Dukan diet: step-by-step description and recommendations on how to adhere to the diet. Stages and features of the technique (105 photos)

Edited by an expert:

Nadezhda Primochkina, nutritionist - 01/11/2021

Today, the Dukan diet is at the peak of popularity. It was created by the famous French doctor Pierre Dukan, who has been working in the field of nutrition for more than 20 years. He specially developed this diet for his friend, who was overweight.

Today, many famous people follow this diet, and now you can try it too.

Principles of the Dukan Diet

Eating food is not prohibited at any time of the day or night, but there are still some rules of the Dukan diet:

  • Fatty meats should be excluded from your daily diet. It is possible to eat only chicken and turkey fillets, but without skin. Seafood and fish are welcome, but only steamed, boiled or stewed;
  • When it comes to dairy products, you should choose only low-fat options. Artificial flavors are also not allowed.

The composition of the products must be pure and natural;
  • salt and sugar are taboo. But don’t limit yourself to spices, natural sauces and sugar substitutes;
  • The consumption of vegetables is not prohibited, but without starch content (no potatoes and zucchini);
  • absorption of oat bran is a must (one spoon).

During any weight loss, you should drink plenty of drinking water, at least two liters. You also need to increase physical activity, even if just walking more.

Who is he, “Doctor Dukan”?

The Frenchman Dukan is not the only one who has succeeded in the field of methods and methods of losing weight, “exploiting” protein diets with all his might.

Let me remind Russians: the word “doctor” in the subtitle has nothing to do with medicine. Although Mr. Dukan graduated from medical school and practiced for several years in a number of medical specialties.

In the West and East, this prefix to a surname only denotes the presence of a higher education in some profession - mathematics, philosophy, and so on, and a person can write on a business card, sign articles in the media with the prefix “doctor”. But doctors have a different title - MUDr.

Dukan, being a therapist, treated one fat diabetic with the help of some recipes, and realized what a big business it was. He retrained the doctor into a nutritionist and writer on this topic.

Dukan became so involved in commerce that the French Medical Association condemned his connection between medicine and business goals.

For violating professional ethics, he was expelled from their ranks, and a little later deleted from the medical register. Since 2014, he cannot be called a doctor.

Authority was also forged not only by the mass of ordinary sufferers, but more by the search for those from high society, regardless of which country, as well as Hollywood actresses and female politicians. Dukan even has such a lady from the British royal family.

Are there any pros and cons to this diet?

The Dukan diet has its own benefits, such as:

  • rapid reduction in body weight, which leads to increased motivation;
  • loss of extra pounds, even if your body is accustomed to experiments;
  • naturalness of the products consumed, tasty and varied diet;
  • minimum restrictions.

But turning a blind eye to all these advantages, the Dukan diet also has disadvantages:

  • a large number of contraindications, such as: kidney and liver disease, metabolic disorders, etc.;
  • excess protein, and then body and mouth odor, fatigue;
  • lack of vitamins and elements important for the body, which leads to poor appearance and problems with the digestive system;
  • lack of fat, which can lead to constipation.

Pros and positive results of losing weight

Positive aspects of the Dukan diet:

  • The body spends much more energy digesting proteins than digesting carbohydrates and fats, which means it burns many more calories.
  • Proteins are very low in calories, which means they are quickly digested and are not stored as fat cells.
  • Proteins help remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Proteins are responsible for strong bones and elasticity of muscles in the body. A person who consumes proteins in sufficient quantities will never know what cellulite and sagging skin are.
  • Since a person can lose up to 10 kg in the first days, he has excellent motivation to continue the diet.
  • If you strictly follow the instructions during the diet, then after it ends your weight will stabilize and the extra pounds will never return.

Positive reviews and photos of the results of those who have already tried the Dukan protein diet are worthy confirmation of all its benefits.

First phase - Attack

The first stage of the Dukan diet is “Attack”, which lasts for a week.

The main rule for this period is to eat only protein: meat, fish, eggs and low-fat dairy products.

This phase is considered stimulating. All the above rules remain the same.

Before and after the Dukan diet... The Dukan diet: the results of my weight loss

Like most weight loss stories, mine began with the news of an imminent addition to the family. Joy, delight and boundless happiness - these words can describe the nine months of my pregnant life. I read books about children, walked a lot, went to the antenatal clinic and of course ate right. With pride, I watched every centimeter added to my waist. And so, on the magical morning of the first day of February, I became a mother. The first months were filled with parental happiness, which overshadowed everything. And then, having gone out for the first time to buy some new clothes, I returned home to my long-awaited son with tears in my eyes. I had to buy two sizes larger. With a height of 173 centimeters, my weight was almost 74 kilograms.

But, I am a big optimist and it is not in my rules to become despondent. The path to a beautiful figure for me began in the gym. A year of group step classes - aerobics three times a week - made my body fit and beautiful, but did not help me lose an ounce. Then I, who was skeptical about all kinds of diets, decided to try one of them on myself.

One day, in a popular online community for future and current mothers, I came across a topic where it was suggested that I try the diet of the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan on myself. I was interested in her motto: “Eat as much as you want!” I was truly surprised by these words. For me, any diet was associated with a painful feeling of hunger. I wandered onto the diet’s website to find out its basic principles. It turned out that everything is very simple - you need to give up unhealthy and unnatural food. This seemed like a completely reasonable solution to me, and I decided to try it. The diet consists of four stages: attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization - each of which has a different duration, depending on the amount of excess weight. I used the calculator on the website and calculated for myself the duration of each stage of the diet and my ideal weight - 63 kilograms.

The first stage of the attack is to eat only protein foods in any quantity. Lean meat, fish, low-fat dairy products - this became my main diet for the first three days of the diet. I ate with pleasure and in large quantities. On the Dukan diet website I found a lot of different recipes and improved my culinary skills in preparing protein culinary masterpieces. It was very easy and tasty for me, and during the first phase of the attack I was able to get rid of the first 1.5 kilograms.

The second stage, called the beautiful word “cruise”, was supposed to last 70 days for me. By this time, I already missed vegetables and was very pleased with the prospect of alternating pure protein and protein-carbohydrate days. At this stage, it was allowed to add all possible vegetables to the diet except potatoes and artichokes. This stage was more difficult for me. But, stepping on the scales every morning and seeing the result, I did not stop there. In these seventy days, I lost, no joke, almost 9 kilograms! They went away smoothly, and I did not feel any discomfort because I was losing weight.

The third stage of “consolidation” for me should have lasted even longer - as much as 100 days. It involves eating the permitted foods from the first two stages, plus one serving of fruit, two slices of black bread and a small piece of low-fat hard cheese per day. One hundred days flew by unnoticed for me. They coincided with the summer season of fresh vegetables and fruits. I ate a lot and enjoyed it and lost weight! Through consolidation, I was able to get rid of another extra kilogram.

The fourth phase, “stabilization,” continues for me now. I adopted it as the basis of my diet. You are allowed to return to your main diet, but protein-carbohydrate dishes should still predominate in the diet. Plus, you need to drink a lot, walk in the fresh air and, if possible, play sports. I follow all these rules and my new weight of 62 kilograms has remained stable for almost a year!

To say that I love my new body is an understatement. I started to feel beautiful! For the first time since I was pregnant. The diet helped me not only lose weight, but also understand which foods are unnecessary in our daily diet. Losing weight was easy and tasty, and the results were incredible and, most importantly, lasting. Try it!

Slipenko Elena Valerievna, Ukraine, Krivoy Rog

The third phase of the Dukan diet Consolidation

The length of stay depends on how much weight you have already managed to lose. Every kilogram lost is a plus of ten days.

What can you eat during this period? Protein and vegetables, fruits (except grapes, bananas and cherries), small amounts of bread, cheese and even starchy foods (potatoes, pasta, peas, etc.) are allowed.

At this stage, it is permissible to eat some harmful delicacy, but only no more than twice during the week. And you definitely need to arrange unloading on the protein bottom.

Menu for the first 7 days (Attack stage) - option No. 1

When creating a menu, you should use lists of permitted products.


Breakfast. Coffee, scrambled eggs with chicken. Dinner. Fish cutlets, yogurt. Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese casserole. Dinner. Baked fish.


Breakfast. Bran bread and low-fat cheese. Dinner. Fish soup. Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese, kefir. Dinner. Baked meat.

To make the bread you will need oat bran and eggs. Mix them and bake in the oven.


Breakfast. Omelette. Dinner. Soup with meat. Afternoon snack. Syrniki. Dinner. Stewed seafood.


Breakfast. Bran pancakes with cottage cheese. Dinner. Chicken cutlets. Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese, yogurt. Dinner. Meat baked with melted cheese.


Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole. Dinner. Fish soup with oatmeal bread. Afternoon snack. Milk. Dinner. Cutlets.


Breakfast. Boiled eggs and bread. Dinner. Meatball soup. Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese, kefir. Dinner. Baked fish.


Breakfast. Omelette. Dinner. Stewed fish. Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese, kefir. Dinner. Chicken kebab.

Photo of the Dukan diet

Look: Diet for a week - a review of the most famous and effective recipes for quick weight loss for women (130 photos + video)

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Why is a completeness reset necessary?

The keywords above are “overweight.” But ladies with a 100% standard figure in terms of height and weight begin to diet. But what about it? Like, with the same proportions, Angelina Jolie also reduced her weight almost to the point of exhaustion - to 34 kg! But its reasons are more of a neuropsychological nature.

And then people look for recipes for losing weight in books and on Internet sites. Often on their own, without advice from doctors, they bring themselves to the opposite of the normal state of the body - to “skin and bones”. And there are thousands of these recipes - from rice to just water.

Only announced dr. Dukan managed to collect 350 recipes over thirty years. Even a hundredth of them cannot be presented in one article.

Read here! Vegetable diet - recipes and methods for quick weight loss. How the diet works and the best options for losing weight (90 photos)

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