage area is small, the classical form of the procedure is used, if it is significant, hardware action is used.
  • Ozone therapy involves the introduction of ozone injections under the skin - mezoozone, which burn subcutaneous fat and remove toxins from the body. In 10-15 sessions, the scars are noticeably smoothed out and become invisible.
  • Bioreparation involves treating the skin with antioxidants and biorepants, which guarantees a double effect. The covers are simultaneously renewed and become more resistant to external factors - cold, wind, etc.
  • Carboxytherapy has the opposite effect of ozone therapy. During its implementation, the level of carbon dioxide in the body increases, which forces the circulatory system to rebuild its operating mode: dilate blood vessels, accelerate the saturation of cells with oxygen, and also do other actions that are so necessary for the accelerated renewal of the skin.

The above procedures have already proven their effectiveness. But due to the high pain threshold and individual intolerance to certain drugs, they are not suitable for everyone. That is why, if you do not want to harm the body, then before removing it using this method, you should consult a specialist.

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