Girls, has anyone been on a diet, not an ounce of fat by spring?

Every woman who dreams of a slim figure considers subcutaneous fat to be enemy number one. Loose overhanging folds and a huge belly that sways when walking, of course, does not decorate anyone. It is fat that creates additional volumes, so they try to get rid of adipose tissue first. But is it the right way to completely eliminate fat from your daily diet?

After all, fat is not only cellulite and loose sausages on the sides. It's the same:

  • myelin sheaths, without which the nervous system cannot function normally;
  • an essential basis for fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K, E, which are vital;
  • emergency energy reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  • natural shock absorber, protective layer, insulating shell.

So is it possible to get rid of it completely? And is the name of the diet “Not an ounce of fat by spring” fair?

What is the secret of the pendulum effect

For quite some time now there has been such a thing as a low-fat diet. It involves a sharp reduction in fat intake to the minimum acceptable level. It is believed that in this case the body will have to spend internal fat reserves for its own needs. There is some truth in this. But it's not that simple.

The breakdown of fat reserves is a labor-intensive and energy-consuming process for the body. Therefore, in the first days he is only trying to adapt to the restrictions by reducing the speed of metabolic processes. Roughly speaking, he tries to survive longer on the fat that comes from the outside. And if after a couple of days you refuse to continue the low-fat diet, then the body will strive to intensively replenish reserves in case of new sabotage on your part. With a low metabolism, this will not be difficult for him to do. As a result, after 2-3 days a couple of extra kilograms will appear on the scales.

This is how the well-known “pendulum effect” works, in which kilograms jump back and forth. A low-fat diet is one of those that rocks it fast and hard. The only chance to avoid this is to keep your fat intake low for at least 5 days to give the body time to reach its own reserves. And combine the diet with moderate physical activity so that your metabolism does not slow down.

In 4 months

Start with a simple but effective technique: keep a notepad or install a special application on your smartphone. Record everything you ate and drank and how much. Don't forget to enter your physical activity data. For example, 20 minutes of running, 30 squats and climbing from the first floor to the third on foot. This will make it easier for you to figure out the number of calories you eat and burn. In addition, plan your diet for the week ahead. If you exceed the permissible daily caloric intake level, the next day you will have to reduce your caloric intake by 200 kcal. And don't forget about sports. Even if you can’t afford to go to the gym to lose weight under the supervision of a trainer, it doesn’t matter. Walk as much as possible (for example, go on long walks on the weekend, taking with you 1 - 1.5 liters of still water with lemon juice), do physical exercises at home, dance. The effect will not be long in coming.

To lose 15 kg in 4 months, you need to lose about 3,700 kg every month. This rate of weight loss will not cause harm if you weigh at least 70 kg. To successfully get rid of extra pounds, follow these rules:

  1. Be sure to have breakfast. Breakfast should be hearty and balanced. For example, eat 200 g of oatmeal with milk (1.5% fat) + 15 g of raisins, 1 banana.
  2. Eat hot liquid food: soups, borscht. When cooking, do not make the meat broth too fatty.
  3. For dinner, eat meat, fish, mushrooms, and fresh vegetable salads.
  4. Boil, bake, steam food.
  5. Each serving of food should be no more than 300 g. But watch the calorie content of the food. For example, it is not recommended to eat more than 100 g of any nuts per day.
  6. Try to completely give up sugar. If this does not work, then it is better to consume products that contain it in the first half of the day (before 13:00).
  7. Harmful sweets (shortbread cookies, biscuits, milk chocolate, condensed milk, etc.) are contraindicated for you. You need to replace them with healthy ones: marshmallows (without chocolate), marmalade, marshmallows, jelly.
  8. If you really want something sweet at the wrong time, brush your teeth or drink natural coffee with cinnamon and lemon. This will suppress the craving for it.
  9. Don't starve or overeat.
  10. Organize fasting days twice a week: on kefir, buckwheat, vegetables or fruits. This is a prerequisite for losing weight.

Avoid fats

If you are determined to give up fat, do it wisely and correctly. Here are the basic principles of the low-fat diet “Not a gram of fat by spring”, which will leave no chance of regaining lost kilograms.

  1. Avoid only animal fats. Vegetables remain in the diet in moderation.
  2. Along with fats, the consumption of fast carbohydrates is limited, otherwise they will be used to restore fat reserves.
  3. The total amount of fat should be about 5% of the daily diet.
  4. You shouldn’t give up dairy products, but their fat content is up to 1.5%. Thus, all varieties of hard cheese are prohibited.
  5. To avoid a constant feeling of hunger, you need to increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu, whole grain bread - foods rich in fiber.
  6. You need to drink frequently, the total amount of liquid is up to 2 liters per day.
  7. Eat meat and fish no more than once a day and only low-fat varieties.

Naturally, you will have to forget about such a cooking method as frying during the diet. It is not very beneficial for the body anyway, and is simply unacceptable in a low-fat diet.

Spring diet for 35 days

The Spring diet is only suitable for those who do not have any health problems. The advantages of the diet include the relative diversity of the diet, as well as the duration of the diet; in 35 days the body will be able to readjust and get used to the new diet and small portions.

Basic rules of a 35-day diet for weight loss

• You need to drink 1.5 liters of water, tea, coffee per day. It is not recommended to drink less or more. You can drink drinking water or mineral water without gas; before drinking, it is better to heat the water to a temperature that is comfortable for you.

• If you fail, don’t torture yourself with hunger, just continue your diet.

• If you can’t live without sweets, the diet rules allow you to enjoy a slice of chocolate or a piece of other sweet dessert, but only once a day, in the morning before 12 o’clock.

• It is recommended to start dinner no later than 18.30.

• If vegetables are listed on the menu, you can eat any vegetables except potatoes. Potatoes can only be consumed when expressly indicated on the menu.

    For better results, it is recommended to use a cellulite remedy: from days 1 to 20 of the diet, rub into problem areas twice a day, for the next 10 days - once a day, for another month - every other day.

On the eve of the first day of the diet, you will have to have dinner before 16.00.

Spring diet menu

1, 2, 3 days

• After waking up: 150 ml of warm water (Essentuki mineral water No. 17 is recommended), 7 drops of lemon juice or a slice of lemon, 1 tablespoon of honey - stir and drink immediately. • Breakfast (after 15 minutes): unsweetened tea or coffee • Lunch: boiled chicken breast and raw vegetables – 300-350 g. You can divide lunch into two parts. For example, at 12 o'clock and at 3 o'clock. • Dinner: boiled cabbage along with a decoction (200 g of cabbage and 300 ml of water). Cook for 20 minutes without salt. Drink the decoction slowly over about half an hour.

4 day

Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g and low-fat kefir (or other fermented milk drink) - 0.5 liters, divided into 5 doses.

5 day

5 baked or boiled potatoes in their skins, low-fat kefir - 0.5 liters.

Day 6

Boiled lean meat – 500 g, low-fat kefir – 0.5 liters.

Day 7

Low-fat cottage cheese – 500 g and low-fat kefir – 0.5 liters.

Day 8

Sour cream (10-15%) – 500 g, low-fat kefir – 0.5 liters.

Day 9

Dried fruits unlimited (it is better to avoid raisins) and low-fat kefir - 0.5 liters.

10 day

Water – 1 liter, low-fat kefir – 1.5 liters.

Day 11

Mineral water like Essentuki or Borjomi without gas - 1.5 liters.

12 day

• Breakfast: tea without sugar. • At 12 o'clock: hard cheese - 50 g or low-fat cottage cheese - up to 100 g. • After 2 hours: hard-boiled egg and tea without sugar. • Afternoon snack: unsweetened yogurt or cottage cheese (150-200 ml). • Dinner: boiled meat or chicken fillet – 100 g, vegetable salad in vegetable oil – 200-300 g.

Days 13 and 14

• Breakfast: unsweetened tea (coffee), hard cheese – 100 g. • Lunch: boiled meat, fish or chicken fillet – 150 g, hard-boiled egg, hard cheese – 30 g. • Dinner: boiled meat, fish or chicken – 200 g. , vegetable salad with lemon juice and herbs. • At night: mint tea – 1 tbsp. spoons of mint per glass of boiling water.

Day 15

To choose from: low-fat cottage cheese – 300 g, milk – 1 liter, or low-fat cottage cheese – 500 g, kefir – 0.5 liters.

From days 16 to 22, meals are taken every 2 hours, approximately at 8–10–12–14–16–18 hours. Every morning you can drink a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.

Day 16

400 g baked potatoes in the oven, 0.5 liters of 1% kefir.

Day 17

400 g low-fat cottage cheese, 0.5 liters of kefir

Day 18

400 g of fruit (except grapes and bananas), 0.5 liters of kefir

Day 19

400 g boiled chicken without skin and without salt, 0.5 liters of kefir

Day 20

400 g of fruit (except grapes and bananas), 0.5 liters of kefir

21 day

1.5 liters of mineral water without gas.

Day 22

400 g of fruit (except grapes and bananas), 0.5 liters of kefir

Day 23

• Breakfast: coffee without sugar • Lunch: 2 eggs, as well as cabbage stewed in vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice (without salt, preferably freshly squeezed) • Dinner: boiled or steamed fish

24 day

• Breakfast: coffee and crackers • Lunch: fried or boiled fish, fresh cabbage salad • Dinner: 200 g boiled beef (350 g raw), a glass of kefir

Day 25

• Breakfast: coffee, crackers; • Lunch: zucchini fried in vegetable oil, apples • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g boiled beef, cabbage salad

Day 26

• Breakfast: coffee • Lunch: 1 raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots, cooked with vegetable oil, 15 g (slice) cheese; • Dinner: any fruit

Day 27

• Breakfast: grated raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice • Lunch: large boiled or fried fish in vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice • Dinner: any fruit

Day 28

• Breakfast: coffee • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet – 500 g, fresh cabbage and carrot salad • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, carrot salad, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice

Day 29

• Breakfast: tea • Lunch: boiled beef – 200 g, fruit • Dinner: choose the dinner menu for any of the days from 23 to 28 (except the 25th)

30 days like 29 31 days like 28 32 days like 27 33 days like 26 34 days like 25 35 days like 24.

From days 4 to 10, as well as from days 15 to 22, when the diet is not scheduled according to meals, all food should be divided into 3-5 servings.

You can lose weight by 10 kg or more in 35 days of the diet, depending on your initial weight. You can't continue the diet any longer.

The best option to avoid gaining back those extra pounds after the Spring diet is to switch to fractional meals.

Fat pros

If you don’t go overboard with the timing and go on a low-fat diet for about 7-10 days, then you can say goodbye to 3-5 kilograms. With additional physical activity, the figure can increase to 7 kg. But this is not the main achievement. Reasonable and infrequent use of a low-fat diet greatly relieves the body. As a result we get:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • improved kidney function;
  • unloading of the liver and bile ducts;
  • decreased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduction in body volume.

The main disadvantage is a decrease in metabolism and a lack of fat for the vital needs of the body. Therefore, it is worth recalling that a low-fat diet can be used from 5 to 10 days and no more than 2 times a year.

How to lose 15 kg in 1 or 2 weeks

Losing 15 kg in less than a month is not an easy task. Firstly, it all depends on your initial weight. The more it exceeds the optimal figure, the easier it will be to get rid of 15 kg. Secondly, this is a colossal burden on the body. After all, the excess accumulated over a long period of time, and sudden weight loss switches the body into the “fight for survival” mode. There are six main points to consider if you want to lose 15 kg in a few weeks:

  1. You will have to go on a very strict diet. This can have an extremely negative impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, the gastrointestinal tract (especially if you have chronic diseases) and metabolic processes.
  2. Under conditions of such dietary stress, the metabolic process in the body will slow down, from which in the future you risk starting to gain weight even from harmless vegetables.
  3. You will lose weight not due to the fat layer, but due to the muscles. The result of such weight loss is sagging skin.
  4. Physical activity is something you can’t do without during emergency weight loss. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. However, a low-calorie diet combined with strenuous exercise can cause exhaustion of the body. Therefore, do not overdo it with physical activity. Exercise as much as possible. If for one reason or another you cannot do exercises, try to walk as much as possible.
  5. The maximum rate of loss of fat reserves per day is 200 g. This result can be achieved by fasting or consuming no more than 500 calories per day. Thus, you can lose 1 kg of fat in a week.
  6. A loss of no more than 3 kg per month is considered harmless to the body. If we are talking about 15 kg in one or several weeks, then such weight loss will have an extremely negative impact on your health.

There are many recipes that promise to lose 15 kg in a minimum period of time - three, two, or even one week. However, before you try these methods on yourself, remember: everything is individual and depends solely on the characteristics of your body. After all, even if someone managed to get rid of 15 kg of excess weight in such a short period of time, it is not a fact that the result of the same diet will not disappoint you.

In 1 week

Method number 1: fasting

Fasting is a very extreme way to lose weight and requires proper preparation. If you decide to fast, you can only do this under the supervision of a specialist. The higher your initial weight, the more kilograms you will lose in a week. However, do not forget that if you fail during fasting, or return to poor nutrition after it, you risk not only regaining the previous kilos, but also ending up in the hospital with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Read more: Fasting for weight loss

Method number 2: consume 500 calories per day

Distribute your meals as you wish, but consume no more than 500 calories per day. For example, for breakfast you can eat 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, for lunch - 1 boiled egg and 1 piece of bread, for dinner - 200 ml of kefir 2.5% fat. During this period, you should not consume salt, sugar, or fatty foods. Be sure to drink 2 liters of clean water without gas per day.

Diet “Minus 15 kg per week”

Requires strict adherence for effective weight loss. Products cannot be replaced or included in the diet at your own discretion.

Menu for 1st – 2nd day:

  • 250 ml tomato juice, 20 g rye bread.
  • 1 liter of kefir (1.5% fat).

3rd – 4th day:

  • Breakfast: natural coffee with milk (1.5% fat), 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Lunch: 200 g chicken broth, 2 tablespoons of green peas.
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled chicken breast.

5th – 6th day:

Day 7:

Extend 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat) for the whole day. Don't forget to drink clean water without gas. You are allowed to drink green tea - no more than three cups.

This diet will be useful to you if you are looking for ways to lose 15 kg in 10 days. On days 8 and 9 you should eat this way:

  • Breakfast: 1 grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g low-fat chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 apples, green tea with lemon.
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken breast.

10th day:

  • Breakfast: natural coffee, 150 g of cottage cheese (5% fat).
  • Lunch: 200 ml vegetable soup, 100 g grated carrots.
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled chicken breast, 50 g green peas.

In 2 weeks

You can lose 15 kg in two weeks by following a liquid diet. Its result also depends on the initial weight. The principle of the diet is to consume only liquid foods (kefir, fruit and vegetable juices, low-fat broth), which effectively cleanses the intestines. However, before you start, you need to consult a nutritionist. If you have no contraindications, a specialist will help you develop an optimal diet taking into account the individual characteristics of your body.

Preparatory stage (three days)

You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water without gas per day. It is recommended to drink green tea without sugar (with lemon). Consumption of natural coffee without additives is allowed - no more than 2 cups per day.

If for some reason you cannot consume dairy products (kefir, milk), replace them with vegetable broth, fruit or vegetable juices or liquid porridge with water without adding salt and oil.

Menu for the 1st day:

Day 2:

3rd day:

Main period (14 days)

You need to develop a meal plan and strictly follow it. Skipping meals can negatively affect the effect of the diet.

For 14 days you should eat this way:

  • 8:00 – 250 g of oatmeal broth (boil 100 g of oatmeal in 0.5 liters of water, then strain);
  • 9:00 – 250 g vegetable broth;
  • 10:00 – 250 ml of hot boiled water (can be with lemon juice);
  • 11:00 – 200 ml of any fruit juice;
  • 12:00 – 200 ml kefir (1.5% fat);
  • 13:00 – 250 ml of hot boiled water;
  • 14:00 – 250 ml of berry decoction (you can drink a decoction of dried fruits);
  • 15:00 – 200 g of low-fat chicken broth;
  • 16:00 – 200 ml of hot boiled water;
  • 17:00 – 200 ml of hot boiled water;
  • 18:00 – 250 ml of fruit or vegetable juice (3/4 juice and 1/4 water);
  • 19:00 – 250 g vegetable broth;
  • 20:00 - 200 ml of hot boiled water;
  • 21:00 - 200 ml of warm milk (2.5% fat) or kefir (2.5% fat).

Final stage (three days)

It is necessary to exit the diet correctly even if you decide to end it earlier than planned.

1st day:

  • Breakfast: 200 g of liquid mashed potatoes with water.
  • Second breakfast: 200 ml of mint tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: 200 g grated carrots + 2 teaspoons honey.
  • Afternoon snack: 250 ml kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Dinner: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Before going to bed, drink 200 ml of kefir (1% fat).

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: 250 g of any baked vegetables.
  • Second breakfast: 200 ml of kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Lunch: 200 g of buckwheat porridge in water without oil, any fresh herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: 50 g walnuts.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled rice without oil and salt.
  • Before going to bed, drink 250 ml of kefir (1% fat).

3rd day:

Read more: Liquid diet Advertising

Low-fat diet

It’s not difficult to create a low-fat diet on your own. The list of permitted products is surprisingly long. It includes:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • green salad, herbs: parsley, dill, etc.;
  • wholemeal pasta;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • poultry breast without skin;
  • lean beef, veal;
  • seafood;
  • porridge without oil;
  • uncanned mushrooms;
  • low-fat varieties of fish.

Strictly prohibited:

  • coffee and black tea;
  • sweets, sugar;
  • hard and processed cheese;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • baked goods, white bread;
  • any nuts and seeds;
  • smoked meats and canned food.

An example daily menu might look like this:

  1. Breakfast: steam omelet of 2 eggs with skim milk; 2 toasts from black bread; green tea.
  2. Second breakfast: 200 grams of fruit salad or banana or 2-3 slices of pineapple.
  3. Lunch: 150 grams of boiled veal; 200 grams of vegetable stew (without potatoes!); A glass of tomato juice.
  4. Afternoon snack: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with raisins or candied fruit.
  5. Dinner: 200 grams of boiled rice; 100 grams of boiled beets with prunes and garlic; a glass of kefir or yogurt.

In 3 weeks

It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of still water per day. It is recommended to drink green tea with lemon. It is allowed to consume 1 teaspoon of honey per day.

Menu for week 1


  • Breakfast: 1 boiled chicken egg, 1 orange.
  • Lunch: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken breast, 100 g stewed vegetables (except potatoes).

Week 2


  • Breakfast: 200 g of boiled rice or buckwheat without salt, butter and milk.
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable broth.
  • Dinner: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 apple.

Week 3


Physical exercise

If you choose fasting, then physical exercise during this period is contraindicated, as the body will be too weakened. With mono-diets, two- and three-week weight loss, you can perform a 20-minute set of exercises (stretching, squats, side bends, running) twice a day. Physical activity will significantly enhance the effect of any diet. The main rule is to monitor your well-being. If you feel bouts of nausea, weakness, or heart pain, stop exercising or reduce the intensity of exercise.

Reviews and results of losing weight (with video)

Irina Dyachenko, 25 years old, Kirovograd. Weight change: from 75 kg to 62 kg

“A year ago I decided to lose weight before my sister’s wedding. I wanted to surprise everyone with my slimness. I had three months to transform myself. At first I counted calories. I consumed 1000 – 1100 kcal per day. I ate mostly oatmeal, natural yogurt, chicken breast and vegetable broth. I hardly did any sports, but sometimes I had to walk a lot. I lasted this way for a month, thanks to which I lost 6 kg. Then I decided to eat 1,500 calories a day and added more dairy products to my diet. At the same time, I signed up for dances, which I attended 5 times a week. Thanks to this, I lost another 7 kg. I'm very pleased with the result! I felt great at the wedding, I enjoyed looking through the photos. I’m keeping the weight off for now, but my goal is to lose another 5 kg.”

Galina Samoilenko, 26 years old, Vinnitsa. Weight change: from 80 kg to 64 kg

“I have always been prone to being overweight, so in my youth I tried all sorts of diets. Before school graduation, I lost 9 kg in three weeks (from 70 kg to 61 kg). Then I ate only 1 boiled egg, 1 apple, 200 g of chicken breast and 1 orange per day. I drank a lot of water and green tea. She looked good at prom. After some time, everything reset came back. During my student years, there were several more attempts to quickly lose weight. I sat either on kefir, then on vegetables, then on buckwheat, or even ate only one chocolate bar a day, but at the same time I drank a lot of coffee. Using these methods, I lost about five kg in a week, but then they quickly returned. After giving birth, I realized that I would not achieve success using these methods. I tried the Advocaat diet, thanks to which I lost 14 kg. Now I’m eating right, taking time to exercise and continuing to lose weight.”

Anna Gurova, 23 years old, Kyiv. Weight change: from 70 to 58

“I was losing weight for my graduation ceremony. At the request “lose 15 kg in a month,” I found a diet on the Internet, read the reviews and decided to try it. At first I was very hungry. I even broke down a few times. But then my body got used to this diet and I even had the strength to run in the evenings. In addition, I did 50 squats daily. If you wanted something sweet, you drank green tea with lemon and one teaspoon of honey. So I lost 12 kg in a month. Now I eat right and carefully count calories so that the weight doesn’t come back.”



There is a huge selection of drugs that promise effective weight loss without additional effort. Some of them are more effective, others less, and still others do not give the expected results at all. The action of almost all drugs for weight loss is based on the following principles:

  • diuretic and laxative effect;
  • removing excess fluid from the body;
  • appetite suppression;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

If you still decide to use weight loss medications, first consult with a specialist. Next, carefully study the instructions, contraindications and effects of the drug. Remember that the combination of a strict diet, sports activity and auxiliary medications is a huge burden on the body. Because due to a strict diet and even minimal physical activity, you lose a lot of fluid, and pills with a diuretic effect aggravate this effect. In addition, water balance is quickly restored and, accordingly, weight returns. And your task is to get rid of excess fat. Therefore, if you decide to use drugs for weight loss, it is better to do this with a more gentle diet. This is the only way to gradually reduce the fat layer.

Appetite suppression

If you find it difficult to cope with the feeling of hunger, you can use folk remedies to suppress your appetite. Drink ginger tea or herbal infusions (linden, nettle, corn silk, celery). Also use some tricks to trick your appetite: brush your teeth, take a bath, do breathing exercises.

Anti-cellulite massagers and creams

If you do not have too sensitive skin and are not allergic to the components of anti-cellulite products, then they will not cause you any harm. Regular use of the cream and massager will improve the condition of the skin and prevent it from sagging during rapid weight loss.


The wrapping procedure involves removing moisture through the pores of the skin. Thus, the process of removing waste and toxins from the body accelerates, and you lose volume. However, do not forget that it is not recommended to do body wraps more than twice a week, as this will disrupt the water-salt balance. And for people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, wraps are contraindicated.

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