What foods can you eat while losing weight: list

What can you eat on a diet

As a rule, commercials offering various diet menus are literally full of headlines about how you can eat whatever you want without counting calories.

The principle of such a diet is based on the fact that, eating in this way, it is impossible to eat too much or too much. An example of this is mono-diets. Here psychology works in such a way that those who are losing weight cease to control their own nutrition, since in this case there are no strict prohibitions.

In fact, to lose weight you need to consume fewer calories than a person expends. The type of product in this case is not important. If this condition is met, the person begins to lose weight.

According to nutritionists, any diet is stressful for the body, since the digestive system in this case is forced to rebuild. Therefore, when changing your diet, it is necessary to choose those foods that do not irritate the stomach and do not contain toxic substances.

The number of restrictions depends on the duration of the dietary regime. If you simply reduce the calorie content and the amount of food consumed previously, then you can eat in this mode as much as you like.

Authorized Products

In fact, any diet is not very strict. To properly build your diet, you can choose a variety of foods that differ in their usefulness. If you try to make a list of healthy foods for a diet menu, it might look like this:

  1. Almonds are a product that contains a lot of proteins and carbohydrates and will saturate the body with the necessary energy. It can be used as a snack between main meals.
  2. Apples contain antioxidants and a lot of vitamins, and are also a low-calorie product.
  3. Avocado will satisfy your hunger and contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the body.
  4. Beans contain a huge amount of protein, which makes them very nutritious. It can be used as a substitute for higher calorie potatoes.
  5. Bell peppers contain a lot of vitamin C. At the same time, they are light, healthy and tasty.
  6. By consuming 100 grams of blueberries, a person receives only 80 calories, 4 grams of valuable fiber, as well as much-needed antioxidants for the body.
  7. Cauliflower and broccoli help reduce the risk of colon, stomach and lung cancer.
  8. If you add cinnamon to tea or coffee instead of sugar, this will make the drinks much more dietary.
  9. A cup of coffee helps the body burn 50 kilocalories. In this case, you should avoid adding sugar or cream to the drink.
  10. Eating a hard-boiled egg and toast for breakfast will help keep you feeling full until lunchtime.
  11. Grapefruit will help speed up metabolic processes. In addition, this product is also low in calories.
  12. To saturate your body with calcium and proteins, you should pay attention to natural yogurt.
  13. Drinking green tea will saturate the body with antioxidants, as well as a lot of vitamins.

So what is it to eat?..

You can eat a lot when dieting for natural weight loss, but some foods should be eaten in moderation. The consumption of fatty, smoked foods, salt, flour and confectionery products should be limited. If you eat a small piece from this list once a week, nothing bad will happen. Just don't overuse it. You are allowed to eat raw vegetables in unlimited quantities. Fruits – no more than 1 kg per day. Food containing protein, 1-2 g per 1 kg of weight.

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And yet, what products most effectively fight excess weight? Check out the top ten foods that you not only can, but should, eat to lose weight.


It is considered one of the best products for weight loss. It speeds up metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, removes bad cholesterol and is even able to prevent the development of cancer cells. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. It is recommended to eat no more than one fruit per day half an hour before breakfast and lunch.


Promotes not only cleansing, but also rejuvenation. With minimal calories, it contains a lot of fiber, for the digestion of which the body has to spend fat accumulated in the body. In addition, it removes waste and toxins. And the content of useful minerals and vitamins in it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and vision. You can drink celery juice, make soup, pate or salad from it.


It occupies one of the leading places thanks to its soluble fiber, which cleanses the intestines and lowers cholesterol levels. Contains a rich complex of minerals, vitamins and microelements, which is why it is extremely useful in the treatment of many diseases. Oatmeal recipes are considered the best for maintaining beauty and youth. It is better to cook porridge rather than use an instant product. The jelly made from it enjoys a good reputation.


Any variety is suitable for weight loss: cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Beijing sprouts. The body spends more energy digesting cabbage than it contains. It has very few calories, no fat, but a lot of vitamins and minerals. Perfectly cleanses the intestines, improves immunity, cleanses the blood, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to eat it as a salad, or you can make soup.


A very healthy fruit, about the benefits of which more than one scientific treatise has been written. There is even a proverb: “Eat one apple a day and you will forget the way to the doctor.” The pectin contained in this fruit removes excess fluid and toxins. Fiber improves digestion, and the combination of these substances allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. Like all fruits and vegetables, apples are best eaten raw, but they can also be baked.


It has long been proven effective for weight loss. It normalizes the intestinal microflora, contains easily digestible protein, low in calories, and satisfies the feeling of hunger. Kefir is included in various diets. In its pure form you can drink it in the mornings and evenings.


Ginger is an excellent way to get rid of extra pounds and boost immunity. Accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It is believed that its beneficial properties replace an entire pharmacy. Ginger tea is used for weight loss - see recipes here.


It was previously believed that it could not promote weight loss in any way, but scientists have refuted this myth. If you are not going to eat this product in barrels, like Winnie the Pooh, it will save you from extra pounds. Plus it contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. As well as a whole carload of useful components, it launches the body’s self-healing processes and improves immunity.


It has an excellent composition of substances beneficial to the body. Clears toxins and improves immunity. Contains a lot of fiber, protein and few carbohydrates. It is included in various diets for weight loss. You can cook porridge from it, or you can simply pour boiling water over it, which is considered healthier.

Prohibited Products

In addition to knowledge and healthy foods, a person who decides to lose excess weight should also know about prohibited dishes and products:

  1. Sugar. It is one of the main causes of obesity, cardiovascular pathologies and diabetes. If it is not possible to completely give up sugar, then its consumption should be minimized.
  2. Salt. It is this that leads to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. However, it is impossible to completely eliminate salt from the diet, as this can lead to deterioration of the condition of bone tissue and teeth. Therefore, only limited salt intake is sufficient;
  3. Bakery products.
  4. Starchy foods including potatoes, pasta, processed white rice, etc.;
  5. Sweet fruits. No one denies the benefits of fruits. However, you should not pounce on sweet fruits, as this is fraught with extra centimeters on the waist;
  6. Dried fruits. They are without a doubt very healthy, but... To saturate the body by consuming dried fruits, one must eat a larger volume than would be the case if one chose the fresh version of these products. At the same time, the caloric content of dried fruits also makes you think about whether it is worth consuming these products when choosing a diet.
  7. Seeds and vegetable oils are, of course, good for health. However, they are distinguished by their high energy value. Therefore, their consumption should also be limited.

In addition, you should avoid or limit foods such as nuts, trans fats, alcohol, smoked foods and canned food, as well as processed meats. All of them do not have the best effect on your health and appearance.

How to have dinner

Those who are trying to lose weight should not give up their evening meals. The statement “give dinner to the enemy” does not work in this case. However, to lose weight, you should eat dinner correctly.

In this case, we are talking about having the last meal 2-3 hours before going to bed at night. This will enable the body to better absorb foods and not overload the digestive system.

As for the diet, in the evening preference should be given to light foods, since metabolic processes in the body at this time of day slow down somewhat. Here you should pay attention, for example, to meat with vegetables or lean fish. When choosing meat for the evening, preference should be given to turkey, chicken or rabbit.

Vegetables for dinner are recommended because they saturate the body with fiber and are low in calories. Sugar-free yogurt or kefir will help satisfy mild hunger in the evening.

Protein low-calorie food to help lose belly fat

An error in eating immediately affects a woman’s stomach and waist. Even if the figure does not particularly suffer from extra pounds, a thick waist looks disproportionate. To get a flat tummy, you need to eat special foods. But first you should forever give up tobacco, alcohol, fatty foods, flour and sweets. You need to focus on plant-based foods and sports training.

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Before training

Eating for weight loss before going to the fitness club is an important component of all work on your figure. To lose weight more effectively, you need to fill your body with energy before training, which is consumed in large quantities during exercise. The most ideal option is carbohydrate food. It will give the body the necessary supply of “fuel”. You should not go to training with a full belly; light food, for example, buckwheat porridge, a salad of green vegetables and a couple of wheat crackers will benefit you.

Food before training

After training

If you go to the gym to lose weight, then any food after training is prohibited. You don’t need to restore the burned fats, so you should completely abstain from eating for 2-3 hours after exercise. It is also not recommended to drink energy drinks, tea, coffee or alcohol due to the unnecessary invigorating effect on the body. Replenish your water balance with still mineral water, a glass of freshly squeezed juice or homemade kvass.

Drinking regime on a diet

When on a diet, the choice of drinks is no less important. The first thing a person who has decided to become slim should remember is to drink as much as possible. However, the volume of liquid should be increased gradually. In addition to permitted drinks, you should drink mineral or clean water as much as possible.

It is correct to drink water before meals, and not vice versa.

As for prohibited drinks, this includes sweet carbonated drinks, strong alcoholic drinks and packaged juices.

Sample menu for the week

The weekly menu for a person who decides to lose weight is compiled individually, taking into account his parameters and characteristics. However, there is a rough general weekly budget menu that looks like this:

  1. For your first meal on Monday, you should choose whole grain bread, cheese, vegetables, and green tea. For the second meal, you can cook boiled meat and steamed vegetables. And for the third meal, you can choose broccoli baked with cheese, a boiled egg and mint tea.
  2. On Tuesday, the first meal will consist of yogurt, vegetable salad and an apple. For the second meal, you can bake meat, prepare puree soup and drink still water. As for dinner, you can eat boiled salmon with brown rice and drink unsweetened fruit drink.
  3. On Wednesday you can have a steamed omelette for breakfast, and then an orange. At the end you need to drink tea. For lunch, you can offer steamed meatballs with beans, vegetable salad and freshly squeezed juice. For dinner, you can choose cottage cheese casserole and an unsweetened apple.
  4. On Thursday and Friday for breakfast you can choose a vegetable salad, toast with cottage cheese and tea. For lunch, it is recommended to prepare pumpkin soup with sesame seeds, baked chicken and vegetable salad. For dinner these days, we recommend fish cutlets or boiled turkey, stewed carrots or steamed broccoli, as well as tea or fruit juice as a drink.
  5. Breakfast on weekends will consist of baked potatoes or toast with an egg, as well as fruit juice or fruit juice. Lunch will consist of baked fish or steamed veal, green or vegetable salad, and tea. For dinner, you can steam an omelet or eat low-fat cottage cheese and unsweetened fruit.

For those who have decided to switch to proper nutrition, as well as lose weight and look good, there are many opportunities to do it correctly, tasty and with pleasure. In this case, you just need to pay attention to the recommendations given above. And then the body will not suffer from further experiments with diets. And it is quite possible that this approach will become a way of life for a person, and not some period of time chosen in order to simply put oneself in order.

Delicious diet food: recipes with photos

Diet food for weight loss is easy to prepare, the main thing is to avoid unhealthy fatty foods and those high in carbohydrates. You should not add fats or oils to food during cooking, as they contain a large amount of calories. Diet food is a variety of healthy dishes, which allows you to eat tasty and varied, and the bonus will be a beautiful, thinner body. We bring to your attention a couple of healthy recipes for diet food.

Steamed vegetable stew

Vegetables cooked in a double boiler will saturate your body with vitamins and fiber. For this recipe we will need:

  • vegetables - onions, beets, carrots, potatoes;
  • any greens;
  • pepper, bay leaf, garlic, salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Dilute a cube of your favorite broth in water.
  2. Cut all vegetables into long strips or cubes.

    Carrot cutting

  3. Let's send them one by one into the broth, which has already boiled: first the beets, then the carrots, potatoes, onions and close the lid of the steamer until the products are completely cooked.
  4. After preparing the main products, add garlic, bay leaf, salt, pepper and sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs. Our healthy food for health and weight loss is ready.

    Vegetable stew in a double boiler

A very effective way to lose extra pounds without harm to the gastrointestinal tract is steamed weight loss food. Steamed vegetables, unlike boiled ones, retain maximum nutrients, helping the body lose weight and maintain health for a long time. There is no need to use vegetable oil, which releases carcinogens in high concentrations when frying. For another healthy recipe for steamed vegetables with mushrooms, watch the video:


Chicken cutlets in a slow cooker

Although it takes a little more time to prepare food in a slow cooker than with other cooking methods, it is much less hassle. Chicken cutlets do not burn and are perfectly fried in the multicooker bowl. To prepare them:

  • Add one egg, salt and pepper to the minced chicken and mix thoroughly, and then form round cutlets.

    Minced meatballs

  • Grease the multicooker bowl with olive oil, place the cutlets on the bottom, and then set the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes, after which we turn the cutlets over and set the timer again for 20 minutes.

    Cutlets in a slow cooker

  • Dietary chicken cutlets for weight loss are ready.

    Diet cutlets

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