Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

A complete healthy and dietary diet is impossible without eating legumes, such as lentils. Despite a number of existing contraindications, the product has many beneficial properties for the body. Beans are recommended for consumption by men, women (including during pregnancy and breastfeeding), and children. The product is especially beneficial during the fight against excess weight. Lentils are divided into several types, each of which has certain beneficial qualities.
  • For children
  • Benefits of different types of lentils
      Sprouted lentils
  • Benefits for weight loss
  • Contraindications
  • Lentil soup recipe
  • Chemical composition of different types of lentils, calorie content, BZHU, GI

    Lentil cereals are a legume.

    There are its varieties:

    • brown;
    • red;
    • yellow;
    • green;
    • black.

      Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    The crop is found in both small-seeded and large-seeded varieties.

    Lentil typeCalorie content
    (per 100 g)
    GIBJU (per 100 g)
    brown303.75 (1271 kJ)30BZHU -24.25 g, 1.38 g, 48.23 g.
    % of the daily value of BZHU - 36%, 1%, 18%
    green282.47 kcal (1182 kJ)25BZHU – 23.09 g, 1.35 g, 47, 16 g.
    % of the daily norm BZHU – 34%, 1%, 17%.
    yellow272 kcal(1138 kJ)30BZHU-23 g, 1.30 g, 43.40 g
    % of the daily value of BZHU – 34%, 1%, 16%.
    red292.65 kcal (1225 kJ)30BZHU -21.02 g, 1.10 g, 47.39 g.
    % of the daily norm of BZHU - 31%, 1%, 17%.
    black337 kcal(1410 kJ)25BZHU – 23.20 g, 1.20 g, 58.40 g.
    % of the daily value of BZHU – 34%, 1%, 16%

    The protein content in this legume is 26-32%. The chemical composition of lentils contains 21 amino acids, 12 of which are essential (arginine, threonine, tryptophan).

    Lentil protein of any type is similar in composition to animal protein and is therefore completely and easily digestible. For this quality, lentils are held in special esteem by vegans and vegetarians, as they not only allow them to obtain an important micronutrient without consuming meat, but also diversify their diet.

    Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    Lentils are rich in vitamins, microelements and substances such as:

    • iron – 0.1 kg of lentil grains contains 7.7 g of iron, which is necessary for the normal formation of blood cells and the prevention of anemia, which is especially important for children, women during gestation and people who do not eat meat. In order for this important microelement to be completely absorbed, lentils are eaten together with herbs, fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables;
    • B1 (thiamine) – important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart function, and adrenal glands. Participates in the formation of proteins and nucleic acids, regeneration processes;
    • B9 (folic acid) – prevents the development of intrauterine anomalies, therefore it is extremely important for pregnant women and children. It also prevents the development of cancer cells and radiation sickness;
    • B2 (riboflavin) – normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the tone of blood vessels, the condition of the dermis and vision;
    • PP (nicotinic acid) – increases endurance, performance, participates in all metabolic reactions in the body;
    • K (vicasol) – responsible for blood clotting, elasticity and vascular permeability;
    • E (tocopherol) – protects against vascular sclerosis, muscular dystrophy;
    • carothionides are substances responsible for redox reactions. They influence the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, stimulate regeneration in tissues;
    • phytoestrogens are substances that imitate the female sex hormone estrogen. They help with menopause, inhibit the development of tumors of the female genital area, and ease the course of menopause;
    • the other minerals contained have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Potassium is necessary to maintain cardiac activity, magnesium protects against seizures, improves blood circulation, manganese acts as a powerful antioxidant. 0.1 kg of lentil grain contains the daily requirement of molybdenum, which is involved in purine metabolism.

    Benefits for men

    Lentils have a positive effect on men's health due to their anti-inflammatory properties, as well as a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Plant-based dishes are consumed in the following cases:

    • erectile disfunction;
    • prostatitis.

    The product is useful for athletes, being a source of protein.

    The fruits are also used as a prophylactic against inflammatory and cancer diseases. However, incorrect or excessive consumption of the product can cause harm to the body, as a result of which it is recommended to coordinate its use with a qualified specialist.

    Regular consumption of it in food significantly increases performance and endurance. This is especially useful for men doing heavy physical work. Lentils are important for people over 40 years of age, as their risk of developing heart attacks and strokes begins to gradually increase.

    Beneficial properties of boiled lentils in dietary nutrition

    Lentils boiled in water, which is low in calories, are successfully used in dietary nutrition. After cooking, the calorie content of this product is 117-178 kcal per 100 g.

    Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes
    Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content

    • the carbohydrates contained in boiled lentil grains are “slow”, which promotes the burning of fat layers and “accelerates” metabolic processes;
    • the abundance of insoluble dietary fiber allows you to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, improve peristalsis and intestinal flora. Fiber also removes toxins and helps maintain glucose and cholesterol at a safe level;
    • the fiber contained gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time;
    • the low glycemic index of boiled lentils makes it possible to use it in diabetics;
    • stimulates the body's defenses, protects against cancer;
    • the amino acids contained regulate metabolism. Methionine helps burn fatty tissue, leucine is important for bone and muscle tissue, threonine protects the liver from fatty degeneration, tryptophan synthesizes the happiness hormone serotonin.

    For children

    The product has the following positive properties for the child’s body:

    • saturates with iron and hemoglobin;
    • ensures intensive development of the child’s body due to the presence of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other minerals;
    • promotes weight loss;
    • serves as a source of vitamins in the winter-spring period;
    • strengthens the cardiovascular system.

    Doctors do not recommend giving lentils to children under 2 years of age. In some cases, the product provokes an allergic reaction in the child.

    Harm and contraindications for use

    Lentils boiled in water, the calorie content of which allows you to prepare light dietary dishes from it, is not healthy for everyone. There are a number of contraindications to the use of this legume.

    After consuming lentils, flatulence may occur, so people suffering from enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, and cholelithiasis are better off avoiding consuming lentil grains. You can’t eat it if you have hemorrhoids.

    Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    The content of natural purines will be an obstacle to the inclusion of lentils in the diet of patients with arthrosis, arthritis and gout.

    When purines break down, uric acid is formed, which can provoke an exacerbation of these diseases. You should not eat lentil dishes before bed. It is forbidden to eat raw lentils, as they contain toxic substances phasin and phaseolunatite, which can cause poisoning.


    The herbaceous plant of the legume family was once in demand, but today people only remember it when they want to quickly lose a few extra pounds. Indeed, nutritionists and fitness trainers recommend including lentils in the daily menu, as they are an excellent source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein, which not only nourishes the body, but is also extremely easy to digest. It is due to the two main components of the legume that the appetite is dulled and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, which starts the process of losing weight.

    According to vegetarians, raw lentils can replace meat as they contain about 60% protein. At the same time, there is practically no fat in it.

    The unpresentable appearance of raw lentils is fully compensated by the abundance of its beneficial properties, again dictated by its rich chemical composition. For example, the plant is the leader in folic acid content: 100 g accounts for almost 90% of the daily requirement for humans. In general, minerals and vitamins are present in legumes in a wide variety. There is phosphorus, calcium and sulfur, and iron, as well as vitamins E and group B.

    Lentils are a plant recommended for normalizing the functioning of the genitourinary organs. Its consumption helps strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism. Another advantage of beans is their beneficial effect on the nervous system. The amino acids contained in the product provoke the production of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for a person’s psychological state and helps in suppressing depression. Eating legumes will definitely be beneficial for people with disorders of the cardiovascular system and those suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers. Since raw lentils help normalize blood sugar levels, their use seems advisable for diabetes.

    The calorie content of raw lentils is 295 kcal per 100 grams. It seems an incredibly high figure, for a plant recommended by nutritionists. At the same time, the culture contains virtually no fat. One cup of the finished product contains less than a fifth of the calories you need per day, so consuming it can help you lose weight while staying full. In addition, you need to take into account that there are different varieties of the plant that differ in color, taste and calorie content, and when boiled, the calorie content of the product becomes less.


    Green seeds are found in stores more often than others. A distinctive feature is its piquant taste, which reduces the need to use salt and spices. There is also a minus - the cooking process is longer compared to other types. This requires pre-soaking. It is recommended to consume such lentils boiled or stewed. The calorie content of green lentils is 297 kcal per 100 g.

    green lentils

    Green seeds are high in easy-to-digest protein, so they are considered a good alternative to meat and dairy products. Due to their carbohydrate and fiber content, they benefit the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of this type of legume helps to develop resistance to infectious diseases, increases hemoglobin levels, and stimulates metabolic and hematopoietic processes. Additionally, the green appearance of the plant is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and normalizes the psycho-emotional state.

    Due to the ability to retain their original shape during heat treatment, green lentils are popular in cooking. It can be found in first and vegetable dishes, casseroles and even baked goods, where it is used as a filling.

    Green lentils are sold in dried, shelled form. When choosing, the appearance of the seeds requires special attention - defects on their surface are unacceptable. The product should be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a cool place. If these requirements are met, the seeds retain their benefits and freshness for 10-12 months.


    Yellow lentils differ from other types of lentils in their ability to cook quickly. This is because it lacks a shell. Beans are obtained by grinding green beans, that is, they do not grow in this form. The aroma of the product is pleasant, the taste is delicate, slightly mushroom.

    yellow lentils

    Since yellow lentils are the same as green ones, but without the shell, their composition is almost identical. Plant foods are rich in fiber and protein, minerals, folic acid and B vitamins, essential amino acids. Legumes are useful for anemia, liver pathologies, cardiovascular diseases and weak immunity. The product is definitely recommended if you want to preserve youth and beauty, protect the skin from fading and provide it with internal nutrition.

    Yellow lentils easily replace meat, so they are suitable for vegetarians and those losing weight. The calorie content for every 100 grams is 97 kcal, that is, this is the lowest calorie type. Using it, you can prepare aromatic and healthy pates, purees, stews and soups. It is especially popular in India, where it is used to prepare sambhar soup. Yellow beans are also in demand in North America, Asia and Europe.


    Red lentils are the most odious among their fellows, since it was from them that the famous biblical stew was cooked. Residents of many countries consider it not only a nutritious food, but also a real symbol of prosperity, which is why it is often served at the holiday table. The special taste properties of red seeds captivated people thousands of years ago. In modern cooking, there are many recipes for preparing red lentils. By the way, it is the most convenient to prepare, as it does not require soaking and boils perfectly. During heat treatment, the initially bright color fades. The calorie content of a product may vary due to a number of factors, but the average value is 313 kcal per 100 g.

    red lentils

    The benefits of red seeds lie in their composition. As a result of research, it was found that they contain almost all the compounds necessary for the full functioning of the body. Red seeds contain as much easily digestible protein as other types of legumes. In addition, they contain amino acids, vitamins A, PP, E and group B. Among these microelements are potassium, sodium, and calcium. The product also contains soluble substances that help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. This reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. The culture has no less beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system. The insoluble dietary fiber contained in the composition retains carbohydrates, thereby controlling blood sugar levels. This necessitates the use of the culture by people with diabetes and hypoglycemia.

    Red lentils are a nutritious food that keeps you feeling full for a long time.

    In culinary terms, red seeds are much more valuable than others. They are convenient and easy to prepare. The seeds are used to make porridges, purees, side dishes and snacks. Red lentils can often be found in salads and Indian dishes.


    Brown lentils are considered the largest and have a pleasant feature - an unobtrusive nutty taste. In America she ranks first among her fellows. The color can vary from light brown to very dark. The calorie content of the product is 330 kcal per 100 g.

    brown lentils

    In terms of benefits, brown seeds are no different from green and red ones: they have an equally high content of vegetable protein, a set of vitamins and minerals, and amino acids. Regular consumption of brown lentils helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and immune systems. In addition, metabolism is stimulated. Thanks to its nutritional value, the culture quickly saturates and ensures lack of appetite for a long time.

    Most often, brown seeds with a nutty taste are used in the preparation of rich soups. They are no less good in cutlets, casseroles and vegetable stews.

    The selection and storage of brown seeds should be carried out according to the already known scheme: beware of openly spoiled grains and protect from moisture.


    Externally, black beans resemble caviar, which is why the variety is sometimes called “beluga”. These seeds are the smallest and have a shiny surface. Canada is considered to be the birthplace of the plant, where it was used as a fallow crop. Today, black lentils are grown in Asia and America.

    black lentils

    Preparing such seeds is simple, since there is no special need for pre-soaking. The variety does not accumulate toxins and other harmful substances, therefore it is considered environmentally friendly.

    The benefits of black seeds are due to the content of a large amount of plant fiber, which plays an important role in digestive processes. They are classified as dietary even despite their considerable calorie content - 322 kcal per 100 g. This is due to the fact that the basis of the nutritious product is proteins and carbohydrates, which are easily and quickly absorbed by the body. By the way, black lentils are also a medicinal food. In the course of scientific research, it was found that its regular use helps with heart pathologies and diabetes, and solves digestive problems. This is an excellent antioxidant that slows down the aging of the body and allows it to be cleansed of harmful compounds. It has also been proven that black seeds have anti-cancer activity, treat liver and metabolic disorders. The product is no less useful for chronic fatigue and stress, and reduced immunity.

    During the cooking process, the specific color of the beans changes, so they can be added to vegetable dishes, soups and salads without aesthetic concerns. Overall, black lentils are a versatile food. Every vegetarian has many recipes for its preparation, including its inclusion in vegetable cutlets and casseroles.

    Experts give advice on checking the quality of culture. So, a quality product:

    • It has a crumbly structure.
    • The grains do not differ in color or size.
    • Does not contain foreign particles and mold.
    • There is no condensation on the packaging.
    • Has a smooth surface.
    • Fragrant.

    Poor quality product:

    • Has damaged packaging.
    • Has expired.
    • Differs in different colors of grains.
    • Has spots on the surface of the seeds.

    If an unpleasant putrid odor appears upon opening the package, it is better not to use the product.

    How to cook lentils correctly

    Cooking lentils of any variety must follow certain rules:

    • First, the grains should be sorted and cleared of debris, then washed under running water;
    • some varieties require pre-soaking;
    • cooking liquid is taken twice as much as grains;
    • Before boiling, cook the beans over moderate heat, and then over low heat, while removing the noise (foam);
    • add some salt to the legumes towards the end of cooking;
    • stir the boiling grains periodically to prevent them from burning;
    • Cooking time will depend on the type of lentil;
    • You are allowed to add your favorite usual spices and combine them with fried vegetables from onions and carrots, peppers and tomatoes.

      Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    Green lentils hold their shape best when cooked and will look good in dishes that call for the whole beans, such as salads. This type requires pre-soaking for 60-120 minutes in cold water. After this time, the liquid is drained and the grain is filled with clean new water. Bring to a boil over moderate heat and cook for about 40-45 minutes.

    Brown lentils hold their shape almost as well as green ones. Soups, stews, and casseroles are prepared with it. Brown lentils can be soaked in water for less time before cooking than green lentils, about 40-60 minutes. After soaking, the grains are poured with fresh water. After boiling, continue cooking over low heat for 30-35 minutes.

    Red and yellow lentils do not need to be soaked before cooking. It boils very well and is used for porridges, thick soups, and purees.

    After boiling, the washed grains are boiled for 15-20 minutes. Black lentils can be cooked without soaking, while retaining their shape perfectly. However, experts still recommend soaking this species for 2-3 hours before cooking to remove antinutrients and increase nutrient absorption. Cook black lentils for 30-40 minutes.

    Lentil diet. Rules and principles of nutrition

    A lentil diet can be softer or harsher. Under strict strict restrictions, consumption of only lentil porridge without any additives (salt, spices, oil) is allowed. You can eat it in any quantity, but in practice you won’t be able to eat a lot of lentils at one time, since they are filling. The abundance of fiber promotes rapid swelling and a feeling of fullness.

    But thanks to this, it is possible to lose weight quite quickly and lose 4-5 kg ​​in 6-7 days.

    Lentils boiled in water, which are low in calories, are also included in more gentle diets that allow the consumption of other low-fat foods. In this milder version, you are allowed to eat vegetables, fruits, yogurts, kefir, lean meat, and rye bread.

    Those who want to lose weight on a lentil diet should remember the following points:

    • The downside of this product is the appearance of flatulence. The diet is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases;
    • in order to reduce gas formation, it is better to choose red lentils without the shell;

      Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    • Also, to prevent flatulence, raw grains can be ground in a coffee grinder. When grinding, the shell and dense fibers will be destroyed, and subsequently their absorption will be smoother;
    • It is advisable to pre-soak any type of lentil. Thanks to this, there will be fewer substances that provoke the formation of excess gases.
    • to reduce bloating, it is allowed to add cumin, bay leaf, dill, and ginger to the water during cooking;
    • if you experience loose stools, pain and cramps in the abdomen, or nausea, you should stop following the diet;
    • The drinking regime throughout the entire period of following the diet should be well established.

    Benefits for weight loss

    Lentils are one of the most important foods for maintaining normal body weight. This is due to the good combination of fiber, minerals and vitamins and low calorie content.

    Products made from cereals promote satiety and allow you not to feel hungry for a long period of time. Due to its fibrous structure, lentils help cleanse the body of toxins, waste, radionuclides, and undigested food residues.

    As you lose weight, you can simultaneously improve your health. Due to the significant level of protein content in the product, muscle tissue is normalized.

    Diet menu for the week

    A sample menu for 7 days might look like this:

    BreakfastSnack (2nd breakfast)DinnerAfternoon snackDinner
    Monlentil porridgeapplevegetable soup with lentilslow fat cottage cheeselentil cutlets with seaweed
    VTlentil flatbread and boiled eggyogurt (no sugar)Lentil puree, stewed rabbit meatfruit juice, bananaboiled lentils with spinach
    SRlentil porridgeglass of kefircreamy soup with lentils and pumpkinrye bread, hummuslentils with champignons
    ThuLentil pureea glass of plant milk (rice, oatmeal)lentils with stewed vegetablescoconut cream with berriesVegetable Salad
    PTrepeat Mon menu
    SBrepeat BT menu
    Sunrepeat to select menu Wed or Thu

    How to choose lentils

    When choosing lentils for your diet, you can rely on personal taste preferences. The brown variety has a nutty flavor and is good for side dishes and first courses. Green lentils have the thickest shell and contain more fiber than other types. This type retains its shape, has a spicy, spicy flavor and is suitable for salads.

    Red lentils do not have a shell, so they cook faster than other types and are ideal for pureed soups. Black lentils are universal, and yellow lentils are in many ways similar to green ones, as they are obtained after peeling the green lentil grains from the shell. As for the rules for purchasing lentil grains, you should pay attention to the date of manufacture, safety and integrity of the container (package).

    Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    The following signs indicate that lentils are of high quality:

    • pleasant aroma reminiscent of nuts;
    • no damage to the packaging;
    • clean and smooth beans;
    • absence of foreign impurities, litter, bugs, mold;
    • the beans are approximately equal in size and color;
    • there is no condensation (moisture) in the packaging;
    • the beans do not stick together and are easily poured into the package.

    If the integrity of the packaging is compromised, there is a suspicious smell, insects, or there are beans of different colors in the same container, you should not buy such lentils.


    Lentil fruits are small beans whose size and shape vary depending on the variety. It is eaten all over the world as a rich source of phosphorus, calcium, iron, and B vitamins. There are many types of this crop, but brown, green, red and lentils are considered the most delicious [2].

    Green and brown beans are suitable for warm salads and casseroles; As a rule, they retain their shape well after cooking.

    Red lentils are ideal for making purees, as an addition to soups and casseroles (as a thickening ingredient), and are often used in Indian cuisine.

    Yellow beans have a red-like appearance and are used to add color to winter dishes.

    Recipes for dietary dishes with boiled lentils

    Many people avoid this product because they have little idea what can be prepared from it. This legume can be used to make flatbreads, cutlets, pureed soups, salads and side dishes.

    Lentil puree

    Ingredients used:

    • lentil grains – 250 g (1 whole glass);
    • water – 500 ml (you can use lean meat or vegetable broth);
    • vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp;
    • laurel -1-2 small leaves;
    • greens – chopped dill.

      Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    Preparation progress:

    1. Legumes are soaked for 30-40 minutes;
    2. The grains are immersed in water and brought to a boil over moderate heat, then boiled for about another 20 minutes;
    3. After the time has passed, turn off the fire, add a bay leaf and keep the legumes in water under the lid for another 5-7 minutes;
    4. The liquid is drained, the boiled lentil grains are blended with a blender (immersion or placed in a bowl), oil is added. Before serving, sprinkle with dill.

    Cream soup

    It differs from puree in the number of ingredients and a more liquid consistency.

    For preparation take:

    • onion (medium) – 1 pc.;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • water or broth (vegetables, chicken) -1-1.5 l (about 5 glasses);
    • garlic – 1-2 cloves;
    • lentils (preferably red) – 350-400 g;
    • greens - dill, parsley.

      Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    Preparation progress:

    1. The legumes are pre-soaked for 35-40 minutes.
    2. After the time has passed, the water is drained, the grains are poured with broth and placed on the stove, boiled for 20-25 minutes.
    3. The onion is chopped into small pieces, the carrots are chopped on a grater and sauteed in vegetable oil (olive oil is possible).
    4. Add roasted vegetables, crushed garlic, bay leaves to the boiling lentils and keep on fire for another 7-8 minutes.
    5. After turning off the soup, let it sit for a while and garnish with herbs before serving. If the lentil grains are not cooked well, you can puree the soup with a blender.

    Lentils with meat

    Meat served with a lentil side dish is an excellent alternative to the usual buckwheat, rice, and potatoes. When on a diet, you should give preference to dietary types of meat: turkey, chicken breast, lean pork, rabbit, and veal.

    For preparation take:

    • 1 cup lentil grains;
    • 500 g of meat (any of the above);
    • carrot;
    • onion;
    • seasonings to taste.

      Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    Preparation will not take much time:

    1. The meat is cut into small pieces and sent to the frying pan;
    2. Chop the onion and carrots and add to the meat, fry for 8-10 minutes. together;
    3. Pre-cleaned and soaked lentils are boiled for 20-40 minutes. (depending on the variety);
    4. The cooked grain is filtered from the liquid and combined with frying meat and vegetables, left to simmer over low heat for another 15-20 minutes. At the end, flavor enhancers are added - bay leaf, peppercorns, a little salt.

    Lentil flatbreads

    Flat lentil buns are very filling and can also be eaten on a diet:

    • lentil grains (red) – 200 g;
    • flour – 2-2.5 tbsp;
    • yeast – 6 g;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • sugar – 1 tsp;

      Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    Cooking steps:

    1. Lentils are pre-soaked for 1.5 -2 hours;
    2. After soaking, the grains are boiled and cooled, after which they are punched in a blender to a mass without lumps.
    3. For the dough, mix sugar, 1 tbsp in a container. flour, 3 tbsp. warm water with yeast and leave for 10-15 minutes.
    4. When the dough rises, combine it with lentils and add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Allow the mass to rise.
    5. The onion is chopped into small pieces and fried.
    6. The dough combined with lentils should increase, after which flour, fried onions, and salt are added to it. Flour is introduced gradually, sifting it at the same time. Slowly knead the dough.
    7. The dough is divided into 9-10 parts and kneaded with your hands, giving the flatbreads a rounded shape.
    8. Place the flatbreads on a greased baking sheet lined with parchment and bake for 20-25 minutes. at 200C.

    Vegetable salad with lentils

    A salad of seasonal vegetables and lentil grains is perfect for dinner, as a complement to meat dishes. For salad, it is better to take a green variety of lentils, which does not boil so much and retains its shape.

    • bell pepper;
    • Cherry tomatoes);
    • cucumber;
    • parsley dill;
    • 150 g boiled lentils;
    • olive oil.

      Lentils boiled in water. Calorie content, dietary fat, glycemic index, chemical composition, recipes

    The amount of vegetable ingredients is selected depending on taste preferences. Boil the lentils and let cool. Vegetables are chopped, combined with lentils, seasoned with oil and sprinkled with herbs.

    Despite the fact that lentils are not a very familiar product for most people, dishes with them are tasty, satisfying and healthy. The low calorie content of this boiled grain allows it to be included in dietary dishes. Porridges, soups with water and broth, salads and side dishes with lentils can significantly diversify your daily diet.

    Culinary ideas

    Vegetarian dinner

    Fry the curry, chopped garlic, onion and ginger in a saucepan (about 2-3 minutes). Add raw lentils, turmeric, a little sugar and mix everything. Then add pumpkin, zucchini, diced bell peppers and broth with a little coconut milk. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped tomato. Simmer until the ingredients are soft. Sprinkle the finished dish with coriander. Recommended to be served with rice.

    Lentil meatballs

    Fry the onion in olive oil and add to the boiled lentils. Stir, season with salt and pepper. Form meatballs from the resulting mass, which should be fried in well-heated oil. In a separate pan, simmer the onion, chopped garlic and chili pepper. Add diced zucchini or zucchini, then chopped and peeled tomatoes. Simmer until the vegetables become soft. Serve the meatballs with the sauce, sprinkled with coriander if desired.

    Fake pate

    Fry chopped onion in oil, add garlic, sliced ​​carrots and a little ginger. Simmer everything together for 10 minutes. Then add lentils and millet to the mixture (1 cup lentils and 1/3 cup millet), fry over high heat for 2 minutes. Pour in the vegetable broth (about 650 ml), add a little salt and simmer for about 15 minutes (until the excess liquid has evaporated and all the ingredients are soft). Add ginger, hot pepper, a little almonds, 2 raw eggs to the cooled mass and mix everything. Place in a mold and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour.

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