Kefir-apple diet for weight loss: menu for 3, 7, 9 days

The kefir-apple diet is very popular today. This is due to the ease of its use, a relatively balanced diet and the availability of products. A diet can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also significantly improve the internal state of the body. Thanks to the fermented milk product, all impurities and toxins are released, and the apple provides the necessary vitamins and microelements, which normalizes well-being.

The diet is a simple one; the chance of going wrong on it is almost zero, since in addition to main meals, snacks are allowed. Its properties are similar to apple juice, but the added fermented milk product with a low fat content softens the effect of the fruit on the stomach several times. Thanks to this, the diet is easier to tolerate.

  • Dish recipes
      Kefir soup
  • Apple smoothie
  • Applesauce
  • Baked apples
  • The essence of the kefir-apple diet

    The kefir-apple diet is a nutrition plan based on the consumption of two foods. Such mono-diets are the most effective way to lose excess weight.

    In addition, on such a diet you can improve your health, because the kefir-apple diet helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to cleanse the skin of the face, as well as get rid of toxins and toxins in the body.

    Green apples are one of the main products in the kefir-apple diet

    The benefits of kefir and apples for the human body

    The calorie content of apples does not exceed 47 calories per 100 grams. These fruits contain large amounts of fiber and water, so their presence in the diet significantly reduces appetite. Potassium, sodium, iron, iodine, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus - apples contain all these substances in large quantities. In addition, sweet fruits are a storehouse of vitamins A, B and C.

    Apples are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It’s not for nothing that they say: one apple a day prolongs life by several years.

    Video: 20 interesting facts about apples

    Kefir is the basis of many diets because it has a beneficial effect on the human body. The fermented milk product contains only 56 calories per 100 grams. The unique ability of kefir is that it restores the intestinal microflora. Fermented milk products contain beneficial bacteria, thanks to which the body quickly and actively recovers after taking antibiotics.

    Medium fat kefir has a positive effect on the digestive process and helps cleanse the skin

    Consuming kefir also helps normalize sleep, strengthen immunity to various diseases, remove toxins and excess water from the body, and even improve the functioning of the human central nervous system.

    Video: benefits of kefir for the body

    How to choose apples and kefir for your diet

    Of course, if you eat the sweetest varieties of apples and drink high-fat kefir, the weight loss process will slow down significantly. For the kefir-apple diet, a low-fat fermented milk drink is best. But do not take low-fat kefir, it will not benefit your body. As for apples, their sweet varieties contain a lot of natural sugar - fructose. If you abuse this substance, it will affect your figure akin to ordinary sugar. Sour green apples are ideal for the kefir-apple diet.

    Apples are rich in vitamins and microelements, which is why it is so beneficial to eat them daily.

    Duration of diet and estimated weight loss

    The time for using the kefir-apple diet varies from three to nine days. In the first three days, the diet involves losing three kilograms of excess weight. Then the process will slow down a little, but weight loss will continue. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, on a kefir-apple diet you can lose up to ten kilograms of excess weight in nine days. If you strictly monitor your diet and follow the basic rules of the diet, the result will not be long in coming. But sticking to such a menu for more than nine days is strictly not recommended. One and a half weeks is enough to cleanse the body of accumulated impurities and get rid of excess body weight.

    How to choose products

    In order for the diet to bring as much benefit as possible, you should pay attention to the selected products:

    • Green apples should be preferred because they contain the least fructose.
    • You should not buy fruits with dents, damage or rot.
    • If there is a white coating on the fruits, they should be peeled.
    • You need to buy kefir with 1–2% fat content. A low-fat drink does not have a beneficial effect on the body.
    • It is necessary to purchase fermented milk products with a minimum shelf life (less than a week), as they are the healthiest.
    • Kefir made more than a week ago should not be consumed, as it will not have a beneficial effect.

    Basic principles of the kefir-apple diet

    Let's consider the principles of the kefir-apple diet, the observance of which will help to obtain the expected results:

    1. Every day you need to drink up to one and a half liters of kefir. This does not mean that you need to consume this entire amount. It is better to choose the ideal portion for yourself, thanks to which you will not feel constant hunger.
    2. You need to eat four to six medium-sized apples per day.
    3. Only a three-day version of the kefir-apple diet is considered a mono-diet. As for the seven and nine days of the diet, in these options it is allowed to eat light fish, fruits, vegetables and chicken fillet.
    4. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Water has a significant effect on the process of weight loss. By staying hydrated, nutrients are delivered faster to the cells of our body.
    5. During the diet, you need to eat small portions every two to three hours. Fractional nutrition is one of the simplest ways to speed up your metabolism.
    6. If you often suffer from bloating and other digestive problems, then you do not want to combine apples and kefir. It is better that at least 30 minutes pass between these meals.
    7. If you feel that you cannot cope with hunger, then drink a cup of green tea with a drop of honey.
    8. Black tea and coffee should be consumed only in the morning if you find it difficult to start your day without these drinks.
    9. Apples irritate the gastric mucosa and provoke appetite, so it is better to choose kefir in the evening. This approach will help to avoid intestinal discomfort, as well as failure to diet.
    10. The kefir-apple diet involves a complete abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages. The reason for the ban on alcohol is not only its harm to the body, but also its high calorie content, which many are not even aware of.
    11. While following the kefir-apple diet, you must get enough sleep. This is a fundamental rule for weight loss. The body must rest fully, especially during periods of severe dietary restriction.
    12. When you're aiming to lose weight, you need to move a lot. Walk, walk the dog, bike ride. Thanks to an active lifestyle, your body will become not only thin, but also toned.
    13. You need to prepare for any diet, especially such a strict one. This is necessary so that the body does not experience stress due to a sharp decrease in caloric intake.

    Cooking apples


    This diet is very monotonous, but it can be diversified by eating apples, which can be eaten not only fresh, but also baked:

    1. First way. Remove the core from the fruit and wrap them in foil. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.
    2. Second way. Cut the fruit in half, cutting out the centers. If desired, you can add a teaspoon of honey. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
    3. Third way. Peel the fruit and cut into slices. Place on a plate and sprinkle with cinnamon. After this, they must be placed in the microwave for 1.5 minutes.


    1. Salad. The peeled apple is cut into small pieces and poured into a low-fat drink.
    2. Cocktail. For 200 gr. kefir, add chopped apple and a tablespoon of oatmeal.
    3. Salad. Cut the fruit into cubes, add some fresh currants, and season with kefir.

    Combining training and kefir-apple diet

    On the kefir-apple diet, do not exhaust yourself with physical training. Forget about weightlifting and strength aerobics for a while if you are involved in such sports.

    Passive load, on the contrary, is welcome. Walking, light jogging, hatha yoga, swimming, stretching and cycling will help you shed extra pounds faster. If you decide to use a diet in winter, then skiing is ideal for you as an additional load.

    Photo gallery: recommended sports for the kefir-apple diet

    Hatha yoga is a type of yoga aimed at strengthening the muscles of the entire body

    Walking brings great benefits to the human body, because during this activity all muscles work and a large amount of energy is consumed

    Cycling is a great way to relax after a hard day at work, and fresh air will help you with this

    Skiing is one of the most enjoyable sports in winter; it is almost injury-free and brings a lot of positive emotions.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The main advantage of this nutrition system is the rapid loss of excess weight. In addition, the kefir-apple method allows you to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, as well as stabilize the functioning of the intestines and metabolic processes.

    Among the negative aspects, those losing weight note the rigidity of this method for express weight loss and the constant feeling of hunger when following it. In addition, the disadvantages of the nutritional system include a low content of carbohydrates and proteins in the diet, which can negatively affect well-being.

    Varieties of kefir-apple diet

    The kefir-apple diet exists in three main versions - you can choose the most effective and acceptable diet for yourself.

    Three-day kefir-apple diet

    Apples and kefir are the basis of the classic three-day and most effective kefir-apple diet

    An express diet based on apples and kefir has a limited diet and a short duration. This is the only type of kefir-apple diet that really deserves to be called a mono-diet.

    The diet menu is limited to six green apples and a liter of fermented milk drink. Nevertheless, the apple can be baked, combined with kefir and grated with the addition of lemon juice and a drop of honey. Bran can sometimes be added to kefir. Thanks to these small indulgences, the diet is easier to tolerate, and the menu becomes interesting and tasty.

    Table: example of a kefir-apple diet menu for three days

    BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
    Day 1
    • one green apple baked with a drop of honey;
    • green tea with lemon.
    • two green apples;
    • glass of water.
    • grated green apple with lemon juice and a drop of honey;
    • black coffee without sugar.
    • 200 ml kefir;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • a cocktail of one green apple and 200 ml of kefir;
    • glass of water.
    Day 2
    • grated green apple, filled with 200 ml of kefir;
    • glass of water.
    • a glass of kefir with 1 tsp. bran;
    • glass of water.
    • one green apple baked with a drop of honey and lemon juice;
    • warm green tea.
    • one green apple;
    • green tea with a drop of honey and lemon juice.
    • 300 ml kefir;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    Day 3
    • two green apples;
    • black coffee without sugar.
    • cocktail made from one apple and kefir;
    • glass of water.
    • grated green apple with lemon juice and a drop of honey;
    • a glass of cool water.
    • one green apple;
    • glass of water.
    • 200 ml kefir;
    • 1 tsp. bran.

    Seven-day kefir-apple diet

    The seven-day kefir-apple diet allows you to enjoy a delicious combination of fermented milk products and various fruits

    The seven-day diet is practically no different from the kefir-apple diet, designed for three days. But due to the increased duration, her diet is more gentle. During these seven days, you are allowed to eat an additional serving of vegetables for breakfast. In addition, throughout the day you can replace kefir with fermented baked milk or yogurt, and apples can replace any other fruit except bananas, grapes and avocados.

    Table: example of a kefir-apple diet menu for seven days

    BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
    Day 1
    • 100 g of Chinese cabbage and pea salad;
    • 200 ml kefir.
    • one grapefruit;
    • green tea with lemon.
    • one green apple baked with a drop of honey;
    • 200 ml kefir.
    • 200 ml yogurt;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • 2 grated green apples with lemon juice and a drop of honey;
    • 150 ml kefir.
    Day 2
    • 100 g vegetable stew;
    • 200 ml fermented baked milk.
    • half a pomelo;
    • chicory without sugar.
    • two green apples;
    • 200 ml kefir.
    • cocktail of 150 ml kefir and half a green apple;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • two green apples;
    • 100 ml kefir.
    Day 3
    • 150 g grated carrots with garlic;
    • green tea with a drop of honey.
    • 250 ml kefir;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • fruit salad of grapefruit, green apple and tangerine, seasoned with 100 ml of fermented baked milk;
    • green tea without sugar.
    • two green apples;
    • glass of water.
    • 250 ml fermented baked milk;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    Day 4
    • 150 g beets with garlic and ground black pepper;
    • black coffee without sugar.
    • one grapefruit;
    • glass of water.
    • one apple baked with lemon juice;
    • 200 ml kefir.
    • 200 ml kefir;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • 200 ml kefir;
    • one green apple.
    Day 5
    • 150 g of classic tomato and cucumber salad;
    • 200 ml fermented baked milk.
    • 200 ml kefir;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • fruit salad of half a pomelo, one grapefruit and a green apple, dressed with a spoonful of curdled milk;
    • green tea with lemon juice.
    • two green apples;
    • glass of water.
    • 200 ml kefir;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    Day 6
    • 100 g vegetable stew;
    • 150 ml kefir with 1 tsp. bran.
    • one green apple;
    • glass of water.
    • 400 g pomelo pulp;
    • 200 ml kefir.
    • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • cocktail of 150 ml kefir and one green apple;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    Day 7
    • 150 g beets with garlic and a spoonful of curdled milk;
    • 150 ml kefir.
    • 200 ml yogurt;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
    • one grapefruit.
    • 2 green apples;
    • glass of water.
    • cocktail of 200 ml kefir and one green apple;
    • 1 tsp. bran.

    Nine-day kefir-apple diet

    People who cannot imagine their day without animal protein will enjoy the nine-day kefir-apple diet, which includes vegetables and lean fish.

    The kefir-apple diet, designed for nine days, differs markedly from the standard diet. But this is only true if you take the three-day kefir-apple mono-diet as the original.

    The nine-day diet is the most gentle and comfortable version of the kefir-apple diet. The diet will no longer be limited to apples and kefir. In addition to fermented milk drinks, vegetables, unsweetened fruits and bran, the nutrition plan also includes chicken fillet, low-fat fish and cottage cheese. You can combine products to your liking and enjoy your favorite dishes. At the same time, you will continue to lose weight if you follow all the basic principles of the kefir-apple diet.

    Table: example of a kefir-apple diet menu for nine days

    BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
    Day 1
    • 100 g cottage cheese;
    • one green apple;
    • black coffee without sugar.
    • one grapefruit;
    • 100 ml kefir.
    • 200 g chicken breast baked with vegetables;
    • green tea with a drop of honey and lemon juice.
    • 200 ml fermented baked milk with tsp. bran;
    • one green apple.
    • 200 g steamed tilapia with vegetables;
    • iced green tea.
    Day 2
    • one green apple baked with cottage cheese and cinnamon;
    • chicory without sugar.
    • half a pomelo;
    • 150 ml kefir.
    • 200 g chicken breast, stewed in yogurt with herbs;
    • 100 ml kefir.
    • two green apples;
    • 200 ml kefir.
    • vegetable salad of cabbage, carrots and canned peas;
    • green tea without sugar.
    Day 3
    • 250 g of homemade fruit puree from green apple, grapefruit, a drop of honey and a spoon of curdled milk;
    • green tea without sugar.
    • 200 ml kefir;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • 250 g vegetable stew with chicken breast;
    • warm green tea with lemon.
    • one grapefruit;
    • green tea without sugar.
    • cod steak with steamed vegetables;
    • iced green tea with lime.
    Day 4
    • 200 g cottage cheese with half a grapefruit;
    • black coffee without sugar.
    • two green apples;
    • 100 ml kefir.
    • 200 g stewed cabbage;
    • 150 ml kefir.
    • Fitness cocktail;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • salad of one tomato, cucumber and a bunch of arugula;
    • 100 g boiled chicken breast;
    • 100 ml kefir.
    Day 5
    • cocktail of 200 ml fermented baked milk and one green apple;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • one grapefruit;
    • black tea without sugar.
    • 200 g grated carrots with garlic and a spoonful of curdled milk;
    • warm green tea.
    • 250 ml kefir;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • 200 g vegetable salad with tuna;
    • 100 ml kefir.
    Day 6
    • fruit salad from one grapefruit, green apple and two teaspoons of fermented baked milk;
    • green tea with a drop of honey and lemon juice.
    • 200 ml yogurt;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
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    • 200 g stew of chicken breast and vegetables;
    • 150 ml kefir.
    • two green apples;
    • glass of water.
    • steamed cod steak;
    • 200 ml kefir.
    Day 7
    • 200 g of cottage cheese with one green apple and two teaspoons of yogurt;
    • black coffee without sugar.
    • half a pomelo;
    • 100 ml kefir.
    • 180 g stewed cabbage;
    • 200 ml kefir with 1 tsp. bran.
    • cocktail of one grapefruit and 150 ml of kefir;
    • 1 tsp bran.
    • 100 g boiled chicken breast;
    • 200 ml fermented baked milk.
    Day 8
    • one green apple baked with cottage cheese and a drop of honey;
    • green tea with lemon.
    • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
    • half a green apple.
    • 200 g boiled beets;
    • 150 ml kefir.
    • Fitness cocktail;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • 150 g steamed tilapia;
    • 150 ml kefir.
    Day 9
    • 200 g of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of fermented baked milk;
    • black coffee without sugar.
    • Fitness cocktail;
    • 1 tsp. bran.
    • 200 g chicken breast stewed in kefir;
    • one grapefruit.
    • two green apples;
    • glass of water.
    • cocktail of 200 ml fermented baked milk and one green apple;
    • 1 tsp. bran.


    To make weight loss less painful, you can develop a sample menu with the addition of some low-calorie foods:

    • 1 breakfast. A glass of kefir and an apple baked in the oven.
    • 2 breakfast. Apple.
    • Dinner. 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of honey and kefir.
    • Afternoon snack. Mashed apple puree with a handful of walnuts, kefir.
    • Dinner. Two baked apples with honey.
    • Before bed - kefir.

    Recipes for a gentle kefir-apple diet

    During the nine-day kefir-apple diet, you can prepare many healthy and tasty dishes. This way you will diversify your diet, and the diet will be much easier.

    All ingredients in the recipes are indicated for one serving.

    Cocktail "Fitness"

    The Fitness cocktail is easy to prepare and is one of the most effective for weight loss.

    Kefir, cucumber and greens are an excellent combination that helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of various accumulations

    Cocktail ingredients:

    • 200 ml kefir;
    • 1 medium cucumber;
    • greens to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the cucumber into cubes.
    2. Mix the ingredients manually using a spoon or in a blender, adding your favorite herbs if desired.
    3. Serve in a transparent glass, after garnishing the cocktail with a parsley leaf.

    Vegetable salad with tuna

    Vegetable salad with tuna can be an excellent healthy dinner option.

    Vegetables help digest protein as quickly as possible, so tuna salad is an excellent choice for those losing weight

    Salad ingredients:

    • 100 g canned tuna;
    • 1 ripe tomato;
    • 3 lettuce leaves;
    • 1/5 red onion;
    • 50 g canned red beans;
    • salt, pepper to taste;
    • 1 tsp. olive oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the tomato into cubes.
    2. Cut the onion into rings.
    3. Place lettuce leaves on a plate.
    4. Gently mix all ingredients in a deep plate.
    5. Place the salad on a plate.
    6. Drizzle with olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste.
    7. Serve with a glass of lemon water.

    Apple baked with cottage cheese and cinnamon

    Try preparing a delicious and healthy dessert in the oven - an apple baked with cottage cheese and cinnamon.

    Apple with cottage cheese and cinnamon is a delicious dessert with a delicate taste and a lot of useful properties.


    • 30 g low-fat cottage cheese;
    • 5 g ground cinnamon;
    • 1 large green apple;
    • 1 tsp. honey.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut out the core of the apple so that there is no hole at the bottom.
    2. Stuff the apple with cottage cheese and sprinkle cinnamon on top.
    3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
    4. Place the apple stuffed with cottage cheese on a baking sheet.
    5. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
    6. Remove the baking sheet and pour a little honey on top of the apple.
    7. Serve with warm green tea.

    Photo gallery: recipe ingredients for the kefir-apple diet

    Fresh cucumbers

    Healthy greens

    Nutritious tuna

    Fresh tomatoes

    Red canned beans

    Spicy red onion

    Low-fat cottage cheese

    Spicy cinnamon

    Fragrant honey


    If it is very difficult to maintain such a strict diet, you can improve your menu a little. This will not cause harm and will help you last the required number of days.

    Vegetable soup

    We will need:

    1. Fresh cucumber.
    2. Green pea.
    3. Boiled carrots.
    4. Onions and greens.

    Take 1 pc. vegetables and chop finely. Add a spoonful of peas, herbs and onions. Pour a glass of kefir. This dish is light and tasty.

    Vitamin cocktail

    Grate the large fruit and beat in a blender with a glass of kefir. For taste, add a pinch of cinnamon and some oatmeal. This cocktail would be the perfect breakfast.

    Homemade yogurt

    This dish can be prepared for lunch.
    The feeling of hunger will go away for a long time and losing weight will become easier. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw buckwheat and grind it in a coffee grinder. Mix the powder with a fermented milk product and cut half an apple into it.

    Buckwheat is very filling, so the recipe will come in handy.

    The right way out of the kefir-apple diet

    Many people who have achieved good results on the kefir-apple diet lose them upon returning to their normal diet. Why is this happening? The main reason is the wrong way out of the diet or its absence at all.

    What to do when the result is achieved, and how to maintain it? First of all, you should not immediately return to your old way of eating after completing the diet. This means that for some time you should not order a standard set of dishes for lunch. Often the body is weakened after a diet, and you need to give the right energy to restore it. Gradually, you can introduce lean red meat, vegetable and chicken soups into your diet. It is better not to include carbonated drinks, sweets and baked goods on the menu at all for a while. Carefully replenishing your diet will help your body adapt to your normal diet. By following these simple rules, you will protect yourself from regaining lost pounds and avoid digestive problems.

    What's the point

    Kefir and apples are consumed in limited portions, observing an interval diet. You can drink unsweetened green tea and warm water with lemon or honey. All other products are strictly prohibited.

    If it is impossible to refuse tea or coffee, drink a cup of an invigorating drink without sugar in the morning.

    Given the dramatic changes in diet, in order to avoid stress, it is necessary to prepare the body for a diet. A few days before the diet, all junk food is excluded from the diet. Apples are eaten as snacks and instead of the usual desserts. The day before the start, they eat exclusively low-calorie foods, raw and cooked.

    On the preparatory day, the following diet is recommended:

    • Breakfast - oatmeal with water and green tea;
    • Lunch - 150 gr. boiled white fish and one tomato;
    • Dinner - a plate of vegetable salad and orange juice;
    • Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm water with lemon.

    Preparation allows you to gradually enter a new diet. If you feel weak and unwell in the evening, you should postpone the diet for 2-3 days and then repeat the procedure again.

    The correct exit from the diet lasts for 4-5 days. On the first day, you can add 250 grams to your diet. boiled lean chicken or rabbit meat and some raw vegetables. Then light soups, vegetable stews, nuts and fruits are gradually introduced. Fatty, salty, fried and smoked foods are prohibited for 4 days. This list also includes carbonated drinks, flour products and red meat.

    By following these recommendations, you will be able to consolidate your new weight and not harm your body.

    Reviews about the kefir-apple diet

    I like the apple kefir diet for several reasons. Firstly, it is one of the most budget-friendly. Secondly, it is well tolerated after the feast preceding the diet. Since apples, which contain a huge amount of pectin, remove all the harmful consequences of “gluttony”. Well, thirdly, the consequences of the apple-kefir diet have amazing results. Although not stable)). I start the day with a glass of water. Then breakfast. Usually these are chopped apples, mixed with cinnamon, seasoned with kefir of one percent fat content. Snack is an apple. Lunch is baked apples. For “dessert” kefir))). You can drink kefir as an afternoon snack. I consider the big advantage of the apple-kefir diet to be the ability to drink up to two liters of kefir per day. And you can eat as many apples as you want. I usually eat one and a half kilograms.


    I sat on apples for 3 days, and kefir for three days. Honestly, I haven’t heard that you have to sit on the water for three more days. I sat only on apples for three days, then again on kefir, and so on for three weeks. I admit, I had a great desire to eat a whole bar of chocolate, pastries and cakes. But I still decided not to do this, recreating in my mind how slim I would be after this diet. In addition, she gardened and spent a lot of time in the garden beds. Whenever I feel hungry, I eat an apple. In general, I barely made it until the last day. I lost 10 kg, which was a great success for me. Plus, the body was cleansed, and I felt that I was feeling much better.


    Who is the nutrition method suitable for?

    The diet has a lot of advantages, but, like any dietary restriction, it is not without contraindications:

    1. weak vessel walls;
    2. hypertension;
    3. increased stomach acidity;
    4. diabetes;
    5. formation of ulcers and wounds;
    6. obesity (a diet of kefir and apples for 3 days can cause a sharp fluctuation in calorie content, resulting in various diseases).

    Note. It is not recommended to use the figure correction method for teenagers either, since a sudden change in diet and a reduction in calories can lead to abnormal development.

    The opinion of nutritionists about the kefir-apple diet

    Nutrition experts agree that the kefir-apple diet has a good effect on the health of skin, nails and hair. But this applies exclusively to a gentle diet option, which is as close as possible to a healthy diet. It should be remembered: even if you do not feel signs of illness, it is not recommended to stick to this diet for more than nine days. The reason for limiting the duration of the diet is, first of all, the lack of essential nutrients in her diet. But, if you decide to follow a similar method for weight loss, be sure to visit a nutritionist before starting to use it. This way you will receive detailed information about which type of kefir-apple diet is right for you. In addition, you will learn how to avoid all sorts of negative consequences for your body.


    People who are losing weight often make the same mistake - following a new nutrition system to the very end. Not everyone succeeds in maintaining the kefir-apple diet for 9 days the first time. Judging by the reviews, motivation decreases after 2-3 days. That is why it is recommended to start the diet for a short period of time - 3-5 days. This time will be enough for the body to cleanse itself. After a 2 or 3 day break, you can start the diet again, but for 7 days. After a week of rest, you can try on the third run to maintain the full course - 9 days.

    It is important to understand that losing weight is an individual process, so you should not immediately commit to a long course. If you want to get rid of 1-2 extra pounds, then you can limit yourself to fasting days. In this case, 1 day a week on kefir and apples will be enough. This method is the most gentle, and its effectiveness is manifested individually. But this nutrition system will not give results if immediately after a fasting day you make up for lost time and overeat, eating sweets, pies and fried cutlets.

    Tips for choosing diet staples:

    • kefir should be low-fat or one percent;
    • kefir cannot be subjected to heat treatment;
    • It is better to choose green varieties of apples: they are rich in fiber and have the lowest sugar content;
    • do not peel the apple, it contains a huge amount of useful substances;
    • if you feel thirsty, you can drink clean water, decoctions and herbal teas;
    • It is better to give preference to a decoction of rose hips.

    Side effects of the kefir-apple diet

    If you abuse the diet, increase its duration, or cut your diet even further, you may encounter side effects. Usually this is a general malaise, impaired concentration and headaches. But the side effects don't end there. Stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, depression are just a small part of the possible side effects from improper use of the kefir-apple diet.

    Dizziness and fever are signs that you have clearly overdone your weight loss

    What happens if you break your diet

    Violation of the kefir-apple diet often brings no less negative consequences to someone losing weight than the wrong way out of it. If you suddenly start eating incorrectly after a long period of dietary restriction, then you are guaranteed to get indigestion. There are often situations when, after a heavy meal against the background of prolonged fasting, a person suffers from severe poisoning. Emotional depression and lack of motivation are also direct consequences of going off the diet.

    Indigestion is one of the most unpleasant consequences of a sharp increase in caloric intake.

    Features of the program

    One of the most popular and effective mono-diets is kefir-apple diet. As the name implies, its essence lies in the use of only these products. The daily diet consists of apples, fresh or baked, and low-fat kefir. These products are low in calories and very healthy, so a bonus for losing weight will be cleansing the body and skin and increasing overall tone.

    Important! It is better to choose kefir with a small percentage of fat content, but in no case low-fat! It won't do any good.


    Any diet has its contraindications. The kefir-apple diet should not be used by people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes. This technique should not be used by those who have recently suffered severe physical and psychological trauma. Restricting nutrition in these situations will only make the problem worse.

    In addition, the kefir-apple diet and any other dietary restrictions are strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as adolescents under sixteen years of age.

    In general, the kefir-apple diet is a good express method for losing excess weight. Kefir and apples bring great benefits to the human body, and are also one of the most delicious dietary foods. Before using the technique, you should definitely consult a nutritionist to avoid unpleasant consequences. Remember, if you adhere to the basic principles of the diet and do not ignore contraindications, you will certainly achieve the desired result!

    The benefits of kefir and apples

    Apples are a healthy product because... they contain many microelements and vitamins that the body requires for normal functioning. The calorie content of 100 g of this fruit is no more than 47 kcal. Apple fruits consist of 80% water, so they help quickly curb hunger. They contain the following components:

    • vitamins;
    • magnesium;
    • calcium;
    • iodine;
    • phosphorus;
    • iron;
    • sodium;
    • potassium;
    • cellulose;
    • organic acids.

    Nutritional value of apples
    Experts note that eating apples helps prevent the occurrence of malignant formations. But apple seeds contain amygdalin glycoside, which releases a lot of acid, so you should consume no more than 4–6 seeds per day.

    Kefir also belongs to the group of weight loss products, so it is often included in the diet of many dietary systems. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. 100 g of kefir contains no more than 56 kcal. This product has the following beneficial effects:

    • improves the functioning of the immune system;
    • helps get rid of insomnia;
    • cleanses the esophagus of harmful substances;
    • promotes the removal of excess fluid;
    • normalizes the functions of the entire nervous system.

    In addition, kefir can benefit pregnant women, the elderly and children, because it contains a lot of calcium, which helps strengthen bone tissue.


    Anna, 31 years old, Balashikha

    Recently my husband complained that I had gained a lot of weight. I decided to take action immediately. The nutritionist advised me to try a diet based on apples and kefir. This power plan is easy to handle. Her diet includes many interesting and tasty dishes. I took a couple of 9-day courses at 2-week intervals. During this period, my weight decreased by 11 kg.

    Kristina, 29 years old, Tver

    Good diet plan. With its help, you can quickly and almost painlessly lose several kilograms. This diet helped me out before my wedding. As a result, I took off as much as was necessary to fit into the dress. After the wedding I repeated it.

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