How to pump up your shoulders and chest. 10 great exercises that will suit both guys and girls

Find out how to pump up your pectoral muscles with dumbbells! Everything to create really big and strong breasts: effective training, advice on nutrition and sports supplements from a professional!

There is no secret to how to pump up your chest muscles with dumbbells from all sides. A professional trainer will show you how to create great pectoral muscles - in the gym, in the kitchen and with the help of sports nutrition.

Why dumbbells? This is a universal sports equipment available to men and women in any conditions. Unfortunately, much of the equipment in modern gyms is redundant and can interfere with the requirements of a balanced exercise regimen. It’s hard to say what the reason is – the difficulty of access, the high price of equipment or the incompetent selection of simulators. As a result, the quality of exercise performance decreases.

The simulator needs to be adjusted to suit you every lesson, you need to get used to the technique of working with a barbell, and good old dumbbells will never let you down! If you know how to pump up your pectoral muscles with dumbbells, you won’t want to change your training program for a long time.

How to pump up your chest with dumbbells - basic training

Dumbbell Bench Press

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Incline Dumbbell Press

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Lifting hands with dumbbells while lying down

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Pullover with dumbbell

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

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It is recommended to perform this chest training program 2 times a week, dividing the workouts by chest sections: separately for the top, separately for the middle and bottom of the pectoral muscles. The upper part of the chest muscles is more difficult to develop, so it is important to pay more attention to it and train it on a separate day. For example, you devote Monday to the top and center of the chest, and Thursday to the lower and middle parts. The training duration will be no more than 40 minutes.

How to pump up your pectoral muscles with dumbbells - 5 exercises

If you are planning to switch to dumbbells, then you should start with the simplest and most effective exercise - the dumbbell bench press. In general, at first, exercises with dumbbells may seem very technically difficult, since, unlike a barbell, you have to maintain balance with each hand separately. It is very important to make equal efforts with each hand.

Dumbbell bench press. Performing this exercise will partially relieve the load from the triceps and transfer it to the pectoral muscles. The most important thing is to ensure that your shoulders and forearms bend at a right angle.

dumbbell press

Lying dumbbell flyes. It is an effective exercise because it allows you to stretch the target muscle, because as you know, the best muscle growth occurs precisely after the muscle has first been hammered and then stretched. It’s difficult to achieve this effect with a barbell, but dumbbells make it easy.

dumbbell fly

Pullover. It will help you pump up your chest due to the fact that it affects the broadest parts of the pectoral muscles, which will allow you to achieve accelerated muscle growth.


Incline dumbbell press with positive incline. An excellent exercise for working the upper chest. It is necessary to carefully ensure that the presses are performed straight up and the elbows are spread to the sides.

incline dumbbell press

Negative Incline Dumbbell Press. This exercise targets the lower pecs and is a more challenging variation of the regular bench press. The chest is worked out better due to the complexity of the exercise and the application of greater effort.

dumbbell head down press

Exercises with dumbbells for chest muscles

You've probably noticed that most bodybuilders' attention is focused on the effective bench press. Although the bench press is one of the most common exercises in strength training, it is debatable whether it is considered the best movement for the chest. Instead of the classic bench press, it is better to use a varied load on the chest muscles, targeting different parts of it.

The dumbbell bench press additionally engages the core stabilizer muscles and loads the arms more intensely.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Make sure the dumbbells are at the sides of your chest, your shoulders and forearms are bent at right angles, and you have full control of the exercise. At the extreme point of the movement, the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows.

It is better to increase the load without cheating, since it reduces the effect of the workout. Tighten your muscles and then lower the weight half as fast as you lifted it. Pause at the bottom of the lift before quickly lifting the weight.

Additionally, it is advisable to include in the complex a variety of dumbbell presses lying on an inclined bench upside down and dumbbell presses lying on an inclined bench. These exercises will create additional impact on the upper and lower chest.

Incline Dumbbell Press

Incline dumbbell press upside down

The best additional exercise for the chest is rightfully the lying dumbbell fly, in slang “fly” or dumbbell fly. Due to the different angles of the bench, this exercise can pump up all areas of the pectoral muscles. By working even with light weights after the main series, you will quickly notice progress and new feelings of strength.

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