Lemon water for weight loss - reviews and results

Citric acid is a natural antioxidant and accelerates metabolic processes in the body, which is why it is used by girls for weight loss. However, it can burn mucous membranes and cause gastrointestinal diseases, so it is important to know the rules under which consuming citric acid will allow you to lose weight without harm to the body.

Is it possible to lose weight with citric acid?

What is citric acid

Is it possible to drink citric acid with water?
Before answering this question, you need to understand what it is. So, citric acid is an antioxidant (antioxidant) of synthetic or natural origin. In industry, it is obtained through microbiological fermentation of a glucose solution. If you heat the acid to a temperature above 175 degrees, the acid will begin to decompose into water and carbon dioxide. She takes part in metabolism. It is not vitamin C that gives lemon its sour taste, but this acid. Natural juice, unlike synthetic analogues, contains vitamins and minerals that can become part of a complete diet without flour and sweets.


If you decide to use lemon to lose weight, familiarize yourself with its properties. In general, this product was first obtained in 1784 by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele. This food additive is an acidifier that can give foods a sour but pleasant taste. Another important property is that citric acid (E330) can be used to protect products from the damaging effects of heavy metals.

Acid has valuable medicinal properties, for example, it helps improve vision, burn carbohydrates, and improve immunity. It also stands out because it has anti-tumor properties and is able to control blood pressure. In addition, citric acid has valuable cosmetic properties, for example, it can tighten enlarged pores on the skin of the face and whiten it.

Useful tips

Of course, taking citric acid, like any other, is harmful. The substance burns the surface it comes into contact with. When taken internally, it becomes the gastric mucosa. Therefore, losing weight in this way is strictly prohibited in case of gastritis, colitis, other pathologies of the digestive system, as well as liver and kidney problems. When a person is healthy, he should follow these tips:

  • See a therapist first. He will tell you whether this type of weight loss option is even allowed for you. It is better to know about this in advance so as not to suffer irreparable consequences.
  • Do not overdosage. An extra portion of acid will not force your metabolism to speed up, but it will definitely harm the stomach.
  • It is forbidden to drink the drink on an empty stomach; you cannot drink the entire portion in one gulp. Extend the process as much as possible, use a straw. Sometimes, for effectiveness, it is recommended to drink liquid before meals, but in such a situation, a single dosage of the substance cannot exceed a third of the usual portion, and the duration of use cannot be two weeks.
  • Citric acid is not a panacea. If you do not follow the basic rules of figure correction when drinking it (refusing fatty and starchy foods), there will be no benefit from drinking the drink.
  • To protect your own health, we recommend choosing a natural product instead of chemical powder. When you add freshly squeezed juice to water, the drink will work much more effectively. At the same time, it should be remembered that lemon juice is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins; they are absent in the dry substance.
  • Add oatmeal, chicken broth, and stewed vegetables to your menu. These products will provide support for acid-base balance and help the stomach adapt to the constant infusion of acid.
  • After drinking the drink, be sure to rinse your mouth, as the acid can damage tooth enamel.

When you don't like citric acid as a drink, use it as a cosmetic. The product is an excellent tonic and whitening agent; it is recommended to be used in masks.

Citric acid and weight loss

Lemon juice is widely used for weight loss, especially since it can act as a means to normalize the acid-base balance. When used, the level of acidity in the body decreases; in addition, when combined with gastric juice, the acid is neutralized, making the environment around it even more alkaline. In fact, this product is not a fat burning product - it only acts as an auxiliary. The use of this type of acid for weight loss is useful because it:

  • acts as a natural diuretic;
  • renews and rejuvenates cells;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • accelerates metabolism, carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • cleanses the intestines of toxins and waste.

Lemon acid

Does water with lemon help you lose weight?

Citric acid is crucial for weight loss. It is contained in maximum quantities in the juice of this fruit and is effective:

  • breaks down lipids and carbohydrates,
  • helps increase the level of antioxidants in the blood,
  • stabilizes the pH balance of the body and stimulates the metabolism of energy and substances,
  • dampens the feeling of hunger due to the enzyme pectin,
  • fills the body with vitamins,
  • cleanses the intestines, rids the body of toxic residues and toxins.

Thanks to these properties, weight loss occurs. Some even manage to lose 5 kg in 2 days on a lemon diet.

Lemon water for weight loss - reviews and results

Recipes for oral administration

There are several options for using lemon acid for weight loss, but the most common is drinking acidified water before each main meal. In order not to harm yourself, the daily intake of this ingredient should not exceed 5 g - about 1 teaspoon. It should be taken only in a well-dissolved form. Some ladies even cook a light compote from dried apricots. In case of overdose, the following may occur:

  • swelling;
  • stomach pain;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

Lemon water

A recipe like lemon water is great for those who cannot cope with excess weight. This recipe can cause frequent urination. In addition, this food additive increases the viscosity of saliva and literally “stuns” the taste buds located on the tongue. Thanks to these two effects, appetite is suppressed. Scheme of fractional intake of acidified water by week:

  1. A solution of 1/2 tsp. E330 and a glass of warm water.
  2. A solution of 1 tsp. lemons with a glass of water.
  3. 2 tsp dietary supplement, diluted with glasses of water before breakfast and 1 tsp. before lunch, dinner.
  4. 1 tsp E330, dissolved in 1/2 glass of water before breakfast and 1/2 tsp. before lunch, dinner.


To get rid of extra pounds, you can supplement your diet with green tea and lemon. The benefit of this combination is that the resulting drink can significantly reduce the content of bad cholesterol in the body without affecting the level of good cholesterol. The main thing is to maintain a certain concentration, because... Liters of such a drink will not help you achieve your goal. Another advantage of the drink is to correct blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. In addition, it will give you additional energy for sports.

Green tea with lemon

Soda and citric acid

Often, to create a slim figure, a combination is used - soda and lemon for weight loss. The resulting drink, together with an adjusted diet, will help achieve the desired result. Often, a weak solution of soda is used to neutralize the effect of lemon citrates on tooth enamel. A popular recipe is a kind of American lemon soda tonic, a serving of which consists of:

  • 300 ml water;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda.

Such a liquid can be suitable for both women and men who have adjusted their menu, but cannot achieve the desired result, the main thing is that it does not cause discomfort. Remember that this tonic will only have beneficial effects if consumed in moderation. Many people say that quick weight loss with soda and lemon is a dangerous myth. Indeed, soda alkali and acid cause irritation of the oral cavity and esophagus.

Diet for 14 days

Citric acid is often used on fasting days. With a diet designed for 2 weeks, you can lose up to 5 kg of weight. During the process of losing weight, you should drink lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach, except on the 7th and 14th days - you should not lean on it in the evening. Meals are based on low-fat protein products, for example, meat (baked, steamed), chicken dishes, cottage cheese, etc. In addition, supplement the diet with non-starchy vegetables and fruits, and cereals. Avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks. Menu for 2 weeks:

  • Days 1, 13: juice of 1 fruit, mixed in 1 glass of water.
  • Days 2, 12: juice of 2 fruits, mixed in 2 glasses of water.
  • Days 3, 11: juice of 3 fruits, mixed in 3 glasses of water.
  • Days 4, 10: juice of 4 fruits, mixed in 4 glasses of water.
  • Days 5, 12: juice of 5 fruits, mixed in 5 glasses of water.
  • Days 6, 9: juice of 6 fruits, mixed in 6 glasses of water.
  • Days 7, 8: juice of 3 fruits, mixed in 3 liters of water - add 1 tbsp. honey


Any acids are important for the human body. It is not in vain that nutritionists recommend drinking plain water on an empty stomach with a little lemon juice added to it. Starting a new day by adding a touch of acid to your body is extremely beneficial, since lemon water can work minor but miracles:

  • Awakens the digestive system;
  • Activates metabolism;
  • Helps get rid of toxins;
  • Freshens breath;
  • Controls blood pressure.

A drink with a certain acidity, if used correctly, can correct your figure in the desired direction. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, use citric acid as the most suitable remedy.

Citric acid can improve the absorption of a substance such as aluminum hydroxide. It is contained in various antacid medications prescribed for the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system, since they neutralize excess hydrochloric acid. Since medications of this class are prescribed only for the initial phase of diseases dependent on acidity, citric acid can only do harm in such a situation.

Lemon water is recommended as a universal remedy that can eliminate toxins and shape your figure. But the main argument against this drink is the negative effect on the mucous membranes of all citrus fruits.

External use

Citric acid is widely used for face masks and body wraps, which can help fight subcutaneous fat. Before the procedure, you need to treat problem areas with a scrub. To prepare the mixture you need to take 0.5 - 1 tsp. additives, 2 egg whites, 100 g sour cream and 200 g blue clay. After wrapping the mixture with film, leave it for half an hour. After this you need to take a shower.

Lemon water

Patterns of use

The sensations from consuming citric acid and the results of losing weight with its help will largely depend on how correctly you use it. Experiments and increasing dosages are categorically unacceptable here. There is a scheme developed by specialists, and this must be followed exactly.

Classic version

The classic recipe is as simple as possible: it contains only two main ingredients - water and citric acid. They will form the basis of the diet for a whole month. The recommended dosage regimen is as follows.

  • First week

We begin to lose weight by dissolving just half a teaspoon of citric acid in a glass of boiled (or filtered, or distilled) water, which should be either cold or room temperature. Drink three times a day after meals.

  • Second week

The dosage increases: a full teaspoon of citric acid is diluted in the same glass. Take at the same intervals as before.

  • Third week

The most important week in this weight loss course. It is at this stage that noticeable weight loss should occur. The pattern of using citric acid becomes more complicated. After breakfast, you need to drink a solution of 2 teaspoons per glass of water. And after lunch and dinner, the dosage remains at 1 teaspoon.

  • Fourth week

Finally, we got to the end of this peculiar diet. Gradually we need to reduce the concentration of our weight loss cocktail. After breakfast, dissolve only a teaspoon of citric acid in a glass of water, and after lunch and dinner, return to the original dosage: half a teaspoon.

Contraindications and harm

The method of losing excess weight using citric acid is not suitable for every person. Before you start using the product, you should exclude a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney and bladder dysfunction;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • dermatitis, diathesis, eczema;
  • caries.

It is a mistaken belief that increased dosage leads to faster results. The use of the drug in question in large concentrations can cause irreparable harm to the health and condition of individual human organs.

So, with excessive consumption of acid there is a negative effect on:

  • the walls of the stomach, so it is possible to develop ulcers or gastritis;
  • tooth enamel - its sensitivity increases;
  • the mucous membrane of the oral cavity - ulcers often occur;
  • fluid level in the body;
  • emotional and mental state of a person - possible development of depression, apathy, anxiety, insomnia.

Harm of citric acid

An overdose of powder is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • swelling;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased sweating;
  • yellowness of the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes.

The results achieved while using the product are not durable. If you stop using acid, the weight may return double. Therefore, it is so important to adhere to the recipe and use the recommendations of your doctor.

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