Eat and lose weight! Complete list of weight loss products

What foods help you lose weight

A list of foods for quick weight loss will not fully solve the problem of excess calories. The belief that you can lose weight in a week by eating weight loss products is not justified.

A sharp decrease in body weight in a short time occurs due to the loss of water and muscle mass. The fat layer remains unchanged or may increase. Therefore, the optimal rate of weight loss is considered to be 0.5–1 kg per week.

Knowing which foods help you lose weight the fastest, you need to include them in your daily menu. First of all, these include:

  • water;
  • green tea;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals


Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Consuming it cold in an amount of 500 ml before each main meal promotes significant weight loss. According to research by German scientists, the rate of calorie burning increases to 44%.

The feeling of hunger feels similar to thirst. If you suddenly feel hungry after a recent snack, you can slowly drink a glass of water in small sips. This will remove the discomfort in the stomach and the urgent desire to eat.

Green tea

Green tea without sugar is one of the best natural products for weight loss. It increases the level of the fat-burning hormone epinephril. Tea contains natural caffeine, which enhances the effect of this hormone and speeds up metabolism by 20%. Not only subcutaneous fat is destroyed, but also internal (visceral) fat.

Reduction in body weight also occurs due to other mechanisms of action of green tea:

  • significant suppression of appetite;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • reducing the absorption of fats and preventing their accumulation thanks to antioxidants (catechins) in tea;
  • thermogenesis (increased heat production by the body), requiring high energy expenditure, as a result, fat oxidation increases and weight is regulated.

4 cups a day of this drink helps to successfully fight extra pounds.


Cucumbers are a good remedy for weight loss. This is due to their composition and effect on the body:

  • contain a lot of fiber, water, vitamins;
  • have a mild laxative effect;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • are a low-calorie product.

There is no need to peel them: it contains all the minerals and vitamins.


Fruits are also rich in fiber, vitamins, and essential macro- and microelements. But they contain a lot of sugar in the form of glucose and fructose. When consumed in the evening, polysaccharides are deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, in order to lose weight, it is useful to eat them in the morning.


Apples take first place in the ranking of weight loss products. They quickly help you get rid of extra pounds. Thanks to dietary fiber and pectin:

  • the feeling of hunger decreases due to a good filling of the stomach;
  • intestinal motility and cleansing are significantly increased;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • cholesterol levels decrease;
  • radionuclides are removed.


Grapefruit, according to studies conducted at the Scripps Clinic (USA), significantly reduces weight. When eating half a piece of fruit for breakfast every day for 12 weeks, body weight decreased by 1.5 kg.

This effect is achieved due to the high content:

  • vitamin C - reduces insulin levels;
  • naringin (flavonoid) - has a strong choleretic effect and promotes the rapid breakdown of fats; found in the internal bitter membranes of the fruit;
  • sodium – dulls the feeling of hunger.

To avoid flatulence, grapefruit should be eaten 30 minutes before meals.


Orange contains a large amount of fiber and only 59 calories per 100 g. Due to fiber, it gives a feeling of fullness, cleanses the intestines, removes toxins, and fills the body with vitamins and microelements.


Raspberries contain only 44 kcal in 100 g of berries. Its fruit enzymes are involved in the breakdown of fats. Half a glass of raspberries before meals will help the body cope even with a feast. The diuretic effect also causes weight loss. This is one of the few berries that does not lose its properties after heat treatment. Therefore, it can be used all year round.

Dairy products

fermented milk products for weight loss

Photo from

Fermented milk products satisfy hunger well. Their regular use leads to an acceleration of the metabolic process and weight loss. Milk products are low in calories and contain less lactose (carbohydrate). Casein protein ensures the preservation of muscle mass during weight loss. This is a milk protein that accelerates lipid metabolism.

Drinking low-fat milk drinks is not recommended - they are poorly satiating and lead to a sharp feeling of hunger. Fermented milk products with a fat content of 1.5-2%, but not more than 5%, are healthy.

You can add small amounts of cinnamon, nutmeg, and honey to them. They improve the taste of the drink (kefir, whey, fermented baked milk, yogurt). The optimal time to take them is morning and evening. The advantage of taking fermented milk products is a quick effect and good cleansing of the body.

A three-day milk diet is effective. 1 liter of milk is drunk fractionally throughout the day in 100 ml cups. In three days, 3–4 kg are lost. To prevent the weight from returning, you need to continue to eat the right foods. The fat contained in milk activates the breakdown of fat cells.


Cereals are widely used in the diet of those losing weight. They provide long-lasting satiety and have a beneficial effect on the health of the gastrointestinal tract. To get the effect of losing weight by eating cereals, you need to cook them without milk, butter and sugar.


Oatmeal is a leading dietary product for weight loss among cereals because:

  • low calorie;
  • contains a large amount of fiber;
  • reduces the level of ghrelin, a substance that causes hunger;
  • its carbohydrates are broken down slowly, providing a feeling of fullness and comfort in the stomach for a long time;
  • has a low glycemic index (allowed for diabetes).

For effective weight loss, it is recommended to prepare porridge from whole oats, rather than from crushed oats. Unprocessed grains retain all the beneficial ingredients.

Green tea

Green tea
If you want to lose weight, you need to drink more fluids, preferably with antioxidants. Include green tea in your daily diet; it is rich in catechins - substances that stimulate metabolism, which helps to quickly burn calories. Green tea is one of the top 10 foods that help burn fat. Green tea relaxes, relieves stress and fatigue.


Eggs are a dietary product and contain natural protein. They are included in the rating of 10 foods for increasing muscle mass. A study was conducted on two groups of people, they were given breakfasts with the same number of calories. It turned out that participants who ate one boiled egg (340 cal) 5 times a week lost weight up to 65% faster.

Be sure to include eggs in your diet - this, of course, will not solve the problem of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, but it will allow you to more effectively fight excess weight. Eat what you love: boiled egg, scrambled egg or omelet.

Black chocolate

Black chocolate
It would seem that everything is known about dark chocolate. But check out these 10 mind-blowing facts about chocolate. Eating this product not only reduces appetite, but helps you give up fatty, sweet and salty foods.

If you pamper yourself with small portions of dark chocolate between main meals, then in the future you will need much less calories to feel full. So, if you want to lose weight, allow yourself some dark chocolate.

Milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy products
Milk doesn't just strengthen bones. Fermented milk products are invaluable for the digestive system. Natural yogurt is the best snack for those who want to have a beautiful, toned stomach. Check out 10 surprising facts about milk.

Dairy products are at the top of the list. They allow you to lose weight twice as fast if you include them in your daily diet. Eat yoghurts and dairy products as often as possible. So, you can eat tasty and healthy - and always look great.


Foods rich in vitamin C are not just good for health, they are indispensable in the fight against excess weight. No wonder grapefruit can be found in the ranking of 10 products that replace antibiotics. Berries (raspberries, strawberries, black currants), apples, oranges and lemons must be included in the diet, but if you eat half a grapefruit for breakfast, this will help you lose up to 1.5 kg in 5 days.

It is preferable to eat this fruit rather than make juice from it, since the fiber contained in grapefruit helps with bloating and helps cleanse the body.


Many people don’t like oatmeal, but the good thing about it is that it’s suitable for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, at any time. Check out 10 health benefits of oatmeal. Remember that the diet must be carefully balanced. A cup of whole grain oatmeal will fill you up (150 calories).

Such cereals help fight belly fat 2-4 times more effectively than dishes made from processed grains. Include oatmeal in your menu to provide your body with fiber. It also helps lower blood sugar levels.


Beans are a well-known “musical” component of the diet. It has been proven that people who regularly eat beans have a thinner waist and weigh a couple of kg less than those who do not include beans in their diet. Beans, as a source of proteins, starch, and simple carbohydrates, not only satiate, but also improve digestion and promote fat burning.

Beans are included in the therapeutic diet for diseases of the colon, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. IT can be found among 20 products that help in the fight against diabetes. All of the above is true for other types of legumes: peas, lentils, soybeans, beans rich in iron, folic acid.


It’s especially nice to include something tasty in your diet when you have to limit yourself in food. When fighting excess weight, you can allow a handful of nuts two to three times a week. They break down fats and help the body fight heart disease, muscle loss, and obesity.

They appear in the ranking of the 10 best foods for a protein diet. Nuts are rich in protein, folate, fatty acids, vitamin E, phosphorus and magnesium. Almonds, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, and other nuts and seeds will help fight fat. The main thing is a sense of proportion.

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