Barbell exercises for the back for women

How to do it correctly

Perform lunges at a slow pace, feeling the work of each muscle involved

To perform the exercise, you need to stand straight and then take a dumbbell in both hands. Note that this will be the initial pose. Next, you should take a step forward with your right foot, while your left foot should remain in the same place. Squat while inhaling, keeping your back straight, without bending at the waist

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the knee of the leg that is in front should not go forward. Make sure your knee is in line with your foot

The shin of the leg in front is placed perpendicular to the floor surface. The next stage is pushing off the floor. As you exhale, you need to rise and return to the starting position. The exercise must be performed according to the trainer’s recommendations. After completing a certain number of repetitions, proceed to perform the exercise with the other leg.

Alternative technique Differences from the classic version
In Smith The execution is similar. The option is preferable for those who have back problems, as the load is removed from the spine. Stabilizing muscles are also not involved.
Lunges forward In terms of energy consumption, this implementation is more energy-intensive.

The front leg does not need to be returned back, but, on the contrary, the back leg should be pushed off and placed forward. At the end of one repetition, you will be in the starting position, but already one step ahead.

Reverse lunges Similar to the previous option, only you need to step back. This puts less stress on the knee joints.
Bulgarian version The back leg should be placed on the bench. Thus, the angle of contraction of the gluteal muscle is greater, it stretches more strongly and performs more work.
Side lunges An excellent option for the upper buttocks, as the gluteus medius muscle is included in the work.

The leading leg should be placed not forward or backward, but to the side, then bend it and return to the starting position.

Curtsy Suitable for more serious work on the inner thighs. This exercise is also called cross lunges because you have to cross your legs.

The starting position is the same as in the classic version. Shift your weight to one leg and take a diagonal step towards your supporting leg with the other. Sit down and return to standing position.

A difficult option, dangerous for the knee joint if performed incorrectly.

Important! This exercise requires a sense of balance, so start doing it first without additional weight to get a feel for balance.

Training according to a special program for men

To lose weight, a man must perform a slightly different complex. The barbell can be replaced with two dumbbells, but instructors do not recommend doing this at the beginning of your journey to the ideal weight. In one workout you need to do:

  • Bench press. Lie on your back, take the equipment in your hands so that your palms “look” up, and place the barbell on your chest. The press is performed slowly, 15 - 20 times in a row.
  • Seated barbell press. The exercise involves lifting and lowering an apparatus onto your chest, but in a sitting position. It is important to sit on a hard surface, straighten your back and place your feet wider than your shoulders, spreading your knees to the sides.
  • Standing arm extension. You need to take a stable standing position - spread your legs wider than your shoulders, straighten. Take the barbell in your hands - the starting position is when the limbs are lowered down. Then 15 lifts of the barbell to the chest are performed, bending and straightening the elbow joints.
  • Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders. They are done in the same way as in the women's training complex - one leg is put forward, a squat is done, but exactly until the thigh is parallel to the floor.

In order for a man to lose weight and build muscle, three additional exercises must be included in the complex:

  • running on a treadmill for 10 - 15 minutes;
  • working out the abdominal muscles;
  • lifting the legs at right angles while hanging on a horizontal bar or wall bars.

Rules for performing weight loss exercises with a barbell

* based on videos of professional athletes and coaches;

* in the hall of group programs on power aerobics with a barbell;

* with a personal trainer in the gym.

The latter, of course, is preferable, since all your mistakes will be corrected (you grab the barbell in the wrong places, look in the wrong direction during an exercise, etc.). Plus, when setting up the technique, the features of your figure will be taken into account. Women are all different: some have longer shins, while others have longer thighs. Therefore, the details of the exercise will depend on individual physiological characteristics.

Example: barbell curls or straight-legged rows. To lift the barbell off the floor for the first time, beginners always bend over. If the pancakes are not heavy and, accordingly, have a small diameter, the slope is much lower than in the exercise itself - to the floor. Some people recommend using pancake stands, others are categorically against it.

“It doesn’t matter whether there are traction stands or not,” explains Ekaterina Demidova. “Because we lift any barbell from the floor through a squat!” Neglecting this leads to overload of the lower back. Because of the unmastered squatting technique, a beginner may think that bending over is more convenient - but sooner or later he will injure his lumbar region.

There are such nuances in every exercise. By the way, this also applies to exercise machines and dumbbells. It is exercises with free weights that require increased attention to the correct technique.

Both women and men can do the barbell; you just need to choose the right set to achieve your goal. There are several advantages of this method of getting rid of extra pounds:

  • Barbell exercises are a slow but effective method of losing weight. While performing them, a person begins to breathe actively, his lungs absorb a lot of air, and blood circulation accelerates. All tissues are saturated with oxygen, which leads to the burning of calories. The same effect can be achieved by running, but it is difficult and, for some people, dangerous.
  • With regular exercise, muscle mass increases. In terms of weight loss, this is very useful because the muscles themselves burn calories. Even if a person is at rest, independent weight loss occurs. As a person gains muscle mass, he or she will need more calories for an active lifestyle, eliminating the need to adhere to strict diets, limit food intake, and give up favorite foods.

Group exercises with barbells

  • Ligaments, joints, tendons work in comfortable conditions. Any exercises are performed calmly, without jerking, there is no need to “tear” the muscles. After just 15 minutes of intense exercise, a person becomes tired, feels tension in the muscles, and sweats increase. To achieve the same effect, you need to perform at least 100 abdominal exercises and run on a treadmill for at least 40 minutes at high speed.
  • Just 2 - 3 exercises make all the muscles of the body work. This means that you don’t need to devote separate time to your abs, buttocks, and waist. By performing a set of exercises, you can lose weight in all parts of the body at once.

And one more advantage of such weight loss is that if you perform the exercises correctly and follow the trainer’s recommendations, you will not need to fight loose, sagging skin. And this moment confuses many, forcing them not only to carry out expensive and complex cosmetic procedures, but also to turn to plastic surgeons - “extra” skin inevitably appears when losing weight.

It is important not only to regularly perform the recommended exercises with the apparatus, but to do it competently. There are a number of rules, the observance of which gives excellent results in a fairly short period of time:

  • There should be at least 3 workouts per week. It’s better to do them in the gym, where there will be an instructor nearby who will point out mistakes. But exercises at home will also be effective.
  • Before the main weight loss exercises, you need to warm up. This involves light cardio, such as running on a treadmill or vigorous walking on the same machine. 15-20 minutes of such a load is enough to prepare your body for more severe tests.
  • Each exercise is performed 15-20 times by both women and men. If you perform fewer repetitions, you will not lose weight, but build muscle. Since they are “hidden” under adipose tissue, there will be no effect from training at all.
  • If you are starting a lesson for the first time, then you need to start with a minimum repetition of each exercise. Let it be 2 - 3 times, but they will bring results. Subsequently, you need to increase the repetitions and bring them to the required number.
  • You need to add weight to the bar gradually; a large mass at once will make it impossible to perform the complex correctly and effectively. But if the exercise is too easy, then adding weight is necessary.
  • Between each exercise, the break should be no more than 45 - 60 seconds. Experts say that the shorter this gap, the more effective the weight loss workout will be.
  • You can and should drink water during classes. This is done in small sips, slowly and as often as the body requires.

Many trainers recommend combining exercise and the use of special sports nutrition - protein bars, drinks. But this is only necessary if the goal is to build muscle mass. To lose weight with a barbell, there are other recommendations regarding nutrition for women and men:

  • You need to give up sweets. If this is problematic, then all fatty confectionery products are replaced with dried fruits, honey, marshmallows and marshmallows with marmalade. These sweets are considered the safest for your figure, but you don’t need to get carried away with them either.
  • The diet must contain proteins, so a vegetarian diet in combination with barbell exercises is unacceptable. Meat, fish, dairy products, eggs - they can be consumed daily, but with minimal added fat.

For example, it is better to boil or bake meat, eat eggs raw or boiled, and stew fish in its own juice with vegetables.

  • The last meal before training should take place no later than an hour and a half before. It is better if the meal includes an egg omelet cooked in the oven, cottage cheese with sour cream, a boiled piece of meat, and a milkshake.
  • After training, you are allowed to drink a cup of tea without sugar, but eating can be done no earlier than one and a half to two hours after training. And it’s better if it’s vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

If you regularly lift weights, but do not change your usual diet, then there will be no weight loss effect.

The sad fact is that many girls are still afraid of barbells. Allegedly, from squats, huge quadriceps will grow, and the legs will become “like a man’s.” It is a myth. If the correct technique is followed, the hips will be subject to maximum load, and the butt will acquire a seductive round shape.

In addition, squats help you burn more calories due to increased oxygen consumption and a surge in growth hormone levels. By getting your diet in order, you can quickly feel the results of your workouts. Bulges (simply fat deposits) in unnecessary places will decrease, but the buttocks and thighs will begin to acquire the desired shape and elasticity.

In squats, several muscle groups are exposed to stress at once. Most of it falls on the quadriceps and quadriceps femoris muscles. The calf, hamstrings and gluteus maximus muscles also work. The thigh biceps, thanks to which the buttocks do not sag like sad bags, the back muscles and, of course, the abs.

Before training, be sure to warm up. Below is an example of a warm-up complex that is suitable for almost everyone, even a beginner athlete.

  1. Cardio. 10-15 minutes of exercise on a treadmill or elliptical trainer will be enough. This way you will warm up your muscles and prepare your cardiovascular system for power loads.
  2. Leg extensions in the simulator. Do not install too much weight! Your goal is to prepare your knee joints for work and warm up your quadriceps. Three sets of 15–20 extensions will be enough.
  3. Hyperextension. During this exercise, the muscles of the hips, buttocks and back are used. The lower back is prepared for the stress of a squat. Small muscles connected to the spine also begin to work. It is almost impossible to use them with other exercises.


Cardio on the treadmill

Cardio on the treadmillWarm-up2


HyperextensionWarm-up 3

Leg extension

Leg extensionAfter warming up, start the exercise. If you are a beginner, then a bar weighing 10 kg is enough. It will make it easier to control the load. To begin, perform squats with an empty barbell.

Pros and cons of training buttocks with a barbell

Both men and girls often include lunges with dumbbells in their complexes.

Women's Leg Day. Emphasis on the back of the thigh and glutes
ExerciseSets x reps
Romanian barbell deadlift4x12
Lunges with dumbbells with an emphasis on the hamstrings4x10 (for each leg)
Smith squats with emphasis on the hamstrings and glutes4x12
Seated leg curls3x15
Standing single leg curls3x15
Glute bridge with barbell4x12
Women's Leg Day
ExerciseSets x reps
Barbell Squats at Smith4x15
Lunges with dumbbells4x10 (each leg)
Leg press in the simulator3x12
Plie squats with dumbbells3x12
Glute bridge with barbell4x12
Superset of leg extensions and flexions in exercise machines3x12 12
Men's Leg Day
ExerciseSets x reps
Romanian deadlift4x10
Leg press in the simulator3x12
Walking lunges with dumbbells3x10 (each leg)
Leg extensions in the simulator3x15
Leg curls in a lying machine3x15

Like any physical training, barbell exercises have their advantages and disadvantages that you need to be aware of.

Advantages of barbell exercises for girls:

  • due to the high load, they allow you to use a large number of different muscle groups, therefore, even if the main goal is to strengthen the buttocks, at the same time during the training process the whole body is toned and strengthened, the legs, back and abs experience especially heavy load;
  • help not only to strengthen the gluteal muscles, but also to round, “lift” and clearly define them, as a result of which the hips become especially attractive;
  • give an obvious effect that becomes noticeable quite quickly.

Did you know? The most expensive buttocks in the world belong to Jennifer Lopez. In any case, this is what the American actress herself thinks, having insured her “loin” for $27 million. Kylie Minogue looks much more modest in this regard: the singer from Australia estimated her own butt at only five million “green”.

Disadvantages of using a barbell for beautiful buttocks:

  • exercises with a barbell are traditionally considered one of the most stressful types of training for the body; accordingly, they are suitable only for people who initially have good physical fitness (in particular, if the back muscles are insufficiently developed, using a heavy apparatus to work out the buttocks becomes impossible);

the barbell is a very dangerous piece of equipment, especially if it is in the hands of a non-professional (the lower back, as well as knee joints and ligaments are especially often affected); exercises require maximum precision in the technique, so ideally they should be carried out under the constant supervision of an experienced trainer;

specific equipment, can only be used in specially designed gyms; for home training, with rare exceptions, it is not suitable (the point is not only that few people have a barbell at home, but also that for such exercises you need a spacious and a soundproof room is desirable; in addition, many exercises, in addition to the barbell itself, require the presence of special simulators);

exercises with a barbell are associated with a strong shock load, especially on the spine, which brings more harm to the body than good (this disadvantage can only be mitigated by using a small weight of the apparatus); can lead to a significant increase in the volume of the hips due to the increased load on the muscles, and This effect is not desirable for everyone (girls who want to squeeze into smaller jeans through training will be especially upset).

To achieve good physical shape and well-being, you should not ignore exercises for morning exercises.

To lose weight, a man must perform a slightly different complex. The barbell can be replaced with two dumbbells, but instructors do not recommend doing this at the beginning of your journey to the ideal weight. In one workout you need to do:

  • Bench press. Lie on your back, take the equipment in your hands so that your palms “look” up, and place the barbell on your chest. The press is performed slowly, 15 - 20 times in a row.
  • Seated barbell press. The exercise involves lifting and lowering an apparatus onto your chest, but in a sitting position. It is important to sit on a hard surface, straighten your back and place your feet wider than your shoulders, spreading your knees to the sides.
  • Standing arm extension. You need to take a stable standing position - spread your legs wider than your shoulders, straighten. Take the barbell in your hands - the starting position is when the limbs are lowered down. Then 15 lifts of the barbell to the chest are performed, bending and straightening the elbow joints.
  • Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders. They are done in the same way as in the women's training complex - one leg is put forward, a squat is done, but exactly until the thigh is parallel to the floor.

In order for a man to lose weight and build muscle, three additional exercises must be included in the complex:

  • running on a treadmill for 10 - 15 minutes;
  • working out the abdominal muscles;
  • lifting the legs at right angles while hanging on a horizontal bar or wall bars.

Main complex

In order to evenly pump the entire muscular system of the musculoskeletal system using a barbell, it is enough to use basic exercises on the arms, legs, back, and chest.

Barbell curl

To perform this exercise, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take the barbell in your hands so that your hands are turned up.
  3. As you inhale, bend your elbows, lifting the barbell to your chin.
  4. As you exhale, return the upper limbs to their original position.

This exercise simultaneously pumps up the biceps, forearm, strengthens the wrist and tendons that activate the phalanges of the fingers.

French bench press

The French bench press is a fairly complex exercise, the technical side of which is as follows:

  1. You need to lie down on a bench with a flat surface so that your head is at the very edge.
  2. Pick up a barbell with a working weight.
  3. As you inhale, move the sports equipment behind your head as far as possible.
  4. As you exhale, straighten your elbows, returning the bar to its original position.

This exercise effectively develops the triceps, covering this muscle from the shoulder to the top of the elbow joint.

Lifting the barbell up overhead

Lifting a barbell overhead is a simple but energy-intensive exercise that is performed in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bring the barbell to your chin.
  3. As you inhale, straighten your elbows and lift the barbell above your head.
  4. As you exhale, return the sports equipment to its original position.

This exercise pumps up the entire shoulder girdle, and also creates additional stress on the triceps and upper segment of the pectoral muscle.


Squats with a barbell are a basic exercise that pumps up all the muscles of the lower extremities, as well as the buttocks.

The principle of its implementation is as follows:

  1. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bring the barbell behind your head, fixing it on your neck.
  3. As you inhale, bend your knees, squatting as deep as possible.
  4. As you exhale, return to the vertical position again.

Squats with a barbell are an effective exercise for girls to pump up the gluteal muscles.
While performing this exercise, you must ensure that your back always remains straight. Otherwise, serious injury may occur.

Pumping the calf muscle

Pumping the calf muscle is an exercise that allows you to develop the lower part of the leg from the ankle to the knee joint.

The technique for performing it requires the following steps:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bring the barbell behind your head, placing it on your shoulders.
  3. While inhaling, bend the ankle joint, fixing the foot exclusively on the toes.
  4. As you exhale, it again covers the entire area of ​​the sole.

Regularly performing this exercise allows you to make your calf muscles beautiful and voluminous.

Lunges with a barbell

Lunges with a barbell are a complex and difficult exercise that is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to place the barbell behind your head, placing it on the shoulder girdle.
  2. As you inhale, take a step forward with the leg bent at the knee as deeply as possible so that you actually perform a squat.
  3. As you exhale, the body returns to its original position.

Similar actions are performed in relation to the next limb. This exercise develops the buttocks and all muscle groups of the leg.


The deadlift is considered one of the most difficult, but at the same time effective exercises for developing the back.


  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Tilt your body forward.
  3. Take the barbell in your hands.
  4. As you inhale, bend your elbows, pulling the sports equipment towards your chest, and also straightening your body.
  5. As you exhale, return the barbell and body to the starting position.

This exercise develops the latissimus dorsi muscle, forms strong chest muscles, which protect the spine from injury.

Bench press

The bench press is one of the basic exercises that is performed using a barbell.

The training process technique is as follows:

  1. You will need to lie down on a bench with a perfectly flat surface.
  2. Take the barbell in your hands, holding it in front of you at chin level.
  3. While inhaling, bend your elbows to such an extent that the bar of the sports equipment touches the surface of the chest.
  4. As you exhale, bend your elbows and straighten your arms, pressing the barbell away from your chest.

This exercise allows you to simultaneously pump up not only the chest muscles, but also develops the shoulder girdle and trapezius.

Lifting the barbell upward from behind the head

Raising the barbell upward from behind the head is a simple exercise that is performed in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Place your feet shoulder width apart
  2. Bring the barbell behind your head, placing it on the line of the shoulder girdle.
  3. As you inhale, extend your elbows and lift the sports equipment upward.
  4. As you exhale, return the barbell behind your head.

This exercise allows you to develop the upper part of the latissimus dorsi muscle, trapezius, shoulder girdle, and also perfectly pumps the triceps.

A set of exercises for women

If a woman has to lose weight, then she should perform only a certain set of exercises with a barbell. This will help make her figure harmonious, without “bulging” muscles, toned and slender. What is included in this complex:

  • Deadlift. This exercise uses the leg muscles to the maximum. You need to do a half squat with your legs spread wide apart, your pelvis should be pushed back so that your knees are in line with your toes. In this position, the barbell is taken, arms extended in front of you. Slowly raise your pelvis, straighten your back, then return to the starting position at the same pace.

The advantage of this exercise is that you can “take” light weight, the back muscles are safe, since there is practically no load on them.

  • Squats. This is generally one of the most effective exercises with a barbell for weight loss, because all the muscles of the body work, regardless of the weight of the equipment. The barbell can be placed on the chest or shoulders. In the first case, the muscles of the legs, back and abdominals will be worked, in the second the main load goes on the back muscles.

During the exercise, your legs stand wider than your shoulders; you need to perform movements only with a straight back and at a slow pace.

  • Chest press. The woman stands straight, her legs are wider than her shoulders, she takes the barbell in her hands and places it on her chest. Exhale - straighten your arms, inhale - return the bar to your chest. The exercise is performed slowly, breathing should be deep and preferably through the nose. At the top point, when the barbell is raised, you need to hold for 2 - 3 seconds and only after that the exercise continues.

The chest press works the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, and chest. Hands on the bar should be palms up.

  • Bend forward. The barbell is placed on the shoulders, the legs are spread wide, the back is straightened. The bends are performed forward, the barbell is not removed from the shoulders, the back should be straight.

This exercise helps to make your waist slimmer and has a good effect on the strength and elasticity of the muscles of the back and forearm.

  • Lunges. The barbell is placed on the shoulders and is grasped with the palms facing up. The woman takes a wide step forward, bends the knee of her exposed leg until the thigh line is parallel to the floor. At this time, the back leg bends at the knee, but does not touch the floor. When performing the exercise, you need to alternate legs.

Lunges are the only barbell exercise that works the muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings. Thanks to it, it will be possible not only to burn fat, but also to get rid of cellulite in these places.

How to pump up your back with a barbell. A set of exercises.

In fact, there are not very many exercises for the back with a barbell. Therefore, most of them are combined into one training program. By the way, you can look at all general training programs for different muscles HERE.

If we talk only about back training, then in the complex the exercises are combined in the following order: first come the most basic ones (which involve the maximum muscles in the work), then more and more isolating ones. So, we start with deadlifts and end with shrugs. Here's the order:

Classic deadlift

Bent-over barbell row (forward or reverse grip)

Bent-overs with a barbell (good morning)

Number of working approaches in each exercise (not counting warm-up): 3 Number of repetitions: in the deadlift: 5-10, in the rest 10-15. Rest between approaches: 3-5 minutes in the deadlift, 3 minutes in the rest.

Tips and tricks from experienced bodybuilders

In addition to following the execution technique, for better movement efficiency, it is also important to take advantage of the tips and recommendations of experienced trainers and avid gym goers

  1. A narrow step in which the knee of the supporting leg is further behind its toe. This position is fraught with injury to the knee joint.
  2. “Walking” of the knee of the working limb.
  3. Place the knee of the supporting leg on the surface.
  4. Rolling your back forward or backward.
  5. Too much weight.
  6. Placing the lower limbs on the same line, which makes it difficult to maintain balance.
  7. Involvement when lifting the supporting leg.

Important! Eliminating these errors is the key to the safety and effectiveness of the exercise, otherwise there is a high risk of sprains

  1. The movement should be performed only after warming up, preparing the muscles and ligaments for the load.
  2. If the supporting leg is placed closer to the working leg and bent at a right angle, then the main load will go to the quadriceps. With a wide step and a supporting limb far removed, the buttock will be more involved.
  3. It is recommended to include lunges in the central or final part of the leg workout. It is best to perform them after squats and bench presses.
  4. To avoid injury to your back, you should keep it straight and your lower back naturally arched.
  5. For girls, you can consider the option of lunges in a Smith machine with a fixed bar.
  6. When descending, you need to look straight ahead.
  7. If you want to build muscle mass, the lunge down must be done slowly, and the lunge up must be done sharply.
  8. The back leg should serve only as a support. During the squat, only one leg works, and exclusively the hamstrings and buttocks are loaded.
  9. You can make the movement heavier and achieve its maximum efficiency by placing your working leg on an elevation of 10-20 cm. In this case, the squat will be deeper and the load on the buttocks will be greater.
  10. When working with dumbbells and heavy weights, it is advisable to use wrist straps.
  11. Back lunges are the safest because they place the least amount of stress on your knees.
  12. When observing yourself in the mirror, at the lowest point, the body should form three right (90 degrees) angles: at the knee of the working leg, at the knee of the supporting leg, between the quadriceps and the torso.


Injury prevention

Since the barbell is a serious weighting agent, exercises with it have an increased risk of injury. The main cause of accidents is poor exercise technique, so to avoid this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Always start your workouts with a good warm-up, which should include cardio and warming up (stretching) all muscles. Accordingly, classes should be completed with a cool-down, during which the rapid pulse should gradually return to its normal state;
  • there should be no pain or discomfort during the exercises. Our body is the best helper and adviser; we just need to learn to recognize the signals it gives us. A categorical desire to exercise, which arises by the time the next workout is due, is also a sure sign that something is being done wrong;

strict implementation of the recommended technique also means that you need to avoid two possible extremes - feeling sorry for yourself, not working on it and pretending, and engaging in self-torture. Maximum muscle development, especially when working with a barbell, is possible only when the range of motion is no more and no less than recommended;

increased speed during exercise is another enemy to our health. By performing all the required movements slowly, we train and tighten the muscles, and by jerking and accelerating, we risk getting sprains and other problems; by ignoring the laws of physics, in particular mechanics, we risk losing balance and getting injured;

You cannot start training with a barbell if you have certain diseases, primarily these include spinal injuries, problems with joints and the cardiovascular system. At a minimum, it is necessary to inform the coach about such circumstances, but it is better to first consult with your doctor;

being distracted by extraneous conversations and even thoughts during training, a person loses vigilance and can cause harm to himself and others; soreness (characteristic muscle pain after active physical activity) is a reason to temporarily reduce the intensity of training, and not force your muscles to work “to the breaking point” ;

How to properly perform exercises with a barbell at home: sports educational program

  • When performing exercises with a barbell, the main thing is the technique of execution, and not the number of times done and the weight of the weights. Methodically, technically and smoothly, so as to feel the heat in the trained parts of the body - this is how a set of exercises should be performed.
  • Your workout should be structured in such a way that light cardio loads are done first to warm up the muscles, and the most difficult exercises are performed in the middle of the workout, so that you have the energy to work out each element to the maximum.
  • Training should be based on the principle of increasing the complexity of the technique of performing exercises and approaches to repeating them. Between approaches, you should not rest without lying down without moving, but move around with light walking to even out your pulse.
  • Don't try to lift heavy weights right away. Weighten the sports equipment gradually. This approach will help avoid unwanted injuries.

If you notice that during the exercises the weight of the barbell has become comfortable and almost unnoticeable to you, the load should be increased by the number of approaches to performing the exercise and by increasing the weight of the sports equipment.

  • In any sport, the main condition is self-discipline. If you are confidently on the path to body self-improvement, plan your workouts evenly: 3-4 times a week. But this does not mean that you can work out for 3 days in a row and then lie down on the couch. The main thing is to give your muscles a day to recover and train every other day. This way, you will be able to avoid unnecessary stress and not lose the excitement when doing the exercises.
  • To ensure the effectiveness of training with a barbell, make a plan - on which day of the week which muscle group you will train. And strictly follow this schedule.
  • Don't neglect rest. It is no less important than the exercises themselves. Proper alternation of basic loads with rest will give a much greater effect.
  • Eat according to the principles of the diet during strength training.
  • Study the advice of people who have achieved any results in this sport; no information is ever superfluous.

Features of the exercise

Lunges with dumbbells are a powerful tool for building beautiful and firm buttocks; also in this exercise the load can be shifted to the quadriceps and hamstrings.

If you have a good dumbbell row at your disposal, then it will definitely be better to perform this exercise with dumbbells, since it will be more convenient for you to distribute the load and try to increase the working weight in the exercise with each new workout.

What's the point?

Lunges with dumbbells in your hands are alternating steps with a full range of squats on the front leg. The wider we take the step, the more load the buttocks and hamstrings receive; the narrower we take, the more the quadriceps work. This way, you can vary the load between these muscle groups depending on which muscles you want to work in today's workout.


The benefits of lunges with dumbbells are undeniable - no amount of leg abductions in a machine or leg lifts while lying on your stomach will give such a positive result. Therefore, lunges are useful for both men who want to gain impressive muscle mass and women whose goal is to build sexy buttocks and charm everyone around them.



Leg extension

How and how many times to do it

In order to get the maximum effect from performing the exercise, you need to approach the training wisely.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the technique by reading the recommendations and watching the video instructions

For beginners, experienced trainers first advise to perfect the technique without weights, and only then select the necessary tool and weight. Here's what the classic lunge technique looks like with a barbell on your shoulders:

  • Place the barbell on your shoulders (it is possible to place it slightly below the neck).
  • Get into the starting position: straight back, squeezed shoulder blades, straightened chest, feet a couple of centimeters narrower than shoulder width, knees slightly bent.
  • Exhale.
  • Step forward with one foot. Squat down, transferring the center of gravity to the leg in front, which needs to be placed from the heel to the full foot. The angle of its bending should be fixed at 90 degrees. Try to keep your knee from being behind your toe line. The supporting (back) leg should be placed on the toe. Her knee does not touch the floor, it lingers about 1-2 cm from it. The lower back is arched naturally.
  • Hold the breath.
  • Return to the original position by pushing off with your heel and stepping back with your working leg.
  • Do the required number of repetitions.
  • Change working leg.

Important! The weight of the weight does not matter to the effectiveness of the exercise. The result can be achieved with light weight, but by adhering to the correct technique.

The number of approaches and repetitions should be scheduled in accordance with the training goals. For men who want to increase muscle mass, in one session it is necessary to perform 10-15 lunges with a barbell on the shoulders with each leg in three or four passes. The weight of the burden is from 15 to 20 kg.

For women, weight can be reduced to 8-12 kg. The recommended number of approaches is three to four. The number of repetitions is 8-15.

For those who want to lose excess weight and tighten their shape, you can do 20 movements in one approach. In this case, the pace should be fast and the weight should be minimal.

Week schedule

Proper organization of the training process is the key to obtaining a positive result aimed at developing the muscles of the whole body, burning excess fatty tissue, and obtaining an attractive figure.

The table shows the weekly schedule for performing exercises with a barbell:

Day of the weekActions Performed
Monday1. Lifting the barbell for biceps - 10 repetitions of 3 sets.
2. French bench press - 7 repetitions of 3 sets.

3. Lifting the barbell up above your head - 15 repetitions of 3 sets.

TuesdayA day of rest, balanced nutrition and recovery of the body after training.
Wednesday1. Barbell squats - 10 reps, 3 sets.
2. Pumping the calf muscle by lifting on your toes - 18 repetitions of 3 sets.

3. Lunges with a barbell - 10 repetitions, 3 sets for each leg.

ThursdayA day of rest and recovery of the body after an intense workout.
Friday1. Deadlift - 12 reps, 3 sets.
2. Bench press - 10 repetitions of 3 sets.

3. Lifting the barbell up from behind the head - 12 repetitions of 3 sets.

SaturdayA day of rest, balanced nutrition and recovery of the body after physical activity.
SundayCardiac training in the form of light jogging, brisk walking, swimming, cycling.

When performing each of the above exercises, it is necessary to use optimal weights that correspond to the physical abilities of each girl.

Description and benefits of the exercise

The fact that the exercise is effective is evidenced by the recommendations of most experienced athletes and bodybuilders, as well as gym visitors. It is included in the basic ones. When performing it, a number of muscle groups are involved.

Beginners can do lunges. Their difficulty level is rated as medium. It can be performed with a barbell or dumbbells, as well as without weights.

This movement is included in strength training. They are suitable for various sports.

  • improving balance and coordination of movements;
  • improved balance and increased muscle stability;
  • muscle growth and development of leg strength;
  • elimination of muscle imbalance;
  • improved mobility and flexibility of the hip flexors;
  • greater safety for the spine than with squats;
  • building and stretching muscle mass;
  • giving relief to the hips and buttocks;
  • the possibility (with various variations) of using one specific muscle group;
  • improving blood circulation in the pelvic area and the organs located in it.

Did you know? Muscles weigh about 20-30 kg - approximately 40% of the average person's body weight. Almost ½ of the total weight of muscle tissue is in the legs. To take one step, a person needs to use 200 muscles.

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