Basic rules of nutrition for a nursing mother after childbirth - diet menu after childbirth

Diet after childbirth for nursing and non-breastfeeding mothers - recommendations

Doctors recommend using certain types of products when creating your daily menu. They will be the same for both breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding women.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • various types of cereals and cereals. It is especially worth including brown rice and buckwheat. Cereal oatmeal and barley. You can use barley and wheat porridge. You can eat semolina in limited quantities;
  • It is allowed to use bread made from wholemeal or whole grain flour, bran or rye flour. There is a limit of 2 pieces per day;
  • various types of vegetables and garden herbs, mushrooms. At the same time, breastfeeding women should remember that there are restrictions;
  • after 1 or 2 months from the moment of birth, the baby can be gradually introduced to legumes, lentils, peas and corn;
  • various soy products;
  • various types of fruits and berries, dried fruits. Pregnant women and in the first months of breastfeeding should consult a doctor;
  • various types of vegetable oil;
  • no more than one handful per day of nuts and seeds;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • lean red meat;
  • poultry meat without skin;
  • various types of offal;
  • seafood and lean fish;
  • low-fat broths;
  • it is allowed to use natural sweets such as marshmallows, jam, honey, marmalade, meringue, jelly;
  • You should drink herbal infusions, green tea, ginger drink, natural grain coffee and cocoa, a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, nectars and berry smoothies and fruit drinks, compotes.

During the diet you should not use:

  • various fast foods and semi-finished products;
  • instant food;
  • various ready-made snacks;
  • meat and fish that have undergone heat treatment in the form of smoking or salting;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • fried food;
  • all types of preserves and marinades;
  • industrial juices;
  • various flavor enhancers in the form of sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • confectionery products are limited;
  • baked goods;
  • pasta;
  • cookie;
  • sugar and salt;
  • alcoholic drinks, energy drinks;
  • sweet sparkling water.

Features of weight loss during breastfeeding

Every woman after the birth of her baby wants to quickly get herself in order and restore her figure. But if she is breastfeeding, she must do this with extreme caution. After all, a tough, strict or incorrect diet, fasting, and excessive physical activity can worsen lactation, reduce the production of breast milk and harm the baby.

Classic and drastic methods of losing weight can harm the body of a nursing mother, disrupt hormonal levels and even cause postpartum depression. The latter, in turn, will only add extra pounds. After childbirth, a long, gradual and competent recovery is required.

Recovery and weight loss in the postpartum period is associated with the duration of breastfeeding and the onset of the menstrual cycle. Until menstruation begins and lactation ends, hormonal levels and the body cannot yet recover 100%.

As a rule, for most women, and this is 3/4, menstruation begins after breastfeeding ends. But sometimes they come already in the third month after birth. Read more about when menstruation occurs during breastfeeding, read here.

Proper nutrition

What effective diet after childbirth will help a young mother get back into shape quickly and without any problems for her health and her baby.

Immediately after giving birth, you can begin to count the calories that enter the body of a young mother. A formula will come in handy: the (ideal) weight is multiplied by 30. However, there are restrictions here - the minimum number of calories that a young mother should receive should be 1200.

Is it possible to go on a diet during breastfeeding?

Rigid and strict diets during breastfeeding are prohibited. Nutrition should be complete, balanced and varied. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the health of the woman and baby, well-being and mood, and lactation. If the body lacks some elements, it takes them from other sources. For example, pick up from hair, nails, skin, and so on.

Such nutrition can reduce the volume and deteriorate the quality of milk. In addition, intermittent fasting and strict diets cause severe weight fluctuations. You will just as quickly gain back the pounds when you return to your normal diet as you did when you lost them during extreme weight loss. This approach drives people into a vicious circle, living from diet to diet.

Follow the “peasant diet”, where you need to imagine that you are a peasant and can only eat what you collect from the garden. Therefore, we completely exclude chemicals, preservatives and dyes, products in industrial packaging, semi-finished products, etc. We choose natural products.

The goals are set, there is no turning back!

A beautiful figure (like our planet according to ancient scientists) is based on three pillars: nutrition, sports and motivation. Proper nutrition after childbirth for weight loss is a fundamental factor, without which the final result is impossible. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “Figures are made in the kitchen”: food (as a building material) helps a woman achieve her goal - the figure of her dreams.

Achieving your goals with proper nutrition

The main criterion for a postpartum diet for weight loss is pure fractional nutrition. This means that all foods in the diet should be turned into healthy and tasty dishes. This principle will play into the hands of a young mother, because by adhering to this nutritional plan, breastfeeding the baby will take place without worries - harmful, allergenic foods are excluded from the diet, making mother’s milk tasty and healthy.

Let's play "Edible-Inedible"?

You should immediately identify taboo foods that have no place in the diet of a woman who wants to lose weight after childbirth:

  • flour products (buns, cookies, pies and cakes);
  • sweets (chocolate, candies);
  • fat meat;
  • sausages;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, full-fat sour cream.

Women who are breastfeeding should include legumes, white cabbage, allergenic fruits, vegetables and berries (cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, apricots, etc.) on this list. Otherwise, the above products can cause bloating in the baby and, as a result, sleepless nights for parents.

What to eat after childbirth

There are not many products that go through face control into your refrigerator. Among them:

  • lean meat (chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey),
  • vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, asparagus, carrots, beets, potatoes),
  • various cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, wheat, bulgur, spelt, corn, etc.),
  • dried fruits and nuts in small quantities (prunes, dried apricots, figs, dates),
  • dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.),
  • greens (lettuce, dill, parsley, spinach), etc.

From these components you can prepare wonderful salads, first and second courses, and a handful of nuts or dried fruits will serve as dessert. The main thing is that these products are natural and healthy, which means they are completely absorbed, regulating metabolism and burning extra pounds.

Little by little

The principle of fractional nutrition is to consume small portions at short intervals. This scheme does not allow the body to store reserves in the form of fat, quenches appetite, does not leave a feeling of hunger and allows you to add a touch of variety to the menu. Every day you need to eat 5-6 meals with an interval of 2-3 hours. With this schedule, the size of each serving should not exceed 200 ml.

For convenience, it is recommended to get a plate of the required volume so as not to waste time measuring the size of each portion.

The basic principles of nutrition after childbirth for effective weight loss have been defined.

By combining them with physical activity or sports several times a week, you will bring your figure closer to your goal much faster. And in order not to stray from the intended path, you should acquire personal motivation: the sexy appearance of Natalia Vodianova and Angelina Jolie, who have many children, a favorite dress of “pre-pregnancy” size, or the admiring look of a husband, burning with the desire to carry the mother of his child in his arms...

Husband's admiring look when eating right

Top 7 best drugs for weight loss

Black Latte for weight loss99 rub.
NATURAL Fit Calorie Blocker Powder990 rub.
Purple tea "Chang-Shu"499 rub.
Fat burning drops “Honey Spas”1980 rub. 99 rub.
(until 02/12/2021)
Detox cocktail for weight loss147 rub.
Lipocarnit for weight loss990 rub.
Reduslim weight loss product149 rub.

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