Methods of smoking pink salmon - benefits, harm, calorie content

Choosing the right fish

Choosing the right fish is the key to obtaining a satisfactory result when smoking at home. The freshness of the product is indicated by the following signs:

  • shiny, clean scales without mucus;
  • bright color of gills;
  • flat, without dents belly;
  • no damage to the surface, tight fit of the skin to the meat;
  • presence of a light fishy odor without an ammonia tint.

When purchasing a frozen product, you should check the color of the meat. Pink salmon fish has a pink fillet. If an individual has yellowish spots or an uneven, dented surface, it is better to refuse the purchase.

There is an opinion that the meat of male pink salmon is fattier, therefore, when smoked, it will turn out more tender and juicier, which is why they are preferred. Males have darker scales, an elongated head, and a shortened rear fin. Females have a rounded head and are light in color.


Before smoking pink salmon, it must be properly cut. This will help salt the fish better and also eliminate the appearance of a bitter aftertaste.

In addition, properly prepared fish lasts longer in the refrigerator and brings more benefits to the body.

Carcass cutting

Cutting and gutting are carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The scales are cleaned. This must be done from tail to head. If the pink salmon is fresh, there will be no problems with cleaning.
  2. If the head is not cut off, the gills should be removed.
  3. Using scissors, the fins and tail are cut off.
  4. Makes an incision from the tail to the head to remove the entrails.
  5. The abdominal membrane is removed.
  6. Pink salmon is washed and wiped with napkins.

Medium and small fish can be smoked whole. For larger specimens, cutting is recommended. You can split the fish in half along the spine. It is recommended to additionally cut large pink salmon crosswise for faster and better smoking.


Thanks to its wide distribution area and annual catch amounting to hundreds of thousands of tons, pink salmon is one of the most affordable (in terms of price) representatives of the salmon family. It got its name due to the fact that shortly before the start of the spawning period, its males develop a noticeable hump on their backs behind their heads. Another name for this fish is “pink salmon”, which is associated with the soft pink hue of its fresh flesh.

Since this representative of salmon prefers cold ocean waters, it is usually caught in the Arctic and Pacific oceans. This means that this fish is supplied fresh to the territory of the Russian Federation only to the cities of the Far East. Residents of the European part of Russia have to be content with frozen carcasses.

When purchasing pink salmon, you should pay special attention to the color of the flesh of its abdomen and gills. The meat of this fish should have a pink color without yellow spots. The presence of any yellow tints indicates either a violation of the recommended storage conditions, or that the product in front of you is stale. The color of the gills should be red. Darker colors of this organ or the presence of mucus on it also indicate that the product is expired.

The fish you purchase should not have a putrid or any other unpleasant odor, and its scales and meat should not have ulcers, tumors or other signs of dangerous diseases. The scales of fresh pink salmon usually have a shiny silver color and do not peel off from the skin.

It is also worth paying attention to the condition of the fins - if they are too dry or look weathered, it means the fish has gone through several cycles of thawing and re-freezing. When choosing the weight of the fish you need, keep in mind that when cutting pink salmon purchased with its head, up to a third of its weight will go to waste.

Salting methods

When choosing a method for salting pink salmon, you should focus on your own preferences. The set of spices and spices depends on this. The main condition is a sufficient amount of salt to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Dry salting

Salting pink salmon using the dry method is the easiest option. All you need is salt. It is possible to add ground black pepper to add a spicy note. A small amount of sugar will help make the crust a nice shade.

Important! For salting, use only coarse salt without additives. Iodized salt will spoil the carcass, while fine-grained salt will turn into a crust and will not saturate the meat.

For pink salmon weighing 1 kg. for salting you will need 2 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara. All fish should be thoroughly rolled in a mixture of selected spices and placed in a container that is not subject to oxidation. If you smoke pink salmon at home with gills, it is important to rub a sufficient amount of salt just under the gills.

The fish folded into the container is placed in the refrigerator. The duration of marinating ranges from 1.5 to 10 days, depending on the number of carcasses, their size and taste preferences. Since juice will be released during the salting process, the fish should be turned over periodically.

At the end of the marinating period, the salted product is not soaked. Simply wipe it with paper towels or napkins and leave it to dry in a well-ventilated place. Drying lasts up to a day.

Wet Ambassador

Preparing the marinade does not take much time, so this method is also popular. For the simplest brine you will need:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 100 gr. coarse salts;
  • 50 gr. Sahara;
  • spices and spices to taste.

The fish is immersed in the prepared brine and refrigerated for 3-4 days. After the specified period, the pink salmon is soaked in water and dried. Fish salted using this method is suitable for hot and cold smoking.

Combined Ambassador

This option involves a combination of the two methods described above. The first stage is dry salting. The second is placing pink salmon in brine.

This method is often used for cold smoking, since long-term salting in a large amount of salt helps to extend the shelf life of smoked products.

Calorie content of smoked pink salmon, composition, beneficial properties

Pink salmon is a member of the salmon family. This is a valuable fish that is rich in iodine, phosphorus, and iron. It also contains a large amount of vitamins and Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

Pink salmon pulp is very filling due to its high protein content, but at the same time low in calories. Therefore, it can be safely used by people who care about their figure.

100 g of smoked pink salmon contains:

  • Protein – 23.2 g
  • Fat – 7.6 g
  • Carbohydrates - none
  • Calorie content is 161 kcal

Eating fish has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of marinades

There are also more original recipes for preparing brine. Pink salmon , cooked with the addition of various spices and seasonings, will acquire refined, aromatic notes, and its taste will become brighter.

Spicy marinade

Lovers of savory dishes should marinate fish in a spicy marinade. Tender smoked pink salmon with a pleasant citrus aroma and notes of herbs will become a favorite dish for the whole family. Before cooking, sprinkle the carcasses with citrus juice. 250 ml is enough. juice It is better to take a mixture of citrus fruits, for example, lime and orange, lemon and grapefruit. After this, the marinade is prepared:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tsp pepper mixtures;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 tsp cinnamon;
  • sage, rosemary, a pinch of thyme.

After boiling, the marinade simmers over low heat for 15-20 minutes. After cooling, it is poured onto the fish. To marinate pink salmon, 13-14 hours is enough.

Wine marinade

The method of preparing pink salmon in a wine marinade is popular because the product is tender and has a pleasant aroma. For cooking, it is better to use a sour wine with fruity notes, cherry, plum or apricot. According to the recipe for 1 liter. water required:

  • 100 ml. guilt;
  • 50 gr. salt;
  • 50 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 ml. soy sauce;
  • 100 ml. lemon juice;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1-2 tsp. mixture of peppers.

Sugar and salt are poured into water and brought to a boil. The remaining ingredients are added to the cooled liquid. The fish is poured with the prepared marinade. We wait 10 hours and you can smoke pink salmon in a smokehouse.

Honey marinade

Those who love delicate sweet notes in fish will love the marinade with the addition of honey. It can be improved by adding mustard or soy sauce. In the first case, the taste is spicy, in the second it is sweetish. The classic honey marinade recipe looks like this:

  • 50 gr. honey;
  • 50 ml. lemon juice;
  • 100 ml. vegetable oil, preferably olive;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • seasonings and spices to taste.

The prepared marinade is enough to marinate 1 kg. fish. If there are more pink salmon, the proportions should be increased.

Selection and storage

If you decide to enjoy delicious smoked pink salmon, then first of all it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for choosing this delicacy


  • It is no secret that today many manufacturers produce smoked fish artificially, that is, using liquid smoke
    Despite the fact that such a product also has attractive data, it is very dangerous for humans. It is easy to recognize smoked pink salmon prepared using liquid smoke. Such fish, as a rule, can smell either of some kind of chemical substances or of too strong smoke. Keep in mind that a high-quality smoked delicacy always has a pleasant woody aroma.
    If pink salmon has no odor at all, then, apparently, the product has been lying around for a long time, and its expiration date has long expired.
  • You can determine the quality of smoked pink salmon by its appearance.
    If cellular patterns are visible on the skin of the fish, this indicates that the delicacy was smoked naturally. The unsmooth surface of the fish, as well as its uneven color, only confirms the fact that pink salmon was produced using harmful chemicals.
  • The expired shelf life is indicated by the fact that there are dents or any damage on the skin of the fish. If there are white stripes on the sides, we can safely say that there was a violation of the technology when smoking pink salmon.
  • After purchasing a delicacy, be sure to pay attention to its texture. A fillet of high-quality hot-smoked fish should be dense and at the same time separate well from the bone
    . Cold-cooked foods have a tougher texture.

As for storing this delicacy, hot smoked pink salmon can be stored in the refrigerator for about five days. In hermetically sealed vacuum packaging, its shelf life will be up to sixty days. Cold smoked fish can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the freezer.

In the first case, the sales period for the product is fourteen days, and in the second - a month. If pink salmon is in a sealed vacuum package, the delicacy will retain its quality for ninety days.

Types of smoking pink salmon

Smoking pink salmon at home can be done in several ways.

For preparation, a smokehouse or the “Liquid Smoke” aromatic additive can be used. Depending on the chosen method, the cooking time differs, as well as the taste and shelf life of the finished product.

Cold smoked recipe

Cold smoking pink salmon allows you to get smoked pink salmon with an amazing taste. The structure of the fish is dense, and by long-term marinating it is possible to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, which makes it possible to store the product in the refrigerator for a long time.

Liquid smoke

For smoking, you can use an aromatic additive containing a product of wood combustion - Liquid smoke. With its help, dishes acquire the look and taste of smoked. The advantage of using a flavor is the speed of smoking. To prepare, you will need to sprinkle cleaned and salted fish with liquid smoke, and then bake in the oven or over coals. This smoking method does not require long-term marinating, since it involves heat treatment. Frying or baking should also not be long, since the structure of the fibers will change and the pink salmon will turn out too soft, similar to boiled.

Pink salmon in numbers

This is the leanest of all salmon. It contains up to 7 g of fat per 100 g. Protein - up to 22 g, carbohydrates - up to 0.45. Saturated fatty acids can be contained here from 5.2 to 5.7 g.

But the calorie content of pink salmon may vary depending on living conditions and the amount of fat in the fish. 100 g of product can contain from 135 to 170 kcal. Thus, males have a higher energy value than females (they spend a lot of nutrients in their eggs). In addition, the larger the fish, the higher its nutritional value. Fish living in the north have fattier meat and higher calorie content. In addition, the nutritional value depends on when pink salmon are caught.

The calorie content of pink salmon also depends on the method of preparation:

  • Raw or baked (without fat and with spices) it will contain up to 140 kcal;
  • Steamed pink salmon has a calorie content of 145 kcal;
  • Fried pink salmon can contain up to 320 kcal (minimum 240);
  • In dry salted fish – up to 145 kcal;
  • Salted in brine – up to 170 kcal;
  • Boiled – up to 170;
  • In cold smoked pink salmon – up to 180;
  • Hot smoked – up to 172;

Cooking in a smokehouse

Smoked fish prepared in a cold smokehouse has a long shelf life.
How long you can keep it in the refrigerator depends on the duration of smoking. Cold cooking is carried out in a smokehouse with a smoke generator. In this case, the smoke temperature should not exceed 30°C. Alder chips are used as fuel. Adding chips from fruit trees: apple, pear, will help give the fish a refined aroma and taste. It is better to place fish in the smokehouse in a suspended state. In this case, the smoke is evenly distributed throughout the chamber and permeates the carcasses. Cold smoked pink salmon is cooked in a cold smokehouse from 6 hours to 2-3 days. The duration depends on the size of the fish and their number. Before smoking and at the end of the smoking process, the product is dried. This helps extend the shelf life.

Hot smoked recipe

The hot smoking method makes pink salmon juicy, tender and soft. Such meat is subject to short-term storage, no more than 3 days in the refrigerator at a certain temperature. The advantage of hot smoking is that pink salmon can be cooked not only outdoors, but also in apartment conditions. You can prepare it in a smokehouse or oven. Regardless of the method chosen, it is important to have a tray for draining fat. An important factor is maintaining optimal temperature. For hot smoking you will need smoke from 60°C. At the same time, at the initial stage the temperature should be lower so that a crust forms, preventing the removal of excess fat. The second stage of smoking occurs at a higher temperature.

Smoking in the oven

You can quickly and efficiently cook smoked pink salmon in the oven. Smoking will take about 40 minutes. The cooking procedure looks like this:

  1. Place wood chips on a tray at the bottom of the oven.
  2. A container is installed above the wood chips to collect fat.
  3. A grill with fish is installed above.

The consequences of this method are a large amount of escaping smoke. It is rational to place the oven under a hood or in a well-ventilated area.

Calorie content of smoked pink salmon 190 kcal

Energy value of smoked pink salmon (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

The abundance of smoked fish delicacies on store shelves pleases with its variety. Smoked pink salmon is in great demand among consumers. But often modern manufacturers resort to various tricks to reduce the cost of producing smoked meats. For example, they do not use the natural method of smoking, but liquid smoke. By preparing fish by hot or cold smoking yourself, you will get not only a tasty, but also a healthy product.

Benefits and harms

The harm and benefits of consuming smoked pink salmon are conditional and depend on the amount of portion eaten and the frequency of the presence of the smoked product in the diet.
This fish is contraindicated for people with allergic reactions or those with excessive iodine content. Persons with liver and kidney diseases are allowed to consume smoked fish in small quantities. Smoked pink salmon contains a large number of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which:

  • help prevent thyroid diseases;
  • improve the activity of the circulatory system;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • stabilize the nervous system;
  • improves skin condition;
  • prevent problems with the heart and blood vessels.

The advantage of smoking is that during processing most of the beneficial substances remain in the fish meat.

Composition and calorie content of fish

Let's take a closer look at the composition and calorie content of fish prepared in different ways.

Fresh pink salmon has the following composition of BJU per 100 grams:

  • proteins – up to 22 grams;
  • fats – up to 7 grams;
  • carbohydrates – less than 1 gram.

At the same time, as in many other types of fish, the fats in pink salmon are represented mainly by polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the body, and not by harmful saturated fats.

This product is rich in the following vitamins:

  • representatives of group B, namely B1, B2, B9 and B12;

This fish contains useful microelements:

  • phosphorus (as in all types of seafood);
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • iodine (as in other sea fish);
  • zinc;
  • molybdenum;
  • fluorine;
  • chromium;
  • cobalt;
  • selenium;
  • sulfur.

The calorie content of fresh pink salmon is about 142 kcal per 100 grams. The caviar of this fish has an energy value of 230 kcal per 100 g.

100 grams of fried ingredient contains:

  • less than 18 grams of protein;
  • up to 7 grams of fat;
  • up to 7 grams of carbohydrates.

100 g of fried product contains 152 kcal, which is slightly higher than that of fish without heat treatment. It should be noted that the fat and calorie content of a fried product largely depends on the type of oil used in its preparation. Thus, vegetable oils, including sunflower and olive, are almost 100% fat, while butter is usually less than 90% fat. Accordingly, the calorie content of vegetable oils is noticeably higher than that of butter.

Frying significantly reduces the amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in the dish (compared to the raw product). However, even fried pink salmon remains a valuable source of vitamin PP, iodine, phosphorus, cobalt and Omega-3 fatty acid.

If you fry pink salmon in batter, its composition will be as follows:

  • about 17 grams of protein;
  • up to 17 grams of fat;
  • about 15 grams of carbohydrates.

The calorie content of the product prepared in batter will be about 280 kilocalories per 100 grams.

The steamed product has the following BJU formula:

  • proteins – up to 19%;
  • fats – up to 10%;
  • carbohydrates – up to 1%.

Calorie content is about 162 kcal per 100 g. Steamed fish almost completely retains all the vitamins and microelements inherent in the fresh product.

100 g of oven-baked fish contains:

  • up to 18 g of proteins;
  • up to 6 g fat;
  • up to 2 g of carbons.

The calorie content of 100 grams of baked ingredient is about 128 kcal.

When cooked, this ingredient contains:

  • 23% protein;
  • 8% fat.

Carbohydrates in the boiled product are most often completely absent, and its energy value is 169 kcal per 100 grams. Cooking allows you to preserve most of the beneficial substances of the raw product in the finished dish.

Salting pink salmon also leads to the disappearance of carbohydrates from its composition. Moreover, 100 g of salted fish contains:

  • up to 23 g of proteins;
  • less than 9 g fat.

The calorie content of salted pink salmon reaches 170 kcal per 100 g.

The canned product contains:

  • up to 21% protein;
  • about 6% fat;
  • less than 0.5% carbohydrates.

The energy value of 100 g of canned pink salmon is about 136 kcal.

The BJU formula for a cold smoked product is as follows:

  • 22% protein;
  • 9% fat.

The calorie content of such an ingredient reaches 175 kcal per 100 grams.

Hot smoking leads to a slight increase in the amount of protein and a decrease in the fat content of the product. The composition of the fish is as follows:

How to store

Hot smoked pink salmon should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2-+4° for no more than 3-4 days. Cold smoked product can be stored from 10 days to 1 month. You should first wrap the fish in parchment paper or food foil. Cold smoked pink salmon can be frozen. There are also alternative storage options:

  1. In a cloth soaked in a saline solution, it will be possible to preserve the fish without refrigeration, in a cool place for 2-3 days. To do this, water and salt are mixed in a 2:1 ratio. A piece of fabric is moistened with the resulting liquid. The fish is wrapped in cloth and then paper.
  2. In the attic or cellar, pre-wrapped in a fabric bag. This method is relevant when preparing smoked meats outdoors. You can build a small cellar by digging a hole in the ground in a shaded area and putting a roof on it.

Proper storage will help you enjoy the taste of your favorite smoked meats for a long time, getting maximum benefits from consumption.

Preparing fish for smoking

When preparing fish, it is necessary to salt small and large fish separately.

Larger carcasses will take longer to salt than smaller ones. It is worth noting that in order to prepare delicious smoked meats, you must carefully ensure that the pink salmon is not exposed to direct sunlight. Because of this, the fat can become bitter, and the finished delicacies will be tasteless and have an unpleasant odor.

Carcass cutting

To prepare cold smoked pink salmon with your own hands, it is very important to properly prepare it for processing.
All actions must be performed very carefully, because fish has delicate meat that is easily damaged. Because of this, finished smoked meats will not have such an attractive appearance and may begin to disintegrate during cooking. If you bought uncut fish, you should leave the scales and fins. Only the insides are cut out very carefully. It is also advisable to cut out the gills. They may contain dangerous microorganisms that can cause food poisoning. If a sufficient amount of salt does not get into the gills during salting, they can cause faster spoilage of the finished delicacies.

Headless carcasses are also excellent for preparing cold smoked pink salmon. If a sufficiently large raw material was purchased, then pink salmon can be divided into two equal parts. In this case, the spine and large bones are carefully removed. To process large fish, it must be cut into portions.

Tips for choosing smoked fish

If fish is not prepared at home, then you should learn how to choose it correctly so as not to cause harm to the body when consumed. When purchasing you should pay attention to:

  1. Color brightness. Naturally smoked pink salmon should have a uniform yellowish tint without bright spots.
  2. Ingredients if the fish is sold in vacuum packaging. Optimal composition: sugar and salt.
  3. Presence of the head. It is often cut off, since pink salmon begins to deteriorate from the top.
  4. Meat structure. It should be dense, not loose. Falling pulp indicates spoilage or improper processing.

Smoked pink salmon is an exquisite delicacy, a favorite delicacy of many fish gourmets.

Knowing how to properly prepare smoked meats at home, you will be able to delight yourself, family and friends with healthy, aromatic masterpieces at any time of the year.

Briefly about her

The Latin name for pink salmon is Oncorhynchus gorbuscha. Belongs to the genus of Pacific salmon. This fish usually lives in cold seas, but spawns in rivers. Such a fish is called anadromous. After the female lays eggs, she dies. The fish got its name due to the fact that during the mating season, males grow a hump on their back.

Typically, pink salmon have a white belly and a blue back. After spawning, the color may change. Pink salmon lives in the Arctic Ocean, the Great Lakes, the Sea of ​​Japan, and the Kola Peninsula, but industrial fishing is carried out precisely in the Pacific Ocean. E The ideal temperature for her life is up to 14.5 degrees. If the temperature exceeds 25.8, then the mass death of this fish begins. This is the most inexpensive of the salmon and a valuable commercial fish. It is actively used in cooking, for preservation, and for frying. The caviar of this fish is used not only as food, but also as a cosmetic product. The second name is pink salmon.

Fillet in batter

Pink salmon cooked in batter, which has a relatively low calorie content, tastes more tender than regular fried steaks; moreover, the meat does not fall apart and retains its original integrity. The dish can be served hot or cold as a snack.

The recipe is quite simple. Fillet the fish, cut into pieces, then carefully dip in batter and fry on both sides. First place the finished pieces on a paper towel so that excess fat is absorbed, and then on a plate, garnish with herbs.

There can be many variations of batter. The main thing is that its consistency resembles thick sour cream.

Cheese batter

: 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and flour, salt, two eggs, 80 g of cheese, black pepper. Beat everything except cheese with a blender. Grate the cheese and add to the total mass. The batter is ready.

Milk batter

: a glass of flour, an egg, 0.5 liters of milk, spices and salt. Beat everything except flour. While stirring, gradually add flour.

Use in cooking

Despite the fact that smoked pink salmon is a ready-to-eat product, it is often used in cooking to prepare many original dishes. Most often, various fish salads and cold appetizers are prepared using this delicacy. In the latter case, the fish is ideal for sandwiches, for filling tartlets, and also for creating delicious pita rolls.

As for salad dishes, smoked pink salmon is often found in various vegetable salads, as well as cheese salads and more. Sometimes even the famous Mimosa salad is made based on this product. It is noteworthy that such fish is combined with many ingredients, sometimes even unusual ones.


  • vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, onions, peppers, etc.);
  • with fruits (avocado, apples, pears, grapes);
  • pasta;
  • seafood;
  • vegetable oil;
  • greens;
  • eggs (chicken, quail and more);
  • mayonnaise, as well as with many other sauces.

Due to the fact that smoked pink salmon harmonizes perfectly with a huge list of products, there are many recipes with this delicacy, both complex and simple. These also include fish soup and other types of fish soup. First courses are usually prepared using the bellies of pink salmon, as they have a fattier texture, which allows you to prepare a truly rich fish broth.

When using smoked pink salmon as an independent snack, many people wonder how to present such fish beautifully. In this case, we recommend cutting the delicacy into small even pieces, garnishing with thin slices of lemon and serving. This is the standard option for serving pink salmon. If desired, it can be supplemented with fresh herbs, for example dill. You can also cut the fish, separate the fillet from the bone and cut into long strips. In this form, the delicacy also looks very appetizing.

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