Buttocks, chest, abs - a set of exercises

Both men and girls want to pump up their abs. In addition, for many, this particular area becomes one of the most problematic, and if you miss even a week of classes - for example, on vacation - it may not be so easy to get your cubes back. ClubMed Fitness Expert Christopher

shared a useful set of basic and effective abdominal exercises. You don’t need any equipment to perform them, and you can conduct the lesson in any convenient place: at home, or on the beach. At the end of the article there is a training video.

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Lead time:

30 seconds.

Initial position:

lying on the floor face up, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, hands behind the head, elbows spread to the sides.

Photo: istockphoto.com
Slowly lift your shoulder girdle off the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles, and reach forward towards your knees. It is important to do this gradually and not in a jerk. From the top point, gradually return to the starting position.

Exercises for losing weight on your arms

Flabby, sagging shoulder muscles do not allow a woman to wear a sleeveless dress or dress up in a light sundress. When doing arm exercises, do not strain your back and legs. To do this, squat down a little and bend your knees. Keep your abdominal muscles tense.

Before training, do a warm-up:

  • We hold our hands at the waist, move our elbows back, then turn the body to the sides;
  • Straight arms spread to the sides, legs spread wide. Make circular swings forward and backward 8 times with each hand.

Exercise with weights

Dumbbells increase the effectiveness of each exercise. The weight of the equipment should be comfortable for painless exercises. The maximum limit for women is 4 kg.

  1. In a standing position, lower your arms with dumbbells down. Bend your elbows and spread them apart, returning to the starting position.
  2. Place dumbbells on your shoulders, raise and lower your arms with them 30 times.
  3. Lie on the floor, spread your arms with light dumbbells to the sides. Connect them at chest level and move them apart in different directions. Do the exercise at least 30 times.
  4. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your right hand up, pressing your elbow to your ear. Slowly place your hand behind the back of your head and touch the dumbbells to your left shoulder. We fix the position for a few seconds and straighten the arm. We do the same with the other hand.
  5. Stand straight, press your hands with dumbbells to your chest. We lunge with our right foot while simultaneously throwing our right arm forward. We do the movement with each hand 10 times.

Push ups

Place your toes against the wall and your hands on the floor. Keep your body weight on outstretched arms, slowly bend and straighten your elbows. In the lower position, try to touch the floor with your chest. We do 10 push-ups for weight loss. Then you can do push-ups against a wall or the edge of a chair.

Leg raise

Lead time:

30 seconds.

Initial position:

lying on your back, arms along your body or behind your head.

Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, slowly raise your legs until they are in a vertical position. However, they must remain straight. Then lower your legs until they touch the floor, then immediately lift them up. During the exercise, slightly lift your pelvis from the floor - this will allow you to engage your abdominal muscles more.

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Air bike

Lead time:

30 seconds.

Initial position:

lying on your back, lower back pressed to the floor, legs bent at the knees and standing on the floor, hands behind your head.

Photo: istockphoto.com
Stretch your left leg forward, and at the same time pull your right leg towards your chest. As you exhale, lift your left shoulder and reach your elbow toward your right knee. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then change legs.

Exercise sets

Sets of exercises must be repeated regularly at home. It is best to train with small weights in your hands. If you have not done gymnastics before, the exercises should be repeated 10-15 times to avoid soreness, but over time, in order to remove excess fat from the buttocks, sides and abdomen, the workout should be complicated by doubling the time allotted for completion.

For the belly

The stomach is one of the most problematic areas of the figure. In the subcutaneous fat layer of the abdomen, the results of an addiction to sweets, starchy foods, and fatty foods are most often deposited in the form of extra centimeters. Therefore, if you want to lose weight on your own at home, special attention should be paid to exercises for the waist.

It’s not enough to just pump up your abs every day. Monotonous exercises will not bring benefits, they will “reward” you with soreness and make your body massive. Therefore, in order to lose weight at home, remove excess weight from the stomach and sides, make the body slim and toned, types of exercise need to be alternated and combined.

  1. Exercise “Twisting the abdomen” . Lie on your back, pull your legs up, put your hands behind your head. The abs are tense. Slowly lift your legs off the floor and, holding for a couple of seconds, return to the starting position. During the exercise, you need to keep your elbows and buttocks as relaxed as possible, tensing one stomach. Repeat the exercise 10 times, relax, stretch and repeat the same amount.
  2. Exercise “Corner” . Starting position lying on your back. The legs should be raised up, keeping the knees above the pelvis and the ankles parallel to the surface. Stretch your arms to the sides. Tightening your abdominal muscles, slowly raise your hips 2-3 cm from the floor. Make sure that the angle of your legs is the same as the one at which you started the exercise, and your back remains firmly pressed to the floor. In this form, hold for a few seconds and lie on the floor, returning to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions. After resting for a minute, repeat the exercise 10 more times.
  3. Exercise “Diagonal twists” , aimed at training the oblique abdominal muscles. You need to lower yourself onto the floor on your back, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your hips, place your arms bent at the elbows behind your head. Twist your body by reaching forward and trying to touch your shoulder to the opposite knee. One elbow should be kept at shoulder level, the other on the floor. Having done one twist, do the next with the opposite side of the body in the other direction. Without interruption, perform the exercise 10 times. Rest, catch your breath and repeat again 10 times.

For the sides

  1. The “Bicycle” exercise will help remove excess weight from the sides and abdomen. You need to lie on the floor, raise your legs up with your knees bent and keep your ankles parallel to the floor, spread your elbows to the sides. Lower your heels towards your pelvis. Lifting your upper back off the floor, straighten one leg at an acute angle relative to the floor and stretch your shoulder toward the leg bent at the knee. Without slowing down or pausing, do this with the other leg and shoulder. The movements should imitate riding a bicycle. Do 2 approaches, with a short break of one minute.
  2. The bending exercise helps remove weight from the sides. Stand with your back straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Make sudden movements with your body, moving it in different directions. Try to pull your shoulders as much as possible, keeping your lower body motionless.
  3. We perform the “Plank” exercise . You need to lie on the floor on your side and transfer your body weight to the elbow that is below. Raise your other hand up and behind the back of your head. We inhaled and raised the upper leg 30-40 cm higher than the lower leg and held it. We exhaled and pulled the lower leg up to the top, fixing the body in position. We inhaled again and as we exhaled, we lowered both legs to the mat. When performing the exercise, try to do it correctly, clearly, do not move your body, do not lean to the sides. Your back should be straight and your shoulders straight. Perform 10-15 exercises on each side. To remove weight from the sides, the exercise must first be done in one approach, after a while the number of approaches should be increased to 2.

For the buttocks

  1. We begin the exercise “Leg Raises” by getting down on the mat on all fours. Legs are bent at the knees and stand on the floor, resting your knees. Repeat the leg raises as in the previous exercise, but do not use a dumbbell. Raise your leg until your back remains straight. Do 10 sets on each leg.
  2. Exercise “Double lift” . Stand up straight with your back straight. Holding dumbbells in your hands, stretch them forward and at the same time take one leg back. The back must be kept level. The exercise must be repeated 10 times for each side.
  3. For the Fork exercise, lie on the floor on your back. Legs need to be bent at the knees, lowering the feet to the floor and spreading them to the side 40 cm from each other. When trying to bring your knees together, you need to lift your pelvis off the floor as much as possible and raise it as high as possible.
  4. Exercise “Fish tail” . Lie on the floor on your stomach with your hands folded in front of you on top of your palms and your chin down. Exhale and at the same time as you exhale, lift your straightened legs up. Keep your legs straight in this position for several seconds. Then exhale and slowly lower the same straight legs down without bending them. When lifting, pay attention to your sensations: the abdominal muscles should be tense, while the lumbar region should be in a relaxed state.
  5. For the “Bench” exercise , lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees and spread your feet apart, leaving them approximately 30-40 cm apart. It is necessary to strain the gluteal muscles and try to lift the body up, but it is important to strictly ensure that the upper back remains lying on the floor. Freeze in this position for a few seconds and slowly lower the body. Perform in 10 approaches.
  • We recommend reading: gymnastics for losing weight buttocks

The stomach, sides and buttocks are the problem areas that girls most often work on when trying to lose weight.

By doing exercises at home regularly and carefully, you will not notice the difference between training in an expensive sports club and at home. Continue to study hard, and a beautiful, slender silhouette in the mirror will not take long to appear.


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Lying heel touch

Lead time:

30 seconds.

Initial position:

lying on the floor, knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

Lift your shoulder blades off the floor about 10 centimeters and reach with your left hand towards your left heel. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

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Abs and butt workout

If you want to look seductive, pay more attention to pumping up your buttocks. To ensure your butt is always elastic and toned, perform squats every day, and do not lift your heels off the floor - otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

In addition, you can do lunges. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist, step forward with either leg so that a right angle is formed at the knee, and the other leg is as close to the floor as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat the same with the other leg. This exercise is one of the best for sexy buttocks and one of the most effective!


Lead time:

30 seconds.

Initial position:

resting on the elbows, the body is elongated in a single line, the back is straight, the lower back does not bend, the legs are straight at the knees, the abs are tense, the gaze is directed to the floor.

During the exercise, the elbows should be located strictly under the shoulders, the legs, body and neck should form one straight line. Carefully monitor your position so that your stomach does not sag, your buttocks do not rise up, and your lower back does not sag.

This simple set of exercises is perfect for those who cannot bring themselves to go to the gym and who do not have the opportunity to arrange a separate room for training. The workout can be done almost anywhere. The main thing is to do this regularly, and then the result will not be long in coming.

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