Nuts and seeds. Table of caloric content and chemical composition of food products.

Nuts are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Today, a large number of different types are known, which contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, saturated fats and other nutrients. Nuts serve as a complete snack or can be added to other dishes. If you include various kernels in your daily diet, and also do not violate the dosage recommended by modern nutritionists, then every person after a short period of time will notice an improvement in their health for the better.


Nuts are the name given to fruits that grow on certain trees and shrubs; there are several types of them. Archaeological research confirms that nuts were a basic product in the diet of ancient people. Excavations reveal primitive devices for cracking nuts.

Researchers clarify exactly what types of nuts our ancestors consumed:

All true nuts can be divided into several main families. Their peculiarity is a woody coating, and they also have one or two cores.

FamilyName of nuts
  • walnut;
  • pecan;
  • black;
  • Manchurian;
  • grey
BrezovyeHazelnut or hazelnut
  • acorn;
  • chestnut

The rest of the fruits, which we are accustomed to calling nuts, are not actually nuts, and only have a similar appearance:

  • cashew nuts;
  • almond;
  • pistachios;

    Nuts. Calorie content, nutritional table per 100 grams
    The calorie content of nuts depends on the amount of oil they contain.

  • peanut;
  • macadamia;
  • coconut;
  • cedar seeds;
  • pine seeds;
  • Brazilian;
  • Chilean.

Rules for use and storage

  1. To maximize the amount of antioxidants entering the body, nut kernels must be eaten with the skin.
  2. You can buy hazelnuts roasted or roast them yourself. But it should be remembered that the amount of useful compounds in such nuts will be significantly less than in raw ones.
  3. When included in the diet, especially those losing weight, you should monitor the number of calories, because it is high.
  4. Since the product contains a lot of fat, it goes rancid quickly. Therefore, peeled nuts are stored only in the refrigerator. No longer than 1 month. In the shell – up to 4 months.

Do I need to soak it?

Not necessary. But it is desirable.

Like all nuts, hazelnuts contain phytic acid, which can interfere with the absorption of minerals from food.

To remove phytic acid, fill the hazel with cool water and leave for 8 hours. Then the water is drained, the nuts are washed and dried.

Calorie content, BJU

The calorie content of nuts is described in the table, where you can see that the differences in nutritional value between different species are significant. So the most energetically valuable nut is macadamia, and the lightest one is chestnut. In addition to nutritional value, it is customary to evaluate the content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Nut nameEnergy valueSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
Chestnut (fresh)1673,3330,5
Chestnut (roasted)1813,22,133,7
Roasted cashews57117,542,130,4
Dried peanuts61029,250,110,7
Cashew fresh64225,75413,1

Are there dietary nuts?


An analysis of KBZHU will help you estimate how many nuts and which ones you can eat while losing weight. Obviously, there are no dietary nuts that can be consumed without restrictions on quantity.

Most of the nuts that are sold in stores in ready-made form can also hardly be called dietary.

When on a diet, it is better to avoid fried, salted, and also those prepared with a large amount of spices. Only raw nuts will be considered dietary, since they retain the greatest amount of nutrients and do not create unnecessary stress on the kidneys and heart, and do not increase appetite.

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Nuts (the calorie table shows them along with proteins, fats and carbohydrates) are often used as an alternative to meat by people who do not want or cannot eat it.

Nuts have the following general beneficial properties for the body:

  • richness in Omega 3 fatty acids ensures normal tone of the cardiovascular system, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the process of hematopoiesis is normalized, and blood cells are renewed;
  • all nuts, except peanuts, help reduce “bad” cholesterol;
  • nuts contain vitamins B, E, PP, which are more successfully absorbed together with the fats contained in nuts;
  • the following mineral elements are present: sodium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper;
  • in sufficient quantities, nuts are enriched with dietary fiber, which helps improve intestinal motility;

    Nuts. Calorie content, nutritional table per 100 grams

  • also, due to the large amount of fiber, nuts satisfy hunger well, plant fibers swell in the stomach and send signals to the brain about a feeling of fullness;
  • Another way in which nuts reduce hunger is pinolenic acid;
  • during a period of decreasing total daily caloric intake, nuts help to lose extra pounds faster and more effectively, as they help speed up metabolism;
  • snacking with nuts between main meals also helps speed up metabolic processes; a fractional meal plan for weight loss is one of the most effective;
  • many nuts help strengthen the nervous system, this is especially useful during a difficult period for a person; the product helps to cope with stress and maintain clarity of mind.

When following a low-calorie diet, it is worth considering that nuts have significant energy value.

When calculating the permissible amount of nuts that can be consumed in one day, you should proceed from the recommended daily amount of calories.

If a person loves and wants to eat more nuts, it is worth choosing low-calorie varieties:

  • chestnut;
  • peanut;

    Nuts. Calorie content, nutritional table per 100 grams

  • pistachios;
  • almond.

It is also worth paying attention to the processing of kernels:

  • the nuts must be roasted, you can do this process yourself or immediately buy an already processed product;
  • there must be no sugar, which is often used as a topping; excess glucose will negatively affect the results of the diet;
  • It is advisable to avoid salt, since its excessive consumption causes fluid retention in body tissues, which can significantly slow down the process of losing weight.

Nuts (the table shows calorie content from the lightest to the most satisfying product) should be consumed in the first half of the day, when metabolic rates are at a high level. In the afternoon, it is permissible to consume them after physical activity, when the metabolism is also quite high.

When choosing specific nuts during a period of weight loss, it is worth knowing about their individual properties.

Nut nameUnique beneficial properties
Hazelnut or hazelnut
  • hazel fruits help in the treatment of low hemoglobin;
  • are a good addition in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, problems with blood circulation in the capillaries, trophic ulcers and an increase in the volume of the prostate gland;
  • help maintain immunity;
  • help liver cells recover, normalize the functioning of the bile ducts.
  • fights inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • help in the treatment of skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, cracks.
  • effective when you need to achieve daily protein levels;
  • helps restore strength during physical activity;
  • These nuts are often recommended for insomnia.
  • with constant and moderate intake, they help restore sleep;
  • promote rapid recovery in the treatment of urolithiasis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, migraines, insomnia, seizures and low hemoglobin.
  • contains a sufficient amount of protein, which is important for a low-carbohydrate diet;
  • saturated with iodine, so they help well in the treatment of conditions associated with iodine deficiency;
  • helps liver cells recover;
  • has antihelminthic properties;
  • lowers blood pressure.
  • helps in the treatment of low hemoglobin, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, trophic ulcers and other problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • With regular and moderate use, the likelihood of developing malignant cellular processes is reduced.
  • conditionally refers to nuts with low energy value;
  • helps reduce “bad” cholesterol
  • help maintain vigor and activity of the body;
  • is an assistant in the treatment of increased heart rate and liver problems.
Pine nuts
  • have high choleretic activity and when consuming these nuts, be sure to observe moderation;
  • useful in the treatment and prevention of anemia, hypertension, cardiac ischemia, ulcers and heartburn.
Brazilian nut
  • promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • helps cope with the stress that can accompany periods of reduced total daily calories.
  • restores the energy balance in the body when switching to dietary nutrition;
  • helps cope with headaches;
  • Regular consumption helps strengthen and restore the condition of nails and hair, which often suffer in the absence of essential microelements.
  • helps remove toxic substances from the body;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • improves vision.

Nuts are a product that is subject to rapid spoilage. Also, when purchasing, there is always the possibility of purchasing a low-quality or already damaged product. In such situations there is a high risk of poisoning.

Here are some rules that will help you purchase a quality product and keep it longer:

  • Most often, nuts are sold already shelled, so they are as ready as possible for consumption, but if the goal is to preserve fresh kernels longer, it is worth purchasing them not yet processed and peeled, so the beneficial properties will be preserved for a longer time;
  • also, the presence of a natural shell will allow you to more accurately assess the condition and quality of the product;
  • when choosing nuts, you should carefully evaluate their appearance - the presence of foreign stains, plaque on the surface of the shell and kernels, the peculiarities of the smell, it should not have shades of mustiness and mold;
  • when purchasing packaged nuts, you must pay attention to the expiration date of the product and the appearance of the kernels inside the package;
  • Only clean and dried kernels should be sent for storage; they can be stored in a plastic container, but the ideal container is glassware; the entire package should be tightly closed, since nuts absorb foreign odors well;
  • When storing nuts for more than two months, they should be placed in the refrigerator; for longer storage, they should be placed in the freezer.

Nuts: the most high-calorie varieties and their benefits for weight loss (calorie content table)

Nuts are considered to be the richest source of fats and proteins of plant origin, and therefore many of them are considered excellent meat substitutes. That is why chefs use the nutritional properties of this product when preparing dishes in any form: whole, chopped, crushed. It is often added to salads, appetizers, pates, and meat dishes.

Given these characteristics of the product, it is often included in diets. Let's find out why? This nutritious and valuable product is a unique source of fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates.

They contain a number of vitamins and microelements, and also contain iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the metabolic process.

In addition, due to their calorie content, nuts replace many prohibited foods.

What are the benefits of nuts for losing weight?

Modern nutritionists advise not to exclude this product from the diet during any diet, because PUFAs help stabilize metabolism, burn extra pounds, and replenish the lack of energy. They should be introduced into the diet wisely:

  • You need to eat 8-10 nuts daily. This way you can help the body obtain useful elements and prevent anemia.
  • The product can be fried, eaten dried and honey added to it. They complement salads, cereals and other dishes.

Calorie content of various nuts

Nutritionists focus on the ability of nuts to quickly saturate the body without gaining extra pounds. The secret is to increase serotonin, which helps reduce appetite, improve mood and stabilize heart function. All types have this property, but the most high-calorie nuts are:

Almonds – characterized by a high concentration of fibers that improve intestinal function. Tocopherol in its composition is considered a unique antioxidant. Almonds are recommended to be included in low-calorie diets to support immunity and beneficial intestinal bacteria. Walnut is one of the most high-calorie types, which helps protect against damage and prevents early aging. It contains a large amount of antioxidants that prevent inflammation. Cashews are distinguished by the presence of zinc and iron, which fight anemia and protect vision. Thanks to the large amount of magnesium, thinking processes are accelerated and memory loss is prevented. Pistachios – help reduce blood pressure and sugar. They help cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and help heal hair and skin due to the presence of fiber. Hazelnuts – controls sugar levels and prevents the formation of gases in the intestines. The high-calorie nut heals the skin and strengthens the brain. Peanuts – due to their tryptophan content, promotes the production of serotonin. With its help, depression is prevented and mood improves. Hazelnut is the most popular type, restoring organ function and strengthening the immune system. Also, a high-calorie product cleanses the body of toxins. Brazil - among other nuts, this has the lowest calorie content. Their value lies in the content of a huge range of vitamins and elements necessary for the stable functioning of the body.

That is why nutritionists pay special attention to the calorie content of these nuts. They discovered selenium in them, which helps rejuvenate the body and prevents aging.

Just a couple of nuts fills your daily requirement of selenium. In accordance with its calorie content, the product is allowed to be consumed no more than five pieces per day.

Calorie content of nuts (table)

Despite the fact that this is one of the most original products, taking into account its calorie content, you are allowed to eat no more than fifty grams daily. To understand the number of calories in one hundred grams of product, you should familiarize yourself with the table:

Brazilian nut131165564
Pine nuts111960628

Having examined the data, it can be noted that most protein is present in peanuts, and nuts enriched with vegetable protein saturate the body for a long time. At the same time, the body receives the most microelements and amino acids. Nut protein is the most complex, and therefore it also preserves muscles in normal condition.

For example, pistachios contain few complex carbohydrates, and digestion will take much longer. That is why the body will be full for a long time.

Despite the fact that there is a lot of fat in nuts, you should not be afraid of them. Vegetable fat is not harmful to the body, and even helps vitamins be better absorbed.


Nuts (the table shows calorie content along with fats and carbohydrates, the excess of which can have a negative impact on health) have not only positive, but also negative properties:

  • allergic reactions - nuts contain substances that can cause allergies, which can occur in a mild form in the form of rash, itching and redness;
  • with a more severe reaction, Quincke's edema occurs, it is characterized by swelling of facial tissues - lips, eyes, swelling can also occur in internal tissues - tongue, oral cavity, larynx, a person with edema should consult a doctor as soon as possible;
  • the most severe allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock - in this situation a person requires immediate medical attention;

    Nuts. Calorie content, nutritional table per 100 grams

  • damage to fruits by mold - if storage conditions are violated and after the expiration date, nuts can become affected by mold, visually this is expressed in the presence of a black, gray or yellow-green coating on the fruits, in some cases the coating is not visible, but the nuts have a specific moldy taste, such the product is not suitable for consumption and must be disposed of;
  • if you abuse Brazil nuts, you can get poisoned by radium, which is contained in these fruits, so as not to harm yourself, you should limit yourself to 6 nuts per day;
  • Almond kernels can be consumed only after heat treatment, since raw nuts contain a substance that turns into cyanide in the stomach;
  • malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and poisoning - when consuming a large amount of nuts, a significant amount of specific substances and fiber enters the body, if the digestive organs are not able to cope, then a condition similar to poisoning occurs;
  • with severe abuse, headache, nausea and vomiting may occur;
  • weight gain – if the product is abused and the calories consumed are significantly exceeded, weight gain will occur.

Can candied fruits be used for weight loss?

Since such sweets are boiled in a high concentration of sugar syrup, they can hardly be called dietary products. For example, the calorie content of candied mango is 280 kcal per 100 grams, which is quite a lot if you are planning a diet.

But if you really want sweets, then it is better to eat them, and not factory-made sweets, so you will get a portion of vitamins and satisfy your need for sugar.

Candied fruits can be used for weight loss for the following reasons:

  • candied fruits are made from fruits or vegetables; these products contain fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines of toxins;
  • A person who is losing weight often limits their diet, reducing their intake of nutrients, thereby increasing the likelihood of catching a cold. Candied citruses and ginger strengthen the immune system;
  • restricting nutrition during a diet can lead to the loss of important vitamins and substances, and the vitamins A, B, C contained and the substances potassium, iron and magnesium are preserved in candied fruits, albeit in small quantities. Thanks to the consumption of sweets, you can replenish the necessary substances;
  • Ginger and pineapple are excellent aids in losing weight; they have a good effect on fat deposits and help break them down. For women this will certainly be an advantage, because... they are more addicted to sweets.

The calorie content of candied pineapple fruits is extremely low - only 91 kcal per 100 grams, which is best consumed during a diet.


Nuts (the table shows the calorie content along with the nutritional properties of the product, but not possible contraindications), which in themselves can cause harm, should be selected together with a nutritionist based on each specific case.

There are situations in which you should avoid eating nuts:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - enterocolitis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastroenteritis;
  • for acute respiratory diseases, sore throat, cough, flu;
  • in the presence of any skin rashes of any nature - diathesis, neurodermatitis, urticaria, with exacerbation of psoriasis, eczema and chronic lichen;
  • in case of previous cases of allergic reactions to nuts and products containing them;
  • nuts should not be consumed by children under 3 years of age, and children with allergies to any other foods should consume nuts with great caution, after consultation with an allergist.

When choosing nuts during a diet, you can use them not only as a snack, but also as an addition to main dishes:

  • nuts are ideal for consumption in the morning; they can be added to any porridge; they go especially well with oatmeal;
  • an ordinary salad of green raw vegetables will become more rich and nutritious;
  • chopped nuts can be used as a breading, and they can also be combined with a classic base for breading with breadcrumbs;
  • meat dishes acquire new flavors;
  • the fish becomes more aromatic, the obsessive aroma disappears, due to which some people may refuse to eat fish products;
  • You can replace sweets and flour with nuts, but it is worth remembering the optimal permissible number of kernels - no more than 5-6 large nuts, or no more than 30 grams;
  • in order not to go over the number of nuts, using them as a snack throughout the day, the kernels should be measured, weighed and placed in portions in bags in advance;
  • nuts can be added to dietary baked goods - protein cookies, carrot cake, oatmeal cookies;
  • in addition to the nut kernels themselves, it is permissible to use nut butter; when following a diet for weight loss, peanut and almond butter are good;
  • Another nut-based alternative is nut milk, which is lower in carbohydrates than cow's milk and is also suitable for people with lactose allergies.

When choosing the healthiest nut for weight loss, you should opt for walnut. At the same time, it is important to reduce the amount or completely abandon macadamia nuts, since they are the most energy-rich.

What problem needs to be solvedWay to solve the problem
It is not recommended to eat nuts on an empty stomach.They can be eaten together or immediately after eating fruit. Citrus fruits are ideal for this - grapefruit, orange, tangerine. You can also consume fruits in the form of freshly squeezed juice. Citrus fruits can be replaced with any berries or apples.
After introducing nuts into the diet, there is no weight loss, or even weight gainIt is worth reducing the amount of product consumed - to 20 or 15 grams per day. Even if this measure does not help, it is worth excluding nuts from your diet for a while and observing the dynamics of weight loss.
It is important to consume nuts at the optimal time for absorption by the body.It is ideal to eat nuts in the morning. It is important to consume the entire amount allocated for the day before 17:00. After this time, the body no longer needs such a high-calorie product.
How to prepare the product for use correctly
  • first you need to peel the kernels;
  • then they need to be fried, a large diameter frying pan with a thick bottom is suitable for this, this is important for slow heating (after all, the nuts burn quickly);
  • When frying, it is necessary to set the heat to minimum and stir constantly;
  • You can tell that the nuts are ready by the condition of the skin - it begins to easily come away from the kernels;
  • if it is necessary for the skin to be removed before roasting, then the nuts can be soaked in cold water, this applies to the following varieties - peanuts, pistachios, almonds and hazelnuts;
  • after soaking, the nuts will need to be dried before frying;
  • Also, the soaking procedure makes the nuts a more digestible product.

To achieve maximum benefits from eating nuts during a reduced-calorie diet, you should follow a few simple rules from the table above.

Visual portions and their calorie content with photos: how many nuts can you eat per day when losing weight?

Nuts are beneficial in a “tasty form”, but this benefit is quite high in calories.
Many people on a diet try to get rid of such foods, but nuts are generally recognized food products... How many grams of nuts can you eat per day when losing weight, which of them contribute to weight loss and can they be eaten on a diet?

Bone Wide is always for safe, easy weight loss and believe me, it’s much better than crazy diets with restrictions that you can hardly stand!

So, is it even possible to eat nuts while losing weight? Of course yes! The idea that there are special products for weight loss or some kind of special “fat-gaining” food came to us from the 2000s, when cottage cheese was considered a panacea for losing weight, and butter was considered poison.

The main factor in success or lack thereof when losing weight is a calorie deficit. This means that you should take in less energy per day than you expend. It’s easy to calculate: using a special formula, you must calculate the required number of calories and the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and eat 20% less.

Everything else: excluding any food group, fasting during a full moon, or giving up all foods that have the letters “a” in their names leads only to this goal: reducing daily caloric intake.

Nuts are tasty, filling, high-fat and protein foods that contain a lot of fiber and vitamins! They can be your “outlet” in your diet, thanks to which you can fill your micronutrient basket without offending your taste buds!

And, by the way, answering the question is it possible to eat nuts in the evening or at night when losing weight - yes, you can

The time of eating is not important, again, the main thing is whether there is a deficit in the end. Read more about this Is it possible and necessary to eat before bed?

But eating nuts to remove fat is some kind of game from the “40kg” public, this is simply technically impossible: not a single product has a similar effect, because fat is removed from the body by muscle mitochondria, in which it is burned ( ).

Which ones do they eat?

So, which nuts are the healthiest and best for dieters - a review of the most popular nuts:


This is not just a great delicacy, but also an unconditional aid to your health. These nuts help with anemia, diseases, heart disease, dermatitis, and colds. In addition, walnuts have a calming effect and are indicated for insomnia and nervous disorders.

Walnuts are necessary for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and also during the recovery period after surgery. Has a beneficial effect on the body's immune system.


Many people consider this fruit to be useless, but this is not at all true. Peanuts promote cell growth and renewal. It is used as a choleretic agent. In addition, it increases potency and has a great effect on libido.

It also improves memory, the ability to concentrate, and is indicated for insomnia and fatigue.


Almonds are useful for hypertension, obesity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, asthma, pleurisy, and heartburn. In addition, sweet almonds are recommended to all persons over thirty years of age as a preventative against atherosclerosis and high cholesterol levels.

Bitter almonds are indicated for use as a prophylactic agent in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, as well as in the treatment of certain diseases of the genitourinary system in women.


Hazelnuts are pure protein. It is indicated for diabetes, anemia, chronic fatigue, phlebitis and varicose veins, prostate enlargement, arterial hypertension.


Cashew is a delicious, sweet, slightly curved fruit that perfectly strengthens the immune system; in addition, cashew normalizes metabolic processes in the body and is indicated for anemia, psoriasis and heart disease.


This small greenish nut can help during periods of great physical and mental stress, as it activates the brain and at the same time has a tonic and restorative effect on the entire body. Pistachios are useful for people suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, arrhythmia and thrombophlebitis.


Which nuts have a lot of calcium?

Pistachios are high in protein and other vital nutrients, while also being a source of healthy fatty acids and antioxidants. The popular green nut is technically the seed of the pistachio tree, but people typically view it as a nut because of its appearance and feel; Eating pistachios has beneficial effects on blood pressure and endothelial function, which may lead to a reduced risk of heart disease.

Each 100g of pistachios contains 560 calories and the following nutrients:

  • protein: 20.16 g
  • fat: 45.32 g
  • carbohydrates: 27.17 g
  • fiber: 10.60 g
  • sugar: 7.66 g

Healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and PUFAs make up the majority of the fat content in pistachios.

Although pistachios contain fewer minerals than some of their “counterparts”, calcium in the nuts, like potassium, is contained in sufficient quantities, which per 100 g of product is:

  • potassium: 1025 mg
  • calcium: 105 mg
  • iron: 3.92 mg
  • magnesium: 121 mg
  • phosphorus: 490 mg


calcium in nuts

Cashews have a creamy texture that makes them a great addition to many meals and snacks.

100g cashews contain 553 calories and the following nutrients:

  • protein: 18.22 g
  • fat: 43.85 g
  • carbohydrates: 30.19 g
  • fiber: 3.30 g
  • sugar: 5.91 g

Most of the fats in cashews are monounsaturated fats.

Important vitamins and minerals in cashew nuts include:

  • calcium: 37 mg
  • iron: 6.68 mg
  • magnesium: 292 mg
  • phosphorus: 593 mg
  • potassium: 660 mg


calcium in nuts

If you are wondering which nuts are high in calcium, you will certainly come across information about almonds, which have become increasingly popular in recent years and are now more easily available in many places. They contain slightly less protein than peanuts, but make up for it with other nutrients, and can be an ideal snack for people looking for a healthy, protein-rich alternative to potato chips or pretzels.

Each 100g of almonds contains 579 calories and has the following nutritional profile:

  • protein: 21.15 g
  • fat: 49.93 g
  • carbohydrates: 21.55 g
  • fiber: 12.50 g
  • sugar: 4.35 g

Most of the fats in almonds are monounsaturated fats; it is also rich in vitamins and minerals such as:

  • calcium: 269 mg
  • iron: 3.71 mg
  • magnesium: 270 mg
  • phosphorus: 481 mg
  • potassium: 733 mg
  • vitamin E: 25.63 mg


Which nuts have more calcium?

Eating peanuts is a great way to increase the amount of protein in your diet, while it is widely available and provides several essential nutrients.

Although peanuts are technically a legume, meaning they belong to a group of foods from a specific plant family, most people think of them as a nut; contains a range of polyphenols, antioxidants, flavonoids and amino acids: studies have shown that all of these components are beneficial to human health.

100 g of peanuts contain 567 calories and the following amounts of other nutrients:

  • protein: 25.80 g
  • fat: 49.24 g
  • carbohydrates: 16.13 g
  • fiber: 8.50 g
  • sugar: 4.72 g

The fat in peanuts is mostly healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), although these nuts contain lower amounts of saturated fat.

100 g of peanuts also contain many minerals, including those listed below:

  • calcium: 92 milligrams (mg)
  • iron: 4.58 mg
  • magnesium: 168 mg
  • phosphorus: 376 mg
  • potassium: 705 mg

Peanuts also offer the benefit of being more affordable than many other nut varieties.

Can I include it in a nighttime snack?


Snacking at night is not recommended at all, especially not eating nuts. A significant amount of calories consumed before bed will be stored in fat. Read more about proper snacks when organizing a balanced diet by following the link.

It's better to eat them in the morning.

They will perfectly complement the first meal, energize you for the coming day and provide the required components for normal life. The supply of a significant amount of Omega-3 and 6 acids found in nuts to the brain in the morning will significantly increase its productivity and invigorate the mind.

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