Injections for weight loss - Lipolitics. What is it, how to inject it and how much does it cost?

How do weight loss injections work?

Fatty tissue accumulates in the body as a result of malfunctions of organs and systems. In the process of life, 2 successive stages occur . At the first stage, substances obtained through food intake are synthesized. And on the second they fall apart.

If something goes wrong on one of them, fatty tissue accumulates. As a result, fat is deposited in different places.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices
The action of weight loss injections is to break down fat cells.

Beauty injections trigger the breakdown of such deposits in the body . This occurs under the action of enzymes contained in the composition. The accumulated cells are successively broken down into fatty acids.

Subsequently, the body gets rid of them on its own. To prevent fatty tissue from returning, the substance in the injection includes special stimulants that activate the excretion of fatty acids.

Side effects

The body's reaction to lipolytics for weight loss is individual. Some patients experience adverse reactions:

  • redness, burning and other allergic skin manifestations;
  • formation of nodular seals under the skin;
  • hematomas;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • formation of ulcers at injection sites;
  • temperature increase.

Skin allergic manifestations

Advantages and disadvantages of injections

Injections for weight loss in the stomach vary in cost, and reviews about them also vary.

But still, they have advantages relative to other options for cosmetic weight loss:

  • in a fairly short time they solve the problem of not only excess fat deposits, but also cellulite;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • stretch marks are leveled;
  • The patient’s well-being improves and performance increases.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices The procedure of injections for weight loss has its pros and cons.
Therefore, before carrying out it, you should weigh all the pros and cons. However, this procedure has not only advantages, but also disadvantages:

  • swelling of the skin may appear;
  • a bruise may form where the needle enters the skin;
  • During injection, vascular damage is possible, resulting in hematomas;
  • Depending on individual intolerance, various types of allergies can be observed.

Experts recommend carefully weighing the pros and cons of injections, and also attending a preliminary consultation.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Hyaluronic acid in tablets. Benefits, how to take, reviews from doctors and effectiveness.

Contraindications for use

Lipolitics should not be used if the following contraindications exist:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Hemophilia;
  • Allergy to the components of the drug;
  • Oncological diseases (even those suffered in the past);
  • Mental disorders;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Infectious or viral diseases;
  • Kidney and liver diseases;
  • Diabetes.

To avoid complications, you must consult a specialist in advance. Before performing the procedure, the cosmetologist must know whether you have any contraindications.

Types of injections to burn fat in the abdominal area

In modern cosmetology, three types of drugs for weight loss injections are used:

  1. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The main area of ​​application of this drug is the treatment of infertility. But cosmetology has revealed its ability to burn fat deposits. The main condition is to follow a low-calorie diet during therapy. The advantage of such injections is that muscle mass does not go away at the same time as fat loss.
  2. Vitamin B12. Cosmetologists prescribe these injections when there is a vitamin deficiency in the body. The consequence is a decrease in performance, a slowdown in metabolism. B12 injections speed up metabolism and shorten the period of elimination of decay products. The intake of this vitamin into the body causes a boost of vivacity and a surge of energy.
  3. Lipotropics. This is the name given to natural substances that help regulate metabolism.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices The drug human chorionic gonadotropin is actively used for the purpose of losing weight, while muscle mass does not disappear.
In addition to these procedures, there is another type - mesotherapy . It consists of injections for weight loss in the stomach. We will indicate the cost of injections below, and patient reviews inspire confidence in this procedure.

Lipolytic injections for weight loss (Aqualix)


Lipoliptics, which include the drug Aqualix, are an injection composition that helps in the fight against fat. Its structure is a gel-like material . Thanks to this, it disperses well over the corrected area.

The undoubted positive quality of Aqualix is ​​that it has virtually no side effects.

At the same time, it gives the desired result quite quickly.

The action of Aqualix is ​​that it promotes the dissolution of the fat cell membrane and all its contents come out with the injection components.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices
Aqualix is ​​used to combat fat only in certain areas.

The drug helps to improve the functioning of the human lymphatic system and promotes the drainage process. Hence the quick effect.


Aqualix is ​​not a drug that is intended for weight loss in the broad sense. It only fights fat in certain areas . This procedure is best suited for those who have normal weight and only need correction of a particular area.

It is best if the layer of fat that needs to be removed is more than one and a half centimeters. In this case, the risk of damage to nearby tissues by the bile salt is reduced.

It is also important that you can use a maximum of 40 milliliters at a time, which is 5 bottles.

This is enough to fight fat in the most problematic areas of the body. For women, this is the stomach and hips.

Aqualix injections are practically not felt . The only discomfort that may occur is slight swelling and slight redness, as well as a slight burning sensation immediately after the injection. The swelling will go away in 1-3 days. In some cases, there may be slight numbness or, on the contrary, increased sensitivity. You need to come to terms with this for a week or two.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices
A maximum of 40 ml of the drug can be used at a time.

The specific number of injections is determined by a cosmetologist ; it’s all individual. On average, three procedures are performed with a break of three weeks. The fact is that before a new procedure, the entire composition from the previous one must leave the body.


The price of the procedure varies depending on how much of the drug is required at one time. The price of one bottle starts from 5 thousand rubles . If you need five bottles at a time, then you will have to shell out 20 thousand.

Body mesotherapy for weight loss


Mesotherapy is a procedure that is widely used in various fields of medicine. But it occupies a special place in cosmetology. It is used to correct individual areas of the body.

The essence of the procedure is that an injection is given to lose weight in the stomach: a mixture of nutritional and medicinal ingredients is injected under the skin . Mesotherapy is often used to avoid sagging skin after losing weight, and also as an anti-cellulite measure. The procedure is quite effective, there are many positive reviews about it, but the price is high.


During mesotherapy, a mixture of selected substances is injected subcutaneously with a thin needle. Their composition depends on what exactly the procedure is aimed at . In any case, the nature of the action is local.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices
To obtain a positive result from mesotherapy, you should correctly determine the injection sites.

The microtrauma that occurs on the subcutaneous layer during injection causes activation of metabolic processes, as well as blood circulation in a certain area. As a result excess subcutaneous fat deposits are destroyed , lymphatic drainage improves, and the elasticity of the skin increases.

Mesotherapy is used for the abdomen and buttocks. These are the places from which fat leaves last. A puncture is made to a depth of approximately one and a half millimeters . Because the injection is painful, local anesthesia is sometimes given.


For one mesotherapy session you will have to pay from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Sometimes the price may be higher depending on the cost of the drugs. Considering that on average 10-15 sessions are needed, its total cost can range from 30 to 60 thousand .


How long does the rehabilitation period last?

The duration of the rehabilitation period varies, depending on the number of injections and the treated area. As a rule, it lasts 2-3 days after the session. During this period, you cannot visit the sauna, solarium, baths and hot baths. You should also avoid drinking alcohol.

What is the maximum result that can be achieved with lipolysis?

After completing the course, patients experience elimination of stretch marks and cellulite in the problem area, improvement in skin condition and a reduction of up to 6 cm in volume.

Is lipolysis very painful?

It is worth noting that the procedure is indeed quite painful. Before the procedure, to reduce discomfort, you can apply a special anesthetic cream to the treated area or add lidocaine to the syringe. Some drugs already contain painkillers.

Is it possible to do lipolysis at home?

There are a lot of reviews online that lipolytics can be used independently. Consumers use a special mesoscooter instead of a needle to administer the drug. It is equipped with small needles through which the lipolytic enters the skin. The effectiveness of this procedure is questionable: some note a positive effect, others report a complete lack of results. It is best to trust professionals, because carrying out such procedures at home is fraught with infection.

Is it effective to use lipolytics in mesotherapy?

Lipolysis and mesotherapy are procedures that differ in their goals and effects. However, there are complex preparations (Revital Celluform) that can be used for double effect. The key nuance is the depth of needle insertion. Even the most effective lipolytic, when injected at 6 mm, will not be able to manifest its properties. Therefore, when setting a goal - getting rid of cellulite and excess weight, using the principles of mesotherapy to use lipolytics is inappropriate.

Is it true that injection lipolysis is prohibited in France?

Yes, on April 12, 2011, a decree came into force in this country. It stated that lipolysis is prohibited due to the unsafety of the procedure. The rationale was the occurrence of hematomas, ulcers and damage to subcutaneous tissues after administration of the drug. However, debates about the effectiveness and safety of this method are still ongoing.

How to improve the result of the procedure?

To achieve a better result, it is recommended to combine lipolysis procedures with other measures. It will be useful to combine the administration of lipolytics with LPG massage, thermolifting, pneumomassage and pressotherapy.

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Discussion: 23 comments

  1. Raketa says:
    These procedures were recommended to my mother. We took one injection and didn’t give it any more because it was very painful. Then more hematomas appeared. There was no special result, although only one injection was performed. If you do it, then only with painkillers and under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. Nina says:

    I gave myself lipolysis injections, not myself, but at a cosmetology clinic. The result was good, I got rid of cellulite on my thighs. But six months later he returned again. I read that you need to do it twice a year, but I don’t want to go through all this again. Really painful sensations because the needle is inserted quite deeply.

  3. Marisha says:

    I really don’t understand the point of such procedures. Moreover, to suffer so much from pain and then suffer from bruises. I am for a normal, rational approach - if you want to lose weight, go to the gym and go on a diet. There's nothing wrong with that. And if you don’t know where to start, buy the FFB manual. Everything is described there in detail, how to lose weight without needles, without sacrifices and injuries.

  4. Polinka says:

    Some ambiguous and contradictory reviews on lipolytics for weight loss. I used it myself for my double chin)) Yes, it helped, yes, it hurt. But it's worth it. He (double chin) is gone and doesn’t seem to be going back yet. The fastest way to get rid of an aesthetic problem in the most visible place.

  5. Tick ​​says:

    I was injected with Revital Celluform. He has lipolysis and mesotherapy at the same time. After six procedures, the skin on the thighs and buttocks smoothed out and began to look much better. I lost about 5 cm in volume. Overall, I’m happy with the result, but at first there were some side effects.

  6. ReggiNA says:

    Here people are toiling around with bullshit... Well, what did you come up with again? What other injections?! Buy the FFB manual and read it at your leisure. It explains in accessible language how to lose weight. Well, there really is nothing simpler. I followed one person’s advice, bought it, read it. Now I’m losing weight without any injections or surgeries.

  7. Svetik says:

    The injections helped me get rid of my double chin. It doesn't hurt that much. Although maybe I just have a low pain threshold?)) I don’t know why everyone is so afraid.

  8. Karine says:

    My mother did lipolysis. Initially I wanted mesotherapy - just for the skin, and then I found out about lipolytics. As a result, at the end of the course I got rid of the folds on my stomach and now walks happy)

  9. Bolvashka says:

    I'm absolutely terribly afraid of injections. But I really want to get rid of fat. I read reviews with photos before and after lipolytics for weight loss. I understand that it will help, but I just can’t decide.

  10. Pertovna says:

    What are the different reviews on lipolytics injections for weight loss... I did lipolysis two years ago. The result was quite satisfying, although I had to endure some pain. It quickly removes folds and fat from the abdomen. Then they don’t come back for a long time.

  11. Ashley says:

    It is unlikely that reviews with photos on lipolytics for weight loss are an indicator. I don't believe in such methods. I recently bought the FFB training manual and realized that there is nothing complicated about losing weight. You don’t need to get fancy, just adjust your diet and exercise. But what am I talking about, it’s better to buy this book for yourself and finally understand how to lose weight correctly.

  12. Chocolate says:

    Good reviews on lipolytics for weight loss. I recognized myself in them. A year ago I also did lipolysis for myself, and I was very pleased with the result. Naturally, at first it was scary, and unpleasant

  13. Lenusik says:

    I bought myself a FFB manual and you know, now I don’t want any lipolysis. I’d better go and lose weight normally and correctly. You need to approach it wisely, and not give all sorts of injections in the hope of a miracle. My coach even took this FFB to read and said that he had nothing more to teach me))

  14. Vikusha says:

    I don’t want to advertise anything, but it’s really better to buy the FFB training manual for those who don’t know how to start losing weight. You don’t need all these injections, you’ll just get some side effects. A friend of mine did it and was not very pleased. I now look better every day. How? Buy the FFB method and you will understand everything

  15. Alice says:

    I lost so much weight that my CD even shifted (the whole cycle was delayed by a week), but my double chin never disappeared! Although she herself is very thin. The doctor said that the double chin is hereditary and does not depend on the extra pounds. I'm doing injections for the second time. There was no result the first time, I tried it a second time. I've been waiting for a month already, but so far I still have the same chin and I hope that there will be results. I don’t know about other parts of the body, but it doesn’t hurt at all on the chin, even though they prick deeply.

  16. Elena says:

    What does general weight loss have to do with it? We're tired of our training manual. There are generally thin and even scrawny people. At the same time, they may have fat on the stomach and, for example, in the knee area. If such a woman begins to lose weight in general, then she will lose weight in other places, where she does not need it at all, and in the first place. And there will be no breasts left, and the face will become haggard, and the whole body will become even thinner. In this case, the fat in the knee area will remain. So your training manuals that you are trying to sell here are not suitable for everyone. And not everyone can play sports. So such procedures are a solution for many.

  17. TATYANA says:

    After my second pregnancy I gained a lot of weight. So, I was on very strong hormonal support. After giving birth, my stomach felt like it was 5 months old. I started playing sports intensively. Everything was losing weight except my stomach. The cosmetologist recommended lipolytics and the results were not long in coming. The results are very good. Not all problems can be solved by exercise and diet.

  18. Natalya says:

    The cosmetologist did a procedure for me with a lipolytic, I honestly don’t know the name, I know that it should have been 50 ml. I paid 16,000 lips, but the result was 0. She also advised me to drink Canephron so that the excess liquid would go away. I don’t know, maybe she injected me too little, not 50 ml, since there was no result. I pricked the inside of my thigh. It hurt, I endured it. In the evening, bruises appeared, very large, and it continued to hurt.

  19. Natalya says:

    Helps! And it doesn’t hurt very much... if you first do a Ref-lifting massage... then immediately injections, even into the thighs or chin! The effect is great!

  20. Alexandra says:

    Good afternoon

    I don’t know in which salon or clinic the injections were given, it’s not very painful. And the effect is already there after the second procedure. It’s just that when you do the procedure, you also need to maintain PP, and not eat immediately after the injections. Sports also help a lot, but sometimes there are situations when you really don’t have time or you need to quickly clean up something.

    I gave myself 1 course of 10 ampoules, and for the second year now I haven’t returned anything. There is an effect, just haven’t you been injected with any other drugs?!

    This procedure does not take long and is tolerable. Well, hematomas are small and go away quickly.

    So, I don’t see anything bad here. Just follow the PP (diet) after the procedures and everything will be great!

  21. Yana says:

    I just did the first procedure, it didn’t hurt at all, maybe the cosmetologist is handy or has low sensitivity, but I didn’t experience any pain, just a slight tingling, but no more) and to get the result, well, for a minute you need to do at least 3 procedures with interval of 10-15 days) only then you will see the result! So I’m waiting for the second procedure, drinking a lot of water and light physical activity!

  22. Ekaterina says:

    I did 2 procedures with the drug dermastabilon. The first time everything went well, there was a slight swelling on the chin and stomach, the redness went away on the 2nd day. On the 5th day, I did a lymphatic drainage hardware massage, which completely removed the swelling and the first effect was visible, the excess fat was removed from the cheekbone area very well, but the double chin remained that way. I came for the second procedure 10 days later, they injected more into my chin. The first day everything was fine. On the second day, a terrible allergic reaction began, everything turned very red, swelling began and the itching was simply insane. As a result, the cosmetologist prescribed me to drink Zodak, apply Advantan cream, and put dexamethasone intramuscularly for three days to relieve this allergy. I’m not going to the 3rd procedure because... the drug gave such a reaction. As the doctor said, this happens rarely, but unfortunately it does happen. When asked why not the first time, but the second time, the doctor said that the first time the body became familiar with the drug, the second time it immediately accepted it aggressively. Massages were prohibited until the skin had completely recovered from allergies. The girls are now talking about the procedure - yes, it hurts. There will definitely be hematomas, because... the needle insertion is quite deep. And you are not insured against an allergic reaction... I can’t judge the result yet, because... The allergy still persists. Moreover, I have never had any reactions to drugs, medications, etc. Why this happened is not clear. It's always up to you to decide. The doctor said that the advantage is that the result when the swelling and allergy subsides will be 100% and it will please me, since due to the strong thermal reaction the splitting process goes faster. Will wait)

  23. Sveta says:

    I did it in the chin and in the stomach, there are no bruises or terrible pain, I’ll wait for the results. True, I don’t have a double chin, so, little gander, it wouldn’t hurt to clean up my stomach a little.

Ozone therapy for weight loss


Ozone therapy is the saturation of tissues and blood with oxygen . The peculiarity of oxygen is that each molecule consists of three atoms. The procedure has been used in cosmetology for a long time, but it has only recently been used for weight loss.


To carry out ozone therapy, an ozone mixture of oxygen and ozone is used . It is administered subcutaneously using thin needles attached to thin hoses, from which ozone comes.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices
To carry out ozone therapy, a mixture of oxygen and ozone is used, which is dosed through thin hoses attached to needles.

Each needle delivers a strictly dosed amount of the mixture, which is then evenly distributed throughout the tissues.

For better results, experts recommend a course of massage. Such injections for weight loss in the stomach are effective, the reviews are positive.


The average cost of one session is 1200-1500 rubles . The price of the full course will depend on which area the procedure is aimed at and how many sessions are required. In total, up to 20 of them may be required.

The first 4-5 procedures are aimed specifically at destroying fat deposits, the next ones are needed to consolidate the result and tighten the skin.

How much does the procedure cost?

The cost of the session depends on the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor and the drug. On average, one procedure costs 2500-8000 rubles. The most expensive areas are the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, since the treatment will require quite a lot of product.

Figure correction is the dream of any woman who wants to change herself. It is not difficult to maintain the effect obtained from lipotherapy - you need to monitor your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air, do exercises, take care of your skin, then you can enjoy the results throughout your life.

Injection liposuction dermastabilon and ozone therapy


This type of procedure refers to plastic surgery and consists of injections of special drugs that help defeat fat deposits that cannot be removed by sports or diets.

The introduced substance (ozone) leads to the decomposition of fat cells and their further transformation into an emulsion. The latter is then neutralized by the liver and released.


Dermastabilon is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, drugs are used to dilate blood vessels . The second is the introduction of silicon cocktails, which help soften the bridges and promote better action of drugs in the next stage of weight loss.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices
The result after injection liposuction is visible after the end of one course.

It begins after several sessions, when the fat begins to disappear. This is done in such a way that there is no sagging of the skin.


The price for this procedure can vary greatly depending on how many sessions are required. On average, the cost of liposuction for one area ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. However, sometimes a figure of 7-8 thousand rubles is also found. Usually up to 4-5 procedures are required .

Lipolitics for the chin. Lipolitics for the chin: what are they and why are they used?

One of the new innovative technologies is lipolysis of fat deposits at the cellular level under the influence of the catalytic enzyme lipase. At the moment, this technique is recognized as the most effective for getting rid of unnecessary centimeters on the body. There are procedures involving deep injection of special lipolytic solutions into adipose tissue. This is most in demand for eliminating the double chin. After all, this deficiency can be naturally eliminated only as a result of general weight loss and long-term physical exercise, which helps to tone the muscles of the chin and neck. With age, it becomes more and more difficult to get the effect of such activities. The following drugs are known among lipolytics:

  • Phosphatidylcholine
  • MRX-lipolytic complex
  • Sodium deoxycholate
  • Aminomix
  • Dermaheal LL

Lipolitics for the chin. Lipolitics for the chin: what are they and why are they used?

Lipolytics include L-carnitine, L-ornithine, which bind fatty acids and prevent the accumulation of adipose tissue. A very effective lipolytic is caffeine concentrate, which is a plant alkaloid. It significantly accelerates the breakdown of fats and their rapid utilization. The action of caffeine is based on blocking phosphodiesterase enzymes.

Caffeine is used for lipolysis both as a separate drug and as part of cocktails. Procaine is added to it, which gives an anesthetic effect. Artichoke extract is added to caffeine concentrate for a decongestant effect, and ginko biloba tones dilated blood vessels. The use of lipolytics with caffeine not only allows you to get rid of fat deposits, but also give the skin freshness and elasticity. For noticeable results you need to complete 4 – 7 sessions. Between each procedure there is a break of 7–10 days. You can achieve a reduction in body fat by 4–6 cm. The effect will be noticeable within the first month and will last up to a year.

Lipolitics for the chin. Lipolitics for the chin: what are they and why are they used?

Nitrogen injections for belly fat


Nitrogen in cosmetology is used for erosions on the mucous membrane and skin , removal of warts and, of course, for weight loss. Moreover, liquid nitrogen helps not only reduce volumes, but also increase immunity.


Nitrogen is injected using a special syringe into problem areas. This is how the body becomes frosty.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices
Liquid nitrogen is used to eliminate warts and lesions on the mucous membrane, as well as for weight loss in the abdominal area.

After this, cryomassage is performed . As a result, subcutaneous fat is broken down, cellulite and stretch marks disappear.


The price of one procedure is 2-3 thousand rubles . The minimum course is five sessions.

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Testosterone injections for weight loss


The formation of subcutaneous fat occurs for many reasons, including a drop in testosterone levels. This is typical for women over forty.


Before administering the drug, it must be heated . This is done because testosterone is viscous and the injection is painful.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices
Before injecting testosterone, the ampoule must be warmed up.

Injected subcutaneously with a thin needle.


One package of the drug costs from 400 rubles.

Homeopathic injections into the stomach for weight loss


Injections using homeopathic medicines are very convenient for use at home. They usually contain artichoke extract.

Injections for weight loss in the stomach. Ozone injections, lipolytics, Aqualix, reviews, prices
Homeopathic injections for weight loss include artichoke extract, which accelerates the process of breaking down fat cells in the abdominal area.

These injections help destroy lipid tissue. Its remnants are removed from the body using lymph flow.


The drug is injected subcutaneously into the abdomen using a thin syringe . First you need to mix it with water.


The cost of homeopathic medicines for weight loss is low. Of course, there are also expensive goods, but the minimum price is only 50 rubles.

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