Apple kefir diet 9 days. Kefir-apple diet – lose up to 9 kg in 9 days

The essence of the kefir and rice diet

Fermented milk drink is not highly nutritious. Its mild laxative effect is aimed at quickly removing processed food waste from the digestive tract, which results in excess weight loss.

The technique is based on the consumption of cereals and fermented milk products for a limited period of time as the basis of the diet. Due to the low calorie content of these products, the body is forced to consume its own fat deposits, which ultimately leads to the loss of excess kilograms.

A diet based on kefir and rice is suitable for combating excess weight for both women and men. Nutritionists recommend sticking to it for no longer than 2 weeks.

How much can you lose?

The final results of the diet depend on the duration, accuracy of its adherence, as well as on the initial parameters of the person.

The higher your initial weight, the more kilograms you can lose in the process of losing weight.

According to reviews of people who have used rice with kefir for weight loss, on average you can get rid of:

  • in 3 days – from 3–4 kg;
  • in 9 days – from 8–10 kg;
  • in 14 days – from 12–15 kg.

Is it possible to eat rice while losing weight?

This cereal has a rich nutritional composition. Thanks to it, reserves of complex carbohydrates and B vitamins are replenished, giving the body energy. However, it does not contain gluten (a plant protein that causes allergies).

The adsorbent properties and chemical composition of rice help get rid of unnecessary pounds. The beneficial effects of this cereal on the human body are as follows:

  • the function of the digestive system is stimulated;
  • water and waste are absorbed into the grain and then removed;
  • fat metabolism processes are normalized;
  • energy is spent on digesting grains;
  • the speed of blood flow increases, which improves the supply of oxygen to organs;
  • the nervous system calms down, which eliminates the possibility of overeating due to worries.

There are many varieties of rice in stores, but not all of them are good for weight loss. The following types of cereals are suitable for the rice-kefir diet:

  • red;
  • white;
  • steamed;
  • basmati;
  • Indian (sea);
  • wild (black).

The latter is ideal for weight loss. Rice should be unpolished - such grains have a maximum content of useful microelements and vitamins.

Tips and tricks

  • Tip #1. When starting any diet, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests and check the condition of the body before starting the diet. And only then, with his permission, can you start a diet.
  • Tip #2. Always check individual sensitivity and tolerance of the main diet products. Drink 0.5 kefir over a few days and see how your body reacts. If you do not experience pain in the abdomen and intestines, bloating or indigestion, you can safely try the diet.
  • Tip #3. Some versions of the kefir diet suggest adding fruit or protein foods of your choice. Protein foods do not contain carbohydrates or sugar, unlike fruits. Therefore, give preference to protein foods, they do not cause the release of insulin, and weight loss will be more correct and faster.
  • Tip #4. Play sports. Any physical activity helps diets work faster. Increasing energy expenditure through physical activity will speed up the results and help improve your mood.
  • Tip #5. If you want to stop the diet in advance, especially to eat something tastier as quickly as possible, think about the desired result, imagine yourself more beautiful and thinner, then positive visualization will help you endure hunger more easily.

Doctors' recommendations:

No sane doctor or nutritionist would recommend a kefir diet in any form. Doctors have an extremely negative attitude towards rapid weight loss. The main instructions in this case will be the following: a balanced diet, gradual weight loss, constant maintenance of the result.

There is no way to gain five kilograms of subcutaneous fat in three days, so there will be no sudden weight loss without consequences over such a period. Fats accumulate and disappear gradually. If you have been gaining excess volume for a year, then how can you get rid of it in a week? Now try to carefully monitor your diet, start eating foods rich in fiber and protein, remove excess sugar and fat. This diet will ensure smooth but healthy weight loss.

Once you get used to it and it becomes a habit, you will not overeat high-calorie foods and will stop gaining weight. Naturally, the result will not go away, and you will constantly maintain good shape without strict diets.

Advantages and disadvantages of the rice and kefir diet

When choosing a diet of this type for weight loss, consider the positive and negative aspects of its results. The first include:

  • improvement of figure;
  • normalization of intestinal function;
  • lightness in the body.

Abuse of the rice-kefir diet can cause:

  • exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • drop in blood glucose levels;
  • vitamin deficiency

A cleansing diet based on rice and kefir is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys;
  • tendency to flatulence and constipation;
  • postoperative period;
  • weakened immunity due to recent illnesses.

Before preparing dietary rice dishes, make sure there are no contraindications by consulting your doctor.


Losing weight quickly is possible, but before you start doing this, it is important to find out for whom rice weight loss is contraindicated.

  1. Those under 18 years old, since their body is still at the stage of development, so an unbalanced diet will harm them.
  2. During pregnancy and lactation.
  3. People with diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Even if there are no visible health problems or restrictions, during the diet you need to be attentive to your well-being and stop it if you feel unwell.

Nutrition rules

When losing weight, follow the main principles of the diet:

  • Divide your daily diet into 3 meals. For each of them, use 50–100 g of rice and 1 glass of kefir.
  • Choose a low-fat fermented milk drink.
  • Eliminate salt and sugar from your diet.
  • To prevent the taste of dishes from being bland, use seasonings: coriander, cumin, pepper.
  • Between main meals, drink herbal infusions and still water.
  • To avoid loss of energy, limit physical activity.

Menu options for the kefir-rice diet

There are many varieties of this type of food, but they are united by a common rule: the main products on the menu are rice and kefir. When choosing a diet, correctly assess your capabilities. It will be difficult to last the required time on a diet that is too meager, so it is better to start with a gentle, simplified diet.

For 5 days

A short weight loss regimen is suitable in cases where you need to quickly lose excess weight. The strict version of the diet is characterized by monotony of products and implies the following daily menu:

  • breakfast – porridge and a glass of fermented milk drink;
  • lunch – leafy green salad and rice porridge without oil and sugar;
  • dinner – kefir and rice.

The duration of the strict diet should not exceed 5 days.

For 2 week

A soft diet, in addition to cereals and fermented milk products, allows the inclusion of other products in the diet. In the 1st half of the day you are allowed to eat unsweetened fruits.

You can diversify the menu:

  • lean meat or fish (no more than 200 g per day);
  • vegetables (except potatoes);
  • greens;
  • yogurt.

Sample menu for a day when losing weight:

  • breakfast - boiled rice, fermented milk product, fruit salad (apples, plums, strawberries, oranges);
  • lunch – a saucer of porridge, a slice of black bread, baked chicken breast, kefir;
  • dinner - rice, kefir with cinnamon, cucumber and tomato salad.

Before going to bed, you can drink kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

Fasting day on rice and kefir

To consolidate the results obtained after the diet, do fasting days 3 times a month.

  • Drink only kefir all day (4-5 glasses only).
  • During the day, consume 1 liter of rice water, completely eliminating solid food.
  • Wash down a handful of undercooked rice with 1⁄2 cup of kefir. Take this portion 5 times during the day.

Third stage

In the traditional version of the diet, the third stage involves eating apples, although many people who are losing weight prefer to eat vegetables that are similar in calorie content (cucumbers, bell peppers, cabbage).
In one day you need to eat from 800 to 1.5 kg of apples. Why is there such a big spread? Firstly, these fruits do not contain many calories, and secondly, a person may feel very hungry. Two or three small apples definitely won’t harm your figure as much as going off your diet.

It is advisable to select sweet varieties of apples, since sour ones can have a bad effect on the stomach. They can be eaten fresh or baked. The apples are baked for about 40 minutes, they can be sprinkled with cinnamon, and when they are ready, you can pour 1 tsp on them. honey, no more.

Diet on rice and kefir

Simple and affordable products often become the basis for effective techniques that allow you to correct your figure. The rice and kefir diet presented in our article is one of the most successful examples.

Briefly about the benefits of diet products

When you decide to go on a diet, pay attention to unpolished (brown) rice - bran contains most of the beneficial elements (dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins). Polished cereal is much less healthy (in fact, it is only a container for carbohydrates, of which it contains about 80%). Rice contains 8% protein (rice protein contains 8 essential amino acids). Brown rice perfectly cleanses the body, removes excess moisture, and provides long-term saturation.

Kefir is an easily digestible fermented milk drink. It stimulates digestion, normalizes intestinal microflora, and cleanses the body. In addition to high-quality milk protein, this product contains carbohydrates, fats, fatty and organic acids, vitamins (A, PP, C, H, group B) and minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, iron , iodine, fluorine).

A diet based on rice and kefir may differ both in the composition of the products and in duration. We present to your attention 3 options - any of them completely excludes salt, sugar and alcohol.

Diet for 9 days

Days No. 1, 2, 3 • Throughout the day: still water, 3 servings of 100 g of unsalted rice porridge and 3 tbsp. kefir • Days No. 4, 5, 6: still water, 1-1.5 liters of kefir and 500 g of boiled lean meat (salt is excluded, meat can be replaced with fish) • Days No. 7, 8, 9: 1 kg of apples, still water and 1-1.5 l kefir

Weight loss during the diet averages 4-7 kg.

Rice-kefir diet for 7 days

The daily menu does not have much variety. The average weight loss over 7 days is 3-6 kg.

• Breakfast: a portion of rice porridge - 100 g and kefir - 250 ml • Lunch: a portion of porridge - 100 g and boiled meat - 150 g (meat can be replaced with fish) • Dinner: a portion of porridge - 50 g and a salad of leafy vegetables with olive oil and lemon juice • Before bed (optional): kefir – 250 ml • Throughout the day: still water – 1.5 l

Diet for 3 days

Weight loss on this diet leaves 1-3 kg.

Day #1 • Breakfast: large apple and 1 tbsp. kefir • Lunch: 1 tbsp. kefir and 100 g low-fat cottage cheese • Dinner: 2 tbsp. rice porridge without oil, apple, herbal decoction

Day #2 • Breakfast: large apple and 1 tbsp. kefir • Lunch: 100 g of rice porridge without oil and 100 ml of kefir • Dinner: large apple, 100 g of rice porridge without oil and 1 tbsp. kefir • Late dinner: apple

Day No. 3 • Breakfast: rice porridge without oil - 100 g and 100 ml of kefir • Lunch and dinner (same menu): 100 g of boiled meat (can be replaced with fish) and 100 g of rice porridge • Before bed: 100 ml of kefir or 2 tbsp rice porridge

Is it possible to have rice porridge during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the diet is enriched with rice, which is combined with fish, vegetables, meat and fruits. Pregnant women will benefit from milk soup, for the preparation of which the cereal is poured with milk, the container with the food is placed on the fire, salt, sugar and butter are added to taste after boiling. To make the porridge more vitamin-rich, boiled carrots are added to it.

Boiled rice is a healthy side dish. To prepare the dish, cut bell peppers, carrots, beans and onions into cubes, place the vegetables in a stewing container. After that, they are mixed with boiled rice and baked in the oven for 10 minutes. This mixture will benefit the fetus and the woman. In this case, they follow one rule: during cooking, use a minimum amount of hot spices and fatty meats. There are no more restrictions.

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Rice is a low-calorie product with good cleansing properties. It removes excess salt and water from the body. Rice does not contain gluten, making it safe for allergy sufferers. Long grain brown rice is considered the healthiest. This product contains the highest amount of fiber compared to other varieties.

Rice fasting days

You can choose a rice diet or have a rice day once a week. In one day, you can lose 1.5-2 kg on brown rice. True, weight loss is achieved by removing excess fluid, and not by burning subcutaneous fat. But if you make it a rule to regularly observe rice days, the result will not be long in coming. How to cook rice for a fasting day?

  1. 3 days before the fasting day, pour 100 g of rice with cold water.
  2. Change the water every day to remove starch from the cereal.
  3. At the beginning of the rice day, cook the rice without salt and oil.
  4. Eat the rice prepared in this way in equal small portions in 3-4 servings.
  5. Drink plenty of water, green tea is also allowed.

Rice diet for 7 days

The rice diet for weight loss and cleansing the body allows you to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight in a week. However, the rice diet also has its disadvantages. This cereal can remove beneficial potassium salts. Since rice is a low-calorie food, you are likely to feel hungry. Protein deficiency can affect muscle quality. If you have weighed the pros and cons and decided on a rice diet, we present the menu for the week.

Weighty subtleties: how to lose 5 kilograms without dieting


The rice diet, the results of which delight women, is gaining popularity. In addition to losing weight, the body gets rid of unnecessary substances, excess fluid and salt, and the fiber contained in rice improves metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice diet - 10 kg per week - is realistic if there is nothing else on the daily menu except rice. But you should approach such nutrition with caution so as not to harm the body.

We also recommend reading about the English diet.

Rice diet: menu for 7 days

The rice diet menu for weight loss for 7 days, in addition to rice, includes many healthy foods. To avoid vitamin deficiencies, keep your diet varied.

Day 1

Breakfast: boiled rice, green apple.

Lunch: vegetable broth, rice, green tea

Dinner: rice with stewed mushrooms.

Day 2

Breakfast: boiled rice, fruit salad.

Lunch: rice with fish, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.

Dinner: rice, walnuts, boiled vegetables.

Day 3

Breakfast: rice with dried fruits, orange.

Lunch: soup with low-fat meat broth, rice and beans, vegetable salad.

Dinner: rice with boiled meat, kefir.

Day 4

Breakfast: rice, peach, kefir.

Lunch: fish soup without potatoes, rice with herbs, vegetable salad.

Dinner: rice with salmon, a slice of rye bread, a glass of yogurt.

Day 5

Breakfast: low fat cottage cheese, fruit

Lunch: rice with cod, whole grain crackers.

Dinner: rice with cauliflower.

Day 6

Breakfast: rice, pear.

Lunch: salad of beets and several walnuts.

Dinner: rice with broccoli.

Day 7

Breakfast: rice with honey, a piece of dark bread with low-fat cheese.

Lunch: vegetable soup, rice with chicken breast.

Dinner: rice with spinach, kefir.

Rice diet

The rice diet is a simple and effective way to lose weight. In addition, it helps cleanse the body, treat and prevent certain diseases. The principles of nutrition were developed back in 1939 in order to combat obesity, kidney pathologies, and hypertension. The peculiarity of the diet is that the consumption of sugar and salt is reduced to a minimum, which is why the volume of fat inevitably decreases. Reviews of the rice diet say that some people who followed a specific menu for a month managed to reduce body weight by 14 kg.

Diet principles

There are several types of rice diet, but in order to achieve good results with any of them, you must follow a number of rules:

1. You can't skip breakfast. You should definitely eat a portion of rice in the morning.

2. After eating, you do not need to drink water immediately. The liquid will limit the rice's ability to absorb toxins. It is recommended to drink a glass of water about half an hour before meals or 60 minutes after. The daily norm is 1.5 liters of clean, still water.

3. You should limit the amount of salt in dishes. It's better to give it up completely.

4. You cannot season food with sauces; only vegetable oil is allowed.

5. Additionally, the diet should contain foods rich in potassium: raisins, pumpkin, apples, millet cereals.

Important Rules

Throughout the diet, you need to take a multivitamin complex, because the body receives the same foods every 3 days, which cannot fully cover the daily need for microelements. And from this the rule immediately follows: you cannot stick to this diet for a long time. It is better to resort to the “Rice, chicken, apples” diet no more than once every six months as a method of express weight loss. Otherwise, serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract may appear, hair loss will begin, and the condition of the skin will worsen.

Here are some more important principles to follow:

  1. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day so as not to feel hungry. Portions should be equal; you cannot eat everything in 2 meals, as this will stretch the stomach more.
  2. Dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  3. During these 9 days you should not exhaust yourself with heavy loads, because this can affect your overall well-being, and if you are too fanatical, it will even lead to fainting. It's better to walk, ride a bike or swim more.
  4. Refusal of salt is mandatory. Yes, at first the food may seem too bland and even disgusting, but the absence of salt in the diet will have a beneficial effect on the body and health. This is especially true for those who have problems with blood pressure. Spices are also prohibited.

Be sure to drink your quota of water per day, especially in the first 3 days, otherwise constipation may occur. The bulk of the liquid should be drunk before 17-18 pm.

Types of diet

There are many dietary options. They vary in duration and menu.

Rice diet for 3 days

The three-day rice diet can be strict and simplified. For the first, you need to rinse a glass of rice, fill it with two glasses of cold water and leave overnight. The next day, the “porridge” is divided into 4-5 doses and eaten without salt, pepper and other seasonings, washed down with tomato or apple juice. This diet will help you quickly lose a couple of kilograms, for example, for a holiday or an important event.

A simplified rice diet for 3 days also involves eating cereal prepared as follows. You need to take 1 cup of rice and cook it for no more than 10 minutes. Afterwards, leave the porridge for another 15 minutes under the lid. The menu looks like this:

Rice diet for weight loss for 7 days

This type of nutrition will allow you to achieve maximum results. It is important to remember that round grain cereals will not work because they contain a lot of starch. In addition, it undergoes thorough cleaning, due to which it loses many useful substances. You need to use long grain parboiled white or brown rice. The menu for the week looks like this:

Rice diet for 14 days

If you were unable to lose the desired number of kilograms in a week, you can extend the diet for another week. It is important to remember some nutritional rules during this period:

  • Products need to be stewed, boiled or cooked in the oven using flaxseed, sesame, olive or sunflower oil - for 50 g of product you need to take 1 teaspoon of oil. Cooking meat on a dry grill is allowed;
  • Salt can be replaced with herbs, for example, dill, fresh or dried thyme, rosemary;
  • It is advisable to take vitamin and mineral complexes that contain potassium and calcium. These elements activate the removal of toxins from the body.

Mono-diet on boiled chicken breast

As part of this regime, you need to eat exclusively chicken breast meat during the entire period of weight loss (no more than 3-7 days). It must be boiled without the use of salt, sauces and oils. For taste, you can add herbs and natural seasonings. During the day you need to eat no more than 1200 kcal, that is, you consume approximately 1 kg of boiled meat. This portion should be divided into 4-5 meals. Since in this mode the amount of protein exceeds the usual levels, a mono-diet can have a bad effect on your health. The first to be affected are the kidneys, which react negatively to such nutrition. Therefore, it is recommended to stick to it for only a few days. The result is not bad - in less than a week you can get rid of 4-6 kg.

If you plan to lose weight longer, then dilute the chicken meat with more vegetables. They will correct the effects of high doses of protein and, due to the abundance of carbohydrates of plant origin, will reduce the load on the kidneys. The abundance of vegetables in the diet has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and improves peristalsis.

Rules for quitting the rice diet

If, after several days of dieting, you immediately pounce on your usual food, you can easily regain the lost kilograms. New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, gradually increasing their quantity every day. It is important to choose the right, healthy foods that are low in salt and sugar. The last items on the menu are meat and milk. In any case, you need to limit yourself in eating fried, flour and fatty foods. You need to drink a lot to maintain normal metabolism.

Authorized Products

Of course, the most important and necessary product for this diet is kefir and its variations. If a sour drink is not to your taste, you can also drink fermented baked milk or ayran. By the way, you can also drink yogurt, but make sure that it is without sugar and additives. Buy natural and, if desired, add cereals, fruits, dried fruits, whatever your heart desires.

In addition to kefir, if you do not tolerate monotony in your diet, you can include additional healthy foods. You can eat plenty of vegetables and fruits (excluding bananas and grapes). You can eat poultry and fish in moderation - dishes that you steam, boil or bake without salt, oil, or hot spices. But you can use aromatic basil, rosemary, mint, oregano and so on.

In some cases, on a kefir diet, you can eat cereals, but not just any grains: replace white rice with brown rice, and regular, unprocessed instant oatmeal.

The benefits and harms of the rice diet

The basis of the rice diet is to reduce the amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Cereal grains contain many vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which replenish the body's calorie reserves. Following a diet helps remove harmful substances: toxins, heavy metals, waste. This is especially important for those diagnosed with gout, osteophyte (salt deposits on cartilage tissue), and arterial hypertension.

Rice is rich in fiber, which is good for the digestive tract. The cereal has an extremely low glycemic index, so it can be consumed by people with high sensitivity to gluten. Nutritionists recommend eating unpolished (brown) rice. It is believed to be healthier than processed white. Brown cereal undergoes minimal processing, due to which its beneficial substances are almost completely preserved.

The rice diet also has disadvantages:

  • calcium salts are removed from the body with excess fluid and toxins;
  • the diet is low-calorie, so a person will feel hungry most of the time;
  • the lack of proteins negatively affects muscle tissue, muscles weaken and become depleted. For this reason, you cannot stick to a rice diet for a long time;
  • in some cases, bowel problems (constipation) occur.

The rice diet is contraindicated for children and adolescents, whose bodies are growing, developing and need nutrients. The menu is not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers - during these periods their bodies are most vulnerable. The diet cannot be used if any chronic disease is diagnosed - patients must adhere to a special diet developed by a doctor.

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