The benefits and harms of water with lemon on an empty stomach. What does it do for weight loss?

The most reliable information about water with lemon for weight loss is the reviews of girls who have experienced this method themselves. Lemon has long been famous for its antibacterial, regenerating, whitening and antiseptic properties. Most often, citric acid is used in cosmetology for acid peeling, but in dietetics this fruit is very popular among nutritionists and those losing weight. The citric acid contained in the product perfectly quenches thirst and hunger, and also helps speed up metabolism and break down fat cells.

What are the benefits of water with lemon for weight loss?

Lemon is useful for weight loss because it contains many microelements that have a positive effect on metabolic processes. The substance Pectin normalizes blood sugar levels, and citric acid improves the process of food digestion. Therefore, people who lose weight with lemon water can safely refrain from overeating unhealthy foods.

One glass of water with lemon in the morning helps to wake up the body and start metabolic processes.

Does “acidification” eliminate the body?

Another common myth regarding the beneficial properties of lemon water is that it is credited with some alkalizing properties for the body.

In fact, this drink does not have any special alkaline properties, since in principle none of the products have them.

There is a naturopathic approach to the prevention and treatment of many diseases, which suggests that the modern human body is supposedly “acidified” and needs to be “neutralized” with alkaline foods.

This theory has no scientific evidence. Moreover, it contradicts evidence that shows that food cannot change blood pH. If they did this, man simply could not exist.

However, lemon water is beneficial. And if you like to assume that by drinking this drink, you “alkalize” the body and thereby contribute to its healing, no one is stopping you from thinking so.

What should your diet be like when losing weight using lemon water?

To lose weight, drinking water with lemon is not enough; you must adhere to generally accepted rules of a healthy diet. A lemon cocktail is just an additional aid in the breakdown of fats. If the calorie content of the daily diet is significantly higher than the body’s energy expenditure, a person will not only stop losing weight, but will also gain extra pounds.

The general rules of proper nutrition look like this:

  1. Eliminate all unhealthy foods from your diet: processed foods and sweet foods, baked goods, fried foods.
  2. About 50% of the daily diet should be fresh vegetables. Herbs and green-colored vegetables are best.
  3. Drink enough plain purified water (about 8-12 glasses). In addition to this volume, drink lemon water.
  4. If possible, add sports to your usual lifestyle. Strength training or cardio will boost your metabolism.

A combination of proper nutrition, drinking a fat-burning lemon cocktail and physical activity will allow you to achieve results in the shortest possible time.

How harmful is a lemon drink?

Lemon water has many beneficial properties, but it is not always safe for health. You should not get carried away with a drink with citric acid, as it can be harmful to your health:

  1. The acid contained in citrus irritates the gastric mucosa.
  2. Sometimes the condition of the tooth enamel deteriorates and excessive sensitivity of the teeth appears.
  3. Large amounts of ascorbic acid can lead to heartburn.
  4. Since lemon is considered a powerful diuretic fruit, excessive consumption of citrus water can cause dehydration.

Attention! Citric acid can corrode tooth enamel, so it is recommended to drink water through a straw.

Secrets of losing weight with lemon water

What is the most effective way to drink lemon water? In addition to the two main ingredients, you can add other elements to the cocktail, which are also famous for their fat-burning ability. For example, you can add mint leaves or a pinch of cinnamon, a spoonful of honey and even garlic passed through a press.

Losing weight on lemon will be effective if you adhere to a few basic rules:

  • Do not add lemon juice to hot water (and especially boiling water). It is better to choose warm water or room temperature.
  • You can add not only squeezed juice to the drink, but also a little fruit pulp. The fiber contained in the pulp will help more effectively cleanse the intestines of accumulated toxins.
  • Store lemon water in the refrigerator. This method will help preserve the beneficial properties of the drink and quench your thirst in hot weather.
  • Use distilled or mineral water. You can also use purified tap water. The main rule is that the liquid must be non-carbonated.

How to drink water with lemon correctly?

How to drink water with lemon correctly? Increasing the concentration of lemon juice in water should occur gradually so that negative consequences do not appear (heartburn, indigestion, pain), and the gastric mucosa has time to adapt to such changes.

This cocktail can be consumed throughout the day, but the greatest benefit will come from drinking water with lemon on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

The body burns calories for the normal functioning of internal organs throughout the day and even at night. A morning serving of the drink will invigorate the body and help you wake up faster, and will also allow you to maintain a high metabolic rate throughout the day. Drinking lemon at night for weight loss accelerates the burning of fat reserves during sleep.

How to cook and drink correctly?


Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water. All.

If desired, you can add other ingredients, such as mint leaves.

Just don’t put anything sweet in lemon water, including honey. Honey contains a lot of fructose, which is harmful to the body. Therefore, water with honey and lemon is already water with fructose. And this is not at all as useful as it seems.

Drink cold or hot?

In discussions about what kind of water is best to drink, especially as the first drink in the morning, many copies have been broken.

Some people believe that cold water is more beneficial, since the body spends additional energy to warm it up. And it helps you lose weight.

Some people are convinced that hot water provides additional aid to digestion.

All these debates are not being conducted by serious scientists, but simply by supporters of a healthy lifestyle. No real scientific research has been conducted on this matter. And the likelihood that water temperature makes a truly big difference is negligible.

Therefore, you can drink water with lemon at a temperature that suits you.

Some doctors advise giving preference to warm water - room temperature or a little warmer. Since warm drinks are the most comfortable for the stomach.

When to drink?

The best thing to do is drink a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning. About 30 minutes before breakfast.

But, of course, there are no hard and fast rules regarding the time of drinking the drink. You can sip it through a straw throughout the day.

Lemon water recipes

There are many ways to prepare the drink; Each person can choose the perfect recipe with lemon for weight loss. All the recipes below are equally effective for losing weight. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add no more than 1 teaspoon of honey per glass of drink.

With ginger

Ginger root is used in most diets as a diuretic and fat-burning product. Adding ginger to water with lemon will strengthen the immune system and speed up the release of fat cells from the depot by 35%.


  • Hot water (boiling water) – 400 ml;
  • juice of half a lemon (or half a fruit, cut into slices);
  • 3-4 cm of ginger root, grated.

Place ginger in a container (it’s better to take a thermos), pour boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew for 2-3 hours. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, strain and add lemon juice.

With cucumber

Is it possible to lose weight with lemon water with cucumber added? Yes, because a cucumber consists of 70% water and 30% fiber, which helps curb appetite and cleanse the intestines. You can add cucumber to the drink either chopped or in whole mugs.


  • 1 liter of cool water;
  • 1 medium cucumber (80-100 g);
  • 1 lemon.

Mix all ingredients in a container and refrigerate for a couple of hours. After this, strain if necessary.

Sassi water

The Sassi lemon water recipe includes all the additional ingredients described above. The combination of all elements in one cocktail will bring maximum benefits to the body.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 lemon;
  • a bunch of mint;
  • 5 cm ginger root (peeled and grated).

Grind everything thoroughly and add water. Cover tightly and leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, strain if necessary. It is recommended to drink a cleansing cocktail for about 2-3 weeks, no more than 1 liter per day. Can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Water with citric acid

If it is not possible to use fresh lemon, you can replace it with citric acid for weight loss, which is usually sold in powder form in small packages. Water with citric acid for weight loss is considered less useful, since concentrated ascorbic acid in incorrect dosages can provoke the development of stomach diseases, severe heartburn and nausea. The maximum dose of citric acid per glass of water should be no more than ½ teaspoon.

How to properly prepare honey water

This question worries many people who are starting to take honey water. It’s easy to prepare, don’t be afraid.

Basic recipe: dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in one glass of water. Stir thoroughly.

It is important to drink water in one gulp within 20 minutes after preparation. During this period, the water is raw, then it becomes “liquid food”.

There is no point in preparing honey water for the whole day.

What kind of honey you choose is important. Usually, regular fresh real honey is used, without additives. But you can add propolis to the mixture when making water; it is indicated for severe inflammatory processes. Honey in pollen should be used for intestinal upset.

You can also add the following ingredients to honey water: natural apple cider vinegar, ginger root, lemon juice, herbal infusions, brewed cinnamon, currant leaves, mint. These recipes are used by real gourmets.

Review of reviews about losing weight with lemon water

On women's forums there are various reviews of people losing weight on water with lemon. About 93% of girls respond positively to this method of losing weight.

Review site iReccomend

The main positive aspects of this method of getting rid of excess fat are:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • improving digestion;
  • getting rid of constipation;
  • increasing the overall tone of the body;
  • no feeling of fatigue;
  • losing up to 15 kg of excess weight.

Users consider the main disadvantages to be the periodic occurrence of mild heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen.

Weight loss forums:

The vast majority of women and girls note that losing weight becomes easier if you slightly adjust your usual diet and add a lemon cocktail. If you drink lemon water for 2-3 weeks, not only your metabolism improves, but also the general condition of the body: colds recede, complexion improves, mood improves and blood sugar levels normalize.

Users recommend starting your morning with such a drink. The cocktail also helps well if your appetite wakes up before going to bed. 250 – 350 ml is enough to suppress your appetite for a long time and fall asleep without an obsessive feeling of hunger.

We invite you to look at photos of women who lost weight with lemon water:

To learn how to lose weight with lemon water, watch the video:


Honey water is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  1. If a person has diseases - diabetes, kidney or heart failure . If you have kidney problems, it is not recommended to drink honey water at night. Diabetics should monitor their blood sugar levels when consuming honey.
  2. Allergy to honey and its derivatives. Manifests itself in the form of urticaria and skin itching, dizziness, nausea and diarrhea. This is a very rare occurrence. In most cases, honey is accepted well by the body. But you should start taking honey water carefully, observing your reaction.
  3. Ulcers in the digestive tract are also a contraindication to taking honey, especially during an exacerbation. If such treatment is nevertheless carried out, the condition should be monitored by a doctor.

There are some restrictions on honey intake for healthy people. In total, you can eat no more than 1 tablespoon of this healthy treat per day. To avoid problems with the pancreas, which does not really “like” honey.

Honey should not be diluted in boiled or hot water, where it loses its properties. You should drink honey water only on an empty stomach and in one gulp!

Courses of taking honey water can be as follows: 30 days - 2 weeks break - 30 days. Or you can carry out this healing procedure constantly, every day, if the body accepts honey well. This will help you maintain your health, give you strength and energize you for the whole day.

Questions for a nutritionist

Nutritionists tend to believe that in moderation and with a gradual increase in the concentration of lemon juice in water, such a drink will help you lose weight without harm to your health. Reviews from doctors about water with lemon for weight loss indicate the high effectiveness of this method. Statistics show that people who drink lemon smoothies lose on average 2-3 kg more per month than those who do not drink the drink. Moreover, the diet of all subjects consisted of approximately the same products.

Does lemon water have any contraindications?

Like any method of losing weight, this method has its contraindications:

  • Stones in the kidneys;
  • allergy to citrus fruits;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • the presence of acute or chronic diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Lemon juice is contraindicated for people with high stomach acidity.

The recommended concentration of ascorbic acid in water should not be exceeded. Otherwise, there is a high risk of negative health consequences.

How much weight do you usually lose with lemon water?

The results of losing weight with lemon depend, first of all, on the initial weight of the person losing weight. If you are overweight (more than 15 kg), you can get rid of 7 to 10 kg of excess weight in a month. People who have relatively little excess weight (10 kg or less) lost from 3 to 8 kg per month.

How long can you drink lemon water?

As a rule, such a drink is consumed for 2-4 weeks, then a break is taken for 7-14 days. Taking a break from drinking lemon has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa and will prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases from frequent consumption of lemon.

Lemon drink - contraindications and how to reduce harm

From the previous section it is clear that the benefits of lemon water are very high, but do not forget that almost any product has a number of contraindications, so read this information carefully so as not to harm your body.

When can water with lemon cause serious harm?

  1. In case of inflammation of the bladder, it is strictly contraindicated.
  2. If you are allergic to citrus fruits. Lemon is a strong allergen, and if you have had an allergy before, then you should try this water with caution, despite the fact that the concentration of lemon juice itself in the drink is low.
  3. In acute gastrointestinal diseases, you should not drink the drink on an empty stomach.

Harm from lemon water that can be reduced:

  1. Destructive effect on tooth enamel - to neutralize this disadvantage, it is recommended to drink the drink through a straw.
  2. Diuretic property - to prevent dehydration of the body, you should also drink plain water without additives throughout the day.
  3. Heartburn when taken on an empty stomach can be caused by inflammatory diseases of the stomach, such as gastritis. It is necessary to undergo examination.

Interesting: Beans - all about the beneficial and harmful properties


Extremely positive reviews about water with lemon for weight loss prove the high effectiveness of this method. While drinking the drink, it is important to follow a proper diet and exclude harmful foods from your diet. In addition to the cocktail, you need to drink about 2 liters of ordinary clean water. Additional ingredients can be added to lemon water to improve the taste or enhance fat-burning properties. Increase the concentration of lemon in the drink gradually, starting with 1/6 lemon per glass of liquid.

Where should you start your morning?

«I personally prefer to eat one fruit and drink a glass of water, but you can start your day with fresh juice or lemon water. In any case, your body will need water!

From a conversation with Natalia, we realized that we should not evaluate the lemon-honey drink as a panacea for weight loss.
Yes, lemon contains vitamins. Yes, honey helps start the digestion process in the morning. Yes, the body needs water in the morning. But if you drink this drink in the heat after a meal to quench your thirst, its benefits will not decrease. Although it is also illogical to regard this method as an opportunity to lose weight.

If you have questions for a nutritionist and it is difficult for you to understand the numerous nutritional data and find the only right solution, then we suggest you order an individual consultation with a nutritionist online on the website.

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Diet “On Lemons” - reviews

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Today I want to write about my unsuccessful experiment, or rather about how I went on a lemon diet. Now it’s autumn, the body needs vitamins, and here on the Internet I found an interesting diet based on lemons. It consists of drinking a glass of squeezed lemon juice, and the number of glasses increases with the number of days of the diet; on days 7 and 14 you need to squeeze 3 lemons into 3 liters of water, and drink this crap all day long.

Well, I think I’ll pamper my body with vitamins and lose 3-4 kilograms. I also love citrus fruits; I generally adore oranges and grapefruits. There were no health problems, but all this was BEFORE THE DIET...

The first and second days were the most normal, although I diluted 1 lemon squeezed with 2 glasses of water, because it is very difficult to drink such sour food without sweetener or honey, and ate everything as usual. After the 3rd day, problems began, namely during the day... My stomach hurt like crazy and discomfort began, before that I only drank this crap made from lemons. After so much water I didn’t want any food, and even more so when my stomach hurt. In general, it was only in the evening that I was able to eat porridge with water; by that time my stomach had calmed down, but the discomfort remained.

I don’t know what kind of crazy person came up with this diet, but I would look at this mentally and physically sick person.

Now I have already recovered, thanks to drinking yoghurt, kefir and porridge for water.

Note that it took me 5 days to recover, and 3 days to go on this terrible diet!

As they say, feel the difference... Now I don’t want lemons at all, I can still eat oranges, but no sour citrus fruits.

While restoring my body, I lost more weight than I did with the diet. I lost a total of 5 kilograms (1 diet + 4 recovery).

So girls, believe my bitter experience, and don’t do the same stupid thing as me. I didn’t have time to do so many things while I was restoring my body. And by the way, the kilograms will return at lightning speed after such stress to the body. Therefore, there is no need to harbor illusions that I have lost 5 kilograms and now they are not scary for me... NO, they are just as scary for you. After this, such a glutton attacks that you eat all the food that is in your refrigerator. You won't be able to think about anything other than food. I give you a full guarantee.

I won’t recommend such a disgusting and harmful diet to anyone, I don’t want lemon girls walking the streets because of it. Such a diet does not enrich the body with vitamins, it simply destroys it with that acid that cannot be consumed in such quantities!


It helped me, I'm very pleased! Now, for prevention, I’m sitting after 1-2 months, my complexion has changed, my pores have narrowed, I had the problem of an oily face and enlarged pores, now this problem is gone, I’M VERY SATISFIED!


It’s simply impossible to describe in words the hopes that I had for the lemon diet, which I learned about on our beloved Review. Of course, what attracted me most was that you practically don’t need to limit yourself in food, you don’t need grueling physical activity... And you just need to drink water with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach... At the same time, the results described in the reviews I read, namely -9 and - 5 kilograms in 14 days was very tempting. I immediately decided to try this method of losing weight.

In order for weight loss to be effective, I also introduced food restrictions - a minimum of flour, sweets, not a crumb in my mouth after 7 pm. In addition, I introduced an hour of physical activity in the evening - for example, I shoveled snow outside and went skiing.

So, the diet consisted of 14 days. The first day I drank a glass of warm water with the juice of one lemon in the morning before meals.

The second day - 2 such glasses, each of which contained lemon juice.

Third day - 3 glasses of water with the juice of three lemons.

Fourth day - 4 glasses or a liter mug of water with the juice of four lemons.

On the fifth day, I couldn’t drink 5 glasses of water, because even after 4 such glasses the previous day I felt a little faint. And on the 5th day I also drank a liter mug of water with the juice of five lemons.

On the sixth day, I also diluted the juice of six lemons in a liter mug of water.

The seventh day is like a kind of respite. Very nice! In a three-liter jar you need to dilute the juice of three lemons and a tablespoon of honey and drink this mixture throughout the day. The resulting solution had a pleasant taste. The effect of the seventh and 14th days (and it is the same) is rather diuretic.

The eighth day, a liter mug with the juice of 6 lemons.

Ninth - with juice of five.

Tenth - 4 glasses of water with the juice of 4 lemons.

Eleventh - 3 glasses with the juice of 3 lemons.

Twelfth day - 2 glasses of water with the juice of two lemons.

Thirteenth day - 1 glass of water with the juice of one lemon.

The fourteenth day is the same as the seventh: a three-liter jar of water with the juice of three lemons and a tablespoon of honey.

If we talk about the taste of this water with lemons, of course, it’s sour) But you can drink it. It’s just that the sixth and eighth days are a little hard.

Now I’ll tell you about the negative consequences of this diet for my body.

The first is damage to the enamel. Although some authors advise drinking through a straw, I did not do this. Just, it seems to me, drink a liter of sour, so sour! , water through a straw is difficult.

The second, and most unpleasant consequence, is thrush. It probably appeared due to a disturbance in the environment, which became highly favorable for the causative agents of this disease.

And now, finally, the most important thing is the result. But there was no result) During these fourteen days I only gained a kilogram.

But you know, for some reason I’m not negatively opposed to this diet. I think that either it simply did not suit my body specifically, or the mistake was that I violated the proportion of water.

This method of losing weight is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year - in spring and autumn, and I still want to try to repeat the experiment in six months.


Like any woman, I always tried to lose weight. Already from a conscious age I was on various diets. I tried many different methods. I also tried the lemon diet - I saw a program about it on TV.

Here’s what I’ll tell you: I’m not fat, sometimes I had an extra 3-4 kilograms, an extra couple of centimeters at the waist.

The lemon diet, as I later found out, has many contraindications. Basically, all plump people have problems with the gastric tract, digestion, liver, etc. Such a diet is strictly contraindicated for them. Our people are simple, few people go to a nutritionist - and in vain. We prescribe a diet for ourselves and only make it worse.

I managed to lose some weight on the lemon diet, but I think that sports also played a role here.

After giving birth, I weighed 68 kg; I managed to lose almost 18 kg only thanks to proper nutrition and exercise.

Moderate (I’m not saying expensive, I don’t buy myself anything beyond natural) nutrition and exercise are the best way to lose weight.

And if, sorry, you ate too much lemons, and then ate too much cakes and buns, then no diet will save you.


I turned to the lemon diet for help a few days ago. I needed good results in just 2 days in order to be in time for the performance. I will not talk about my activities, but will only report on the results obtained. On the very first day of the diet, I lost 3 kilograms, my joy knew no bounds. This was not easy for me, but lemon really satisfies hunger and is not bad at all. So I didn’t feel very exhausted. The second day gave only 1 kilogram of weight lost. I think this was due to the oatmeal I ate for breakfast. But the result of the diet itself pleasantly surprised me.


Perhaps I will be kicked out of the forum and from this site, but I still hasten to warn readers: the information presented above is complete nonsense and not only will not help you lose weight. but on the contrary, gain even more weight...


Girls, I strongly advise against taking risks with lemons! I really hoped for the result; I wouldn’t wish such a terrible allergy that I have now even on my enemy! On the face and body. The two kilos I lost weren't worth it. Even if you don't have allergies, you may get one from this amount. It's better to just drink clean water. There will be more benefits.


The diet works very well. Initially, I did not need to lose weight, but simply decided to test the method out of interest. You could say that I simply had nothing to do. Well, as a result, I gained minus 3 kilograms in two days. This takes into account that my initial weight was around 60 kilograms. The diet is very effective and can help you lose pounds.

Slava B.

I agree with Dr.MaHxeTTeH, if you want to lose weight, JUST spend more time on physical activity (preferably aerobic) and eat right (consume complex carbohydrates, complete proteins and unsaturated fats); and the LEMON DIET is complete nonsense, you will not only not lose extra pounds, but you will also get a lot of complications: at least erosion of the gastric mucosa (pre-ulcer condition, not accompanied by pain), indigestion, demineralization of enamel, etc., I want to upset ELENA T with the fact that she lost 3 kg not of fat (don’t be fooled by the scale, the best way to determine FAT deposits is your own mirror) but of WATER, by enhancing digestion and removing substances from the body. I am a doctor by profession and I know what I am saying.


I’m 18, height 167, my weight 88 kg. The dresses fit me horribly. I have 4 months left before graduation, I hope by graduation I’ll have a different figure, I’ve been on the lemon diet for a week now, I’ve been doing fitness, I’m noticeably losing weight, but I’m afraid I’ll fail. Diet excellent. I recommend it to everyone. I wish everyone good luck and myself too.


I was on the lemon diet for a week. according to another recipe... complete garbage... I’ll only lose 1 kg. I just increased my acidity once again...


I didn't really like the diet. This sour juice makes your cheekbones ache just at the mere mention of it. For me it is disgusting, but effective. The result is exactly 5 kilograms, as the name says, not bad for 2 days. Use it and enjoy.


Hello everyone, I want to say that this diet really works, I’m 28 years old, my height is 160, my weight was 85 kg, I was on this diet for 4 months, I lost 23 kg, that is, now I weigh 62 kg, I look super, everyone doesn’t recognize my husband is happy, of course I limited myself in food, but and you didn’t die from hunger, the main thing in any diet is to have good health and of course willpower without this there is no point in going on a diet I want to lose a couple more kg and yes, that’s all probably so guys, good luck to everyone and the main thing is to really want it


Diet in general is very harmful to your health!!! I don’t recommend it to anyone, it’s just terrible!

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