Green tea with lemon: benefits and harms, recipe, taste

Many people wonder: what are the benefits and harms of green tea with lemon? At any time of the year, most people prefer a drink with the addition of citrus. You can drink not only black, but also green teas with it. Tartness and sourness harmonize perfectly together in terms of taste. This article will talk about a delicious drink in the form of green tea with the addition of lemon.

What does it consist of?

Before we get acquainted with the benefits and harms of green tea with lemon, let's look at what substances are included in its composition:

  • An analogue of caffeine is theine. Its effect is a little milder, but it also activates the brain, invigorates and gives energy to the body.
  • Minerals and trace elements - zinc, iodine, potassium, fluorine, manganese and copper. They strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism, and also have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth and nail plates.
  • Catechins, also known as antioxidants. They slow down the aging process and protect against cancer.
  • Vitamins – P, C, K, E, B, PP, A and D.

Useful properties of honey

Instead of sugar, it is better to use honey, as its beneficial properties multiply the benefits of the drink. In addition, a large amount of sugar in a cup destroys vitamin B1.

Honey is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains vitamin E, which slows down the aging of the body. It is a natural antioxidant. The tanning properties of tannin kill bacteria in the body. Hence its bactericidal effect. Honey consists of fructose. Fructose breaks down alcohol into harmless byproducts and allows the body to cope with hangover symptoms. Therefore, if you abuse alcohol, it is useful to drink a glass of warm honey drink.

Honey contains glucose. It is a known fact that glucose nourishes the brain. It is also found in sugar. However, glucose is absorbed directly from honey in full, while from sugar only 20% is absorbed. Therefore, honey is much more effective than sugar for nourishing the brain. And tea will be healthier with honey than with sugar.

In the spring, to prevent vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to add at least a teaspoon of honey to your daily diet. The nutrients contained in honey completely saturate the body with its daily requirement of vitamins.

Honey normalizes metabolism, so it is an excellent aid for losing weight. Just don't forget about the calories. Calorie content per 100 grams of honey is 328 kcal. Good advice: replace dinner with a glass of tea with honey. Then your sleep will be stronger and you will feel full. And by drinking half a glass of plain water with a teaspoon of honey every day before bed, you will forget what insomnia is. Since honey has a complex composition, it acts as both a sedative and an invigorating agent. Therefore, such a drink relieves fatigue, lifts your spirits, and energizes your brain.

Interesting fact. For a particular person, honey that is collected in the place where he lives is much more useful than honey obtained in other regions. Bees collect pollen from native plants to which humans are accustomed, so allergic reactions to the body can be avoided

However, it must be used very carefully.

Green tea with lemon: benefits

This drink not only warms and quenches thirst, but also helps to avoid many diseases:

  1. Citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid, which is why the drink is enriched with vitamin C. It helps the body absorb iron, and also promotes the formation of connective tissue and normalization of cell renewal.
  2. Green lemon drink is an excellent remedy for preventing diseases such as arthritis and hypertension.
  3. Positively affects digestion.
  4. Relieves the feeling of thirst.
  5. Strengthens the immune system.

Green tea with lemon benefits

The effects of tea on humans

Tea with lemon

  1. Extends human life. The Japanese have done a lot of research on green tea leaves. Such studies involved people who consumed green drink for a long time. For 10 years, Japanese specialists monitored the condition of these people, and eventually it was found that if you drink 5 cups of the drink a day, a person will live longer. Many of the subjects were able to get rid of various diseases of the cardiovascular system. The tea did not cause any harm to any of the people who took part in the study.
  2. Promotes weight loss, is useful for weight loss, energizes the body. To feel energy and vigor, you need to drink one cup of tea in the morning. As a result of research, experts realized that this drink has great benefits for weight loss. Those men and women who drank this tea for a long period of time were able to lose weight. It is recommended for athletes to drink a green drink; thanks to it, they can increase the body's endurance and restore strength and energy after tiring workouts. Green tea is deservedly called a biostimulant, which not only replenishes strength, but also gives positive emotions and excellent well-being.
  3. Is a natural antioxidant. The benefits of this drink are enormous, since it contains a large amount of catechins, which normalize metabolic processes and allow a person to remain young and beautiful for a long time. Antioxidants provide good protection against heart disease and reduce the likelihood of cancer. Green tea has antimicrobial properties, which is why it was used to treat dysentery in the last century.
  4. Relieves stress. Tea leaves contain theanine, which improves brain performance, has a positive effect on the digestive tract, and neutralizes radiation elements. If you regularly drink a green drink, your resistance to stress increases, and you are much less likely to suffer from headaches. Theanine has a positive effect on the mental state and restores brain cells. This drink is recommended to be consumed to cure sclerosis.
  5. Reduces blood pressure. To normalize blood pressure, it is recommended to drink at least two cups of this tea every day. Thanks to this, problems with blood pressure will become a thing of the past, and the performance of the heart will improve.
  6. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the urinary and reproductive systems and has anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to this effect, green tea provides invaluable benefits to women during menopause.

Harm of green tea with lemon

Despite the beneficial effects of green tea, it also has harmful effects on the human body:

  1. The content of theobromine and theophylline stimulates the cells of the nervous system.
  2. Increases the acidity of gastric juice. If a person has a stomach ulcer, this process prevents the wounds from healing.
  3. Theophylline may increase body temperature.
  4. Some compounds that are included in the composition burden the liver.
  5. Drinking green drink in large quantities promotes leaching of metals.

Pros and cons of black tea

Cons: Sadly, black tea can cause varicose veins, poor digestion, palpitations, tinnitus, insomnia, fatigue and constipation.

Brewing black tea with fluoridated water can be hazardous to your health.

Black tea is harmful within an hour after it has been brewed. If you observed, then a dark coating from the tea remains on the mug, and so this coating is a kind of slag. Green can be brewed several times and it will be useful.

Pros: The effect of strong black tea is similar to that of coffee. It also contains a large amount of caffeine. Tea also contains substances that tone the nervous system, increase urination, and have a strong stimulating effect on the heart. According to British researchers, regular consumption of black tea shortens the recovery period after a stressful situation.

Improves mental activity, increases the ability to process and assimilate information.

Relieves fatigue, stimulates metabolism, normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels.

Effectively prevents caries, especially in children.

An excellent means of preventing cataracts.

Tea contains a lot of tannins, which remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body. Tannins also have an antimicrobial effect.

Normalizes intestinal microflora, useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tea is also the champion among drinks in terms of the content of bioflavonoids - substances that strengthen the immune system.

Thanks to the vitamin P content, tea improves blood circulation in small vessels. Therefore, it is useful to wash sore eyes with the drink.

Stimulates the renewal of the endothelium - a thin layer of cells lining blood vessels.

Relieves nausea, calms the stomach. Reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels.

Medium strength tea reduces the heat a little. But too strong (both green and black), on the contrary, increases the temperature!

A weak infusion of tea lowers blood pressure, while a strong infusion (especially with sugar), on the contrary, increases it.

Black varieties contain a substance - quercetin, which prevents the formation of blood clots. Strong tea can cause tachycardia - an increase in heart rate.

Stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, respiration, blood flow, brain, appetite (reduces in large doses).

The caffeine in tea increases the body's production of insulin. As a result, the level of the hormone serotonin, the “substance of joy,” increases in the brain.

Why are tea bags harmful?

Below are just a few of the disadvantages:

  1. In most cases, the drink contains “tea debris”, namely sticks, damaged foliage and petioles. In other words, it is a defect that was sorted out during the production of high-quality loose leaf tea.
  2. Various plant components of questionable quality negatively affect the taste and benefits.
  3. Thermoplastic fiber is added to the wrapping paper to give it shape. Upon contact with boiling water, it begins to release harmful substances.

Green tea with lemon: benefits and harms


The benefits and harms of green tea with lemon were presented above. However, there are a number of contraindications that you should definitely familiarize yourself with:

  1. It is not recommended to drink the drink frequently if you have stomach diseases, including ulcers and gastritis.
  2. Personal intolerance to some component or lemon.
  3. The green drink is considered a diuretic, so people with kidney problems need to consume it wisely.
  4. People suffering from insomnia are not recommended to use in the evening.

During pregnancy and lactation

What are the benefits and harms of green tea with lemon for pregnant women and nursing mothers? The answer to this question is ambiguous: some experts recommend it, while others, on the contrary, categorically prohibit it. But still we will look at some positive and negative properties:

  1. Drinking the drink in large quantities may cause heartburn.
  2. In some cases, tea with citrus relieves nausea, that is, helps fight toxicosis.
  3. Tea with lemon contains potassium, which is necessary for the cells of the child’s nervous system and brain.
  4. When used correctly, it is suitable for the prevention of colds.

Can I drink green tea with lemon while breastfeeding or not? Of course, the drink is healthy and contains vitamins, and it has long been known that tea stimulates lactation. But lemon is considered an allergen, so it is better to refrain from consuming it during this period.

Harm of green tea with lemon

What diseases does it help with?

The aromatic drink is recommended for use in such diseases.

  1. acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Helps with immunity. It is a diuretic that helps eliminate infection from the body. When coughing, it helps relieve pain in the larynx. But lemon tea is not a cure. It only promotes a speedy recovery and elimination of the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Angina. In acute cases, it is not recommended to drink the drink so as not to irritate the mucous membrane. But at the initial stage and for the prevention of disease, such drinks help increase protective functions.
  3. High blood pressure or hypotension. Lemon tea may increase or decrease blood pressure. Green tea with a huge amount of lemon is useful for hypertension. People with low blood pressure can benefit from black tea with a small piece of citrus fruit.
  4. Withdrawal syndrome. The tonic effect of the drink is especially noticeable the next morning after drinking alcohol. In this case, sugar is added to the drink. Glucose helps restore water balance.
  5. Kinetosis
  6. Quickly relieves nausea.
  7. Depression and stress. Drinking a cup of lemon green tea in the morning will help you get rid of bad feelings.
  8. Gastritis. Flavored water is contraindicated for people with high acidity. With low stomach acidity, on the contrary, the drink should be made mandatory.
  9. Poisoning. Eliminates the gag reflex, destroys microorganisms and prevents the accumulation of harmful toxins.
  10. Obesity. The qualities of lemons are the breakdown of fat in the body. Helps speed up the metabolic process. The calorie content in such a drink is minimal if there is no sweetener.

We advise you to read: Matum tea from Thailand: what it is, brewing methods and healing qualities

For men, the benefits of lemon tea are characterized by increased reproductive function. The drink prevents the development of diseases of the genitourinary system. But although such a drink should be drunk in moderation, otherwise the effect may be the opposite and cause harm to the digestive tract.

Lemon tea during pregnancy

Pregnant and nursing mothers should definitely consult their doctor before drinking lemon tea. Tea with lemon contains a large amount of caffeine, which can reduce the quality of milk, cause allergies in the baby, disrupt the baby's development, and in some cases even lead to miscarriage.

Benefits of lemon tea for children

It is recommended to start introducing an aromatic drink with lemon into your child’s diet at 10 months. Initially, it is better to offer the baby to try a small piece of citrus. If allergic manifestations do not occur, then lemon juice can be diluted with warm water and sugar.

Important! It is not recommended to give your child lemon tea every day, so as not to increase the level of acidity in the stomach.

Drinking in moderation has the following benefits:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (eliminates constipation and diarrhea);
  • prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth;
  • tea with lemon helps with fever in a child;
  • promotes speedy recovery from colds;
  • eliminates thirst during hot periods.

A drink with citrus is especially useful for children with insufficient intake of vitamins. Thanks to the properties of lemon, they will compensate for their loss.


Regular consumption of lemon tea can disrupt the acidity and pH of the stomach and intestines, thereby causing acid reflux or heartburn. And if overused, this tea can cause nausea and even vomiting.

Tooth erosion

The American Dental Association is sounding the alarm and says that regular consumption of tea or lemon water can harm your teeth. Citric acid erases and disrupts the structure of tooth enamel. Enamel protects our teeth from temperature changes, caries and other problems. If you begin to notice that your teeth “make themselves felt” when consuming cold or hot foods, then you urgently need to consult a dentist.


Tea or water with lemon has a mild laxative and diuretic effect. This can disrupt your fluid balance and lead to kidney problems. In turn, this leads to dehydration of the body and slow functioning of internal organs.


Drinking plenty of lemon tea irritates the intestinal mucosa. This can lead to inflammation and chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, including ulcers.


As we have already noted, tea with lemon can disrupt kidney function and lead to frequent urination. This can contribute to the leaching of important microelements from the body. First of all, potassium and calcium are washed out. Lack of calcium in the body leads to a decrease in bone density, bones become brittle, and the risk of developing osteoporosis increases.

For sore throat and sore throat

A healing drink that fights pathogenic microorganisms in the throat and oral cavity.
This drink helps improve the condition of a sore throat and will also relieve pain in the throat. Its beneficial substances help fight infections in the body, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen the immune system.

Effects of tea on sore throat and sore throat:

  • Quenches thirst; with this disease, the throat often dries out.
  • Helps you breathe better if your nose is stuffy.
  • Promotes the release of mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Destroys germs in the throat and mouth.
  • At temperature it promotes sweating.
  • Has an analgesic effect on the throat.

Tea with lemon cannot cure a sore throat, as well as other serious diseases, but it will significantly improve the functioning of the body and alleviate the patient’s condition.

With high blood pressure

Black tea with lemon has no effect on a person’s blood pressure, but a green drink can lower it.

The effect of the drink on blood pressure:

  • acts as a mild sedative;
  • cleanses of harmful toxins;
  • replenishes the body with vitamins;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • promotes blood thinning and relieves stagnation.

Thanks to this effect on the body, tea with lemon has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and reduces blood pressure well. It is worth considering that it is not recommended to drink this tea if you have low blood pressure.

Milk oolong tea also has a number of positive effects on the cardiovascular system, and how hibiscus affects blood pressure can be found in another article.

For problems with the urinary system

The diuretic effect of tea is the basis of its benefits for problems with the urinary system.
Tea with lemon acts on the body as a diuretic, so it is useful to drink it for swelling. It promotes the removal of fluid from the body and has a positive effect on kidney function. However, if you have serious diseases of the urinary system or kidneys, you should not drink the drink without a doctor's permission.




Use of green tea for weight loss

This lemon drink is especially popular among those losing weight. And it should be noted that those who drank green tea with lemon had the most positive reviews of the drink:

  1. Green tea does not contain many calories, which allows it to be consumed in any diet.
  2. Polyphenols, which are part of the drink, help quickly burn fat, and also help eliminate waste and toxins.
  3. It has a diuretic effect and also prevents the formation of edema.
  4. Satisfies the feeling of hunger, which, in turn, helps reduce food portions.

If there are no contraindications, then you can lose weight with the help of this miracle drink. To start the weight loss process, you need to drink a cup of tea before meals.

Green tea recipe with lemon

How to brew correctly

We discussed all the benefits and harms of the drink above, now you can move on to the recipe for green tea with lemon:

  1. For brewing, use high-quality loose leaf tea.
  2. First of all, you need to boil the water.
  3. To heat up the teapot, hot water is poured over it from the inside.
  4. To prevent the tea from losing its astringency due to citrus, you need to put a little more tea than you measured into the teapot.
  5. Only boiled water cannot be added; you should wait until it cools to 90 degrees.
  6. First, fill the kettle 1/3 full, and after two minutes add water almost to the brim.
  7. Cover with a lid and leave for five minutes.
  8. Pour into mugs and add lemon.
  9. That's it, the tea is ready to drink.

Small tricks:

  • To prevent the citrus aroma from dulling the aroma of the drink, lemon is added last, when the tea is poured into mugs.
  • For one cup you will need a thin slice of lemon.
  • Instead of citrus pulp, you can simply squeeze out the juice.
  • Granulated sugar can be replaced with bee nectar, the drink turns out sweet, and its beneficial properties increase.
  • If you like a strong lemon flavor, you can pour boiling water over the citrus zest and then brew tea. But in this case there will only be aroma and taste, no beneficial properties will remain, since vitamin C dies at a temperature of 60 degrees.
  • To make the drink tastier, it is recommended to use filtered water.

Green tea with ginger and lemon recipe

Secrets of preparing the drink

To make the drink work as effectively as possible for weight loss, it must be prepared correctly. When brewing a bag, you should not leave it in the mug until it is completely brewed. It is recommended to drink weak tea so as not to cause disruptions in the body.

A good recipe for preparing an infusion at home for losing excess weight is to purchase a good leaf product. As soon as the kettle boils, you should rinse the French press or container in which the tea leaves will be placed with boiling water. 15 g of leaves are placed in the container. This is about a tablespoon. Suitable water for the procedure is 70-85 degrees. Boiling water is not suitable. After 2-4 minutes, the infusion is poured into a mug. As soon as the liquid has cooled a little, add a slice of lemon. It is allowed to add honey, but not sugar. Citrus fruit should not be placed in very hot water due to the loss of vitamins.

It is recommended to drink iced tea in summer

Interesting. In summer, it is recommended to drink iced tea. For taste, in addition to lemon, mint is added.

Why is ginger root added?

The root has a spicy and pungent taste. But, besides this, it is rich in fiber, minerals, essential oils and carbohydrates. Ginger is often added to tea for weight loss, but this drink has many other beneficial properties.


  • green tea, brewed with the root, perfectly warms;
  • the drink relieves muscle pain;
  • invigorates the body;
  • has fat burning properties;
  • satisfies hunger;
  • strengthens the immune system and improves tone;
  • stabilizes blood sugar;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent.


  • green tea with root and lemon can cause insomnia;
  • not recommended for people with impaired central nervous system;
  • You should refrain from drinking the drink if you have ulcers in the mouth, as well as stomatitis.

The benefits of green tea with lemon and ginger are undeniable, but it should be used correctly.

Popular recipes

No. 1. Green tea for weight loss: recipe with lemon

A glass of water and twenty grams of chopped ginger are placed in a saucepan. Place on the stove and cook for half an hour. Ginger liquid is poured into 30 grams of dry chamomile inflorescences and the same amount of leafy green tea. Take ½ lemon, squeeze out the juice, and finely chop the zest. Everything is mixed and poured into a thermos, left for about an hour, filtered and consumed warm. It is not recommended to abuse the drink for weight loss; you can drink no more than three mugs per day.

No. 2. Classic green tea recipe with ginger and lemon

30 grams of tea and chopped ginger (10 g) are placed in a teapot; the contents are poured with half a liter of hot water. After five minutes, pour in 15 ml of lemon juice and add a couple of lemon slices. The kettle is wrapped in a terry towel and left for half an hour. To enhance the beneficial properties, you can drink tea with bee nectar.

No. 3. A healing drink with spices at the first sign of a cold

For a glass of brewed tea you need to take five grams of ginger root, three grams of cinnamon, one clove and two pieces of cardamom. All ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and cooked over medium heat for fifteen minutes. The healing drink is poured into mugs and a slice of lemon is added.

No. 4. Cold drink with sparkling water

Pre-brew tea; to do this, take ½ cup of boiling water and pour in loose leaf tea (30 grams), cut ¼ of a lemon into slices and place in a teapot. When the liquid has cooled, pour in 75 milligrams of carbonated water and leave for half an hour. Add granulated sugar and pieces of ice if desired.

No. 5. Mint green tea

Place two mint leaves (fresh or dry) on the bottom of the teapot for brewing. Pour in a teaspoon of loose leaf tea, pour in 1/2 liter of hot water and add a slice of citrus. Wrap in a terry towel, after ten minutes you can consume.

No. 6. Recipe for delicious green tea with apple

The drink is first brewed by pouring 30 grams of loose leaf tea into a glass of water. After five minutes it must be strained. Next you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, pour 50 grams of sugar with a small amount of warm water and cook until it thickens. The syrup should be refrigerated. Place an ice cube, a slice of lemon, syrup (to taste), peeled and diced apples in a mug. The contents are filled with a cool drink.

Green tea for weight loss recipe with lemon

Some tips

Here are some recommendations:

  1. To get as many benefits as possible for the body, it is recommended to choose loose leaf tea of ​​those varieties whose benefits you are sure of.
  2. It is best to brew tea in a special glass or porcelain container.
  3. Drink the drink half an hour before meals.
  4. Start taking small doses of no more than 50 milligrams per day. Gradually increase the dosage, but drink no more than a glass of tea at one time and only three times a day.
  5. If ginger root is added to the drink, you should take a break every two weeks.
  6. It is recommended to drink tea for people with heavy physical activity, as it perfectly relieves fatigue.

Green tea is popular all over the world; it is consumed not only hot, but also cold. Aromatic herbs help diversify the taste and increase beneficial properties.

This article discussed whether people drink green tea with lemon. The main thing is to remember one thing: in order not to cause harm, moderation is needed in everything.

For the purpose of losing weight

Cinnamon tea, as already mentioned, can be used in different ways. A popular type of hot drink is used for weight loss. The basis is taken from green leaf tea - one tablespoon per five hundred milliliters of water. You will also need one teaspoon of cinnamon (preferably in powder). No natural granulated sugar is added. You can use a substitute.

Fact No. 11.

For young children, mint tea is not the best drink. It can cause drowsiness and reduce activity. But in case of excessive child activity, for example before bed, a cup of mint tea can only be beneficial.

Fact No. 12. You can store mint in dried form for quite a long time. Many housewives specially dry mint for the winter. Of course, some recipes call for fresh mint petals. But tea with the addition of dried leaves has no less aroma and the same properties.

In order to calm down and relieve the burden of everyday life from your shoulders, it is not necessary to resort to potent drugs. All you need to do is brew a cup of aromatic mint tea. The main thing is to follow the dosage and not “overdo it” with the relaxing drink.

Males should not abuse the drink, as mint negatively affects hormone levels and reduces potency. In small quantities, tea does not harm men's health. If you have an individual intolerance to the components of the drink, you will also have to stop drinking it.

Tea with lemon: beneficial properties and contraindications

Everything gets mixed up. Then you need to wait until it brews. Drink this cinnamon tea hot or cold. This is not for everybody. You can diversify it with honey, lemon or ginger. By interacting, they enhance each other's aroma and taste.

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