Lemon water for weight loss: benefits, contraindications, recipes

Lemon water is a healthy tonic and restorative drink, which you can use to maintain your health in excellent condition. This lemon drink will help launch the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system thanks to vitamin C, and essential oils from lemon peel will relax and soothe. In addition, clean water will also do its job and will not leave a single cell without life-giving moisture. In this energy drink, it is possible to replace plain water with mineral water; it is rich in minerals and salts. Sometimes they also add a spoonful of honey to get the effect of a vitamin bomb.

Composition and calorie content of water with lemon

The composition of this drink is as simple as possible - water and lemon, or lemon juice. Therefore, this cocktail contains all the same vitamins that are found in lemon. Among them: ascorbic acid, vitamins A and B2, flavonoid, thiamine, potassium, fiber, as well as organic acids.

The drink can safely be considered low-calorie, because per 100 ml there are only 1.2 kcal. Even if you add honey, the calorie content will not increase much. In this case, it will be about 10-11 kcal.


There are many recipes for making the drink. The standard is considered to be: 1 glass of water and the juice of half a lemon.

An alternative to the drink is lemon ground in a blender, which is added to warm liquid during the day (it can be added to all warm drinks).

To improve taste and neutralize acid, it is recommended to add honey, jam, and ginger. When consuming supplements, take into account their calorie content:

  • honey - 302 kcal per 100 g;
  • ginger - 80 kcal per 100 g;
  • fruit and berry jam - 240-270 kcal per 100 g.

Myths about lemon water

Lemon water has long been overgrown with myths and legends. Among the most common are the following:

  1. Helps get rid of excess weight. It is worth paying attention that this water will not be a magic wand. It is not enough to just drink water and then expect a miracle. Losing weight is primarily a comprehensive approach.
  2. Stimulates liver function. There's actually no official data to back this up.
  3. Lemon water helps prevent dehydration. This is true, like any other liquid.
  4. Increases the content of vitamin C, calcium and iron in the blood. This is also true, but the level of substances increases slightly.
  5. Lemon water improves immunity. This is still true, however, you will have to drink a lot, a lot of this water in order to somehow strengthen your immunity.

Despite many myths and misconceptions, lemon water remains the favorite drink of all girls who are losing weight.

The effect of foods on weight loss

It would seem that eating something to lose weight is a pipe dream for everyone who has ever struggled with extra pounds. Ginger, lemon, honey did give me a recipe for weight loss. It works thanks to the properties of both each product individually and their successful combination. Let's look at them before we start preparing the recipes.

  • Ginger. Ancient Indian healers believed that this miraculous root was capable of kindling a fire inside a person. Entering the body, ginger, first of all, begins to disperse blood throughout the body. That is why a person, having eaten even a small piece of the root, feels warmth spreading throughout the body. This way you can even warm up on a cold evening. Blood accelerated with the help of ginger makes all organs work faster. Including the digestive system. Food is digested faster, and harmful substances do not remain in the body - ginger removes them, enhancing the work of the liver and gall bladder.
  • Lemon. Organic acids, which lemon is rich in, comprehensively support a person during weight loss. Firstly, they dull the feeling of hunger. Losing pounds without reducing the amount of food you eat is almost impossible. Secondly, lemon breaks down fats that have long been deposited in the body and speeds up metabolism. And finally, vitamin C, for which everyone values ​​this sour citrus so much. It strengthens the immune system and helps maintain strength when losing weight.
  • Honey. An indispensable sweet helper for those who strive for a thin waist. First of all, honey is a real salvation for those with a sweet tooth. The most difficult thing for them on a diet is giving up pastries, sweets and cakes. Honey is sweet and has a low calorie content and glycemic index. The second important feature of honey is the neutralization of free radicals harmful to the body, which are released during the breakdown of fat cells. Honey also saturates a person with nutrients that are limited during a diet.

Benefits and harms

Experts are still conducting debate and research about the benefits and harms of water. Water with lemon can have the following beneficial effects:

  • improved digestion, accelerated metabolism;
  • normalization of liver function, thanks to lemon water, the outflow of bile is normalized;
  • relieves swelling;
  • people suffering from diabetes can drink lemon water to reduce sugar levels;
  • helps restore blood pressure;
  • strengthens blood vessels, making them elastic. Lemon water will be a good preventive measure for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • increases immunity;
  • removes waste and toxins;
  • thins the blood, preventing the development of varicose veins and thrombosis;
  • helps maintain visual acuity, preventing the development of cataracts.

However, if used incorrectly, it can cause significant harm to the body. Firstly, the acid can severely irritate the gastric mucosa and also harm tooth enamel. Some people note the appearance of hypersensitivity of teeth to hot or cold. The following symptoms are also often observed:

  1. Heartburn.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Headaches, irritability, fatigue. This may be due to a drop in glucose levels.
  4. Stomach ache.

To minimize the risk of such conditions, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of lemon juice.

Dietary properties of lemon:

Surely, each of us is familiar with the pleasant and tart taste of such a fruit as lemon. The calorie content of lemon will be the topic of our article. At first glance this sounds strange. But many of us prefer tea with lemon, or add this fruit to other dishes. For those who are watching their weight, the energy value of lemon is also an important indicator.

Lemon is a real storehouse of a wide variety of beneficial substances. The fruits of this plant contain a large amount of alkaline elements and organic acids. They contain up to 3% sugars, a number of nitrogenous and mineral substances, phytoncides, a set of vitamins - A, B, C, R. The peel of the lemon fruit contains useful essential oils.

Lemon is considered the richest source of vitamin C, and this is true: over 30% of the daily requirement of vitamin C for the human body is contained in just one fruit, and lemon peel contains as much as 13%. Such a rich composition determines the beneficial properties for which lemon is famous.

By influencing our body, lemon juice normalizes metabolic processes, helps absorb nutrients, and cleanses the body of toxins. In addition, it satisfies hunger and causes a feeling of fullness, which, in turn, promotes weight loss.

The properties of lemon have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Few fruits and vegetables besides lemon can boast of vitamin P content - and lemon contains citrine in significant quantities. We need vitamin P to prevent blood clots; in addition, it is “responsible” for the elasticity of capillaries and blood vessels - it makes them stronger and protects them from fragility. Lemon, among other things, prevents anemia, especially for children.

Lemon water for weight loss

More and more often on forums people are discussing “magic” water for weight loss. Many incredible facts are attributed to her, but still you shouldn’t really hope for a miracle effect. It is very important to maintain proportions when preparing water in order to activate metabolic processes. You should not drink cold water if you want to achieve weight loss. It is recommended to drink warm water, in this case it will normalize the acid-base balance and start metabolic processes. You need to drink 200-250 ml on an empty stomach. However, people who have stomach problems should be careful. For example, ulcers, gastritis, increased acidity. Nutritionists note that you need to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day.

Lemon is able to remove waste and toxins. The fruit also has a fat-burning effect, thanks to which, as supporters of lemon water say, you can get rid of 5 kg in 3-4 weeks of use.


Cannot be used for:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • allergies to citrus fruits;
  • liver pathologies;
  • exacerbation of sore throat;
  • sensitive tooth enamel;
  • gastrointestinal diseases which include gastritis, pancreatitis, heartburn, ulcers. Information about diet for gastritis here;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney problems.

For the purpose of losing weight, everyone is not allowed to include the drink in their diet at their own discretion. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy at the same time, you should consult your doctor. Professional consultation will help avoid complications.

Is it possible to drink water with lemon during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Lemon water has a variety of effects on the female body. Its regular consumption has a positive effect on the reproductive system, helps restore hormonal levels, and eases well-being during menopause or painful periods.

Lemon also helps preserve a woman’s beauty and elasticity of her skin, prevents the appearance of the first signs of aging, and strengthens her hair.

Pregnant women can take this drink, as it helps maintain immunity, improves digestion, and also reduces attacks of toxicosis. Lemon has a beneficial effect on the fetus; the child will develop a healthy nervous and skeletal system.

It is worth noting that during breastfeeding all the positive aspects become sharply negative. Citrus is a strong allergen, so it is best not to take risks; breast milk, even with a small lemon content, can harm the baby.

Help with weight loss

The drink improves the digestion process
The drink improves the digestion process

Citrus acid helps speed up and improve the digestion process. Pectin contained in lemon removes heavy metals.

The benefits of this drink come not only from lemon, but also from water. Drinking enough fluid has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. The formula for calculating liquid per day is weight /450*14.

How to drink lemon water correctly

Lemon water

Like any product, lemon water must be consumed correctly. Only in this case can the maximum effect be achieved. Most often, experts identify the following universal rules:

  1. The freshness of the drink should not raise any questions. Ideally, you should prepare the drink immediately before drinking.
  2. Also, the first dose should be 30 minutes before meals, and 20-30 minutes after. Under no circumstances should you drink food with a citrus drink.
  3. You should drink no more than 200 ml at a time.
  4. To avoid damaging tooth enamel, it is best to drink water through a straw. And after the appointment, brush your teeth.

There are also recommendations related to the time of taking lemon. It is very important to pay attention to this for people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

Water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach

Lemon water on an empty stomach can be very beneficial, as it helps activate metabolic processes and cleanses the body. Citrus also has an invigorating effect. By taking it regularly in the morning, you can give up tea and coffee.

In addition, lemon cocktail perfectly removes thirst and restores the body after illness. It is in the morning that the body may become acutely thirsty. It needs water to remove toxins and also to rejuvenate cells. In the morning, lemon helps activate the kidneys for more efficient functioning.

Lemon juice helps digestion. For example, it is able to regulate the secretion of gastric juice. Helps cleanse the liver and has a cleansing effect on the respiratory tract.

Lemon water at night

You can drink this cocktail at night. In this case, it will help calm the nerves and improve the quality of sleep. If you drink a glass (200 ml) at night, then even at night the body will continue to break down fats. And in the morning, intestinal peristalsis will be ready for active work.

Which lemon water is better to drink: hot or cold?

You can add lemon to both cold and hot water. There won't be much difference. A cooler drink will quench your thirst perfectly. But it is warm liquid that is most effective for weight loss. It is thanks to the warm temperature that digestion is accelerated, while warm water does not irritate the mucous membrane.

If we talk specifically about boiling water, then it is worth noting that boiling water that already contains lemon is not recommended. This can destroy all the beneficial properties of vitamin C. But you can add lemon to boiling water, so all the beneficial effects will be preserved inside the fruit.

What is the name of

The life-saving drink with lemon has a name, thanks to which its fans will always remember where it was first prepared.

“Coffee Romano” (if translated into Russian) literally means the following: “Roman coffee.”

Place an order at a cafe and they will bring you a cup of black strong drink with a slice of lemon in it.

If you order coffee in Italian without specifying that you would like Romano, they can prepare it for you in Sicilian style (it’s also Italy!), but this drink will not be with a slice of lemon, but with citrus fruit juice and finely grated zest.

How to make lemon water

There is nothing easier than preparing such a mixture. It would seem that mixing water and lemon is a simple recipe. However, there are a whole lot of different variations on how to diversify the taste of your drink.

Classic recipe

One hundred percent classic is the use of only 2 simple components. You need to extract the juice from ½ lemon, and then simply fill it with warm water. It is best to use filtered water without gas.

You can also use a slightly more advanced recipe for weight loss. For it you will need kiwi, 100 ml of water, a few sprigs of mint, parsley, and a couple of slices of lemon. Before cooking, all ingredients must be washed and then cut into slices. Add everything to a blender and grind.

Water with lemon and honey

The option with honey is a good remedy for sore throats, colds, and supports the immune system. To prepare you need 3 citrus fruits, 3-5 tablespoons of honey, 1.5-2 liters of filtered water.

The lemon needs to be cut into slices and then filled with water. Heat the water slightly (without boiling), add honey. Leave the container to steep for 2-3 hours.

Lemon water with honey and ginger

Lemon water

Ginger is an excellent fat-burning remedy, so it is not surprising that the recipe using ginger is so loved by everyone losing weight. The drink should be prepared in the evening, but it is better to drink it in the morning. For 2 liters of water you need the juice of one lemon, a small piece of ginger. Fill all the products with water and put them in the refrigerator overnight.

Lemon drink with aloe

Homemade aloe juice will help improve the general condition of the body, make it more resilient, and strengthen the immune system. To prepare, you will need to put the leaves of homemade aloe in the refrigerator for a day, and then squeeze the juice out of them. Please note that you should have about 5 ml of aloe juice. Next, add juice to the classic lemon recipe. Should be taken as needed.

Water with lemon and cucumber

Lemon and cucumber are an excellent way to normalize digestion. Take 2 liters of water, cucumber, lemon, a couple of mint sprigs.

Then finely chop the cucumber. You need to squeeze the juice out of the citrus. Then simply add all the ingredients to the water. You need to drink 2 liters of the drink per day, and prepare more in the evening, but the next day.

Instead of mint, you can add thyme and rosemary.

Water with lemon and turmeric

Taking the cocktail is recommended to prevent viral diseases.

Prepare: ¼ teaspoon turmeric, 200-250 ml warm water, ½ citrus juice, ½ tablespoon honey, a little cinnamon.

The juice is squeezed out of the citrus, the water is heated to 50 degrees, and then mixed with all the ingredients. Leave the drink to steep for 3-5 minutes and then drink while it is warm.

Lemon mint water

To prepare you will need: 1.5 liters of water, citrus, a couple of mint sprigs.

Cut the lemon into slices, add mint to the container, and then fill with water. The drink must be infused for 4-5 hours in the refrigerator.

Rules of use

It is important to prepare and consume a healthy drink correctly. To lose weight with lemon and water, follow the recommendations of experts:

  • Drink at least 30 ml per 1 kilogram of body weight per day. For example, a person weighing 50 kg needs to consume 1.5 liters of liquid.
  • Drink the first glass of lemon water on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up. This will help awaken the body, fill it with energy, and start the cleansing process.
  • Distribute the rest of the liquid so that most of it falls in the first half of the day, and less in the late afternoon.
  • Drink between snacks, do not wash down your meals with water. It is better that half an hour remains before the meal, and at least an hour has passed since the previous meal.
  • To avoid sensitivity and toothache, drink acidified liquid through a straw.


On the forums you can find many different reviews about this cocktail. Here are some of them:

“You shouldn’t expect a big miracle. Lemon water doesn't melt kilograms. I don't know who believes this. Of course, it’s pleasant to drink, it quenches thirst, but I began to notice that my teeth react more sharply to cold water. I reduced the concentration of lemon juice and began rinsing my mouth with a special product. Thank God everything has returned to normal. In general, water is water. Without supernatural effects” - Olga, 35 years old.

“I don’t know if the drink or proper nutrition helped me, but in a month I lost 5 extra pounds. I am satisfied with the effect, the taste is pleasant. It awakens the body well” - Rada, 23 years old.


Before going on such an unusual diet, many people are interested in whether water with lemon helps with weight loss. The results vary greatly. If you drink a cocktail without changing anything in your daily routine or diet, your waist will not decrease in size - that’s for sure. Those who were able to limit themselves in food and exercise at the same time will certainly achieve results.

Judging by the reviews of those losing weight and the stories of nutritionists, the loss in weight can be 2-3 kg per week. If you make a glass of lemon water in the morning a habit and adhere to a healthy lifestyle without any grueling diets, no fat deposits will spoil your figure.

So the effect of losing weight from a lemon cocktail will be if you correctly combine it with other weight loss techniques. You need to understand that they rarely work alone. The most effective complex is physical activity (light exercise, walking or cycling will be enough), dietary restriction (bans on fast food, fatty and unhealthy foods) and an appropriate drinking regimen, which includes a citrus drink.

If you find the strength within yourself, gather your willpower and bring these changes into life, the results on the scale will not take long to appear and will definitely please you.

Advantages and disadvantages

Drinking lemon water is a great way to improve your health and become slimmer. Benefits of this weight loss method:

  • Simplicity . Making a drink does not require a lot of time, complex and expensive ingredients. You can start the course at any time of the year, since lemons are on sale all year round.
  • Multifaceted effect . In addition to losing weight, lemon water heals the body, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, and cleanses the blood and liver. The yellow fruit contains potassium, which is good for heart function.
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