Foods for energy and vigor: a list of which foods give energy

Slow fuel

To stay in good shape, the body needs only 150 g of oatmeal per day

Among the endless benefits of oatmeal is its ability to boost energy. Its main sources are slow carbohydrates and fiber. Absorbed extremely slowly, they retain a feeling of satiety and a surge of strength for a long time. In addition, rolled oats are rich in vitamin B1, without which fatigue occurs faster. To stay in good shape, the body requires only 150 g of oatmeal per day.

May 29, 2015


Valentina Gorbunova One day in 2009, I asked myself a question: how to live in order to feel good? From that moment on, my research into nutrition and healthy living technologies began. Behind me there are numerous experiments on myself, refusal of meat and industrial food, vegetarian pregnancy despite doctors and much more. When “feeling good” became my norm, I wanted more. Now my question to myself is: How to live in order to get the most out of life? The answer to this question was the author’s project, dedicated to healthy eating and a conscious lifestyle. My materials are simple vegetarian recipes + articles about nutrition, thinking and lifestyle. Join if you are ready for changes in yourself, but don’t know where to start.


What is food? First of all, energy. This means that ideally after eating a person should feel a surge of strength. But in reality? If you always feel a surge of energy after eating, you can close this article, since there is nothing new for you here. For everyone else, as always, a summary from my own experience and several theories worthy of attention.

Let me make a reservation right away that I am not a follower of the currently fashionable Vedic system of viewing the world. But, in my opinion, it is the Vedic theory of the three gunas that most accurately describes the connection between energy and nutrition. According to it, there are three gunas - three qualities of material energy - ignorance, passion and goodness . A person’s consciousness is under the influence of one of the gunas, which determines his actions.

Ignorance and passion are low frequency gunas. A person wearing them can be compared to a computer with a weak processor. Such a person is able to perceive and digest only those energies that are at his frequency. Therefore, the efficiency and vitality of people in the lower gunas are low.

Let's take a closer look at what each guna means in connection with nutrition.

Ignorance. A sign of ignorance is a lack of purpose and self-control. This is nutrition beyond knowledge. A person in ignorance is not familiar with self-restraint and lives by inspiration. Any form of asceticism is alien and wild to him, like a parallel world. A person in ignorance is omnivorous and judges food simply: tasty/tasteless, without caring about the quality and quantity of what is consumed.

Such directed self-destruction. Just a matrix-matrix that sleeps and consumes.

Eating in ignorance: fast food, synthetic and instant foods, processed foods, alcohol, industrial confectionery, systematic overeating and simply stale food lying in the refrigerator for several days.

Passion. A person in passion already vibrates a little higher. He acts for a specific result. This includes going on all kinds of diets, using fat burners, exhausting fitness, and so on. Here a person already understands that food can not only be tasty or tasteless, but can also bring one closer or further away from the result.

A person in passion already controls his diet, but the result he strives for is external. Such a person still thinks little about how his diet will affect the body. In essence, this is violence against oneself, which inevitably leads to a drop in energy levels.

Eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, and so on are typical signs of craving eating. People of passion, as a rule, are convinced materialists. They do not believe in the energy of food and that nutrition can directly affect mental and emotional states. If people of ignorance are blind, then people of passion already see - but only what is on the surface.

Goodness. Eating in goodness is eating in accordance with your true nature. A person in goodness is aware of the direct connection between nutrition and state, since he literally feels it with his skin. This is nutrition taking into account the body’s own constitution (in Ayurveda - prakriti), adjusted for climatic conditions and seasonality.

A person in goodness cannot eat food with a low vibration frequency, such as meat, because after eating it he feels bad physically, emotionally and mentally. Meat takes a lot of energy, and this is if we ignore all the physiology and talk only about energy.

A person in goodness feels how food clears or clouds his brain, and masters of mindfulness are even able to feel how food affects a particular organ.

Eating in goodness automatically increases vibrations, therefore a person’s energy in goodness is high-frequency energy. What happens if you live at high frequencies for a long time? The ability to clearly see the essence of things appears. Intuition and many other things are strengthened, which people of goodness are well aware of.

But here's the question. How do we know what our true nature is so that we can eat in accordance with it?

The body talks about this all the time. And here is the main problem. The fact is that the mind has much more power over consciousness than the body. Mental activity simply suppresses body signals.

The very experience of our life and the baggage that we carry with us from childhood add fuel to the fire. Remember how you ate more and more - a spoonful for mom, for dad, for grandma, you finished eating “so as not to leave all your strength”, so as not to upset your mother, to get dessert, to be a good girl, because it is so important to be good girl! Much more important than the ability to hear the signals of your own body.

How to hear body signals?

1. First, clean yourself. This is the first and main thing. It is a mistake to think that a sick body itself will tell you the path to health. A slagged body wants more toxins, since it does not know other states . There are many different cleanses available on the Internet today - chamomile, eucalyptus, soda, Ohanyan cleansing, Shank Prakshalana, etc. Take what is closest to you, study the technique and cleanse regularly.

2. Secondly, engage in self-observation and increase your level of awareness. To do this, be alone with yourself more and listen to yourself. Ideally, keep a food diary and write down all the sensations from food, both physical and mental. You can meditate. Then you will be able to make out the voice of the body behind the white noise of the mind. By using these tools, you will learn something new about your true nature and regain your ability to live in accordance with it.

In early childhood, we cease to feel what eating in moderation is. Therefore, we rarely think of food as a source of energy. Food is everything - a ritual, a pleasure, an antidepressant, a connecting link, but not energy. And do we know, not in words, but in deeds, what energy is? Do we feel it in our own skin?

Energy is inner strength, vitality, drive, sparkle in the eyes, a clear understanding of who you are and where you are going. You are in sync with the world, you can ask it questions and are able to see the answers. You are a source of powerful force that flows within you regardless of the time of day, environment and other external conditions.

Quote on Twitter

Energy is everywhere, but you can’t save it for future use. But you can expand your bandwidth and upgrade the receiver - yourself.

How to get maximum energy from food?

1. When I eat, I am deaf and dumb

I like this expression because it is about being present here and now. How to get maximum energy from food? Eat fresh, organic foods and be fully present in the moment. Enjoy the taste, chewing each piece slowly and highlighting the edges of the taste. Do not be distracted by the computer, books, conversations or other things. Catch the “and let the whole world wait” state.

2. Add joy

Joy generates energy, and energy generates joy. Joy, in essence, is energy. Remember the rush of strength that arises within you when you hear great news or achieve a goal. This is nothing more than a surge of energy.

Bring the energy of joy into food-related processes. Cook with love and bright thoughts - this charges the food and enhances its nutritional effect. Never cook or eat if you are upset or stressed.

Feed on goodness. If you eat healthy, wholesome, living foods, enjoy them. Don't take it for granted, just be happy for yourself. Praise yourself for being conscious about nutrition and for taking care of yourself. Many people would like to take care of themselves the way you do, but are deprived of such an opportunity.

Quote on Twitter

It is a great happiness when healthy food is also your favorite. Olesya Vlasova.

Imagine how after eating your body gratefully comes to life and is cleansed. At first, this joy may seem artificial, but this is simply from being unaccustomed to rejoicing. So, if your usual emotional background is seriousness, such “healthy skepticism,” it may be difficult for you to suddenly start enjoying simple things. I’m just one of those people, and here I have a lot of work to do.

You can and should work on your emotional background , by repeating simple actions. For example, recording the positive moments of each day in a special notebook. When enough joy accumulates, consciousness changes the plate (general background) to a more positive one. From this moment on, the sun begins to shine brighter, the food becomes tastier, and the faces around you become more beautiful. You just get used to being happy.

3. Think of food as a source of energy

No more and no less. Energy is what the body extracts from food (fuel). Your body needs fuel. At the same time, the method of extracting energy from fuel is as important as its quality. You don't put water in your car's gas tank. And you don't dilute the gasoline or subject it to any other processing - it already contains everything a car needs to extract energy.

It's the same with food - the more natural and less processed a product enters your body, the more energy is extracted from it .

Processed foods contain zero energy - prana, chi, life force, whatever you want to call it. It may seem that sweets cause an energy boost, but this is not the case. Sugar and chemicals provide false energy associated with increased blood sugar levels and overstimulation of receptors. When your sugar level drops (quite quickly), you have even less energy than before, and you start craving sweets again.

You should not enter this vicious circle. Eating junk food and sweets is like pouring brightly colored water into your car's gas tank and wondering why it won't drive.

Instead, take time to select high-quality fuel - the most natural and fresh products possible.

Plan everything: shopping, menu.:) Find out where the best ingredients for your cooking energy bombs are sold - you want them to be bombs, right?! Store and prepare them properly.

4. More water inside and outside

Water is a healthy body's best friend. Let your principle be: “more water inside and outside . Water helps the body remove toxins, improves digestion and improves skin condition. And dehydration leads to fatigue. The less water you have, the less oxygen circulates in your blood and the less energy you feel.

Alternating cold and hot water (contrast shower) gives such a boost of energy that it makes sense to make this ritual every morning.

Personal example: I have been practicing contrast showers in the morning for six years now. I can no longer imagine my day without this habit. This is something I will never give up for anything. Yes, it was difficult at first, but only the first month. But the effect of this habit exceeds all the initial discomfort many times over.

5. Lots of greens every day + superfoods

Every day, eat a lot of greens, fresh and different (kale, chard, spinach, arugula, etc.). The more green the better. And also superfoods: quinoa, chia seeds, spirulina, ginger root. All of these products are powerful sources of energy.

The best way to eat plenty of greens is to make green smoothies for breakfast. Find a detailed smoothie guide + formula for the perfect cocktail here. Previously, my breakfast consisted of gluten-free porridge, less often oatmeal, and I was quite happy with this start to the day. Until I tried replacing porridge with smoothies. Friends, believe me, this is heaven and earth.

Now I've been drinking smoothies every day for breakfast for almost six months. I use any greens as a base, plus water, nut milk, or freshly squeezed juice. I add fruits, berries, celery and sometimes a little dried fruit. And be sure to have ginger root to be a real energizer. Don't get me wrong: I have nothing against porridge, it's also a pretty good breakfast. Better than eggs and toast. But if you want really a lot of energy in the morning - just a smoothie . You will feel the difference. And no coffee, otherwise everything will be in vain. Find smoothie recipes here and here.

I have made a reminder for you that will help raise your energy at first. Copy it into Word, print it and hang it on your refrigerator:

Energy Plus:

  • There is less when you are inactive and more when you are active.
  • Stop eating when you feel 80% full. Satisfied, but not stuffed.
  • Choose simple, easily digestible foods. Fresh, lightly cooked, raw or fermented vegetables, fruits, berries, sprouts, nuts and seeds. From grains - quinoa, red lentils, mung bean and wild rice. If it is bread, then it should be made from whole grain flour and without yeast, ideally home-made.
  • Eat live and light food in the morning. Ideally, fruits, smoothies, greens and berries. These products clarify your mind as much as possible.
  • Drink herbal teas 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after.

Try this tea recipe to improve intestinal motility (first aid for overeating and bloating). For half a liter of water, take a teaspoon of cumin, coriander and fennel seeds, grate 3 cm of ginger root. Bring to a boil and leave for 10-15 minutes.

  • Do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. Categorically.
  • Set the table beautifully, eat from beautiful dishes.
  • Pay attention to the chewing process.
  • Enjoy the taste.

Energy minus:

  • Eat junk food.
  • Eat foods that are difficult to digest (meat, excess nuts, animal fats, etc.).
  • Eat refined sugar and processed industrial foods (canned food, etc.).
  • Overeat.
  • Stir food indiscriminately
  • Eating stale food (prepared long ago).
  • Snack instead of eating a balanced meal.
  • Chew constantly. If the gastrointestinal tract does not rest, it consumes energy.
  • Eating the same food day after day. Add variety!
  • Drinking alcohol.
  • Jump from one food system to another.

So, nutrition fundamentally affects energy levels. But there are also sports, yoga, energy practices and early rises. Each of these topics is worthy of a separate article. An energetic body craves physical activity, craves activity and wakes up easily in the morning. And vice versa: early rises and movement practices generate an energetic body. One follows from the other.

Take these tools and move forward in small steps. Increase your energy level gradually. Start with morning rituals - contrast shower, exercise or yoga. Master smoothie making and make it an integral part of your day. These actions alone will be enough at first to see results.

Be young, healthy and energetic, regardless of the numbers in your passport. And if you have your own “energy tricks”, share them in the comments.

Healthy lifestyle #Food 

Milk power

A high-quality product is rich in proteins and lactose, which give us strength

What foods invigorate the body early in the morning? Fermented milk, and above all natural yogurt without fillers. Its main advantage is bifidobacteria, which nourish the immune system and bring digestion into working order. A quality product is rich in proteins and lactose, which give us strength. A cup of yogurt with a handful of fresh berries or honey will suffice.

Sprouts of vigor

The active substances of the sprouts stimulate the functioning of the brain and nervous system

Diet supporters and vegetarians will confirm that sprouted wheat is an energy generator. This is due to vitamins E and group B, as well as magnesium, calcium and iron. In addition, the active substances of the sprouts stimulate the functioning of the brain and nervous system. You can feel this effect by adding a handful of sprouted grains to your favorite salads, porridges or cottage cheese.

Other factors affecting energy

In addition to nutrition, there are other nuances in a person’s life for vigor and energy. Each of us requires a certain amount of energy, its volume is determined by the following factors:

  • Age. The older a person gets, the more energy he requires and expends.
  • Gender. As a rule, men need many times more energy.
  • Exercise stress. An active lifestyle, physical work, and sports take up a huge amount of energy.
  • Emotional and mental stress. It is a mistake to think that exclusively physical activities take away energy. Probably everyone is familiar with the feeling of powerlessness due to emotional stress or fatigue after mental stress, all because a lot of useful microelements are spent on brain activity and stabilization of the nervous system.
  • Lack of rest. In the absence of healthy sleep or normal rest, the body is constantly in a state of stress and spends energy on its recovery.

Energy in a shell

Eggs contain colossal reserves of protein and organic acids

An egg in any culinary variation is an excellent product that gives energy and vigor. It contains colossal reserves of protein, organic acids, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to them, the body copes with heavy physical and mental stress more easily and restores strength faster. A couple of boiled eggs in your daily diet will easily convince you of this.

Freshly squeezed juices: to drink or not to drink? The benefits and harms of juices

Unlike many doctors, I am not a strict opponent of the juice diet. But it is very important not to go to extremes and be aware of what is good and bad about such diets. Here's the basics: This diet involves limiting your diet to only fresh fruit and vegetable juices and water for a few days or longer. Proponents of juice fasting claim that it cleanses the body, helps you lose weight, and also prevents almost everything from colds to autoimmune diseases and various forms of cancer.

Over the years I have taken a number of different juice courses. My best impressions came from a short (two to three days) course of vegetable juices. (Who would have thought I could eat so many pounds of kale?!) During the fast and for about a week after, I experienced less cravings for fatty and salty foods (suddenly potatoes seemed much less appetizing and cheeseburgers looked like food for dogs). In addition, I began to sleep better and feel a little more alert, as if I had increased my vitamin dose by 4000% (although this was not the case).

But there are also disadvantages. For some people, juice fasting or cleansing is contraindicated. People with diabetes may experience high blood sugar levels from drinking too much fruit juice, and those with kidney disease may suffer from potentially life-threatening electrolyte imbalances. Juice diets will neither help you lose weight nor stop weight gain if you do manage to lose a couple of kilograms. And there is no scientific evidence that “detoxing” helps prevent any disease; in fact, our liver, kidneys and intestines cleanse the body naturally every day.

If you want to try a juice diet, avoid extreme options and don't stay on any of them for more than three to four days. Juice fresh fruits and vegetables yourself or buy freshly prepared juices that have not been pasteurized. Of course, pasteurization kills potentially harmful bacteria, but it also kills beneficial microorganisms and reduces the content of some vitamins and minerals. To get the maximum benefit from a juice diet, you should drink only freshly squeezed juices.

Incendiary Beans

Bean dishes carry a powerful energy charge

Dishes made from beans, peas, lentils and any other beans carry a powerful energy charge. It is provided by the vegetable protein contained in them, long carbohydrates and a vitamin and mineral complex. And fiber helps this abundance be absorbed in full. It has been proven that a serving of lentil porridge or pea soup is the best remedy for drowsiness and apathy.

Products to increase the body's energy


Apples are rich in a substance called quercetin. It is what stimulates energy production and muscle cells.

Red meat

Veal and beef contain bioactive iron, which promotes the accumulation of oxygen in the blood. In addition, red meat is rich in zinc, B vitamins, and creatine. If you feel sleepy after eating meat, it means it has not been digested well. To do this, do not combine meat with potatoes, bread and cereals. It should only be eaten with vegetables.


Contains both fast and slow carbohydrates. An excellent source of easily digestible potassium, which is responsible for muscle contraction.


Rich in vitamin B12, which is a natural energy booster. In addition, the tyrosine they contain increases the production of norepinephrine, which gives vigor and strength.


Chicken eggs contain the amino acid leucine and B vitamins, which are responsible for energy during strength loads during exercise.


Contains Omega-3 acids, which support good metabolism in the body.


The energy reserves in the body are glycogen, and it is into it that the sugar contained in honey is converted. Other components of honey are also responsible for energy - iron, phosphorus, calcium.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of magnesium, which carries out protein synthesis. It increases the body's endurance and is easier to digest than pharmaceutical grade.

Mate tea

The invigorating effect of theophylline and theobromine, combined with caffeine, make this drink an excellent source of energy and strength.


When water enters a cell, it not only supplies food to the cell, but also produces hydroelectric energy, which is capable of charging ATP molecules, just like food energy.

As long as the body receives a sufficient amount of water, the cells are constantly charged and perform their work as efficiently as possible, but as soon as the body becomes dehydrated, as a result of insufficient water intake, the cells give up the energy stored in ATP molecules, i.e. they begin to use it up without recharging.

Untamed cabbage

Prepare side dishes, puree soups and salads from cauliflower to always be in a good mood

What foods give you energy, besides those mentioned? Vegetables in all their diversity. In this sense, cauliflower has no equal. The combination of vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, phosphorus and iron helps overcome fatigue, irritability and puts you in a good mood. Prepare side dishes, puree soups and salads from cauliflower to always be in a good mood.

Spinach almighty

Spinach retains its valuable properties during any heat treatment.

Despite the fact that spinach is just a green, it contains impressive energy resources. The combination of vitamin C and iron will not leave a trace of fatigue, and at the same time will significantly increase performance. It is noteworthy that spinach retains this valuable property during any heat treatment. In its fresh form, it will make any dishes healthier and tastier.

What is healthy to eat?

First, you should find out which foods have a positive effect on your alertness. Of course, it is not recommended to overeat on them. But it’s still worth adding them to your diet. Useful products include:

  1. oatmeal
    Oatmeal: Oats are some of the healthiest carbohydrates you can find. It is recommended to eat oatmeal for breakfast every day. I recommend reading the article about the benefits of oatmeal in the morning. You can add, for example, cinnamon to it for aroma and taste. After porridge, if the feeling of hunger is still present, you can eat an apple, as advised above;

  2. nuts for energy
    Nuts. Scientists have long been able to prove the benefits of eating nuts daily. Their beneficial effect is to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. The reason for this is the antioxidant ubiquinone-coenzyme Q10. There is quite a lot of it in nuts. With its help, you can “clean” your blood, getting rid of unnecessary cholesterol in it. In addition, nuts contain many vitamins, including B vitamins, as well as vitamin E. They not only have a beneficial effect on the human body, but also on his skin. Nuts are also known for their good effect on the brain, helping it to function normally. They are also an excellent option for a snack. They are easy to carry and can be eaten anywhere whenever you feel hungry;

  3. chocolate for cheerfulness
    Natural chocolate. And natural is the key word in this case. It is especially useful for those with a sweet tooth. After all, such chocolate is much healthier than various cakes and other sweet desserts. This product does not contain refined starch, which destroys vitamins and deprives the body of energy. Natural dark chocolate contains many beneficial antioxidants. However, the product contains sugar, which is why it is recommended to eat no more than 50 g per day;

  4. apples
    Apples. Rich in vitamins, beneficial minerals and antioxidants, which can saturate the body with the energy it needs. Eat at least one apple a day, and you will notice how you have increased strength and become more alert. For example, you can eat an apple in the morning;

  5. bananas
    Bananas. Anyone who tries to eat right has long been aware of the beneficial properties of bananas. Rich in potassium, which helps a person normalize blood pressure and keep it in a normal state. Bananas also have a beneficial effect on the cardiac activity of the body as a whole. This is also a good snack option and is convenient to take with you;

  6. hot pepper
    Red pepper. The product is rich in vitamins A and C, which have a positive effect on the appearance of your skin. Sweet peppers also contain lycopene, which helps prevent cancer;

  7. pumpkin seeds
    Pumpkin seeds. A real storehouse of vitamins. Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, calcium, iron and are good for health. If you need an energy boost, be sure to snack on pumpkin seeds. They will quickly increase your performance level. Plus, pumpkin seeds are much lighter than nuts. It is enough to consume less than half a cup of these seeds and your work will immediately go faster and easier;

  8. carrots for vigor
    Carrot. Many people know that carrots are very good for vision. In addition, it is also useful as a snack. It will easily satisfy your hunger, while this snack will be correct and healthy for the body. Carrot juice helps strengthen the nervous system, and also improves mood and energy. So if you don't feel like crunching it, just juice it;

  9. pureed vegetable soup
    Vegetable puree soup. Of course, this is not really a product, it is a dish. However, it can give you a huge boost of energy and a great mood for the whole day. In addition, vegetable soup is an excellent option to combine all the healthy vegetables and eat them at once. It is especially useful to eat this soup in cold, damp weather;

  10. lemonade
    Water with lemon. The benefits of water with lemon are also known to everyone who tries to adhere to a healthy diet. It’s not for nothing that they recommend drinking water with lemon in the morning. After all, this way you can fill your body with energy and vigor. Water has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body; lemon is rich in vitamins and saturates the human body with them. It is better to drink this water in small sips, and only after that start breakfast;

  11. watermelon
    Watermelon. A great summer snack option. It contains lycopene, which was already noted above as an excellent prevention for cancer. It is better to eat the product on an empty stomach. Watermelon is a low-fat fruit, thanks to which it is quickly digested and also quickly absorbed. In return, you receive energy and vigor, and feel a surge of strength;

  12. salad
    Green salad. It contains many vitamins and minerals that facilitate its rapid digestion. That's why you'll feel energized after snacking on a green salad. You can add a small amount of lemon sauce to it;

  13. a pineapple
    A pineapple. This product is also digested quickly and is great for snacking. However, it is recommended to consume it not only on an empty stomach, but also not to combine it with other products;

  14. blueberry
    Blueberry. Another healthy and tasty product. In addition to the fact that blueberries give you energy, they also help increase brain activity. It is best to use them before some important day, when you will need to fully gather and concentrate;

  15. figs
    Dried figs. It can relieve fatigue and energize a person. In addition, it perfectly helps cleanse the blood and remove various toxins and harmful substances from the body. However, you should not get too carried away with eating figs. It contains a lot of sugar, which is harmful to health. Therefore, it is better to limit the use of the product to a few pieces. Foods that take away energy

Walnut battery

Source of energy with protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals

Nuts are considered a wonderful product that gives energy. It is a source of energy with reserves of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. This cocktail stimulates brain function and fills the entire body with energy. Just don’t get carried away with nuts, especially for bedtime. Limit yourself to 20–30 g of almonds or hazelnuts in the morning.

What substances in foods provide energy?

Among the nutrients in foods that are important for energy are:

  • fats;

A rich source of energy: their oxidation produces 50% of the body's total energy. Of course, we are talking about healthy fats: fish, nuts, olive oil, avocado, chia seeds.

Their deficiency leads to dry skin, hair loss, and digestive problems. Obesity entails lethargy and serious metabolic disorders.

  • carbohydrates;

Their main function is energy. But it is important to pay attention to their use: excess causes excess weight, and deficiency causes weakness, irritability and fatigue.

The most beneficial are complex carbohydrates, which, when used correctly, do not transform into fats.

Thus, important foods for human energy are: buckwheat, bulgur, pearl barley, rolled oats, beans, lentils, apples, pears, beets, cabbage, spinach, quinoa.

  • proteins;

They are considered a reserve source of energy. Protein deficiency leads to decreased immunity, anemia and exhaustion. Excess causes intestinal problems, bad mood, hormonal imbalances and thirst.

Products for energy include cottage cheese, eggs, chicken, turkey, milk, cheese, soybeans.

  • cellulose;

Plant dietary fiber affects energy levels and has antioxidant properties.

There is a lot of fiber in prunes, almonds, dates, raspberries, chickpeas, black currants, green beans, and brown rice.

  • iron and magnesium;

Important elements for maintaining energy. Rich in iron: beef, broccoli, oranges, carrots, prunes, salmon, bananas. Magnesium is found in eggplants, mushrooms, grapes, onions, apricots, apples and tomatoes.

The power of the tropics

Bananas are great for relieving fatigue and restoring strength after workouts.

Among fruits, the unsurpassed energy champion is the banana. Due to the large amount of fast carbohydrates and fiber, it instantly satisfies hunger, charging you with energy. It is no coincidence that athletes love bananas so much. They perfectly relieve fatigue and restore strength after training. It is also useful for mental workers to eat 1-2 bananas a day.

How to improve your diet?

Any diet, with any preferences, can be made better if you follow a few simple rules:

  • Give up “simple carbohydrates” in favor of “complex” ones. Replace potatoes or white rice with whole porridges and vegetable side dishes - this will significantly reduce the number of calories and add an additional portion of dietary fiber and healthy components to the menu;
  • Eat raw vegetables more often - they will provide a lot of fluid and energy;
  • Drink more water - it will remove all decay products and toxins, allow the skin to have good turgor, and improve complexion;
  • Avoid or minimize ready-to-eat foods. This includes not only semi-finished culinary products, but also sausages, snacks, baked goods, instant food, as well as sweets and nectars, soda;
  • Avoid frying in fat. If you really want to, cook it in the oven or on the grill, it’s even tastier;
  • Follow your diet. At first it will be difficult, but then you will have much less hunger attacks at “unspecified times” and the temptation to snack on not the most healthy food;
  • Don't ignore dairy products. Recently, studies have begun to show a slight decline in demand for milk. It (including dairy products) is mainly purchased by athletes and people on diets. In the baskets of the prevailing masses, such products have become rare.

These simple rules can change your diet so much that the reflection in the mirror will only please you.

Berry reactor

Any berries are filled with antioxidants that protect body cells from destruction and have a beneficial effect on the brain.

Very soon a colorful abundance of berries will appear on our tables. And this is another source of strength. Any berries are filled with antioxidants that protect the body's cells from destruction and have a beneficial effect on the brain. As a result, we feel energetic and cheerful. To do this, you need to eat 200–300 g of berries per day. Don't forget about fruit drinks and vitamin smoothies.

What does our food affect?

The most important purpose of food is to supply the body with nutrients and energy. This allows you to support all life processes. But why then do people who eat different foods have very different health conditions? It turns out that not only the nutritional value of food affects our body. What can food contain besides calories, and what does it bring to us?

Since childhood, we hear about vitamins and how useful and important they are. Indeed, the functioning of our nervous system, immunity, vision and hearing, the condition of skin and hair, and many other important functions of our body depend on the supply of vitamins. But almost always, along with vitamins, minerals and trace elements are mentioned. They also influence the course of many vital processes, ensure the functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintain water-salt balance in the body, transmission of nerve impulses, etc. A long-term deficiency of at least one of these components can lead to painful conditions and even extremely serious diseases.

So, the symptoms listed at the beginning are signs of a lack of all these amazing components. But there are also not very useful substances that also penetrate into us with food. These are well-known carcinogens, toxins, radionuclides and others that poison our body, provoke the appearance and growth of cancerous tumors, and reduce immunity. Also harmful are those foods that contain nothing but carbohydrates, in the form of monosaccharides, as well as pure saturated fats. They only bring energy in huge quantities, which does not have time to be spent and causes fat deposition. But are there diets where harm is minimized and benefits are maximized?

Chocolate inspiration

Dark chocolate is among the healthy energy products

Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased to know that dark chocolate is among the healthy energy products. Of course, they make it from cocoa beans, which can charge you with energy for the whole day. The hormone of happiness, endorphin, which is produced in the most active way, also motivates one to perform feats of labor. However, you should not gobble up chocolate bars - limit yourself to 30–40 g per day.

Citrus Shake

A glass of orange juice combined with a serving of granola will give you energy until lunchtime.

Oranges are a salvation for those who are constantly half asleep. Even inhaling their aroma, it is as if we are inhaling vivacity itself. And the freshly squeezed juice of these citrus fruits works wonders. All thanks to ascorbic acid, which can cheer up even the most incorrigible lazy people. A glass of orange juice combined with a serving of granola will give you energy until lunch.

Include these natural energy drinks in your family menu. With them, coping with your daily routine will become a little easier. And if you have signature recipes to overcome fatigue and cheer up, tell us about them in the comments.

Coffee: to drink or not to drink? Pros and cons of caffeine

When you're dead tired, caffeine can be an instant antidote, energizing you and helping you focus in those crucial moments. Caffeine, a mild central nervous system stimulant, also increases heart rate, relaxes smooth muscle, increases gastric secretions, and has a diuretic effect.

The positive effects of caffeine include increased levels of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and glutamate, which in turn have a positive effect on alertness, concentration, mood and memory, reducing fatigue. Additionally, caffeine may cause a slight increase in metabolic rate, and regular consumption may reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease and type 2 diabetes.

But in too much quantity, caffeine becomes an energy-sapping substance. It can increase blood pressure and cortisol secretion, cause tremors in the hands and anxiety, contribute to insomnia and delay falling asleep. Plus, if you have a caffeine addiction (which can develop from coffee, energy drinks and energy bars, as well as “natural” diet pills), the constant waxing and waning of its stimulant effects are often accompanied by mild dehydration and withdrawal symptoms—not a good combination.

This can lead to serious problems with the energy balance in the body. Believe me, I experienced them myself! During my second year of medical school, when I was drinking a pot of coffee a day, I became so immune to caffeine that within an hour or two of taking another drink, I would begin to experience withdrawal symptoms, including fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and headaches.

The energy boost you get from a cup of coffee is not real energy. This is the effect of caffeine, a drug, and it is short-lived. When the effects of caffeine wear off and your body realizes that it has no source of real energy, you are likely to feel exhausted and possibly hungry.

At this point, you probably decide that you need even more caffeine, or you choose to eat, but end up overeating because you are in a state of energy depletion. In either case, the unhealthy cycle, which can lead to further energy drain, begins again.

The lesson is: use caffeine wisely and pay attention to the total amount of caffeine in your diet. For many women, a cup of coffee in the morning is enough, and only occasionally during the day as a stimulant that temporarily increases concentration before an important meeting or long-distance trip.

If you find that you need extra stimulants throughout the day, it's time to consider other ways to increase your energy levels: you might take a walk, or take a short nap, or breathe in a stimulating scent like peppermint, or splash your face with cold water. Extra caffeine is not the answer.

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