The benefits of prunes for weight loss, results and reviews of those losing weight

Prunes are one of the few types of dried fruits that, despite their fairly high calorie content, promote weight loss.

There are about 230 kcal per 100 grams of product, so it should be consumed only in moderation. Otherwise, you will provoke weight gain. If you consume up to 100 grams of prunes per day, you can improve your body’s health and achieve good results in losing weight.

One of the most popular weight loss diets is prunes and kefir. A cocktail of these products is prepared and consumed in different ways - depending on the desired results in the fight against excess weight, the diet being followed, the eating schedule and the regularity, as well as the intensity of the physical activity performed.

Diet on kefir and prunes and the main properties of the drink:

Regular consumption of prunes helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and normalize metabolic processes. In addition, by including prunes in your daily menu, you will protect yourself from weight gain, since dried fruit, among other things, speeds up metabolic processes.

In the fight against extra pounds, prunes are also effective due to the fact that they lower the level of bad cholesterol. The bile acids contained in it dissolve cholesterol and remove it from the body.

As part of a healthy and balanced nutrition system, it is often recommended to snack on dried fruits between main meals. Firstly, these products satisfy cravings for sweets, secondly, they saturate the body with many vitamins, microelements and nutrients, and thirdly, they create a feeling of satiety and give a charge of vivacity, energy and good mood.

Prunes are an excellent alternative to all kinds of confectionery products. They can be used to prepare many dessert dishes and cocktails that will not harm your figure or health. Kefir with prunes for weight loss has positive reviews, because it is both tasty and healthy.

Here we will look at different prune-based recipes that you can include in your diet.

What's in prunes?

Dried or dried prunes retain all the beneficial properties of fresh fruits, and due to the evaporation of moisture, the concentration of these substances increases. In terms of its chemical composition and beneficial components necessary for the functioning of the body, it is superior to other dried fruits and has a fairly high calorie content. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) is: 1:0.3:25.

Energy (nutritional) value per 100 gVitamins
  • calorie content - 256 kcal (17.98%);
  • proteins - 2.3 g (2.8%);
  • fats - 0.7 g (1.08%);
  • carbohydrates - 57.5 g (44.92%);
  • dietary fiber - 9 g (45%);
  • organic acids - 3.5 g;
  • water - 25 g (0.98%);
  • unsaturated fatty acids - 0.1 g;
  • mono- and disaccharides - 56.9 g;
  • starch - 0.6 g;
  • ash - 2.0 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - 0.1 g.
  • A - 10 μg (1.1%);
  • E - 1.8 mg (4.7%);
  • C - 3 mg (1.3%);
  • H (biotin) - 0.8 mg (0.6%);
  • K (phylloquinone) - 59.5 mcg (19.4%);
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.2 mg (1.3%);
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.1 mg (5.6%);
  • B4 (choline) - 10.1 mg (0.6%);
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.422 mg (8.4%);
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.205 mg (10.3%);
  • B9 (folic acid) - 4 mcg (0.4%);
  • PP (niacin equivalent) - 1.5 mg (3.3%);
  • carotene - 60 mg (1.2%).

Composition of prunes

  • potassium K - 864 mg (13.5%);
  • calcium Ca - 80 mg (3.1%);
  • magnesium Mg - 102 mg (10%);
  • sodium Na - 10 mg (0.3%);
  • sulfur S - 21.8 mg (0.9%);
  • phosphorus P - 83 mg (4.1%);
  • chlorine Cl - 3 mg.
  • vanadium V - 6.0 μg;
  • silicon Si - 19.5 mg (25.4%);
  • aluminum Al - 336.0 μg;
  • boron B - 57.0 μg;
  • iron Fe - 2.4–3.0 mg (6.5%);
  • cobalt Co - 3.8 μg (15.6%);
  • iodine I - 0.75–1.00 μg (0.2%);
  • molybdenum Mo - 9.5 μg (5.4%);
  • copper Cu - 385.0 μg (11%);
  • manganese Mn - 0.299 mg (5.9%);
  • selenium Se - 0.3 μg (0.2%);
  • nickel Ni - 60.0 μg;
  • rubidium Rb - 42.0 μg;
  • zinc Zn - 0.44 mg (3.7%).

Any diet implies some dietary restrictions, so the body receives not only fewer calories, but also fewer vitamins and elements. Eating dried fruit in your diet can solve this problem.

Important! The iron in prunes (2.4 mg) makes it an indispensable product for health, especially for women. And copper (385 mcg) ensures the delivery of iron from reserves, promotes its absorption and the production of red cells. Copper also ensures the movement of oxygen to the muscles.

Cocktail of kefir and prunes for weight loss

The method for preparing such a cocktail is extremely simple - use a blender to mix dried fruits with low-fat kefir and drink a glass of this mixture every evening instead of dinner. A glass of kefir will require about eight berries.

Eat as usual throughout the day. The only recommendation: abstain or limit sweets in your diet as much as possible.

This recipe gives a good diuretic and laxative effect, so nutritionists do not recommend drinking this cocktail for breakfast or lunch.

How to choose prunes?

The result depends on the quality of the product. It is worth paying attention to a number of factors that allow you to choose the best dried fruits:

  • properly prepared have a black color, a slight gloss confirms the quality of the product, you should not buy blue, brown and too shiny fruits, which indicates the use of chemicals;
  • dried fruits should be firm and not too soft or dry;
  • white coating indicates that the product is infected with a fungus;
  • Taste characteristics also matter; you should choose sweet fruits with a slight sourness.

Cottage cheese with prunes

Those who don't particularly like kefir should like this recipe more. Just mix 150 grams of cottage cheese (preferably low-fat or with a minimum percentage of fat) with prunes (up to eight berries). This simple dish should become your everyday dinner. The greatest effect can be achieved if you combine such nutrition with regular exercise. Even not particularly intense exercises will benefit your figure. For example, you can simply pump up your abs and walk more often.

However, it is worth noting that you should not stick to such a diet for long periods of time - you can “earn” an upset stomach, which is fraught with a loss of strength and the removal of vitamins and minerals from the body.

Possible contraindications for use

The main contraindication for taking prunes is individual intolerance to the product or allergic reactions.

  • In addition, you should not use it in the following cases:
  • for patients with diabetes (limit the quantity to 2–3 pieces per day);
  • in severe forms of obesity due to high carbohydrate content;
  • nursing mothers due to possible digestive disorders in infants;
  • in the presence of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

We recommend that you learn about the peculiarities of eating prunes during pregnancy.

Being a source of vitamins and nutrients, prunes are successfully included in dietary diets, allowing you to achieve an ideal figure without grueling workouts and questionable diets.


This recipe is intended to effectively cleanse the body of accumulated waste, toxins, etc. Of course, subcutaneous fat will not go anywhere, but at the very beginning of the fight against excess weight, it is extremely important to remove all excess from the body so that the weight loss process is stable and rapid.

So, you need to turn 100 grams of prunes and 100 grams of dried apricots into minced meat (use a meat grinder). You also need to add senna grass (several tablespoons) and 50 grams of flaxseeds to this mass. You can also add a few spoons of natural honey. Place this mixture in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Use this remedy daily before breakfast (a teaspoon) and after dinner (a dessert spoon).

This is a fairly strong diuretic and laxative, so the product is not suitable for those who have problems with the gallbladder or liver.

Whichever recipe you choose, it is important to remember that all such mixtures can only act as an aid in the fight against excess weight. If you do not combine them with physical activity and proper nutrition, will you be able to achieve any significant results in losing weight? Diet based on prunes and kefir: read reviews of those losing weight below.

Recipe box

Not all types of dried fruits can be consumed during the diet.
An exception is prunes - dried plums with or without pits, mainly Renklod or Vengerka varieties. The product improves digestion, by normalizing peristalsis, it cleanses the intestines of toxins and waste, removes excess water, which helps to lose 2-3 kilograms in 3 days. After processing, dried plums retain all the beneficial substances; their concentration is even higher than in fresh fruits, since moisture evaporates during drying. The value of prunes for weight loss is that they:

  • treats and prevents constipation;
  • improves digestion;
  • maintains acid-base balance;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves the condition of the skin;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents vitamin deficiency;
  • restores microflora, cleanses the intestines of feces, radioactive substances, toxins and waste;
  • saturates the body with antioxidants, slows down the aging process;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents stroke, heart attack;
  • eliminates depression;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • removes excess fluid and salts, relieves swelling, promotes weight loss;
  • quickly satisfies hunger.

Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 4–5 prunes per day (about 35–40 g). Exceeding the norm leads to weight gain, since dried fruits are high in calories and contain a lot of fructose.

Prunes have laxative and diuretic properties, so their uncontrolled consumption harms the stomach and kidneys.

Exceeding the daily intake of prunes when losing weight can lead to the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions to dried fruits;
  • changes in blood glucose levels;
  • flatulence, stool disorders;
  • hypotension;
  • gaining excess weight;
  • exacerbation of chronic heart and kidney diseases.

Prunes for weight loss are contraindicated for the following diseases and health conditions:

  • gout;
  • diabetes;
  • lactation period;
  • bloating, diarrhea;
  • low pressure;
  • obesity;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • individual intolerance.

Dried fruits are very good for health because they combine many vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Dried fruits perfectly satisfy hunger, normalize metabolism, and using prunes for weight loss is becoming increasingly popular.

Recent studies have shown that prunes during a diet effectively fight excess weight. In a week you can get rid of 3 kg. But that is not all. Dried plums have a positive effect on complexion, increase vitality, and simply replace harmful sweets.

It all depends on the vitamin composition of the fetus. The plum contains:

  • beta-carotenes;
  • elements of groups B, C, E;
  • phosphorus, zinc, potassium, chlorine, selenium, calcium, etc.;
  • malic, citric, oxalic acids;
  • natural monosaccharides;
  • pectins, fiber.

By including dried fruit in your daily diet, you will get:

  • stimulation of gastric juice production;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • maintaining acid-base balance;
  • elimination of constipation, gentle cleansing of the intestines;
  • removal of excess fluid.

In addition, prunes are effective in the prevention of caries, atherosclerosis, liver and kidney diseases.

Calorie content

It’s not for nothing that prunes are used in many weight loss diets. Energy value per 100 g of product:

  • 2.3 g fat;
  • 0.7 g proteins;
  • 57.5 g carbohydrates.

The calorie content of dried plums is 231 kcal. Despite its high energy value, the fruit is used for weight loss as a laxative.

During the diet, there is a strict taboo on all foods with sugar. And this is where prunes come to the rescue. Nutrition experts advise eating the fruit during snacks, about 5-6 pieces per day.

This is a real salvation for those with a sweet tooth. The product replaces candies, desserts, and cakes. A great alternative to unhealthy diet foods.

The benefits of prunes for women in losing weight have already been proven. Eat dried fruit in moderation, and before eating, make sure there are no contraindications.

The fruit can and should even be included in your diet menu. Prunes have a low glycemic index, controlling spikes in blood sugar, which helps maintain weight.

Is it possible for the night

The results of losing weight largely depend on a properly formulated diet and daily routine. Nutritionists debated for a long time about the benefits of the product for weight loss and came to a consensus:

  • The daily portion of the fruit should be no more than 5-6 pieces.
  • Dried fruit should not be mixed with laxatives.

You can eat the product before a night's rest, but 3-4 hours before bedtime. This time is enough for the prunes to digest and not create discomfort at night.

Dried plums add a special flavor to the dish. The fruit goes well with porridge, cottage cheese and dried apricots.

There are many options for recipes for delicious dietary dishes made from prunes.

The recipes from this section will fit perfectly into a low-calorie menu.

They can be served for lunch or dinner.

This product is obtained by a special method of drying plums. The best are those that were obtained naturally, but today it is much more common to find prunes that have undergone heat treatment. The ability of dried fruit to help with weight loss was discovered in the 80s, which is when it became especially popular.

Prunes cannot be called a low-calorie product. 100 g contains almost 250 kcal, but don’t be alarmed. The benefits of prunes lie in their balanced composition and high nutritional value. Most of all it contains carbohydrates and water, there is a little protein and very little fat and ash. The benefits of prunes for the body are as follows:

  • Due to the content of microelements such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iron, it has a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart, the reproductive system, bone and muscle tissue.
  • Pectins in the composition help remove waste and toxins from the body.
  • It contains many vitamins such as PP, C and group B, which increase immunity and improve the quality of skin, hair and nails.
  • About 7 g of dietary fiber helps improve intestinal motility and digestion. It has a laxative effect. Thanks to sorbitol and diphenysatine, prunes soften stools and also remove toxins.
  • Fiber creates a feeling of fullness for a long time. It also helps reduce portion sizes if eaten before meals.
  • Fruit sugars allow a person not to feel hungry for a long time and control cravings for sweets.

Prunes also have the following effects on the body.

  • Regulates blood sugar levels. Despite the fact that dried fruit has a high calorie content, the glycemic index of the product is no more than 29. This indicator plays an important role, since a constant sugar level allows metabolism to remain at the same level. A person does not become very hungry. By snacking on prunes every time, you can easily control your appetite.
  • Reducing cholesterol. The process of losing weight occurs by reducing cholesterol levels. It is completely dissolved by bile acids, and thanks to prunes it is eliminated from the body. This product does not contain saturated fat, which contributes to obesity and insulin resistance. They increase cholesterol levels and cause heart and vascular diseases.

Fats and salts increase blood pressure and retain water in the body, which can lead to edema and strokes. Regular consumption of prunes helps reduce their number, significantly improve the health of the body and lose extra pounds.

  • Antidepressant properties. Due to a lack of certain substances during a diet, a person begins to experience stress, which is manifested by bad mood, loss of strength, depression and depression. There may even be sleep disturbances. Prunes help avoid these unpleasant consequences. It also improves mental and emotional well-being. In addition, it contains many antioxidants that fight free radicals.

And here is more information about grapes for weight loss.

A diet based on prunes can be tasty, because you can cook interesting dishes from it. The diet turns out to be quite varied.

Ingredients: dried plum, buckthorn bark, rose hips or syrup, water.

First you need to pour prunes and buckthorn with water and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Then add the rose hips and cook for about 40 - 45 minutes. The finished broth should sit overnight at room temperature. The next day, strain and store in the refrigerator.

Take half a glass every day at 9 pm.

Ingredients: prunes, raisins, dried apricots, rose hips, natural honey, figs and hay.

Grind all components in a meat grinder. Then mix the mixture with honey. Store in a cool place in a glass jar. The mixture can be eaten with tea or in the morning as a dessert.

This dish can be a nutritious and dietary snack or breakfast. Several pieces of prunes are finely chopped and mixed with low-fat kefir.

Also, with the help of this drink you can fight constipation and cleanse the body of toxins.

Ingredients: lean meat, prunes, onions, 15% sour cream, apples, tomatoes, cheese and herbs.

Cut the meat into thin slices and place on a baking sheet on top of the onion rings. Then layer washed prunes, sour cream, apple slices and a mixture of tomatoes, grated cheese and dill. Simmer in the oven until done.

The normal benefits of this dried fruit are a great help in this process!

What exactly does prunes do in the process of losing weight:

  • 1. Regulates blood sugar levels

And this is important not only for the health of diabetics. Normal blood sugar levels help all metabolic processes in the body work well. And a good metabolism will NEVER allow the body to gain excess weight!

  • 2. Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood

A decrease in blood cholesterol levels is directly proportional to a person’s weight loss!

The scheme is the same - cholesterol deposits are dissolved, removed from the body, and the body “sighs” with relief and gratitude!

Metabolic processes have been stabilized, the “danger” has passed, there is no longer any point in accumulating extra pounds! ☺

3. When consumed in very small quantities, it gives a feeling of fullness for a long time

Oooh, how important this is in order not to “throw something at yourself” all the time, trying to drown out the constant and such an unpleasant feeling of hunger, don’t you agree?

Choosing prunes for a fasting day

Prunes are the most famous and popular dried fruit, which is often used for diets and fasting days. Its production is established in many southern countries, and our shelves are simply overwhelmed with aromatic products. Which ones are optimal for a fasting day? After all, in this case we are not just enjoying sweets, but we want to achieve the maximum effect for losing weight.

It is better to cook prunes yourself

The most useful are considered to be plum fruits, which are dried at natural temperatures along with the pit. Then they do not lose their beneficial properties at all. This product can only be obtained at home. If you live in a hot climate, buy or grow a specific variety of plums and dry them yourself.

Prune color

Prunes should have a black color and a matte surface. The latter is especially important, since to improve the appearance, products are treated with disinfectants or fatty substances. If it is glycerin or sunflower oil, then bacteria multiply intensively on it. Sulfur dioxide treatment is much more dangerous. The substance, on the contrary, kills all microbes, but is very toxic and irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. You can distinguish fruits with sulfur dioxide by their unchanged color (it remains bluish, like fresh fruits).

Dried is better than smoked prunes

Dried plums are best for weight loss. If they are smoked, they contain additional amounts of sugar and harmful substances formed during the cooking process.

“Real” dried fruits should be without damage to the skin, fleshy, black in color, sweet taste with a slight sourness (depending on the vitamin C content). If plums are bitter, shine brightly in the sun or have signs of mold, they should not be eaten.

Result: how much can you lose?

In 1 day of kefir fasting you can lose up to 2 kg. However, it will not be fat, but water, some of which will return the next day.

You can really lose weight with this diet if you deload regularly - once a week or month.

The experience of women who introduce kefir fasting (with apples, buckwheat and other options) into their usual nutritional practice is interesting; how much can you lose with this approach: reviews on the Internet say that in this way up to 10 kg of excess weight is lost in six months without much effort .


In conclusion, it should be said that fresh and dried plum fruits will help cleanse and relieve the body, if you remember the recommendations outlined in the article.

To maintain the results, do not overeat unhealthy foods, drink enough water and exercise!

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

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