Fat burner Diablos Eca Fire (Diablo) for weight loss, properties, composition, reviews

The product helps reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. Active components block appetite and improve metabolic processes. Reviews about the Diablos Eca Fire fat burner are positive. In the absence of health problems, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause unwanted reactions.

Fat burner diablos eca fire for weight loss, reviews and results of losing weight

Fat burner Diablos Eca Fire: reviews

Fat burner Diablos Eca Fire, reviews of which are characterized by positive results, is considered one of the best products with a powerful effect.

After analyzing the comments of people from all over the world, we can conclude that the drug really works. Fat burner Diablos Eca Fire is safe for the human body, as it has an excellent composition and good production characteristics.

This product has gone through a lot of research and has all the necessary documents. You don't have to worry about its quality.

Product Features Diablos Eca Fire

Consumer reviews are excellent proof that the drug does its job well.

It contains twenty-six components, each of which perfectly performs its functions and is actively involved in the fat burning process.

It’s hard to believe, but after just a few days of use you will be able to notice real results that will delight you.

Do not worry that the drug contains harmful synthetic substances that adversely affect your health.

Diablos Eca Fire, the composition of which you can find out in this article, has only natural ingredients, which confirms the safety of the product.

This fat burner is absolutely safe for the central nervous system and internal organs. Therefore, you can lose weight and not worry about negative consequences.

This drug works due to two main factors. Firstly, its components can increase body temperature. Secondly, it produces additional amounts of energy.

You can achieve maximum results only if you take the drug while playing sports.

Thus, you will not only get rid of a large amount of harmful fat, but also create beautiful, voluminous muscles.


Diablos Eca Fire, reviews of which confirm the safety and effectiveness of the drug, contains three of the most significant components.

These include caffeine, ephedra extract and a special thermogenic matrix. If you do not have health problems and you follow the instructions, then you will not be afraid of negative consequences.

However, if you have serious health problems, try to find other ways to burn fat.

Advantages of the drug

The fat burning complex we are considering has many advantages, which is what makes it so popular among people who want to lose weight and build muscle mass.

  • The main effect of the drug is manifested in an increase in the temperature of the whole body. This type of weight loss is considered the safest.
  • The supplement contains stimulants only of plant origin, and therefore does not affect the central nervous system.
  • Diablos Eca Fire (reviews confirm this) includes special adaptogens that help the human body recover after serious physical exertion. In addition, you will notice how your concentration, as well as your well-being and mood, will begin to improve.
  • An interesting feature of the supplement is the fact that with its regular use, you will not only lose excess fat, but also build muscle mass. This fat burner helps protein cells grow actively.
  • You can speed up your metabolism and strengthen your heart.
  • Regular use of fat burner will make you very resilient. This is especially important not only during the training process, but also in everyday life.
  • If you watch your diet and exercise regularly, the lost pounds will not come back to you.
  • Another main advantage is that the drug has no side effects, as it is of plant origin.

Instructions for use

Diablos Eca Fire Caps, reviews of which you can find in this article, is an excellent solution for people who want to lose weight and build muscle mass. Taking the product is very easy.

On days when you have strength training, it will be enough to take one capsule before breakfast and one before starting your workout. It is better to do this twenty minutes before meals.

If you have a day off, take one capsule before breakfast and lunch. Do this fifteen minutes before meals.

If you want to see the real effect of using a fat burner, use it only on an empty stomach. We'll give you one piece of advice: don't drink it at night, as you can cause insomnia.

Take advantage of one more recommendation: the first week of using the drug is considered retractive, so only one tablet will be enough.

This way your body will quickly get used to the innovations, and the effect will be much more noticeable.


Diablos Eca Fire 50 fat burner has some contraindications, so refrain from using the supplement in some cases. The product should not be taken by people under eighteen years of age. It is also not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.

The supplement is contraindicated for asthma, diabetes, and diseases of internal organs. You should not use the product if you have a disease accompanied by elevated body temperature. Be sure to follow the dosage and read the instructions carefully before use.

Reviews about the use of the drug

Within a few days after starting to use the fat burner, almost all athletes noticed excellent results. Excess fat is actively removed from problem areas. This improves the quality of not only training, but also life in general.

The gym increases your stamina. Therefore, the number of repetitions and the weight of equipment can be increased. Attention, memory and concentration improve. You can get a lot more things done in a day, and you won’t feel tired at all.

However, all those losing weight noticed that if you use the fat burner in the evening, you will experience insomnia all night. But if you want to go to a club or disco at night, you will feel a real burst of energy. According to reviews from athletes, we can conclude that the drug is fully justified, but subject to the presence of power loads.

Source: https://FB.ru/article/266899/jirosjigatel-diablos-eca-fire-otzyivyi

Light fat burners. Is it worth using?

As you already understand, many fat burners can have a significant effect on the human body. And if you consume all these substances, you can get kidney, liver, stomach diseases, as well as constant metabolic problems.

Medicine is based on the basic principle - all fat burners should be used only when the expected benefit from it is higher than the harm caused.

How to find out whether a particular drug is suitable for you or not is possible only through experience. But if you have at least some health problems, then all this will be contraindicated for you. Before purchasing the drug, you should know:

  • You will have to monitor your diet all the time, despite taking the pills, watch the quality of food, portion sizes, in other words, stick to the basic diet so that it also helps you lose weight.
  • Fat burners in sports nutrition can indeed improve endurance, but they can often cause headaches, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, and limb tremors.
  • Medicines that can reduce the fat layer by 3 or 6 percent by 100% simply do not exist at the moment.

In any case, you should not consider fat-burning drugs for women as harmless supplements, just as you should not decide to buy such a drug only on the basis that you did not like your reflection in the mirror and you felt an impulse to lose weight.

Light fat burners. Is it worth using?

Fat burners are a new remedy for overweight housewives who have tried all the available fake exercise machines and ultra-effective weight loss drugs.

You should not rely on the opinion of a fitness trainer as the determining one. Alas, industry professionals often adhere to the rule: results at any cost. This mindset is quite typical among athletes, and health cannot be allowed to fall victim to it. Only a doctor can give the most adequate opinion on the issue of taking fat burners.

Fat burner Diablo - reviews and instructions for use Diablos Eca Fire

When faced with all the difficulties of losing weight, pay attention to the Diablo fat burner with an ECA formula that has a strong thermogenic effect. The ECA Stack is an effective formula that contains a combination of ephedrine extract, caffeine, and aspirin.

Diablos ECA Fire contains a whopping 50 mg of ephedrine and also consists of a unique proprietary blend developed by the brand Innovative Labs.

This product is designed to suppress appetite, increase body temperature and increase energy, thereby actively burning fat.

TOP fat burners here >>

Operating principle and composition of Diablos Eca Fire

Diablos ECA Fire fat burner contains a large amount of ephedra extract, compared to analogues from other manufacturers on the market, which is one of the most effective fat burners. Diablos burns fat by increasing thermogenesis - heat exchange in the body. Additionally, the composition contains extracted alkaloids, which increase fat oxidation even during rest and sleep.

Diablos also speeds up metabolism by raising body temperature, ensuring more calories are burned, hence fat.

The fat burner formula begins to work instantly, increasing the secretion of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones increase lipolysis - the breakdown of accumulated fat. The synergistic effect of alkaloids and nutrients in the formula helps control appetite, dulling the feeling of hunger.

Diablo benefits:

  • Burns fat due to the action of a specially developed thermogenic formula;
  • Boosts energy for intense workouts;
  • Reduces appetite;
  • Increases lipolysis.

Composition of fat burner Diablo

Diablos is superior in composition to other ECA fat burners due to the additional Thermo CAMP complex, which consists of hoodia plant, para-synephrine and yohimbine:

  • Hoodia is a well-established appetite suppressant that has been used for several thousand years to combat obesity and overeating problems;
  • Para-synephrine (bitter orange) is a stimulant that increases the energy needed for intense, energy-intensive workouts aimed at weight loss;
  • Yohimbine HCL, a plant compound that reduces fatty acids by stimulating the nervous system, is an aphrodisiac.

The composition also includes other safe substances of plant origin that increase energy, these include: anhydrous caffeine (225 mg), pepper extract, black and green tea.

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Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Consult your physician before using this dietary supplement. Do not use the product if you have hypertension - high blood pressure. Reception is prohibited for persons with heart failure, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, kidneys, as well as diseases of the nervous system.

Side effects may include dizziness, rapid heartbeat, nervousness, insomnia. Gastrointestinal tract disorders are possible.

How to take Diablo?

Diablo fat burners have a strong stimulating effect on the nervous system. Therefore, never use the drug later than lunch, especially in the evening. The effect of the drug may cause irritation and insomnia. Before taking Diablo fat burner, be sure to read the instructions.

The first dose of the fat burner is recommended in the morning; do not take the drug on an empty stomach. First, it is necessary to determine tolerance to the drug in order to avoid negative consequences.

Important! Start the course by taking one capsule in the morning after meals with a small amount of water. Over time, increase the dose to two capsules, taking the second serving at lunch or 40 minutes before training (in the morning).

The course of treatment should last on average one month, but no more than two, to avoid addiction to the drug. Between courses you should take a break for one month.

Real reviews about Diablos fat burner

Maria, 25 years old, fitness trainer, Voronezh:

“After my weight plateaued during training and strict diets, I decided to purchase the Diablos fat burner. I was warned that the drug contains a high content of ephedra - 50 mg. For comparison, tea white contains 25 mg of ephedra.

I assumed that the drug could cause a number of side effects, but I really wanted to get a quick effect. Fortunately, the fat burner did not cause any adverse reactions. I achieved my goals, lost 5 kg in a month, which I could not achieve without Diablo. Of course, without hard training and diet, this result would not have been possible.

No matter how powerful the drug is, its success is guaranteed only if it takes a set of measures that influence weight loss.”

See photos of Diablos Eca Fire fat burner buyers:

After watching this video, you will make your fat burner work 100%:

We recommend that you seek the selection of sports nutrition for weight loss >>


Fat burner is a truly powerful remedy among all representatives of similar thermogenics on the market.

It contains a high concentration of ephedra extract, which makes the drug even stronger, but the risk of side effects also increases.

Carefully read the effect of the drug on the body, consult with a doctor or trainer about the need and advisability of taking it, only then start testing the drug with a minimum dose.

If the body perceives it positively, under no circumstances exceed the recommended dose and do not take the drug in the afternoon.

In general, the drug is of high quality and effective, but no one can cancel individual intolerance and negative reactions of the body.

Therefore, be careful and remember that the drug only works in conjunction with a low-carb diet and intense fat-burning training.

Original fat burners from the USA >>

Source: https://zhirunet.com/realnye-otzyvy-na-zhiroszhigatel-diablos-eca-fire/

Contraindications and side effects

Diablos tablets are contraindicated for those losing weight with certain diseases and conditions:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels,
  • hypertonic disease,
  • diabetes,
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • inflammatory bowel diseases,
  • feverish conditions,
  • renal and liver failure,
  • thyroid dysfunction,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • mental illness,
  • glaucoma,
  • pathologies in the urinary system,
  • depressive states,
  • allergy to components,
  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding period.

The course should not be started in children under 18 years of age. If after taking you experience rapid heartbeat, headache, dizziness, difficulty urinating, bradycardia, shortness of breath or skin rash, you should consult a specialist.

Fat burner diablos eca fire for weight loss, reviews and results of losing weight

Fat burner Diablos Eca Fire Caps: dosage regimen, reviews

Due to what fat burning is achieved when taking this product. When is the best time to drink it, what are the contraindications?

The product diablos eca fire caps is one of the most powerful and effective fat burners.

Its manufacturer is Innvotive Deit Labs, which is well known for its high quality products and serious attitude to business. Reviews from thousands of customers around the world only confirm that diablos fat burner really works. In terms of its effect, safety for the body and composition, the supplement simply has no equal.

This is a modern, new generation product that has all the necessary US patents and has gone through the entire cycle of research.


The supplement contains 26 components, each of which is aimed at bringing you closer to your cherished goal. After just a few days of the diablos eca fire caps course, you can replace the first results of your work - excess fat literally “evaporates” before your eyes.

Moreover, the effect is possible not due to chemical stimulants (as happens in a number of other supplements), but thanks to natural ingredients, a thoughtful and well-balanced composition.

As a result, the product from Innvotive Deit Labs does not disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system and does not pose other health risks.

The effect of the drug is ensured by several main factors - an increase in body temperature and an increase in the production of additional volumes of energy. In combination with powerful training, the fat burner gives truly powerful results. You not only remove excess fat, but also form a beautiful muscle relief.


The diablos eca fire caps complex has a number of advantages that set it apart from its competitors:

  • The action of the drug is based on the thermogenic (safest) effect. Here, fat burning occurs due to an increase in overall body temperature;
  • The supplement contains stimulants, but only of natural origin. Their advantage is the absence of harmful effects on the central nervous system;
  • the presence of six adaptogens in the composition helps the body recover faster during periods of intense physical activity. Improves mood and well-being, increases concentration;
  • fat deposits are effectively burned, but muscle mass remains intact. Moreover, the fat burner promotes the growth of new protein cells;
  • taking the supplement normalizes metabolic processes in the body and strengthens the heart muscle;
  • fat burner components help increase performance and strength, which is very important in the training process;
  • “destroyed” fat deposits do not return after completion of the course. The main thing is to keep yourself in shape and follow a proper diet;
  • the product has no side effects, which sets it apart from numerous competitors.

When and how to take it?

The fat burner is a reliable assistant in the fight against excess “accumulation”. It is worth taking when you need to gain relief, prepare for competitions, and also simply remove fat from problem areas. With this supplement, body formation goes much faster, and training is a pleasure.

Recommendations for taking the supplement are very simple:

  • on days you go to the gym, it is enough to drink one capsule about 15-20 minutes before breakfast and before the start of classes;
  • on free days - one capsule should be taken 10-15 minutes before breakfast and another one before lunch (the same as in the previous case, 10-15 minutes).

Remember an important recommendation - it is important to drink the fat burner only on an empty stomach. If this condition is violated, the result from the supplement will be reduced or will not exist at all. In addition, taking capsules in the evening is not advisable. The last fat burner should enter the stomach no later than 6-7 hours before bedtime (follow this rule if you don’t want to get insomnia).

And further. The first week is absorbent, so it is better to take only one capsule during this period (choose the time here yourself). Reviews from experienced athletes confirm that this regime is the most loyal to the body.

Reviews of fat burner Innovative Labs Diablos ECA Fire Caps

» Sports nutrition » Innovative Labs Diablos ECA Fire – reviews

Diablos ECA Fire is a new breakthrough and a real innovation in fat loss! The most powerful composition based on the most effective mixture of ECA (Ephedrine, Caffeine, Asperin) + thermogenic matrix + amine matrix for mental stimulation. In general, this thing is simply bound to make your fat and you burn around the clock!

Description of Innovative Labs Diablos

The basis of almost all burners from Innovative is ECA. These guys are fans of putting together really tough and working compositions, and Diablos was no exception. Unlike many other products, this one does not consist of several individual ingredients, but of three proprietary blends: CoreX, Amine Matrix and Thermo cAMP.

CoreX (patented mixture of Ephedra) - consists of the Sid plant, which includes Ephedra in large quantities, as well as Vasicinone, Vasitsin, Vasitsinol and some other substances that have an effect similar to Ephedra: dilates the bronchi, increases heart rate, accelerates metabolism and causes the body to spend more calories to maintain heat and gain energy + suppresses appetite.

Amine Matrix - includes 4 amino compounds that function as neurotransmitters (regulate the transmission of nerve impulses, improve reaction speed), and also enhance the production of dopamine and endorphins, which improves mood and gives concentration.

Thermo cAMP - includes Hoodia cactus, Synephrine, Yohimbine, Sulbutamine, as well as vitamins B5, B12 and Chromium. Although this matrix is ​​called "Thermo" (increases the body's consumption of calories from its own reserves), it also contributes to a powerful appetite suppressant.

+ Caffeine and White Willow Bark have been added to enhance the first matrix.

Caffeine - complements the effect of Ephedra + enhances the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which accelerate the breakdown of fats and use them for energy. Caffeine is also a strong central nervous system stimulant.

White Willow bark - in this case, it is valuable for its high content of Aspirin, which enhances the effect of Ephedrine.

Well? How do you like the composition? I think it’s cool, considering that there is as much as 50 mg of Ephedra, 225 mg of Caffeine and 100 mg of Aspirin! Every fan of hard burners will appreciate this hellish mixture)

Reviews of Diablos ECA Fire Caps

“The difference with the Widow from Kloma Pharma is significant! There’s almost no need to rest between sets, and it doesn’t really matter whether you did high-repetition exercises with light weights, drop sets, or classic strength training. You squat with a heavy weight, you can’t rest for more than 30 seconds, after 5 you’re already rushing into battle again.

The situation with cardio is a little different. I advise you to drink the capsule about a couple of hours before it, since I personally get an unpleasant burp when running if I drink the capsule immediately before it. This is very disturbing).

If you drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, then things are generally great! You run and jump like crazy, the mood is cool, but if you train in the evening, then after it you no longer have the strength, you are completely killed.

So I prefer to take a capsule on the day of training before it, and on the day of rest in the morning.

Overall, I liked it and even really liked it! But without a normal diet, not a single miracle pill will work. This is 100%, I have been convinced more than once.”

To be as objective as possible, we will provide you with reviews about the fat burner Innovative Labs Diablos ECA Fire and women:

“I still didn’t dare and didn’t dare to try something other than diet and cardio to speed up fat burning, but the day came, and Diablos fell into my hands.

It was a gift, so I don’t even know the price, and I wasn’t interested so as not to be shocked) I’ve been involved in sports for a long time, but in general I’ve never had any experience with taking burners.

So, for the sake of history, I decided to make my first review of my first LJ, since I practically couldn’t find anything like it on the Internet, maybe it will be useful for someone).

Let's start with the cover, namely the jar. The design is pleasant, the black and red design and stylish inscriptions are immediately associated with fire. By the way, the capsules themselves are also black and red, it’s cool when everything is in the same style. Small, convenient packaging, you can put it in your purse and take it with you if necessary.

I don’t know much about ingredients, but I read online that Ephedra is great for fat burning, I didn’t understand the rest, so I could only rely on my feelings after taking it.

And what I felt after taking the capsule in the morning is incomparable to anything! A slight warmth spreads throughout the body, a desire to go appears, no matter where, a little later this warmth turns into heat, sweating, the energy just rushes (that’s why I personally started running in the morning, regardless of whether I had a workout that day) . By the way, the sensations do not cause discomfort and even bring some pleasure.

For the first time I decided not to drink for more than a month, and the result was already good - almost 7 kg disappeared unnoticed. So, I give my find a solid 10+!”

Additional sports nutrition, diet and exercise for better results

No matter how cool the burner is, you need to understand that one tablet will not solve the problem. Yes, Diabol is very cool, with this composition you will feel its effect even while lying on the sofa and shaking your leg, but it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve significant weight loss in this case. So, don’t forget to keep an eye on two more things while burning fat:

  1. Diet;
  2. Physical exercise.

For ardent opponents of strict diets, Diablos ECA Fire is a real find, since it does not require you to severely cut your diet + suppresses appetite, so you will effortlessly start eating less. But you shouldn’t take this literally and continue to eat everything that comes to hand, this will not lead to anything good.

Reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates and daily caloric intake by at least 200-300 kcal, this will be quite enough for a start. And then act intuitively, reducing calories further if necessary. Like this.

The good thing about this burner is that it really allows you to skip a crash diet!

Now for the loads. As you can see from the reviews, Diablos just gives you a ton of energy for everything! So you have the opportunity to increase both the weights and the intensity of your training during his course. Include more cardio, preferably in the morning, after taking the capsule, train more often if you have the opportunity, because your strength allows it)

It remains to talk about the last aspect of taking burners - additional sports nutrition, and is it needed at all? We advise you to supplement the burner course with additional supplements. sports nutrition, but not for everyone, but only for those that are actually necessary: ​​Vitamin-mineral complexes, Omega-3, BCAA.

What and why?

BCAA are necessary to maintain muscles and protect them from catabolism during weight loss (if there is a lack of nutrients, the body gets rid of its reserves; this way amino acids from muscle tissue can be used for more important needs). Taking BCAA allows you to avoid muscle loss.

Vitamin-mineral complexes are always needed in all cases. Usually, we can get a full range of vitamins and minerals from a high-quality diet, but by cutting back on the diet, we deprive the body of the required amount of these substances. If you don’t want to lose beautiful hair, skin, and overall health, then we advise you to supplement your fat burner with vitamins.

Omega-3 – yes, yes, we need fats to burn fat! But not simple ones, but polyunsaturated ones, which is what Omega-3s are! They speed up fat metabolism + improve heart function, reduce bad cholesterol levels, etc. Some studies even claim that Omega-3s reduce the deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Source: https://kandeleria.ru/supplements/innovative-labs-diablos-eca-fire-otzyvy.html

Innovative Labs Diablos ECA Fire – reviews

Innovative Labs Diablos is a fat burner familiar to many ephedra lovers, and we decided to make an extensive review of it, which will allow those who have already tried it to compare their results and sensations, and those who just want to try it, to make the right choice.

Today we will present you not our standard sports nutrition test, but a whole set of reviews for the Diablos ECA Fire fat burner! Why? Because we think that one person’s opinion about such a difficult process as drying cannot be complete. We decided to present you with several opinions at once so that you can draw a full conclusion for yourself!

Where to buy and how much does a fat burner cost?

Diablos is sold in sports nutrition stores. The package contains 90 capsules. You can purchase a weight loss product online at a pharmacy or specialty store. The cost of the drug is from 1500 to 3000 rubles. On sale you can find capsules containing geranium. They are prohibited from being produced, so this product should not be purchased. This drug has expired and is considered a counterfeit.

Fat burner diablos eca fire for weight loss, reviews and results of losing weight

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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