What foods whet your appetite even more? List: apples, chewing gum, alcohol

Loss of appetite can be caused by several reasons, most of which are usually associated with the unstable psychological state of the patient. If refusal to eat occurs for a long time, it is important to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the pathology. After the examination, the specialist may decide to prescribe a number of appetite-stimulating drugs to the patient. They may belong not only to traditional pharmaceutical medications, but also to dietary supplements, homeopathy and other groups of stimulants. Their use should be carried out under the direct supervision of a physician in order to assess the real need for using the medication and its therapeutically adequate dose.

Drugs to increase appetite in adults

Drugs to increase appetite in adults


They are one of the best dietary fruits, but at the same time they pose a real danger. The fact is that apples produce gastric juice, and therefore awaken appetite. This is especially true for green fruits and other acidic foods, such as lemon, orange, and sauerkraut. They irritate the mucous membrane, thus increasing the production of gastric juice.

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Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition is used to gain weight:

  • Whey Protein. Accelerates metabolism and muscle growth. Whey protein is absorbed in just a few minutes, while protein from regular food takes more than an hour.
  • Creatine. Accumulates energy in muscle tissue, allows you to play sports longer, and increases endurance.
  • Gainer. It is a mixture of carbohydrates and protein (protein). The mixture is consumed on training days for quick recovery. On rest days it can be used as an additional power source.

Alcoholic drinks

Three servings of any type of alcoholic beverage can cause a hunger attack. They increase the production of gastric juice, irritating the gastric mucosa. Alcohol also affects certain hormones and neurotransmitters that cause hunger. Alcohol also reduces the supply of carbohydrates in the body, so you should definitely give up this bad habit.

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Why you don’t want to eat, or reasons for loss of appetite

Several ways to increase poor appetite

Our body is an almost ideal system, which, with the reasonable attitude of its “owner,” works almost without failures or errors. In this complex structure, each element is interconnected with others. Everything that happens to our body is due to the influence of the environment on it, which is not always favorable. It's the same with appetite. It cannot decline without reason, much less disappear completely. Therefore, the first step is to find and neutralize the root cause of the unpleasant condition.

The most common causes of decreased appetite in adults:

  • Violation of sleep and rest patterns.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Lack of fresh air.
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver (gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers).
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Diseases with disruption of the endocrine system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Anxiety, depression or frequent stress.
  • Some medications and therapies: antihypertensive drugs, antibiotics, cancer treatments, radiation therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol abuse.

Doctors call dehydration – insufficient water intake – one of the reasons for loss of appetite. You need to drink at least 5 to 7 glasses of filtered or bottled water per day, or mineral water. Liquids such as tea, juice, coffee or other drinks are not included.

Chewing gum

Many people think that chewing gum reduces appetite, but in fact, the opposite is true. With prolonged chewing, there is also an increased production of gastric juice, which means there is a need for food. It is recommended to chew gum for no more than two minutes. And do not forget that longer and more frequent use can lead to deterioration in the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Rules for eating foods that stimulate appetite

The benefits and harms of foods that provoke appetite depend on the state of the body and the goals of a particular person.

If we are talking about speeding up digestion after an illness or against a background of stress, then consuming such foods is more likely to be useful, they help to quickly return to normal rhythm. But they should be treated with great caution if you are prone to obesity. Uncontrolled consumption of “dangerous” foods can lead to weight gain.

When consuming sweets, fresh juices, semi-finished products with flavor enhancers and other foods, you need to carefully monitor the amount you eat. You can’t rely only on your own feelings; it’s better to calculate calories first.

Foods that provoke hunger should be consumed with caution if you tend to be overweight

It is recommended to consume foods that increase the feeling of hunger in small quantities shortly before or immediately after meals. For example, it is better to drink fresh juice on an empty stomach, and then start with the main meal, and eat sweet candies after lunch along with tea, when the body is already full.

If you need to improve your appetite to improve your health, then you should pay attention to juices, pickles and spices. Sweets and foods with flavorings should not be used to treat digestive disorders.


During the production of juices, all dietary fiber, that is, all the most useful things, is removed. Sugar is added, which raises glucose levels. Nutritionists, for example, advise mixing juices with water, purees, protein powder or nut butter. These supplements balance and maintain blood sugar and help you feel fuller for longer. And yet, it is better to completely abandon store-bought juices in favor of diluted freshly squeezed ones.

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A nutritionist tells how to avoid harming the body in pursuit of benefits.

Add more calories to your meals

If you are concerned about how to increase your appetite, there is another way that will help increase your appetite and provide your body with enough nutrients throughout the day. You just need to add more calories to your diet.

One way to do this is to prepare meals with high-calorie ingredients such as butter, nut oils, olive oil or whole milk.

For example:

  • Add 45 calories : Cook eggs with butter.
  • Add 80 calories : Cook oatmeal with whole milk instead of water.
  • Add 80 calories : Add olive oil and avocado to salads.
  • Add 100 Calories : Spread a little peanut butter on apple slices and use as a snack.

Simple supplements like these can further provide your body with healthier calories and increase your overall calorie intake.

Let's summarize:

When preparing various meals, add high-calorie ingredients to help you consume more calories throughout the day.

Flour products

When we consume flour, insulin increases in our blood. Such foods are quickly digested, causing the feeling of hunger to reappear. In addition, Spanish scientists conducted a study in which they found that people who eat two servings of white bread a day increase their chances of becoming overweight by as much as 40%. Therefore, you should still give up baking from wheat flour.

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Eat small meals more often

Eating three nutritious meals a day can seem like a daunting task when you don't have a healthy appetite.
A more motivating way to eat is to divide three main courses into five or six small portions. As your appetite improves, you can begin to increase the quantity of these meals or add more ingredients to consume more calories throughout the day. For example, if you are eating a sandwich with meat, also include some vegetables and cheese to add more calories and nutrients.

Let's summarize:

Eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three large ones. As your appetite improves, you can begin to increase your portions and add more ingredients.

Sweets and bars

Sweets and chocolate bars also increase sugar levels in the body. Soon we feel hungry again and want something more tasty. It’s not for nothing that the famous chocolate bar’s slogan reads: “Hungry? Snickersney.” They can make you feel full, but it won't last long.

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Eat on time

Try planning out your daily eating schedule and setting a reminder for each meal to start eating regularly. A regular eating schedule is important to stimulate your appetite - this will help you consume enough calories and nutrients every day.

Let's summarize:

Scheduling and setting meal reminders can help you increase your appetite and keep track of your food intake.

Drink your calories

Chugging calories can be a more motivating way to increase your calorie intake than chewing food when you don't feel too hungry. A practical way to drink up your calories is to replace some of your meals with nutritious, high-calorie drinks.

Smoothies, milkshakes and juices can be good meal replacement drinks. Try making them with nutritious ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. You can also add good sources of protein such as whole milk, yogurt or protein powder for extra calories and nutrients.

Let's summarize:

Drinking calorie-dense and nutritious drinks instead of some snacks throughout the day can help motivate you to consume your food.

Eat less fiber

A high-fiber diet has been shown to promote a feeling of fullness and reduce calorie intake - this is especially beneficial for those who want to lose weight, but just want to improve their appetite and possibly gain weight.

Although high-fiber foods are recommended in a balanced diet, they can slow down digestion and keep you feeling fuller longer. Therefore, you may want to adjust your fiber intake if you are wondering how to improve poor appetite.

To improve your appetite, increase your intake of low-fiber foods and slightly reduce your intake of high-fiber foods - this will help relieve the feeling of fullness and may help you eat more throughout the day.

Let's summarize:

Reducing the amount of fiber in your diet can reduce the feeling of fullness in your stomach and encourage you to eat more food throughout the day.

Include healthy snacks

Eating large meals can be intimidating, while small, easy-to-eat snacks can be more convenient, making it less of an effort to increase your food intake. Snacks can also be helpful when you're on the go.

However, appetizers are not intended to replace main courses, but rather to complement them. Therefore, avoid eating snacks before meals because they may worsen your appetite.

Here are some examples of healthy snacks:

  • Fruits such as bananas, apples and oranges.
  • Protein bars or granola bars.
  • Greek yogurt or cottage cheese and fruit.
  • Olive oil and crackers.
  • Salty snacks such as popcorn or mixed dried fruits and nuts.

Let's summarize:

Eating small, healthy snacks throughout the day can help increase your calorie intake and increase your desire to eat.

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