Pumpkin diet for weight loss of 5 and 10 kg, menu with recipes and reviews of the results


Pumpkin is an amazing product. Our ancestors placed this vegetable at the top of its usefulness and held harvest festivals in its glory.

Why is pumpkin so useful and why was it so popular with our grandmothers?

We have all heard more than once that pumpkin porridge, steamed pumpkin, steamed pumpkin cutlets are incredibly beneficial for the body, but, unfortunately, this vegetable can rarely be found on the table of a modern Russian.

However, our grandmothers knew much more about her than we do.

The fact is that pumpkin contains a huge amount of useful vitamins that can fight off viruses and diseases, as well as protect us from seasonal vitamin deficiency.

In addition to the advantages of this miracle vegetable, the product is low in calories. Thanks to this state of affairs, pumpkin is recognized as one of the best ways to carry out diets and fasting days.

Pumpkin is perfectly stored without losing its properties, so you can spend fasting days on pumpkin throughout the year, without interrupting for out-of-season vegetables.

Its pulp is able to retain all the beneficial elements and vitamins that it absorbed in the summer for a whole year. It's incredibly convenient and practical. It is unlikely that you will find another such “convenient” vegetable.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are several advantages of the orange diet:

  1. Delicious variety of dishes - the diet is quite rich and will suit many people with its abundance of taste.
  2. The menu does not require a lot of expenses - the dishes are easy to prepare, without the use of significant culinary skills and financial investments.
  3. No feeling of hunger - the content of pectin and fiber ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  4. A short course of the pumpkin diet makes the diet accessible to more people who want to correct their figure.
  5. The result of losing weight is 8 kilograms in 14 years - it depends on individual characteristics, but is considered quite achievable.
  6. There is an abundance of nutrients and vitamins in pumpkin - during the period of weight loss with limited nutrition, it is very important to receive a vitamin complex that promotes good health and vital activity.
  7. Adjusting the functioning of internal organs and systems of the body - promotes the coordinated functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and some systems, such as the cardiovascular and nervous.
  8. Removing toxins and waste – the vegetable is a powerful antioxidant.
  9. Eliminates problems with stool - improves digestion, has a diuretic and laxative effect.

Among the disadvantages of this diet are the following:

  1. Low level of daily calorie content - as a result, the diet is impossible with long-term use.
  2. It is not intended for people with an individual intolerance to pumpkin - it will be impossible to eat the proposed dishes every day.
  3. Some restriction on products that are of animal origin - not everyone will be able to refuse such food.


What makes the root vegetable unique is its biochemical composition of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and fiber. Magnesium helps treat atherosclerosis and hypertension, and nitrous acid salts increase blood flow in the muscles, helping to cope with intense training. Beets perfectly cleanse the body and prevent anemia by increasing hemoglobin levels. But perhaps its most unique component is the vitamin-like substance betaine, which strengthens the immune system and prevents obesity (especially the liver).

Basic Rules

There are some general points about this type of weight loss:

  1. The diet menu does not have to be too strict and rigid.
  2. Limits on serving size within 200-250 g, for soups - 300 ml.
  3. It is recommended to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning.
  4. Eating 3 times a day, it is advisable to eat at certain times.
  5. The daily caloric intake during the diet is 1000-1200 kilocalories.
  6. It is important to follow the drinking regime - clean still water (at least 1.5 liters) and green tea without sugar or additives. But taking liquids is possible only between meals, do not wash down food.
  7. Choose bright fruits without damage.
  8. Limit snacking.
  9. Complete rejection of fried, fatty, spicy, salty foods and flour products, as well as alcohol.
  10. If there is juice on the menu, you must use it only freshly squeezed.
  11. The last meal should be no later than 18:00 and consist of a light dish.
  12. In order to replenish the vitamin reserve in the human body, taking the course is recommended in the winter.
  13. Possible physical activity is shown - cycling, Pilates, yoga, walking and others.
  14. The maximum period for using this type of nutrition should be no more than 2 weeks.
  15. Strictly limit the intake of sugar and salt, prepare dishes without using them.

It should be noted that some sources provide information about the possible replacement of pumpkin dishes with zucchini or zucchini on the menu. Snacks are also allowed, which can be in the form of unsweetened fruits, coffee or tea without sugar, and the use of salt in cooking in minimal quantities.


Despite the enormous benefits of pumpkin nutrition, there are a number of contraindications for which the diet is strictly prohibited. These include:

  • chronic diseases of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the period after infectious diseases in old age;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • individual intolerance;
  • reduced immunity.

The pumpkin diet will not be beneficial for those who are regularly exposed to grueling physical activity. It is also not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, children, adolescents and the elderly.

Nutritionists define the pumpkin diet as one of the most optimal methods of losing weight. Weight loss occurs without damage to the body; cells are saturated with useful substances, replacing expensive vitamin-mineral complexes and supplements with natural products.

Diet options


This diet is also known as the “orange” diet, designed for 12 days, the estimated weight loss is 5 kilograms. Basic dietary requirements apply. The menu is designed for 3 days, you need to do 4 approaches.

pumpkin and carrots

First day:

  • breakfast – 200 g of raw grated carrots, seasoned with low-fat yogurt and 200 g of pumpkin porridge;
  • lunch – 250-300 ml of puree soup with the addition of vegetable broth, fresh vegetable salad, 100 g of boiled beef, a slice of rye bread;
  • dinner – 250 g of stewed carrots with the addition of onions and garlic; before bed, drink 200 ml of milk or low-fat kefir.

Second day:

  • breakfast – 200 g of oatmeal and 200 g of salad;
  • lunch – 250-300 ml of soup, boiled lean fish, carrot pancakes and sour cream (choose fat content no more than 10%);
  • dinner - apples baked with low-fat cottage cheese and a slice of bread; before bed, drink 200 ml of milk or low-fat kefir.

The third day:

  • breakfast – 200 ml of milk porridge (choose milk with minimal fat content), fresh salad with carrots and apple, sprinkled with honey;
  • lunch – 250-300 ml of vegetable soup and pumpkin pancakes (several pieces);
  • dinner - 100 g of boiled chicken breast, stewed carrots and 1 grapefruit, before bed, drink 200 ml of milk or low-fat kefir.

Pumpkin rice

For 3 days you need to eat rice porridge with orange pulp, cooked in water. Eating fruits and vegetables is allowed, limiting potatoes, bananas and grapes. Alcohol, sugar and salt consumption are also prohibited. Fatty, spicy, fried foods and flour products are also excluded.

pumpkin porridge with rice

This diet plan will help you get rid of 3 kilograms of weight; you can repeat it 2-3 times a month to improve digestion.

On pumpkin porridge

Duration – no more than 5 days, alternate menu every other day, can be repeated no more than 1 time in 2 months. Weight loss is achieved at the level of 3-4 kilograms. All general dietary recommendations remain in effect.

puffed pumpkin porridge

First day:

  • breakfast – 200 g of porridge with water and 1 cucumber (or tomato);
  • lunch – 50 g of boiled chicken fillet (cook without skin and salt) and 200 g of porridge with water;
  • afternoon snack – 150 g of vegetable pieces baked in the oven;
  • dinner – 200 g of salad and boiled lean fish.

Second day:

  • breakfast – 150 g of chopped boiled vegetables and carrots;
  • lunch – 200 g of porridge cooked in water and 50 g of hard cheese with minimal fat content;
  • afternoon snack – 100 g of pulp, baked in the oven;
  • dinner - salad with any vegetables (raw) and boiled lean fish.

The total weight of the serving should be no more than 250 g.

On kefir and pumpkin

This diet option is perfect as a fasting day for 1 day for those people who find it difficult to tolerate fasting. During the day, you need to eat 500 g of baked or boiled pumpkin pulp and drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir. It is also necessary not to forget about the basic requirements that apply to the specified diet. The weight loss will be minus 2 kilograms per day.

pumpkin with kefir

On apples and pumpkins

Its duration is 3 days, the weight will be up to 3-4 kilograms. This weight loss regimen is considered tough and strict, as it includes a limited set of products:

  • baked or boiled orange vegetable (without using sugar or salt);
  • fresh green apples;
  • for lunch you are allowed to eat pumpkin salad with apples (100 g of pulp and 2 pieces, respectively);
  • Compliance with the drinking regime and basic rules is mandatory!

pumpkin and apples

On pumpkin seeds

This is a monotonous and low-calorie version of the pumpkin diet, during which you need to add the seeds of the fruit to ready-made dishes and drink fresh juice from the pulp. Duration is 4 days, weight loss is up to 3 kg.

Recommended Meal Plan:

  • breakfast – 250 g of porridge with water, several almonds;
  • lunch – 200 g of vegetable or fruit salad, sprinkle with a handful of seeds;
  • afternoon snack – 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • dinner – 30 g of seeds.

pumpkin seeds

Fully or partially limited products

All sweets and alcohol-containing drinks, fast food are prohibited. It is recommended to cook dishes without salt. Sugar is also prohibited. Consumption of fatty foods, various smoked meats and pickled dishes is not allowed.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal


potato chips5,530,053,0520
caramel popcorn5,38,776,1401
salted popcorn7,313,562,7407
cheese popcorn5,830,850,1506



Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189



Raw materials and seasonings


Meat products



boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
smoked sausage28,227,50,0360
smoked sausage16,244,60,0466
dry-cured sausage24,138,31,0455
smoked sausage9,963,20,3608



Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,099,00,0899

Alcoholic drinks

white wine Muscat0,00,05,082
Cahors red wine0,00,016,0147

Non-alcoholic drinks

* data is per 100 g of product

Pumpkin juice for weight loss

It is the basis of health and dietary nutrition. It contains many minerals and vitamins. The juice has a list of healing properties:

  1. Has a general strengthening effect.
  2. Increases immunity.
  3. Promotes weight loss.
  4. Recommended for diabetes.
  5. Reduces the risk of infectious and colds.
  6. Improves metabolism and blood circulation.
  7. Calms and eliminates insomnia.
  8. Tones.
  9. Improves well-being.
  10. Used in folk medicine for the treatment of skin diseases (externally).

pumpkin juice

In the absence of diseases for which juice is contraindicated, it is widely used for weight loss. It is recommended to spend a fasting day on juice 1-2 times a week for those who have the problem of excess weight.

A strict fasting day looks like this:

  • drink 300 ml of pumpkin juice every 3 hours throughout the day;
  • during breaks it is allowed to drink only pure non-carbonated mineral water or green tea without added sugar in unlimited quantities;
  • During the day it is forbidden to eat or drink other foods.

The advantage of this method is considered to be quick relief from constipation and swelling, the disadvantage is that not everyone can use this scheme, since the feeling of hunger will be strong. Only people with good motivation and willpower can survive.

Preparing juice for unloading is quite easy:

  • wash the fruit;
  • to peel;
  • cut into pieces;
  • squeeze out the juice in a juicer.

To prepare juice as a supplement to a healthy diet, mix 0.5 liters of freshly squeezed juice, 100 g of sugar and the juice of 1 lemon. Take in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.

Pumpkin juice pairs well with apple or carrot juice to create a low-calorie detox cocktail. It is better to take it raw and cook immediately before use.

It is not recommended to take “orange” juice for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.


One of the most ancient root vegetables on the planet has earned special trust. It is rich in antioxidants and microelements and acts as a preventative against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. By the way, gnawing carrots can provide a good massage to the gums, which has a beneficial effect on the strength of your teeth. Carrot juice cleanses the kidneys and liver, removes stones, improves appetite and increases hemoglobin levels. And, of course, carrots contain carotene, which strengthens the retina and is responsible for the beauty of hair and skin. A glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice in the morning will give you a boost of energy and good mood.

Pumpkin seeds as a dietary supplement

The seeds of the fruit are widely used in adjusting the diet for weight loss. They contain vitamins and nutrients, polyunsaturated fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, so they can be safely used in the everyday menu. They can be sprinkled on prepared first courses, salads, and also used as a snack.

But do not forget that the calorie content of seeds is very high (538 kilocalories per 100 g). Therefore, you should not exceed the intake rate recommended in the menu. It is advisable to dry the seeds before use.

The diet menu using seeds is described above.

Pumpkin oil in the diet

You can also use oil that contains unsaturated fatty acids for weight loss purposes. It will help restore metabolic processes and reduce cholesterol levels. There are a number of benefits of oil:

  • helps cleanse the intestines;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fat deposits;
  • regulates appetite;
  • prevents fat accumulation;
  • and many more other.

pumpkin seed oil

The beneficial substances and vitamins contained in the oil make it a complete source during periods of dietary restriction. When using oil, you must remember that it should not be exposed to heat and should be consumed in moderation. It is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of oil to prepared dishes, salads, cereals, or take the same amount in pure form 1 hour before meals. No need to drink.

The oil contains some allergens and should be taken very carefully.

Dish recipes

Since the orange fruit has a large number of fans, there are many recipes for preparing dishes with pumpkin. They turn out light, tasty and low in calories.

Pumpkin soup

Low-calorie: cut the vegetable pulp, carrots and bell peppers into cubes and place in a saucepan. Add water or vegetable broth to cover completely. Cook over low heat. Later you can add chopped tomatoes and onions. Pour in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. To taste, add herbs, tomato paste and salt on the tip of a knife. After boiling, remove from heat.

With cream: prepare and chop the same set of vegetables, simmer in a small amount of water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add finely chopped onion and tomato. At the end of cooking, add cream of minimal fat content, salt on the tip of a knife and boiled water, adjusting the thickness of the soup. Bring to a boil and turn off. You can beat it with a blender.

pumpkin soup

Pumpkin porridge

On water: the vegetable is washed, peeled, cut into cubes. Simmer 200 g of vegetable pulp in a small amount of water for 30 minutes. Then add 1-2 tablespoons of any cereal (rice, oatmeal, millet). Cook with the lid closed for another 20 minutes until done.

With diluted milk: dilute low-percentage milk with clean water in a 1:1 ratio, add 200 g of diced pumpkin. Boil in milk until boiling. Add a few tablespoons of washed rice or any cereal. Bring to readiness over low heat.

pumpkin porridge

Apple salad

Cut the peeled vegetable and apple into strips or chop on a grater. Stir and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Drizzle with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. You can also use low-fat yogurt without additives as a dressing and sprinkle with a few peeled seeds.

Almond salad

Finely chop or grate 100 g of raw orange pulp, add finely chopped almonds (2 teaspoons), season with olive oil, liquid honey or low-fat yogurt.

Stew with vegetables

Cut the carrots, pumpkin and onion into pieces and simmer in a frying pan in a small amount of water. Pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add water, tomato, garlic and other vegetables (with the exception of potatoes). Spices, herbs - to taste. Salt is on the tip of the knife. Simmer everything together under a closed lid until cooked.

vegetable stew with pumpkin


Grate the vegetable; you can add carrots or apples if desired. Add a little flour, cinnamon, soda and 1 egg so that the mixture can be formed into pancakes. Fry on both sides in a small amount of vegetable oil.


Grate the pulp on a coarse grater, simmer in water, and cool. Then add oatmeal (1 cup), a pinch of salt, 1 egg. Pour a little vegetable oil into a heated frying pan, make cutlets from the “dough” and fry on both sides.

Pancakes and cutlets are high-calorie diet dishes; they should be consumed in moderation during the pumpkin diet.

pumpkin cutlets

Baked pulp

Cut the peeled pulp into small pieces and bake until done. After cooling, you can pour 1 teaspoon of liquid natural honey.

Reviews and results of losing weight

You can read many reviews online. People who have tried this diet for themselves are approximately evenly divided in their reviews of this regimen.

Irina, 32 years old, Kaliningrad

I was determined to lose weight for a long time, I read a lot of information and reviews about different methods. I settled on the pumpkin scheme because I have loved my grandmother’s porridge since childhood. I bought vegetables at the market and wrote out the menu for the day. In the reviews everyone writes that there will be no hunger, but personally, the portions and dishes offered to me were few. I tried to snack on pieces of raw fruit pulp, but I quickly got tired of the taste. I wanted to dip this piece into something sweet. You can say that I suffered for a week. And the result of minus 4 kilograms was no longer even pleasing, because I really wanted a variety of food. For the next six months, I continued to eat healthy food, as I had a strong motivation to lose weight. Gradually my weight dropped and I started walking more. I consider this scheme to be a kind of beginning of the path to proper nutrition. As a result, I can say that weight loss is possible, but it’s difficult to endure almost the same thing three times a day. Even for lovers of this vegetable.

Svetlana, 28 years old, Kemerovo

At my mother’s dacha this year we harvested an incredible pumpkin harvest. All fruits are colorful, bright, elastic. Together with my mother, I prepared juice, made jam, and froze it in portions for making porridges and casseroles. And we still have a lot of them left! I was looking online for new recipes for canning and came across an orange diet. My mother and I decided to start shaping our figure. They divided the remaining harvest in half and began to cook according to all sorts of recipes. I advise you to prepare all dishes in advance so as not to be tempted to eat something forbidden during your snack. After just 3 days, weight loss began. I managed to get through this week quite easily without breaking down. I tried to keep myself busy with something so as not to sit at home and think about food. We walked in the park with my mother and shared our impressions of our eating style. At the end of our marathon, the results were as follows: I – minus 3.5 kilograms, my mother – minus 2.7 kilograms. Our results may seem insignificant to some, but we consider this scheme to be quite effective. Because we didn’t have to make any significant efforts; the food was tasty and satisfying.

Ksenia, 40 years old, Odessa

I don’t have significant excess weight, but to correct my figure and keep myself in shape, I periodically adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition. This time it was the turn for the pumpkin ration. It was just autumn, the harvest had been harvested, supplies had been made. I carefully prepared the menu and broke it down by day. I was very pleased with the rich selection of dishes and recipes. Every time I cooked something new and tasty. I love to beautifully decorate ready-made dishes, and with this bright orange fruit my kitchen sparkled with new colors. I lasted 12 days on this diet, it was quite easy for me, because I can easily tolerate any restrictions on the menu. At the end of the course, the scales showed minus 4 kilograms. I consider this a good result, since I didn’t go to the gym and wasn’t hungry. I no longer adhere to a diet, but now I cook many dishes regularly. I really loved this vegetable!

Anna, 43 years old, Severodvinsk

Excess weight has been my problem for several years now. When the scales showed me a weight of over 100 kg, I realized that I needed to radically change my life, including my diet. I decided to try adjusting the menu first, and only then sign up for fitness. I bought a slow cooker, reviewed a bunch of recipes for steamed dishes and decided not to take a step back. Based on reviews online, I chose pumpkin as my first diet. Reducing portions was painful for me. The very first days were hungry, as the stomach was accustomed to receiving huge amounts of food. Having endured it, the rest was a little easier. Favorite dishes appeared, I especially liked porridge. The sedentary lifestyle has now been replaced by walking in the park area in our area, walking the dog in the evenings has become my responsibility. It's time to step on the scale - 10 days 10 kg! There was no happier person than me at that moment! Now, having completely reviewed my diet, I will gradually move towards my ideal weight!

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